AN: Big shout out to @rytan451 who has been willing to sit down and edit my writing, making it that much better!
James had spent several days since his arrival in the pool, biding his time, watching everything that happened. He stayed still as the caretakers came and went, plucking out the Goa'uld that were close to the surface.
The agony that had struck him on his entry to the pool had been mind blowing. Thousands of years of genetic memories asserting themselves, had not been kind in the moment. But, they had shown him what he needed to know. There was opportunity, unlike any he had ever had in his past life. Reincarnation? He wasn't sure what this was, but it had landed him a golden ticket now.
Sure, he might be a Goa'uld, a body jacking snake that had delusions of godhood and a penchant for insanity. But, he was a Goa'uld, part of a species that dominated the known galaxy, that ruled empires and that used technology that was so advanced, it was like magic. That was a far better existence than any office grunt could dream of gaining.
No. While there were moral and ethical problems with the Goa'uld as a whole, he could see how he might use what he'd gained for the better. In this new place he found himself, he could go so much further. His short time in the pool had given him time to consider what might he do.
In his past life, he had been ambitious, even by his own reckoning, working his way up the corporate ladder, ever striving for a better paycheck. Yet, in comparison to the memories he had inherited, those few paltry dollars were a laughable goal. What a Goa'uld dreamed of was power unimaginable and no authority to bow down to, to be worshiped and venerated by millions of devotees.
He had, of course, tempered the blind arrogance of his Goa'uld memories with his more cautious past self. It was all well and good to dream of conquering planets. It was another to actually have an actionable plan. Irony of ironies, his career and education gave him greater insight into what he might do to actually get there than his Goa'uld self could. To think, being an office grunt might be worth something as an alien dreaming of godhood!
Now, he had seen enough, and James knew what he had to do. He drifted upwards to the pool's edge and swam just beneath the surface. It didn't take long. The blurry shapes of people appearing above him, before their hands plunged down into the water. Carrying him as gently as they could, the hands drew him out of the water. He could see a large crowd: many blurry shapes and intermingling scents assaulted him as he moved through the air. It was overwhelming, nothing like the quiet calm of the pool, but it didn't last long. A face of a man quickly came into sharp focus, thrust towards James. The man was young, barely out of his teens, muscled like an olympic athlete. His mouth was wide open, prayers were being chanted, this if his memories were telling him the truth would be his new body. The gift was well received and taken. He sprang forward and took his first true steps as a Goa'uld, as Bai Qi, a god of war, son of Shang di, the God Emperor.
Bai Qi opened his eyes.