Tales of Magic and Parahumans (MLP:FIM Worm Dynasty Quest)

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I'm a fan of CK2 style dynasty quests, so I decided to put together one that incorporates a few...
Civilization Traits
Civilization Traits Sheet​

Equus Factions:
These factions originate from Equus, which is filled with magic. This is a world filled with wonder and excitement, but also hidden dangers. This world mainly turns to magic, and has not reached major technological heights. Also, humans don't exist here, at all.

Factional Benefit:

Experience with Magic: Everyone can access magic in one way or another from birth, and there are a number of recognized ways to use it. In addition, given enough time and power, magic can be used to do almost anything. (Reduction in magic action costs, slight bonus to all rolls)

Factional Disadvantage:

Slow Technological Growth: Since everyone can use magic, pure technological research is slowed. That said, technomagic is a thing, and knowledge, however gained, is still knowledge. (Slight malus to pure tech research)

Factional Trait:

Random Chance: Weird stuff happens practically on a weekly basis here. The locals have pretty much learned to roll with it. (Each non-magic action gains 1 extra roll, determine if anything extra occurs, whether positive or negative)

Magic Saturated Environment: The presence of magic has caused most living things to evolve in such a way to take advantage of magic. This means that the local flora and fauna exhibit odd properties. (Local flora and fauna have unusual or additional properties, eugenics programs often result in unforeseen traits)

Changeling Council of Queens:

Changelings are THE spies of Equus. Whenever someone thinks of someone sneaking, trying to get into places where they shouldn't be, or kidnapping and replacing someone, chances are, they are assuming the person is a changeling. Changelings are insectoid quadrupeds, with wings and horns. They can often be identified by their black carapace, green insectoid eyes, and the numerous holes throughout their bodies. Changelings feed off of the love of other species, and are capable of shapeshifting. They are led by a council of queens, and the majority of hives are located near towns.


Masters of Disguise: Changelings are fully capable of shapeshifting, and are, with very good reason, considered the ultimate spies. (Major bonus to all Intrigue actions)


Chrysalis' Actions: Chrysalis, a young foolhardy queen, recently attempted to take over the country of Equestria by kidnapping and replacing Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. She was revealed and defeated, but her actions caused most Changelings to be looked at with suspicion, since Chrysalis had recently joined the Council of Queens. (Beginning diplomatic relations with all nations at Unfriendly, diplomatic actions concerning Equestria and the Crystal Empire gain slight malus)


Love Hungry: While Changelings can subsist off of physical food, they gain the greatest amount of nutrition by passively absorbing the excess positive emotions of surrounding non-Changelings. They can actively drain non-Changelings, but this leads to rapid health degradation of the non-Changeling that is drained. (All Changeling hives must be located near non-Changeling settlements, such as towns or cities, or hives must be altered to serve as suitable residences for non-Changelings)

Insect Instincts: Each Changeling is connected to every other Changeling in the same hive by a subconscious hive mind. The queen is connected to every other changeling in her hive, is capable of consciously asking the hive mind about the general populace's opinion on certain matters, and thus can tell how happy her subjects are with her rule, and how to get her hive to do what she wants without any problems. This means that rebellions don't really happen a lot. (Civic order bonus, massively reduced chance of rebellion)
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Character and Bonus Sheet


Name: Queen Osirinia

Date of Birth: 983 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)

Titles: Queen of Rhodendra Hive

Diplomacy: 11+3+2=16 (You are decent at the games of politics, and your charity has made you more popular.)

Martial: 20+2+2=24 (You are excellent with a weapon, so much so that some of your bodyguards joke that you should have been named Buzzkill.)

Stewardship: 17+2=19 (You are very good at managing finances, both your own and those of the hive.)

Intrigue: 13+2+2=17 (Your skills of transformation are excellent, as are your use of them.)

Magic: 12+2+2=16 (You are more magically powerful than most people, and you have the skill to use that power wisely.)

Learning: 19+2=21 (You are an official graduate from one of Canterlot's universities of magic.)

Trait: Charitable-You love to give (+3 Diplomacy)

Trait: Genius-You are more brilliant than your fellows. (+2 all stats, +20% Fertility, counts as 2 traits, heritable)

Trait: Changeling Queen-You are a Changeling Queen. That means that you're the boss of an entire Hive, in addition to being a Changeling. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, +2 Magic, may spend personal actions to gain bonuses to actions and negate morale loss)


DD: By paying twice the cost of the project, add 20 to all rolls.

QA: Add relevant stat of Queen to roll. Warning, some actions cannot have this bonus applied to them.

Trade Bonus: All trade income is multiplies by 1.5.

Hive Defense Bonus: +10 to all hive defense rolls.
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Economics and Diplomacy
Diplomatic Standing Of Rhodendra Hive​

Equestria: Neutral

Crystal Empire: Neutral

Gryphon Empire: Neutral

Deer Clans: Neutral

Dragon Nests: Neutral

Seapony Cities: Neutral

Diamond Dog Packs: Neutral

Harpy Eyries: Neutral

Unknown: Unknown

Economic Activity of Rhodendra Hive​

For the purposes of trade and action costs, all currency is in Bits​


Fishing – 100 Bits

Farming – 350 Bits

Mining – 0 Bits

Trade – 50 Bits

Rent - 1000 Bits


Hive Upkeep – 25 Bits

Military Upkeep – N/A

Town Maintenance Upkeep-250 Bits

Net Income:

1225 Bits

Current Treasury:

3775 Bits

Economic Status:

Damaged But Recoverable

Food Status:

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Turn 1
Season 1, Year 1​

"Remind me, WHY did that absolute MORON Chrysalis EVER get put in charge of a hive again?"

"I have no idea, Queen Osirinia. Surely it couldn't be due to her mother passing away, with no other sub-queens in the hive to challenge her for the position of Queen. Oh wait-"

"Yes, yes, yes, I get it. I'm just annoyed is all. I mean, let's take a look at what's happened because that impatient bitch couldn't wait for the Council to send aid, shall we? Because of her actions, Changeling Hives throughout Equus have to deal with the fact that their neighbors are suddenly looking at them like the Changelings are going to kidnap them, diplomatic relation between all the nations could best be described as 'Frosty', and I'm pretty damn certain that her actions are a major reason why the town we've lived next to for the past few decades emptied out in a year. That and those weird rumors of some sort of doorway thing. They literally sold us the entire town. Ugh, we need to get this fixed and SOON, before we starve."

"Well my Queen, we do have other, slightly-less-pressing issues to deal with. Fortunately, I, your royal advisor, have possible solutions to these problems. First, we do need to take care of the food issue. Fortunately, there is a large area of land suitable for farming near the Hive. That could draw in some ponies interested in food or plant-based ingredients, which would be a start to the population."

"Sounds reasonable. Maybe we could try to see if it has anything worth mining, which might bring in some miners."

"Second, the town. We could rent it out to people, but we'll probably need to do some advertising, and put ponies at ease so they won't be afraid that we'll kidnap and impersonate them."

"Yeah, sounds good. Maybe we could try to find out if there's anything to those floating doorway rumors, if there is, then scientists might come flocking in."

"Third, sub-queens, or rather, the lack of them. If you die, and I'm not saying that you're going to die anytime soon, just acknowledging that you can die, then Rhodendra Hive is basically boned."

"Where did that expression even come from? But yeah, I get what you're trying to say. I'm just not quite ready yet. I'll start looking soon though, I promise. Anyway, is that all?"

"Let me check…yep. That's everything that needed to be brought up. By the way, is there anyway I could get some help? I'm basically doing the jobs of at least 3 'lings here, and I can't keep this pace up forever."

"All right, I'll keep my eyes open. Now if you'll excuse me, I also have some work I need to get done."

Nodding, Sir Thorax left your room. It was a nice room, with a few pictures of your recently deceased mother, Queen Apinia. She was a good Queen, and left the hive in a good shape, if rather lacking in warriors. She had died the previous year, and you privately thank the First Mother that she didn't live long enough to see that utter moron Chrysalis' actions and the trouble they brought. It was a stroke of brilliance, establishing a Hive near an area where a number of races gathered. It was a nice little cycle of life thing, with farmers in the town, along with the little businesses that ponies like, harpies in the mountains, seaponies selling fish in the lake that was connected to the ocean, deer in the nearby forest doing…deer things, and gryphons coming in because apparently this place was considered very relaxing by their tourists and soldiers.

Then something happened in the oceans, and the seaponies had to leave and go take care of whatever it was. Not that most people were complaining, cause let's face it, seaponies are pretty unnerving to be around at the best of times. Then the Gryphon Empire had some sort of trouble, probably caused by the fact that they're pretty much surrounded, and the natural desire for more stuff. Standard Gryphon Empire actions, doubtless things would be back to normal in a year or three. The deer became more reclusive, due to the fact that one of their seers gave a prophecy of something or other. Then, Chrysalis decided that she wanted to take over Equestria, and combined with the weird rumors, suddenly the ponies didn't want to be around this place. The harpies quit coming down as much, mainly due to the fact that most of your Hive has no clue how to fish, and suddenly, things are not looking good for Hive Rhodendra.

Thankfully, the harpies still come down, so you don't have to worry about starving this year. But ultimately, the Hive is in trouble, and as Queen, you are responsible for fixing the problems.

"Well, time to get to work."

Turn Directions: You will have a random number of choices for each category. Some choices will need multiple turns to complete. I will roll a simple 1d100 +/- modifiers for the successes. You possess the Double Down Bonus and the Queen's Aid Bonus (QA is activated by choosing Using The Hive Mind in the Personal Action section). Each turn takes up 1 Season. I will have a survey up in a few hours, to allow for discussion.

Starting Resources: 2500 Bits. This is a rough measure of how much of the various kinds of money you have acquired, and can spend.

Military: With your natural military brilliance, it's obvious to anyone in the hive that you are an amazingly deadly fighter. If you had more time to work on this, you could probably get your soldiers to show that same flair, of course, first you'll have to build up your military. (Choose 1)

Mandatory Training – Your mother, Queen Apinia, was not a violent person. You would even go so far as to call her a pacifist. Now, that isn't a bad thing, but considering recent events, you've started to think that maybe having s few warriors who know what they're doing might be useful, in case something dangerous happens. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 250 Bits (100 Bits per turn upkeep increase). Chance: 100%. Reward: Basic Levies.

Looking for Advisor – You think that maybe having an advisor experienced in military matters might ease the workload on both yourself and Sir Thorax. After all, you're a born warrior. How hard could it be find someone up to your standards in this Hive? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 95%. Reward: Military Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Hive Defense Drills – Equestria is a peaceful nation, but you think that maybe making sure everyone in the Hive knows what to do in the event that the Hive is attacked might be a good thing in any case. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Bonus to hive defense rolls.

Diplomacy: Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, has presented you several ways that he thinks the current diplomatic relations could be improved. Fortunately, your charity brought you some goodwill, which you might be able to use. (Choose 1)

Damage Control – Chrysalis' actions have caused suspicion to be cast on every Changeling Hive in Equestria, the Gryphon Empire, and in the Deer Forests. You most certainly do not want a witch hunt going on, so soothing the ruffled feathers and coats of the nations at large at the diplomatic meeting might be a good thing. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 60% per nation. Reward: Diplomatic opinion of Changelings goes up, witch hunts become less likely, possible immigrants?

Looking for Advisor – While you might be good at diplomacy, you admit that maybe having someone who could devote most of their time to it might be a good thing. It shouldn't be too hard to find a Changeling willing to do this job. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Diplomacy Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Stewardship: Again, Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, is here to help. Which is good, because you'd probably drown in all this paperwork without him. Who knew ruling a Hive full of Changelings brought so much paperwork? (Choose 1)

Farming, How Hard Can It Be? – The land is ripe for farming, so let's get to planting! If nothing else, it will draw in some merchants. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Farming income.

Looking for Gems – The land you can use for farming has shown a few signs of being mineral rich. Maybe a more detailed survey will reveal any subterranean goodies. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 50%(This is for if there is anything worth mining). Reward: Mining income, Immigrants.

Advertising – You need to draw in ponies, gryphons, deer, diamond dogs, or anything else that can feel love so your people don't starve. To do that, you have decided to rent parts of the town out to various ponies. After all, it can't hurt, because it will draw ponies in. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 55%. Reward: Immigrants, food supply remains at Stable.

Looking for Advisor – You are excellent with money, as the fact that you've been able to keep Rhodendra Hive afloat financially so far shows. However, you have too many responsibilities and too little time to be able to bring prosperity to the Hive by yourself. Maybe getting some help would be a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Stewardship Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Intrigue: Yet again, Sir Thorax is here to aid you. Matters of espionage are where the Changelings rule, with their shapeshifting abilities. Combine that with their empathy, and there's a reason master spies in fiction are often Changelings. Unfortunately, you can't devote to much time to this. (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – Changelings are natural infiltrators, interrogators, spies, and general agents of espionage. You know you will be able to find someone for this position. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Intrigue Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Information Network – While most of the races around here are hesitant to talk to you, the harpies are thankfully willing to talk in exchange for fish from the lake. Establishing a deal where you give them food in exchange for information on what they see might prove useful. Time: 1 Season. Chance: 75%. Cost: 150 Bits. Reward: Basic information network set up, harpies tell you things they find interesting.

Rumors, Is There Any Truth To One? – There have been rumors of some kind of glowing doorway, or some weird kind of portal. Apparently, if somepony looks through it, they can see another world. You're not too sure on this, but finding out and seeing if this has any truth to it might be a good idea. Or it could be a waste of time. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 50 Bits. Chance: 60%. Reward: Determine if weird portal thing is in your land.

Magic: Once again, Sir Thorax to offer the Queen of his Hive aid. Matters of magic are his favorite subjects to talk about, but he has occasionally said that he can't spend quite as much time here due to all the work his position has him do. (Choose 1)

Communication Magic – As the name implies, Communication Magic is magic primarily developed for allowing ponies to communicate with each other even when they are many miles apart. This can take a number of forms, from dragon's magic fire breath to crystal balls. If nothing else, you should be able to talk with the other Queens. Maybe it'll help prevent another Chrysalis from happening. Of course, first you'll have to find out what is or isn't useful. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Communication options become available.

Building Magic – This branch of magic is mainly used for buildings, structures, and public works. While Changeling Hives are thankfully low-maintenance, finding out ways to expand the town or keep it in good working order seems like a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Town options become available.

Medical Magic – No matter how careful or pacifistic someone is, the fact is that they're eventually going to have some sort of injury or sickness. Thus, medics around the globe have put together extensive times on medical spells. Going through them should be able to improve the quality of life in the Hive. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Medical options become available.

Research: And yet again, Sir Thorax is here, showing you what might be useful. Huh, he really is working hard. Maybe you should try getting him some assistants? (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – You are a genius. You're not boasting, but stating a simple fact. However, your ability to multitask is limited, and you have an entire Hive to rule. Therefore, finding someone who can take over for you in the Research and Development area would be useful. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 95%. Reward: Research Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Education Improvement – While your mother was an excellent ruler, the fact is that the current schools in the Hive are a bit lacking when compared to the schools in Equestria. Maybe you could improve this by implementing a few reforms based on what you saw and experienced in the Universities of Canterlot? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Higher success chance of all Research actions.

Farming Techniques – You have a large amount of land suitable for growing things. Unfortunately, neither you nor Sir Thorax know more than the basics of farming. Finding out more ought to make things easier. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Modifier to all Farming Income.

Mining Knowledge – You only have the simplest ideas of how this works, and you're pretty certain that it's a bit more complicated than 'take pickaxe, strike ground with it, collect gems'. If you're planning on mining, then finding out more of it can't hurt. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Modifier to all Mining Income.

Basics of Advertising – Changelings need other races to survive. This is one of the most important things every 'ling learns, no matter what caste they're in. Finding out how to draw more ponies in can only be a good thing. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: More people come whenever they immigrate to the town.

Personal Action: You refuse to let being the Queen take up all of your time. Unfortunately, it does take up more of it that you thought it would. Relaxation time is always helpful, and you can work on a few projects of your own during your free time. Or you could access the Hive Mind again. Either works. (Choose 1)

Using The Hive Mind – The Hive Mind. The subconscious web that connects every single Changeling born to the same Hive. As Queen, you can consciously connect to the Hive Mind, and find out what your populace desires most, and how to get them to follow you unquestioningly. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: May use Queen's Aid bonus on 1 project.

Looking for Advisors – You're using your own limited free time to finding advisors, so that you can have more free time. Ah well, at least you're getting out there and doing something. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: 1 Advisor in a category you do not already have an Advisor in. You may choose which type of Advisor you are looking for if there is more than 1 open Advisor slot.

Drone Selection – Drones are Changelings that are sent from Hive to Hive, to breed with the Queen of the Hive if she wants to and keep the genetic diversity of the Changeling race up if she doesn't. They travel from Hive to Hive, never staying in one place very long. After what happened to Hive Successor, the self-styled Hive Supreme, no-one is stupid enough to bar Drones from coming and going, and who knows, maybe having a daughter might be a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: May choose 1 Drone to breed with and produce 1 sub-queen.

Survey is now open.
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Turn 1 Results
Season 1, Year 1 Results
Year: 1002 ANM​

With your natural military brilliance, it's obvious to anyone in the hive that you are an amazingly deadly fighter. If you had more time to work on this, you could probably get your soldiers to show that same flair, of course, first you'll have to build up your military. (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – You think that maybe having an advisor experienced in military matters might ease the workload on both yourself and Sir Thorax. After all, you're a born warrior. How hard could it be find someone up to your standards in this Hive? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 95%. Reward: Military Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Well, you managed to find someone, and rather quickly too! His name is Carapace, and he has studied many different battles fought throughout history. He's more than willing to get some Changelings up and into a militia, and he has a few ideas on how they could be improved later. (53, Success, Military Advisor Secured)

Best of all, it looks like the military quarters are practically up and ready to go, despite their long period of disuse. (18, Something Was Preserved, No cost to Equipping Militia or Basic Army Units)

Diplomacy: Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, has presented you several ways that he thinks the current diplomatic relations could be improved. Fortunately, your charity brought you some goodwill, which you might be able to use. (Choose 1)

Damage Control – Chrysalis' actions have caused suspicion to be cast on every Changeling Hive in Equestria, the Gryphon Empire, and in the Deer Forests. You most certainly do not want a witch hunt going on, so soothing the ruffled feathers and coats of the nations at large at the diplomatic meeting might be a good thing. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 60% per nation. Reward: Diplomatic opinion of Changelings goes up, witch hunts become less likely, possible immigrants?

Well. This…did not go how you expected at all. You expected to not be believed, and you weren't at first. Amazingly, some of your bodyguards were the main reason why things turned out as well as they did. A few diplomats asked themselves why they should consider you and the other Changeling Queens any different from Chrysalis in their hearing at some bar, and your guards took offense to that. Long story short, the various nations have been educated on what effect the Hive Mind has on Changelings, how the Queens can use it, the differences between Chrysalis and a Queen who actually has their Hive's best interest in mind, and that Changelings can in fact get drunk. End result? Everyone understands that Chrysalis' action were not approved by any other queen, that the Council of Queens have no hostile intentions, and that you in particular don't intend on attacking anyone who doesn't attack you. It seems that a few tourists are coming back, which means that you can charge rent! Of course, you will have to put some of your money towards maintaining the town, but that's only reasonable. (119, Critical Success, Diplomatic Standing Uniformly Upgraded to Neutral, +1000 Bit Rent Income, +250 Bit Town Maintenance Expense)

Of course, when the various diplomats heard that people were moving back in, you did get a few 'donations', and a few comments about 'passing on any interesting tidbits you might hear'. You might be able to parley this to your advantage. (15, Something Brought You Money, + 1000 Bits In 'Donations', Potential Beginnings of Information Network?)

Stewardship: Again, Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, is here to help. Which is good, because you'd probably drown in all this paperwork without him. Who knew ruling a Hive full of Changelings brought so much paperwork? (Choose 1)

Farming, How Hard Can It Be? – The land is ripe for farming, so let's get to planting! If nothing else, it will draw in some merchants. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Farming income.

Well, your new fields have been planted, and it looks like everything's looking fine. No obvious problems, and as far as you can tell, the two separate fields idea seems to be working. (38, Pass, +250 Bits Farming Income, +50 Bits Trade Income)

Best of all, your new tourists were already of help. Some of the pony tourists are farmers, and they were willing to give you a few tips on crop handling and weed disposal. Thank goodness that diplomatic meeting went so well! (17, Something Flourished, Fewer Problems With Weeds, +100 Bits Farming Income)

Intrigue: Yet again, Sir Thorax is here to aid you. Matters of espionage are where the Changelings rule, with their shapeshifting abilities. Combine that with their empathy, and there's a reason master spies in fiction are often Changelings. Unfortunately, you can't devote to much time to this. (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – Changelings are natural infiltrators, interrogators, spies, and general agents of espionage. You know you will be able to find someone for this position. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Intrigue Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

You now have your Intrigue Advisor. Her name is Metamorphia, and in the demonstration part of the application, she managed to sneak her way into your bedchambers, while it was being guarded, by pretending to be one of the guards. (61, Success, Intrigue Advisor Secured)

If you believed in higher powers, you'd think that someone was looking out for you. Things have come together to create a wonderful planting ground for the seeds of your information network. All you have to do now, is get it started. (17, Something Flourished, Information Network Easier to set up)

Magic: Once again, Sir Thorax to offer the Queen of his Hive aid. Matters of magic are his favorite subjects to talk about, but he has occasionally said that he can't spend quite as much time here due to all the work his position has him do. (Choose 1)

Communication Magic – As the name implies, Communication Magic is magic primarily developed for allowing ponies to communicate with each other even when they are many miles apart. This can take a number of forms, from dragon's magic fire breath to crystal balls. If nothing else, you should be able to talk with the other Queens. Maybe it'll help prevent another Chrysalis from happening. Of course, first you'll have to find out what is or isn't useful. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Communication options become available.

Well, Sir Thorax has done it, and he does not have very good news. Given the current magical landscape of the Hive and the surrounding area, there aren't a whole lot of options available. Mirror magic is always an option, where you can talk through mirrors, but not send anything through it. Magic letter and package transportation, like dragons do naturally will work, though it will be rather tiring. Magic to speed up messengers will work. Apart from that? You don't have a lot of options here. (24, Few Options Currently Available, New Options Available Next turn)

Well…that was a bit of a kick right to the hope. Turns out that one of the local leylines was unstable enough that it recently destabilized the rest in such a way that it made mirror-based communication magic unusable. Well, there goes that option. (6, Something Withered, 1 Potential Option Lost)

Research: And yet again, Sir Thorax is here, showing you what might be useful. Huh, he really is working hard. Maybe you should try getting him some assistants? (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – You are a genius. You're not boasting, but stating a simple fact. However, your ability to multitask is limited, and you have an entire Hive to rule. Therefore, finding someone who can take over for you in the Research and Development area would be useful. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 95%. Reward: Research Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

No one. Not a single Changeling in the entire Hive has the qualities you seek to be the head of your R&D Department. Well, this was a waste of time. (5, Fail, No Research Advisor)

You don't know why, but you have the strangest feeling that something…odd happened somewhere nearby. Maybe you should have some people take a look and see if anything's changed? (16, Something Responded, ???? appeared)

Personal Action: You refuse to let being the Queen take up all of your time. Unfortunately, it does take up more of it that you thought it would. Relaxation time is always helpful, and you can work on a few projects of your own during your free time. Or you could access the Hive Mind again. Either works. (Choose 1)

Using The Hive Mind – The Hive Mind. The subconscious web that connects every single Changeling born to the same Hive. As Queen, you can consciously connect to the Hive Mind, and find out what your populace desires most, and how to get them to follow you unquestioningly. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: May use Queen's Aid bonus on 1 project.

You decided to use what little time you could spare to find the Changelings you thought would be most useful in your desire to avoid Changeling Witch Hunts, and the results were definitely worth the trouble.
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Turn 2
Sorry this took so long, but here is the new update.

Season 2, Year 1​

Year 1002 ANM​

"Well Sir Thorax, I must say, things certainly went much better than I expected them to."

"In all fairness my queen, I don't think anyone expected that some of your bodyguards getting drunk would lead to better diplomatic relations for Changelings across Equus. In all likelihood, this was a one-time thing. Anyway, things are certainly looking up. Now that ponies have moved back into the town, we don't have to worry about starving. With the fields up, we have a source of income."

"Yes, and now that I've gotten some 'lings to serve as advisors, I have more time to myself. I think I'll use it to help out around the hive more." (Due to your acquisition of Advisors, and thus acquisition of more personal time, you have gained +1 QA bonus per turn. Spend it wisely.)

"Excellent, your help would always be appreciated. Although, if I may make a suggestion? You may want to occasionally take a stroll around the hive and town. I find it does wonders for stress, and who knows, you might find something interesting o your walk."

"Thank you for the suggestion Thorax. I'll keep it in mind. Now then, let's get on with the workings of the Hive, shall we?"

Military: You have recently acquired a new advisor specializing in military matters, named Carapace. With his knowledge and you natural skill, you pity any fool who dares attack the Hive. (Choose 2)

Mandatory Training – Your mother, Queen Apinia, was not a violent person. You would even go so far as to call her a pacifist. Now, that isn't a bad thing, but considering recent events, you've started to think that maybe having s few warriors who know what they're doing might be useful, in case something dangerous happens. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 250 Bits (100 Bits per turn upkeep increase). Chance: 100%. Reward: Basic Levies.

Hive Defense Drills – Equestria is a peaceful nation, but you think, and Carapace agrees here, that maybe making sure everyone in the Hive knows what to do in the event that the Hive is attacked might be a good thing in any case. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Bonus to hive defense rolls.

Armory Inventory – You and your new advisor both agreed that the armory being full was certainly a stroke of fortune. However, Carapace thinks that it might be a good idea to check out what kind of equipment it has, so you know what kind of troops you can raise, relatively speaking. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 100 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: New troops can be raised.

Diplomacy: Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, has presented you several ways that he thinks the current diplomatic relations could be improved. Fortunately, your charity brought you some goodwill, which you might be able to use. (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – While you might be good at diplomacy, you admit that maybe having someone who could devote most of their time to it might be a good thing. It shouldn't be too hard to find a Changeling willing to do this job. Now that a crisis isn't practically breathing down your neck, you think that you should focus on this. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Diplomacy Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Stewardship: Again, Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, is here to help. Which is good, because you'd probably drown in all this paperwork without him. Who knew ruling a Hive full of Changelings brought so much paperwork? (Choose 1)

Looking for Gems – The land you are using for farming has shown a few signs of being mineral rich. Maybe a more detailed survey will reveal any subterranean goodies. If it does, though, then you are going to have some annoying choices ahead of you Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 50% (This is for if there is anything worth mining). Reward: New options.

Advertising – With the success of the diplomatic conference drawing in tourists, but you would like more ponies to come. After all, the more people there are, the smaller the chance of your Hive starving becomes. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 55%. Reward: Immigrants.

Looking for Advisor – You are excellent with money, as the fact that you've been able to keep Rhodendra Hive afloat financially so far shows. However, you have too many responsibilities and too little time to be able to bring prosperity to the Hive by yourself. Maybe getting some help would be a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Stewardship Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

Intrigue: Metamorphia, your new advisor, is a sneaky Changeling. You were described as a sneaky Changeling at school, and yet you must admit that in matters of stealth, Metamorphia is your superior. Thank the First Mother that she has no desire to rule. (Choose 2)

Town Gossips – Metamorphia thinks that the new tourists would be a wonderful source of interesting rumors. Assigning a few 'lings to bring her, and though her, you, particularly intriguing gossip might be worthwhile. Time: 2 Seasons. Chance: 80%. Cost: 500 Bits. Reward: Town Information Network established, common ponies' opinions become available, interesting gossip?

International "Discussions" – Gryphons, ponies, diamond dogs, and dragons approached you during the diplomatic conference, and ah, 'gave' you Bits. In return, they would be extremely grateful if you gave them some information. Maybe you could make this a more permanent thing? Time: 3 Seasons. Chance: 75%. Cost: 1000 Bits. Reward: International Information Network established, International News Section Unlocked.

Information Network – While most of the races around here are still slightly hesitant to talk to you, the harpies are thankfully willing to talk in exchange for fish from the lake. Establishing a deal where you give them food in exchange for information on what they see might prove useful. Time: 1 Season. Chance: 75%. Cost: 150 Bits. Reward: Harpy information network set up, harpies tell you things they find interesting.

Rumors, Is There Any Truth To One? – There have been rumors of some kind of glowing doorway, or some weird kind of portal. Apparently, if somepony looks through it, they can see another world. You're not too sure on this, but finding out and seeing if this has any truth to it might be a good idea. Or it could be a waste of time. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 50 Bits. Chance: 65%. Reward: Determine if weird portal thing is in your land.

Magic: Once again, Sir Thorax to offer the Queen of his Hive aid. Matters of magic are his favorite subjects to talk about, but he has occasionally said that he can't spend quite as much time here due to all the work his position has him do. (Choose 1)

Building Magic – This branch of magic is mainly used for buildings, structures, and public works. While Changeling Hives are thankfully low-maintenance, finding out ways to expand the town or keep it in good working order seems like a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Town options become available.

Medical Magic – No matter how careful or pacifistic someone is, the fact is that they're eventually going to have some sort of injury or sickness. Thus, medics around the globe have put together extensive times on medical spells. Going through them should be able to improve the quality of life in the Hive. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Medical options become available.

Research: What with the recent failure to secure a Head of Research, you have decided to personally, at least as is practical, lead this place. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that free time is spontaneously conjured out of nowhere. (Choose 1)

Education Improvement – While your mother was an excellent ruler, the fact is that the current schools in the Hive are a bit lacking when compared to the schools in Equestria. Maybe you could improve this by implementing a few reforms based on what you saw and experienced in the Universities of Canterlot? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Higher success chance of all Research actions.

Farming Techniques – You have a large amount of land suitable for growing things. Unfortunately, neither you nor Sir Thorax know more than the basics of farming. Finding out more ought to make things easier. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Modifier to all Farming Income.

Mining Knowledge – You only have the simplest ideas of how this works, and you're pretty certain that it's a bit more complicated than 'take pickaxe, strike ground with it, collect gems'. If you're planning on mining, then finding out more of it can't hurt. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Modifier to all Mining Income.

Basics of Advertising – Changelings need other races to survive. This is one of the most important things every 'ling learns, no matter what caste they're in. Finding out how to draw more ponies in can only be a good thing. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: More people come whenever they immigrate to the town.

Personal Action: You refuse to let being the Queen take up all of your time. Unfortunately, it does take up more of it that you thought it would. Relaxation time is always helpful, and you can work on a few projects of your own during your free time. Or you could access the Hive Mind again. Either works. (Choose 1)

Using The Hive Mind – The Hive Mind. The subconscious web that connects every single Changeling born to the same Hive. As Queen, you can consciously connect to the Hive Mind, and find out what your populace desires most, and how to get them to follow you unquestioningly. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: May use 1 additional Queen's Aid bonus on other project.

Forest Trail – Apparently Sir Thorax thinks that going on walks (or flights, since you have wings) through the local scenery is relaxing. Why not give it a try? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance (for anything to happen): 50%. Reward: Relaxation, Maybe Something Interesting?

Looking for Advisors – You're using your own limited free time to finding advisors, so that you can have more free time. Ah well, at least you're getting out there and doing something. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: 1 Advisor in a category you do not already have an Advisor in. You may choose which type of Advisor you are looking for if there is more than 1 open Advisor slot.

Drone Selection – Drones are Changelings that are sent from Hive to Hive, to breed with the Queen of the Hive if she wants to and keep the genetic diversity of the Changeling race up if she doesn't. They travel from Hive to Hive, never staying in one place very long. After what happened to Hive Successor, the self-styled Hive Supreme, no-one is stupid enough to bar Drones from coming and going, and who knows, maybe having a daughter might be a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: May choose 1 Drone to breed with and produce 1 sub-queen.
Turn 2 results
Season 2, Year 1 Results​

Year 1002 ANM​

Military: You have recently acquired a new advisor specializing in military matters, named Carapace. With his knowledge and you natural skill, you pity any fool who dares attack the Hive. (Choose 2)

Hive Defense Drills – Equestria is a peaceful nation, but you think, and Carapace agrees here, that maybe making sure everyone in the Hive knows what to do in the event that the Hive is attacked might be a good thing in any case. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Bonus to hive defense rolls.

Well things went pretty well for this. There was only a minimum of grumbling, and all the Changelings, even if they weren't too happy, accepted that this was important. You now have working evacuation plans, siege plans, and other plans for combat situations taking place near or in the Hive. (57, Success, +10 Bonus to all Hive defense rolls)

Unfortunately, there was a bit of a problem. The Hive wasn't constructed with this kind of thing in mind, and some important things wound up being wrecked. You wound up having to repair them which wound up cost you some money, although this does give Carapace a few ideas for what to do next. (3, Something lost you money, -150 Bits, Carapace has ideas for next turn)

Armory Inventory – You and your new advisor both agreed that the armory being full was certainly a stroke of fortune. However, Carapace thinks that it might be a good idea to check out what kind of equipment it has, so you know what kind of troops you can raise, relatively speaking. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 100 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: New troops can be raised.

This was certainly a wise choice, in Carapace's opinion. It turns out that you can currently equip land and sky warriors, land and sky raiders, battle mages, and combat stealth experts. Warriors are the standard members of the Changeling forces, with land warriors being superior in ground-based combat, while sky warriors and better in the air, hence the names. Raiders are 'lings that train to go exceedingly fast, so they can go in, cause lots of damage, then get out with a minimum of casualties. Battle mages are basically spell casters who know lots of spells meant for combat, such as long-range bombardment or sniper spells. Combat stealth experts were Changelings who had undergone the difficult training necessary to be able to use their abilities to their full effect in battle, which is a lot harder than you would think. They excel at disrupting chains of command and supply, discrete assassination of high-profile targets, and in general making things harder for the enemy. (83, Success, New military units can be fielded)

It would appear that, happily, quite a few of your Changelings actually know these skills. You will have an easier time forming your army, if you ever need to. (16, Something Responded, can form units described with a minumun of training)

Diplomacy: Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, has presented you several ways that he thinks the current diplomatic relations could be improved. Fortunately, your charity brought you some goodwill, which you might be able to use. (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – While you might be good at diplomacy, you admit that maybe having someone who could devote most of their time to it might be a good thing. It shouldn't be too hard to find a Changeling willing to do this job. Now that a crisis isn't practically breathing down your neck, you think that you should focus on this. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Diplomacy Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

It took a little work, but you now have yourself a diplomatic advisor. Her name is Nymph, and she is quite good at her job. (32, Success, Diplomatic Advisor Secured, New Options Available, +1 Action in this category)

Fortunately, your previously diplomatic contacts are more than willing to talk to you, mainly by telling you of the recent scandals and issues. Thank goodness that Nymph is willing to handle that for you. (18, Something was Preserved, Diplomatic Gossip Easier to Unlock)

Stewardship: Again, Sir Thorax, as your personal advisor, is here to help. Which is good, because you'd probably drown in all this paperwork without him. Who knew ruling a Hive full of Changelings brought so much paperwork? (Choose 1)

Looking for Advisor – You are excellent with money, as the fact that you've been able to keep Rhodendra Hive afloat financially so far shows. However, you have too many responsibilities and too little time to be able to bring prosperity to the Hive by yourself. Maybe getting some help would be a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Stewardship Advisor, More Options Per Turn In This Category. QA cannot be used on this action.

You have a steward, who can focus on matters of money all the time. Her name is Chrysalis, no relation to the Hive Queen of the same name, and she has already proven her worth by working out how to improve your trade income. She is definitely on your advisory council now. (95, Critical Success, Diplomatic Advisor Secured, New Options Available, +1 Action in this category, 1.5 modifier to all trade income)

Unfortunately, setting up that deal was rather costly, but in the long run, Chrysalis insists that it will be worth it. (3, Something lost you money, -200 Bits)

Intrigue: Metamorphia, your new advisor, is a sneaky Changeling. You were described as a sneaky Changeling at school, and yet you must admit that in matters of stealth, Metamorphia is your superior. Thank the First Mother that she has no desire to rule. (Choose 2)

Town Gossips – Metamorphia thinks that the new tourists would be a wonderful source of interesting rumors. Assigning a few 'lings to bring her, and though her, you, particularly intriguing gossip might be worthwhile. Time: 2 Seasons. Chance: 80%. Cost: 500 Bits. Reward: Town Information Network established, common ponies' opinions become available, interesting gossip?

Metamorphia jumped on this like a tiger would jump on its prey when you gave her your permission to set this up. She had already had everything she needed to set it up, so when you gave her the go ahead, she managed to get everything up and running much sooner than you thought she would. (96, Critical Success, Town Information Network Unlocked)

Of course, she also went out of her way to include the Harpies in her network. At least you will get more information sooner. (6, Something Withered, Harpy Network consolidated into Town Gossips Action)

Rumors, Is There Any Truth To One? – There have been rumors of some kind of glowing doorway, or some weird kind of portal. Apparently, if somepony looks through it, they can see another world. You're not too sure on this, but finding out and seeing if this has any truth to it might be a good idea. Or it could be a waste of time. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 50 Bits. Chance: 65%. Reward: Determine if weird portal thing is in your land. QA Bonus Applied

You decided to personally lead the search for this rumored portal. You found it very quickly, and were surprised by what it was in truth. Oh it was definitely some kind of portal, but it was an odd one. It was rather like a door, in that it was extremely thin, and wide enough to let multiple Changelings go through it at the same time. It was rather like a mirror, except it didn't reflect you or your forces and it didn't reflect the landscape you knew. So not very like a mirror, but your point was it had two sides, and both of them showed the viewer an alien landscape. You think that it might be possible for Changelings to survive there, and it might be possible for other species to live there. Now, how to go about making sure of that… (96+17=113, Super Critical Success, Portal located, New Land Discovered, New Actions Available)

For some reason, the portal wound up growing bigger after a few Changelings went through it. You aren't sure why, but at least you can send more people through. (12, Something Grew, Portal Expanded)

Magic: Once again, Sir Thorax to offer the Queen of his Hive aid. Matters of magic are his favorite subjects to talk about, but he has occasionally said that he can't spend quite as much time here due to all the work his position has him do. (Choose 1)

Building Magic – This branch of magic is mainly used for buildings, structures, and public works. While Changeling Hives are thankfully low-maintenance, finding out ways to expand the town or keep it in good working order seems like a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Town options become available.

After the last time you tried finding out what you could do, this was a happy occurrence indeed. You have access to a large amount of ways you can remodel the town, from traditional non-magical construction to transfiguring materials into other materials to cloud-sculpting to a dozen other ways to use magic to aid construction. Now, then, how do you plan on improving the town, and thus the rent. (79, Success, Many Options Available, Town Actions Unlocked)

Of course, pony buildings seem to require less maintenance, but more repair work than your Hive. Best demonstrated by one of the older shop building breaking down. Of course you had it repaired right away, but it's irritating. (7, Something Broke, -200 Bits in repairs)

Research: What with the recent failure to secure a Head of Research, you have decided to personally, at least as is practical, lead this place. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that free time is spontaneously conjured out of nowhere. (Choose 1)

Education Improvement – While your mother was an excellent ruler, the fact is that the current schools in the Hive are a bit lacking when compared to the schools in Equestria. Maybe you could improve this by implementing a few reforms based on what you saw and experienced in the Universities of Canterlot? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Higher success chance of all Research actions.

The majority of Changelings tend to rely on the tried-and-true method of learning by absorbing knowledge from the hive mind. It works, but doesn't really tend to lead to much innovation. On the other hand, because and new innovations are automatically made part of the hive mind, it helps ensure that the Hive's knowledge will never be lost as long as even a single Changeling from that Hive lives. Compared to that, pony education is inefficient, but it helps lead towards more innovations .With the new education reforms, the children may dislike you, but at least they'll be better at problem solving. (79, Success, Higher Base Chance of Success for all Research Actions)

Fortunately, you managed to combine the best of both methods of schooling, thereby enhancing the effects of your reforms. (18, Something Was Preserved, Bonus Enhanced)

Personal Action: You refuse to let being the Queen take up all of your time. Unfortunately, it does take up more of it than you thought it would. Relaxation time is always helpful, and you can work on a few projects of your own during your free time. Or you could access the Hive Mind again. Either works. (Choose 1)

Forest Trail – Apparently Sir Thorax thinks that going on walks (or flights, since you have wings) through the local scenery is relaxing. Why not give it a try? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance (for anything to happen): 50%. Reward: Relaxation, Maybe Something Interesting?

Well. This did not go how you expected at all. The first few minutes into the walk, it was nice, calm, and peaceful, just like you imagined it. Then there was an earth-shattering KABOOM. When you raced to the source of the noise, confident in your ability to handle it, you came across a crater (which you expected) and an Earth Pony (which you did not expect). Apparently his name is Gear Grinder, and he is an inventor. Both of you had a discussion, and you eventually offered him the job of heading your research department. He accepted. (86, Success, Research Advisor Secured)
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Turn 3
Season 3, Year 1​
Year 1002 ANM​

"Well my Queen, I have to say that things have certainly went well. After all, we did manage to find someone both willing and able to head our Research Department."

"Yes Thorax, they certainly have. I've certainly managed to find more free time these days." (Due to your acquisition of Advisors, you now gain +1 Personal Action)

"If I may make a suggestion, I would urge you to contact some of the other races concerning this portal. After all, from what we can tell, it leads to an entirely different world! The potential of this is incredible!"

"That's true Thorax, which is why I am delaying contacting the other nations for now. We need to see what this new world contains, and what use it can be to us. When we reveal its existence to the others, I intend for us Changelings to be at the forefront of the scholars studying it."

"Very well my Queen."

With that, Sir Thorax left the room. He did have a point, concealing this from the other nations for too long could only end badly. But by that same token, you couldn't see how delaying the reveal for a few months so that you could study it and get a preliminary look at what it contained could hurt. Still, best to start preparing in case there were unfriendly natives of the world. After all, hope for the best, plan for the worst, as the old saying goes.

Military: You have recently acquired a new advisor specializing in military matters, named Carapace. With his knowledge and your natural skill, you pity any fool who dares attack the Hive. (Choose 2)

Mandatory Training – Your mother, Queen Apinia, was not a violent person. You would even go so far as to call her a pacifist. Now, that isn't a bad thing, but considering recent events, you've started to think that maybe having s few warriors who know what they're doing might be useful, in case something dangerous happens. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 250 Bits (100 Bits per turn upkeep increase). Chance: 100%. Reward: Basic Levies.

Hive Defense Redesign – Carapace has gotten some ideas on how the Hive could be improved. He thinks that it would be wise to strengthen the walls, redesigned the towers, and in general make the Hive more defensible. This will take a bit of time however. Time: 2 Seasons. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 80%. Reward: Bonus to hive dense rolls.

Raider Recruitment – You think that it would be a good idea to start building up a squadron of raiders, of both the land and sky variety. Carapace agrees with you, and is willing to start the recruitment immediately. Of course, this assumes that Changelings within your hive have both the talent and the desire to be a raider. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 250 Bits (+100 Bit Expense). Chance: 75%. Reward: 1 Land Raider Squadron and 1 Sky Raider Squadron.

Warrior Recruitment – Carapace thinks it would be a good idea to start building up your army with the basics. Therefore, he has prepared the materials needed to start recruitment for warriors, of both varieties. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 250 Bits (+100 Bit Expense). Chance: 80%. Reward: 1 Land Warrior Squadron and 1 Sky Warrior Squadron.

Battle Mage Recruitment – Battle mages can serve a variety of purposes, not just military roles. They do tend to excel in areas that require magic intended to cause harm. With that in mind, you want some. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits (+150 Bit Expense). Chance: 75%. Reward: 1 Battle Mage Squadron.

Combat Stealth Recruitment – You want to be able to weaponize Changeling stealth, or prevent it from being able to be used against you. A combat stealth squadron is very useful for that, though it will be difficult to find Changelings with the necessary skills. Time: 1 Season. Chance: 60%. Reward: 1 Combat Stealth Squadron.

Diplomacy: Nymph has quite a few ideas on how to improve relations with the other races already. She has certainly gotten to work quickly. (Choose 2)

Trade Agreements – Nymph thinks that you could form a few trade agreements with the other nations. They won't bring in a lot of money right now, but they can improve your trustworthiness in the other nation's eyes. Time: 2 Seasons. Cost: 1000 Bits. Chance: 75%. Reward: Trade agreements with Equestria, Gryphon Empire, Crystal Empire, and Deer Clans.

Gossip 'round the Globe – Nymph thinks that it would be a good idea to keep an eye, or ear, or whatever the right appendages is, on the pulse of gossip. Knowing what others think of you can't hurt after all. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 250 Bits. Chance: 80%. Reward: Diplomatic Gossip Unlocked.

Portal Preparations – You have a portal in your lands that provides access to another world. You think it would be a good idea to start preparing to reveal in such a way that you will be believed. Time and preparation will help you with your presentation. Time: Until you reveal the portal. Cost: 250 Bits per turn. Chance: 100%. Reward: Bonus, increasing with time, to revealing the portal.

Revealing the Portal – You think the time has come to reveal the existence of the portal. This is going to be a hard sell. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 25%. Reward: Portal existence to world of Equus.

Stewardship: Chrysalis, no relation to the Queen of the same name, has several ideas on how to take care of the Hive and the town. (Choose 2)

Looking for Gems – The land you are using for farming has shown a few signs of being mineral rich. Maybe a more detailed survey will reveal any subterranean goodies. If it does, though, then you are going to have some annoying choices ahead of you Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 50% (This is for if there is anything worth mining). Reward: New options.

Advertising – With the success of the diplomatic conference drawing in tourists, but you would like more ponies to come. After all, the more people there are, the smaller the chance of your Hive starving becomes. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 55%. Reward: Immigrants.

Town Repair – The town could use a bit of repair, in your opinion. Chrysalis agrees with you, and is ready to send out the workers. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Repaired houses and buildings, town made more attractive.

Town Business – The town is mainly hosting various 'tourists' and actual tourists. Nymph thinks it might be a good idea to help start up some businesses. Time: 2 Seasons. Cost: 500 Bits per turn. Chance: 75%. Reward: Business begin, tourists and residents easier to attract.

Intrigue: Metamorphia, your advisor, is a sneaky Changeling. You were described as a sneaky Changeling at school, and yet you must admit that in matters of stealth, Metamorphia is your superior. Thank the First Mother that she has no desire to rule. (Choose 2)

International "Discussions" – Gryphons, ponies, diamond dogs, and dragons approached you during the diplomatic conference, and ah, 'gave' you Bits. In return, they would be extremely grateful if you gave them some information. Maybe you could make this a more permanent thing? Time: 3 Seasons. Cost: 150 Bits per turn. Chance: 75%. Reward: International Information Network established, International News Section Unlocked.

Portal Exploration, Basic – Everyone thinks it would be a good idea to see what lies beyond the portal. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 80%. Reward: Basic idea of what lies beyond the portal.

Portal Exploration, In-Depth – You think a detailed examination would be very useful. It will take more time though. Time: 3 Seasons. Cost: 500 Bits per turn. Chance: 80%. Reward: Detailed information of what lies beyond the portal.

Portal Rumors – You think it might be a decent idea to start spreading rumors of the portal's existence. It might make it easier for you to reveal it and be taken seriously. Time: 3 Seasons, or ends when you attempt to reveal portal's existence. Cost: 250 Bits per turn. Chance: 75%. Reward: Easier time revealing portal's existence.

Gear Grinder Loyalty – Gear Grinder has been very useful. However, Metamorphia thinks that it would be a good idea to make sure that he is loyal. You don't see the harm, especially since you don't really know a whole lot about him. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 50 Bits. Chance: 80%. Reward: Gear Grinder's loyalty and past revealed.

Magic: Sir Thorax can now devote all his free time on his magic. He is thankful for this, and promises to have useful ideas on your desk by the end of the week. (Choose 2)

Building A Magical Infrastructure – You think that building up an infrastructure will be useful, in that it will eventually enable you to communicate with better magic. Time: 2 Seasons. Cost: 300 Bits. Chance: 90%. Reward: Basic magical infrastructure.

Medical Magic – No matter how careful or pacifistic someone is, the fact is that they're eventually going to have some sort of injury or sickness. Thus, medics around the globe have put together extensive times on medical spells. Going through them should be able to improve the quality of life in the Hive. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 500 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Medical options become available.

Road Improvement – One useful thing that Sir Thorax has suggested was enchanting the roads to speed up anypony on it. It should be useful for trade. Unfortunately it will take some time to finish. Time: 3 Seasons. Cost: 500 Bits per turn. Chance: 85%. Reward: Trade Income modifier increased.

Research: With Gear Grinder's acceptance of your offer, you now have a research head. Thank goodness for that. He also has some ideas of his own that might prove useful. (Choose 2)

Golems – Gear Grinder specialized in creating golems both magical and the new non-magical, and thinks that they could be useful in the hive or town. Might as well see what they can do. Time: 2 Seasons. Cost: 350 Bits per turn. Chance: 75%. Reward: Golem research unlocked.

Farming Techniques – You have a large amount of land suitable for growing things. Unfortunately, neither you nor Sir Thorax know more than the basics of farming. Finding out more ought to make things easier. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 85%. Reward: Modifier to all Farming Income.

Mining Knowledge – You only have the simplest ideas of how this works, and you're pretty certain that it's a bit more complicated than 'take pickaxe, strike ground with it, collect gems'. If you're planning on mining, then finding out more of it can't hurt. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 85%. Reward: Modifier to all Mining Income.

Basics of Advertising – Changelings need other races to survive. This is one of the most important things every 'ling learns, no matter what caste they're in. Finding out how to draw more ponies in can only be a good thing. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 200 Bits. Chance: 85%. Reward: More people come whenever they immigrate to the town.

Personal Action: You had almost forgotten what it was like to have a decent amount of free time. Thank goodness that you found someone to fill that vacant spot in your advisory council. (Choose 2)

Using The Hive Mind – The Hive Mind. The subconscious web that connects every single Changeling born to the same Hive. As Queen, you can consciously connect to the Hive Mind, and find out what your populace desires most, and how to get them to follow you unquestioningly. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: May use 1 additional Queen's Aid bonus on other project.

Forest Trail – Apparently Sir Thorax thinks that going on walks (or flights, since you have wings) through the local scenery is relaxing. Why not give it a try? Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance (for anything to happen): 50%. Reward: Relaxation, Maybe Something Interesting?

Getting Along – You think that you should take some time to chat with your advisors. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: Knowledge of your advisors.

Drone Selection – Drones are Changelings that are sent from Hive to Hive, to breed with the Queen of the Hive if she wants to and keep the genetic diversity of the Changeling race up if she doesn't. They travel from Hive to Hive, never staying in one place very long. After what happened to Hive Successor, the self-styled Hive Supreme, no-one is stupid enough to bar Drones from coming and going, and who knows, maybe having a daughter might be a good idea. Time: 1 Season. Cost: 0 Bits. Chance: 100%. Reward: May choose 1 Drone to breed with and produce 1 sub-queen.

Survey will be up later.​