Terrans in Remnant: Strategic Warfare [Starcraft/Ruby]

[X] plan a serious proposal with one funny bit.
-[X] Name: Winter Terra
-[X] Appearance: http://orig12.deviantart.net/7fdf/f/2015/219/8/7/winter_schnee_by_21as-d94osur.png
-[X] Born to one of the Minor branch famlies of the Terra family Winter served several years in the Confederate Military as an Aide-de-camp to a high ranking officer. After mustering out she swallowed her pride used her family's connections to get assigned as the Magistrate to a backwater colony as far away from her former CO as possible, barely escaping the tragedies that befell the Terra family by virtue of distance. By some charm, a degree of wit and a great deal of Force of Will she had dragged her colony out of being the cesspit it was under her predecessor and was making in roads to improving the ecomeny when Tarsonis fell. During the chaos that followed she saw the writing on the wall and ordered the evacuation of her world. To work around the low quality navigation computers of the evacuation ships she slaved them to her personal ship's own systems. This proved to be a grave error as a Son of Korhal saboteur had tampered with the programing with the intention of causing them to warp right into their deaths. Rather than killing them they found themselves in orbit of an unknown but habitable world which they were forced to land on as their ships were failing due to the stresses the misjump placed on them.
-[X] motivation: Shortly before leaving the military her unit was dispatched to put down a rebel group on a modestly successful agricultural world. after three fruitless months of playing cat and mouse with the rebel band the Colonel ordered a group of resoced marines to gather up the families of known rebels and execute them in a public broadcast. Winter. who had been sheltered from that side of the Confederacy previously protested the action but was ignored. two months after the rebel band died in a grief fueled suicide mission to attack the Unit HQ Winter resigned her commissioned and used the family's connections to become a Magistrate of a remote frontier world, hoping to redeem herself in her own eyes for her failure to stop her former CO.
-[X] skills: She is a charming and capable administrator with experience in managing both a large military unit and a small colony. While she has no direct combat experience of her own she has a talent for engineering and defensive tatics.
-[X] flaws: She can be quite stubborn at times and her pride renders her unwilling to seek out aid

Alright, So that translates into the advantages IQ 13 [60], Status 3 [15], and Charisma 1 [5], the Disadvantage Stubborness [-5], and the skills Strategy (Defensive) 14 [4], Administration 15 [8], Diplomacy 12 [2], Engineer (Civil) 12 [2], Engineer (Mining) 12 [2], Accounting 12 [2], Tactics 12 [2], Mathematics (Applied) 12 [2], and Savoir Faire (High Society) 13 [1].

Gimme a bit and I'll let you make plans for your starting location and resources.
been doing some scheming and have some ideas for starting out.

idea 1: walls
bit ooc but the Grimm ill be a major worry once we set down. to deal with this i'm proposing that we use the hull plates of some of our ships to build defensive walls around our colony. put a tower on the corners and every 250 to 500 meters with a missle tower on top and firing platform underneath. this should give us solid AA and sensor coverage. between the towers at 50 meter increments should be a mini bunker poking out over the lip of the wall with a pair of auto turrets that use the same ammo as the C-14s on the underside of the bunker portion poking out over the wall. Towers should have three of these things on the underside of the firing platform.

idea 2: housing
last week my uncle visited and we had a conversation about mini arcologies that would house and feed hundreds of people each and we came up with a design that would work here.

each building would be 200x200 feet with seven floors and a basement. top floor woulde be a greenhouse made up of 800 4 foot x 4 foot squares of soil with paths between them. according to a book my uncle has each one of those squares of soil can handle one person's food needs excluding meats and grains.

floors 2-6 would be housing and would have 30 12,000 sqaure foot aparments on each floor meaning that you could house between 150-600 people in each building assuming 4 people per room max. each residential floor would have 3600 sq feet for elevators, utilities and communal facilities. the ground floor would be a common area for social and recreation uses. it could also have a cafeteria for the residents. the basement would be split between utilities and an aquaculture set up allowing the mini-arcology to supply at least part of the meat needs of the residents.

cool little tidbit: using this set up you could fit the entire population of the united states in a 50 mile x 50 mile square including transportation infrastructure.
@Silversun17 walls and auto turrets and missile turrets. That will deal with everything outside and then make a new set of walls within firing range of old wall guns, repeat for expansion. Make spaceport to make ships for asteroid mining for resources to make walls.
@Silversun17 walls and auto turrets and missile turrets. That will deal with everything outside and then make a new set of walls within firing range of old wall guns, repeat for expansion.

we should pace the wall building with population and infasturue growth. we don't want to overextend what we can support.

Make spaceport to make ships for asteroid mining for resources to make walls.
we're likely gonna be moon mining because of how its been cracked open. also rather than endless expanding our walls sending resources for the defenses of the other kingdoms is gonna be a MASSIVE diplomatic boon and will make us the darlings of just about everyone other than the crazies.
use the extra area as places for dust mines, the more land we can get the more dust we can harvest as well.
no guarantee that dust deposits will be in an area our main defenses will cover. might be better to have prefab defenses we can use shuttles and SCVs to rapidly deploy at our mining sites and move to a new spot once the deposit is used up or the area is not worth holding.
no guarantee that dust deposits will be in an area our main defenses will cover. might be better to have prefab defenses we can use shuttles and SCVs to rapidly deploy at our mining sites and move to a new spot once the deposit is used up or the area is not worth holding.
still more land is always a good thing, we could have the Faunus groups who want to immigrate come over to join us. plus farms.
Argh. Sorry guys, I'm afraid I have too much going on to work on this. Just as well that i call it off now.