Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest Redux)

vote closed you won.

Cool cool. The vote opened from the memotorium? and closed whilst I wasn't online, so I didn't see anything besides that someone else had voted for something similar but with droids and no one commented that it was weird. I realized something was up when I saw that the GM had rolled for things already though...
Information: Official Staff Communication
@Killer_Whale , @Edkose , @wingstrike96 , @Ultramandalore , @Hellhound , @POTDL , @Fabled Ranger , @Trinity Reformed , @Ghostdevil , @Birdsie
There is roughly one hour left and if I am not wrong the Jango option is in the lead with one vote. Therefore my question if one of you want to change your vote to another option.
official staff communication Seeing as this is the second time that this has happened, and we're receiving complains due to it, I'm going to ask everybody in the thread to refrain from mass-tagging other users without good reason from now on.

As a rule, most quest voter will follow the discussion and read new arguments even if they do not make additional posts after voting, so by tagging them only to tell to vote tactically, as was done in both cases here, you're doing them a disservice. You are not only demanding their attention for a few lines worth of text, but are also giving them a rather patronizing impression by making it look like they are unable or lazy to keep up with the discussion or incapable of reaching a decision on their own without input. This can be especially problematic when some posters explicitly ask to not be tagged, as was the case here.

Once again: In the future, please do not mass-tag people unless there is good reason to call for their attention. It is a powerful tool, so do not use it trivially. Make certain that whatever you are trying to inform people of is something worth paying attention to.

That is all. Thank you for your attention.
At the risk of sounding sappy, I would like to wish everyone on this thread a happy May the Fourth. We may be clannish and argumentative, but we are all fans of Stars Wars. From traveling the Kessel Run to finding out Vader was Luke's father, Star Wars has opened the door to a world of wonder and adventure that I believe that we can all enjoy. So I will now get off my soapbox and continue to eagerly await the quest that has captured all of our attention.
We could still end up in the Jedi Order via Mace Windu killing Jango and dragging our sorry ass to the Order when he sees our Force potential.

Much later of course, after Anakin has grown closer to daddy Jango and thus can be properly traumatized by Jango's decapitated head :)

Windu as master ftw!
I think it would be very interesting if it happened this way. Think of the drama!
It prolly wouldn't happen that way tho.

Anakin would be around 18-20 years old at that point right? And Mace was his biggest detractor due to his age in Phantom Menace, so he sure as hell wouldnt want him trained when he's even older chosen one or not.


Plus if we're still with Jango by that point it's prolly by choice.
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Yep, if we finish with a force master it will probably be Dooku if we suppose that the next happend like in the canon.
It prolly wouldn't happen that way tho.

Anakin would be around 18-20 years old at that point right? And Mace was his biggest detractor due to his age in Phantom Menace, so he sure as hell wouldnt want him trained when he's even older chosen one or not.


Plus if we're still with Jango by that point it's prolly by choice.
Arthellion is already screwing with canon so I'll just say this: butterflies.

And of course Anakin is with him by choice, I did say Jango should die after they grow close :evil: it's not as fun otherwise.
We could still end up in the Jedi Order via Mace Windu killing Jango and dragging our sorry ass to the Order when he sees our Force potential.

Much later of course, after Anakin has grown closer to daddy Jango and thus can be properly traumatized by Jango's decapitated head :)

Windu as master ftw!
If this happen's we must make it our lifes mission to kill windu

Unless jango turns out to be a shit dad of course
Update at 3k words currently. :p

I might not get it up in time for May the Fourth be with you, but I'll definitely have it up by Revenge of the Fifth :p
Prologue I
The Dancers


Jango Fett
Prologue I: A Slave's Childhood
You shiver. The dull thrum of the ship reverberates against the back of your head. You place your hands on your stomach; their warmth quickly absorbs through the thin fabric of your tunic. You didn't like the clothing. You didn't like any of this. You wanted nothing more than to sleep and rest. A yawn escapes your mouth and you stretch out your arms. Another shiver passes through your body. You decide you don't like space. It's cold. A warm arm pulls you close. You look up at your mother and she offers you a smile that does not quite reach her eyes. You sense the deep grief that has taken hold of her though you know not how. You knew your mother wanted you to be happy, but how could you onboard a ship taking you to some unknown planet? You just wanted to sleep, but anxiety grips you too tight to ever allow such a luxury.

Your blue eyes examine the cargo hold in which you are located. Numerous beings of many species and ages fill the hold. You are amazed the ship can hold them all. The sound of snores and light whispering tug at your ears. You frown. Its so different from the relative solitude of your previous owner. You don't remember the name; purple carpets are all you remember. It had been one year since your previous owner had sold your mother and yourself to the slave markets. You shivered once more and shut your eyes tight. Memories of cold medical rooms and screaming hagglers filled your mind. Your mother's arm gripped you tighter.

You had been purchased by a Twi'lek with shrewd eyes. Thankfully, the Twi'lek had purchased both you and your mother. You were not certain what you would have done had you been separated from her. Tears leaked at your eyes at the thought. Your mother was the only source of warmth and comfort in this dark world. Slowly...despite the anxiety that gripped cried yourself to sleep.

You awoke to the loud snorts of the Gamorrean guards. A sharp pain shot through your ankle as one of them kicked you. Your mother stood and unleashed a tirade of words at the Gamorrean. You were still too sleepy to understand her words, but you knew the guard did not like your mother's response.

A bruise began to purple on your mother's cheek as the two of you fell in step with the rest of the slaves. A bright line caused you to shut your eyes tightly and you gasped in pain as a sudden heat blasted your skin. As you exited the ship, two balls of heat shown down upon you. Your mouth immediately felt dry and a desire for water lodged itself in your throat. You tugged at your mother's hand,

"Momma, I'm thirsty."

Your mother looked down at you and guilt instantly flooded you. You knew she could do nothing for you. Why did you have to cause her pain with such a request? Your mother's hand gripped yours tighter and the two of you continue to walk in step with the rest of the slaves. You wanted to cry. It was so hot. You would gladly go back to the cold of the ship if it meant getting away from the heat. You could already feel grains of sand in your boots. It hurt. A loud voice turned your attention away from the discomfort. You turned your eyes to the voice.

Gardulla the Hutt...your new owner. You remembered the name. Your mom had made you remember the name and shown you a picture. Beady green eyes roamed over the slaves as she spoke. It was a her wasn't it? You could not tell, but the alien was disgusting. Slime dripped off the creatures tail and a look of pure desire rested upon its face as it spoke. You did not understand the language, but got the gist of it by the expression. You were expected to work hard. No slacking. Or you would die.

Your mother's hand gripped you tighter, but suddenly you were pulled away. You screamed, but quickly realized yours was not the only one. The Gamorrean guards had grabbed you and the other children and were taking you away. Cries and screams of anguished children and parents filled the air. You beat your fists against the back of the guard but it did nothing. Your eyes looked to your mother and the tears that filled her eyes. You saw her mouth the words, "Be strong, my son."

And then the Gamorrean rounded the corner and the sight of her was gone. You felt the strength leave your body and you sagged against the guard. The fear of never seeing your mother again filled you and left you empty. You loved your mother. Her warmth and affectionate hand was your only joy in this galaxy. What would you do if you were forever separated from her? You felt...empty. You closed your eyes as the guard carried you. The sound of other children's cries assaulted your ears. Why did they scream? Did they not understand? Screaming only made things worse. Compliance was the key to survival. Or at least...that is what your mother said. Do you job and avoid being noticed and you won't get punished. Mother was always right.

Your thoughts were broken as the Guard placed you upon the ground. You were inside now and the blasting heat no longer assault your skin. Your thin linen tunic was soaked with sweat. Despite the lack of heat, you were so thirsty. You
Roll: D20 -3 intelligence= 2
shifted in your seat and looked up around the room. A single droid stood in front of the crowd of children. There appeared to be about twenty of numerous species. All appeared quite young. Many continued to cry at being taken from their parents, but you felt curiosity begin to override your fear. What was going to happen?


The robot voice resounded throughout the room. Some of the children grew silent, but others appeared scared and cried all the louder. The loud voice caused you to:
DC: 8
Roll: D20-3 Wisdom=10
+1 Wisdom
turn your attention to the droid. Several of the guards proceeded to the crying children and stuck them with some sort of needle. The children quickly calmed down and became quiet. The droid nodded at the guards and then turned its attention to the children.

"Each of you are now owned by Gardulla the Hutt. She is your master and the one who you will serve; failure to do so will result in punishment. Serve well, and you will be rewarded. It has been decided that the slaves which work the hardest during the week will be selected to have day."

You noticed a slight quirk in the droids voice as it said this, but paid it no mind. Family day? Meaning if you worked hard could see your mother! You shifted in your seat, but that also meant getting noticed...and mother said getting noticed is bad. You frowned and decided you would,
[] [Personality] Keep your head down.
[] [Personality] Work hard so you can see your mom again.

Decision made, you listen to the rest of the droid's instructions. You could feel your thirst threatening to distract you. You felt faint,
Roll: D20-3=16
+2 Constitution
but shook your head. You would not let thirst distract you. You focused on the Droid's next words.

"Each of you will be assigned a job. Form a line and you shall be selected."

Several adults suddenly entered the room and took their place behind the droid. The adults seemed to converse amongst themselves. You noticed a few seemed focus more on the children. Your eye caught one of these. A human female, she wore little clothing. You did not like the way she looked at you were a meal to be eaten.

The droid turned towards the adults,

"Mistress Vansitt, you have the first pick, as always."

The woman who had been staring at you turned towards the droid and offered a smirk. She immediate pointed at you,

"That one."

You froze up inside. You were the first chosen? You almost did not hear the droid's next words,

"Anakin Skywalker, Male, Human, Age Four. Mother: Shmi Skywalker. No genetic defects, life expectancy thirty years if remaining on Tatooine, aptitude scores are average across the board."

Madame Vansitt nodded and motioned for you to join her. You stood and made your way tentatively over to the woman. She kneeled and met your eyes,

"Hello little one, you're going to be a dancer."

"Dancer she says," a rough voice filled with mirth came from your right. A harsh looking man grinned down at you. You shifted nervously. What did that mean? You turned your attention back to Vansitt. She felt...angry at the man's words, but you could also sense a hint of mirth at his words as well.

"Hush, Market, my slaves deal in pleasure and pain equally; you merely deal out pain."


"Bantha Fodder," the woman spat as she stood and motioned for your to stand beside her. You watched as the adults continued to pick slaves. Several were chosen by Mistress Vansitt. You tried to keep to yourself, but a twi'lek girl suddenly stood beside you and offered a smile,

"Hi! I'm Pala, who are you?"

Roll=d20-3 charisma=11
+1 Charisma
offered a smile in return,

"I'm Anakin. Nice to meet you!

You may have said this a little too loudly because Mistress Vansitt turned and looked at you. You grinned sheepishly. Mistress Vansitt merely shook her head and went back to picking slaves.

Pala poked you in the arm and, when you looked at her, asked in a loud whisper,

"Will you be my friend?"

You smiled. You'd never had a friend before. You'd always thought about having one, but never had the chance. You nodded your head up and down vigorously. The girl giggled and turned back to looking at the others. You'd made a friend! Perhaps serving Gardulla would not be so bad?

Red pillows and draperies adorned Madame Vansitt's side of the palace. Your eyes widened in horror at the half clothed women which greeted you. Each of them gave you a warm smile, but you kept shutting your eyes tightly in embarrassment. You were not the only one scandalized by the liscientous behavior. The girl gave squeeks of surprise and several faces reddened in embarrassment. Among the people who filled the chambers, you noticed only one other male; a man fully clothed in elegant robes, he sipped gently from his glass from where he was seated. Green eyes met your own as you stared. The man lifted his glass to you and tilted his head acknowledgement. You stopped and gave a small wave..numerous thoughts running through your head. His smile seemed to deepen and he motioned towards the group of girls that were leaving you behind. Your eyes widened and you quickly hurried after the rest of the group lest you be punished.

Soon, each of you reached a large chamber room. Pillows totaling the number of children adorned the ground in rows. Madame Vansitt motioned for you and others to take a seat.

"Welcome, Children, to Madame Vansitt's Charm School; here, you will learn the art of the dance, how to dine among the wealthiest denizens of Tatooine, and make the wildest dreams of Gardulla's clients come true. I will teach you how to comport yourselves. I will train you in the arts of high society, but I will also train you to protect yourselves from those whom would harm you. You are Gardulla's property after all and someone who harms Gardulla's property is deserving of swift retribution. Do all of you understand my words?"

Most of the children nodded, but perhaps did not seem to truly understand. You,
DC: 8
Roll: D20-3=15
+2 Intelligence
understood perfectly. You were to be used at Gardulla's client's pleasure. You were to dance for them and make them happy. For some reason, the thought made your stomach turn. You felt sick. Madame Vansitt shook her head,

"Rest assurred little ones. It will be some years yet before you are ready to perform, but I will make certain you are ready. Each of you will be assigned a mentor. Your mentor will teach you our ways and goals. For now however, you will be taken to the sleeping quarters. Good night little ones."

You suddenly yawned and realized how long of a day it had been. You followed the girls and was surprised to find you were all expected to sleep in the same room. It was a bit awkward to say the least, but you took a corner bunk and quick crawled beneath the covers. You were surprised to find them to be quite comfortable.

Despite the comfort, you could hear the sobs of the girls begin. Your life had changed. You felt tears prickle your eyes. You missed your mother. Desperately.

You fell asleep with tears stained upon your face.


Helth's cultured tone brooked no disagreement. You simply nodded and began performing the movement of the dance once again. The only male in Madame Vansitt's Charm Academy, Helth had been the natural choice for your mentor. The man was a harsh taskmaster, but you found him to be quite charming. He had taught you much in your time at Gardulla's palace. And he had explained your role well. Men were in far less demand than women at Gardulla's palace, but there were some women who partook of Gardulla's offerings...but that was not your real job. Your job was to listen and report. Every conversation you heard...every relationship you saw was your responsibility to report those to Helth. You had quickly realized the truth; the members of Madame Vinsitt's Charm Academy were not so much meant to provide pleasure for Gardulla's clients as they were to retrieve information. It was your role to be a spy. Once that had become clear, you had felt some of your reservations fade away.

Your thoughts faded as you performed the dance. It was a new one, with a great deal of stuttered movement. You performed,
DC: 8
Nat 20.
+2 Dexterity
quite well. Your movements were fluid despite your young age. You could tell by Helth's smirk that you had done well. The man gave you an affectionate cuff to the head.

"Well done, young Skywalker. Keep that up and I will strongly suggest to Madame Vinsitt you be given a family day."

Pain pierced your heart. You had seen your mother only once over the past year in passing. She had given you a warm smile and you here. She had mouthed, "I love you," before she was gone. You had learned that she worked with the custodians; a hard job, but not one where she would be abused. You were grateful for that at least.

A light pain blossomed as Helth cuffed you again, this time harder.

"None of that now, Anakin. Learn to accept things as they are, not how you wish them to be."

You grimaced but nodded.

"Now, you have the rest of the day free."

You nodded and ran off. "Free" meant snooping about the cantina and listening to conversations. You had gotten quite good at it...especially with Pala's help. Your run became a bit faster and a smile graced your face. The two of you had agreed to meet at the entrance to the cantina. Slave children serving drinks was a common site. You should be able to get some juicy information there.

You soon reached the cantina and your smile turned into a frown. Pala was nowhere to be seen. You looked around the corner, but she did not appear to be there either. A twinge of worry began to worm its way into your heart. Suddenly,
DC: 8
Roll: D20-3=9
+1 Wisdom
"Boo!" Soft hands gripped your shoulder, but you made no response save for turning your head to Pala with a grin.

"Hi, Pala!"

"No fair! How come I can never scare you?"

And it was true. No matter how many times Pala tried to scare you, you were always able to somehow know what was about to happen. It was quite odd, but you thought nothing of it.

"You're too much of a girl to scare me!" You stuck out your tongue playfully. Pala sniffed imperiously and shook her head,

"And you're just stupid boy! Fine! I won't serve with you today!"

The girl turned on her heel and began to march off. You instantly felt bad...though you didn't really feel like there was a reason you should. Nonetheless, you decided to chase after her. The girl was not walking very fast and you soon caught up. You said,
DC: 8
Roll: D20-3=16
+2 Charisma
"Pala, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!"

"Okay!" The girl suddenly turned towards you with a brilliant smile upon her face. You frowned. Were all girls this crazy? Or just Pala? The blue-skinned girl gripped your hand and dragged you back into the cantina. The sound of a Bith band assaulted your ears. You had never really cared much for their music despite the fact that many of your dances were designed to be performed with the music; nonetheless, it grated on your nerves. You much preferred the
[] [Music] Soothing Satyr songs of Alderaan.
[] [Music] Upbeat Folk songs of Corellia.
[] [Music] Hard rock of Ryl.
[] [Music] ???
You followed after Pala and soon the two of you were serving drinks to the members of the cantina. Though only five years old, the regulars were used to seeing such small children running about. The cute faces seemed to disarm many of the gruffer patrons and the more refined simply knew it to be the life of a slave. You cared little for their opinions of you and simply focused on overhearing conversations.

"Jabba bought a Skiff off of Jair last week...I heard he was furious that it broke down after one outing...."

"Heard the Galactic Senate passed that new tariff on Trade Federation goods..."

You filed the information away in your mind. Helth would want to know everything you had heard tomorrow. You glanced over at Pala and she gave you a quick smile. The girl placed the drinks at the table of what looked to be a dangerous man before quickly scampering off. Your eyes focused on the man though.

Greyish blue armor covered his torso and his face was set in stone. His skin was dark and a scar crossed over his right eye. He must have been lucky, because the eye lacked any hint of blindness. The man's eyes never stayed in one place for long. They roamed the cantina as if looking for threats...or someone. You knew something was special about the man...similar to how you had known Pala would be trying to scare you. You decided to keep an eye on him.

You continued to serve drinks for several hours, but the man did not move from his table. You were beginning to despair of learning anything before suddenly another man approached the table. You scooted closer to attempt to hear their words,
DC: 12
Roll: D20-3=13
+1 Dexterity
and was able to find a space behind the booth where you could hear what was being said. You pretended to be scrubbing the ground.

"Gardulla has agreed to the loan."

"Interest rate?"

"25 Percent."

A sharp whistle broke though and you could almost image the scarred man shake his head.

"Kriffin hells."

"You don't have to do this, Jango. You can turn away now."

"No...I can't. Those bastards had the gall to fire on us at a peace conference. Boba died! We will burn those false Mandalorian scum to the ground. Mandalore will remember what it is to wage war."

"The Republic will intervene."

"No...I've..I've taken care of it."

"Kriff, went to him?"

"It was the only way."

"I...can't get involved in this."

"You swore an oath."

"Jango...ever since Gallidraan you've been of-"

A fist landed against the table and you nearly yelped in surprise. The two continued speaking a low voice,

"Never speak to me of Gallidraan. You don't know what happened there."


"We're done here."

You heard the two stand and begin to make their way out of the cantina. That was interesting to say the least. You would have to share what had happened with Helth later.

The following day, Helth listened to your tale with ever growing concern. He finally shook his head,

"You did good kid, but if you ever see that man again, you avoid him. That was ridiculously dangerous."

"Why? Who was he?"

"Jango Fett, Leader of the Mandalorian clans, the butcher of Gallidraan."


"Aye, kid. The story goes he and his clan were hired to do a job on a planet. Unbeknownst to him, another clan known as the Deathwatch had made a deal with the planet's administrators. Alongside a group of Jedi, the Deathwatch ambushed Jango's clan..." Helth trailed off and he seemed to grow sad. After a moment you spoke up,


"Sorry kid, just remembering some old times; anyways, Jango and his clan...despite being ambushed killed everyone. The Deathwatch...even the Jedi. There was not a single survivor. The man even personally killed a member of the Jedi Councel."

"What! I thought no one could kill a Jedi?"

"Well, you're wrong kid. Jango Fett can and did. His clan then turned on the planet's administrators. The slaughtered and burned the capital city to ash. His popularity grew and every day more of the old Mandalorian clans swear to his side. They say...he will be the new Mandalore."

You listened to this with awe. Killing Jedi...Butchering a city...the man sounded like a evil legend, but still a legend.

You wondered if you would ever be a legend?

Over the next year, you really focused on the
[] [Training] Physical Aspects: Dancing, Walking Gracefully, Even the Potential to Learn a Martial Art Style
[] [Training] Social Aspects: Conversing, Lying, Bribing, Even the Potential to Make a New Friend

You also had the opportunity to learn a new language in addition to Hutta and Ryl. You Choose:
[] [Language] Binary (understand not speak)
[] [Language]Bocce
[] [Language] Dosh
[] [Language] Gamoran
[] [Language]Hapan
[] [Language] Shyriwook (understand not speak)
[] [Language] High Galactic
[] [Language] Pak Pak
[] [Language] Rodese
[] [Language] Sullustese
[] [Language] Togruti

End Prologue Part 1]
There is still definitely more to this prologue, but...I wanted to get this out in time for May the Fourth and there are enough votes here to end the update. Next update will continue the story and follow how you end up with Jango.

+1 CP
+100 XP
2 wis
2 con
Acrobatics, Investigation, Persusasion, Performance, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth Unlocked
Relationship Added:
-Shmi, Mother
-Pala, Friend
-Helth, Mentor

Personal Information
Name: Anakin Skywalker
Race: Human
Age: 5
Level: 0
Experience Points: 100
Class: Slave Child
Chosen Points: +1

Strength: 4 (-3)
Dexterity: 7 (-2)
Constitution: 6 (-2)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Charisma: 7 (-2)
Intelligence: 6 (-2)

Combat Attributes
Combat Stats
Health: 2HP
Armor Class: 8
Force Power: 8
To Hit: -3
Force to Hit: -2
Weapon: None

Acrobatics: -2
Force Knowledge: -3
Athletics: -3
Deception: -3
History: -3
Insight: -3
Intimidation: -3
Investigation: -2
Medicine: -3
Piloting: -3
Mechanics: -3
Perception: -3
Performance: -2
Persuasion: -2
Sleight of Hand: -2
Stealth: -2
Survival: -3

Combat Abilities:

Force Abilities


-Shmi, Mother
-Pala, Friend
-Helth, Mentor



[] [Personality] Choose One
[] [Music] Choose One
[] [Training] Choose One
[] [Language] Choose one

12 Hour Moratorium on Votes.
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By the way, in the list of languages, the first one is written like this:

[] [Language]
[] [Language] Binary (understand not speak)
[] [Language]Bocce
[] [Language] Dosh
[] [Language] Gamoran
[] [Language]Hapan
[] [Language] Shyriwook (understand not speak)
[] [Language] High Galactic
[] [Language] Pak Pak
[] [Language] Rodese
[] [Language] Sullustese
[] [Language] Togruti

The first one is in blank, is that a write in?