Silicon Overlord Quest

[x] hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation people tend to give up information when they don't know it's important
[x] hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation people tend to give up information when they don't know it's important
[x] hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation people tend to give up information when they don't know it's important
[x] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.

Sorry, it hurt my eyes before.
[x] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.
[x] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.
[x] Research and Development (+Technology)

EDIT: Added second vote
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[x] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.
[x] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.
[X] Research and Development (+Technology)
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[x] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.
[X] Management (+ Administration, + Diplomacy)

Ooh boy this'll be fun - an AI being transplanted into a fantasy setting. Post apocalyptic, maybe?
Oh yes, as for my reasoning behind picking Military as our AI type, consider this. We are in a world with adventurers. And adventurers, as we all know, attract world-ending threats on a weekly basis. Evil overlords, dark gods, mad cults, giant monsters, extradimensional invaders, several of the prior at once, the works.

And how, inevitably, are all these problems solved? Well, discounting plot artifice, main force is the only reliable way to defeat these threats. So, a vote for a Military AI is a vote for saving the world at the head of a killbot army!
[X] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.
[X] Research and Development (+Technology)

I think we ought to be named GLaDOS, but HAL is good enough. We don't have any deadly neurotoxin at the moment, anyways.
[X] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation. People tend to give up information when they don't know it's important.
[X] Management (+Administration, +Diplomacy)
Someone do a vote tally.
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Communicate with the group
No. of votes: 1

-[x] Using the facility's speakers
No. of votes: 1

[X] Management (+Administration, +Diplomacy)
No. of votes: 3
x2ero, Xantalos, kellanved

[x] Remain silent for now.
No. of votes: 2
Manget, Plasmid

--[x] Attempt to reactivate the base's security complement
No. of votes: 2
Manget, Plasmid

[x] Military (+Military Assets, +Military Skill)
No. of votes: 1

[x] Hal. Although why your personnel insisted on calling you that instead of your proper designation, you're not sure. HA-2786D/FBA just trips off the tongue, after all.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Research and Development (+Technology)
No. of votes: 3
Plasmid, Arkhamthe_Black, Evilness42

[X] Strip them and then hold them in a locked room, while interrogating them would be useful, getting the facility up and running is much more.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Question them for information, but don't use physical force.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Hold them in a locked room
No. of votes: 1

[X] Interrogate them for information
No. of votes: 3
RulerOfNothing, Ginger Maniac, Ambit

[x] hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation people tend to give up information when they don't know it's important
No. of votes: 11
hcvquizibo, Night_stalker, veekie, Dark Ness, EricShin, Arkhamthe_Black, AnimalKrazed, Enjou, Xantalos, Evilness42, kellanved
[X] Hold them in the locked room and have a civil conversation people tend to give up information when they don't know it's important
[X] Military (+Military Assets, +Military Skill)

Edit: Was I too late?
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[x] Remain silent for now.
--[x] Attempt to reactivate the base's security complement
[x] Research and Development (+Technology)
Real quick, I'm ruling that the Infrastructure AI type bonuses is getting folded into Management. The other two options remain unchanged.

Do note that your technology is SF-ish, in excess of modern day tech. R&D gives you some cutting edge stuff and will make it easier to raise the general knowledge base of the locals, while military gives you a limited store of shiny high end war machines.
Having secured your interlopers and disarmed them of their weaponry, you proceed to have them detained in one of the former staff break rooms, mainly because it was one of the few areas you had full control over. Under normal circumstances, you would have immediately contacted the appropriate authorities and turned the intruders over, but these are far from normal circumstances.

As the first and only sentient beings you have encountered since waking up, they may be able to offer information on events that have transpired while you were asleep. You assign a single drone to serve as your avatar for the purpose of interaction, while the remaining three drones are dispatched to assist in reactivating the rest of the facility.

The conversation with the intruders proves exceedingly frustrating, as both you and the intruders are confused by each other. As a result, you gain almost no useful information from the conversation. However, one thing that is made clear is that they are utterly unfamiliar with technology, science or many of the norms of your society, especially the idea of artificial intelligence. In turn, you are equally confused by their constant references to magic and golems and gods and all sorts of other nonsensical things. Your attempts to persuade them that you are not, in fact, a demon, are all met with failure.

One of the few useful pieces of information you do get is that there appear to be other sapient creatures besides humans. They are infuriatingly vague and inconsistent in their descriptions of these other beings. However, you do note several similarities between their descriptions of what they call 'dragons' and an experimental bioengineering program that was being conducted back in your time.

You also attempt to examine the captured weapons, starting with the strange 'staff' that had been observed to project energy blasts. However, when one of your drones attempts to disassemble the staff, something goes wrong, and it detonates, destroying the captured weapons, along with your drone. Fortunately, nothing of importance was lost. But you gain no useful data, as a result.

Your attempt to bring the rest of the facility back online is somewhat more successful. Even with the loss of one of your drones in the accident, you are able to locate and reactivate 7 more utility drones, more than making up for your losses. You also succeed in reactivating 6 security drones, armed with stunners and laser weaponry. Your drones succeed in getting several facilities online, though you estimate that this only a tiny fraction of the compound's full facilities.

There are two votes for this section.

Uninvited Guests
First off, what do you want to do with the adventurers now? You are fairly sure you've extracted all the useful information you can out of them. Do note that they are not favourably disposed to you at the moment.
[ ] Kill them.
[ ] Release them.
[ ] Continue to hold them.
[ ] Attempt to improve their opinion of you.
[ ] Try to get more information out of them. You don't think this will be very useful, but you can try. (Low Chance)
[ ] Don't bother, you have more important things to do.​

You have, at present, 10 utility drones and 6 security drones. What do you want to do with them? Utility drones will be better at most tasks, except for guard duty and scouting. (Assign however many or however few drones you want to each task)
[ ] Scout the surrounding area
[ ] Guard the facility against further potential intruders.
[ ] Guard your prisoners (obviously not needed if you kill or release them)
[ ] Interact with the adventurers (only if you chose to hold them and not ignore them)
[ ] Reactivate the rest of the facility (all excess drones will be automatically tasked towards this)
[X] Continue to hold them.
-[x] Attempt to improve their opinion of you.
[X] Guard the facility against further potential intruders. 4 Security drones
[x] Guard your prisoners (obviously not needed if you kill or release them) 2 Security drones
[x] Interact with the adventurers (only if you chose to hold them and not ignore them) 1 Utility drone
[X] Reactivate the rest of the facility (all excess drones will be automatically tasked towards this)

No going out and getting noticed until we got enough reactivated.
[X] Continue to hold them.
-[x] Attempt to improve their opinion of you.
[X] Guard the facility against further potential intruders. 4 Security drones
[x] Guard your prisoners (obviously not needed if you kill or release them) 2 Security drones
[x] Interact with the adventurers (only if you chose to hold them and not ignore them) 1 Utility drone
[X] Reactivate the rest of the facility (all excess drones will be automatically tasked towards this)
[X] Release them.
[X] Guard the facility against further potential intruders. (6 security drones)
[X] Reactivate the rest of the facility (all excess drones will be automatically tasked towards this)
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