Sign Oath - Dire Summer

You step outside the building, finding yourself in a rather large area filled with several nearly identical, squat buildings with metal roofs and no ornamentation other than lettering and numbering to indicated which precise carbon-copy storage facility it was. The only thing of any interest in the immediate area was the obvious damage, and there were loud sounds not far off that one might liken to a thousand hammers beating on stone at once.

At the first sound, Vestal nearly lept out of her skin. On the second she reacted similarly, and the third, and the fourth.

Everything was the same. Everything looked the same. Endless hallways, twisting through the dark, door after door after door after door after...

But no, there was sun now. She could see without a torch to throw up more shadows. The plague doctor looked around, as if searching for something. She knew not what. Foe's? A way out? A landmark?

But none appeared. Just more of the odd structures, row after row after row.

Vestal shivered as the next flurry of sound rang out. She didn't like it. She didn't like many things anymore.

She glanced up at the sun. As good an indicator as any. The Sun, the light, could not mislead you. It played by a set of rules. It stayed its course, and that course was sure to lead somewhere.

Clutching her rags around her, Vestal set off, making slow but steady headway towards the sun, apparently having forgotten about Abdul. She was whispering something, but even she didn't know what.

At the first sound, Vestal nearly lept out of her skin. On the second she reacted similarly, and the third, and the fourth.

Everything was the same. Everything looked the same. Endless hallways, twisting through the dark, door after door after door after door after...

But no, there was sun now. She could see without a torch to throw up more shadows. The plague doctor looked around, as if searching for something. She knew not what. Foe's? A way out? A landmark?

But none appeared. Just more of the odd structures, row after row after row.

Vestal shivered as the next flurry of sound rang out. She didn't like it. She didn't like many things anymore.

She glanced up at the sun. As good an indicator as any. The Sun, the light, could not mislead you. It played by a set of rules. It stayed its course, and that course was sure to lead somewhere.

Clutching her rags around her, Vestal set off, making slow but steady headway towards the sun, apparently having forgotten about Abdul. She was whispering something, but even she didn't know what.
Abdul Alhazared
The former professer turned dungeon splunker winced at the repetitive banging sound. This must truely be a land of barbarians. Besides him, he saw Vestal flinch every time the noise came. She was walking to the sun.

That was as good as a place as any.
Tamamo's eye twitched once at the mention of the word demon. "You know, maybe I'm mistaken, but did the definition of that word change when I wasn't looking? Feels like you just called me a monster." Well, he wouldn't be wrong. Before he could respond though, she practically interrupted herself, switching gears with a swish of her tail. "No, before that, one question. This is going to sound strange, but what year is it? None of this-" Tamamo waved her arm at the buildings, the moving, metal contraptions. "looks anything like what I recognize. How do those move? There can't be that many magi powering them, right?"
The young man seems incredibly confused, and begins to stammer through something that was probably supposed to be an answer, before stopping, rubbing the back of his head, and trying again.

"Uh, well... If you're not from around... 'now'," He begins, quite confused, and rather mumbling, "Maybe a seal? Anyway, 'Demon' is the term for members of non-human races. Its not supposed to be a 'monster' that's more like 'Magic Beast', which are non-sentient magical creatures. Animals, basically..." He looks away briefly, still ordering his thoughts.

"It's 20XX. Uh... Heisei XX?" He says, using two different date systems, only one of which you actually recognize. It... is not the same Era as when you were alive. You don't know how long its been, though.

Now, the man points at the metal boxes on the street, "Those are cars. They aren't run by magic, but some of the more fancy, higher-end models are enchanted. We're pretty technologically advanced, compared to some other countries..." He pauses, then looks at you.

"Um, we're in Japan. Well, on an island south of Honshu which is Japanese territory." How nice, he was making sure you knew what country you were in.

He continues rubbing his head, apparently thinking.

"Hey, it sounds like you're kind of in a... weird situation. Do you want me to take you to the Island Guard and see if they can sort it out? That's the police, or uh... the equivalent of a lord's warriors, keeping order? It might be dangerous for you to walk around in a completely unknown area..."
Mary's eyes narrowed, and her arm twitched toward the weapon she head stowed away on her back. Don't kill them, don't kill them, don't kill them. She remained silent as she took in the be- no, Demon's words. As far as she could tell, the girl in front of her hadn't succumbed to beastly madness yet, but it was only a matter of time, wasn't it? She admitted to being a beast. Or, beast person, which just sounded like a round about way of saying she wasn't mad yet. And what was that all that about Demon districts? It sounded like the they city allowed, or even encouraged this madness. Giving these things bands to wear, like it would stop them?

Then another though struck. They had called something called the 'Island Guard'. If her suspicions were correct, then they would be some form of enforcers for the city. Perhaps even akin to Hunters for the church, though much more likely to be like the Executioners were, before they all went mad. Either way, she could not allow to them to take her.

"That will not be necessary. I already have some idea of what happened, and I doubt your Island guard will be of any help" Mary turns around, and begins to walk away, drawing her saw cleaver as she leaves. Despite the girls beast hood, she didn't want to kill someone sane if she didn't have to, and hopefully the giant serrated blade would be enough to ward her off. She headed towards the biggest group of buildings she could find, and hoped her Insight would be enough to show her the building she wanted. The Man-Made Island Management Corp HQ.
The woman seems to want to say something, but allows you to leave. She turns to one of the others, who is holding some sort of rectangular object to her ear, and says something you can't make out. At which point the other woman says something into the device.

As you make your way through the streets however, you find something... quite odd.

There are people everywhere, for one. Quite unlike Yarhnam's deserted streets. Very few of them seemed to be armed in any way, though you supposed the same could be said for Yarhnam when the Hunt wasn't on. And lastly, there were a few, relative to the rest of the population, who were quite obviously inhuman.

There walked a man with the lower body of a horse. There a woman in a wheelchair let her piscine tail slip momentarily from the skirt of her dress as she shifted, pushed by a henpecked-looking man. These are simply the ones you see that you can accurately describe, and which seem even slightly familiar. A moment ago a young girl bumped into you while running with some others, and as she pauses and apologizes you see a hideous creature lurking behind her, chained to her with some form of arcane energy.

Truly, this is a bizarre place.
A modern city, most likely post-industrial judging by the lack of smog. That was both useful and highly inconvenient. There were likely to be many amenities, such as well-stocked libraries and jewelers who would not ask a great many questions. There would also be problems like cell-phone cameras, Hunters full of zeal and short on brains, or just people long on ideas and short on sense.

Chancing the hedge, making a break for it, and hiding until nightfall. None of the options were good, and time must also be a consideration. Hiding would not work, and he was loath to open a Hedge Gate due to other considerations.

A squidcycle is not, by nature, quiet, though Ralph did his beast to ease the throttle open and break for the open sky and thence to a nearby road, where he should be able to eventually lose any pursuers via the simple means of entering an alley and letting the squidcycle return to the Hedge. A simple plan, true, but one that would hinge on those few crucial seconds until he touched down again.
There were some shouts of surprise as you leave the hole, reaching out to the open sky and seeing yourself at the edge of a city of shining metal. What looks like a work crew of some sort is positioned around the area, lifting debris up into trucks and generally amid the process of repairing what looks to be a very damaged area.

No one stops you, or gives chase as you clear the tape and set down on what looks like a temporary bridge, built over the remains of the previous one, and drive off.
Klaus had never heard of Itogami Island (particularly one with a terminal this size), but that wasn't hugely surprising: There were hundreds of small islands across Japan's oceans, and thousands more across Oceania. He spent a minute chatting with the woman and asking for directions to the nearest set of phones before recalling something. "I'm sorry for the trouble m'am, but I couldn't help but notice that there seems to be quite a few police officers about. Is there a problem?"

It couldn't be a coincidence that his captor had dropped him off in full view of a police blockade: Something has to be afoot. He'd secure some information, then see about bringing in reinforcements.
The woman, blonde and busty and generally looking like she appreciated having someone who understood what 'manners' were, instead of the usual crowd at a busy airport, looked off in the direction you had come from, while pursing her lips.

"I guess you didn't see the news. Apparently Princess La Folia is coming to Itogami Island for some sort of diplomatic talk. Again." she shakes her head, apparently somewhat amused. "That's the twelfth time since last year that Aldegyrian royalty has come to the island. There are rumors there's some sort of hidden agenda about all the trips..." She suddenly catches herself, coughs, and puts on a sunny smile.

"I mean, that's just what I've heard." She slips into a slightly worried expression, "Please don't tell my boss I said anything, I'm not supposed to gossip on the job."

Nevertheless, you are directed to the closest phones (just across the hall, apparently) and are free to pursue contacting your employees.
A soft hum of consideration leaves Arthur as he studies the miniature woman perched atop the young lady's shoulder for a moment, obviously not human given her size so perhaps a member of the Fae or some manner of familiar? No matter, it would be rude to stare any longer and Arthur gave a soft chuckle as he turned his head away before responding, "You flatter me, my lady. I may be a better man then some perhaps, but am not without my own flaws. However, I do not believe your ward's inclination towards offering a hand of charity to those in need is something deserving condemnation, there are precious few in this modern age willing to aid a stranger without recompense. As her guardian show you not be instead be praising her for a display of good morals?"
The tiny woman exhales sharply in a deriding manner.

"Being nice is great, but when she's supposed to be doing something and gets sidetracked again and again, I'm the one who gets a stern lecture from the teacher."

Kanon looks apologetic, and turns to Nina, "I'm sorry about that Nina. But I don't have anything to do today, so its fine right?"

To which the miniature woman sighs, and pats her cheek.

"Yes well. Just be careful in the future. Your good heart means people will take advantage of you."
Arthur quickly strode towards the vistor's center to ask for the attendant's assistance, starting with an inquiry for general information of his location before deciding on what more specific questions to ask after they had finished their routine explanations.
You learn, in what is obviously something of a tourism pitch, that you are on the Man-Made Itogami Island, made 40 years ago as the world's first Demon District, where all manner of non-human people can come be registered and live in peace and prosperity, under the auspice of the Sacred Treaty signed by the Three Progenitor Vampires and most human governments.

You are in the Keystone Gate, the central tower in the exact middle of the island, where the local police force, the island's governmental body, and the Man-Made Island Management Corporation which maintains the island day-to-day, are all stationed. It is also a massive tourist spot, and a lot of attractions exist on this central block to which the four other gigafloats (Islands North, East, South, and West) are attached.
Clutching her rags around her, Vestal set off, making slow but steady headway towards the sun, apparently having forgotten about Abdul. She was whispering something, but even she didn't know what.
That was as good as a place as any.
You wander. You wander for quite a while, actually. This may be due to the fact that it is currently high noon, and the sun is positioned about as directly overhead as it can be, meaning that by the time you've moved enough for its position to seem to have changed, it has changed to go in the opposite direction of where you were walking.

Eventually, however, time passes enough for the sun to begin to head westward, and so you end up going west. So west, in fact, you come across a large bridge, heading over a vast stretch of sea towards another 'island', on which a massive tower stands. From here, you can also make out two other islands, to the north-west and south-west respectively, which are connected to the one you stand on by rail lines.
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The woman seems to want to say something, but allows you to leave. She turns to one of the others, who is holding some sort of rectangular object to her ear, and says something you can't make out. At which point the other woman says something into the device.

As you make your way through the streets however, you find something... quite odd.

There are people everywhere, for one. Quite unlike Yarhnam's deserted streets. Very few of them seemed to be armed in any way, though you supposed the same could be said for Yarhnam when the Hunt wasn't on. And lastly, there were a few, relative to the rest of the population, who were quite obviously inhuman.

There walked a man with the lower body of a horse. There a woman in a wheelchair let her piscine tail slip momentarily from the skirt of her dress as she shifted, pushed by a henpecked-looking man. These are simply the ones you see that you can accurately describe, and which seem even slightly familiar. A moment ago a young girl bumped into you while running with some others, and as she pauses and apologizes you see a hideous creature lurking behind her, chained to her with some form of arcane energy.

Truly, this is a bizarre place.

As Mary wandered the streets, she felt her concern slowly start to fade away, to be replaced with a growing sense of confusion. She had needed to still her weapon arm on many occasions, most noticeably with equine bodied man. Painful memories of a twisted beast much like him flash through her mind as she turns around and walks the other direction. There were people like this all over the city. Could the civilians simply not see them for what they were? Was it just her Insight that allowed her to see these... she hesitates to use the word beast, but it's the only one she knows that fits. Except no, it didn't fit, especially not with what the woman had told her earlier. Could it be that they had somehow taken control of the Beast Plague? Were these even beasts as she knows them?

She forced those thoughts aside as she ruminated on her newest problem. She had no idea what language the signs were written in. They didn't look like anything she knew of, anyways. Which meant that she was going to have to ask for help again. Hopefully she wouldn't make such a fool of herself this time. She placed a hand on the closest human's shoulder, and asked, "Excuse me, but do you know how to get to the Island Management HQ?"
You wander. You wander for quite a while, actually. This may be due to the fact that it is currently high noon, and the sun is positioned about as directly overhead as it can be, meaning that by the time you've moved enough for its position to seem to have changed, it has changed to go in the opposite direction of where you were walking.

Eventually, however, time passes enough for the sun to begin to head westward, and so you end up going west. So west, in fact, you come across a large bridge, heading over a vast stretch of sea towards another 'island', on which a massive tower stands. From here, you can also make out two other islands, to the north-west and south-west respectively, which are connected to the one you stand on by rail lines.
Vestal carried on, head down, some unconscious part of her seeming to know that she just needed to keep her shadow behind her, while in reality just following her feet. Somehow she had ended up behind Abdul. She wasn't sure how. Time seemed to pass quickly. Had some been lost? Where had it gone? What had she been doing?

She decided not to think on it, instead looking up to examine her surroundings.

The sea. It was a sight that she knew well. Perhaps too well. She shivered, a cold wind blowing from her mind, straight through her bundled rags. A wind from another island, another place.

From her stretched there great bridges, bigger than any she'd ever seen and made entirely of metal- this was a strange place- and they stretched high above the sea, to three more islands. One held on it a structure of massive proportions. A great tower.

"You remember our venerable house-" she muttered, perhaps too loudly in a voice that was not hers. "Opulent and imperial..."

Vestal shook her head, not giving thought to where the words had come from. Then she looked to her companion.

"Where are we to go, Abdul?"

You wander. You wander for quite a while, actually. This may be due to the fact that it is currently high noon, and the sun is positioned about as directly overhead as it can be, meaning that by the time you've moved enough for its position to seem to have changed, it has changed to go in the opposite direction of where you were walking.

Eventually, however, time passes enough for the sun to begin to head westward, and so you end up going west. So west, in fact, you come across a large bridge, heading over a vast stretch of sea towards another 'island', on which a massive tower stands. From here, you can also make out two other islands, to the north-west and south-west respectively, which are connected to the one you stand on by rail lines.
Vestal carried on, head down, some unconscious part of her seeming to know that she just needed to keep her shadow behind her, while in reality just following her feet. Somehow she had ended up behind Abdul. She wasn't sure how. Time seemed to pass quickly. Had some been lost? Where had it gone? What had she been doing?

She decided not to think on it, instead looking up to examine her surroundings.

The sea. It was a sight that she knew well. Perhaps too well. She shivered, a cold wind blowing from her mind, straight through her bundled rags. A wind from another island, another place.

From her stretched there great bridges, bigger than any she'd ever seen and made entirely of metal- this was a strange place- and they stretched high above the sea, to three more islands. One held on it a structure of massive proportions. A great tower.

"You remember our venerable house-" she muttered, perhaps too loudly in a voice that was not hers. "Opulent and imperial..."

Vestal shook her head, not giving thought to where the words had come from. Then she looked to her companion.

"Where are we to go, Abdul?"


Abdul Alhazared
Abdul gaped. This structure- this grand monument... nothing he saw came close. Not the pyramids or oblisks of the Serpent Kings of Kemet. Not even the pleasure palaces of the Sultan came close. How much blood was shed? Men must have died. The law of simple accidents would have claimed several. Abdul licked his lips, tightened his grip on the skull of his mentor.

"I do not know," he truthfully said. "But. Let us. Cross the bridge." Saying this he walked forth.

It did not matter what laid in wait. He was conquerer of the unknown, wielder of fell arts. His lips curled in a sardonic smile. A lot of good that did, eh?
Abdul Alhazared
Abdul gaped. This structure- this grand monument... nothing he saw came close. Not the pyramids or oblisks of the Serpent Kings of Kemet. Not even the pleasure palaces of the Sultan came close. How much blood was shed? Men must have died. The law of simple accidents would have claimed several. Abdul licked his lips, tightened his grip on the skull of his mentor.

"I do not know," he truthfully said. "But. Let us. Cross the bridge." Saying this he walked forth.

It did not matter what laid in wait. He was conquerer of the unknown, wielder of fell arts. His lips curled in a sardonic smile. A lot of good that did, eh?
Vestal listened closely to the man who could have been her companion, then turned to the massive structure. She shivered, then nodded, shuffling along behind him.
The young man seems incredibly confused, and begins to stammer through something that was probably supposed to be an answer, before stopping, rubbing the back of his head, and trying again.

"Uh, well... If you're not from around... 'now'," He begins, quite confused, and rather mumbling, "Maybe a seal? Anyway, 'Demon' is the term for members of non-human races. Its not supposed to be a 'monster' that's more like 'Magic Beast', which are non-sentient magical creatures. Animals, basically..." He looks away briefly, still ordering his thoughts.

"It's 20XX. Uh... Heisei XX?" He says, using two different date systems, only one of which you actually recognize. It... is not the same Era as when you were alive. You don't know how long its been, though.

A bit farther into the future than she'd thought. Perhaps people had actually forgotten about her if it had been this long. It would certainly help explain people's reaction, though there had to be something else happened in the meantime. Something to look up, maybe.
Now, the man points at the metal boxes on the street, "Those are cars. They aren't run by magic, but some of the more fancy, higher-end models are enchanted. We're pretty technologically advanced, compared to some other countries..." He pauses, then looks at you.

"Um, we're in Japan. Well, on an island south of Honshu which is Japanese territory." How nice, he was making sure you knew what country you were in.

He continues rubbing his head, apparently thinking.

"Hey, it sounds like you're kind of in a... weird situation. Do you want me to take you to the Island Guard and see if they can sort it out? That's the police, or uh... the equivalent of a lord's warriors, keeping order? It might be dangerous for you to walk around in a completely unknown area..."
"Mm... Dangerous?" Tamamo's smile was a small one, more like a smirk. "I'm not so sure that's a concern, myself. Still, I'll take you up on that offer. I should get one of those Registration Bands, right?"
There were some shouts of surprise as you leave the hole, reaching out to the open sky and seeing yourself at the edge of a city of shining metal. What looks like a work crew of some sort is positioned around the area, lifting debris up into trucks and generally amid the process of repairing what looks to be a very damaged area.

No one stops you, or gives chase as you clear the tape and set down on what looks like a temporary bridge, built over the remains of the previous one, and drive off.
A map would be useful, as would a library. With one, he could find the other. With both, the city would not quite be as an open book to him, but would certainly be understandable. And with no idea where to find either, only a direction towards the person he was supposed to guard, things could prove difficult.

Especially if the city was fond of one-way streets, roundabouts, or flying interchanges.

Ralph took care to stay on surface streets, taking a somewhat circuitous route so that anybody following would be given trouble. Of course, if there was security at his destination, or the Head Researcher refused him, things could go very bad very quickly.
The tiny woman exhales sharply in a deriding manner.

"Being nice is great, but when she's supposed to be doing something and gets sidetracked again and again, I'm the one who gets a stern lecture from the teacher."

Kanon looks apologetic, and turns to Nina, "I'm sorry about that Nina. But I don't have anything to do today, so its fine right?"

To which the miniature woman sighs, and pats her cheek.

"Yes well. Just be careful in the future. Your good heart means people will take advantage of you."
Arthur softly chuckled and said with amusement, "Ah, so the problem is this young lady instead possesses an overabundance of good will towards others then? A frustrating prospect to deal with as her taskmaster to be sure, though I have little doubt she will gain the wisdom of knowing how to manage her duties in time, I can only offer you my blessings towards that end in the meantime. And to you, Young lady, I can only hope that your duties will someday come to coincide with your nature rather then conflict with it"
You learn, in what is obviously something of a tourism pitch, that you are on the Man-Made Itogami Island, made 40 years ago as the world's first Demon District, where all manner of non-human people can come be registered and live in peace and prosperity, under the auspice of the Sacred Treaty signed by the Three Progenitor Vampires and most human governments.

You are in the Keystone Gate, the central tower in the exact middle of the island, where the local police force, the island's governmental body, and the Man-Made Island Management Corporation which maintains the island day-to-day, are all stationed. It is also a massive tourist spot, and a lot of attractions exist on this central block to which the four other gigafloats (Islands North, East, South, and West) are attached.
After waiting for the attendant to finish their introduction Arthur begins by asking what are the specific terms of the Sacred Treaty and why only non-humans are required to register before living here.
The woman, blonde and busty and generally looking like she appreciated having someone who understood what 'manners' were, instead of the usual crowd at a busy airport, looked off in the direction you had come from, while pursing her lips.

"I guess you didn't see the news. Apparently Princess La Folia is coming to Itogami Island for some sort of diplomatic talk. Again." she shakes her head, apparently somewhat amused. "That's the twelfth time since last year that Aldegyrian royalty has come to the island. There are rumors there's some sort of hidden agenda about all the trips..." She suddenly catches herself, coughs, and puts on a sunny smile.

"I mean, that's just what I've heard." She slips into a slightly worried expression, "Please don't tell my boss I said anything, I'm not supposed to gossip on the job."

Nevertheless, you are directed to the closest phones (just across the hall, apparently) and are free to pursue contacting your employees.

Klaus gave a pleasant smile and nodded his thanks before striding over to the phones. Slotting a few coins in, the man began running down his options.

Discretion was necessary: Whoever had arranged this scenario obvious had some ulterior motive, and that meant that contact Libra directly wasn't an option. After a moment's consideration, he input the number of a Fang Hunter affiliate out of Osaka that coordinated the region. He could route any contact with headquarters through the Vatican.

"We're sorry, but the number you are trying to reach is not available."

A chill ran down Klaus's spine. Quickly, he ran through his mental list again and called the satellite number of the Fang Hunter's regional headquarters at Shanghai. It could be showing his hand, but if an affiliate branch was out of contact the situation may be dire.

"We're sorry, but the number you are trying to reach is not available."

Tensing, Klaus didn't hesitate as he punched in Steven's cell number: Desperate times called for desperate measur-

"Hello, Slice of Heaven Pizza, how can I hel-"

Klaus hung up, took a breath, and began compartmentalizing: It was impossible for all those numbers to have been changed so quickly... unless he'd lost time. The towering German's mind turned back to the fourteen months he and Steven had lost after the Collapse. If they had been pushed through time once, it was entirely possible it could've happened again.

Contemplating that, Klaus turned on his heel and again approached the aide on the far side of the hall. "I'm sorry to bother you again m'am, but you wouldn't happen to have the date, would you? And if it was at all possible, could you tell me if any flights will be...," he paused for a moment,"... John F. Kennedy International in New York within the next few days?"
As Mary wandered the streets, she felt her concern slowly start to fade away, to be replaced with a growing sense of confusion. She had needed to still her weapon arm on many occasions, most noticeably with equine bodied man. Painful memories of a twisted beast much like him flash through her mind as she turns around and walks the other direction. There were people like this all over the city. Could the civilians simply not see them for what they were? Was it just her Insight that allowed her to see these... she hesitates to use the word beast, but it's the only one she knows that fits. Except no, it didn't fit, especially not with what the woman had told her earlier. Could it be that they had somehow taken control of the Beast Plague? Were these even beasts as she knows them?

She forced those thoughts aside as she ruminated on her newest problem. She had no idea what language the signs were written in. They didn't look like anything she knew of, anyways. Which meant that she was going to have to ask for help again. Hopefully she wouldn't make such a fool of herself this time. She placed a hand on the closest human's shoulder, and asked, "Excuse me, but do you know how to get to the Island Management HQ?"
Said human, being a teenage boy chatting amicably with a group of like-aged peers, turns to look at you and suddenly recoils in shock. After a moment though, he awkwardly directs you to take a monorail to 'Island Center', and that it would be easy to find the HQ in the 'Keystone Gate'. If asked, he clarifies that the Gate is the large tower in the center of the city.

"I do not know," he truthfully said. "But. Let us. Cross the bridge." Saying this he walked forth.

It did not matter what laid in wait. He was conquerer of the unknown, wielder of fell arts. His lips curled in a sardonic smile. A lot of good that did, eh?
Vestal listened closely to the man who could have been her companion, then turned to the massive structure. She shivered, then nodded, shuffling along behind him.
As they walk across the great bridge, the pair of former subterranean explorers are passed frequently by metal coaches with no obvious means of propulsion. It seems the pedestrian crossing is not particularly popular, and it is obvious why; it is a long, uncomfortable trip over the open ocean, the bridge sways slightly under you, the sun blazes overhead, and the breeze off the sea is less 'refreshing' and more 'unnaturally chill' combined with a thick, choking smell that you assume to come from the vehicles that pass by you.

The journey is uneventful, until a long white metal coach pulls up beside you. One of the windows- they're impenetrably dark- lowers of its own volition, and a sharp-eyed man with blond hair in a white suit peers out at you.

"Oh? What do we have here..." He considers you both for a few moments, then barks out a short laugh.

"You don't look like much, but if I have you... Come, come! I offer you my hospitality, come rest on my boat, I'm afraid I have a meeting to attend soon, but in but a few hours I will be holding a welcoming party for that little princess, and I'm sure it will be of interest to you."

Vastel feels quite unnerved by the man, while Abdul has a much more immediate revelation- this is not truly a man. It is some monster, which merely takes the form of what some might consider a rather attractive human.
"Mm... Dangerous?" Tamamo's smile was a small one, more like a smirk. "I'm not so sure that's a concern, myself. Still, I'll take you up on that offer. I should get one of those Registration Bands, right?"
The young man nods, beginning to lead you away.

"I mean... we'll talk to the Island Guard, but if you want to live here you need one, legally anyway. If we explain what's going on, you probably won't be treated like a criminal, but rather something like the victim of kidnapping..."

If you have no more objections, the youth leads you towards what is marked as a 'Police Box', two uniformed individuals seated inside visible from the window.
A map would be useful, as would a library. With one, he could find the other. With both, the city would not quite be as an open book to him, but would certainly be understandable. And with no idea where to find either, only a direction towards the person he was supposed to guard, things could prove difficult.

Especially if the city was fond of one-way streets, roundabouts, or flying interchanges.

Ralph took care to stay on surface streets, taking a somewhat circuitous route so that anybody following would be given trouble. Of course, if there was security at his destination, or the Head Researcher refused him, things could go very bad very quickly.
You eventually find your way to a rather impressive building, and, should you approach openly, are stopped at the edge of the property by what appears to be an armed guard, who asks for your name and reason for being there.

After waiting for the attendant to finish their introduction Arthur begins by asking what are the specific terms of the Sacred Treaty and why only non-humans are required to register before living here.
Broadly, the Sacred Treaty states that Demons and Humans can live together in peace, without hatred or violence on either side. Various provisions and updates contain such specific remits as banning the lynching of Witches, the harassment of Demons for being Demons, the slaying of a criminal or dangerous Demon who has been disabled, and generally seeks to afford both sides equal rights and freedoms, with one notable exception.

The various races of Demons are, almost universally, stronger, more magically inclined, or possessed of special abilities that normal humans are not. Combined with the history of strife and conflict between humans and non-humans, and the still occurring instances of terrorism by Demons, those who live in a Demon District are required to wear a bracelet that monitors their body and mana output, and sets off alarms if certain dangerous thresholds are reached. A Therianthrope transforming or a Vampire or Witch unleashing their familiars are the examples given of what commonly sets off the alarm.

To be short, it is a tracking collar placed on a population that is apparently universally considered potential criminals.

Of course, the woman does her best to paint this in the best possible light.
Contemplating that, Klaus turned on his heel and again approached the aide on the far side of the hall. "I'm sorry to bother you again m'am, but you wouldn't happen to have the date, would you? And if it was at all possible, could you tell me if any flights will be...," he paused for a moment,"... John F. Kennedy International in New York within the next few days?"
With a polite smile, the clerk answers that it is June 20th... and after a moment of confusion, states that there is no city listed 'New York' in the directory.
As they walk across the great bridge, the pair of former subterranean explorers are passed frequently by metal coaches with no obvious means of propulsion. It seems the pedestrian crossing is not particularly popular, and it is obvious why; it is a long, uncomfortable trip over the open ocean, the bridge sways slightly under you, the sun blazes overhead, and the breeze off the sea is less 'refreshing' and more 'unnaturally chill' combined with a thick, choking smell that you assume to come from the vehicles that pass by you.

The journey is uneventful, until a long white metal coach pulls up beside you. One of the windows- they're impenetrably dark- lowers of its own volition, and a sharp-eyed man with blond hair in a white suit peers out at you.

"Oh? What do we have here..." He considers you both for a few moments, then barks out a short laugh.

"You don't look like much, but if I have you... Come, come! I offer you my hospitality, come rest on my boat, I'm afraid I have a meeting to attend soon, but in but a few hours I will be holding a welcoming party for that little princess, and I'm sure it will be of interest to you."

Vastel feels quite unnerved by the man, while Abdul has a much more immediate revelation- this is not truly a man. It is some monster, which merely takes the form of what some might consider a rather attractive human.
Abdul Alhazared
By the unquenchable fire of the stars, Abdul though, clenching his mentor's skull ever tighter, what manner of fell star-beast was this? To take on the form of man and walk amongst them. Were all blind? Did they not see the clear tells? Or did this... this... ghul subvert the men of this city? Abdul quieted himself, touched the foul part of his mind that was the conduit of his eldritch arts. If he made a move, Abdul vowed, he would hex this ghul into jelly. Which he had done on occasion. Once, a thug ambushed him on the way to Samarra, and without anything but his skull, he had to hex and hex the thug until his skin had the consistancy of rice pudding.

Oh, how he wished he knew the ways of speaking without the ways of opening the mouth. "I thank you, sir," he spoke, cautiously and respectfully, like he would a vizer of a Sultan, "but I am on this path of my own violition. I must excersize my muscles, lest my humors fall into stupor."
Broadly, the Sacred Treaty states that Demons and Humans can live together in peace, without hatred or violence on either side. Various provisions and updates contain such specific remits as banning the lynching of Witches, the harassment of Demons for being Demons, the slaying of a criminal or dangerous Demon who has been disabled, and generally seeks to afford both sides equal rights and freedoms, with one notable exception.

The various races of Demons are, almost universally, stronger, more magically inclined, or possessed of special abilities that normal humans are not. Combined with the history of strife and conflict between humans and non-humans, and the still occurring instances of terrorism by Demons, those who live in a Demon District are required to wear a bracelet that monitors their body and mana output, and sets off alarms if certain dangerous thresholds are reached. A Therianthrope transforming or a Vampire or Witch unleashing their familiars are the examples given of what commonly sets off the alarm.

To be short, it is a tracking collar placed on a population that is apparently universally considered potential criminals.

Of course, the woman does her best to paint this in the best possible light.
Arthur gave the woman a discerning gaze as he mulled over the information provided to him, while he could obviously see the utility of a system that allowed the government to monitor and quickly respond to threats the fact that it did so by treating those innocent of any prior crime as potential criminals simply because they had the potential to cause harm disquieted him. Judgement should be reserved for after a misdeed is committed, not before, otherwise you invite tyranny to cloud an otherwise fair ruling with prejudice. Though perhaps the system was more fair then it seemed and the attendant had simply glossed over some details to answer is his question quickly.

"I would then assume that otherwise normal Humans who possess abilities in excess of their peers are also required to wear these monitoring devices as they are equally capable of causing harm as Demons? Precluding of course those in the employ of your island's government."
As they walk across the great bridge, the pair of former subterranean explorers are passed frequently by metal coaches with no obvious means of propulsion. It seems the pedestrian crossing is not particularly popular, and it is obvious why; it is a long, uncomfortable trip over the open ocean, the bridge sways slightly under you, the sun blazes overhead, and the breeze off the sea is less 'refreshing' and more 'unnaturally chill' combined with a thick, choking smell that you assume to come from the vehicles that pass by you.

The journey is uneventful, until a long white metal coach pulls up beside you. One of the windows- they're impenetrably dark- lowers of its own volition, and a sharp-eyed man with blond hair in a white suit peers out at you.

"Oh? What do we have here..." He considers you both for a few moments, then barks out a short laugh.

"You don't look like much, but if I have you... Come, come! I offer you my hospitality, come rest on my boat, I'm afraid I have a meeting to attend soon, but in but a few hours I will be holding a welcoming party for that little princess, and I'm sure it will be of interest to you."

Vastel feels quite unnerved by the man, while Abdul has a much more immediate revelation- this is not truly a man. It is some monster, which merely takes the form of what some might consider a rather attractive human.
Vastel had been counting her footsteps. It was a activity she had practiced before, and one of the few things she remembered doing clearly. 127, 128, 129....skip to 170, 171, 172....

When she was not looking at her feet, or welcoming the sun blazing heavily across her back she was examining the odd coaches that rumbled loudly by. She had tried reaching out to touch one once or twice, before some animalistic insinct hastily withdrew her hand. She had ridden in a coach once. She had not ridden in a coach since. That coach had been important....but many things had been important to Vastel, once.

198, 199, 200, 201...memories flashed before Vastel. Darkness, blades. She lost count. Best start over.

The odd transports stirred some deep part of the former scientist. Some dark, shriveled part of her being thirsted for knowledge on their function, on their locomotion....but she quashed it. Some part of her knew where that part of her would leave, knew there was a reason she kept it hidden away deep inside her...even if she could not remember such a reason.

Other things were searching for that deep part of her. The cold wind stirred memories. Salt. Sea spray. Treacherous cliffs over a dark ocean...

She shook her head. Where was the count again? She couldn't remember. Nothing to do about it then.


She didn't notice the coach pull up at first, and when she did, she simply stared blankly at the man inside for a second, blinking as if slowly processing what he said. Then, almost unquestioningly, she moved to open the odd door-

Abdul Alhazared
By the unquenchable fire of the stars, Abdul though, clenching his mentor's skull ever tighter, what manner of fell star-beast was this? To take on the form of man and walk amongst them. Were all blind? Did they not see the clear tells? Or did this... this... ghul subvert the men of this city? Abdul quieted himself, touched the foul part of his mind that was the conduit of his eldritch arts. If he made a move, Abdul vowed, he would hex this ghul into jelly. Which he had done on occasion. Once, a thug ambushed him on the way to Samarra, and without anything but his skull, he had to hex and hex the thug until his skin had the consistancy of rice pudding.

Oh, how he wished he knew the ways of speaking without the ways of opening the mouth. "I thank you, sir," he spoke, cautiously and respectfully, like he would a vizer of a Sultan, "but I am on this path of my own violition. I must excersize my muscles, lest my humors fall into stupor."
-before Abduls words halted her. The man unnerved her. The salt spray threatened to open things she wanted closed. Abdul had chosen the cold sea...but what was her decision?

She looked between the two, unsure, mind turning circles upon itself.
Said human, being a teenage boy chatting amicably with a group of like-aged peers, turns to look at you and suddenly recoils in shock. After a moment though, he awkwardly directs you to take a monorail to 'Island Center', and that it would be easy to find the HQ in the 'Keystone Gate'. If asked, he clarifies that the Gate is the large tower in the center of the city.

Mary nods her head, thanks the youth and turns away from the group, following his instructions to the nearest monorail station. She finds a corner away from any crowds, and leans back against the wall, waiting for the tram to arrive. She keeps a careful eye on the other passengers, a hand stroking the handle for her saw. She didn't like crowds to say the least, and the knowledge that many of them weren't human only made things worse. Yharnam hadn't been anywhere near this crowded at the best of times. It was playing havoc with her nerves. She found herself hoping that she would be left alone. Perhaps her intimidating appearance would be enough to keep anyone from bothering her?