𝕯 & 𝕯 23 - Carp and Waterfall New
The dawn broke cold and misty. The forest upslope of the beach was quiet, not even the birds wanting to sing in the gloom of the early day. There was silence as the man and child kitsune ate the last of the food they had.

"I don't wanna die," Tsukiko mumbled.

"Neither do I," Kenta answered. "However, we have to go that way to get to the next town. You do not need to worry," he added, quietly. "I will protect you."


"Really." Kenta stood up, looking for the road that led up into the mountains, and around the steep and rocky inlet. "Did I ever tell you that I have a daughter?"

"No?" Tsukiko answered. "Where is she?"

"I had to leave her behind," Kenta explained as they started gathering up what few things they had. "I had been tried and sentenced for a great many crimes, and had to leave my family. Fortunately, someone thought I could be saved, or at least learn from my mistakes." He looked down at the young fox. "I think you would have gotten along well with her."

"Is that why you're protecting me?" Tsukiko asked, looking up at him with what could only be called puppy dog eyes.

"While I would be lying if I said I don't miss my daughter and my wife," Kenta said, "it isn't the only reason I decided you needed protection. A child should not be left to the uncaring world until their parents have taught the child what they need to know to survive."

The little fox looked at him with eyes that he suspected saw into the depths of his soul. "You were a bad man," she said quietly. "I have seen some men with tattoos like yours. They were not nice, demanding money for protection from bandits."

"Yes," Kenta admitted, "I was not a nice man. I have killed many people, and taken money from them by force. I started young and improved only a little as I lived on. And then I was shamed by a dragon, who could and probably should have killed me but instead told me that she was sparing me because she refused to take a father away from his daughter. That left me with a debt I couldn't repay and a life to reconsider.

"Despite my crimes, I am an honorable man," he continued. "I have little use for the law when it interferes with my life. However, my word is my bond. If I say I will do something, I will do it."

Tsukiko looked at him, staring, before nodding. "I believe you."

They walked on in silence for a while, before arriving at the bridge that crossed the gorge. To their right was a waterfall, one of the more beautiful examples he'd seen. While the overly commercialized Niagara Falls certainly exceeded this for sheer power and majesty, but beauty? This small fall, set in the wilds of his native land? It had it beat. It blended in with nature cascading down the cliff and finally falling into the pool below the falls.

"Sugoii," the little fox said, her eyes wide.

"Yes, it is."

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

"Brothers, why are we here?" The speaker was a large, brutish looking oni.

"Because, brother, Shin'ya is too wrapped up in honor and keeping his word, instead of doing the job." This oni was scrawny compared to the other two in their group.

"So instead, we are going to kill a child," the third said, of a size between the first speaker and the second. "We really deserve our reputation as cowards and outcasts."

"By doing this," the second growled, "we'll be accepted back."

"I dunno, brother," the first one said. "It's wrong, killing kids. Bandits do that."

"And bandits usually get killed," the third added.

"I said it before, and I'll say it again: If Shin'ya fails to do the deed, either by being beaten, or by winning and deciding not to go through with it, then it will be our job to finish it."

"I'm not sure," the first oni answered. "I'm more afraid of dyin' at the Kyuubi's claws than I am at some soldier's spears. She'll make it slow and painful."

= = = = = = = = = = = =​

"So, Susano-oh?"

"Yes, Goku?"

"… My name's Sun Wukong."

"You're in my realm, your name is Son Goku."

"Point. So, think we've got enough of a reason to interfere?"

"Not quite yet."

Susano-oh looked at the third speaker, who happened to be his older sister, Amaterasu. "And why not now?"

"Both Kenta and Shin'ya have a lesson to learn here," she quietly said. "When they interfere, then, and only then, can you intervene, and only to keep them from interfering. Their actual punishment will be handled by the lord of all oni."

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

The walk across the first span of the bridge was a quiet one. The enormity of what was about to happen weighed heavily on both of them. The young kitsune's ears drooped, and her tail dragged on the planks.

Kenta bore a grim scowl, more grim than any bushi who was heading off to battle. Birds circling overhead sensed his mood, and veered off for the relative safety of the trees.

They soon reached the end of the first span, which was a small island in the middle of the river. Standing there was Shin'ya, dressed in a simple robe, his weapons currently sitting off to one side.

"Can I not persuade you from this path?" Kenta asked the oni standing opposite him in a tone that hinted at his Cape name.

"You cannot," came back the reply. "Why do you insist on protecting her?"

"Because she is a child."

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing more important."

"I see."

The pair were silent for a moment.

"How do you wish to do this thing?"

"Until one yields, is plainly incapacitated, or is dead," Shin'ya answered.

"So be it, then," Kenta growled. "Tsukiko, if you could go sit in the hut, please?" His voice had gone from the growl of a dragon to that of a kind father. "I don't know how long it will take."

"Hai," she answered, and went to sit under the overhang of the fisherman's hut on the island.

"Then let us begin," Shin'ya said as the girl sat down in the shade.

Both combatants assumed a stance, and at an unseen signal, charged each other.

How does one describe the clash of elemental forces when two beings of respectable power battle? Words simply fail most men. The fight between the champion of the oni and the disciple of the Monkey King was such a contest; thunderstorms clashing in the open sky, thunder coming from the force of their blows. The earth shaking as they slammed each other into the ground, and the silence of everything living as they watched in awe and fear.

Vicious blows would cause Kenta to lose ground only for him to exploit an opening a moment later, forcing his opponent to give ground himself. Both were pacing themselves, the one whose efforts started flagging first would be the one to die. Kenta kept tight control over his Power, allowing himself to grow slowly, only enough to continue fighting.

One particular close exchange led to the pair grappling, which ended with Shin'ya's left arm getting wrenched around and dislocated at the shoulder.

"So that's how it's going to be, eh?" the oni said with a fierce grin. With a shout and a pull, he forced the shoulder back into the socket.

"I expected as much," Kenta said as he and his opponent circled each other. "We appear to be equally matched." With that, another exchange of blows began.

The pair separated after the exchange as Shin'ya watched the slashes caused by his claws heal across Kenta's torso. "Ah, one of those," he said. "Not insurmountable." He spat some blue blood and wiped the corner of his mouth. "You're very good."

"Thank you," Kenta answered, then grinned. "I've worked very hard to become so."

"Who taught you?"

"The Monkey King himself."

"That makes you a worthy opponent indeed!"

With that, the fight was on again, with both men holding back little.

In the end, it came down to both men attempting a choke hold. Kenta had his arms forcibly pried open on his attempt, which allowed a battered, bruised and bloody Shin'ya to reverse their positions and render his opponent unconscious.

As the oni stood there, he looked at the young kitsune where she sat and then back at his opponent, whose regeneration was already putting his body back together.

"I will not do this thing!" Shin'ya shouted to the world.

- - - - - - - - - -​

"I knew it," the smallest of the three oni watching the proceedings cursed. "The coward. It's up to us now. Do it," he instructed his brothers.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," the middle one said as he nocked an arrow and drew his bow back, while the largest one charged forward.

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

"Now you may intervene," Amaterasu said with a grin. Without acknowledging her words, Sun Wukong and Susano-oh charged forward.

- - - - - - - - - - -​

Kenta slowly regained consciousness. He had lost to the oni in what he had to admit had been a fair and honorable duel. In his dim vision, he noticed that Shin'ya was walking away from Tsukiko, when suddenly the oni turned and charged towards the girl. Not at the girl, but to move directly in front of her.

The reason why soon became apparent as an arrow appeared in the oni's shoulder, which would have been lethal to the child.

It was then he realized he had another problem: Someone was charging at him. Large, heavy footfalls. He needed to get up and out of the way.

It turned out to be the wrong thing to try and do, as the charging oni hit him with such force as to throw him off his feet, off the island, and into the water.

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

Sun Wukong and Susanoo had made short work of the three oni that had interfered. They were soon bound, and were awaiting Shuten-Doji's displeasure. Sure, the one who had taken the shot at the kitsune was minus his hands, and the small one who'd been in charge was sporting both broken legs and arms. And the large one was currently sitting with his arms tied behind his back, and had a rather large lump on his head.

"Well, that about wraps this mess up," Sun Wukong stated as he sat on his cloud, watching the water where Kenta had been pushed in. "Should we fish him out?"

"No," Amaterasu said quietly. "He shall find his own way out."

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

Kenta was drowning.

He'd never been a strong swimmer, and when he'd gained his Powers he'd somehow gotten worse.

Still, he couldn't drown. He had to protect Tsukiko from the treachery of some of Shin'ya's people. He became angry. Anger at his inability, anger at the treachery, and angry at the thought that someone would harm an innocent child. Fire burned in his heart, in his spirit. He would finish the job he'd set himself, and make sure the child would live, machinations of the gods notwithstanding.

He reached past his Parahuman abilities, deep into his being, to the core of his most essential self, and focused on that fire.

He was Lung, the Dragon of Kyushu!

From under the water, the dragon roared.

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

Those on the island felt it rather than heard it, a rumbling from the pool at the bottom of the waterfall. The water began bubbling, then frothing, and became even more agitated. And then the surface of the water exploded as something large and serpentine flew out of the pool.

Its scales were steely gray, and its eyes glowed with the fires of a volcano. It had four toes to each foot, and its fur and beard were a lighter shade of gray, almost silver. It ascended into the air where it soon stopped and hovered, looking down on the bridge, waterfall and island.

The dragon slowly circled, eventually coming to coil around the island and look at the collection of beings. The monkey, who was applauding, he knew. The storm shaped like a man, he didn't know, but he could sense the power the kami had. And the woman? He knew who she was.

But most importantly, there was the child. Tsukiko was staring at him with eyes wide with wonder and awe. She then ran up and tried to give him a hug.

And for once, everything seemed right with the world.

= = = = = = = = = = =​

It hadn't taken long for the group to get settled in Amestris, setting up the instant keep on land Ed and Al owned on the outskirts of town. Once that had been accomplished Taylor, Maddy and Melissa all got ready to travel back to Sigil to give Yasmina the necklace they'd retrieved from Avanth's lair.

"At least this trip won't take as long," Melissa stated. She had a smug look on her face.

"Planning on using your Powers to bypass the distance?" Taylor asked.

"Yep. I've currently got a warp going from near the airfield to above the ridge we flew over, and I'm moving the far end toward the city right now," she answered. "We could actually walk there, if you wanted."

"Nah, we'll fly," Taylor answered. "And I'll deliver the necklace as Naurelin."

"So long as you don't go on a rampage in the city," Maddy said, "things should be fine. I hope."
Blame the current batch of severe storms showing up early for the early posting - I am.

Edits by McClaw per the usual.

I'll be back after 1900 CDT to read the comments.
Amazing chapter! Love the way things worked out with Kenta.

As for the tornado thing, it's more that the warnings are just common enough down here that I have gotten used to them, rather than being utterly terrified by the possibility of a threat of them. I can remembering visiting Hot Springs Village a few years ago, shortly after one went through, and you could see the path the thing took on the ground and where it decided to either stop being a whirlwind or at least jump away - clear line of dirt in amongst grass, then it hit a road and stopped. Just last April we had one in my town of Sherwood that shredded houses less than a mile away and removed shingles and siding from apartment buildings not more than 100 feet away from our building. But what moving here HAS taught me is that I can't be frozen in fear by the possibility of something.
But what moving here HAS taught me is that I can't be frozen in fear by the possibility of something.

Maybe, but at the same time taking reasonable precautions is a good thing. I have an emergency BOB (that's But Out Bag for those who don't know). In it I have a couple changes of cloths, spare colostomy supplies, a week's worth of emergency food, 3 different water purification options (including a straw that purifies water as you drink), a trenching shovel, basic medical supplies, an emergency weather radio (crank, battery, or outlet powered), and a couple books.

Until last year, I'd lived in Dubuque Iowa. And I take things like tornado warnings seriously. Especially when the local sky turns green. In the apartment building I lived in, nobody else took such safety seriously. In fact, one person tried to grab my BOB with the intention of throwing it into the apartment complex's dumpster when I stopped to warn them on my way down to the basement/storm shelter area.
Meanwhile, in Canada...

That's probably photoshopped. I hope it's photoshopped, at least.

Back in the mid 90's I lived in a trailer park just outside of Dubuque. And a tornado did hit the trailer park, because of course one would. Our trailer was fine, and you'd swear nothing had happened at all. Not even a power outage or problems with the water main. But four trailers down, there was a trail of destruction that passed through most of the trailer park. And the Auto Parts store on the other side of the hill from us? Totaled. Including a pickup truck embedded in the store's roof.
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The irony was that the auto parts store was the trailer park's designated storm shelter due to it's sturdy construction. Even more ironic is that everyone in my family slept through the storm in complete safety. First we knew of it was stepping outside and seeing the destruction. There wasn't even a new scratch on Mom's car.
It's just like how people become so very casual about fire alarms due to all the safety drills ran in schools. Right up until they actually experience a house fire, at which point suddenly any such alarm becomes Important once again.
I wonder if that depends of where you live, because my response to a fire alarm is to check, even though I've never been in a house fire. There was a near miss when the fire was stopped before it reached the house, but no actual house fire.
ahhhhh, a satisfying conclusion...
Lung finally, FINALLY claims his name in truth and in deed
...wonder how Oni lee's doing
guess we'll get to see that next
after all, those three Oni are a loose end of sorts, and a perfect segue into finding out what Oni Lee's been up to, i think
i forget, was it Shuten-Douji who got put in charge of him?
Even more ironic is that everyone in my family slept through the storm in complete safety.

I know what you mean regarding a tornado passing by without you ever realising.

Had one pass close to my house once, and didn't find out about it until I saw the fence it had blown down.

(Just the fence; it was a very small and weak one)

Never heard a thing over the wind.

As for the chapter: Beautifully done.

Lung definitely wasn't expecting this when he started his journey.
I know what you mean regarding a tornado passing by without you ever realising.

The one I referred to that passed by last April was that way. Very high winds, but at no point did I hear any of the 'official' noises that a tornado supposedly makes, like the train passing by. (Then again, I lived very near a train station for a couple decades, so I have a very specific mindset as to how a train sounds.) Just heard high winds, but no sounds of even our patio furniture being thrown around (knocked over, yeah, but that happens when we get high winds, not just tornadoes) Looked out the next day to see other buildings in the apartment complex damaged, and driving to the grocery store showed us that houses had been literally torn apart far less than a half mile away. On a straight line to our complex.
It's crazy how selective tornadoes can actually be in their destruction. You always picture them leveling everything in their path, and they tend to. But that path can be quite narrow at times.
I don't remember if ti was here that I mentioned it, but I was visiting Hot Springs Village a few years ago when my stepdaughter lived there, and there'd been a tornado that had gone through the area just a few weeks earlier. Driving down one of the roads, you could see this sharply defined path about fifteen feet wide of bare dirt that came to an abrupt stop at the road. You could literally see that it was one of the areas where the tornado had bounced along, and this was a forty foot long line where it had touched down for a split second, tornado-time at least.
𝔇 & 𝔇 24 - When Last We Saw Our Party... New
"That's something I never want to repeat," Maddy swore.

"Not used to time and space being bent over someone's knee?" Melissa asked with a slight grin.

"No, I'm not," the bard admitted. "I've teleported, astral projected myself across reality, flown under my own power, ridden various flying creatures and magic items, but none of them have ever played merry hell with my equilibrium like that."

"Well," Naurelin rumbled, "your mount appreciates that you didn't throw up over her scales. We'll be coming in for a landing just outside of the gate we left by yesterday. I'll try and keep it as smooth as I can."

"I'd appreciate that," Maddy answered.

In short order, Naurelin landed gently in the field next to the road to the stares of various people coming into the city. Melissa was calmly floating next to Naurelin as the dragon walked into the city, barely fitting through the city gate despite crouching down. Madelynne was on Melissa's other side.

"If it pleases your ladyship," the senior gate guard (who had obviously pulled himself together to meet them) inquired nervously, "might I ask what business you and the dragon have in the city?"

"I forgot to deliver something I recovered a couple of days ago," Naurelin admitted. "I'm going to give it to the person who asked me to retrieve it, get my payment, and depart, probably within a couple of hours from now."

Melissa nodded. "It's like she said. We're returning recovered goods, getting our payment, and rejoining our group in Amestris."

The guard breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned towards Maddy. "I'll assume you're returning to your family's townhouse, Lady Greenleaves?"

"That's correct," Maddy answered. "I'll be waiting for them to finish their business in Amestris and conclude my business here in the city."

Turning back to Naurelin, he asked, "Do you, um, intend to fly to your destination?"

"No, that would be rude," the dragon replied to the guard's obvious relief. "Not to mention the trouble of finding somewhere unoccupied to land."

"Enter, then," the young man said, and the group made their way to the Bazaar.

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

"That went rather well," Maddy stated as the group headed back to the gate they'd entered from, via the "Grease Pit" and something to eat. In this case, dragon-sized street tacos for Naurelin, while Melissa and Maddy had human-sized versions.

"The look on Yasmina's face was worth it," Naurelin said between bites. "So was her laughter at being pranked."

"I think your expression when her daughter hugged you was even more precious," Melissa added. "Just the right combination of croggled and adorable."

"Of the many things I've heard about dragons," Maddy noted, "adorable is not one of them."

"Really, what have people said about dragons?" Naurelin asked.

"Well, you have the usual screams of terror and fright, followed by old fairy tale / legend / myth, can't possibly exist, speculation on uses, various insults and commentary on a dragon's ancestry…" Madelynne answered. "Adorable, cute and the like aren't even in the top one hundred. Only fairy dragons are ever called that, assuming they're seen before they pull a prank."

"Now I'm sorry I asked," Naurelin grumbled, then sighed. "At least I've got my clay." She turned her head to look at Maddy. "I'd like to thank you for all you've done for us."

"Eh, always happy to help," Maddy said. "Brockton Bay's a little too quiet for my taste, but you guys probably enjoy the peace."

Melissa nodded. "Yeah, we do. Kinda spoiled by everyone waiting for the other shoe to drop."

= = = = = = = = = = = =​

For the past hour, Tere had been running for her life as fast as her little kobold legs could carry her. She was one of the children of the group that helped maintain Lady Naurelin's home. She'd decided to explore the area around the property, and had soon encountered a very large dog.

She'd tried being nice to it, tried offering it a snack, and all it appeared to want to do is eat her. After its first lunge, she took off running, trying to lose the dog in places her small stature allowed her to go where the dog couldn't, or at least she thought it couldn't go. It had barreled through hedges, broken down gates, jumped over trash cans and kept getting closer.

In her terror, she made a wrong turn and soon found herself in a dead end alley. Back up against a wall, she could only watch in sheer terror as the mastiff started slowly approaching her, growling.


- - - - - - - - - - - -​

Tucker had a squad of his men out combing the area around the Queen's favored's home. One of the older children had gone missing, and he'd decided to go looking personally with several of his more disciplined followers who knew the area well. He'd also placed a call to Andraste, letting her know something was going on.

It hadn't taken long before they'd been joined by two of the Protectorate heroes: Assault (who was crazy but useful) and Miss Militia (who had the very convenient Power of having any weapon she'd need at hand).

"Andraste passed the word to us about the missing youngling," Miss Militia said without preamble. "There have been some reports in the area of a large dog chasing a small creature around, a couple blocks away in that direction."

"Thank you," Tucker answered. "That gives us a much smaller area to search in."

Assault suddenly staggered and Miss Militia's eyes unfocused for a bit. "Someone just triggered," she said. "And they're close." It was at that point that things fell quiet. Just barely audible, one could hear a susurration, of small claws clicking against pavement and concrete. Finally there was a yelp of pain from a large dog.

The dog soon came running around the corner, a dozen rats and other rodents clinging to it, biting and clawing.

"Console, this is Miss Militia reporting a proximity event. We've got a new Trigger in the 1600 block of Elm," she called in.

"Console copies, Ma'am," the reply came back. "We're getting a van out to your location. ETA is 10 minutes."

"…Yeah, you better run away, you mangy mutt! When I and my minions get our claws on you…" All seven of them watched as the dog's pursuer was revealed to be a small kobold accompanied by a horde of mice, rats, rabbits, a few bats, and something that wasn't canine but still half the size of the poor beleaguered dog.

Tucker sighed. "Tere!" he called out, and hoped she'd listen.

The youngling came to a halt, and all the rodents did too, letting the dog go in the process. "Mr. Tucker! I'm so sorry, I just wanted to explore the yards around the house and I got lost then the dog chased me–"

"Tere, it's OK," Tucker interrupted. "Yes, I'm upset with you. However, I'm more glad you're safe. Now what's with all of your new friends?"

The youngling went on to explain what happened while Assault, still a bit groggy, and Miss Militia conferred.

"OK, this place is getting really weird," Assault stated. "I didn't think it was possible."

"Neither did I," Miss Militia replied. "However, we have a non-human Trigger. And don't say anything. We both know what will happen." Miss Militia walked over to where Tucker and the child were. "If you'll consent, we'd like to run her through Power testing and at least get her on record as a para-kobold."

"Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea," Tucker answered. "I'll arrange something with Andraste for both Tere and Vito." At the human heroes' questioning looks, he explained. "Vito had something of a fit a couple of days ago. He then started scavenging bits and bobs from around the lair and began making things, mainly traps that don't look like they'd work but are strangely effective."

"Oh great," Assault snarked. "Humans with Powers are bad enough, now we've got kobolds with Powers, too? And a Tinker? What's the world coming to?"

At that point, a dragon roar sounded over the city from the west.

Miss Militia formed a spray bottle with her power and began spraying Assault. "Bad Assault! Bad!"

= = = = = = = = = = = =​

Kenta sat at a fire on the small island – the oni having been hauled away someplace else – with those who remained after the duel. It was a calm, somewhat cheery evening. Tsukiko was curled up, asleep and happy at his side. Around the fire, there was Shin'ya, Sun Wukong, and Amaterasu-no-Mikado. Shin'ya, his shoulder bandaged, seemed to be in awe at the visitors to the humble campfire.

"So why did you suddenly decide to not kill the child?" Kenta asked Shin'ya.

"Something you mentioned, about there being nothing more important," the oni answered. "Without children, there is no future. No one to pass traditions on to. It is not her fault that one of her ancestors is the kyuubi no kitsune. She deserves a chance to live."

"Huh," Sun Wukong said. "Whaddya know, oni can be taught!"

"Hush, Goku-san," Amaterasu admonished. "At the very least, this will keep the atrocities associated with Tamamo to a minimum. You know something of her story, Kenta-san. I shall fill in some pieces that are missing.

"The fox that would become Tamamo-no-Mae, queen of the foxes, started life in Zhōngguó as Su Da Ji. She was tasked by the gods to punish King Zhou, and her unjustly slain lover was to be reincarnated with his memories as her reward."

"I remember that," Wukong added. "Nu Wa should have seen to the reward herself, but delegated the task. It kept getting passed further down the line, and eventually, the celestial bureaucrat who handled it didn't want to do the extra work, and the man was reincarnated without his memories, which was a mess all on its own. To say that Su Da Ji was pissed was an understatement. She vowed her vengeance on the gods and fled to the south."

"Where she wreaked chaos in India, where she was known as the consort of Kalmashapada, the man-eater," Kenta stated.

"Her return to Zhōngguó was noticed, and her attempts to throw the country into chaos brought her to my attention," Sun Wukong continued. "With the help of a regiment of the Emperor's army, we chased her into the sea at Seorbeol."

"After that, she decided she'd done enough and wanted to live a peaceful life," Amaterasu continued. "She currently resides in Nara, and is the matriarch of a long line of foxes, the latest of which is Tsukiko, who is her great-great-great-great-great granddaughter and is only now known to her."

"So what about this prophecy?" Shin'ya asked.

"We're looking into that," Sun Wukong answered. "Local foxes not of her lineage don't like her, despite recognizing her as the eldest fox in this part of the world. We're working under the assumption that another clan of foxes is trying to do something, and hoping that their deeds remain hidden."

"And I have many things to do. First, I give you my thanks," a voice said from the shadows beyond the fire. Few words can describe the figure who walked into the light of the fire. Amaterasu had a serene beauty about her, the kind of beauty the rising sun would have. Tamamo-no-mae's beauty was a more sensual thing, hinting at pleasures of the flesh. She was dressed simply, in a kusode and mo, in rather plain colors. Her hair was black, and worn such that it fell to her shoulders. Of note was a white forelock.

"I had hoped that I could leave my past behind," Tamamo-no-Mae said quietly, "but such is not to be. The second thing I would do is to arrange for Tsukiko's adoption, so she can be raised properly. The third is to find another place to call home, since I am no longer safe in Nara.

"As for you, Higashi Kenta, I thank you for watching after the child. I would grant you a boon, but there is little I could give you that you don't already have. All I can give you is the thanks of a foolish old fox." With that, she bowed.
the Mikon is is here!!!

Also Kobolds are getting powers now too, which i was not expecting to happen without Retired!Scion doing something related first. You would think that Assualt of all people would know better then to tempt fate like that though, he is usually more genre savvy than that.
Was this Lung in a relationship with his Lee, gay or r63-Lee, or was that another fic? Cause otherwise Takara could be getting a new mommy.

Also Kobolds are getting powers now too, which i was not expecting to happen without Retired!Scion doing something related first.
Considering they are from near Naurelin and Tere got a power expression confirmed to be in QA's arsenal, this might be QA at work.
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