Starcraft Quest

What story should I work on?

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lastly, for those wondering why I am placing pylons in my plan at the 2 step plateau, outpost with cannons, shield batteries and hopefully 3 arbiters to act as a healing/way station/escape route for troops
how do vespene gas assimilators work here?
You can harvest up to 360 vespene per turn using probes. Basically the assimilator harvests 360 per turn, and the probes just carry it back.
where are the shield batteries and cannon at pylon outpost? do not see them in info threadmark
we did not unlock fleet beacon tech building?
Fixed these. This is another problem I have with this quest; there are so many things to keep track of that I keep forgetting something different every turn.
Upgrades resource collecting-wise would be towards getting in more vespene and minerals per trip.
It draws up the vespene from the geyser then manufactures it into green cubes.
project idea: deep vespene teleporter, a teleporter ability similar to the arbiter recall ability is installed in the assimilator to allow it to fire a teleporting beacon down a vespene geyser which will then maneuver into the location with the most vespene gas, at that point the assimilator will recall the beacon and all the surrounding gas and then process it en mass.
Interlude B
We charge forward, despite the chance of death in this coming battle. Those at the head slash and tear at the creep tumor, destroying the corrupting structure. I charge into the spine crawler, tearing its flesh with my Psi Blade. This is when Zealots of the Khalai truly shine, our unity helping us like none other can match! I reach into the Khala; it is not there. I am alone, forever separated from the moment I tore through my nerve cords with my Psionic Blade.

I'm hit, and launched back by a large acuminate tentacle, shaking me out of my thoughts. My shields are damaged, but not destroyed. I get back up to strike at the vile building, but I am hit once more. My shields are penetrated. But I continue fighting. I charge at the offender, seeking to destroy it. It hits me once more, but I have trained for decades and do not falter. However, my way is blocked by my brethren.

I strike instead at the contemptible Zerglings, slicing through one after another. Another strike, and I am gravely wounded. Nonetheless I continue on, and the Spine Crawler is destroyed by my comrades attacking it.

For a moment I think I'm safe from imminent death, but then one of the dreaded Hydralisks focuses on me. I see it shoot a spine at me, dodging the spine moving at near hypersonic speeds before it even is released. As I dodge, a Zergling takes advantage and claws at me. I fend it off, but the Hydralisk gets another shot at me, piercing my shoulder. Now, I am exceedingly injured, and after taking one last slice at a Zergling, I black out.

I watch the Zealots charge through to battle as I follow them in my mechanic walker. It feels good to finally be on the offensive, as I annihilate a creep tumor. This is much better than my previous battle, where we Stalkers had to fight the Zerg alone and they managed to damage my armor, which is hard to fix on the field.

The brunt of the fighting is taken by the Zealots, while we fusillade the Mutalisk group. They dodge, but with each of us shooting two void energy bolts at a time they cannot keep dodging, and they slowly go down. As they spit glaives at us, some Stalkers blink out of the way, rendering their attacks useless. I get a hit on one of them, its wing's matter destabilized as it falls lethally to the ground.

We then focus on destroying the Roach Warren, its flesh destabilizing and dying, bleeding gallons of blood, until it ruptures and dies. Swarmlings rush out of the corpse, but the Zealots easily take care of them by slicing them to pieces.

We return to the outpost and send word back to the Executor, for we have had a glorious victory this day.

AN: A bit short, but not much else I could write for this interlude.
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Actually, doesn't the campaign Carrier have repair drones with it? If we can make just the drones, and not have to warp in the entire carrier...
Actually, doesn't the campaign Carrier have repair drones with it? If we can make just the drones, and not have to warp in the entire carrier...
Once you build the carrier it will be able to create repair drones.

Also, I noticed I put the wrong map up so I'll fix that later tonight.

Edit: Repair the carrier not build the carrier.
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Hey, I'd like to inform you that this quest will not be updating for a while. Fan fiction is too constricting as I try not to go too far beyond the bounds of it, and the system I was using in this quest wasn't well thought out and did not work very well. If someone else wants to continue it for some reason they can feel free to PM me and I can give them my (admittedly small) notes for it. Meanwhile, I've created a new story that will hopefully last much longer. Here is the link: Original - Fantasy - Virtual Reality Civilization