[X] Assert yourself. You're the reason Adam and Sarah have the clout to suggest a magical enforcement group, and the reason the werewolves will be there at all. Root is right; you are key to everything, and your word, whichever side you decide to support, will be worth your weight in gold.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Mar 4, 2018 at 9:22 AM, finished with 1425 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Assert yourself. You're the reason Adam and Sarah have the clout to suggest a magical enforcement group, and the reason the werewolves will be there at all. Root is right; you are key to everything, and your word, whichever side you decide to support, will be worth your weight in gold.
    [X] Just keep a quiet presence. You don't have to go to far. You can just be a face and a name that other people brandish about while you stay on the sidelines. It's likely that someone will try to enlist you into something, but it'll be your choice to accept or refuse.
    [X] Look like an idiot. Both Adam the mage and Jeremiah the werewolf are using you to support their positions, so it won't disadvantage any one side more than the other. But it will teach Root a lesson, and make sure you're not involved in policing shenanigans and can focus on your research.
Just read through this quest, looks awesome, really love the setting and am curious to explore it more. Particularly like how as an Original quest, we the voters don't know any more about the setting OOC than Snowflake does IC, so we'll all get to experience the journey of discovery together. No posts for a while but there looked like there were longer gaps than this before so I'm hoping it's just quiet and not dead? Sorry for the necro if I'm mistaken.


Counterproposal: say yes to politics and also yes to our nice friendly demon friend who is only trying to help*!

[X] Assert yourself. You're the reason Adam and Sarah have the clout to suggest a magical enforcement group, and the reason the werewolves will be there at all. Root is right; you are key to everything, and your word, whichever side you decide to support, will be worth your weight in gold.

*disclaimer/actual reasoning: I suppose it might be ever so slightly possible that Root is not actually only trying to help, but as I mentioned, I want us & Snowflake to learn more about this setting and both parts of this plan (hooking into supernatural politics and encouraging our connection with Root) lend themselves well to that goal
[X] Assert yourself. You're the reason Adam and Sarah have the clout to suggest a magical enforcement group, and the reason the werewolves will be there at all. Root is right; you are key to everything, and your word, whichever side you decide to support, will be worth your weight in gold.
[X] Assert yourself. You're the reason Adam and Sarah have the clout to suggest a magical enforcement group, and the reason the werewolves will be there at all. Root is right; you are key to everything, and your word, whichever side you decide to support, will be worth your weight in gold.
[X] Assert yourself. You're the reason Adam and Sarah have the clout to suggest a magical enforcement group, and the reason the werewolves will be there at all. Root is right; you are key to everything, and your word, whichever side you decide to support, will be worth your weight in gold.

Making waves and forming alliances is what the last sorcerer in town did, let's follow in his footsteps
[x] Just keep a quiet presence. You don't have to go to far. You can just be a face and a name that other people brandish about while you stay on the sidelines. It's likely that someone will try to enlist you into something, but it'll be your choice to accept or refuse.
Making waves and forming alliances is what the last sorcerer in town did, let's follow in his footsteps
he also had to constantly skirmish with a clan of were-coyotes.
[x] Just keep a quiet presence. You don't have to go to far. You can just be a face and a name that other people brandish about while you stay on the sidelines. It's likely that someone will try to enlist you into something, but it'll be your choice to accept or refuse.
[X] Look like an idiot. Both Adam the mage and Jeremiah the werewolf are using you to support their positions, so it won't disadvantage any one side more than the other. But it will teach Root a lesson, and make sure you're not involved in policing shenanigans and can focus on your research.

Politics is dumb and distracting, so let's not do politics.
[X] Assert yourself. You're the reason Adam and Sarah have the clout to suggest a magical enforcement group, and the reason the werewolves will be there at all. Root is right; you are key to everything, and your word, whichever side you decide to support, will be worth your weight in gold.
Whew, just binged this quest, really enjoy it. But, I gotta ask... If demons are born from emotions... Is Root our feeling of inadequacy or something? Is that why he's so intent on us proving we're the very best there ever was? We grew up in the shadow of a famous dad, are a 'failure' in terms of not being able to do his magic, our own mentor basically abandoned us... Being a demon of "fear of inadequacy" or "drive to succeed" might make sense for Root.

That said... I agree with Kinruush. We should only be doing something like this if we're making a specific point against our demon. And Root has been nothing but helpful so far. If he gets too pushy or demanding or seems to be actively subverting us or doing things we don't want... That is the point we make a fool of ourselves.

Also, I want this supernatural council thing to go well, but I don't necessarily want to be one of the ones in charge of it. Being around to smooth things over is fine, but taking charge? We have enough things to handle.

[x] Just keep a quiet presence. You don't have to go to far. You can just be a face and a name that other people brandish about while you stay on the sidelines. It's likely that someone will try to enlist you into something, but it'll be your choice to accept or refuse.
Adhoc vote count started by Kai Merah on May 15, 2018 at 1:08 PM, finished with 38 posts and 29 votes.