The End War - A Starcraft Commander Quest

how good are the Gorgons, statwise

Roughly the equivalent of two to three battlecruisers if we're talking sheer firepower, but it's best features are the modular upgrades it allows on the field which can range from even more firepower, becoming mobile star ports, or a varitiety of utility options.
Obviously we are going to Bennet since Mobius made a Terran stunner out of the Artifact.
Ah....why would we go to Bennet Port when the Terran Stunner is exactly there? The reason Artanis is suited for that mission is because he's Protoss, and can cover Jimmy's forces when they get stunned. Artanis takes whatever mission we choose not to do.
Ah....why would we go to Bennet Port when the Terran Stunner is exactly there? The reason Artanis is suited for that mission is because he's Protoss, and can cover Jimmy's forces when they get stunned. Artanis takes whatever mission we choose not to do.
Ah, I misread the entry, I thought those "Shard like" things were the Stunner.
01: Mission Summary - Sky Shield
Mission: Sky Shield
Time: 8 Turns
Ally: Nova
Result: Victory


  • Friendlies
    • Commander William Ward - Blood Hawks Expeditionary Force, Alpha Squadron [Light Losses]
    • Commodore Isabelle Knox - Blood Hawks Fleet [Insignificant Losses]
    • Hierarch Artanis - Spear of Adun [Still powering up, might need a new paint job]
    • Nova Terra - Special Operations Detachment [Moderate Losses]
  • Foes
    • Moebius Corp Expeditionary Force [Wiped Out]
    • Amon's Golden Armada - [Light Losses]

Assets Acquired
  • Reigel
  • Conscripted Moebius Foundation Research Team
  • Automated Refineries

Stress Tracker (35 / 300)
  • Base Stress (+30 Stress)
  • Repair and Refit Craft (+15 Stress)
  • Blitz the rest of the platform (-20 Stress)
  • Protoss Surprise Attack (+20 Stress)
  • Battle Results - Victory (-10 Stress)

Trait Changes
  • Gained "Strike First, Strike Fast, No Mercy" - Ward has a noted predilection towards aggressive tactics on the battlefield. Gains more stress the longer he delays and builds up.
Doctrine Changes

Additional Vote Options

Given Ward's low stress level, Ward can opt to spend some time implementing additional doctrine on the Blood Hawks. Of course, that won't be a painless process for him.

"Strike First, Strike Fast, No Mercy" Doctrine
  • The first three combat units can be deployed instantly anywhere on the map with no build time (but you must still pay the resource cost)
  • Forces perform better the earlier one attacks (the tradeoff being one would have a smaller army to work with).
  • Future improvements to this doctrine allows for a combat bonus that activates from the turn of first offensive action instead of from the first mission turn.
  • +50 Stress to implement
[X] Adopt "Strike First, Strike Fast, No Mercy" Doctrine
[X] Pass

AN: Note, prior vote is still open, but Automated Refineries seems to be winning by far. I will update this sheet as neceessary.
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I'll pick pass on the new Doctrine, this is mostly due to Sky Shield being a timed mission that forced us to leg it.

Unless we can Drop Pod Marines into enemy base the doctrine wouldn't be of much use since Terran early game attacks are limited to 2-1-1 double Medivacarine drop, Hellion Reaper, Proxy Concussive Shell Marauder, and Mine Drop. Do we have Drop Pods that can take advantage of this doctrine?
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[X] Adopt "Strike First, Strike Fast, No Mercy" Doctrine

Seem good to me and get us 3 units from the get go
The first three combat units can be deployed instantly anywhere on the map with no turn costs
When it says the first three are we talking about 3 banshees or 3 flights of banshees?

Can we just drop widow mines on enemy mineral lines in turn 1? Can we get 3 BCs at Turn 1?
"Strike First, Strike Fast, No Mercy" Doctrine
  • The first three combat units can be deployed instantly with no turn costs
  • Forces perform better the earlier one attacks (the tradeoff being one would have a smaller army to work with).
  • Future improvements to this doctrine allows for a combat bonus that activates from the turn of first offensive action instead of from the first mission turn.
  • +50 Stress to implement
Holy cow. +50 Stress off the bat? Yeah, unless this goes down, I'm definitely passing on this. Especially since the Protoss Surprise outright nullifies our previous move to Blitz, in order to reduce our stress. Which sucks.
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When it says the first three are we talking about 3 banshees or 3 flights of banshees?

Can we just drop widow mines on enemy mineral lines in turn 1? Can we get 3 BCs at Turn 1?

Three flights of banshees.

You can, but in typical Amon fashion, he'll be operating from more than 1 base at the start, and again, it might be a defended position so the drop may end up doing nothing.

You cannot get 3 BCs because you still have to pay the resource cost (so about 12 resources). You could try to optimize an eco opening to get 3 BCs tho, but that's probably a 4 or 5 turn affair.

[X] Adopt "Strike First, Strike Fast, No Mercy" Doctrine

Seem good to me and get us 3 units from the get go

To be clear, you still have to pay the resource costs for it.
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To be clear, you still have to pay the resource costs for it.
Hmm it would be great when we have an an army sieging the front and then a drop on the back at the same time. The combat bonus would be non existent by then but having 2 squads of of Marine Medic and a squad of Siege Tanks in the main camping the production could be nice ability to have just in case or as panic button when a huge ling baneling flood blasted our wall.

Or we could use it to reinforce our army quickly like a Warp In... now that I think about it, it is basically a Terran "Warp In". Get Marine Medivac and Stim and then drop in Tanks to support them just as they reached the enemy base. Liking the doctrine more and more.
So the vote tally is a little messed up right now. This is our current count, by manual tally.

Augustgrad - 6 votes
Bennet Port - 1 vote
Limited Ghost Recruitment - 1 vote
Automated Refineries - 7 votes
Gorgon Schematics (1/3) - 3 votes