The End of History: A Grassroots Quest

Turn 3: 1994

Turn 3: 1994

NOTE: Upcoming Elections (1994 midterms)

General actions

Suggest an action: At any time, you may propose an action for whatever organization you've chosen to plan for. Presuming your suggestion is not too implausible altogether, I will tell you what will be necessary for the action to succeed, and you can keep it as part of your plan.

Make a zine (Capital 2 required): This is the golden age of zines, small self-published works with a decidedly radical slant. No matter what kind of org you are in this day and age, you'll be sure to put out a zine at one point or another. The question is, what will we focus on in ours?
  • Subject: [write-in]
Found a local newspaper: Although a bit more complicated to produce than a mere zine, simple newspapers are still a staple of the radical milieu. Even if you're not some latter-day Trot, they're well worth publishing, if only to train an internal cadre of journalists. Plus, if you write your own news, there'll at least be one publication you know to be reliable.
  • Frequency of publication: weekly (Capital 3 required), daily (Capital 4 required)
Create a magazine: A magazine is really just a fancier, more elaborate zine, with a selection of finely crafted themed articles. This can be the first step to gaining national renown and prestige, and can bring it a useful bit of funds as well.
  • Frequency of publication: quarterly (Capital 4 required), monthly (Capital 5 required)
Organize a Public Event: You can't build an organization without bringing people together. Thankfully, whether it's through a concert, a party, or a series of academic lectures, it's altogether easy to find new and willing recruits. If properly organized, such events can also bring in a decent amount of cash, or serve some other social or educational function.
  • Nature of the event: [write-in]
  • Free/Paid
Promote your organization: People should know about your organization if they're going to join it. But if you know your members, and know where more of them might be found, recruitment can be a piece of cake. Actually getting your members to do good work, however, is another matter entirely.
  • In the streets
  • At protests
  • On the internet
  • Other: [write-in]
Organize a protest: How will the people know of your cause if you don't show up in the streets? There's always plenty to protest about, and there's always a chance that your manifestation will make the ruling class a little less complacent. The latter can also be bad for you, though.
  • Cause: [write-in]
  • Protest strategy: [write-in]
Fundraising Campaign: At the present time, money is what makes the world go round. Unfortunately, this means you won't be able to do anything without it. By fundraising for a specific initiative, though, you can overcome your chronic penury and make headway on something that might otherwise be beyond your means.
  • Cause: [write-in]
  • Method of fundraising: [write-in]
Organize Local Communities: The whole point of a grassroots organization is to bring ordinary people together, and to use your collective power towards liberatory ends. Thus, instead of confining yourself to a core of ideologically correct cadres, you need to step out into the wider worlds, and make sure that the powerless masses of this neoliberal hellscape can find power in their mere assembly.
  • Neighborhoods: The simplest form of community organization consists of various neighborhood initiatives, such as beautification schemes, neighborhood watches, or local cookouts. While some of these programs sound rather bourgeois/middle class/white, perhaps we can put a liberatory spin on them. Or find some new activity that suits us more. (requires two successful rolls) (specify neighborhood)
  • Tenants: Tenant organization used to be a bigger thing a few decades ago, and housing has only gotten more precarious since then. It's time to revive the tenants union as part of our fight against parasitic capital! (requires three successful rolls) (specify city/state)
  • Workers: The noblest and most ancient kind of community organization focuses on the working class as such, recognizing our power as the stewards of social production. By threatening to withhold our labor, and using the union form to make our collectivity felt, great changes are possible. (requires four successful rolls) (specify type of workers)
Support a Political Campaign: Icky as it may be, electoral politics can still make a marginal difference in specific political situations. And with several new third parties rising from the ground up, there might even be a chance of breaking the party duopoly, at least on a local level.
  • Specify position and candidate
  • Type of support: volunteering/campaign donations/other
Reach out to other organizations: As mass movements, our strength is fundamentally found in numbers. Or, more accurately, in a network of sympathetic community members. While physical proximity is often useful, even distant organizations can lend us important cultural, intellectual, and even financial resources. But to create the lasting benefits of such a radical social ecosystem, we do need to reach out to our fellows first. (Will provide a permanent bonus if successful.)
  • Specify the organization(s) you're attempting to affiliate yourselves with
Cooperate With Other Organizations: Usually, you're not the only org trying to do what you do. Once per turn, presuming the cooperation makes sense, you can therefore gain a bonus on one of your initiatives by designating it as a [cooperative] action. You must specify the org you're working with; it can be a sympathetic local outfit, another chapter of an organization you're a part of, or a larger entity you're trying to work with. The strength of the bonus will depend on the strength of your affiliation, as well as the other org's power and influence. The bonus will range from around +1 to +5, and can only hurt if the action itself is a catastrophic failure regardless of the bonus.
  • Specify the organization you're working with

The Knights of the Lambda Calculus

Size: 1 (40%)
Capital: 2
Initiative: 2
Organization: 1
Responsiveness: 0

Assets and Activities:
  • Reading Group
    • Basic Critical Theory (Improving)
    • Basic Cybernetics
    • Basic New Media Studies
  • Website (primitive)
Focus the Reading Group: The members of the reading group have largely gone off in their own idiosyncratic directions, leading to a lot of interesting ideas, but little overall coherence. By splitting the group off into defined areas of study, you may be able to advance more quickly. Or else, by making sure that everyone reads a bit of everything, you can perhaps produce more novel insights.
  • Specify new approach
  • Reading more Deleuze & Guattari (automatic)
Expand the Website: Cool as it is to be part of the electronic frontier, the current state of the WWW is rudimentary at best. Much the same can be said of your 'website'. But through a bit of care and attention, perhaps you can show the rest of the web what great designs this architecture can allow for.

Invite Public Speakers: Through the reading group, you've come across quite a few public intellectuals who are exploring the same questions you are. By inviting them to speak at MIT or other local venues, you can learn from them while simultaneously cultivating your own audience.
  • Specify speaker
Write a Manifesto: Now that you've acquainted yourself with the field, it's time to make your own contribution to it. To make a good first impression, a proper manifesto seems apt, with all the fiery rhetoric your ambition demands. The world must know of your cyborg revolution!

Develop a piece of open source software: Cultural theorizing is all well and good, but the Open Source Future is not going to build itself. By developing some useful pieces of software yourself, and freely distributing them to the masses, you can catalyze the culture you're trying to create. (can require multiple successes)
  • Purpose/Design: [write-in]
  • Develop an Open Source DVCS (continued)

The New October Movement

Size: 1 (70%)
Capital: 2 (10%)
Initiative: 1
Organization: 1
Responsiveness: 1

Temporary Bonuses: Free Zine Action

Assets and Activities:
  • Reading Group
    • Basic Revolutionary Pedagogy
    • Basic Anti-imperialist Theory
    • Basic Black Power Theory
Organize a Black Bloc: This novel protesting strategy, originating in the German Autonomist movement, protects the identity of radical anti-fascist protestors through the use of all-black clothing. Since this strategy broadly fits within our ideology, and contributes to our safety from retaliation, we might as well take it up.

Expand the Reading Group: A revolutionary can never know enough theory, but a person can only read so much. Thus, as your reading group turns to new topics, you will inevitably have to prioritize. And if you are to use the group as a recruiting tool, you will also have to take the popularity of your choice into account. In short: lots to read, and too little time to do it in.
  • Write in the changes to the reading group
Voodoo Tactics: A propaganda practice among the previous generation of revolutionaries was to create something they called 'voodoo', short videos that could be easily shot and shown across the nation. Such a tactic seems all the more appropriate for our present-day "MTV generation". If we learn to create voodoo videos ourselves, we could either spread them around as a kind of zine on VHS, or try to get them aired on public access television. The possibilities are endless.

Public Lecture Program: For two years in a row, we've managed to capitalize on current events by organizing relevant public lectures, each aimed at setting out our revolutionary, anti-imperialist analysis. If we formalize this into a proper program, we can continue to use the capitalist world's own follies against it, and grow our organization (and budget!) by exposing its fundamental lies.

The Black Panther Party (Milwaukee)

Size: 2 (70%)
Capital: 4 (50%)
Initiative: 3
Organization: 2

Temporary Bonuses: +4 to Defense Organizing, +2 to Mutual Aid Organizing, +2 to Organizing in the South

Assets and Activities:
  • Anti-drug Patrols
  • The Panther Spirit (Local Newspaper)
  • Michael McGee
  • Milwaukee Mutual Aid
    • Food Kitchens & Pantries
    • Informal Library
  • Confederated Organization: at least one action each turn must be national in orientation, but will receive assistance from other chapters (which also won't count as your one [cooperative] action). Assume that Size and Capital are one level higher for national level initiatives.
  • Other chapters
    • Dallas
    • Indianapolis
    • Los Angeles
Assist the greater movement
  • In Tennessee: Despite his turn to anarchism, the former Panther Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin has expressed an interest in organizing his own BPP chapter over in Chattanooga. As long as his views don't prove to be an unacceptable deviation, this is a great opportunity.
  • In Alabama: Mmoja Ajabu has been in contact with an activist preacher over in Wedowee, Alabama, who seems interested in joining our organization as part of a larger school reform campaign over there. Even if this man of the cloth turns out to be too moderate for our liking, the rest of his flock could be a different story.
  • Elsewhere (write-in): Plenty of Black communities throughout the country are eager to revive the Panther Spirit. We need only reach out to them.
BPP Infoshop: In the more anarchist parts of the radical crowd, a tradition of founding 'infoshops' has taken root. These are small radical bookstores, often located in a squat, which serve as part of a greater infrastructure of autonomous spaces. By establishing such a store ourselves–focusing specifically on Black Liberation and Third World literature–we can continue to spread our ideas among the local community, and bring in a small bit of revenue in the process.

Establish A Private Security Firm: Over in the Dallas chapter, Aaron Michaels has been cultivating the idea of founding a private security firm, using it as a means of growing our revenue. We have some heavy hitters on hand, after all, and community self-defense can only take up so much of their time. Perhaps this idea can find purchase in Milwaukee as well. (two successes required)

Invite BPP speakers: Many old Black Panthers–the ones that weren't felled by government repression–have recently been writing new biographies, both of themselves and of the wider movement. By inviting them to speak at our own venues, we can drive the community towards further action, and learn from the lived experience of these Black revolutionaries.

Define A National Program: Organizing on a national scale allows for national ambitions, but also requires a degree of overall coherence. A formal Black Panther Program would serve both of these ends, tying our chapters together through a defined set of principles.
  • Write in (part of) the program for a bonus on your roll
Anti-infiltration Measures: The more we grow, the more dangerous we become in the eyes of the state. Judging by the experience of our forebears, we are sure to be infiltrated by hostile elements, double agents who will try to sabotage our efforts and eliminate our leaders. To guard against this, we must teach our members a degree of operational security, to make sure that none of our less-than-legal actions are easily discerned. We will also learn to spot bad forms of organization, for whether they are the result of willful sabotage or not, they will break down our chapters all the same.

Establish a Dedicated Headquarters (Capital 5 required): So far, the administration of Milwaukee's BPP chapter has been split along our leaders' own domiciles, along with a small office downtown. As for our initiatives, they use whatever community spaces are available, defaulting to churches and neighborhood centers. By building a dedicated HQ, equipped with various offices and large gathering spaces, we can transcend the improvised nature of these efforts, and grow them in both scope and efficiency. (Two successes required)

Regional Mutual Aid:
While most of Wisconsin's Black community resides within Milwaukee County, many of our brothers and sisters also live in the counties adjoining the city, areas which the BPP has so far neglected. If we expand our mutual aid work into this part of the state, we could begin to make up for that, and grow our organization in the process.

Queer Nation

Size: 2 (60%)
Capital: 3 (30%)
Initiative: 1
Organization: 1
Responsiveness: 2

Temporary Bonuses: -2 to self-defense actions, +2 to organizing with similar orgs

Assets and Activities:
  • Bash Back Bunch (self-defense group)
Queer History Project: A big component of marginalization is the cultivation of ignorance, to make it seem like 'your kind' is a historical abnormality, or an abomination to nature. Radical education can be the antidote to this, at least among the marginalized themselves. By working towards the preservation and promotion of queer history, we will make sure that our dear predecessors are not forgotten.

Queer Health Project: The AIDS crisis has been cutting through the queer community ever since the Reagan years, and it doesn't look like much change is on the political horizon. As usual, we'll have to take care of ourselves, and by attending to the diverse health needs of our community–from mental support to emergency care–we can literally keep our people alive.

Attend the Gay Games: The biggest LGBT-focused sports event in the world is coming to NYC this year! Besides cheering on our favorite athletes, we should use this opportunity to propagandize, to be so unavoidably queer that the straights will have to acknowledge us somehow. Plus, if the municipal government sees how much good publicity these games bring to the city, maybe they'll throw some money towards similar events.

Bash Back Bolder: Even after our recent rebound, the queer self-defense effort still falls short of where we want it to be, feeling more like a rear-guard maneuver than anything else. If we act up more (pun intended), we can turn the tables on those homophobes who would keep us out of 'normal' public spaces, and take our rightful place at the center of NYC's cultural life.

Transgender Outreach: The founding of a group like the Transexual Menace shows that there is a distinct need for trans-specific queer organizing. Since Queer Nation is supposed to serve the needs of our entire community, we should see what sort of support could help them to develop their own activist repertoire.

The Institute for Social Ecology

Size: 2 (40%)
Capital: 4 (20%)
Initiative: 2(+1 Bookchin Die)
Organization: 2
Responsiveness: 1

Temporary Bonus: +2 on Bookchin Die

Assets and Activities:
  • Summer School
    • Social Ecology
    • Labor History
  • Society and Nature (Journal)
  • Murray Bookchin
  • Website (basic)
  • Affiliations
    • Knights of the Lambda Calculus (Rudimentary)
  • Organizing Life (Zine) (Will depreciate in 1996)
Develop the Website: Much like our own institution, the World Wide Web is a place of constant innovation, attracting all kinds of creative and academically oriented folks. By expanding our online footprint further, we can continue to tap into this energy, and maybe deepen our existing engagement with the cyborgs of Boston's KLC.

Attend the Greens Conference: The American Green movement contains a wide variety of activists, from moderate electoral environmentalists to die-hard primitivists. One of its constituent organizations, the Greens/Green Party USA, is set to hold a conference in Idaho this year, and we've been invited there by one Howie Hawkins, who recently published an article in our own journal. Overall, this would be a great opportunity to mingle with the rest of the ecological crowd, and make some useful connections.

Expand the educational effort further: There is always more to teach, and more people to teach it too. Even as our new summer courses on labor history are building, there are already several ideas on how we might expand our offerings. We may even add more courses outside of the summer break, presuming that people will actually turn out for that.
  • Ecosophy Course:
  • Optional: describe the nature of your expansion
The Bookchin Die (mandatory) (70% to next publication): The research on Murray's book is done, but the bulk of the writing remains. Is there any part of Spain's revolutionary legacy which he should emphasize?
  • Write in what Bookchin's history of the Spanish anarchists should focus on

The Labor Party Advocates

Size: 1
Capital: 4
Initiative: 2
Organization: 2
Responsiveness: 0

Temporary Bonus: One free Debate action, two free Association actions

Assets and Activities:
  • Anthony Mazzocchi
  • Strategic Approach
    • Fusion Balloting (Minor Progressive Parties Only)
    • Minimal Polling Threshold (20%)
Promote the LPA in Labor Notes: Labor Notes is a staple of the labor activist milieu, setting down the lessons of union organizing in its monthly magazine for over a decade now. By promoting the potential of an independent political party among this crowd, we can secure a steady stream of support, as well as a general enthusiasm about our organization.

Recruit Labor Activists: While many great organizers have already joined our ranks, we're going to need far more of them to reach the kind of size we're aiming for. Likely, Tony and the others have plenty of contacts to capitalize on, and these contacts have contacts in turn.

Recruit Union Affiliates: The point of this hypothetical Labor Party is to serve the interests of workers as workers. In this effort, it is vital that we gain the support of America's union, the organs of worker power. Though some great radical associations have already signed, we need some of the big names to work with us if we're to get anywhere.

Debate the Radical Question: The country is replete with various small leftist squadrons, each more sectarian than the last. That said, there are some decent organizers in some of these organizations, and many of them would be amenable to working with us. But should we welcome them in wholeheartedly? That's something we should discuss first.

Coordinate Union Endorsements: Although we're not a formal party yet, or even a simple pressure group, our motley crew of union activists is tied into a countrywide network of organized labor. If we turn its attention towards a particular political campaign, like those of our third party pals, we could do the tiniest bit of good in the upcoming elections.
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As you plan, I would remind you of the 'propose an action' and 'cooperate with other organizations' options, since the latter gives you a free bonus each turn, and the former can make up for whatever action I forgot to add myself. Happy planning!
[X] [ISE] Plan: Yes we exist
- [X] Attend the Greens Conference (1 capital)
- [X] Expand the educational effort further
-- [X] Environmental science. Try to get as much hard information to support us as possible. Focus on sustainable practices and their benefits in the long run.
- [X] The Bookchin Die (mandatory) (70% to next publication)
-- [X] Focus on less violent anarchists, and those who actually put in effort to expand and promote the movement and its tenants. Ie. The people who formed communes and did mutual aid should be focused on as much as the bomb throwers.
[x][NOM]Plan: Tribunes of the People
-[x]Make a zine
[x]Focus it around the 1994 Comprehensive Plan and its Urban Village Stragety. Point out how the Plan reinforces Seattle's history of racial housing segregation and redlining. Despite all the plan's progressive urbanism roots it still guards the racist system inherent within the United States and Capitalism. Social Democracy and progressiveism cannot save the masses, only communism and the masses taking power into their own hands can build a more just world.
-[x]Public Lecture Program

[x][LPA]Radical Politics
-[x]Debate the Radical Question
-[x]Reach out to other organizations
--[x]The Vermont Progressive Party
-[x]Reach out to other organizations
--[x]The New Party
-[x]Promote the LPA in Labor Notes
-[x]Recruit Union Affiliates
[X] [QN] Fucking AIDS
-[X] Queer Health Project

Also really want to do trans outreach. But, one action and I can't keep putting off AIDS response
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[X] [QN] Fucking AIDS
-[X] Queer Health Project

We're in need of triage care right now, but in the future I think AIDS education will be almost as important in order to keep people from seeing it as "the gay plague" and make sure those who suffer from it aren't treated as pariahs. Maybe if we shift the conversation enough, people will even start putting more effort into finding an effective treatment.
I kind of want to do an ISE plan that does outreach to LGBTQ+ people of the time but I also don't really know how I'd go about it.
Thinking about making a KLC plan that includes working on open source software and expanding the website, but I'm not sure what sort of open sources software to pursue. Would welcome any ideas.
@TheInnerMoon the KLC GitHub thing automatically finishes this turn right? I won't need to dedicate another action to it
- [X] Develop an Open Source DVCS (continued)
- [X] Invite Public Speakers: by inviting a couple of public speakers to MIT, we can spread our ideas around and expand our membership to include students who aren't computer science majors, like philosophy or writing majors.
[X][BPP] Plan: Program and Preparing for Headquarters
-[X] Establish A Private Security Firm
-[X] Anti-infiltration Measures
-[X] Define A National Program
--[X] Mission Statement: We want an end to continuing racism, in the form of ending the racist political and economic systems which ravage our communities. We want reparations to black Americans for the centuries of unpaid labor that built this country, in the form of mass economic investment into our communities. We want poor people all across this nation, and the world, to gain control of the industry and technology which governs their lives, and truly take their destiny into their own hands.
--[X] Goal: Investment into true, world-class education in our communities, both for children and adults, one that will enable us to take full advantage of the knowledge and resources of a modern society, and allow us to liberate ourselves.
---[X] First Step: Decommissioning of biased textbooks and curricula which do not accurately reflect the brutal, racist history of this nation, and the western capitalist world in general
---[X] First Step: Mass government investment into school systems in our communities, bringing them up to the standards of wealthy districts
---[X] First Step: Government-provided grants for college attendance for all poor people in the country
--[X] Goal: An end to all police brutality, and the replacing of the police with community safety organizations drawn from local communities
---[X] First Step: Ending the militarization of local police departments
---[X] First Step: The arrest and re-trial of the beaters of Rodney King
---[X] First Step: A federally-recognized community-wide vote in all communities on whether to replace the police department with a department of public safety, staffed by people from the community itself
---[X] First Step: Tbh I'm not an expert in leftist solutions to police brutality, but basically whatever communist orgs recommended post-BLM
--[X] Goal: An end to the importation of drugs into our communities, and the disastrous, inhuman, evil response of the "War on Drugs", which in reality is a war on black and poor America.
---[X] First Step: An end to manditory minimum sentences, three strikes laws, and the many other disastrous policies of this false "War"
---[X] First Step: Minimize prosecution of drug users and low-level dealers, who are the victims, in favor of investegating larger trafficking networks
---[X] First Step: Repealing of these racist laws, and letting free every person in prison who jailed solely for them
---[X] First Step: A congressional investegation into the role of the US government in supplying drugs to black communities*
--[X] Goal: An end to the official persecution of movements for black power and liberation by the US Government
---[X] First Step: Make public all classified records of intelligence agency action against black power and liberation movements, especially the first black panthers
--[X] Goal: We want universal decent housing for black and other oppressed people, fit for human beings, and free from the tyranny of landlords
---[X] First Step: Mass government investment in building decent, livable public housing, expropriating landlords, and turning the housing over to the black community to run as it pleases
--[X] Goal: The transformation of the US military into a tool of pure self-defense rather than imperialist aggression, which does nothing but shed the blood of poor working people across the globe.
---[X] First Step: A removal of US military bases from other countries, especially those directly threatening the colonized peoples of the world.

*I don't think this is abusing future knowledge, Gary Webb should be starting his investigations around now. Iran-Contra's already happened, and it's not exactly hard to connect the dots from "the CIA wants to fund a bunch of Nicaraguans that peddle drugs" and "a drug epidemic pops up in a community America hates".
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Since we have a plan for each org now, I think it's time to close the vote!
Scheduled vote count started by TheInnerMoon on Apr 11, 2024 at 1:46 PM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] [QN] Fucking AIDS
    -[X] Queer Health Project
    [x][NOM]Plan: Tribunes of the People
    [X] [ISE] Plan: Yes we exist
    - [X] Attend the Greens Conference (1 capital)
    - [X] Expand the educational effort further
    -- [X] Environmental science. Try to get as much hard information to support us as possible. Focus on sustainable practices and their benefits in the long run.
    - [X] The Bookchin Die (mandatory) (70% to next publication)
    -- [X] Focus on less violent anarchists, and those who actually put in effort to expand and promote the movement and its tenants. Ie. The people who formed communes and did mutual aid should be focused on as much as the bomb throwers.
    [x][NOM]Plan: Tribunes of the People
    -[x]Make a zine
    --[x]Focus it around the 1994 Comprehensive Plan and its Urban Village Stragety. Point out how the Plan reinforces Seattle's history of racial housing segregation and redlining. Despite all the plan's progressive urbanism roots it still guards the racist system inherent within the United States and Capitalism. Social Democracy and progressiveism cannot save the masses, only communism and the masses taking power into their own hands can build a more just world.
    -[x]Public Lecture Program
    [x][LPA]Radical Politics
    -[x]Debate the Radical Question
    -[x]Reach out to other organizations
    --[x]The Vermont Progressive Party
    --[x]The New Party
    -[x]Promote the LPA in Labor Notes
    -[x]Recruit Union Affiliates
    [X][KLC] FUCK
    - [X] Develop an Open Source DVCS (continued)
    - [X] Invite Public Speakers: by inviting a couple of public speakers to MIT, we can spread our ideas around and expand our membership to include students who aren't computer science majors, like philosophy or writing majors.
    [X][BPP] Plan: Program and Preparing for Headquarters
    -[X] Establish A Private Security Firm
    -[X] Anti-infiltration Measures
    -[X] Define A National Program
    --[X] Mission Statement: We want an end to continuing racism, in the form of ending the racist political and economic systems which ravage our communities. We want reparations to black Americans for the centuries of unpaid labor that built this country, in the form of mass economic investment into our communities. We want poor people all across this nation, and the world, to gain control of the industry and technology which governs their lives, and truly take their destiny into their own hands.
    --[X] Goal: Investment into true, world-class education in our communities, both for children and adults, one that will enable us to take full advantage of the knowledge and resources of a modern society, and allow us to liberate ourselves.
    ---[X] First Step: Decommissioning of biased textbooks and curricula which do not accurately reflect the brutal, racist history of this nation, and the western capitalist world in general
    ---[X] First Step: Mass government investment into school systems in our communities, bringing them up to the standards of wealthy districts
    ---[X] First Step: Government-provided grants for college attendance for all poor people in the country
    --[X] Goal: An end to all police brutality, and the replacing of the police with community safety organizations drawn from local communities
    ---[X] First Step: Ending the militarization of local police departments
    ---[X] First Step: The arrest and re-trial of the beaters of Rodney King
    ---[X] First Step: A federally-recognized community-wide vote in all communities on whether to replace the police department with a department of public safety, staffed by people from the community itself
    ---[X] First Step: Tbh I'm not an expert in leftist solutions to police brutality, but basically whatever communist orgs recommended post-BLM
    --[X] Goal: An end to the importation of drugs into our communities, and the disastrous, inhuman, evil response of the "War on Drugs", which in reality is a war on black and poor America.
    ---[X] First Step: An end to manditory minimum sentences, three strikes laws, and the many other disastrous policies of this false "War"
    ---[X] First Step: Minimize prosecution of drug users and low-level dealers, who are the victims, in favor of investegating larger trafficking networks
    ---[X] First Step: Repealing of these racist laws, and letting free every person in prison who jailed solely for them
    ---[X] First Step: A congressional investegation into the role of the US government in supplying drugs to black communities*
    --[X] Goal: An end to the official persecution of movements for black power and liberation by the US Government
    ---[X] First Step: Make public all classified records of intelligence agency action against black power and liberation movements, especially the first black panthers
    --[X] Goal: We want universal decent housing for black and other oppressed people, fit for human beings, and free from the tyranny of landlords
    ---[X] First Step: Mass government investment in building decent, livable public housing, expropriating landlords, and turning the housing over to the black community to run as it pleases
    --[X] Goal: The transformation of the US military into a tool of pure self-defense rather than imperialist aggression, which does nothing but shed the blood of poor working people across the globe.
    ---[X] First Step: A removal of US military bases from other countries, especially those directly threatening the colonized peoples of the world.
Time for some dice!
TheInnerMoon threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: KLC Total: 23
4 4 3 3 16 16
TheInnerMoon threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: NOM Total: 29
18 18 6 6 5 5
TheInnerMoon threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: BPP Total: 36
2 2 5 5 3 3 8 8 18 18
TheInnerMoon threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: QN Total: 19
7 7 12 12
TheInnerMoon threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: ISE Total: 53
16 16 1 1 14 14 13 13 9 9
TheInnerMoon threw 7 20-faced dice. Reason: LPA Total: 85
8 8 17 17 3 3 17 17 13 13 16 16 11 11
Omake: Making Space
NOM Omake

The rain beat hard on the window's of Jane's apartment, Seattle's normal stormy weather back in full force to show its displeasure for the few nice days the city had enjoyed last week. With the curtains drawn, windows closed and space heater roaring the apartment felt a little cramped as everyone sat around Jane's kitchen table. This group, which in any other org its members had been apart of would've been called the central committee, wasn't large enough to actually take up the entire space. But the tightness of the apartment and the dour weather made everything feel close.

"Right, the last thing on the docket is the Lecture program." Jane, a 25 year old trans woman with streaks of faded green in her blonde hair and tired eyes, tapped her cigarette into an ash tray as she spoke. "You said you had some worries, Alex"

The middle aged man sitting across from her nodded. "Yeah, attendance is dropping pretty hard. And the convention hall we've been renting out each week is starting to get a lot more bookings for the local anime cons." He grimaced. "Really the whole program's been a bit of a mess. We haven't been able to get the numbers we pulled with those first few impromptu lectures. Honestly its starting to look like its not worth the cost at this point."

"Not everything is about the cost." Claire said as she leaned against her girlfriend Sam. "So long as we're still pulling some kind of numbers I think we should continue it. Maybe the venue just isn't right. I know people have complained about having to pay even a minor fee to get it."

Sam nodded, agreeing with her partner. "Yeah, lotsa complaints on that one. I've started scoping out a few alternative spots for it." She saw Alex frown and defensively put her hands up in the air. "Not to like, undermine you and junk. I was gonna tell you about them before the meeting but that whole printing snafu with the zine came up and it just ate up my time." Alex, like a lot of ex-RCP members of NOM, was still used to the back biting and competition to carp for Akavin that defined that organization's internal politics.

"Is it even fucking worth it at this point." Chris growled. One of a growing number of Seattle locals the NOM was starting to pick up, Chris was a young crust punk who leaned heavily on the anarchist part of the New October Movement's anarcho-Maoist ideology. "The lecture program is a goddamn distraction. We should be out fucking shit up, or at least helping people with everyday shit."

"Education is never a distraction." Jane said, snuffing out her cigarette. "Though I do agree that we've been too focused on theoretical aspects these past two years. Next year I want us to be more active practically, but that won't be possible if we don't do the base building work right now." She turned to Sam. "What were these alternative spots you found."

"A couple of students from UW we've been working with said that one of their history professors is willing to sponsor us using a lecture hall every so often. Similar story at Green River and Seattle Central. Its a bit more annoying for non-students to access and we'll have to rotate fairly frequently to avoid over staying our welcome, but it shouldn't be so bad."

Chris frowns and sighs. "I recently started talking to someone who works at Left Bank Bookstore. I'll ask them if their space can hold us every so often. Its a small space but we'll attract more of the anarchist crowd that way."

"I've started looking into working as an adjunct at Green River," Alex said, "So I can take point on making some inroads there."

"Maybe we should also start handing out copies of the zine at the lectures." Claire mused. "People really seem to like it so it just makes sense to use the lectures as another distro point."

Jane nodded. "Great ideas everyone. Go forwards on looking into which of those spaces is viable for our use. The sooner we stop paying to rent the convention halls the better."
shrieking in pain as the KLC is consigned to the dustbin of history
Business Reform League.
An odd group formed around maverick businessmen and historians. One of their central platforms is opposition to the dominant theory of maximizing shareholder value, happy to highlight it's foundation in Dodge vs Ford Motors and it's context, as evidence of a fundamentally flawed foundation. For the foundation of a business is always the customers, and by focusing solely on profit, it not only erodes every service touched, but also destroys the very profit sought as the company's foundation, it's services to consumers get destroyed for the sake of numbers go up.

While patriotic, their tendency of delving into history provides a relatively unique perspective, which alongside willingness to cooperate with more unusual groups are only amplified by tensions with the establishment that sees their views as naive and contrary to how the world works. Even with Peter Druckler's book the practice of management, itself acknowledging validity of such a view.

Here is a possible faction idea I wanted to put down.