The Legged Ship began to turn, limping along on a damaged engine, seemingly preparing to follow its fleeing comrade.

As the Strike weaved between the Duel's beams and Skull-1 shouted orders, Auxo found their target. The catapult hatch on the upper end of the right 'leg', just below the firing arc of its beam turrets. The ship's CIWS wouldn't pose a serious threat to the Schpeltor's armor, and the two turrets atop the ship weren't meant for use against such a small target.
This was going nowhere. The bastard wouldn't come down to the Duel's level with that flight pack and there was no way Yzak was getting close in that case. Maybe Dearka could help.

"Dearka, do you have an angle on the Strike?" While he attempted to raise his friend on comms, Yzak kept trying to exchange fire with the Strike. "The bastard is buzzing around like a fly. Mind doing me a favor and clip his wings?" At the same time Yzak launched a 175mm Grenade at the Strike, hopefully it would be able to disrupt the Strike's movements enough for him to get a bead on it.
The Legged Ship began to turn, limping along on a damaged engine, seemingly preparing to follow its fleeing comrade.

As the Strike weaved between the Duel's beams and Skull-1 shouted orders, Auxo found their target. The catapult hatch on the upper end of the right 'leg', just below the firing arc of its beam turrets. The ship's CIWS wouldn't pose a serious threat to the Schpeltor's armor, and the two turrets atop the ship weren't meant for use against such a small target.

"My lord - " Auxo began, but Kaien cut her off.

"I see it," he said. "Get us in tight with that ship."

The Schpeltor hurtled towards its target, guided by the slender fingers and steely will of its Fatima. Its right hand came down to its waist, then rose clasping the hilt of a gleaming spadd.

Kaien's grin was sardonic. "Let's see if we can do this in one strike."

"I hear and obey, my lord."
Alto grimaces to himself as Skull-1's orders come in. "Easier said then done." he mumbles to himself as he transforms his VF back into fighter mode. The VF accelerates, G-forces pushing Alto back into his seat as he accelerates towards the back of the Legged ship. The rest of the strike group was going to converge momentarily, but their time limit to extract was going to get smaller if the Legged ship was moving.

"Micheal. I'm going after the next engine block. Cover me." With that, Alto transforms back into Battroid and released his entire missile load.
Seeing the Pegasus start to fall towards the ground, black smoke starting to stream out the damaged engine Cima let out a long laugh. "Oh Raven, if I could afford it, you would have a permanent bunk on the Lili Marleen! That was a marvelous shot!"
"I don't believe it."

The Raven actually sounded more upset that it had worked then anything else. The last time his luck had been this good, he'd discovered he didn't have a home anymore.

"Pull back order acknowledged."


"Pull back Raven. Unless you want to take the ship on your own?"

She didn't sound too sure either.

"Right." The White Glint pulled back, the rifle in its left arm leaving a orange glow in its wake. "Keep me posted."
@TehChron @BlackHadou @Aliexster @eraserman @Kensai

The Archangel adjusted its bearings, the hatches at the foremost end of the ship's 'legs' folding back for a pair of cannons. Not a moment after the positron cannons opened fire, beams of light lancing through the air only a few dozen meters over the Albion, the atmosphere screeched in protest. Seconds later, Skull-4's payload struck home. An explosion rocked the ship, the now crippled engine bay barely able to hold it aloft.

The airborne machines ahead of the Archangel were thrown off balance as air rushed to fill the vacuum left by the blast, the Albion's Mobile Suits taking advantage of the opportunity to spread out from the ship and open fire with a storm of shells. Its forces dispatched, the ship's engines flared back to life as best they were able before resuming its prior course.

The Schpeltor continued its descent, weaving between beam and railgun shots as the Legged Ship's CIWS plinked in futility against the MH's armor as it dropped down to the sealed hatch of the starboard catapult.


"No no, miss," Kusakabe began. "The way I see it, the princess is a real bleeding heart type, the kind that would give herself away to protect a crowd. We need to keep the hostages here to keep her from doing something... stupid."


"Roger that, Duel."

From afar, beams began lancing out at the Strike, forcing the airborne Gundam to cease fire and focus on evasion.
The Archangel adjusted its bearings, the hatches at the foremost end of the ship's 'legs' folding back for a pair of cannons. Not a moment after the positron cannons opened fire, beams of light lancing through the air only a few dozen meters over the Albion, the atmosphere screeched in protest. Seconds later, Skull-4's payload struck home. An explosion rocked the ship, the now crippled engine bay barely able to hold it aloft.

The airborne machines ahead of the Archangel were thrown off balance as air rushed to fill the vacuum left by the blast, the Albion's Mobile Suits taking advantage of the opportunity to spread out from the ship and open fire with a storm of shells. Its forces dispatched, the ship's engines flared back to life as best they were able before resuming its prior course.

The Schpeltor continued its descent, weaving between beam and railgun shots as the Legged Ship's CIWS plinked in futility against the MH's armor as it dropped down to the sealed hatch of the starboard catapult.
Dammit! Dewey thought inwardly, They've already boarded!

"The Unknown has gotten within the killzone! Reorient the Gottfrieds and have them contribute towards wiping out the machines harrying the Albion!"

If he didn't manage to turn this around before the Archangel was grounded, he was finished!
@TehChron @BlackHadou @Aliexster @eraserman @Kensai

The Archangel adjusted its bearings, the hatches at the foremost end of the ship's 'legs' folding back for a pair of cannons. Not a moment after the positron cannons opened fire, beams of light lancing through the air only a few dozen meters over the Albion, the atmosphere screeched in protest. Seconds later, Skull-4's payload struck home. An explosion rocked the ship, the now crippled engine bay barely able to hold it aloft.

The airborne machines ahead of the Archangel were thrown off balance as air rushed to fill the vacuum left by the blast, the Albion's Mobile Suits taking advantage of the opportunity to spread out from the ship and open fire with a storm of shells. Its forces dispatched, the ship's engines flared back to life as best they were able before resuming its prior course.

The Schpeltor continued its descent, weaving between beam and railgun shots as the Legged Ship's CIWS plinked in futility against the MH's armor as it dropped down to the sealed hatch of the starboard catapult.

There was barely a clank as Schpeltor touched down lightly as a feather on the ship, guided by Auxo's slim fingers.

"So... what can opener shall we use on this, Auxo?" said Kaien. "Spaad or speid?"

Auxo needed barely a moment to consider. "My lord, the armour seems to have some level of energy-absorption capability. We could theoretically overwhelm it with a sufficient application of power, but a material weapon would be more efficient in producing a limited breach."

"Speid it is then," said Kaien, grinning. "I'll do this myself."

"As you wish, my lord."

The Schpeltor's hand went to its waist, drew a massive gleaming blade. At the apex of its drawing action, the tip of the sword described a tiny teardrop as Kaien brought it around and down in a graceful arc that ended in a brutal collision with the hatch.
"No no, miss," Kusakabe began. "The way I see it, the princess is a real bleeding heart type, the kind that would give herself away to protect a crowd. We need to keep the hostages here to keep her from doing something... stupid."

"Is that what I'm here for, then?" Nunnally asked, a bitter tone in her voice. "To be a reminder? Take the most pathetic looking person you can, and keep your guns trailed so the Princess doesn't try to... What, exactly? Bleed on you?"

Nunnally's grip on her wheelchair tightened. Perhaps it was a mistake, but...

That was there reason? That Euphie might do something stupid? Were they so afraid of a teenage girl that they don't think that multiple armed and trained terrorists were enough to keep in line? That they needed to keep people hostage to stop her from ruining their plans?

Or was it something more simple than that?

Ever since Britannia had invaded, the Japanese had been powerless, against the strong arm of the military. Here, the tables were turned, the Japanese being the armed and dangerous ones with the powerless Britannians at their mercy. Who wouldn't feel some satisfaction, in being in that position?

Even if it didn't hurt Britannia itself, the terrorists must be enjoying it so much. To be able to see the fear that a civilian had at their coming, or to be able to pick a schoolgirl at random, to march her out to-

Nunnally refused to finish that though, instead speaking aloud again.

"You're just as bad as Britannia." She spat out.
@TehChron @BlackHadou @Aliexster @eraserman @Kensai

The Archangel adjusted its bearings, the hatches at the foremost end of the ship's 'legs' folding back for a pair of cannons. Not a moment after the positron cannons opened fire, beams of light lancing through the air only a few dozen meters over the Albion, the atmosphere screeched in protest. Seconds later, Skull-4's payload struck home. An explosion rocked the ship, the now crippled engine bay barely able to hold it aloft.

The airborne machines ahead of the Archangel were thrown off balance as air rushed to fill the vacuum left by the blast, the Albion's Mobile Suits taking advantage of the opportunity to spread out from the ship and open fire with a storm of shells. Its forces dispatched, the ship's engines flared back to life as best they were able before resuming its prior course.

The Schpeltor continued its descent, weaving between beam and railgun shots as the Legged Ship's CIWS plinked in futility against the MH's armor as it dropped down to the sealed hatch of the starboard catapult.

Shooting down a few of the missiles coming to her and the rest of the tea, Cima only saw the massive cannons of the Archangel come to bear in her direction. "Shit, GET CLEAR!!!!" She shouts over the radio while kicking her thrusters into overdrive to avoid getting vaporized by the capital weapons. A few seconds of extreme thrust pushes her into her seat as various warning klaxons come from her console indicating that she's pushing the mobile suit too far and it was about ready to tear itself apart.

After a few seconds, Cima eases back to get into a stable position to give her mobile suit a chance to cool off. "Yea, yea, I hear you, but we ain't landing yet...." Flipping over to the wide band, "We got any survivors? Toto, I hope you're ready to get out of here. We're taking far too much flakk despite our target getting grounded, tell me if you need a.." She is interrupted from her as the mobile suit rattled about her, "What the hell?!?!?" She says moving back as some more lead came up to from the Albion's mobile suit.

"Careless..." She hisses to herself, "Should not have stopped moving. Very well, if you want a piece of Cima, have at it!" She says bringing the machine gun to the shoulder to fire upon the mobile suits bellow her, before going back to her evasive movements.
"Roger that, Duel."

From afar, beams began lancing out at the Strike, forcing the airborne Gundam to cease fire and focus on evasion.
Dammit, now he was dodging even harder! Still, this was going to his best shot to down the white bastard. Yzak halted his breath, calling upon every bit of his ability to line up one single beam rifle shot that could down the Gundam and bring the fight to an even playing field.

A single green beam lanced out towards the Strike, aimed at it's flight pack.
The Archangel adjusted its bearings, the hatches at the foremost end of the ship's 'legs' folding back for a pair of cannons. Not a moment after the positron cannons opened fire, beams of light lancing through the air only a few dozen meters over the Albion, the atmosphere screeched in protest. Seconds later, Skull-4's payload struck home. An explosion rocked the ship, the now crippled engine bay barely able to hold it aloft.

Alto lets out a frustrated tsk as the Legged ship stubbornly remained airborne, transforming back into Fighter mode. His VF accelerates, heading straight towards the still functional engines. CIWS fire intensified, lighting the sky around Alto with tracer fire and forcing him to switch between forms as he took evasive maneuvers.

"Will you just hit the ground already?" Alto yells as he continues to close, attempting to get a good gun run on the remaining operational engines.
@TehChron @BlackHadou @Aliexster @eraserman @Kensai

The Archangel adjusted its bearings, the hatches at the foremost end of the ship's 'legs' folding back for a pair of cannons. Not a moment after the positron cannons opened fire, beams of light lancing through the air only a few dozen meters over the Albion, the atmosphere screeched in protest. Seconds later, Skull-4's payload struck home. An explosion rocked the ship, the now crippled engine bay barely able to hold it aloft.

The airborne machines ahead of the Archangel were thrown off balance as air rushed to fill the vacuum left by the blast, the Albion's Mobile Suits taking advantage of the opportunity to spread out from the ship and open fire with a storm of shells. Its forces dispatched, the ship's engines flared back to life as best they were able before resuming its prior course.

The Schpeltor continued its descent, weaving between beam and railgun shots as the Legged Ship's CIWS plinked in futility against the MH's armor as it dropped down to the sealed hatch of the starboard catapult.

"I know, I know!"

Cannon and small arms fire pinged about the White Glint as it scooted along the ground, jets flaring so much that the black craft almost became its namesake once more. Normally, such fire would be considered a nuisance at worst, but without Primal Armour, each shot that hit had the potential to do serious structural damage to the White Glint's armour.

Like it or not, a NEXT simply wasn't built as sturdy as most Mobile Suits were. That was the tradeoff for superb maneuverability. Primal Armour was actually a vitally important part of a NEXT's function, and the Raven hoped the order to turn it back on came soon.

Two GM's and a Guncannon. That described the opposition that was specifically shooting at him. Well, technically, it was mainly the Guncannon. The GM's weren't all that picky on who they fired at, but the Guncannon was trying to pick shots that would actually hit something. It would have been a refreshing change of pace, if the Raven wasn't fairly sure one of those shells held enough force to blow a arm off.

"The rifle is charged." Fiona spoke up. "Enemy has no Primal Armour, it's probably not worth the small arms fire."

"Probably not." The Raven agreed. That didn't seem to matter though. The target this time would be a GM. Technically, the laser rifle could melt through a Mobile Suit is a single, well aimed shot. It could do the same to a NEXT, mind, so that in and of itself was not really speaking of high firepower.

Still, it was more then most had brought to the table. The big problem was the rate of which thick armour protecting against it. Even if the Kojima Reactor was at full power, a laser rifle was never going to penetrate a ships armour. Not in one shot, and the Raven doubted the rifle would survive actually punching a hole worth mentioning in the Albion.

The assault rifle opened fire, but the Raven could not be said to actually be aiming it. No, it was more a distraction then anything else.

"Come on, lock on."

The crosshairs lined up. He pulled the trigger.

The laser rifle lit up in red energy, as a lance of light flew out at the GM.