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What if someone was making a CYOA profile.
What if Kephri died and was reincarnated.
What if Taylor from the past died and two beings were shoved inside her mind.

One was given a choice to enter the world through a dead girl while the other's soul was sent back in time.
One takes control of the body, mind and powers and the other became a watcher and commentator.
QUEEN watching the disaster.



'WAKE! UP!! '

Jolting up from my sleep, I blinked as hard as I could to get rid of the bursting lights behind my eyes. After clearing my vision I stared right at a floating black transparent box and behind it the ceiling.

A wave of confusion then understanding passed through me as I remembered as to why exactly I'm seeing it.

'Finally up, aren't you kid.'

Oh and let's not forget the voice inside my- well OUR head. Cocking my head a bit to the side, I asked the queen inside our shared conscious.

'Hey Queen, how have you been?'

'Eh…not too bad fortunately, considering I'm not the one in front of the seat anymore.'

Rolling my eyes as I slowly started to sit up, and check my new body willing the transparent box floating in front of me to the end of my vision to see better.

'At least you get to have some time off from being a cape and not worry about escalating.' After checking I started to try standing so I could finally go to the bathroom. 'Knowing you if you were the one in charge you'd just about to escalate everything….again.'


After that said queen became pretty that i think about it. that was pretty mean of me reminding her about her...mistakes.

I mean it's not like she does it on purpose she mostly did everything for good intentions, coupled with manipulations and broken trust form the PRT's fucked up shenanigens like Armsmaster being.... himself.
...yeah really should not have reminded her.
Guess I gotta make a meaningful apology later then, won't that be an awkward moment.

Closing the box Just as I stood up, two people entered the room stopping me from taking my first step to the toilet.
A stray thought passed by my mind when one of them had the title floating over their head, to someone queen knew in her last life.

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