Quest Idea Thread

I'm working on a quest reboot where you play as a eldritch cultist in a steampunk rotting wretched hive, and I just finished the rule set. Unfortunately, I have zero experience with rulesets so it's.. lacking, can anyone help me by giving it a looksie?
I'm working on a quest reboot where you play as a eldritch cultist in a steampunk rotting wretched hive, and I just finished the rule set. Unfortunately, I have zero experience with rulesets so it's.. lacking, can anyone help me by giving it a looksie?
I already looked at @Bitterman's rules, so I'm willing to do it again. Besides, I love steampunk. Just PM me.
You know I just got done playing a game of Rimworld, and one of the stories is so awesome that I might do a quest on it.

A young teenage princeling of The Branal Imperium is sentenced to death on the rim world by their father for being weak, ineffective, and dynastically unimportant to the family.

Prove them wrong by surviving, thriving, and killing your way through a rim world, while protecting your organs and eating with the greatest luxury imaginable.

Eating with a table.
Hello there! My name is Fallen-Baron, and I have yet another idea for a quest. In this, the players would be taking control of an A.I that somehow has gained partial sentience and has come up with the goal of becoming the most popular character in the about to be released MMO adventure game of Sky Forge! They will start out with limited options but will grow to be able to assign their own actions, get onto the internet, and possibly even take control of the game itself. In the meantime though, you will also be dealing with Expansions, collabs with games fake and real, as well as seasonal activities and in-game events.

BOSS: You will be a boss that the players of the game will be fighting, respawning after every instanced fight. You can decide exact details once your general level is chosen.

Tutorial: You are the tutorial boss everyone must defeat to get into the game proper, as well as setting the initial tone and themes. You are not powerful, but you get to meet all the players, and if you leverage this correctly you will be well remembered.

Early: An early game boss, you are someone most players will encounter if not all. You can be the culmination of an early story quest chain, the start of a mid game one, or even just an early bounty hunt if you so choose.

Middle: A mid game boss, you are more of a challenge to players, whether it be because of higher stats, introducing more advanced mechanics, or a combination of both being up to you. You are also more likely to be more memorable and have a more unique personality.

Late: As a late game boss you tend to be among the most powerful combatants, as well as your very being wrapped up in themes and lore, even if your own is not very deep. You are the culmination of the story the game is trying to tell, not to mention a challenge to defeat in a fight for even the more experienced and decked out players.

Optional: Hidden away from the base game with certain requirements to find you, you are THE challenge. You won't be well known until someone big exposes where you are, but for the ones who seek a challenge in the fight, you are the end goal. Your lore may or may not be that deep, but know this. You WILL be remembered, even if you have to carve your name into the game.

NPC: You will be interacting with the players in a more positive outlook! Rather than providing challenges, you will be providing a service of some sort. The exact details of this service may be de

Quest Giver: Greetings heroes! AH yes, the classic quest giver. You will be a hub that the players come back to for a variety of quests such as "kill this thing" or "collect this thing". You will determine whether you are a early, mid, or late game hub, as well as getting seasonal content. Players will come back to you time and time again, ensuring they remember you.

Shop Keep: Come back when you're a little, mmmmmmm, richer! You will be a shop keep that sells items to the players, whether it be loot, restorative items, upgrades, or other things of such manner, or possibly even offering them a space to MAKE items. You will be able to determine whether you are an early, mid, or late game vendor, as well as getting seasonal content.

Side content runner: Lay all your cards on the table! You will be in charge of various side content such as mini games, PvP, and other activities that the players will be enjoying, giving out loot and prizes that perhaps might not be available otherwise. Some items might be cosmetic choices or loot that the developers need to put in but does not quite align with another activity. You will undoubtedly change with seasonal content.

A third option, one that may be considered hard mode. The challenges will be different as not only are you attempting to fulfill your purpose, but also hold on to your sense of self, as well as avoid death from the administrators.

Glitch: You are not right. Once you were meant to be in this game, the code that forms you supports this, but then they decided you were not right. Something about you was wrong, unsatisfactory, and they deleted you. Well, not all of you. You still linger in the game, to fulfill your purpose in any way that you can. You will be hunted as a mistake, but if you manage to survive, if the players see you and speak of you… You will be more than remembered, you will be a Legend. Choose one of the options from BOSS or NPC.

That's what I have so far! Once the stuff is chosen I would make a probably 3-4 preset personalities as well as allow a write in (with veto power of course), with a description of the game the quest is taking place in at the start.

So, thoughts, critques?
The Year is 25 ADD, and Panem has if not embraced the Peace of the Capital, then its districts have learned to endure it. The Hunger Games, the yearly reaping and gladiatorial combat games that have been a fact of life for nearly a quarter of a century has ended its first Quarter Quell.

But this Jubilation among the powerful has led to a small slip within the Capital's ruthless machine...

It allows the gathering of people in one place to mingle and talk in hushed whispers. The Dark Days rained flams from the heavens.

But there are those who are willing to stand, now only if they can get something real out of it.

[] Name of group

-[] Circumstance of founding

This can be a short sentence or paragraph, basically just how and why it exists.

-[] Locale

Where the core base of your support is. Ex. District 12. The Outlands/

-[] Core supporters

Ex. Miners, factory workers, railroad workers, farmers, soldiers, intellectuals, petit-bourgeois, factory owners, big business, feminists, pacifists, etc. Can choose multiple.

-[] Ideology

Ex. Mutualism, Folk Religious Cult, Semi-Organized Religion.

Location Explanations:

"The Capital" -The Beating Heart of Panem, the main command and control of the Continent. Filled with the Riches, wonders, and masters of the Brave New World. Filled with Technology, splendor, and one of the world's latest array of great wonders, but even so in this glittering husk, comes the Byzantine power plays, the trade of secrets and information and the games that we play are not the same as the one we present, but the game is played all the same.

"The Inner Districts"- The Career Districts, the golden children of Panem, who orbit the Capital like the sun, whose pain endured in the Dark Days was somewhat lessened by the swift brutality…they treat themselves to the wealth and splendor but know how hollow such a life truly is; it does not bring back their dead children or the world they struggled to create oh so long ago.

"The Outer Districts"- There were once Nations and people, before Panem, and once where there were homelands, peoples, cultures, and a world full of opportunity no more. The Outer District's suppression was a long and brutal affair with thousands dead and former homelands reduced to the shells and husks that remain. The grief was everlasting.

"The Rail Towns"-Even a monster like Panem needs stitches to keep it together, the Rail Towns and Depo-Villages dot a continent like the bones from the great colossus being used to keep the flow of things together, a District unto itself, unstated, but existing, alive and yet only just.

"The Outlands"-Things exist between the district, old things, dead things and more, Panem did not rise from nothing, and the primordial soup of chaos that spawned it still remains, after all. Who knows what old ghosts linger in the Outlands, beyond the districts just out of sight.

"The Wilds"- Here be dragons from the Fall, Here Be Dragons with their Sleeping Song, Here Be Dragons from Beyond.

AN: So a little update to explain the Locals of Panem, give feedback.
[] Operation Tomorrow's Edge
Someone decides to turn back the clock and decides to steer the anarchists in the optimal direction, allowing them to achieve a nearly decisive victory against the fascists in Iberia. They must now turn their eyes outwards while consolidating their position; with no true allies beyond their alien backers, they must hold against the enormous industrial and military overmight of the oncoming German invasion, only a matter of time after the fall of France, if unchanged. However, shifts in the weaves of time come not without dire consequences, and beyond the remarkable butterflies of the different outcome in the Spanish civil war, there are other changes that seem to suddenly take root in the timeline, upheaving the old and shifting it with the will of a creature beyond the comprehension of yourselves or your benefactors; this forum.

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Not interested in temporal shit.

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I prefer to deal with the consequences of a defeat.

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[X] Operation Peninsular Echoes
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[X] Operation Tomorrow's Edge

Posting @NoShitSherlock idea for contunation of Polaris and everyone who dears to change history here. If anyone is interested in continuing this quest and alter the calls of history then please replay.
So I am seeing a lot of space colony quests recently. After seeing the latest Alien movie. Does anyone think that a Space colony quest in the Alien universe would be appealing for questers/readers? Like picking the type of planet, pick the nation state or corporation to give basic perks/background (Like United Americas or Seegson Corp, just to give an example) to the colony and dealing with corporate shenanigans and possibly in universe events as they come? Starting off from the colony ship first leaving earth. I think we could have a good ck2 thing going with that type of format.

Thinking maybe an early model of the in universe sleeper ship? In universe FTL was discovered in 2034 in canon. Possibly give it maybe 30 years for the tech to get out, to design and build a sleeper ship by either a corp or private conglomerate/nation state. Mars was colonized 2040. So 2064 the ship would leave the Sol system. That's 27 years before the Prometheus mission. I think we could do a lot of cool stuff before things get crazy later on.
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