sorry, all my old computer gave up the ghost and is deader than dead, everything is gone
but I got a lovely new laptop so the first part has been rewrittten.
With safety guaranteed you and your people come and go from the wall, you start to settle some of your people behind the wall as well as making preparations for when lord stark arrives.
It took a little bit of time to get used to the stares and whispers that follow you whenever you are insights of the night hunters.
The free folk have also started to notice towards the end of the month that more of your kin and giants are going beyond the wall than are returning, fear starts to spread that maybe you are going to abandon them because of the disaster council, that was unable to come to an agreement on something that saves the lives and souls of them and their fellow tribesmen.
You are just happy that one of your fellow greenseer noticed and got head of it informing them of the starks approach with his armies and that you go out to treat with him. this took the wind out of their branches of both those panicking and those that wanted to storm the wall, with starks army their.
- + 20 to the next council meeting
Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, a great project was taking place giants armed with logs and tree trunks tear at the ground shattering ever frozen earth to dig holes to plant the vegetation that will grow into the forest that be able to one day support all the life coming south of the wall people and animals.
With special care given to the locations where the heart tree will be planted so they are close enough to connect to each other and direct the flow of magic but far enough apart, that the maximum amount of land possible falls under each heart trees area of influence.
But You barely notice any of that as your attention is fully on the ritual you are in the middle off.
Sitting in the middle of the prepared ground at the center point of the ritual patterns carved into the earth.
Smelling the burning incense placed at precise points of the pattern and listen to the singing and dancing reaches a climax.
Feeling the rush of power flood into your body and look to the greatest work your ancestor your race ever took part in building. Your spirit probes the ice looking for the arteries that carry the flow of magic throughout the wall as well as keep an eye on the weave of power made out of spells and enchantment embedded into the structure of the wall.
You grimace
It worsts than you hoped but better than you feared. The wall has been standing for thousands of years and it has barely been maintained since then.
Plus the wall has grown sense then altering the flow and weave of the wall, taken together the wall does not function properly at the moment will whole sections not function at all and the enchantment fraying, this would have proven hazardous if the cold ones test the wall even before it was dragged into another world and forced to fulfill a role it was not built for.
It was meant to be a barrier that blocked off and sealed away the cold ones from the rest of the world. But now it acts as an improvised dam sealing Westeros from magic pouring into the world from the north like water but the water level is rising higher and higher putting pressure on the wall.
Added on that the places on the wall where the spell matrix has failed act like cracks letting uncontrolled magic leak south of the wall.
Watching the cracks nearest to your position you turn your eyes to the magic leaking out being captured by a close-by heartree and absorbed speeding up its growth. As you watch the amount being directed into the hearttree instead of being lost increased.
Watching as a weak connection between the tree and wall starts to form as both have the power of old gods entrenched inside them.
The connection that is forming like a river bed directing the flow away from where it can build up on the wall to an area controlled by the hearttree making it easier to control, pushing your power into the connection making it all the stronger.
With the crack now acting as a drain the connection takes the function of both a funnel and a pump draining magic from beyond the wall and lowering the amount of stress put onto it. The magic is instead funneled to the weirtrees, you watch as the sapling explodes into its full height in doing so releases a wave of magic coursing all plant life to grow it was like watching years of growth pass in a few minutes. This happens to everything in the territory of the weirwood but as the wave nears the edge of the area of influence there is another weirwood sapling that draws magic to it and forges a new connection between itself and the adult tree but once it was done it allowed the magic to collected by one to flow to the other starting the whole process again and again.
However for all it has done it was not a perfect process some of the heart trees are planted too far away so when they do connect there is large magic bleed off and at some points were too far for any connection to form at all, either way, in the end, a decent-sized pocket forest was formed at the base of the wall
[start of the weirwood network formed]
[pressure on the wall lowered]
[a small forest for you to stay in]
With your work done, you sink back into your body and let the weight of sleep take you.