Students of Charnekum

Character, Harvestashya Ansul Phantasmagoria. Player, Ylamona
Name: Harvestashya Ansul Phantasmagoria. 'Harvy'
Age: Around 130
Race: Elf (Fairy-touched)
Personality: A cheerful and kind on the outside despite actually a cynical girl with self-esteem issues and perhaps many other issues. Live at her own pace and way despite it might not be the norm or even make sense or even consistent with her previous actions. While she's generally good girl albeit a weird and sometimes obnoxious one, she could be quite vindictive and cruel if provoked. Perhaps, other people might even call her mad, not that she showed that she minded of course. Like arts in general, especially singing, and nature. For some reason, she's not doing too well when too far from nature or around Destron.

Backstory: Supposedly born as an illegitimate child of an influential family, she was left to fend for herself in a deep forest since she was a child. How she could survive in the wilderness and even how she grew to become like she is now, nobody knows. What known is that sometimes she wandered out of the woods to various other lands doing...stuff. Whether it's merely sampling local delicacies, just wandering around or whatever appeared to strikes her fancy. During one of these wandering, she suddenly decided to join Charnekum for reasons she already forgot. At least, that's what she told other.

You have 10 stat points to spend on four stats, it will help me add a little bit of randomness to actions. Your base Mana level is 100 plus your willpower times 10. Every stats starts at one and cannot go below zero.
Mana: 140/140
Physical strength: 3

Mental strength: 4

Willpower: 4

Study habit: 3

Schedule: (It's a highschool with a 5 period school day, you can choose 4 from the list below)
Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: Botany: Plants are useful in many ways, learn how to grow and care for them!
Period 3: Woodworking: Working with dead trees to make wooden objects.
Period 4: Biology: The universe is large, and there are many things out there, learn about living creatures!
Period 5: Free
Period 6: Fundamentals of Magic: This class will teach you how to use your magic and mana.
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Character, Unit - 1777. Player Zedalb
Name: Unit -1777 ("Lucky")

Age: ???

Race: Destron


Always analyzing. To be an immortal non-biological being makes lucky fairly alien to human minds anyway. However he is currently seeking purpose and meaning in life, previously he was an unfinished Destron that was lost and only recently recovered and rebooted. He tends to prefer silence personally and gathering information to analyze later, more so since he has problems socializing to a certain extent. He is not rude, in fact quite the contrary he will preform all courtesy that have been explained to him, exactly as they have been explained to him. This can make him seem insensitive to a situation but it is never intentional. Given that he understands the concept of friends and that friends do things for each other, he is prone to random acts of kindness (random to others, he wrote the algorithm) of which the scale can vary greatly. All in all he tends to come off a bit strange, if well meaning.

Previously he was an unfinished Destron that was lost and only recently recovered and rebooted. Now he is in school in order to learn to harness his magic, and preferably make a better body.

Mana: 110/110
Physical strength: 1
Mental strength: 6
Willpower: 1
Study habit: 6

Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2:Intro to alchemy: This one will teach you all the ins and outs of brewing slightly volatile liquids
Period 3:Artificing 101: Teaches you how to use and create magical artifacts.
Period 4:Forging for dummies: Basics on running your own forge
Period 5:Fundamentals of Magic: This class will teach you how to use your magic and mana.
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A question, do the Flamekin have to have a humanoid form?
Also, we are waiting for one more person, he/she told me they can post the sheet tomorrow.
Character, Ash. Player, Kinigget
Name: Ash

Age: 50

Race: Fae


Personality: an odd girl, seems at times with preoccupied with deep thoughts that don't really make a whole lot of sense to anyone else. She's friendly enough, provided you can get through the layers of inscrutability, but doesn't go out of her way to interact with people, seeming to prefer her own company

Backstory: wouldn't you like to know...

You have 10 stat points to spend on four stats, is will help me add a little bit of randomness to actions. Your base Mana level is 100 plus your willpower times 10. Every stat starts at one and cannot go below zero.

Mana: 160/160

Physical strength: 1

Mental strength: 6

Willpower: 6

Study habit: 1

Schedule: (It's a highschool with a 5 period school day, you can choose 4 from the list below)

Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: Band
Period 3: History
Period 4: Biology
Period 5: Language Arts
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Hmm so if people moved Alchemy into fourth, and what they previously had in fourth to second, then Kini moved History to second, then Medieval and Kini can be in the same History class and no one moves out of a class they has with someone else. Then Jhin, whose LA would now be in second and woodworking in 5th, could swap the two, and Ylamona could swap her woodworking and fundamentals so she has fundamentals fifth - just so happening to move it into the same block. Then letmebefree could swap their fundamentals into 5th, and forging into 4th.

After that, I dont see anyway to get Arkos into everyone elses fundamentals class or free into everyone elses forging class. If anyone can see a way to do that I'm totally game.
Player kinigget Zedalb Ylamona Jhin Lemon Theaxofwar Letmebefree MedievalParadox ForgottonFuture BanTheFairyKing
Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom
1st Block Band and the Arts Artificing 101 Botany Artificing 101 Artificing 101 Artificing 101 Artificing 101 Artificing 101 Botany
2nd Block History Free Woodworking Woodworking Woodworking PE History Free PE
3rd Block Biology Introduction to Alchemy Biology Introduction to Alchemy Introduction to Alchemy Free Introduction to Alchemy Biology Biology
4th Block Language Arts Forging for Dummies Free Language Arts Forging for Dummies Forging for Dummies Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts
5th Block Free Fundamentals of Magic Fundamentals of Magic Free Free Fundamentals of Magic Free Fundamentals of Magic Free
I have decided that you guys get six periods, still five classes but one is an open period where you can do whatever you want as long as it isn't invading other classes.