The Glories of the Empire's Men (Star Wars Imperial Quest)

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Character Creation 1
North Carolina
You haven't had the most exciting of lives. Born on a no-name world, your parents having the most boring of jobs, not really friendly or unfriendly towards people. Nothing too bombastic. You wanted that to change, but you just couldn't find a way to do so. However, you had always held a deep admiration for the Armed forces. They protected you from any and all foes, internal and external, no matter what esoteric abilities they might have had. However, you also knew that serving in the military was dangerous. You could lose your life at any point, and it was that danger that kept you from enlisting. However, that all changed when you read the headline...

[] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[] Imperial Superweapon Destroyed by Rebels! A devastating blow to the Empire! (Early Empire Starting Era)
[] Rebel Stronghold destroyed at Hoth! Darth Vader personally leads charge against Rebels! (Late Empire Starting Era)

It was this headline that pushed you over the edge. You knew you could do something, you could change it! All you had to do was take the plunge. So, you did. You said goodbye to your parents, goodbye to your friends, and hello to the recruiter closest to you. Not two months later, and you were part of the newest batch of attendees at the Prestigious war college in your system. You managed to pass all of your classes, but you excelled at...

[] Marksmanship Contests (Gain Skill: Shooting Mastery I)
[] Melee Combat (Gain Skill: Combat Mastery I)
[] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[] Survival Exercises (Gain Skill: Survivalism I)

Not soon after you graduated, you were placed onto a small group of troopers, not even a Battalion large. It was there that you made friends with your sergeant...

[] Vacker, a veteran of the Genosian Campaign (Gain trait: Friend of the Old Guard, +1 Combat) [Cannot take with Republic Starting Era]
[] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[] Wilhem, who confessed that he used to work with counter-espionage units in the ISB after opening up to you (Gain trait: Friend of the Spooks, +1 Intrigue)
[] CC-1835 Jakob, a Clone Sergeant who has led his squad from the beginning of the Clone Wars to now (Gain trait: Friend of the Clones, +1 Combat, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy) [Must take Republic Starting Era]
However, in a surprise engagement, the Sergeant was killed, and you were the highest-ranking officer. After fighting off the ambush, you returned to the camp and were field promoted to the Leader of the 5th squad of the 3rd platoon of the...

[] 18th Recon Company (Gain Skill: Scouting I, Body Conditioning I)
[] 4th Line Company (Gain Skill: Volley I, Body Conditioning I)
[] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)

You can only hope that this is the right thing to do.

(AN: Hello everyone, and welcome to The Glories of the Empire's Men, an Imperial Trooper quest! You will be starting from the lowly rank of Sergeant, and can rise to the heights of the Grand Generals and Admirals, and potentially even more! This will be starting out small but will rise to potentially insane heights. To answer a few questions that will most likely appear soon the answer is NO. You are NOT force Sensitive, you NEVER WILL be force Sensitive either. I don't want anything to do with the Force and will try to limit it as much as possible. I am willing to use Legends canon but have never read or seen anything from said continuity, so if you want me to use events from it I would appreciate any kind of wiki links with suggestions. Here's to a successful quest!)
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet: Sergeant Mordye

Race: Human

Veterancy: Blooded (+5 to personal Rolls) (3/6 to Experienced)

Martial: 10 (+10 Bonus) (3/4 to 11)
Diplomacy: 12 (+10 Bonus)
Stewardship: 12+1(Friend of the Bureaucrats)+1=14 (+10 Bonus)
Intrigue: 7
Learning: 12 (+10 Bonus)
Combat: 10+1(Body Conditioning I) = 11 (+10 Bonus)
Constitution: 6+1(Body Conditioning I) = 7

Friend of the Bureaucrats: +1 Stewardship, +5 to interactions with Logistics officers and bureaucrats, Auto Succeed mundane supply rolls
Body Conditioning I: +1 Combat, +1 Constitution, Auto Succeed mundane Fitness Checks
Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I: Can pilot ground vehicles with a +5 bonus
Snapshot (When making a defense roll, roll d100. On 80+, negate attacker's roll and make a counter-attack.)

(A Small note on how the Character stats work. These stats are how your character will act during specific situations. These stats are mostly the same as CK2 stats, with 2 exceptions: Combat and Constitution. Combat is the stat that governs how well you will do in personal combat and not leading groups. A standard soldier will have a combat stat of 6. Constitution governs how many hits you can take before being permanently injured or killed. The HP formula is CON*10+5. Therefore, you would have a health of 75. This can be increased with training, but getting 20+ without some kind of modification is near impossible. A standard soldier's Constitution stat is 6.

NEW! Veterancy: Veterancy is how experienced a person or unit is. The rank goes Untrained -> Rookie -> Blooded -> Experienced -> Veteran -> Elite -> Honored -> Special -> Mythic -> Legendary
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Soldier Statistics
32nd Mechanized Company, 3rd Platoon, 5th Squadron

Size: 10 men

Vehicles: 2 BARCs (Fast scout Hoverbikes), 2 AT-RTs (Fast scout Walkers), 1 AT-AP (Medium Assault Walker), 1 AT-TE (Heavy troop transport/Assault Walker)
Vehicle Condition: Standard (+0 to rolls, BARC/AT-RT/AT-AP), Pristine (+15 to Rolls, AT-TE)

Supplies: 4 Engagements

Veterancy: Elite (+2 to all stats, +10 to all rolls) (1/20 to Honored)


Morale: 5 + 2(Elite) = 7
Attack: 5 + 3(Armored Squad) + 2(Elite) = 10 (+10 to attack rolls) (2/8 to 11)
Defense: 5 + 5(Armored Squad) + 2(Elite) = 12 (+10 to defense rolls) (4/8 to 13)
Mobility: 3 - 3(Slow Vehicle) + 2(Elite) + 4(2 Fast Vehicles) = 6

(A small explanation of Your men's stats. This will be vastly different from the character stats, which are mostly CK2 style, and revolve around 4 stats: Morale, Attack, Defense, and Mobility. Morale governs your soldier's willingness to fight. It is the only stat that can go into negatives, but if that happens you better have some kind of trait that makes them unswervingly loyal to you. A normal trained soldier's morale without any kind of extra buffs or debuffs is 5. Attack governs how powerful any kind of attack will be against an enemy. Some weapons have advantages against certain types of Armor and Vice Versa. A trained soldier with Military-grade Weapons has an attack stat of 5. The defense stat is just like the Attack stat, except instead of governing damage, it governs reducing or straight out nullifying damage. A trained soldier in military-grade body Armor has a Defense stat of 5. Mobility governs how fast a unit will move. The stat that you see will determine your unit will move in 1 hour. A trained soldier, unassisted and unburdened will have a mobility stat of 3. For every 10 of a stat, you will gain a bonus related to that stat. Morale will provide +5 to all rolls, Attack will provide +10 to attack rolls, Defense will provide +10 to defense rolls, and mobility will provide +10 to traversal rolls (Unless it auto succeeds). Hopefully, this will clear up any concerns about the Army system.)

Here is a link to the Organization of Troops that I'm using.
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32nd Mechanized Company

3rd Platoon Lieutenant: Neutral, 10/20 (+0 to all interactions)

5th Squadron: Liked, 0/40 (+5 to all interactions)

(AN: Relations are how you interact with certain groups or characters. For example, right now your squadron relation is at Liked, so you have generally more positive interactions with them. If someone was at disliked or wary, you would have more negative interactions with them. The relations scale is as Follows: Loathed, Hated, Dislikes, Wary, Neutral, Amiable, Liked, Friendly, Worshipped.
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[x] Imperial Superweapon Destroyed by Rebels! A devastating blow to the Empire! (Early Empire Starting Era)
[x] Survival Exercises (Gain Skill: Survivalism I)
[x] Wilhem, who confessed that he used to work with counter-espionage units in the ISB after opening up to you (Gain trait: Friend of the Spooks, +1 Intrigue)
[x] 18th Recon Company (Gain Skill: Scouting I, Body Conditioning I

Nothing awake a sense of duty as much as a horrific act of terrorism
[x] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[x] Melee Combat (Gain Skill: Combat Mastery I)
[x] CC-1835 Jakob, a Clone Sergeant who has led his squad from the beginning of the Clone Wars to now (Gain trait: Friend of the Clones, +1 Combat, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy) [Must take Republic Starting Era]
[x] 18th Recon Company (Gain Skill: Scouting I, Body Conditioning I
[x] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[x] Survival Exercises (Gain Skill: Survivalism I)
[x] Wilhem, who confessed that he used to work with counter-espionage units in the ISB after opening up to you (Gain trait: Friend of the Spooks, +1 Intrigue)
[x] 18th Recon Company (Gain Skill: Scouting I, Body Conditioning I
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Survival Exercises (Gain Skill: Survivalism I)
[X] Wilhem, who confessed that he used to work with counter-espionage units in the ISB after opening up to you (Gain trait: Friend of the Spooks, +1 Intrigue)
[X] 18th Recon Company (Gain Skill: Scouting I, Body Conditioning I

Long live the Republic!
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)

I'm most interested in the Galactic Civil War proper, but I want time to rise through the ranks.
I am also personally more interested in Wilhelm, but Joss fits my character build more.

Lastly, Yes! Canon Star Wars Quest!
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] Wilhem, who confessed that he used to work with counter-espionage units in the ISB after opening up to you (Gain trait: Friend of the Spooks, +1 Intrigue)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)

I may be a filthy separatist, but I can get behind a good imperial quest.
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[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[X] Imperial Superweapon Destroyed by Rebels! A devastating blow to the Empire! (Early Empire Starting Era)
[X] Vacker, a veteran of the Genosian Campaign (Gain trait: Friend of the Old Guard, +1 Combat) [Cannot take with Republic Starting Era]
[X] Marksmanship Contests (Gain Skill: Shooting Mastery I)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] CC-1835 Jakob, a Clone Sergeant who has led his squad from the beginning of the Clone Wars to now (Gain trait: Friend of the Clones, +1 Combat, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy) [Must take Republic Starting Era]
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[x] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Survival Exercises (Gain Skill: Survivalism I)
[X] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[x] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[x] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[x] CC-1835 Jakob, a Clone Sergeant who has led his squad from the beginning of the Clone Wars to now (Gain trait: Friend of the Clones, +1 Combat, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy) [Must take Republic Starting Era]
[x] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)

Hopefully I manage to follow this quest, really need to catch back up to your other quest.
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] Joss, who worked in an important Logistics regiment before being reshuffled when the company was destroyed (Gain trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats, +1 Stewardship)
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
[X] Separatist General Grevious Defeated! Republic in Celebration! Jedi exposed as traitors! (Republic Starting Era)
[X] Piloting (Gain Skill: Piloting Mastery (Ground-based) I)
[X] CC-1835 Jakob, a Clone Sergeant who has led his squad from the beginning of the Clone Wars to now (Gain trait: Friend of the Clones, +1 Combat, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy) [Must take Republic Starting Era]
[X] 32nd Mechanized Company (Gain Skill: Combined Arms integration I, Body Conditioning I)
Character Creation 2
After giving off a proper funeral to Sergeant Joss, you had to ensure your squad was up to par. While you don't have much to work with, you do have some things to your name. You have...
(Troop Quality: 95)
Some of the best men in the company, apparently! Multiple campaigns in the Clone Wars, extensive training, multiple commendations from different generals, and multiple wins against Clone Squads! As in, Mandalorian Warrior trained Clone Squads! Something tells you that this might be just a bit ridiculous.
(Squad gains trait: Elite(+2 to all stats, +10 to all rolls)
As for your vehicle count, you have...
(Vehicle Quality: 67)
A bog-standard vehicle detachment. 2 BARCs, 2 AT-RTs, and an AT-AP to your name.
(Standard Vehicle Set applied!)
As for supplies...
(Supply count: AUTO SUCCESS (1 degree))
Well, Joss was always on top of it. Full Armory, plenty of food and energy cells for your weapons, and a deployable Hab Set to sleep in.
(Supplies Full!)
Speaking of Weapons...
(Weapons Quality: 67)
you also a bog-standard set here. DC-17s, DC-15As, V-1s for camp defense and Infantry Action, and some Z-6s for any kind of Fortifications.
(Standard Weapon set Acquired!)
However, company command has sent out a comm that they received a bit of a surplus and had said that your squad gets first to pick. Which is good, you guess. You can request any sort of item, within reason.

(Trait: Friend of the Bureaucrats activates!)

You have 3 6 points to use.

[] Request a rare weapon (2 points, repeatable)
[] Request a new light vehicle (BARC, AT-RT) (2 points, repeatable)
[] Request some extra supplies (1 point, repeatable)
[] Request another AT-AP (4 points)
[] Request a trainer for the troops (3 points, repeatable)
[] Request an AT-TE (6 points)
[] Request a 'Security' droid (3 points, repeatable)
[X] Request an AT-TE (6 points)

might as well, we got everything else plus a AT-TE will be helpful in scouting we just have to make sure the chicken walker doesn't get destroyed as easily...maybe we can armor it up? Tinker with it a bit to give it more stability and fire-power as well as durability at the cost of speed? (maybe add some extra sensors so we can be more through).

edit: also we should make sure our training standards are set, one day we can get all the shiny weapons and gear...but for now...we make do until we can beat-down all the rebels! FOR THE EMPIRE!

also make the empire great again by not being dicks but keeping order and stability up!
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