Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest Redux)

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GM NOTE: So...this is the reboot of Star Wars: The Chosen One. Real life through me for a loop...
Character Generation 1
GM NOTE: So...this is the reboot of Star Wars: The Chosen One. Real life through me for a loop and it caused me to struggle to continue writing. So, now that the semester is over..I went back to try and post an update. I found I could not. I struggled to place myself in Anakin's mindset. So...realizing the truth and how convoluted it became..I've decided to do a reboot. Enjoy!​



The Republic grows old and complacent. Senators and lobbyists sell their votes to the highest bidder. Planetary systems in the inner rim experience great prosperity and opulent lifestyles. The Mid and Outer rims grow poisoned with envy and strife...

Bounty hunters and crime lords rule the Outer Rim. The life of a mercenary is hard, but it pays the bills. Slavery, though outlawed by the Republic, exists as the economic workforce of the Hutts. Freedom is but a dream to those unlucky enough to be bought and sold. Many dream that perhaps the Jedi will come and save them, but their hopes are in vain...

The Jedi Order, the religious police force of the Republic, finds itself mired in stagnancy. Orthodoxy dominates the Order and few question the orders of the Jedi Council. Loyalty to the Republic and fear of the Dark Side drives the Jedi to greater levels of apathy...

Beneath the surface, and unbeknownst to all, two Sith continue their studies into the deepest mysteries of the force. Their studies and attempts to control the Force cause a backlash...and several star systems away, a woman immaculately conceives a child...

You are Anakin Skywalker, son of Shmi Skywalker. At the tender age of four, you were sold into slavery to Gardula the Hutt. You are unaware of the great power that resides within you, but with it, you shall one day shape the galaxy. Choose your path wisely, for as you go, so goes the galaxy...

Character Generation

You are Anakin Skywalker and you are six years of age. Your time in Gardula the Hutt's palace has been harsh, but also beneficial. The Hutt believes in wise investments. Your mother served as a custodian, cleaning the opulent palace of the crime lord. You, on the other hand, possess a bit more freedom in your training. You chose to spend your work and free time with the (Choose One):

[] [Training] The Dancers
[] [Training] The Mechanics
[] [Training] The Musicians
[] [Training] The Spacers
[] [Training] The Custodians
[] [Training] The Guards
[] [Training] The Cooks
[] [Training] The Administrator
[] [Training] The Droids
[] [Training] Write in?

You learned much from them and spent your free time well. There was one other child at Gardula's palace that you also developed a friendship with. Who were they (Choose One)?

[] [Friend] Kitster Chanchani Bani: A friendly boy, Kitster is the human son of a feared pirate who left him as a slave at Gardula's palace. Kitster believes his father will one day return for him.
[] [Friend] Pala Kwi'teksa: A Twi'lek girl, Pala is in training to become an entertainer. She is flirty and has embraced the life that awaits her.
[] [Friend] Greedo: A Rodian boy, Greedo is the son of one of Gardula's enforcers. He is free and can be a bit of a bully.
[] [Friend] No one: You had no close friends. This resulted in more time spent pursuing your own interests.
[] [Friend] Write in: May be an OC, but requires at least a five sentence backstory.

That was your social life. At the age of six everything changed...or did it? There was a slave auction. You were purchased by:

[] [Slave] No one: You and your mother remained with Gardula the Hutt.
[] [Slave] Jabba the Hutt: You and your mother were sold to the most powerful crime lord on Tatooine.
[] [Slave] A Mysterious Zabrak: The Zabrak wore Dark Robes and had red, face tattoos. Your mother was not sold and remained with Gardula.
[] [Slave] A Jedi Master: Dooku recognized your latent force potential and purchased you. You would be brought to the Jedi temple for training. Your mother remained with Gardula.
[] [Slave] A Teras Kasi Master: An elderly woman purchased you from Gardula. You would be taken to Bunduki where you were to be trained as a Follower of Palawa.
[] [Slave] Jango Fett: A bounty hunter, you caught Jango's eye when you deftly handled a situation. Your mother remained with Gardula the Hutt.
[] [Slave] Watto: You and your mother were both purchased by a Toydarian junk dealer with a penchant for gambling.
[] [Slave] Cliegg Lars: A fairy tale story. Your mother caught the eye of the moisture farmer and the two fell in love. Cliegg bought you and your mother. You now have a family and a younger brother named Owen.

And so your life begins...​

Vote Format

[] [Training] Pick One
[] [Friend] Pick One
[] [Slave]

Eleven Hour Moratorium on Voting
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Game System
GM Notes: Examining the Previous system, it got really cluttered and difficult to understand...even for me. I've decided to lay out the system here. It has been revamped to be more in line with DnD. Noone, not even Sidious, will have stats in the hundreds. Sidious is more equivalent to a level 40 DnD character.

Narrative Gameplay
The quest will take the style of a DnD-esque campaign. Like a DnD Campaign, as the DM, I will control the events and struggles Anakin faces. Unlike a DnD campaign, I will also be rolling for Anakin and making certain decisions based upon his attributes. You, as the players, will be responsible for assigning Anakin certain skills, attributes, and abilities. In addition, you will be responsible for larger story decisions similar to other quests on this site. Do you leave to join the Jedi? The Sith? Who knows? Ultimately, you as the players decide which route Anakin takes, but his abilities matter. Throughout the course of the quest, there will be story events that require rolls. Does Anakin succeed? It depends on his rolls and attributes.
Stats, Attributes, and Skills
Health Points (HP): Determined by your class, constitution, and level. Reaching Zero hitpoints will cause a Chosen Point to be expended. If you possess zero chosen points, the game ends.
Force Points (FP): Determined by your class, wisdom, and level. Your Force points act as a mana system. Using force abilities decreases your FP.
Armor Class (AC): Determined by your class, dexterity, and level. This is the number your opponents must roll to be able to hit you.
Mental Class (AC): Determined by your class, wisdom or intelligence dependent upon which is higher, and level. This is the number your opponents must roll to be able to effect you mentally.
Melee To Hit: Determined by your class, Strength in most cases, and level. This is the modifier added to a D20 roll to determine whether you strike true.
Ranged to Hit: Determined by your class, dexterity in most cases, and level. This is the modifier added to a D20 roll to determine whether you strike true.
Weapon: Amount of Damage done to opponent.

Attributes: Attributes are your traditional DnD statistics. For those unfamiliar,

Strength: A measure of how physically strong a character is. Strength often controls the maximum weight the character can carry, melee attack and/or damage. Strength is important for the Athletics and Intimidation skill. Increasing Strength may unlock or buff certain abilities.
Dexterity: A measure of how agile a character is. Dexterity controls attack and movement speed and accuracy, as well as evading an opponent's attack. Dexterity is important for the Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Piloting, and Stealth Skills. Increasing dexterity may unlock or buff certain abilities.
Constitution: A measure of how sturdy a character is. Constitution often influences hit points, resistances for special types of damage (poisons, illness, heat etc.) and fatigue. Increasing dexterity may unlock or buff certain abilities.
Intelligence: A measure of how smart a character is. Intelligence determines your character's ability to think tactically. Intelligence is important for the Force Knowledge, Strategy, History, Investigation, Mechanics, and Medicine. Increasing intelligence may unlock or buff certain abilities.
Wisdom: A measure of how wise a character is. Wisdom determines your character's maturity level and Force power. Wisdom is important for Insight, Perception, and Survival. Increasing Wisdom may unlock or buff certain abilities.
Charisma: A measure of how likable a character is. Charisma determines your character's social skills. Charisma is important for Deception, Persuasion, and Performance. Increasing Charisma may unlock or buff certain abilities.

Skills: Should be self-explanatory
Acrobatics: Dex
Force Knowledge: INT
Athletics: STR
Deception: CHR
History: INT
Insight: WIS
Strategy: INT
Intimidation: STR
Investigation: INT
Medicine: INT
Piloting: DEX
Mechanics: INT
Perception: WIS
Performance: CHR
Persuasion: CHR
Sleight of Hand: DeX
Stealth: DEX
Survival: WIS
Classes and Races
Races: Your race is chosen for you....naturally. But there are other characters you will encounter throughout the game and they have their own abilities. Those races will be written as they are encountered and will be given abilities as it relates to Star Wars Lore. So!

Human: The most populous race. Humans come in many forms, colors, shapes, and sizes. Human possess a wide diversity of skills. As human, you can read and write Basic. You also receive two extra attribute points. You also receive proficiency in one extra skill. These are dependent upon early choices made in the character generation.

Classes: Over the course of the quest you will have the opportunity to choose a class, determine your advanced class and eventually multi-class. Certain classes will be open to you based on the story. Others will be closed to you based on the story. It all depends. The following are the base classes offered (Advanced classes are a work in progress):

Slave Child (Default):
Hit dice: 1d4+ Con (Every level up add 1d4+con to your HP)
Skills: All Locked
Proficiencies: All Locked
Attributes: Receive +1 Attribute Points each level up.
Abilities: May not pick any Abilities
Class Features:
-For every level gained as Slave Child, earn the equivalent Chosen Point. Level 1= 1 CP. Level 2=2CP. Level 3=3 CP Etc.
-Gain levels at faster rate.
-Upon choosing a class, the XP required to level up drops back to as if it was level 1. (Other classes xp stacks.Example: Going from Level 10 Soldier to Level 1 Scout costs the same XP as Level 10 Soldier to Level 11 Soldier. Going from level 20 Slave Child to Level 1 Jedi costs the same XP as Level 1 Slave Child to Level 2 Slave Child.)
Hit dice: 1d10+ Con (Every level up add 1d10+con to your HP)
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Strategy, Perception, Medicine, and Survival unlocked and available for use.
Proficiencies: Vibro-weapons, Small Blasters, Medium Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Implants.
Attributes: Receive +2 Attribute Points at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 20th level.
Abilities: (May pick one every 2 levels)
Class Features:
-Fighting Style:
Pick Melee or Ranged at third level. Receive a bonus to those abilities.

-Second Wind: On bonus action, you may once per Chapter heal for all damage and stat debuffs. Use increases to 2 at level 5, 3 at 10, 4 at 15, and 5 at 20.

Archetypes: May Pick Archetype at 4th Level
-Battle Prodigy
-Improved Critical: Critically hit on rolls 18-20.
-Gain a bonus fighting style (Melee/Ranged if not already chosen, or a martial art)
-Incredible Athlete: Double your skill with all skills that require Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
-Superior Critical: At level 16, Critically hit on all rolls 16-20.

- Commander:
-Superiority Die: You possess four superiority die which are 1d8 each. You can use them with the strategies listed below. You gain one more superiority die and level 7 and another at level 15.
-Strategies: You start with two strategies of your choice. You may learn 2 more at level 7, 2 more at level 10, 2 more at level 15.
  • Commander's Strike. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your attacks and use a bonus action to direct one of your companions to strike. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you and expend one superiority die. That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, adding the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.
  • Disarming Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it's holding. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.
  • Distracting Strike. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll. The next attack roll against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is made before the start of your next turn.
  • Evasive Footwork. When you move, you can expend one superiority die, rolling the die and adding the number rolled to your AC until you stop moving.
  • Feinting Attack. You can expend one superiority die and use a bonus action on your turn to feint, choosing one creature within 5 feet of you as your target. You have advantage on your next attack roll against that creature. If that attack hits, add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.
  • Goading Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to goad the target into attacking you. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn.
  • Lunging Attack. When you make a melee weapon attack on your turn, you can expend one superiority die to increase your reach for that attack by 5 feet. If you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.
  • Maneuvering Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to maneuver one of your comrades into a more advantageous position. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and you choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your attack.
  • Menacing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to frighten the target. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
  • Parry. When another creature damages you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to reduce the damage by the number you roll on your superiority die + your Dexterity modifier.
  • Precision Attack. When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority die to add it to the roll. You can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.
  • Pushing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to drive the target back. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you push the target up to 15 feet away from you.
  • Rally. On your turn, you can use a bonus action and expend one superiority die to bolster the resolve of one of your companions. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature gains temporary hit points equal to the superiority die roll + your Charisma modifier.
  • Riposte. When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. If you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.
  • Sweeping Attack. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to damage another creature with the same attack. Choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target and within your reach. If the original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal to the number you roll on your superiority die. The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.
  • Trip Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the target prone.
Hit dice: 1d8+ Con (Every level up add 1d8+con to your HP)
Skills: Acrobatics, Persuasion, Piloting, Mechanics, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Medicine, Stealth and Survival unlocked and available for use.
Proficiencies: Vibro-weapons, Small Blasters, Medium Blasters,Light Armor, Medium Armor
Attributes: Receive +2 Attribute Points at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 20th level.
Abilities: (May pick one every 4 levels)
Class Features:
-Expertise: Choose three attributes, all skill checks using those are doubled; at level 7 choose two more, at level 15, choose one more. Does not stack.
-Sneak Attack: Once per turn you may deal an extra 1d6 damage to any creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on attack roll.
-Stealth Generator: May enter stealth. Gain advantage on all non-force sensitive beings.
-Slippery Mind: Mental AC is increased by +3.
-Stroke of Luck: At level 20, once per update you may treat a failed roll as a critical success.

-Archetypes:May pick archetype at 4th level

-Starting at level 10, you gain advantage on Force Sensitives.
-Starting at level 12, you may attack twice at beginning of combat
-Starting at level 8, all strikes do 1d4 poison damage for three turns. At level 12 it becomes 2d4, at level 16 it becomes 3d6, at level 20 it becomes 3d10.

-Scouted Enemy: Gain advantage on all attacks against enemies you have fought before.
-Fighting Style: Gain bonus on one fighting style (Melee, Ranged, or Martial art)
-Gain a "pet;" May be living or mechanical
Hit dice: 1d8+ Con (Every level up add 1d8+con to your HP)
Skills: All skills unlocked.
Proficiencies: Vibro-weapons, Small Blasters, Light Armor,
Attributes: Receive +2 Attribute Points at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 20th level.
Abilities: (May pick one every 4 levels)
Class Features:
-Superior Expertise: Double All unlocked Skill Checks
-Improved Slippery Mind: Mental AC Improved by +4
-Improved Evasion: AC Improved by +4

Archetypes: Gain Both Archetypes at level 4

-Improve all social checks by +2 at level 6, +2 at level 10, +2 at level 14, +2 at level 18
-Double all credits gained
-Luck of the Deck: twice per update, a failed roll may be attempted again. The DC for the failed roll is the DC minus half your initial roll.

-Gain Class 5 Starship
-Improve piloting checks by +2 at level 6, +2 at level 10, +2 at level 14, +2 at level 18
Follower of Palawa
Hit dice: 1d8+ Con (Every level up add 1d8+con to your HP)
Skills: Acrobatics, Force Knowledge, Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Survival Unlocked.
Proficiencies: Vibro-weapons, Small Blasters,
Attributes: Receive +3 Attribute Points at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 20th level.
Abilities: (May pick one every 3 levels, Gain Teras Kasi Abilities for free at Level 3, 7, 10, 14, and 18)
Class Features:
-At second level, gain access to Force Strikes. The amount of force strikes you possess is equivalent to your level. You may spend these Force Strikes to perform certain attacks such as:
-Flurry of Blows: Immediately after making a successful attack, you may spend a Ki point to launch 2 unarmed attacks.
-Patient Defence: You may spend 1 Ki point to negate a physical attack that hits.
-Speed o the Wind: You may spend 1 ki point to attempt to run away.

-At level 6, reduce energy/force damage by 1/4. Level 12, by 1/2. Level 16 by 3/4s. Level 20, complete immunity.
-Master Slippery Mind: Increase Mental AC by +5.

-Archetypes: Choose one at Level 4, Choose one at level 10

Force Assassin
-At level 6, gain advantage on attacking force sensitives
-At level 8, gain abilities of Level 1 Force powers; at level 12, Level 2 Force Powers, Level 16 Level 3 Force powers; Level 20 Level 4 Force Powers.
-Gain Sneak Attack Damage against Force Users

-Way of Light: Prereq Moderate Lightside or Force Mastery
-When doing damage to an opponent with Flurry of Blows, gain HP equivalent to your amount of damage
-May manipulate your midicholorians to give +5 bonus to all non harmful abilities.
-Gain Access to Level 5 Neutral/Light Side Abilities at level 20

-Way of Dark: Prereq Moderate Darkside or Force Master
-Double Damage of Flurry of Blows
-May Manipulate your midichlorians to give +5 to all harmful abilities
-Gain Access to Level 5 Neutral/Dark Side Abilities at level 20
Jedi Guardian/Sith Warrior
Hit dice: 1d14+ Con (Every level up add 1d14+con to your HP)
Skills: Acrobatics, Force Knowledge Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Strategy, Perception, Medicine, and Survival unlocked and available for use.
Proficiencies: Vibro-weapons, Small Blasters, Medium Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Implants, All lightsabers.
Attributes: Receive +4 Attribute Points at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 20th level.
Abilities: (May pick 2 combat skills every 2 levels, may pick 1 Force ability every 3 levels)
Class Features:
-At Level 1 Gain Access to Shii-Cho Level 1. Increase Shii-Cho by 2 Levels Every Level Up until Level 4.
-At Level 3 Gain Access to Level 1 Force Abilities
-At Level 5 Gain Access to Level 2 Force Abilities
-At Level 7 Gain Access to Level 3 Force Abilities
-At Level 9 Gain Access to Level 4 Force Abilities
-At Level 10 Gain Access to Level 5Force Abilities
-At Level 14 Gain Access to Level 6 Force Abilities
-At Level 17 Gain Access to Level 7 Force Abilities
-At Level 5 Gain access to the following Esoteric Lightsaber Abilities (Sokan, Trakata, Jar'kai, Dun Moch, Trizpest)


-Choose two Lightsaber styles at Level 4, level them both together. Upon Mastery, choose two more.
-All Skills using physical attributes are doubled.
-The effects of using a lightsaber style to counter another are doubled.

-Choose one Lightsaber style at level 4. Learn the style in half the time.
-All skills using Dexterity and charisma are doubled.
-Gain immunity to Mental Force abilities of those lower level than yourself.
Jedi Sentinel/Sith Savant
Hit dice: 1d12+ Con (Every level up add 1d12+con to your HP)
Skills: Acrobatics, Force Knowledge Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Strategy, Perception, Medicine, and Survival unlocked and available for use.
Proficiencies: Vibro-weapons, Small Blasters, Medium Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Implants, Basic Lightsaber, Shoto, and Double -bladed
Attributes: Receive +4 Attribute Points at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 20th level.
Abilities: (May pick 2 combat skills every 3 levels, may pick 2 force skills every 3 levels)
Class Features:
-At Level 1 Gain Access to Shii-Cho Level 1. Increase Shii-Cho by 1 Levels Every Level Up until Level 4.
-At Level 3 Gain Access to Level 1 Force Abilities
-At Level 5 Gain Access to Level 2 Force Abilities
-At Level 7 Gain Access to Level 3 Force Abilities
-At Level 9 Gain Access to Level 4 Force Abilities
-At Level 10 Gain Access to Level 5Force Abilities
-At Level 12 Gain Access to Level 6 Force Abilities
-At Level 16 Gain Access to Level 7 Force Abilities
-At Level 18 Gain Access to Level 8 Force Abiliites
-At Level 20 Gain Access to Level 9 Force Abilities


-Jedi Watchman/Sith Assassin
-At Level 4 Choose one Lightsaber style from (Makashi, Niman, Shii-Cho, Ataru) until mastery. Choose one more and begin again.
-At Level 4, Double stealth bonus.
-At Level 6, Gain advantage on all attacks against opposing side force users.
-At Level 8, Gain Sneak attack (1d6 damage) on all attacks with advantage

Jedi Diplomat/Sith Politician
-At Level 4 Choose one Lightsaber style from (Makashi, Niman, Shii-Cho, Ataru) until mastery. Choose one more and begin again.
-At level 4, double social skills.
-At Level 6, add +4 to mental force attacks.
-At level 10, gain immunity to mental force attacks of those at your level or lower.
Jedi Consular/Sith Sorceror
Hit dice: 1d10+ Con (Every level up add 1d10+con to your HP)
Skills: All Skills unlocked
Proficiencies: Basic Lightsaber, Shoto, and Double -bladed
Attributes: Receive +4 Attribute Points at 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 20th level.
Abilities: (May pick 1 combat ability every 4 levels, may pick 2 force abilitys every 2 levels)
Class Features:
-At Level 1 Gain Access to Shii-Cho Level 1. Increase Shii-Cho by 1 Levels Every two level ups.
-At Level 1 Gain Access to Level 1 Force Abilities
-At Level 3 Gain Access to Level 2 Force Abilities
-At Level 5 Gain Access to Level 3 Force Abilities
-At Level 7 Gain Access to Level 4 Force Abilities
-At Level 9 Gain Access to Level 5Force Abilities
-At Level 10 Gain Access to Level 6 Force Abilities
-At Level: 12 Gain Access to Level 7 Force Abilities
-At Level 14 Gain Access to Level 8 Force Abiliites
-At Level 16 Gain Access to Level 9 Force Abilities


Jedi Sage/Sith Sage
-Gain access to Niman and Makashi. Pick one. Learn style at half speed.
-Double All skills using mental stats.
-Double Force abilities potency.
-Gain immunity at level 4 to mental force attacks of those at your level or lower.
-At level 20, gain immunity to level 6 force abilities and lower.

Jedi Loremaster/Sith Alchemists
-Gain access to Niman and Makashi. Pick one. Learn style at half speed.
-Double All skills using mental stats.
-Unlock Midichlorian Manipulation/Sith Alchemy tree (Pets/necromancy/healing)
-Doubles effects of Force healing/rage.

Regular abilities have one use per battle at level 1. 2 Uses per battle at level 5.

To receive the benefits of a saber form you must choose to use that form as a an action.

Critical Strike Level 1: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 19-20); Receive -5 AC for turn.
Critical Strike Level 2: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 19-20); Receive -4AC for turn.
Critical Strike Level 3: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 17-20); Receive -3 AC for turn.
Critical Strike Level 4: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 17-20); Receive -2 AC for turn.
Critical Strike Level 5: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 14-20); Receive -1 AC for turn.

Power Strike Strike Level 1: Add +5 damage to attack; Receive --5 to hit.
Power Strike Strike Level 2: Add +5 damage to attack; Receive --4 to hit.
Power Strike Strike Level 3:Add +8 damage to attack; Receive --3 to hit.
Power Strike Strike Level 4: Add +8 damage to attack; Receive --2 to hit.
Power Strike Strike Level 5:Add +12 damage to attack; Receive --1 to hit.

Flurry Level 1: Receive a second attack; -5 to hit, -5AC for turn
FlurryLevel 2: Receive a second attack; -4 to hit, -4AC for turn
Flurry level 3:Receive a third attack; -3 to hit, -3AC for turn
Flurry Level 4: Receive a third attack; -2 to hit, -2AC for turn
Flurry Level 5:Receive a fourth attack; -1 to hit, -1AC for turn

Teras Kasi Level 1: Hands act as a 2d4+strength weapon.
Teras Kasi Level 2: Hands act as a 2d6+strength weapon.
Teras Kasi Level 3: Damage by hands stun opponent for one round.
Teras Kasi Level 4: Damage by hands prevent force abilities for two rounds.
Teras Kasi Level 5: Hands act as a 2d12+ Strength weapon

Echani Level 1: Hands act as a 2d4+Intelligence Weapon
Echani Level 2: Hands act as a 2d6 +intelligence weapon
Echani Level 3: Critical for damage by hands is reduced to 18-20.
Echani Level 4: Gain Advantage in all unarmed fights.
Echani Level 5: Hands act as a 2d12+intelligence weapon

(Base Penalty is -8)
Level 1: -6 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 2: -4 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 3: 0 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat, Start first when fighting multiple opponents,
Level 4: +1 Bonus to hit in LightSaber Combat
Level 5: +1 Bonus to hit in Lightsaber Combat, + 2 Turns during a round when fighting multiple opponents (First turn and Last turn)
Level6: +1 Bonus to hit in Lightsaber Combat
Level 7:+1Bonus to hit in Lightsaber Combat, Star first when fighting one opponent.
Level 8: +1Bonus to hit in Lightsaber Combat
Level 9: +1Bonus to hit in Lightsaber Combat
Level 10: +1 Bonus to hit in Lightsaber Combat, + 2 turns during a round when fighting 1 opponent,

Level 1: +1 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 2: +1 to Hit against other swordsman
Level 3:+1 to Hit Against other swordsman Use Intelligence in the place of Strength if Higher;Gain an extra saber attack for every successful hit against you;
Level 4: +1 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 5: +1 to Hit Against other swordsman. Use intelligence in place of Dexterity if Higher. if fighting multiple opponents, make a strategy check against highest level opponent at beginning of the fight. If Successful, only lowest leveled opponent may perform an action for five rounds.
Level6: +1 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 7:+ +1 to Hit Against other swordsman ,Makashi Riposte: Gain an extra saber attack for every missed hit against you;
Level 8:+1 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 9:+1 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 10:+ +1to Hit against other swordsman. , If fighting one opponent. Double intelligence modifier.

Level 1: +1 to AC
Level 2: +1 to AC
Level 3: +1 to AC; Make a constitution saving throw at beginning of fight. If successful, reduce all damage taken by 1/4 for first five rounds.
Level 4:: +1 to AC;
Level 5:: +1 to AC; Make a constitution saving throw at beginning of fight. If successful, reduce all damage taken by 1/2 for first five rounds.
Level6: +1 to AC;
Level 7:+1 to AC; Make a constitution saving throw at beginning of fight. If successful, reduce all damage taken by 3/4 for first five rounds.
Level 8:+1 to AC;
Level 9:+1 to AC;
Level 10:+1 to AC; Make a constitution saving throw at beginning of fight. If successful, reduce all damage taken first five rounds.

Level 1: +1 to Acrobatics
Level 2: +1 to Acrobatics
Level 3: +1 to Acrobatics Use Dexterity in the place of strength if higher.
Level 4: +1 to Acrobatics
Level 5: +1 to Acrobatics;add 1/2 acrobatics skill to damage
Level6: +1 to Acrobatics
Level 7: +1 to Acrobatics, add full acrobatics skill to damage
Level 8: +1 to Acrobatics
Level 9: +1 to Acrobatics
Level 10:+1 to Acrobatics; double acrobatics skill if in open space.

Level 1: +1 to hit
Level 2: +1 to AC
Level 3: +1 to hit; upon taking damage, gain an attack against opponent. Opponent takes 1/4 damage
Level 4: +1 to AC
Level 5: +1 to hit, upon taking damage, gain an attack against opponent. Opponent takes 1/2 damage
Level6: +1 to AC
Level 7:+1 to Hit upon taking damage, gain an attack against opponent. Opponent takes 3/4 damage
Level 8:+1 to AC
Level 9:+ 1 to hit
Level 10:+1 to AC upon taking damage, gain an attack against opponent. Opponent takes full damage

Level 1: +1 to Force to Hit
Level 2: +1 to Force to Hit
Level 3: +1 to Force to Hit; No negative force modifiers for first three rounds even if hit..
Level 4: +1 to Force to Hit
Level 5: ++1 to Force to Hit; use wisdom in the place of dexterity if higher.
Level6: +1 to Force to Hit
Level 7:+1 to Force to Hit; Immune to Negative force Modifiers
Level 8:+1 to Force to Hit
Level 9: +1 to Force to Hit
Level 10:+1 to Force to Hit, Use wisdom in the place of strength if higher.

JUYO and Vaapad are OP due to their rareness. You'll have to seriously work to get them.
Juyo (Must be Neutral or Dark Alignment or Possess Center of Force Perk):
Level 1: +2 to hit, -1 to AC
Level 2: +2 to hit, -1 to AC
Level 3:+2 to hit, -1 to ACs, always start first. Upon hitting an opponente, Opponent bleeds for 1d4 damage for two turns
Level 4:+2 to hit, -1 to AC
Level 5: +2 to hit, -1 to AC, Gain advantage on bleeding opponents.
Level6: +2 to hit, -1 to AC
Level 7:+2 to hit, -1 to AC, successful attacks on opponents you have advantage count as critical damage
Level 8:+2 to hit, -1 to AC
Level 9:+2 to hit, -1 to AC
Level 10:+2 to hit, -1 to AC, Opponent bleeds for 2d6 damage for four turns.

Vaapad (Must be Neutral or Dark Alignment or Possess Center of Force Perk):
Level 1: +2 to hit,
Level 2: +2 To mental AC
Level 3: +2 to hit, always start first. Upon defending against a force attack, reflect damage of the attack back at 1/4 damage.
Level 4: +2 To AC
Level 5: +2 to hit, Upon defending against a force attack, reflect damage of the attack back at 1/2 damage.
Level6: +2 To mental AC,
Level 7+2 to hit, Upon defending against a force attack, reflect damage of the attack back at 3/4 damage.
Level 8:+2 To AC
Level 9:+2 to hit,
Level 10:+2 To mental AC Upon defending against a force attack, reflect damage of the attack back at full damage.

Ranged Abilities

Sniper Shot Level 1: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 19-20); Receive -5 AC for turn.
Sniper Shot Level 2: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 19-20); Receive -4AC for turn.
Sniper Shot Level 3: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 17-20); Receive -3 AC for turn.
Sniper Shot Level 4: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 17-20); Receive -2 AC for turn.
Sniper Shot Level 5: Doubles the Critical Range of an attack (Critc if you hit between 14-20); Receive -1 AC for turn.

Power Blast Level 1: Add +5 damage to attack; Receive --5 to hit.
Power Blast Level 2: Add +5 damage to attack; Receive --4 to hit.
Power Blast Level 3:Add +8 damage to attack; Receive --3 to hit.
Power BlastLevel 4: Add +8 damage to attack; Receive --2 to hit.
Power BlastLevel 5:Add +12 damage to attack; Receive --1 to hit.

Rapid Shot Level 1: Receive a second attack; -5 to hit, -5AC for turn
Rapid Shot2: Receive a second attack; -4 to hit, -4AC for turn
Rapid Shot 3:Receive a third attack; -3 to hit, -3AC for turn
Rapid Shot 4: Receive a third attack; -2 to hit, -2AC for turn
Rapid Shot 5:Receive a fourth attack; -1 to hit, -1AC for turn

Missile Blast Level 1: Fire a concussion round that hits three enemies. Does 1d4 damage. Enemies must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned for next three rounds. DC of 10
Missile Blast 2: Fire a concussion round that hits three enemies.Does 1d4 Damage. Enemies must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned for next three rounds. DC of 12
Missile Blast 3:Fire a concussion round that hits three enemies.Does 2d4 Damage. Enemies must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned for next three rounds. DC of 14
Missile Blast 4:Fire a concussion round that hits three enemies.Does 2d4 Damage. Enemies must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned for next three rounds. DC of 16
Missile Blast 5:Fire a concussion round that hits three enemies.Does 3d4 Damage. Enemies must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned for next three rounds. DC of 16

Flame Thrower 1: Releases a cone of fire damage. 1D8 +dex damage. Inflicts 1d4 Burn damage for 2 rounds
Flame Thrower 2: Releases a cone of fire damage. 1D8 +dex damage. Inflicts 1d4 Burn damage for 3 rounds
Flame Thrower 3: Releases a cone of fire damage. 1D8 +dex damage. Inflicts 2d4 Burn damage for 3 rounds
Flame Thrower 4: Releases a cone of fire damage. 1D8 +dex damage. Inflicts 3d4 Burn damage for 3 rounds
Flame Thrower 5: Releases a cone of fire damage. 2D8 +dex damage. Inflicts 3d4 Burn damage for 3 rounds

Force Abilities
Tutaminis (Neutral Power):
Level 1: +1 HP
Level 2: +1 HP
Level 3: ++1 HP; Decrease energy damage by 1/4.
Level 4:++1 HP
Level 5: +1 HP; Decrease Force Damage by 1/4,
Level 6: +1 HP
Level 7:++1 HP Decrease Energy/Force energy Damage by 1/2.
Level 8:+1 HP
Level 9:++1 HP
Level 10: +1 HP; Immune to force/energy damage (One use per battle)

Force Stealth
Level 1: +1 stealth
Level 2: +1 stealth
Level 3: +1 stealth Non-force users cannot see you if you do not wish to be seen. Combat breaks this.
Level 4: +1 stealth
Level 5: +1 stealth, May Cloak your force signature from force users.

Level 6: +1 stealth
Level 7:++1 stealth; Instantly enter stealth upon dropping below 20% HP (One use per battle)
Level 8:+1 stealth
Level 9:+1 stealth
Level 10: +1 stealth. Heal for 1d10+wisdom upon entering stealth (One use per battle)

Force Speed
Level 1: +1 to initiative
Level 2: +1 to initiative
Level 3: +1 to initiative, gain advantage on opponents for first round if you have higher iniative
Level 4: +1 to initiative
Level 5: +1 to initiative; gain advantage on opponents for third round if you have higher iniative

Level 6: +1 to initiative
Level 7: +1 to initiative gain advantage on opponents for fourth round if you have higher iniative
Level 8: +1 to initiative
Level 9: +1 to initiative
Level 10: +1 to initiative gain advantage on opponents for fourth round if you have higher iniative


Level 1: +1 Mental AC
Level 2:+1 Mental AC
Level 3:+1 Mental AC, heal for 1/4 of your total HP. (One use per battle)
Level 4: +1 Mental AC
Level 5: +1 Mental AC, heal for 1/2 of your total HP.

Level 6:+1 Mental AC
Level 7: +1 Mental ACU Heal allies for 1/4 your total HP. (one use per battle)
Level 8: +1 Mental AC
Level 9: +1 Mental AC
Level 10: +1 Mental AC Heal allies for 1/2 your total HP.

Force Valour

Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 2: +2 to hit, +2 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 3:+3 to hit, +3 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 4:4 to hit, +4 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 5: 5 to hit, +5 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 6: 6 to hit, +6 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 7: 7 to hit, +7 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 8:8 to hit, +8 Force to Hit fortwo rounds
Level 9: 9 to hit, +9 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 10: 10 to hit, +10 Force to Hit two rounds

Force Rage:
Level 1: +1 to hit, +1 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 2: +2 to hit, +2 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 3:+3 to hit, +3 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 4:4 to hit, +4 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 5: 5 to hit, +5 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 6: 6 to hit, +6 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 7: 7 to hit, +7 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 8:8 to hit, +8 Force to Hit fortwo rounds
Level 9: 9 to hit, +9 Force to Hit for two rounds
Level 10: 10 to hit, +10 Force to Hit two rounds

Force Sacrifice
Level 1: +1 HP
Level 2: +1 HP
Level 3: ++1 HP; On third round lose 5 HP. All Opponents take 6 damage.
Level 4:++1 HP
Level 5: +1 HP; On third round lose 5 HP. All Opponents take 8 damage.
Level 6: +1 HP
Level 7:++1 HP On third round lose 5 HP. All Opponents take 12 damage.
Level 8:+1 HP
Level 9:++1 HP
Level 10: +1 HP;On first round lose 5 HP. All Opponents take 10 damage.

Sense:Wisdom Modifier +perks
Life Detection:
Level 1: +1 Perception.Can sense life within 1/4 Mile.
Level 2: +1 Perception. Can Sense Life within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: +1 Perception. Can Sense Life within 1 mile.
Level 4: +1 Perception. Can sense life within 10 Miles.
Level 5: +1 Perception. Can Sense life within 100 miles.

Force Empathy:
Level 1: + 1 Insight
Level 2: + 1 Insight
Level 3: + 1 InsightGain Ability to Influence others emotions. Force to hit on Mental AC.Dialogue
Level 4: + 1 Insight
Level 5: + 1 Insight

Level 6: + 1 Insight
Level 7: + 1 Insight
Level 8: + 1 Insight
Level 9: + 1 Insight
Level 10: + 1 Insight

Level 1: + 1 Insight
Level 2: + 1 Insight
Level 3: + 1 InsightGain Ability to Influence others emotions. Force to hit on Mental AC.Dialogue
Level 4: + 1 Insight
Level 5: + 1 Insight

Level 6: + 1 Insight
Level 7: + 1 Insight
Level 8: + 1 Insight
Level 9: + 1 Insight
Level 10: + 1 Insight

Battle Precognition:
Level 1: + 1 AC
Level 2: + 1 AC
Level 3: + 1 AC
Level 4: + 1 AC
Level 5: + 1AC

Level 6: + 1AC
Level 7: + 1AC
Level 8: + 1AC
Level 9: + 1 aC
Level 10: + 1 AC

Alter: Wisdom Modifier +perks
Force Jump:
LeveL 1: +1 Athletics, May Jump One Story Buildings
Level 2: +1 Athletics, May Jump Three Story Buildings
Level 3: ++1 Athletics , May Jump Five Story Buildings
Level 4: +1 Athletics, May Jump Seven Story Buildings
Level 5: +1 Athletics, May Jump Nine Story Buildings

Level 1: +1 Force to Hit, can lift R2D2 level objects Unlock Force Push/Force Choke
Level 2: +1 Force to Hit, Can lift small speeder objects
Level 3:+1 Force to Hit, Can lift large Speeders; May attack Opponent with 2D4 debris.
Level 4: +1 Force to Hit, Can lift AT-AT Level craft
Level5: +1 Force to Hit, Can Lift Starship Level Craft, Unlock Telekinetic Saber Style

Level 6: +1 Force to Hit
Level 7: +1 Force to Hit; May attack Opponent with 4D4 debris
Level 8: +1 Force to Hit
Level 9: +1 Force to Hit
Level 10: +1 Force to Hit May attack Opponent with 3D8 debris

Force Push
Level 1: May do 1D4+ wisdom to opponent.
Level 2: +1 Force to Hit
Level 3: May do 2D4+Wisdom damage.
Level 4: +1 Force to Hit
Level5: , May do 3d4+Wisdom Damage.

Level 6:+1 Force to Hit
Level 7: May do 5d8+Wisdom Damage to two Opponents.
Level 8:+1 Force to Hit
Level 9: +1 Force to Hit
Level 10: May do 5d12Wisdom Damage to all Opponents.

Force Stun:
Level 1: 1 Opponent may be stunned. (Force to hit vs Mental AC)
Level 2:+1 Force to Hit
Level 3: 1Opponent may be stunned.
Level 4: +1 Force to Hit. May use twice per battle.
Level 5: 1 Opponent may be stunned.

Level 6: +1 Force to Hit
Level 7: 1 Opponent may be stunned.
Level 8: +1 Force to Hit. May use three times per battle.
Level 9: +1 Force to Hit. May use four times per battle.
Level 10: Abilities of force stun apply to all opponents

Force Choke:
Level 1: May do 1D4+ wisdom to opponent upon first round. If hit, opponent is stunned for one round.
Level 2: +1 Force to Hit
Level 3: May do 2D4+Wisdom damage upon third round, If hit, opponent is stunned for one round.
Level 4: +1 Force to Hit: May Use Ability twice per battle.
Level5: , May do 3d4+Wisdom Damage upon Fifth round, If hit, opponent is stunned for one round.
Level 6:+1 Force to Hit.
Level 7: May do 5d8+Wisdom Damage to two Opponents upon Seventh round, If hit, opponent is stunned for one round.
Level 8:+1 Force to Hit. May use ability three times per battle.
Level 9: +1 Force to Hit. May use ability four times per battle.
Level 10: May do 5d12Wisdom Damage to all Opponent.

Force Lightning:
Level 1: 1 opponent may takes 1d8 +Wisdom Damage.
Level 2: +1 Force to Hit
Level 3: 1 Opponent may takes 2d8+Wisdom Damage.
Level 4: +1 Force to Hit
Level 5: 1 Opponents may takes 3d8+Wisdom damage.

Level 6: +1 Force to Hit
Level 7: 1 Opponent may take 4D8+Wisdom .
Level 8: +1 Force to Hit
Level 9: +1 Force to Hit
Level 10: Abilities of Force lightning apply to all opponents and take 5D8+wisdom
Combat follows the tradition DnD Method.
Roll for initiative. Order of turns is in highest to lowest. I will control enemies. Players use Anakin's actions. Battles will be done in the rollz room. I will ask for a consensus of an action before it is done. During your turn, you have a movement action, a action, and bonus action.

Movement is exactly as it sounds.
Action is any force ability, combat ability, or changing style.
Bonus action is flavor. I'll take the vibe of the room and incorporate it into Anakin's attitude. (This may be removed.)

Space Combat is a WIP, but it should be similar to regular combat only with abilities being dependend upon your ship.
Chosen Points
Chosen Points are gained through Omakes, Natural 20s, Artwork, and at the GM's discretion. Level ups give a certain amount of CP as well.

Chosen Points are used to purchase special abilities for Anakin such as Shatterpoint or Flow Walking. They are also your "lives." If you reach zero hitpoints and possess no CP, the game is over.
THis is the stance of the Quest. It may contradict canon in some places due to the story

Light VS Dark:
The Force is necessary for life. The Force is an entity composed of Light and Dark. Both are necessary for its existence. Originally, the users of the Force sought balance between light and dark. Due to numerous changes, the Light and the Dark were divorced from one another and it became impossible to have balance between the two. Anyone who strives for balance will ultimately find themselves leaning one way or another.

The sides of the Force are how you use emotion.

The Light side is taking all of your emotion and releasing it to the force. Letting the force flow through you.

The Dark side is taking your emotion and using it to control the force.

It is possible to use the Lightside for Genocide.

It is possible to use the Dark Side to end slavery.

The Force is meant to be a tool. Unfortunately, due to the unbalance, the Dark and the Light both corrupt its users. The Dark becomes more hedonistic and passionate, the Light side users lose their identity and sense of self. Both are negative extremes.

Somehow, you as Anakin Skywalker, have to cure the force of these extremes.

Good vs. Evil

This is a quest. Meaning your decisions determine who you are. It is perfectly fine if you do not prefer to play what you define as evil. It's perfectly fine if you do not prefer to play as what you define as good.

However, as I asked near the beginning of this quest, please do not use the stance, "Because its evil!" as a reason condemn other voter's choices. You can definitely say you don't care for a vote because you would prefer for Anakin to have a different moral code, but "because its evil!" is not a legitimate argument in this quest.

Personally, Anakin will be morally ambiguous unless you as voters actively try to change that. If "evil" decisions are made, I will write Anakin as a conflicted but not derpy villain. Think more Batman/Tywin Lannister esque than Hitler.

1-5= Light Mastery, permenantly can use light options without being light aligned except when severe dark. Permanently Can use light force powers without being light aligned.Fully regain self.
6-10=begin to regain your sense of self
11-15=Severe Light. Lose your sense of self. Unable to choose any Personal gain action or ambition. Your personality is gone.
16-25= Average Light. Losing sense of self. Certain personal gain decisions locked to you.
25-40=Minor light. Light options unlocked
60-75= Minor dark. Dark options unlocked
76-85= average dark. Beginning to lose self in emotions.
86/-90=Severe dark. Lose self to emotions. Unable to choose any altruistic ambition or do anything that does not benefit yourself.
91-95=begin to gain control of emotions.
96-100=mastery. Full control over emotions. Dark dialogue and powers always open to you regardless of alignment except severe light.

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Character Sheet and NPCs
Character Sheet

Personal Information

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Race: Human
Age: 6
Level: 0
Experience Points: 0
Class: Slave Child
Chosen Points

Strength: 4 (-3)
Dexterity: 4 (-3)
Constitution: 4 (-3)
Wisdom: 4 (-3)
Charisma: 4 (-3)
Intelligence: 4 (-3)

Combat Attributes
Combat Stats
Health: 1HP
Armor Class: 7
Force Power: 7
To Hit: -3
Force to Hit: -3
Weapon: None

Acrobatics: -3
Force Knowledge: -3
Athletics: -3
Deception: -3
History: -3
Insight: -3
Intimidation: -3
Investigation: -3
Medicine: -3
Piloting: -3
Mechanics: -3
Perception: -3
Performance: -3
Persuasion: -3
Sleight of Hand: -3
Stealth: -3
Survival: -3

Combat Abilities:

Force Abilities

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Plan High on Life
[] [Training] The Dancers
[] [Friend] Pala Kwi'teksa
[] [Slave] Watto: You and your mother were both purchased by a Toydarian junk dealer with a penchant for gambling.

This time, we're gonna be a social little bugger and artful dodger on Tattooine until we can go through life in our own terms. We are not going to be a lonely kid, instead being more silly and carefree so that we can enjoy life, instead of stressing out.

Staying with our friend is important.
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[X] [Training] The Spacers
[X] [Friend] Pala Kwi'teksa: A Twi'lek girl, Pala is in training to become an entertainer. She is flirty and has embraced the life that awaits her.
[X] [Slave] Jango Fett: A bounty hunter, you caught Jango's eye when you deftly handled a situation. Your mother remained with Gardula the Hutt.

This seems like an interesting combination.
[-] Plan: A Little Business Man
-[-] [Training] The Administrator
-[-] [Friend] Pala Kwi'teksa: A Twi'lek girl, Pala is in training to become an entertainer. She is flirty and has embracedthe life that awaits her.
-[-] [Slave] Watto: You and your mother were both purchased by a Toydarian junk dealer with a penchant for gambling.

I kinda want to go a more economic/leadership path this time.
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[X] Plan High on Life
[X] [Training] The Dancers
[X] [Friend] Pala Kwi'teksa
[X] [Slave] A Teras Kasi Master: An elderly woman purchased you from Gardula. You would be taken to Bunduki where you were to betrained as a Follower of Palawa.

This time, we're gonna be a social little bugger under the training of an old lady, instead of those stuffy guys in the temple. We are not going to be a lonely kid, instead being more silly and carefree so that we can enjoy life, instead of stressing out.
[X] [Training] The Spacers
[X] [Friend] Pala Kwi'teksa: A Twi'lek girl, Pala is in training to become an entertainer. She is flirty and has embraced the life that awaits her.
[X] [Slave] Jango Fett: A bounty hunter, you caught Jango's eye when you deftly handled a situation. Your mother remained with Gardula the Hutt.

This seems like an interesting combination.
[X] [Training] The Administrator
[X] [Friend] No one: You had no close friends. This resulted in more time spent pursuing your own interests.
[X] [Slave] Watto: You and your mother were both purchased by a Toydarian junk dealer with a penchant for gambling.
I though we had to wait to vote?

Eleven Hour Moratorium on voting mah friends.
[] [Training] The Dancers
[] [Friend] Pala Kwi'teksa
[] [Slave] Jango Fett: A bounty hunter, you caught Jango's eye when you deftly handled a situation. Your mother remained with Gardula the Hutt.
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Let's go with Cliegg again. I liked where the previous Quest was going and I want to, at least more or less, replicate it.
[] [Training] The Droids
[] [Friend] No one: You had no close friends. This resulted in more time spent pursuing your own interests.
[] [Slave] A Teras Kasi Master: An elderly woman purchased you from Gardula. You would be taken to Bunduki where you were to be trained as a Follower of Palawa.
Anakin got re-incarnated! Maybe... a few of the Chosen points got taken along for the ride? :whistle:

In all seriousness, glad to see you are feeling better and hopefully the streamlining makes things easier for you.

(Not serious about the Chosen points btw, don't need power-gaming this time)
Yes, but things that were changed from the last go around may be canon here or might go a completely different direction.

I don't mind sharing a few plans that are now debunked.

-the Vong were the Clone Templates

-Bail Organa was Sidious

-Mon Mothma was a Resurrected Darth Zannah
Vong ugh books that made me stop reading when they came out.

For stun is that DnD stun of basically do nothing? If so Teras Kasi will need to be redone for level 3 and 4, at higher levels typically (at least 3.5 and 4) you would hit with an attack on even poor rolls due to all the modifiers you tended to accumulate.

Edit- Also the no force for two rounds at level 4 shuts down the consular/sorceror paths pretty hard

Edit 2- Followers of Palwa class has Force Stikes but then uses Ki in the abilities below it, Ki should be Force Strikes I believe.
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Vong ugh books that made me stop reading when they came out.

For stun is that DnD stun of basically do nothing? If so Teras Kasi will need to be redone for level 3 and 4, at higher levels typically (at least 3.5 and 4) you would hit with an attack on even poor rolls due to all the modifiers you tended to accumulate.

Edit- Also the no force for two rounds at level 4 shuts down the consular/sorceror paths pretty hard

Teras Kasi was designed to take out Jedi. So... :p

Stun is do nothing, but its only for one turn. I should clarify its not an auto-hit. Opponents can make a constitution saving throw.
I want Anakin to be a Magical Girl (Boy). All of my votes will be heading towards this choice. You have been warned.
Teras Kasi was designed to take out Jedi. So... :p

Stun is do nothing, but its only for one turn. I should clarify its not an auto-hit. Opponents can make a constitution saving throw.
Full shut down of a class though seems a bit much, a bonus vs force users would seem to be more appropriate here, say +2 to hit and damage. And stun requiring user to hit and opponent to fail a save is much better otherwise stun lock is quite likely.

Vaapad, the reflect on defense I assume means if the force attack fails you turn it back on the enemy?

Also what is the damage range for most weapons?

And for combat abilities are they chose 1 or none to be active for the round or are some passive constants?

Tutaminis is there a cost or cool down? Full immunity to the force once again shuts down sorcerer/consular path pretty hard for one skill and even at lower levels reduces their effectiveness if always active.

Juyo gets always goes first at level 3, Shii-Cho is always go first at level 7, which one takes priority or do they cancel out?

Some of the lightsaber forms grant bonus attacks, you probably want to cap them to avoid silly things like the 3.5 cleave + bag of rats
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GM NOTE: So...this is the reboot of Star Wars: The Chosen One. Real life through me for a loop and it caused me to struggle to continue writing. So, now that the semester is over..I went back to try and post an update. I found I could not. I struggled to place myself in Anakin's mindset. So...realizing the truth and how convoluted it became..I've decided to do a reboot. Enjoy!​
Interested in this. The other one had caught my attention, but it was further along than I really like joining quests by the time that I had noticed it. I'm happy to have a chance to get in on this one at the beginning.