The End of History: A Grassroots Quest

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Become the bane of Francis Fukuyama's existence by restarting History in the face of capitalist triumphalism.
Introduction: A New World Order


Anarchist, Author, All-Around Philosopher
The year is 1992. The past fifteen years or so have seen some massive political changes sweep across the world, setting the stage for a new epoch in capitalist history.

The great period of change arguably started back in the 1970s, when a long period of 'stagflation' brought an end to the post-war Keynesian social compact. The old mode of class compromise was swept away in favor of what many are calling 'neoliberalism', a diffuse set of ideologies focused on privatizing public assets, disciplining organized labor, and facilitating the free flow of goods and capital.

So far, this new wave of neoliberal politics has been a massive success, at least by its own metrics. Its crowning jewel is the ongoing liberalization of the Chinese economy–although the recent crackdown at Tiananmen Square has cast that development into doubt.

In the meantime, the old Soviet model of the central command economy has proven itself thoroughly decrepit, with Brezhnevian involution giving way to the desperate reforms of Gorbachev. Unfortunately, these efforts ultimately proved futile, and the constituent states of the Soviet Union have now decided to go their own way. Whatever fate will befall them remains to be seen, although recent events in nearby Yugoslavia don't inspire much optimism.

And what of the United States, the unrivaled hegemon of this new world order? Well, certain public intellectuals have taken its geopolitical triumph to signify an absolute End of History, with democratic capitalism being the final form of society itself. Of course, even within the US itself, there are those who would dispute this hubristic claim. Either they consider 'democratic capitalism' to be a theoretical oxymoron, or they see enough real injustice in their daily lives to vanquish any belief in 'the System' as such. Often, it's both.

In this quest, you will give voice to these people, as they confront the capitalist-imperialist beast from within its tumultuous belly. Whatever their strategy, though, this will not be an easy fight, especially in this age of liberal triumphalism. But still, if there is any change to be had in this world, it must start at the grassroots. And that's where you are.

Please present your organization proposal in the following format:
  • Name
  • Locale (please confine it to a specific city or county within the US, or write in 'distributed' if this is one of those rare early internet orgs)
  • Aims and strategies (what does the org want, and how does it think this can be achieved)
  • Optional: affiliated organizations
Real-life organizations, or those which have a particularly plausible founding in terms of the locale and/or the people involved, will be given preference.

After a sufficient amount of proposals have been presented, a voting round will commence, where the top 5 proposals by preferential voting will become the starting organizations.
Author's Introduction
Hi everyone, and welcome to what will already be my fourth quest on this forum. By my own admission, I am quite enamored with the format, and starting new stories often feels more exciting than continuing existing ones. Rest assured that my other quests (Uncommon Wealth, Xenopoiesis, and Dark Learning) will still continue. As I've mentioned before, each of these appeal to a different niche of my intersecting interests, and I mostly write by whatever strikes my fancy on a given day. That also means that the present quest might update somewhat sporadically, especially since I expect it to require more outright research than my other works.

As you can probably tell, this quest is very much inspired by The American Experiment, a wonderful riot quest about fomenting revolution in the Gilded Age US. This is to some extent a parallel history to its suppositions, set about a century hence in a New Gilded Age of neoliberalism. One of my intentions is to make this period seem as alien as it ought to be, even if it's one that many of us have lived through. Now that we're finally coming out of some of the neoliberal epoch into something scarier, I thought it a good moment to point out the ultimate fragility of its self-satisfied rule. Neoliberalism only lasted so long because it convinced us all that There Was No alternative, and because it spent so much of its capacities on disarming any suggestion to the country. By setting out the present alternate history scenario (one which you will partly make yourself, but one which is also guided by my thesis that History is Stranger than Fiction), I hope to make you more optimistic about our actual future, or at least more interested in taking action against our bankrupt overlords.

A caveat upfront: given the infinite granularity of history, I can't be sure that anything I present in the following is even remotely plausible. Given the inherently narrative nature of the alternate history genre, I'm not even sure that it should be. Still, I want to at least impart a sense of verisimilitude, and this implies certain restrictions. Unlike The American Experiment, I don't expect any kind of Revolution to break out in the first ten (or even twenty) turns of this quest, if it happens at all. This quest is about the hard work of building lasting movements for change, something which many of us struggle with in real life. This is not to say that large historical changes aren't achievable here; we'll just have to see where the chips fall when they do.

Also, given the aforementioned burden of historical research, much of which is so recent as to be within the realm of journalism rather than academic history, I expect that the writing of this quest could be frustratingly slow-paced. What could help it speed up, and could moreover break up the monotony of my writing, are your various contributions in the forms of omakes. All are welcome, though not all will be declared canon. I may also defer to your historical expertise, if that's something you'd volunteer for. I don't have the time or the attention span to work out every alternate House or Senate election, for instance, at least not beyond the basic political balance. If that's something you want to focus on, go right ahead.

For now, I await your organization proposals. Good luck!
Author's Introduction Addendum
Ah, and lest I forget, I was also very much inspired by The American Decay, itself a spinoff off The American Experiment set in 2008, and by two alternate history timelines focused on Perot's Reform Party and the US Green Party respectively. Both of them are more electoral in orientation than I'd like to be here, but at least they show how slowly or how quickly a political system like that of the US can change.

Finally, if you want to have another place to comment on this quest (or any of my other ones), I have a dedicated channel in the Wordsmiths Discord server.
Name: The People Organization Of Twin Cities
Locale Minneapolis
Aims and strategies This group for now wishes to green the city of Minneapolis, mitigate the very bad environmental conditions in the poor and majority not white part of the city.
(Figure in the heart of the neo liberal era it gonna take time for them to radicalize beyond figure this is a good starting point)
Optional: None
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Distributed (Boston-based)

The Knights of the Lambda Calculus began as a injoke within the MIT hacking community, when computer scientist Gerald Jay Sussman passed badges around with a logo at a lecture, claiming that the audience had joined the elite group of hackers. It didn't take long for several students to recreate it as an actual fraternal organization, which now also included philosophy students within its ranks. As members graduated, they kept in contact with the organization through the early Internet, resulting in the Knight's influence spreading beyond Boston.

The current aims of the Knights of the Lambda Calculus is to advocate for and develop new open-source software, promote the hacker ethic, analyze culture through a avant-garde philosophical lens, and test the boundaries of human existence. Many members are planning on producing accumulated writings and software like the CCRU. Whether they go down a left or rightward path is up to fate, but every member agrees that Fukuyama is a hack and the postmodern experience is one that must be thoroughly explored through any means necessary. May or may not end up on Serial Experiments Lain.
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Name: The Defender of The Green
Locale Minneapolis
Aims and strategies This group for now wishes to green the city of Minneapolis, mitigate the very bad environmental conditions in the poor and majority not white part of the cities.
(Figure in the heart of the neo liberal era it gonna take time for them to radicalize beyond figure this is a good starting point)
Optional: None
Do you have any local history which could be a basis for this development? Either in terms of their evident pollution, or some real-life initiatives which line up with the org's aims.
Distributed (Boston-based)

The Knights of the Lambda Calculus began as a injoke within the MIT hacking community, when computer scientist Gerald Jay Sussman passed badges around with a logo at a lecture, claiming that the audience had joined the elite group of hackers. It didn't take long for several students to create an actual fraternal organization, which now included philosophy students within its ranks. As members graduated, they kept in contact with the organization through the early Internet, forming a network of amateur philosophers and hackers.

The current aims of the Knights of the Lambda Calculus is to develop new computer software, hack cool shit, analyze culture through a avant-garde philosophical lens, and test the boundaries of human existence, like the CCRU. Whether they go down a left or rightward path is up to chance, but every member agrees that Fukuyama is a hack and the postmodern experience is one that must be thorougly explored theough any means neccessary. May or may not end up on Serial Experiments Lain.
What sort of things are they interested in building/hacking? Had to look up the CCRU, but now I can see what kind of milieu you're trying to parallel. Can't believe I might have to read some Deleuze after all...
Do you have any local history which could be a basis for this development? Either in terms of their evident pollution, or some real-life initiatives which line up with the org's aims.
Minneapolis has a super large degree of environmental racism going on within the city a example of it being massive incinerators which spew pollution and are all in the majority non white part of the city. And yah there been a long going campagain to the present day to get rid of a lot of these incinerators to some succes.
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Name: The Defender of The Green
The incinerators are pretty fucked. They also ripped out the core of the city and bulldozed whole neighborhoods to run the interstates through the center of the city, really following the Robert Moses blueprint.

It's pretty frustrating, they didn't teach us about the history of the city at all in high school. I learned about most of this in passing from older folks bringing it up. Like, there was an extensive trolley system in the city through the 50s when there was some fuckery that got them all ripped out and replaced with busses? Not to mention MN being the site of the original mall and where they started the trend of developing tract housing on farmland.

Definitely behind this option.
The New October Movement
Locale: Seattle
The increasing slide of the RCP into revisionism based around Akavin's cult of personality has alienated many former Maoists and other anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninists within its ranks. At the same time increasing interest in Kropotkin and the rise of anarchism in the US Left has sparked a new Mecca of radical organizing within the Pacific North West. Within Seattle these forces have combined to create a strange alliance. The New October Movement claims to be an attempt to synthesize Anarcho-Communist and Maoist thought, taking the common strengths of both to organize the masses. While primarily the project of a mix of college students, ex-RCP cadre and a few college professors, the NOM claims it will be able to grow quickly.

The current aims of the NOM is to establish a base among the poor of Seattle. The homeless, the marginalized, the working class. Using the Mass Line it hopes to help deal with the issues of the workers will raising militancy and class consciousness. From there the membership is split. Some want to create a new Communist Party. Others to focus on more clandestine work, some to focus on laying the ground work for a decentralized federation within the PNW.
The incinerators are pretty fucked. They also ripped out the core of the city and bulldozed whole neighborhoods to run the interstates through the center of the city, really following the Robert Moses blueprint.

It's pretty frustrating, they didn't teach us about the history of the city at all in high school. I learned about most of this in passing from older folks bringing it up. Like, there was an extensive trolley system in the city through the 50s when there was some fuckery that got them all ripped out and replaced with busses? Not to mention MN being the site of the original mall and where they started the trend of developing tract housing on farmland.

Definitely behind this option.
yah it fucked up beyond belief and yah I also found out about all this stuff outside of school in minnesota. Also hello fellow minnesotan!
What sort of things are they interested in building/hacking? Had to look up the CCRU, but now I can see what kind of milieu you're trying to parallel. Can't believe I might have to read some Deleuze after all...
updated the post, most members want to make open-source software and write new philosophical theory, maybe go out and protest. some are hackers who believe in video game piracy.
The Pittsburgh Labor Club
Location: Pittsburgh
A loose amalgamation of students, union members, activists, and philosophers, the Syndicalist Front stands for unionization and popularizing the almost dead leftist movement of Syndicalism. Focusing on organizing labor and propagandizing for leftist causes, the Syndicalist Front hopes to expand throughout the city and later the state.
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Black Panther Movement (Milwaukee)
Summary: Crushed by unemployment as high as 40%, a plague of drugs, persistent police violence, and a city council which saw the road to economic recovery as investments in white-collar jobs (emphasis on the "white), the black residents of Milwaukee have finally had enough. Formed by the charismatic ex-city-councilman Michael McGee, who attempted for a decade to ease the suffering of Black Milwaukeeans the "right way", the BPM is armed and ready to do whatever it takes to ease the suffering of black people than capitalism can offer. McGee's organization is friendly with two similar organizations in Dallas and Indianapolis that he partially helped inspire, but so far no plans have been made for anything other than vague statements of solidarity owing to the distance between the cities.
Leaders: Michael McGee
Focuses: sky-high black unemployment, unequal educational investment, the drug epidemic, police racism/shootings, general racial inequality and discrimination
Strategies: mutual aid, food distribution, boycotts of racist business-owners, armed protests, armed anti-drug patrols of black neighborhoods, voter registration drives, threatening property violence
Source for into: link

Queer Nation
Summary: Formed in 1990s by LGBTQ activists in from ACT-UP's New York City branch, Queer Nation focuses on ending violence against queer people, eliminating societal homophobia via bombastic direct action, and creating safe alternative spaces for queer people in opposition to more assimilationist groups. Known for their slogans "We're here! We're Queer! Get used to it!" and "Dykes and Fags bash back!" Currently, some members are discussing starting a mutual aid group for homeless queer youth, and trying to connect the oppression of queer people to broader capitalist oppression.
Leaders: Non-hierarchical horizontal organization, but founders are Tom Blewitt, Alan Klein, Michelangelo Signorile and Karl Soehnlein
Focuses: Anti-gay violence, societal homophobia, AIDS epidemic,
Tactics: educational events about queer topics, creation of safe spaces for queer people to socialize, "Nights Out" (rejection of forcible segregation into specific queer locales via forcing """normal""" bars and stores to accept publicly queer guests/customers), public marches/protests against violence
Source for info: link
Texas Liberty Congress
Summary: Founded in 1983 as the New Liberty Confrence by Televangelist and Dallas area Cadillac mogul Rev. Jesse Spindel. The NLC would serve as part of the larger Religious Right until 1990 when Spindel became disillusioned with the compromises and half-measures of the Reagan and Bush administrations. This would further be cemented with the fall of the USSR, as with communism defeated once and for all the United States is no longer needed to protect the west from godless heathens. Spindel aims to create an independent Christian Texas free which he can lead to the future.

Leaders: The Reverend Jesse "Buddy" Spindel, his daughters Faith and Charity.

Location: Dallas-Fort Worth

Strategy: Using existing connections in the religious right, lobbying officials in Texas, church events, seminars with Cadillac give aways, bribing cops, stochastic terrorism.
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Texas Liberty Congress
Summary: Founded in 1983 as the New Liberty Confrence by Televangelist and Dallas area Cadillac mogul Rev. Jesse Spindel. The NLC would serve as part of the larger Religious Right until 1990 when Spindel became disillusioned with the compromises and half-measures of the Reagan and Bush administrations. This would further be cemented with the fall of the USSR, as with communism defeated once and for all the United States is no longer needed to protect the west from godless heathens. Spindel aims to create an independent Christian Texas free which he can lead to the future.

Leaders: The Reverend Jesse "Buddy" Spindel

Strategy: Using existing connections in the religious right, lobbying officials in Texas, church events, seminars with Cadillac give aways, bribing cops, stochastic terrorism.
I appreciate this submission, but this isn't really the sort of quest where I'm looking to write outright reactionary organizations. They'll make an appearance of course (this is the decade of Waco and the OKC bombing, after all), but not as protagonists.
Society of Infinite Cosmic Love
Summary: In 1988, Los Angeles-based spiritual teacher and self-help guru Roxanne Love began to teach her eclectic philosophy, inspired by sources from Alan Watts, to Zhuangzi, to the Bible, to Karl Marx, to the ancient Chinese Philosopher and Siegecraft Engineer Mozi. According to her, the spiritual, organizing principle of the universe is love, and one's own inner being, if made to resonate with that love, can bring increased spiritual enlightenment to themselves and the universe. She advocates various systems of esoteric meditation, to focus the love energies inside a being, combined with extensive service and charity work to better cultivate love in oneself and the universe around them. She also advocates for environmentalism, believing that nature, acting without the human instincts which pervert the natural tendencies, is the purest expression of universal love. She has become famous in recent months for her "cosmic love healing" sessions, which can be said to cure everything from the flu to genetic illnesses using various alignments of crystals.
Followers: 300 and growing
Society of Infinite Cosmic Love
Summary: In 1988, Los Angeles-based spiritual teacher and self-help guru Roxanne Love began to teach her eclectic philosophy, inspired by sources from Alan Watts, to Zhuangzi, to the Bible, to Karl Marx, to the ancient Chinese Philosopher and Siegecraft Engineer Mozi. According to her, the spiritual, organizing principle of the universe is love, and one's own inner being, if made to resonate with that love, can bring increased spiritual enlightenment to themselves and the universe. She advocates various systems of esoteric meditation, to focus the love energies inside a being, combined with extensive service and charity work to better cultivate love in oneself and the universe around them. She also advocates for environmentalism, believing that nature, acting without the human instincts which pervert the natural tendencies, is the purest expression of universal love. She has become famous in recent months for her "cosmic love healing" sessions, which can be said to cure everything from the flu to genetic illnesses using various alignments of crystals.
Followers: 300 and growing
As I said on Discord, this is close to something that'd fit the quest, the outright silliness of it might just have to be dialed down a bit. If you're okay with me rewriting the proposal a bit, it's perfectly acceptable in spirit.
As I said on Discord, this is close to something that'd fit the quest, the outright silliness of it might just have to be dialed down a bit. If you're okay with me rewriting the proposal a bit, it's perfectly acceptable in spirit.
Go for it, although I think you're seriously underestimating the weirdness of the majority of these types of movements (which were very popular in the '90s). Like, crystal healing and esoteric meditation are incredibly tame compared to a lot of the stuff that was popular in 1990s California. Look at any psychic guru, let alone something like Sciеոtology.
Go for it, although I think you're seriously underestimating the weirdness of the majority of these types of movements (which were very popular in the '90s). Like, crystal healing and esoteric meditation are incredibly tame compared to a lot of the stuff that was popular in 1990s California. Look at any psychic guru, let alone something like Sciеոtology.
Oh absolutely, it's more that I don't think overly woo types like that are good at fomenting any type of positive political change. And this quest is meant to feature at least slightly effective organizations.
Going to add two more orgs myself in order to increase the variety:

Name: The Institute for Social Ecology
Locale: Burlington, Vermont
Aims and strategies: Founded in 1974 by Murray Bookchin and Dan Chodorkoff, the ISE is aimed at spreading and organizing the anarchistic politics of social ecology. In practice, this comes down to a combination of political education and municipal organization.
Affiliated Organizations: Burlington Greens

Name: The New Party
Locale: New York City
Aims and strategies: Founded by former Jesse Jackson staffer Dan Cantor, the New Party is looking to overcome the tragic history of progressive third parties in America by promoting electoral fusion across various states, starting in New York.
Affiliated Organizations: ACORN

By the way, since I'd prefer the orgs to be relatively spread out, geographically speaking, any proposals focused on Texas or the Deep South would be useful. A specific org focused on Indigenous activism would also be welcome.