The American Decay (Riot)

[ ] American Workers' Party
[] Anonymous
-[] Hacktivist
[X] Bash Back!
[ ] Cyborg Party
[X] Industrial Workers of the World
[ ] Internationalist Workers' Group
[ ] The New October Movement
Bash Back! Starts setting up regular meetings in queer spaces throughout the cities they operate in. Never choosing the same place twice, and always giving a different but related description of what the event will be about, Bash Back! Is able to have plenty of meetings that look more like public speaker events, with long form question and answer segments. To those not in the know, when they realize what's going on, they usually become incredibly curious. With the recent news from California opening up a lot of these curious folks to the idea of anti-assimilation.
Very nice to see the average person is at the very least curious about radical ideas.
-20 to actions pertaining to organizing the youth until the Media calms down and moves on
Oof yeah this hurts, how long with this last? And does this have any permanent effect?
[X] Bash Back!
[X] Industrial Workers of the World
Perhaps the IWW can act as a forum for various orgs to help connect and coordinate?
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ah, also VHDSM folk, yall might wanna look into food forests/permaculture/regenerative agriculture. Rodale institute has been at it for a while when it comes to organic research and other such things
Voting Closed
Scheduled vote count started by yeastmobile on Jul 5, 2023 at 1:02 PM, finished with 42 posts and 36 votes.

  • [X] Anonymous
    -[X] Hacktivist
    [X] Industrial Workers of the World
    [X] Industrial Workers of the World
    [x] Bash Back!
    [X] Industrial Workers of the World
    [X] Federation of Libertarian Municipality
    [x]New October Movement
    [X] Internationalist Workers' Group
    [X] Voluntary Human Defense & Survival Movement
    [X] Industrial Workers of the World
    [X] The Future Foundation
    [X] Anonymous
    -[x] Troll
    [x] Cyborg Party
    [x] The New October Movement
    [X] American Avant-Garde Literature Society
    [X] Progressive Labor
    [X] Industrial Workers of the World
    [X] American Workers' Party
    [X] Progressive Labor Party
    [X] American Avant-Garde Literature Society
    [X] Progressive Labor Party
    [X] Anonymous
    -[X] Hacktivist
    [X] Internationalist Workers' Group
    [X] The Lime Wirers
    [X] Internationalist Workers' Group
    [X] Industrial Workers of the World
    [X] Internationalist Workers' Group
    [X] Internationalist Workers' Group
    [x] Bash Back!
    [x] Cyborg Party
    [X] Anonymous
    -[X] Hacktivist
    [X] Voluntary Human Defense & Survival Movement
    [X] Internationalist Workers' Group
    [x] Cyborg Party
    [x] Bash Back!
    [X] Anonymous
    -[X] Hacktivist
    [x] Bash Back!
    [X] Industrial Workers of the World
    [X] The Lime Wirers
    [X] American Avant-Garde Literature Society
    [X] The Future Foundation
    [X] Anonymous
    [X] American Avant-Garde Literature Society
Adhoc vote count started by Chimeraguard on Jul 8, 2023 at 12:59 PM, finished with 44 posts and 37 votes.

Er, maybe this will be a less messy format.
Hmm...if the Lime Wirers fold, which seems likely in the long run, hope they get pucked up and live on as a modifier for one of the bigger groups.
2008 Q3: Planning
The third quarter of 2008 arrives without much fanfare, but with some anxiety. The Truckers strike has blasted the bottom lines of many businesses, and factories are faltering across much of the country. President bush is being lambasted by the right for not stepping in and arresting the ringleaders of this threat to national security, and the 'left' is keeping quiet and not making any loud mouth movements about the action beyond hesitant support for "businesses and workers to cooperate for the welfare of the country as a whole" as one Democratic congressman put it.

Obamas Campaign has taken a small hit as some voters become fearful of "communists" becoming emboldened and destroying the precarious economy further, while also being given a small boost as previously politically neutral people see that change is possible if worker rights are not interfered with. Though the reason the Truckers strike was stopped so soon was due to factors outside the President's control. McCain's campaign rides the high of being able to blast out attack ads of how the communists want to destroy your livelihood by emptying the grocery store of its Grey Poupon.

Some actions are universal and can be included in any organization's plan, others are just for one. Funds are per turn, they don't stack. Any ?s are for you to write-in a number for that action. New actions as write-ins are encouraged to be suggested at any time.

When voting, put the organization acronym before the name of the plan like this:
[X][IWW] Plan do stuff

Universal Actions:

[] Require dues
--[] Small
--[] Medium
--[] Large
--[] Based on income
-[] Allow Non-monetary methods
-[] Allow delinquent members

More dues reduces membership but increases income. Allowing delinquent members offsets the membership decrease but you also get less income. Allowing Non-monetary methods allows your members to pay in forms like food, stolen software, or other types of material support, but doesn't translate well to funding for other activities.

[] Intra-org mutual aid building (0/?)

Building a mutual aid network for organizational members can help out an incredible amount. Needing 5 progress for each individual member, the network will help pay for things like rent, debt, food, and vehicle maintenance. If non-monetary methods of dues payment are allowed, then members will be able to directly give each other excess canned goods, man-hours for whatever skills they have, or spare materials for projects. Provides a boost to funds equivalent to the percentage of the org covered.

Once started, any spare funds left over from a turn will be dumped into the mutual aid organization.

[] Set up a bail fund for members ? Funds

In case any members get arrested and placed on bail, this fund can help get them out, and any excess can go towards court fees. Won't prevent members from losing their case, and sometimes a member will get a bail that's too large to realistically pay, but will help with most of the bullshit charges.

[] Manage online presence.
-[] Social Media Accounts: 2 funds, 0 per turn.
-[] Personal Website: 10 funds, -5 per turn.
-[] Mobile App: 100 funds, -10 per turn.

Making an online presence can increase recruitment and increase the effectiveness of other actions such as putting candidates up for election. Only use an action for initial creation.

[] Make a newspaper.
-[] Local: 15 funds, -2 per turn.
-[] National: 100 funds, -10 per turn.
-[] Many local across core region: 200 funds, -20 per turn.

Making newspapers can increase recruitment and increase the effectiveness of other actions such as putting candidates up for election. Their effectiveness for recruitment will decline over time, but their effect on ideological cohesion will never fade. Only use an action for initial creation.

[] Encourage and assist members in receiving martial arts training. ? Funds

While martial arts won't stop a bullet, it can stop a mugging or assault. Useful in a variety of ways, best of all keeping members fit and healthy, this will provide a background boost to certain actions.

[] Stockpile guns and ammo. ? funds.

To complete is members/100. Roll 1d20 per funds. Rolling completion, decays 5% per turn representing use and action never disappears.

[] Train street medics/stockpile IFAKs. ? Funds

Street medics and IFAKs can be the difference between life or death in certain situations. It's always good to have someone who knows first aid on hand at the very least.

[] Start a gun club. ? funds.

Less unsavory in the eyes of both the public and the law compared to a militia or self defense group. Teaches members the importance of gun safety and helps teach people how to acquire guns under modern laws.

[] Assemble a self defense group. ? funds.

Uses 5 "guns & ammo" progress per fund. Get 1d20 community members who can respond to violence upon themselves more meaningfully than an untrained civilian.

[] Train militia. ? cadres.

More "militarized" than a self defense group. Uses 1 funds and 10 "guns & ammo" progress per cadre. Get 1d20 trained militia per cadre.

[] Organize protests about ?

Gets your name out there for both bad and good. Doesn't do much otherwise. Write-in option.

[] Attack organization building of ?
-[] ? times.
-[] Claim credit.

Write-in, can be an OTL organization or one of the other player organizations. Costs 1 wealth per building attacked. Note if it's discovered you did it, or if you claim credit, there will be consequences.

[] Make a public campaign defaming a rival person or group.
-[] Spend ? funds.

[] Send agitators to publicly speak supporting your cause.
-[] Online Spaces. ? funds.
-[] On the streets of cities. ? funds.
-[] In the workplaces of cities. ? funds.
-[] To rural towns. ? funds.
-[] To the farmworkers. ? funds.
-[] At parties of the rich. ? funds, min 20.
-[] In the lobbies of politicians. ? Funds.

Industrial Workers of the World
3946 Supporters
88 Funds
4 Actions
[] Organize Retail Unions. Current Focus: Starbucks (1027/25000) ? Funds

[] Organize Cincinnati Tenant Unions (0/1400) ? Funds

[] Coordinate with Truckers to organize the rest of the trucking industry (0/20000) ? Funds

[] Integrate the nominally affiliated truckers union into the org, this won't be a one step process, and some truckers might still be upset at having been helped by dirty commies, but more dues paying members never hurt.

[] Setup Cincinnati Housing Co-ops (0/2200) ? Funds

[] Unionize Financial and Banking workers in the Northeast (0/15000) ? Funds

Internationalist Workers' Group
895 Supporters
29 Funds
3 Actions
[] Organize and educate tenants and renters in the Madison area (0/2000) ? Funds

[] Organize and educate retail workers in the Madison area (0/4000) ? Funds

[] Organize and educate industrial workers in the Madison area (0/4000) ? Funds

[] Organize and educate university workers in the Madison area (0/7000) ? Funds

[] Organize and educate university students in the Madison area (0/7000) ? Funds

[] Turn the ground floor of the office into a small bookshop of translated left communist works and other radical literature. ? Funds. -2 Funds per turn.

The Lime Wirers
485 Supporters
9 Funds
3 Actions
[] Setup a youtube chemistry channel for a convincing front for why you need all these chemicals (6 funds)

[] Set up a pipeline for college textbooks to be digitized and shared for free. 10 Funds

[] In 2007 Antigua and Barbuda were told by the World Trade Organization that they are allowed to ignore American IP law. Let's set up a piracy website there to host various digital files. 5 Funds.

[] One of our members pitched an idea of "3D printing" to help free physical objects from copyright laws. Let's set up some of these brand now "RepRap" machines and see what we can do with them. ? Funds

[] Set up a phone jailbreaking circle in LA. Providing a free service for people to root their phones and get around pesky restrictions and uninstall unwanted corporate spyware and replace it with better stuff.

American Avant-Garde Literature Society
855 Supporters
14 Funds
3 Actions
[] Protest! In whatever form or fashion and against whatever topic the members fancy at the moment ? Funds

[] Saturate the internet with anti-war and leftist memes!

[] Recruit Veterans to speak out against the wars overseas and the American Empire. (0/?) ? Funds

[] Work with Food Not Bombs to distribute free food across Chicago. (55/?) ? Funds

[] Faith is the center of most peoples lives, faith in god, faith in the future, faith in their fellow human beings. Why not construct a new religion *for* the future and all of those faiths? One to unite everyone in spirit and let them know they are all loved regardless of what form that faith takes?

Federation of Libertarian Municipality
424 Supporters
7 Funds
2 Actions
[] Organize Tenant Unions in NYC (0/5000) ? Funds

[] Organize shanty towns in the cracks of New York (4/?) ? Funds

[] Entire subdivisions in exurbs are being scooped up by banks and abandoned. Repurpose some in Vermont, Connecticut, and upstate New York. (0/?) ? Funds

Cyborg Party
692 Supporters
15 Funds
3 Actions
[] Connect with student researchers at local universities. ? Funds

[] Organize a coordinating committee to form ideas to implement posthumanism in local communities. 3 Funds.

[] Agitate for animal rights. ? Funds

[] Initiate rewilding programs in local communities. ? Funds

[] Put some funds towards the maker-spaces you're involved in and see what people can do with some new tools. ? Funds

[] Hardwired Horizons is a hit, at least in terms of indie-TTRPGs, the writers have expressed ideas for some expansions, this could further increase sales, and help expand upon parts of our ideology that we feel were not on par with the rest upon release. 2 Funds

American Workers' Party
403 Supporters
11 Funds
2 Actions
[] Set up experimental councils in Chicago neighborhoods to attempt to address hyperlocal issues. ? Funds

[] Unionize membership workplaces (0/4030) ? Funds

[] Start up a mutual aid group in Chicago for members. (97/2015) ? Funds

[] Down with the HOAs! Up with the villages! Advocate in communities with and without HOAs for restructuring of property lines and street-side layouts to make suburbs more conducive to a community. (0/?) ? Funds

[] Take a focus to local elections in your areas of operation, advocating for more locally focused democracy, and addressing of issues commonly left outside of campaign ads.

The Future Foundation
115 Supporters
4 Funds
1 Actions
[] Buy up cheap foreclosed property to speculate with and/or flip quickly. ? Funds

[] Short stocks. ? Funds

[] Give financial advice workshops and seminars of excellent quality. ? Funds

[] Ask Supporters to donate funding from family and friends to support The Future!™️

The New October Movement
635 Supporters
17 Funds
3 Actions
[] Reach out to minority groups, and those in Atlanta's slums. Identifying what help they need and want. ? Funds

[] Attempt to organize Georgian farm-workers. (0/3000) ? Funds

[] Connect with prison support groups and set up a bail fund.

[] The March Tornado Relief Efforts were fantastically received, and we have many new members from it. Some of our members, old residents of New Orleans, have pointed out the city is still decimated from Katrina. Let's repeat such efforts in that city, expanding our reach, and expending our cash. ? Funds

Voluntary Human Defense & Survival Movement
515 Supporters
14 Funds
3 Actions
[] Ensure all members are stocked and supplied in case of an emergency (0/7300) ? Funds

[] Set up zombie drills that happen at frequent intervals to ensure readiness of members. 4 Funds -2 Funds a turn.

[] Organize a committee to organize camping trips for members to meet, greet, and practice survival skills. 3 Funds -1 Fund a turn.

[] While our log cabin centered tent city sure is cozy, it can't sustain it's own population in the long term. Let's set up a food forest on the property. 5 Funds.

Bash Back!
937 Supporters
15 Funds
3 Actions
[] Plaster Queer graffiti everywhere, leaving tips on how to keep safe, posting resources on walls, and letting people know they are loved and not alone. ? Funds

[] Connect with gay bars in the Seattle Area

[] Connect with gay bars in the Southern California Area

[] Our youth organizing efforts did… not go well. But we can redouble our efforts and come at it from a few different angles. Some of our members might be harassed by the police or arrested on trumped up charges, but every life helped could potentially be another life saved.

1638 Supporters
27 Funds
4 Actions
[] Keep up the pressure on Scientology, try digging up dirt on them and some mild infiltration both physical and digital.

[] Vet existing and new membership for infosec knowledge and kick out those that are a liability.

[] Improve the cybersecurity and quality of life of 4san, your digital meeting place for Anonymous. While improvements were made, more can always be refined.

[] Along with a "red vs. blue" digital wargame, the workshopping committee has proposed we expand the concept into meatspace. Most hacking that takes place is via the weakest link, the human operator. While Anonymous does not own any physical infrastructure outside of 4san's server to practice in-person social engineering, phone calls can be added to the wargames. Spoofing phone numbers is a simple matter and setting up numbers to call that aren't attached to any specific member is possible.

[] Two hacker conferences are taking place in the third quarter of 2008, HOPE and DEFCON. Anonymous has members who have gone to these events in the past, are white hat/grey hat hackers, and who have a trustworthy reputation. They will attend and send back the information they learn.

[] With members having a high likelihood of being in the tech industry, we can increase that likelihood by reaching out to their coworkers and recruiting them. This should ensure smoother operations against tech companies if it comes down to that.

[] While attacking organizations through electronic means is fun and all, to make it useful we should look up declassified (or maybe still classified…?) documents from the FBI and friends on how to break up organizations.

Progressive Labor Party
203 Supporters
6 Funds
1 Actions
[] Organize migrant workers in NYC (0/2000) ? Funds

[] Coordinate with Mexico branch for operations in the American South-West. 5 Funds

[] Initiate outreach for minorities and LGBT workers in NYC. ? Funds

A/N: Added some new universal actions!
-[X][FLM] Plan: FLM2008Q3 : Suburbia
--[X] Allow dues
---[X] Medium
---[X] Allow delinquent members
---[X] Allow non-monetary methods
--[X] Entire subdivisions in exurbs are being scooped up by banks and abandoned. Repurpose some in Vermont, Connecticut, and upstate New York. (0/?) 7 Fund

edit: actually need dues to operate further
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[x][IWG] Plan: Organs of Intervention (2008Q3)
(29/29 funds) (3/3 actions)
-[x] Manage online presence.
--[x] Personal website. 10 funds, –5 per turn.
-[x] Make a newspaper.
--[x] Local. 15 funds, –2 per turn.
-[x] Turn the ground floor of the office into a small bookshop of translated left communist works and other radical literature. 4 funds, –2 per turn.
[X][ANON] Plan: Let's avoid being Epic Fail Guys (2008Q3)
9/27/27 funds)(4/4 actions)
-[X] Intra-org mutual aid building (0/?). 27 funds.
-[X] Keep up the pressure on Scientology, try digging up dirt on them and some mild infiltration both physical and digital.
-[X] Along with a "red vs. blue" digital wargame, the workshopping committee has proposed we expand the concept into meatspace. Most hacking that takes place is via the weakest link, the human operator. While Anonymous does not own any physical infrastructure outside of 4san's server to practice in-person social engineering, phone calls can be added to the wargames. Spoofing phone numbers is a simple matter and setting up numbers to call that aren't attached to any specific member is possible.
-[X] Two hacker conferences are taking place in the third quarter of 2008, HOPE and DEFCON. Anonymous has members who have gone to these events in the past, are white hat/grey hat hackers, and who have a trustworthy reputation. They will attend and send back the information they learn.