The Festival Of Blood (IC Thread)

As the oddly not insect-winged winged insects dive towards the duo, Imaginary begins preparing a packet of numerical antimatter and Blood Wing bleeds as blades emerge from her forearms. When the screeching fliers swoop down, jaws open wide, Imaginary lets loose with her spell.

(i Flare: 124 Base Damage 496 Laser, X3 Boost By Modifier = 1,488 Total Damage
Wasteland Shrieker 1-5: 35 Resilience, +6 dice, +100 Dodge Attempt = 141 Damage Reduction
Very dead)

The shell of imaginary numbers rockets towards the pack, even as it falls apart. By the time it reaches them, it is too late for the bugs vain attempts to move out of the way to save them. Five evaporate amidst the clash of real and unreal energies, one alive solely through luck, being outside the area of effect. That lone survivor rockets towards Blood Wing, shrieking at an ear rattling decibel.

(Flying Jaws: 300 Base Damage, +4 dice, +25 Ramming Speed! = 329 Total Damage
Blood Wing: 300 Resilience, +22 dice, = 322 Damage Reduction
Blood Wing Health: 1500-7= 1493)
Lame applied! Blood Wing ApT: 2>1!

The beast's jaws leave barely a scratch upon her flesh, but that scratch is in the perfect place to cripple her, her movements slower. Blood Wing returns the favor.

(Crow Claw: 375 Base Damage, +2 dice = 377 Total Damage
Wasteland Shrieker 6: 35 Resilience, +8 dice, -26 Juggernaut = 17 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Shrieker 6 Health: 625-360= 265)
Wing severed!
1493->1500. 357 points for Wing to play with.

The blade bites deep, severing one wing, as a sickly smelling yellow liquid erupts from the wound all over Blood Wing. The wound she suffered hampers her, slowing her down from finishing the job.
The blow scored by the other variable in this set seemed quite effective; Without flight, the natural numbers would be factored out easily. Imaginary Perfect kept her attention on the pest as her Inverse Matrix hovered at hand. The insects jaws were easily solved for now, so any attack it performed would allow her to make an opening for her fellow Magical Girl.

Keep an eye on what's going on, use Derivative Defenses to negate the insect attacking herself or Blood Wing.
(Flying Jaws: 300 Base Damage, +4 dice, +25 Ramming Speed! = 329 Total Damage
Blood Wing: 300 Resilience, +22 dice, = 322 Damage Reduction
Blood Wing Health: 1500-7= 1493)
Lame applied! Blood Wing ApT: 2>1!

The beast's jaws leave barely a scratch upon her flesh, but that scratch is in the perfect place to cripple her, her movements slower. Blood Wing returns the favor.

(Crow Claw: 375 Base Damage, +2 dice = 377 Total Damage
Wasteland Shrieker 6: 35 Resilience, +8 dice, -26 Juggernaut = 17 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Shrieker 6 Health: 625-360= 265)
Wing severed!
1493->1500. 357 points for Wing to play with.

The blade bites deep, severing one wing, as a sickly smelling yellow liquid erupts from the wound all over Blood Wing. The wound she suffered hampers her, slowing her down from finishing the job.
"at least these things are only somewhat annoying instead of absurdly lethal", Wing notes as her healing effect goes to work. "and at least they actually have blood to work with"

(250 points allocated to resilience, 107 to damage)

There is also the fact that these things seem very much to be disposable chaff, easy enough to deal with unless significant numbers get involved. Unless something changes, the base strategy of "hit it until it dies" should suffice.
Victoria's plan works perfectly; everything in her path gets struck by her passing. Upside of that, the bugs explode in showers of gore. Downside: showers of gore.

She barely has time to taste the blood-like stuff on her tongue as she moves through the small horde. It barely has a taste at all, though the bits of chitin and organs certainly add to it. Victoria dashes across again, thankfully getting rid of some... only to be bathed in some more.

It is not great, but she can deal. Staying alive takes priority.

Despite the controlled chaos however, she is completely blindsided when another figure appears even faster than she just moved, spraying another shower of gore right past her. A few speckles land on Victoria, even.

Still spitting out viscera, Victoria can only hold out some bug's heart with a disgusted "Yes, right here". Then she throws the thing away to grab her sword more tightly, hands slick with whatever bugs have instead of blood. She does not even know if this new, very feral looking girl is friend or foe. At least she talked first instead of attacking.

"Clean up first, talk after?" Victoria asks while raising her blade toward the remaining bugs. She will probably let the newcomer go ahead to get an idea of how she fights.

Stay defensive and Intercept, or use the gap-closing exploit against ranged attackers if no actions remain. Watch Howl otherwise.

Objective update: eliminate insects.
Prioritize heavy units.
"Watch the splash zone," she said, before launching herself at the biggest surviving bug and setting her Fangs to 'purée'.

Not enough bugs too live past this turn.

Omen's decision to watch Howl is the best course of action. She would only get in the way after all.

Howl launches herself forward, a whirlwind of brutal violence. She carves through the first insect she can reach, tearing off the entire left side of its head. The second loses its front legs, then its neck. The third simply receives a claw to the brain. Lightning fast, clinical strikes. Omen can only watch as the swarm is dismantled by the new Magical Girl that has found her. She doesn't even do anything.

Unfortunately, Omen is in the splash zone.

The blow scored by the other variable in this set seemed quite effective; Without flight, the natural numbers would be factored out easily. Imaginary Perfect kept her attention on the pest as her Inverse Matrix hovered at hand. The insects jaws were easily solved for now, so any attack it performed would allow her to make an opening for her fellow Magical Girl.

Keep an eye on what's going on, use Derivative Defenses to negate the insect attacking herself or Blood Wing.

"at least these things are only somewhat annoying instead of absurdly lethal", Wing notes as her healing effect goes to work. "and at least they actually have blood to work with"

(250 points allocated to resilience, 107 to damage)

There is also the fact that these things seem very much to be disposable chaff, easy enough to deal with unless significant numbers get involved. Unless something changes, the base strategy of "hit it until it dies" should suffice.

(Crow Claw: 375482 Base Damage, +1 dice, = 482 Total Damage
Wasteland Shrieker 6: 35 Resilience, +5 dice, -26 Juggernaut, -35 Dead Horses = 21 Extra Damage

Wasteland Shrieker 6 Health: 265-503= -238)
Lame removed! 503 points for Wing to play with, but the fights over so.

Imaginary's watchfulness proves unnecessary, as the pest is far too injured to offer any problems as Blood Wing brings her claw down on it once more, neatly lopping off its head. Wing feels her magic heal away the crippling wound she suffered, and she moves a bit to check her mobility.

Perfectly healed.
With the fighting over, Angel finally reaches Howl and Omen. She descends toward the pair and hovers only a few inches off the ground.

"Well met fellow challenger. My name is Angel of Darkness, might I interest you in joining Sister Howl and I as we brave this trial the Lord has set before us?"
Victoria watches the slaughter, impressed as well as a mite worried. This girl is fast. And in this weird arena, they may face each other in the future.

That worry is quickly replaced by disgust as more guts and gore fly her way. She misjudged the distance and gets another shower.

An almost completely blank "Ew" is all she manages before the sound of wingbeats draws her attention up.
With the fighting over, Angel finally reaches Howl and Omen. She descends toward the pair and hovers only a few inches off the ground.

"Well met fellow challenger. My name is Angel of Darkness, might I interest you in joining Sister Howl and I as we brave this trial the Lord has set before us?"
That is... weird. But not the weirdest introduction she heard before.

Victoria raises her hand to bid a moment's wait and detransforms once again. This is becoming a habit already, and she is only here for like half an hour.

"Guided by Athena's hand, I am Magical Girl Omen of Triumph!"

The momentary burst of golden light hides some of the gunk vanishing, scrubbed away by handy magic. Victoria heaves a sigh of relief and runs a hand through her clean, once again visibly blonde hair.

"Sorry about that," she says to the newcomer, offering an easy smile. "You asked if I wanted to tag along with you girls, right? Sure, I'm in. I'm Omen of Triumph, or just Omen if you want."

So saying, she offers her hand for a shake.
"Sorry about that," she says to the newcomer, offering an easy smile. "You asked if I wanted to tag along with you girls, right? Sure, I'm in. I'm Omen of Triumph, or just Omen if you want."

So saying, she offers her hand for a shake.
Angel floats closer, and a moment passes before she grabs Omen's hand and transfers a blessing.

Base Health: 1,400 + 35%(Blessing) = 1,890
Base Damage: 350 + 35%(Blessing) = 473
Base Resilience: 350 + 35%(Blessing) = 473

Health: 500 + 35%(Blessing) = 675 (6,750)
Base Damage: 400 + 35%(Blessing) = 540 (5,400)
Base Resilience: 125 + 35%(Blessing) = 169 (1,690)
"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Welcome to the struggle Omen, how do you feel about being carried?" Angel asks while still holding Omen's hand.
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The feeling of warmth settling all over Victoria is odd, though not unpleasant. Unexpected, yes, but she decides not to say anything. Angel means well, she can tell.

"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Welcome to the struggle Omen, how do you feel about being carried?" Angel asks while still holding Omen's hand.
The stilted speech is a bit more off-putting, but still fine. Everyone has their quirks. Victoria shrugs back in response, not pointing out that she has power in spades if she needs it. "I don't mind getting carried, but I prefer piggy-backing over bridal carry," she explains.
The feeling of warmth settling all over Victoria is odd, though not unpleasant. Unexpected, yes, but she decides not to say anything. Angel means well, she can tell.

The stilted speech is a bit more off-putting, but still fine. Everyone has their quirks. Victoria shrugs back in response, not pointing out that she has power in spades if she needs it. "I don't mind getting carried, but I prefer piggy-backing over bridal carry," she explains.

"Though the Lord has given me great strength in my wings and shoulders, he did not grace me with a large amount of space on my back. Unfortunately I must insist on carrying you. Howl does not like to be held, and her temperament seems... much pointier than yours. Which reminds me."

Angel turns to howl.

"Come along Sister, we've more lost sheep to find!"
"Though the Lord has given me great strength in my wings and shoulders, he did not grace me with a large amount of space on my back."

"Unfortunately I must insist on carrying you. Howl does not like to be held, and her temperament seems... much pointier than yours. Which reminds me."

Angel turns to howl.

"Come along Sister, we've more lost sheep to find!"
Victoria heaves a sigh. Once again the bad carry. But if the alternative is that 'Howl' girl getting snippy, she can bear it for a while.

"How long have you known each other?" she asks after a moment, attention also turning to the last member of their little group.

Victoria heaves a sigh. Once again the bad carry. But if the alternative is that 'Howl' girl getting snippy, she can bear it for a while.

"How long have you known each other?" she asks after a moment, attention also turning to the last member of their little group.
Howl startles slightly, jolted from the limbo between firm goals. After a second to process the question, she grunts "Minutes. She's the one I saw that flew, so best choice to contact first. What's in the forest, mm..." She trails off and nudges a bug corpse with her toe. "Much more organized. Not a good time solo."
Howl startles slightly, jolted from the limbo between firm goals. After a second to process the question, she grunts "Minutes. She's the one I saw that flew, so best choice to contact first. What's in the forest, mm..." She trails off and nudges a bug corpse with her toe. "Much more organized. Not a good time solo."
Victoria pivots the moment she hears the other girl's raspy voice. Her hand slips out of Angel's as she offers it to her as well, a bright smile in place. "So we're all in the same boat! I don't mind teaming up at all. Maybe you heard it earlier, but I'm Omen of Triumph. Just Omen is fine. Nice to meet you."

It is a little harder to keep the smile up because Howl looks, quite frankly, unsettling. But Victoria manages, somehow.
Angel smiles.

"Now we simply need to decide where to go next. The forest is clearly our objective, but the more strength we can throw at it, the better a chance we stand. I believe we would use our time best by climbing high and scouting the area to find other people trapped here and areas worth investigating. We found one hive of bugs already, it's likely that there are more scattered around the arena."
Victoria pivots the moment she hears the other girl's raspy voice. Her hand slips out of Angel's as she offers it to her as well, a bright smile in place. "So we're all in the same boat! I don't mind teaming up at all. Maybe you heard it earlier, but I'm Omen of Triumph. Just Omen is fine. Nice to meet you."

It is a little harder to keep the smile up because Howl looks, quite frankly, unsettling. But Victoria manages, somehow.
"Empty Howl." There's a pause, long enough it seems she has finished speaking, before she adds "You seem alright."
Angel smiles.

"Now we simply need to decide where to go next. The forest is clearly our objective, but the more strength we can throw at it, the better a chance we stand. I believe we would use our time best by climbing high and scouting the area to find other people trapped here and areas worth investigating. We found one hive of bugs already, it's likely that there are more scattered around the arena."
"Yes. Get going." Howl waves Angel away, talons dissolving into fading wisps of vaporous light. "I'll catch up."

With that, she sits down on the largest intact chunk of insect carcass nearby, and watches the pair unblinking.
"Empty Howl." There's a pause, long enough it seems she has finished speaking, before she adds "You seem alright."
Victoria is about to respond when Howl follows up. The other girl acts mighty odd, but Victoria is used to odd people. Though her hand just hangs awkwardly in the air until she pulls it back.

Angel interrupts before she can say any more.
"Now we simply need to decide where to go next. The forest is clearly our objective, but the more strength we can throw at it, the better a chance we stand. I believe we would use our time best by climbing high and scouting the area to find other people trapped here and areas worth investigating. We found one hive of bugs already, it's likely that there are more scattered around the arena."
"Yes. Get going." Howl waves Angel away, talons dissolving into fading wisps of vaporous light. "I'll catch up."
Victoria considers the conundrum the girls outline. Howl is fast enough to catch up, though splitting up right after meeting still does not sound right.

"Hm. You're right that we should find more people, but we shouldn't take too long." She motions idly into the distance, where the crowd can still be heard. "Chances are if we don't entertain them, the clown will make more entertainment somehow. I'm decent for killing the little bugs, but it gets difficult if they get any bigger."

Victoria pauses, considers the girl before her and her way of speech, then Howl and her off-putting demeanour, then comes up with an idea. "How about I take over talking to people? I'm good at that."
"Hm. You're right that we should find more people, but we shouldn't take too long." She motions idly into the distance, where the crowd can still be heard. "Chances are if we don't entertain them, the clown will make more entertainment somehow. I'm decent for killing the little bugs, but it gets difficult if they get any bigger."

Victoria pauses, considers the girl before her and her way of speech, then Howl and her off-putting demeanour, then comes up with an idea. "How about I take over talking to people? I'm good at that."

"To each of us, the Lord grants a purpose, if you think yours is speaking then so be it. Now let's be off, jump on whenever you want Howl." Angel kneels and holds out her arms for Omen.
"To each of us, the Lord grants a purpose, if you think yours is speaking then so be it. Now let's be off, jump on whenever you want Howl." Angel kneels and holds out her arms for Omen.
"Kay', make sure not to drop me."

Still ignoring the stilted way of speech, Victoria hops up and into Angel's waiting arms. She makes sure to hold on with decent strength.
"Kay', make sure not to drop me."

Still ignoring the stilted way of speech, Victoria hops up and into Angel's waiting arms. She makes sure to hold on with decent strength.

"I swear before God himself, you will not fall unless I allow it." Angel holds Omen tightly and bursts into the air, quickly climbing to 100 feet and then hovering in place to scan the surrounding area.
Victoria holds on a little tighter as they shoot upwards. She is fine with heights, but actually flying is new, harrowing, and exciting in equal measure.

As the air pressure evens out, Angel's ascent reaching its apex, she casts her gaze around for people or things of interest. Firestorm, firestorm, bug swarm, bug swarm, bug swarm in firestorm, and-


Victoria points at the blurry figures in the distance. She can barely make them out against the barren ground, but her gut tells her these are people.
Angel stops looking at the building she spotted in the middle of the forest and squints at where Omen is pointing.

"I see them, two peo- no, two magical girls." Angel looks down and turns so Howl is at her back.

"Jump on Howl, we found two more!"
Howl goes from sitting to standing astride Angel's shoulders in a single motion, the dull thump of a vacuum tunnel collapsing in her wake. "Where?"
Angel turns to face the two unknown magical girls.

"Straight ahead, they're not fighting anything though so stay with us in case they're hostile." Angel then starts flying toward the two.
Angel turns to face the two unknown magical girls.

"Straight ahead, they're not fighting anything though so stay with us in case they're hostile." Angel then starts flying toward the two.
Howl's gaze rakes across the ground in front of them until it catches upon the figures in the distance. Her eyes narrow as something tugs at her memory. "Is that...?"
Despite her ally's advice, Howl vanishes. A cloud of dust bursts from the ground as the ambulatory ball of hyperviolence impacts the ground and locks eyes with Blood Wing from a bare few feer away. "The fuck are you doing here?"
Imaginary's watchfulness proves unnecessary, as the pest is far too injured to offer any problems as Blood Wing brings her claw down on it once more, neatly lopping off its head. Wing feels her magic heal away the crippling wound she suffered, and she moves a bit to check her mobility.

Perfectly healed.
"something like this, there's bound to be a lot more where it came from, keep a look out", Wing says, testing her full range of motion. "unless someone else...wait"

Despite her ally's advice, Howl vanishes. A cloud of dust bursts from the ground as the ambulatory ball of hyperviolence impacts the ground and locks eyes with @Blood Wing from a bare few feer away. "The fuck are you doing here?"
"...Howl? I should ask you the same thing! is Winter here? White? oh god I hope Winter's not here, poor girl's been through enough as it is."
She visibly re-centers. "wait, no, none of that is important right now, do you have any idea where we're going?"

"something like this, there's bound to be a lot more where it came from, keep a look out", Wing says, testing her full range of motion. "unless someone else...wait"

"...Howl? I should ask you the same thing! is Winter here? White? oh god I hope Winter's not here, poor girl's been through enough as it is."
She visibly re-centers. "wait, no, none of that is important right now, do you have any idea where we're going?"
"Forest in the middle. Big factory, lots of patrols. Collecting minions." Howl gestures back over her shoulder. "Should wait for them to catch up."
Despite her ally's advice, Howl vanishes.
As soon as Howl appeared on Angel's shoulder, as soon is she gone again. Victoria shifts her weight a little to help the winged girl balance in the air, but keeps squinting into the distance.

"Guess she knows someone over there," she muses, then points in the direction Howl vanished to. "All the better! Onward, friend!"