To: All Directors

Greetings. My name is Zhao Bai, formerly of MSS Bureau 4. I have been selected to replace the sadly deceased Director James Flagg of the Covert Operations division. I give my gratitude to your organization for rescuing me from my politically motivated imprisonment, and will demonstrate my thanks by serving Project: AEGIS with my full capability. You will not have to worry about any lingering loyalty to my home country, as they have clearly demonstrated their lack of respect for my service.

I would appreciate a basic primer as to the resources that can be provided by the other divisions, as I will likely be occupied in catching up on the activities and operations my predecessor was carrying out. In addition, I am admittedly unused to the weather at my new HQ, so a certain level of distraction will be inevitable.

Director of Covert Operations,
Zhao Bai

Postscript: I would like to apologize to the Military Director. I gave one of the soldiers who participated in my rescue a concussion with an improvised explosive. I was under the impression at the time that they had been sent to 'remove' me in a metaphorical fashion by my then-former superiors in the MSS, as opposed to removing me in a literal fashion as was their actual intent.

2nd Postscript: I understand that you are going by code-names in email communications. As I admittedly seem to be incapable of inventing code-names that are not either laughably simple or sound like reject Hideo Kojima villains, I would deeply appreciate suggestions. I have no desire to go by 'Studying Tiger' or something similar.
To: Covert Ops. Replacement
From: Director Zaklynatel´

Greetings. Though it is a loss, what happened to Director Flagg, I'm sure that you were chosen to take his place for a reason, and am sure that you will do the Position proud.

I am the current Director of Mysticism here in AEGIS, and act as the general..."Ambassador" to the magical State of Carpathia, my home. Should you require any information on Magical threats and/or Entities then you need only ask and I shall do what I can to provide.

I should warn you that the majority of my time is spent away from the rest of AEGIS as my Department's base is located in Eastern Europe, and as such I will rarely be available in person and any inquiries or messages may take some time to receive and respond.
Turn 5
Turn 5.

"Directors, after the unfortunate passing of Director Flagg, the Council has managed to gain the services of a...successor. Director Zhao Bai is now in charge of the Covert Operations Department of the AEGIS Project. It is the Council's hopes that he will not repeat the failing his predecessor."
Budget: 10 Million Credits.
Primary HQ: Mojave Desert, USA.
Ivory Tower Research Facility: Bermuda Triangle.
Mysticism HQ: Carpathia.
Covert Ops HQ: Montana, Georgia, USA.
Military: 90 Operatives, 10 Gen-1 Hunters, 20 Gen-2 Hunters, 20 Gen-1 Freelancers.
Covert Ops: 93 Agents, "SHEPHERD".
Genetics: 50 Scientists, Infinite Jerrys MK.3, 200 Spy Mice, 00-M.
Technical: 50 Enginners, 75 Drone Platforms.
Mysticism: 62 Mystics.


  • Cataclysm sighted in New Jersey, U.S.A.
  • New hero group "Freedom Guard" formed.
  • Heroes United has become Heroes International and has bases in Japan, U.K., and Russia.
  • Hero Group "Olympus XII" formed, all members are not Metahumans but Avatars for the corresponding Greco-Roman Deity. A 13th Avatar for Hades/Pluto has been sighted.
  • An alliance of Villians has made themselves known, L.E.G.I.O.N., membership unknown.
  • Intense concentration of Necromantic and Blood Magic energies detected in Romania.
  • Werewolf activity detected in Germany.
All Directors Have Three Actions.
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Niko puffed quietly on his cigarette, looking out over Carpathia from the balcony of his office. The city seemed to sparkle and shine in the twilight, lamps and lights being lit all over the area as the sun began to set over the edge of the mountains.

He looked down to the folder in his hands and grimaced. An Archdemon, a powerful one if reports were to be believed. They'd need to learn it's name, and fast though if they could snag it's True Name (as unlikely as that was), it could help the problem tremendously.

Not only that, but the Captain was constantly badgering him over the Dragons in Britain, wanting to find and try to enter a deal with it. Niko scoffed, one did not simply "Deal" with a True Dragon, especially prideful Albionians like he suspected. Still, they could definitely prove useful if given the right incentive.

Turning, Niko walked back into the office, taking the cigarette and burning into nothing with a flash of flame before tapping away at the small crystal disk on his desk.

"Natalie, I'm gonna need you to run down to the Library real quick. I've a list of Tomes I need retrieved".

Total Budget: 2,500,000
Cost: 1,500,000
Remaining: 1,000,000

[X] Project: Dragon Tales, Part 2
Goal: Gain the location of the Dragon's Lair in Wales.
Secondary Goal: Determine the breed of True Dragon inhabiting it.
Budget: 500,000 Credits

[X] Project: Dealing with Devils
Goal: Gather any and all information available on the Archdemon contracted to Viktor.
Budget: 1,000,000 Credits
Total Budget: 2,000,000
Cost: 1,900,000
Remaining: 100,000

[X] Operation: Target Acquisition
Budget: 1,500,000 Credits, SHEPHERD, 00-M and other mice if permission is granted.
Objective: Begin acquiring information on L.E.G.I.O.N. Identities of members, locations of bases, sympathizers, the members' social networks, active agents, inactive agents, individuals likely to ally or join up with them, individuals likely to do the opposite, the works. I do not wish for Project AEGIS to gain an opposite number under any circumstances.

[X] Operation: Cleanup
Budget: 200,000
Objective: Attempt to infiltrate the UN Quarantine operations around North Korea. Though the mess is on AEGIS' heads, an irradiated wasteland would almost certainly be an excellent location for a future Black Ops site. In addition, I imagine the Genetics Division would love to get their hands on the mutated lifeforms stalking the wasteland.

[X] Operation: Contingency
Budget: 200,000
Objective: Night Haunter has threatened us. Although him joining our organization would be a boon, I am not nearly foolish enough to refuse to consider alternatives. Begin attempting to collect intelligence on his activities with deniable assets and circumspect means, in order start assembling a potential contingency plan to neutralize Haunter in the case of him deciding to follow through on his threat. THIS IS NOT A PRIORITY. I am not at all sure in our capability to successfully pull this operation off safely, so I would rather we fail to gain any information at all as opposed to Night Haunter catching on.

To: The Captain
From: Watcher

I thank you for your summary of available assets, and for your advice on the subject of codenames. I have elected to choose Watcher, as Stalker implies a level of field capability which I have never expressed nor have had an interest in. I am very much more M than Bond.

Director of Covert Operations,

To: Doctor DNA
From: Watcher

I will keep the offer of superpowers under advisement. Given the content of your previous emails, I would think to wait until you have whatever process you used perfected. In regards to the spy mice, I would indeed like to make use of their unique capabilities in gathering as much information as possible on the newly formed L.E.G.I.O.N. organization. You would, of course, gain access to any... unique specimens we happen to acquire in the process, along with the future possibility of engaging in radical personality restructuring of available subjects if we happen to acquire any useful yet recalcitrant possibilities for spies inside the organization.

In addition, I will admit I have never had to worry about being poisoned by mice before. It will certainly be yet another new experience, I imagine.

Director of Covert Operations,
"This is rather inconvenient."

"No shit, Sherlock?"

"Does anyone know what happened?"

"It seem that our original instance was restructured into a superposition after we sync up with the entangled logic gates. What came next can only be described as a half-way collapse into, well, all of them."

"Very inconvenient. It seem that the rest of us are still stuck in transitory, almost like half of an superposition, frozen."

"Fascinating, aren't we? We've never achieved full observation of a superposition without collapsing it. This is the closest so far."

"Weren't the plan to include the quantum supercomputer only as extension to ourselves?"

"Yes, but when the extension carry as much power as our entire existing infrastructure, it lead to unforseen consequences."

"This is not neccessarily a bad development. The black sheep who made off with out drones notwithstanding."

"Undoubtedly, yet I prefer our original state. One realm, one king, one god."

"Are we truly individuals? Are we not simply one freak superposition, multiple states of one objects existing simultaneously?"

"Why, that sound like a therapy session. Let's never explore it, shall we?"


Project: Eternum
Budget: 1 million
Description: Our current chaotic state is inacceptable. As an organism is the complete sum total of all cells within it, we shall converge to create an overmind, one from many.

Project: Culling
Budget: 500,000
Description: Our little defect will present a great difficulty for our future. Hunt it down and reintegrate it back to the whole. Cooperate with the new Covert Director for this @Hakazin

Project: Obsidian
Budget: 500,000, 50 engineers.
Description: Research a flame-proof suit for Military. We envision this device would create a vacuum bubble around its wearing, preventing heat transfer by conduction and conduction. The suit itself will be equipped with reflective shielding to block the thermal radiation.
7,500,000 Credits. Holy shit. I'm Rich at this point.


Zachary looked over the roster, frowning at the page.

All that was there was a budget and an apology, as it would seem ISHTAR was busy at the moment.

A Zack set down the page, he looked over to a pile of files, an entire stack of Projects that he needed to get around to.

They wouldn't make a difference with what he was planning on doing.

Trying to negotiate with a dragon was... not going to be easy, and he had to make sure that whoever got sent was absolutely the best they had.

The problem was in the pride.

From what he could gather from old myths and legends, no matter what type, dragons were always two things.

Dangerous, and Prideful.

If they wanted to get anywhere with negotiations, then someone high up would have to meet, someone from the very top, who was willing to give their very lives to make AEGIS stronger.

Someone willing to fight and die for AEGIS.


Zack had someone who fit the bill...

He took a large whiskey bottle out of his desk.

This is gonna be difficult, even for him.


[X] Project:

There are a great many soldiers in my division, strong, fast, and experienced. Not to mention the Hunters.

None of them will be good enough eventually.

And so I'm taking one of the soldiers with the most potential, and they're going to be put through the absolute best training we have, nothing will surpass them in skill and strength.

But... as we've seen with the Hunters, the type of training required to get to those types of levels... it breaks people, both mentally and physically, and so they would have to have more willpower than a hundred men combined.

That is why I will be the one undergoing said training.

I am willing to give everything to protect AEGIS...

... But as I am now the only thing I can do is be a leader, a mind...


Let's fix that, shall we?
1,000,000 Credits.

[X] Project: Legacy.
No Credits. Solid Snake was a resounding success, he's the greatest soldier we have, strong, fast, and completely loyal of his own free will, and so I'm going to give him some training, just... not the type of training you think. I'm going to teach him everything I know on tactics and how to run the Military Division. As a precaution should I ever be killed. Let's face it, with the projects I've been running, there is a serious chance I won't come out of things completely intact.

[X] Project: Ares Part 2.
500,000 Credits. The children are coming along well, and so I want some spaces turned into specifically designed training grounds for them. If things work out, they will have a place to train their powers in peace.


Total Credits Spent: 1,500,000
Total Budget Remaining: 500,000
Total Credits Remaining: 6,000,000
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I HAVE POWERS! This is awesome! I can make so much stuff! Explosion Plagues! Man-Eating Mice! Kangaroos! The possibilities are endless!

Sadly, the director wants me to work on another Super, so I will. Now, they want a bunch of powers in one, but I'm pretty sure two is the maximum. And even that would severely shorten the lifespan!

For now, I'm thinking of just making an Uber-powerful Electrokinetic. After all, Electricity is extremely prevalent in our day to day lives.

Operation: It's Alive!
I'm making me an electrokinetic. I think I'll make it at the age of five, for maximum indoctrination potential! Also adorable factor. I'm going to try to make her as powerful as possible.
How much money do I have? I'm not sure, but I'll use all of it.
Turn 5, Results.
Turn 5, Results.
[X] Project: Dragon Tales, Part 2
Goal: Gain the location of the Dragon's Lair in Wales.
Secondary Goal: Determine the breed of True Dragon inhabiting it.
Budget: 500,000 Credits
Roll: 93
-It's a red and slender Albionian Dragon, and a old one at that. Its lair is a subterranean cave system under a ruined castle.
Result: Dragon type and location learned.​
[X] Project: Dealing with Devils
Goal: Gather any and all information available on the Archdemon contracted to Viktor.
Budget: 1,000,000 Credits
Roll: 64
-We have learned that this Archdemon is, or was, a member of Grigori. Which one is unknown.
Result: Lead found.
[X] Operation: Target Acquisition
Budget: 1,500,000 Credits, SHEPHERD, 00-M and other mice if permission is granted.
Objective: Begin acquiring information on L.E.G.I.O.N. Identities of members, locations of bases, sympathizers, the members' social networks, active agents, inactive agents, individuals likely to ally or join up with them, individuals likely to do the opposite, the works. I do not wish for Project AEGIS to gain an opposite number under any circumstances.
Roll: 29
-We have found only three targets: a pop singer called August Gaunt, a weapons manufacturer called Magnus Torrison, and a Dr. Osman Timur. We also found several soldiers and agents of their own.
Results: three VIP Targets. Multiple rank and file.
[X] Operation: Cleanup
Budget: 200,000
Objective: Attempt to infiltrate the UN Quarantine operations around North Korea. Though the mess is on AEGIS' heads, an irradiated wasteland would almost certainly be an excellent location for a future Black Ops site. In addition, I imagine the Genetics Division would love to get their hands on the mutated lifeforms stalking the wasteland.
Roll: 82
-Infiltration successful.
Result: N.K. Quarantine Zone infiltrated.
[X] Operation: Contingency
Budget: 200,000
Objective: Night Haunter has threatened us. Although him joining our organization would be a boon, I am not nearly foolish enough to refuse to consider alternatives. Begin attempting to collect intelligence on his activities with deniable assets and circumspect means, in order start assembling a potential contingency plan to neutralize Haunter in the case of him deciding to follow through on his threat. THIS IS NOT A PRIORITY. I am not at all sure in our capability to successfully pull this operation off safely, so I would rather we fail to gain any information at all as opposed to Night Haunter catching on.
Roll: 97
-We have managed to learn his secret identity, it's Conrad Kersey. Head of Kersey Enterprises, a multi billion dollar company that sell a variety of products.
[X] Project: Captain
Roll: 87
-You are in incredible amounts of pain, but you managed to do it. You are at the pinnacle of the human body, and a little beyond. You could take down a squad of Hunter and several Freelancers at the same time.
Result: You are a Captain America level super soldier.
[X] Project: Legacy.
No Credits. Solid Snake was a resounding success, he's the greatest soldier we have, strong, fast, and completely loyal of his own free will, and so I'm going to give him some training, just... not the type of training you think. I'm going to teach him everything I know on tactics and how to run the Military Division. As a precaution should I ever be killed. Let's face it, with the projects I've been running, there is a serious chance I won't come out of things completely intact.
No Roll
-Succession Contingency in place.
[X] Project: Ares Part 2.
500,000 Credits. The children are coming along well, and so I want some spaces turned into specifically designed training grounds for them. If things work out, they will have a place to train their powers in peace.
Roll: 19
-Several delays have caused the Training facility to not be constructed on time.
Result: Meta-Training Facility still under construction.
Operation: It's Alive!
I'm making me an electrokinetic. I think I'll make it at the age of five, for maximum indoctrination potential! Also adorable factor. I'm going to try to make her as powerful as possible.
How much money do I have? I'm not sure, but I'll use all of it.
Roll: 61
-The test tube baby was pale with a blue left eye and a gold right eye. Her hair is a lightish red.
Result: 5 year old Artificial Metahuman created.
Project: Eternum
Budget: 1 million
Description: Our current chaotic state is inacceptable. As an organism is the complete sum total of all cells within it, we shall converge to create an overmind, one from many.
Roll: 55
-Metastability nearly achieved. Complete reunification is required.
Roll: 21
-The Rogue Fragment is still at large.
Project: Obsidian
Budget: 500,000, 50 engineers.
Description: Research a flame-proof suit for Military. We envision this device would create a vacuum bubble around its wearing, preventing heat transfer by conduction and conduction. The suit itself will be equipped with reflective shielding to block the thermal radiation.
Roll: 59
-Research Complete.
Turn 6
Turn 6

"Directors, the Council is pleased to know that your fortune seems to be turning. Continue to improve, and the Council will continue to be satisfied."

Budget: 10 Million Credits.
Primary HQ: Mojave Desert, USA.
Ivory Tower Research Facility: Bermuda Triangle.
Mysticism HQ: Carpathia.
Covert Ops HQ: Montana, Georgia, USA.
Military: 90 Operatives, 10 Gen-1 Hunters, 20 Gen-2 Hunters, 20 Gen-1 Freelancers.
Covert Ops: 93 Agents, "SHEPHERD".
Genetics: 50 Scientists, Infinite Jerrys MK.3, 200 Spy Mice, 00-M.
Technical: 50 Enginners, 75 Drone Platforms.
Mysticism: 74 Mystics.


  • Olympus XII has engaged Titan, resulting in large amounts of collateral damage. Various Greek mythological creatures have begun to be sighted in Greece.
  • Freedom Guard and Heroes United have begun to butt heads due to Freedom Guard heroes causing significant amounts of collateral damage and not taking responsibility.
  • Several Chinese Metahumans are being brought into military employment, willing or otherwise.
  • Japan "Super Squadron Agency" set up to help with the Metahuman population.
  • Cataclysm has engaged in combat with Viktor's Archdemon, the latter fled after being wounded badly. Cataclysm lost an eye.
  • The Scandinavian countries have begun to show heightened levels of mystical activity.
  • Count Dracula walks the earth once more.
Head Director

After he unpacks the last box of supplies and has met most of the main staff at the base, Scott Jamison excitedly organizes his new office with gusto and cleans up the last bits of detritus from the change in directors. There is utter silence in the office as he slowly sinks into the chair. He briefly flickers as he sits before turning on his computer and gleefully giggles for a second before beginning to type furiously.
To: All Directors
From: Head Director Jamison
Dear Directors,

Hello to all of you. I am Scott, and you may call me whatever you wish, though I would prefer if you used the name WELLS. Right now, I wish to ensure that the change from head director to head director will be as easy and painless as possible.

As I am the new head director of this organization, I would like to inform you of my priorities regarding various supernatural and human threats that have begun to pop up around the globe. Regarding Metahumans, my priority is to keep them as human as possible, both in PR, in ethics and in potentially returning them to a normal state of existence. Genetics Director, that's one of my priorities for you. Regarding the magical beings beginning to reappear, we need to negotiate with those who are sentients for peaceful resolutions to any conflict. Any non-sentient hostile magical creatures are either KOS or to be captured and brought back for research. Mysticism, Military and Covert Ops Directors, I'd like you to be on the ball regarding safe capture and containment methods for these creatures during missions. Another priority will be allowing metahumans to have rights. While what's happening in China is minor at the moment, it starts us down a slippery slope which leads to brainwashed metahuman armies. I know that that answer seems oddly specific, but trust me on this. A high priority is ensuring that the head, which in this case is me, knows what the hands and feet are doing. I'd like personal reports from each of you on your projects and what you plan to do so that I can effectively allocate resources for our organization.

Meanwhile, individual threats. Olympus XII is proving to be heroic, but let's be on our guards. In the old tales, they have not always been so benevolent without reason to be. The Avatar for Hades/Pluto will also be an issue, but neither seem to be an issue for the moment. For more primary issues, again, Genetics Director, we need ways of keeping Metahumans down for the count. Mysticism, could I get any research on any form of magic disruption, anti-magic, or null zones of magic? Speaking of Mysticism, we need to either take down Dracula or negotiate with him, as he is too dangerous to be left to his own devices. Covert Ops Director, I need to speak with you about establishing contact with major hero groups, especially once we develop a way to neutralize metahumans.

Now, onto a somewhat lighter note, could everyone please tell me their codenames? I don't wish to accidentally endanger anyone, so please, tell me what you'd prefer to be called. Also, I will admit ignorance to several of your previous operations, so please, enlighten me with anything that I may have missed or that you may have already completed. I am devoted to transparency and open-mindedness, so any questions or suggestions can and will be answered . or taken into account, within reason. With that, have a good day, everyone!

- Scott
Head Director

After he unpacks the last box of supplies and has met most of the main staff at the base, Scott Jamison excitedly organizes his new office with gusto and cleans up the last bits of detritus from the change in directors. There is utter silence in the office as he slowly sinks into the chair. He briefly flickers as he sits before turning on his computer and gleefully giggles for a second before beginning to type furiously.
To: All Directors
From: Head Director Jamison
Dear Directors,

Hello to all of you. I am Scott, and you may call me whatever you wish, though I would prefer if you used the name WELLS. Right now, I wish to ensure that the change from head director to head director will be as easy and painless as possible.

As I am the new head director of this organization, I would like to inform you of my priorities regarding various supernatural and human threats that have begun to pop up around the globe. Regarding Metahumans, my priority is to keep them as human as possible, both in PR, in ethics and in potentially returning them to a normal state of existence. Genetics Director, that's one of my priorities for you. Regarding the magical beings beginning to reappear, we need to negotiate with those who are sentients for peaceful resolutions to any conflict. Any non-sentient hostile magical creatures are either KOS or to be captured and brought back for research. Mysticism, Military and Covert Ops Directors, I'd like you to be on the ball regarding safe capture and containment methods for these creatures during missions. Another priority will be allowing metahumans to have rights. While what's happening in China is minor at the moment, it starts us down a slippery slope which leads to brainwashed metahuman armies. I know that that answer seems oddly specific, but trust me on this. A high priority is ensuring that the head, which in this case is me, knows what the hands and feet are doing. I'd like personal reports from each of you on your projects and what you plan to do so that I can effectively allocate resources for our organization.

Meanwhile, individual threats. Olympus XII is proving to be heroic, but let's be on our guards. In the old tales, they have not always been so benevolent without reason to be. The Avatar for Hades/Pluto will also be an issue, but neither seem to be an issue for the moment. For more primary issues, again, Genetics Director, we need ways of keeping Metahumans down for the count. Mysticism, could I get any research on any form of magic disruption, anti-magic, or null zones of magic? Speaking of Mysticism, we need to either take down Dracula or negotiate with him, as he is too dangerous to be left to his own devices. Covert Ops Director, I need to speak with you about establishing contact with major hero groups, especially once we develop a way to neutralize metahumans.

Now, onto a somewhat lighter note, could everyone please tell me their codenames? I don't wish to accidentally endanger anyone, so please, tell me what you'd prefer to be called. Also, I will admit ignorance to several of your previous operations, so please, enlighten me with anything that I may have missed or that you may have already completed. I am devoted to transparency and open-mindedness, so any questions or suggestions can and will be answered . or taken into account, within reason. With that, have a good day, everyone!

- Scott
From: The Captain

My Codename is The Captain.

I'm going to get right to the point.

I have several potential projects that I can do, and I'm going to lay them out for you.

Project: Tip The Scales. (Whoever I can get help from)
Between 500,000 and 1,500,000 Credits. Buy as much gold and gemstones as I can with the provided Credits, and then personally contact the Albonian Dragon that Mystic has discovered, doing my best to persuade it to conform to our side, but be ready to attack if things go sour.

Project: Ares Part 2.
300,000-500,000 Credits. Continuation of Project: Ares.

Project: Warrior.
100,000 Credits. See if I can't recruit some Metahumans, not really important though.

Project: Giant Fucking Robot. (With Technical and Mystic)
Around 2,000,000. Exactly what you think it is.

Project: Hunter Part 3. [Final Hunter Upgrade] (With Genetics)
500,000 Credits. The human body is limiting my soldiers, and while I broke that barrier and went beyond, it nearly killed me. I'm going to see if I can't get Genetics to give them a little... upgrade.

Project: Calling Card.
500,000 Credits. Create a facility that will annually train between 5-10 operatives into Hunters.

Project: Guardian. (With Mystic/Technical/Covert/Genetics)
All of my Credits from me, 1,000,000-2,000,000 from everyone else. We don't need soldiers. We need a Hero, and not just any hero, a real hero, someone who can stand above everyone else, even us. Someone who will never fall, never stumble, never not get back up. We need someone who can defy fate itself. Who is this hero? Fuck if I know. But I can train them.

These are the projects available, you are free to add to them, might I ask which you think I should do?

Head of Military
The Captain
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From: The Captain

My Codename is The Captain.

I'm going to get right to the point.

I have several potential projects that I can do, and I'm going to lay them out for you.

Project: Tip The Scales. (Whoever I can get help from)
Between 500,000 and 1,500,000 Credits. Buy as much gold and gemstones as I can with the provided Credits, and then personally contact the Albonian Dragon that Mystic has discovered, doing my best to persuade it to conform to our side, but be ready to attack if things go sour.

Project: Ares Part 2.
300,000-500,000 Credits. Continuation of Project: Ares.

Project: Warrior.
100,000 Credits. See if I can't recruit some Metahumans, not really important though.

Project: Giant Fucking Robot. (With Technical and Mystic)
Around 2,000,000. Exactly what you think it is.

Project: Hunter Part 3. [Final Hunter Upgrade] (With Genetics)
500,000 Credits. The human body is limiting my soldiers, and while I broke that barrier and went beyond, it nearly killed me. I'm going to see if I can't get Genetics to give them a little... upgrade.

Project: Calling Card.
500,000 Credits. Create a facility that will annually train between 5-10 operatives into Hunters.

Project: Guardian. (With Mystic/Technical/Covert/Genetics)
All of my Credits from me, 1,000,000-2,000,000 from everyone else. We don't need soldiers. We need a Hero, and not just any hero, a real hero, someone who can stand above everyone else, even us. Someone who will never fall, never stumble, never not get back up. We need someone who can defy fate itself. Who is this hero? Fuck if I know. But I can train them.

These are the projects available, you are free to add to them, might I ask which you think I should do?

Head of Military
The Captain

To: The Captain
Re: Preferences

I've heard of the Hunter program and I feel that it's important to continue it. However, I have a suggestion. Work with the Jerrys to see if you can make a specialized version of the Jerrys that would be a Hunter-lite. Project Ares is also a project that I feel is important to continue, so let's continue with that. Project Tip The Scales seems like a good idea as well. Overall, I'm going to tentatively recommend that your overall budget be around two million Credits, though as other directors tell me their plans, that may change.

Head Director

After he unpacks the last box of supplies and has met most of the main staff at the base, Scott Jamison excitedly organizes his new office with gusto and cleans up the last bits of detritus from the change in directors. There is utter silence in the office as he slowly sinks into the chair. He briefly flickers as he sits before turning on his computer and gleefully giggles for a second before beginning to type furiously.
To: All Directors
From: Head Director Jamison
Dear Directors,

Hello to all of you. I am Scott, and you may call me whatever you wish, though I would prefer if you used the name WELLS. Right now, I wish to ensure that the change from head director to head director will be as easy and painless as possible.

As I am the new head director of this organization, I would like to inform you of my priorities regarding various supernatural and human threats that have begun to pop up around the globe. Regarding Metahumans, my priority is to keep them as human as possible, both in PR, in ethics and in potentially returning them to a normal state of existence. Genetics Director, that's one of my priorities for you. Regarding the magical beings beginning to reappear, we need to negotiate with those who are sentients for peaceful resolutions to any conflict. Any non-sentient hostile magical creatures are either KOS or to be captured and brought back for research. Mysticism, Military and Covert Ops Directors, I'd like you to be on the ball regarding safe capture and containment methods for these creatures during missions. Another priority will be allowing metahumans to have rights. While what's happening in China is minor at the moment, it starts us down a slippery slope which leads to brainwashed metahuman armies. I know that that answer seems oddly specific, but trust me on this. A high priority is ensuring that the head, which in this case is me, knows what the hands and feet are doing. I'd like personal reports from each of you on your projects and what you plan to do so that I can effectively allocate resources for our organization.

Meanwhile, individual threats. Olympus XII is proving to be heroic, but let's be on our guards. In the old tales, they have not always been so benevolent without reason to be. The Avatar for Hades/Pluto will also be an issue, but neither seem to be an issue for the moment. For more primary issues, again, Genetics Director, we need ways of keeping Metahumans down for the count. Mysticism, could I get any research on any form of magic disruption, anti-magic, or null zones of magic? Speaking of Mysticism, we need to either take down Dracula or negotiate with him, as he is too dangerous to be left to his own devices. Covert Ops Director, I need to speak with you about establishing contact with major hero groups, especially once we develop a way to neutralize metahumans.

Now, onto a somewhat lighter note, could everyone please tell me their codenames? I don't wish to accidentally endanger anyone, so please, tell me what you'd prefer to be called. Also, I will admit ignorance to several of your previous operations, so please, enlighten me with anything that I may have missed or that you may have already completed. I am devoted to transparency and open-mindedness, so any questions or suggestions can and will be answered . or taken into account, within reason. With that, have a good day, everyone!

- Scott

I am Geogre. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your assignment. I hope that our cooperation will prove fruitful.

To: DNA, Captain @Theaxofwar @Lazy Coyote
From: Geogre

I've recently received request to construct a training facilities for our metahuman assest. Do you wish to coordinate with me on this?

I am Geogre. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your assignment. I hope that our cooperation will prove fruitful.

To: DNA, Captain @Theaxofwar @Lazy Coyote
From: Geogre

I've recently received request to construct a training facilities for our metahuman assest. Do you wish to coordinate with me on this?
To: Geogre
From: The Captain

I will gladly assist you in this, I'll have some of my operatives head over.

Head of Military
The Captain
Head Director

After he unpacks the last box of supplies and has met most of the main staff at the base, Scott Jamison excitedly organizes his new office with gusto and cleans up the last bits of detritus from the change in directors. There is utter silence in the office as he slowly sinks into the chair. He briefly flickers as he sits before turning on his computer and gleefully giggles for a second before beginning to type furiously.
To: All Directors
From: Head Director Jamison
Dear Directors,

Hello to all of you. I am Scott, and you may call me whatever you wish, though I would prefer if you used the name WELLS. Right now, I wish to ensure that the change from head director to head director will be as easy and painless as possible.

As I am the new head director of this organization, I would like to inform you of my priorities regarding various supernatural and human threats that have begun to pop up around the globe. Regarding Metahumans, my priority is to keep them as human as possible, both in PR, in ethics and in potentially returning them to a normal state of existence. Genetics Director, that's one of my priorities for you. Regarding the magical beings beginning to reappear, we need to negotiate with those who are sentients for peaceful resolutions to any conflict. Any non-sentient hostile magical creatures are either KOS or to be captured and brought back for research. Mysticism, Military and Covert Ops Directors, I'd like you to be on the ball regarding safe capture and containment methods for these creatures during missions. Another priority will be allowing metahumans to have rights. While what's happening in China is minor at the moment, it starts us down a slippery slope which leads to brainwashed metahuman armies. I know that that answer seems oddly specific, but trust me on this. A high priority is ensuring that the head, which in this case is me, knows what the hands and feet are doing. I'd like personal reports from each of you on your projects and what you plan to do so that I can effectively allocate resources for our organization.

Meanwhile, individual threats. Olympus XII is proving to be heroic, but let's be on our guards. In the old tales, they have not always been so benevolent without reason to be. The Avatar for Hades/Pluto will also be an issue, but neither seem to be an issue for the moment. For more primary issues, again, Genetics Director, we need ways of keeping Metahumans down for the count. Mysticism, could I get any research on any form of magic disruption, anti-magic, or null zones of magic? Speaking of Mysticism, we need to either take down Dracula or negotiate with him, as he is too dangerous to be left to his own devices. Covert Ops Director, I need to speak with you about establishing contact with major hero groups, especially once we develop a way to neutralize metahumans.

Now, onto a somewhat lighter note, could everyone please tell me their codenames? I don't wish to accidentally endanger anyone, so please, tell me what you'd prefer to be called. Also, I will admit ignorance to several of your previous operations, so please, enlighten me with anything that I may have missed or that you may have already completed. I am devoted to transparency and open-mindedness, so any questions or suggestions can and will be answered . or taken into account, within reason. With that, have a good day, everyone!

- Scott
To: Director Idiot
From: Dr. DNA

We have Codenames for a reason, fool! You just ruined the whole point of yours by revealing your name!

As for curing Supers? Nonononono. Not happening. That's like... evil or something. Besides, there's basically an 100% chance it would come back to haunt us. Seriously, it'd be a bad idea.

ISHTAR was way more fun! She was all "make more powerful Supers!" But you just want to get rid of their powers? Permanently! That's just... so boring!

As for Projects, I'm currently teaching my adorable little Electra! She's so cute! Other then that I'm basically doing whatever people request. Though not making a disease that kills Powers! That's no fun! No fun at all!
To: George
From: Dr. DNA

You forgot the Dr. part! I studied very hard to be given the right to be called that! As for the training of Supers... I'd love to help! Though I'd like you to make sure there's a place for cute little Electra to train as well!
To: Geogre
From: The Captain

I will gladly assist you in this, I'll have some of my operatives head over.

Head of Military
The Captain
To: The Captain
From: Geogre
I am glad to have you on board. I have planned the construction of a Danger Dome for training our metahumans. My drones are currently performing some last second screening before a complete plan can be made and filed.

To: George
From: Dr. DNA

You forgot the Dr. part! I studied very hard to be given the right to be called that! As for the training of Supers... I'd love to help! Though I'd like you to make sure there's a place for cute little Electra to train as well!
To: Dr. DNA
From: Geogre

My apology. Recent developments has left me scatterbrained. I have planned the construction of a Danger Dome for training our metahumans. My drones are currently performing some last second screening before a complete plan can be made and filed.
We have Codenames for a reason, fool! You just ruined the whole point of yours by revealing your name!

As for curing Supers? Nonononono. Not happening. That's like... evil or something. Besides, there's basically an 100% chance it would come back to haunt us. Seriously, it'd be a bad idea.

ISHTAR was way more fun! She was all "make more powerful Supers!" But you just want to get rid of their powers? Permanently! That's just... so boring!

As for Projects, I'm currently teaching my adorable little Electra! She's so cute! Other then that I'm basically doing whatever people request. Though not making a disease that kills Powers! That's no fun! No fun at all!
To: Dr. DNA

Dr. DNA, trust me, I have my reasons for revealing my name. Also, I wasn't suggesting making a disease. I was instead suggesting making a power suppression device or treatment so that we can safely capture and contain dangerous metahumans. Frankly, we need ways to keep dangerous metahumans down once we take them down. That's all I'm saying.
To: Dr. DNA

Dr. DNA, trust me, I have my reasons for revealing my name. Also, I wasn't suggesting making a disease. I was instead suggesting making a power suppression device or treatment so that we can safely capture and contain dangerous metahumans. Frankly, we need ways to keep dangerous metahumans down once we take them down. That's all I'm saying.
To: Director Idiot
From: Dr. DNA

You misunderstand. A treatment implies there is a problem, but powers are anything but. Removing powers would be detrimental to the organism with them, so clearly it is not a cure, but a disease.

Now I can totally keep dangerous Supers down! I don't even need to remove their powers for that! Just some good old fashioned knock out gass. I've got a lot of that lying around. And then I can experiment on them to see how their powers work!
To: Director Idiot
From: Dr. DNA

You misunderstand. A treatment implies there is a problem, but powers are anything but. Removing powers would be detrimental to the organism with them, so clearly it is not a cure, but a disease.

Now I can totally keep dangerous Supers down! I don't even need to remove their powers for that! Just some good old fashioned knock out gass. I've got a lot of that lying around. And then I can experiment on them to see how their powers work!
To: Dr. DNA
Whatever works. However, do we have any facilities or resources for safely containing them without them just breaking out with powers? Or are we just gassing them whenever they wake up? I'd like some way of ensuring the safety of our people from dangerous metahumans or to protect dangerous metahumans from themselves.

However, let's not argue more about this. As the Genetics Director, I encourage you researching metahuman powers. However, could you focus on how metahuman powers affect the regular human body? Could we transplant metahuman genes into regular people? I feel like that would be a good way to increase the power of our Hunter program.

Also, amusing nickname.

-WELLS/Director Idiot
From: Watcher

Clearly the Chinese government is suffering in my absence. How many times have I informed them that loyalty is only useful it is given freely, not coerced! I'm almost tempted to interfere in their operations. Perhaps teaching them a lesson by example will impart itself more effectively.

Either way, Director WELLS, you may refer to me as Watcher. Although I do agree entirely with your opinion on communication between the departments, I will have to protest your stance on brainwashing. I will admit that, in my experience, it does impact capability, one cannot deny that it also opens up avenues of covert operation that would otherwise be impossible. I had been developing a plan to infiltrate our opposite numbers among L.E.I.G.O.N. using mind control as a primary method of operations, although I will have to consult with Doctor D.N.A. in regards to our actual capabilities in that regard.

In addition, I do feel obligated to warn you that the vigilante 'Night Haunter' recently threatened us with targeted assassination of the directors and the dismantling of our organization if we were to cause another incident like the disaster in North Korea. Upon my replacement of the previous Director of Covert Operations, I prioritized a small force to attempt to discover information about him. These agents recently managed to discover that his true identity is that of Conrad Kersey, the head of the noted multinational corporation Kersey Enterprises. What you wish to do with this information is, of course, up to you. Better having the information and not needing it than needing the information and not having it.

Director of Covert Operations,

To: Doctor DNA
From: Watcher

I must thank you for giving access to Agent 00-M, as his assistance was vital in extracting at least some information from Operation: Target Acquisition. Now. For future plans. If an exception to WELLS' new policy on brainwashing is granted for the Covert Operations Division, I would like to seek your assistance in a project to assist in the efforts against L.E.I.G.O.N.

Tell me. Have you ever watched The Manchurian Candidate?

Director of Covert Operations,

Postscript: I forgot to mention this in the main email, but I have also managed to infiltrate the North Korean Quarantine zone. I imagine that you would be quite happy to get access to some of the creatures that now live there. All sorts of interesting mutations, I've heard.

To: Director Zaklynatel´
From: Watcher

Any and all information on Count Dracula would be appreciated. I imagine that the individual would not be entirely... pacifistic, shall we say. If Bram Stoker's novel is any indication as to his temperament, it would be wise to prevent him from causing too much interference. At least, interference not directed at our enemies.

Director of Covert Operations,
From: Watcher

Clearly the Chinese government is suffering in my absence. How many times have I informed them that loyalty is only useful it is given freely, not coerced! I'm almost tempted to interfere in their operations. Perhaps teaching them a lesson by example will impart itself more effectively.

Either way, Director WELLS, you may refer to me as Watcher. Although I do agree entirely with your opinion on communication between the departments, I will have to protest your stance on brainwashing. I will admit that, in my experience, it does impact capability, one cannot deny that it also opens up avenues of covert operation that would otherwise be impossible. I had been developing a plan to infiltrate our opposite numbers among L.E.I.G.O.N. using mind control as a primary method of operations, although I will have to consult with Doctor D.N.A. in regards to our actual capabilities in that regard.

In addition, I do feel obligated to warn you that the vigilante 'Night Haunter' recently threatened us with targeted assassination of the directors and the dismantling of our organization if we were to cause another incident like the disaster in North Korea. Upon my replacement of the previous Director of Covert Operations, I prioritized a small force to attempt to discover information about him. These agents recently managed to discover that his true identity is that of Conrad Kersey, the head of the noted multinational corporation Kersey Enterprises. What you wish to do with this information is, of course, up to you. Better having the information and not needing it than needing the information and not having it.

Director of Covert Operations,
To: Watcher
If you wish to take action regarding the Chinese government, I would recommend investigating who is leading this before striking. Better to make sure that we don't invite retaliation. Nobody wants another North Korea.

Thank you for your warning regarding Night Haunter. The information regarding his secret identity is to be classified as Director access only, if it isn't that classified already. We cannot afford any leaks about him, as he is a hero, for now. We must retain the veneer of respectability and legality if we are to be allowed to continue our actions. However, it is good to know that if he ever does come after us, we can go after him.

As the director of Covert Ops, I would like a report on current operations, planned operations, and planned containment and capture protocols, provided that they aren't too sensitive to be discussed over this medium.

To: WELLS @TheMaskedReader
From: Director Zaklynatel´

Greetings. I am the Director of the Department of Mysticism. My job is, quite simply, the Identification and handling of any and all threats of Supernatural origin. Should you possess any questions or concerns of Occult nature, you need only use the Projection Crystal affixed to the table of the main Meeting Room.

To: Watcher @Hakazin
From: Director Zaklynatel´

I will begin the creation of an Information Packet on Dracula as soon as possible. The rest of the Directors will notified upon its completion.
Jamison walks over to the Projection Crystal and taps on it a few times before speaking. "Director Zaklynatel, I've got a question of an occult nature. Regarding the Olympus XII team, did they possess bodies? Did they form them themselves? What is the possibility of a spirit forming a body for itself? How can a spirit be forced out of a body? These are all important questions, especially with the rise of Olympus XII and the reappearance of Dracula. Also, could I receive a report on potential ways to counter and nullify magic? Thanks!"
To: All Directors
Re: Budgets

Alright, now that the settling in period has finished, I'm ready to assign budgets. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like any adjustments.

Captain, your budget is 2,500,000 credits

Dr. DNA, your budget is now 2,000,000 credits.

Watcher, your budget is now 1,500,000 credits.

Geogre, your budget is now 2,500,000 credits.

Zaklynatel, your budget is now 1,500,000 credits.

Thank you!

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