Out of a Context Solution (Westeros ISOT into Warhammer Fantasy/CKII)

The prophecy
The prophecy of the Old Gods Return

When the Land goes silent and the woods stop speaking
The Land will rubble and the world will bright up
When the light pass the world will be in danger
But the Prophet will come, when he does that will be
When the Gods return.
When you sit down and pray that will be the Day the Old Gods return.
Soon the Followers will no longer be separate as tribes but one big kingdom
That will be that Day the Old God roar
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The Wall
[X] explore the depth of magic and discover all the mysteries that you can, as you have a feeling you need it in the future.

[ Rolling: 43 + 21 (Piety)= 63]

As this is the last stage of your journey, you think it is about time you turn your attention to the magic leaking into the land. As your kin were experimenting with their new magic and it would be embarrassing if a youngling comes to you asking advice only for them to realize that they know more than you.

As you open your senses exit your body and pear into the spirit world and behold the lifeblood of the earth. You see it pulse through the world directed and managed by the old gods nourishing life and helping it grow and you see it counterbalance the curse of the pale-sleep with seasons of equal periods of growth and rebirth that have been in place since the pact had been broken.

you realize that the world runs on different rules the rituals to wax and wane the seasons are not necessary as the rule of the world overpower yours so the seasons are set in stone. As the world influences you and makes you obey its rules But other things are not so solid and with the right rituals and power you can influence it. You just Like an invasive species in a new land push against the natives until a new balance is created equilibrium is restored to the web.

As you look to the north you see the cOlours oF mAdness you see the energy bleed into the world you see it combust like a flame were instead of warm and light it is two hand fingers of power each bound to an aspect of natural filling it with a mystic nature. Just like a flame the process leaves something behind with flame it is ash but with this, it is a Dark, sicking poison that twists and corrupts everything it touches.

You turn to the 8 mystic energies next you watch in awe as they disperse unless they are caught by the weir trees where the energy swirls around unable to escape the trees pull. Of the 8 mystic energy's you only have eyes for two, one a bright green that felt like summer serene and growth the power of healing and life. The second a wild brown the color of savage glee of the hunt as well as fear and all the passions of beasts.

These two winds? Are closely tied to your kins nature and you could use either of them easily but not together as none of the winds play nice with each other even though the power back in your native realm is these two are one and the same. You also see these two winds disappear being absorbed by the weirwood trees and used to empower and supercharge the magic of the old gods coursing it to grow.

[ spells learned: healing, beastly infusion, crows feast]

Lastly, staring at the artifacts you see the crown of the forest perceive its true nature. Its purpose is to accelerate the growth of trees but now in a magic-rich environment, it gives you absolute control over the growth and shape of plants.

You proved this by causing a sapling to explode into a fully grown tree wade down by fruit the size of your head. You never heard a grown man squeal and jump half a meter before but at least everyone still enjoyed the fruit.

Lastly, you turn your eyes to the sharp-ice its emerald surface reflected your face back at you, as you look deeper you see that it has the concept of the penetrating cold bound into it, expressly a creature's last dying struggle. As the last breath tears at their lungs, they will know the world belongs to the UN-SIDHE.

Shaking your head knowing the only reason it can be weld is because of the root rapping around the helt, and the magic imbued within.

[ Name learned: last gasp in battle the cold imbued within the sword will invade the enemy and weaken them, it targets the lungs freezing the moisture in them. + 10 that stacks every round in a fight]

[X] See if the norths has sent reinforcements to the wall

[ rolling: 83]

On the wings of an eagle, flying feeling the breeze of the wind ruffling your feathers awash in the simple joy of it. Seeing the wall rapidly approaching you to see the outlines of many men manning the wall.

As you pass over you see the deception they are vastly understrength using shaped snow to inflate their numbers as there have been no reinforcements and you see none for many miles around.

Watching the gardens-against-darkness you see that they are twitchy like a rabbit watching for the hawk and for the fox, concisely on the alert for probing freefolk.

[X] after seeing men's reaction to you shows you have a lot of weight see if you can gather as many traveling groups to you so you have a single voice to negotiate to get over the wall.

[ Rolling: 52+50=102]

As you travel south small family groups and little clans join you. They often come to inform you of their intentions to join and get permission to do so. This prompted you to check the menfolk as they are unlike your folk they are a fractural lot that are prone to violence's. They divided themselves based on bloodlines, beliefs, identity, society statist in their pack, and if they like each other.

You see the men following you have separated themselves into packs that travel, eat and camp together with those joining you either joining or forming new packs. As you were going through the process of checking the groups that don't react well together are as far apart as possible.

When Twig comes running back reporting that there is a large group half a day away. The interesting thing is the core of the group is made up of mountain men but there are also many singers and men traveling with them.

Traveling to greet fellow members of the elder races

As you arrive you hear a giant call out joggly "uh more squirrel people welcome to sit by my fire warm your self and share my cheese with me, child/brother of the woods."

"I will brother of the plains and open sky, I bring the bounty of the forest, I have with me fruit and chestnuts"

Ancient traditional greeting done you exchange gifts and move to join him.

"Sitting down you explain that you are hoping to join your groups together as it be easier to get through the wall than alone."

He shakes his head " that is not possible there is barely enough food to feed us and our herds. We have already been forced to travel a different route to our kin behind us as most of the land has already been stripped"
Bending over to pick a pip "that won't be a problem" pouring magic into it and throw it.

When it hit the ground boom

A fully grown tree exploded out of the ground and raining fruit everywhere.

Watching his eyes bug out and him falling off his stump with a thud was extremely amusing.

The hardest part was keeping a smirk off your face and keep a wise and serene expression.

Sitting back up "well this changes things, I guess we are traveling together, I am Olaf by the way"

As your newly enlarged group emerges from the woods. Beholding the wall ' it was a lot reasonable size when you were a bird' by the wall you see hundreds of camps scattered around as well as hundreds of thousands of animals scattered prey & predators, deer, oxen, shadowcats, dire wolves and big tooths.

It only because of fear that they are tolerating each other.

In your group
257 giants
458 Children of the forest
26067 Men

You are now at the wall what next

[]find tunnels the brothers Gendel and Gorne found to invade the north

[]organize a attack on the wall

[] form a council of leaders- so all of you are united with one voice

[] treat with the night watch Commander
[] check for danger: things having being going to well give the north another once over

[]A Write-in option
[x] plan 1
[x] form a council of leaders- so all of you are united with one voice
[x] treat with the night watch Commander
[x] plan 1
[x] form a council of leaders- so all of you are united with one voice
[x] treat with the night watch Commander

it's good to build council so this doesn't devolved into mob rule and to build some order
and it's good to alteast try to negotiate first but if not then too bad we're going through anyway
[x] plan 1
[x] form a council of leaders- so all of you are united with one voice
[x] treat with the night watch Commander
herding cats and a important meeting
[x] form a council of leaders- so all of you are united with one voice
With a word a wave of men scattered each seeking all the tribes camping at the base of the wall. Call all the chiefs ad tribal leaders so we can plan and coordinate the way we can get over the wall and to safety.

Rolling: 43

Well at least they all arrived, but the meeting quickly devolved into a shouting match as grudges came to the forefront. No progress was made as none of them would abide another leader that they had bad blood with to lead them. The shouting got so heated that it drowned out any attempt you tried to bring calm and order to the assembly.

The only productive thing to have occurred been that a few scouts arrived to report that the Thenn will arrive next month and they are bringing the rest of those among them south. The second is that those that went through the Pass have returned and reportaed that there a city on the other side as well a great forest to the south of it.

With the first meeting a failure, you left just glad that no one was murdered.

[x] treat with the night watch Commander
You travel to the gate on your grumpy old yak with Olaf traveling alongside you with your entourage of your staff welding guards with you.

Sitting in front of the gate holding a stick with some ladies' knickers on it as your flag of peace. Someone will be slapped because of this in the future.

After waiting from sun to high sun, you see an older man arrive, with younger lesser following him.

Roll Night Commanders Religion: 1 old gods

A look of awe and a little bit of fear as he stares at you and Olaf. shaking himself he walked to the gate holding bread and salt, you see eyebrows shoot you as he sees what you are holding but otherwise his face does not change as he hands you the abomination men call food through the bars.

Taking as small a bite as possible face scrunching up in disgust before handling it to Olaf who swallows it in a single bite grinning all the way.

Opening the gate following the commander into the man build cave. Sitting around the table in a stump that is too large for you while Olaf sat on a pile of logs.

As Olaf could only speak the old tongue so you had to translate for him.

"What in the 7 hells is going on out there, ever since some gods decided they want to remake the gods dam world. They even added a new bloody moon, well half a one. Everything is going crazy and now there is a wildling horde at my gates, what on earth is happening'

"We are fleeing south from the evil up, the gods have told us that safety beyond the wall"

"The white walkers are on the move"

Glancing at Olaf "....yes"

He looks in thought

Rolling:4 + 50 (herald of the old gods) - (hated of the wildlings)

"The North will be glad to have the children of the forest & giant live among them again." He said before glancing at the free folk. " But, I will not let the savages through so they can rape and pillage our land Lord stark is arriving in a month and he can take care of them"

[] abandon the freefolk the Eldar race comes first

[] negotiation with stark on behalf on the freefolk when they arrive

pick 3 and vote away

[] herding cat try a second time to origination the freefolk
[] check if the forest beyond the pass is liveable
[] check the magic of the wall see how it can protect you (????)
[] start planting seeds and cutting of weirwood to start rebuilding to connecting (????)
[] get in contact with the Thenn as they are the largest and most powerful of the freefolk.
[]find tunnels the brothers Gendel and Gorne found to invade the north
[] check for danger: things have been going to well give the north another once over

[]A Write-in option

you can vote as soon as you want
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[X] Respect my attorney
-[X] negotiation with stark on behalf of the freefolk when they arrive
-[X] check the magic of the wall see how it can protect you (????)
-[X] start planting seeds and cutting of weirwood to start rebuilding to connecting (????)
-[X] Try the council again
-[X] second time's the charm
[X] herding cat try a second time to origination the freefolk
[X] negotiation with stark on behalf of the freefolk when they arrive
-[X] check the magic of the wall see how it can protect you (????)
[X] get in contact with the Thenn as they are the largest and most powerful of the freefolk.

check on thenns and see what are their goals and intentions
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-[X] second time's the charm
[X] herding cat try a second time to origination the freefolk
[X] negotiation with stark on behalf of the freefolk when they arrive
-[X] check the magic of the wall see how it can protect you (????)
[X] negotiation with stark on behalf of the freefolk when they arrive

is separate from The 3 votes so you can have another vote
end vote

also, I appear I made a mistake I said king stark instead of lord stark, whoops

also as work is picking up the next chapter will be coming slowly
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The end in sight part 1
sorry, all my old computer gave up the ghost and is deader than dead, everything is gone
but I got a lovely new laptop so the first part has been rewrittten.

With safety guaranteed you and your people come and go from the wall, you start to settle some of your people behind the wall as well as making preparations for when lord stark arrives.

It took a little bit of time to get used to the stares and whispers that follow you whenever you are insights of the night hunters.

The free folk have also started to notice towards the end of the month that more of your kin and giants are going beyond the wall than are returning, fear starts to spread that maybe you are going to abandon them because of the disaster council, that was unable to come to an agreement on something that saves the lives and souls of them and their fellow tribesmen.

You are just happy that one of your fellow greenseer noticed and got head of it informing them of the starks approach with his armies and that you go out to treat with him. this took the wind out of their branches of both those panicking and those that wanted to storm the wall, with starks army their.

  • + 20 to the next council meeting

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, a great project was taking place giants armed with logs and tree trunks tear at the ground shattering ever frozen earth to dig holes to plant the vegetation that will grow into the forest that be able to one day support all the life coming south of the wall people and animals.

With special care given to the locations where the heart tree will be planted so they are close enough to connect to each other and direct the flow of magic but far enough apart, that the maximum amount of land possible falls under each heart trees area of influence.

But You barely notice any of that as your attention is fully on the ritual you are in the middle off.

Sitting in the middle of the prepared ground at the center point of the ritual patterns carved into the earth.

Smelling the burning incense placed at precise points of the pattern and listen to the singing and dancing reaches a climax.

Feeling the rush of power flood into your body and look to the greatest work your ancestor your race ever took part in building. Your spirit probes the ice looking for the arteries that carry the flow of magic throughout the wall as well as keep an eye on the weave of power made out of spells and enchantment embedded into the structure of the wall.

You grimace

It worsts than you hoped but better than you feared. The wall has been standing for thousands of years and it has barely been maintained since then.

Plus the wall has grown sense then altering the flow and weave of the wall, taken together the wall does not function properly at the moment will whole sections not function at all and the enchantment fraying, this would have proven hazardous if the cold ones test the wall even before it was dragged into another world and forced to fulfill a role it was not built for.

It was meant to be a barrier that blocked off and sealed away the cold ones from the rest of the world. But now it acts as an improvised dam sealing Westeros from magic pouring into the world from the north like water but the water level is rising higher and higher putting pressure on the wall.

Added on that the places on the wall where the spell matrix has failed act like cracks letting uncontrolled magic leak south of the wall.


Watching the cracks nearest to your position you turn your eyes to the magic leaking out being captured by a close-by heartree and absorbed speeding up its growth. As you watch the amount being directed into the hearttree instead of being lost increased.

Watching as a weak connection between the tree and wall starts to form as both have the power of old gods entrenched inside them.


The connection that is forming like a river bed directing the flow away from where it can build up on the wall to an area controlled by the hearttree making it easier to control, pushing your power into the connection making it all the stronger.

With the crack now acting as a drain the connection takes the function of both a funnel and a pump draining magic from beyond the wall and lowering the amount of stress put onto it. The magic is instead funneled to the weirtrees, you watch as the sapling explodes into its full height in doing so releases a wave of magic coursing all plant life to grow it was like watching years of growth pass in a few minutes. This happens to everything in the territory of the weirwood but as the wave nears the edge of the area of influence there is another weirwood sapling that draws magic to it and forges a new connection between itself and the adult tree but once it was done it allowed the magic to collected by one to flow to the other starting the whole process again and again.

However for all it has done it was not a perfect process some of the heart trees are planted too far away so when they do connect there is large magic bleed off and at some points were too far for any connection to form at all, either way, in the end, a decent-sized pocket forest was formed at the base of the wall

[start of the weirwood network formed]

[pressure on the wall lowered]

[a small forest for you to stay in]

With your work done, you sink back into your body and let the weight of sleep take you.
The treaty at the wall
You are shaken awake by a youngling, blurry eyes turning blurry eyes to glare at the youngling that dared to wake you from such a good slumber.

She wilts under your glare before centering herself and giving a reason for her blasphemy against a good night's rest.

"THE STARK will arrive soon."

Grunting as you roll out of the comfortable manling made bed.

Groaning as your joints pop and your bones ache. On your feet, you follow the young out of the man-cave, after making a pit stop at the honestly disgusting waste pit to relieve yourself. Before making your way down to the open glade where everyone is being assembled to wait for their lord's arrival, just walk to the area you have been assigned.

You watch as the stark and his men arrive passing through the newly grown forest to arrive at the man-cave where you and the night brothers await him.

You see him keep turning his head this way and that, looking at the plants with a look of complete befuddlement on his face he interred through the wooden entrance. As the walkway is no longer blocking his line of sight of you, you see the moment he catches sight of you and Olaf as his mouth falls open and his eyes bulge.

He honestly looks a little like a fish out of water and the men following him are not much better.

From the chuckles coming from the night-brother, you have a sneaking suspicion that your placement was deliberate.



He was exhausted marching the banners to the wall. Everything that could go wrong the last few weeks did.

When day turns to night with 2 moons in the sky one unfamiliar but normal looking moon, the other a shattered and fragmented sickly green one. With the terrible event horrifying the population, the people of Winterfell because hysterical there was a lot of running and screaming as well most of the population ran to the closest heart tree and prayed furiously in first of it. At the same time looting and a few murders happen as grudges were settled during the chaos.

You think the guards will keep a lid on top of it but they were the worst of the lot. After a few days and the smallfolk release that the world is not ending and control returns and those offenders were punished either wiped or hanged respectfully.

It was after a week of getting his house in order that he started to get ravens of the disasters happing in the lands of his lords. With the worst news came from white harbor probably because they have the most amount of people there. From what the letter tells there was mass rioting and reading between the lines a few blocks were burnt down.

And that when he got the message that the wildlings are migrating south to the wall because of course, they choose the most inconvenient time to invade the north

Rolling 1to4 = 3 apathy

The bloody blighters. Setting out immediately, picking up banners on the way, and hoping the rest of our men will catch up in time. As the last thing, the north needs is an invasion.

The sight of the wall in the distance is good because on the journey I feel bone worry and saddle sore, I am getting too old for this.

"That's confusing It being many years sent I was last at the wall, but I am petty sure there was no forest next to it."

"Maybe it some more god fuckery, my lord" Jon a house guard that been servicing your house for the last 17 years.

That is a is a real possibility

But we won't know until we check

Moving into the forest you can't help look around in awe at the sheer vibrancy and vitality of the forest, it looks like it is the height of summer a 100 miles south of the north ignoring that there is snow on the ground.

As you look you also notice that a few of the breeds you see are only native north of the wall, what are they doing here?

After the third turn of an hour glass you finally arrive at, which is good as the muttering of your men is starting to unnerve you.

As you march through the gate, making sure to hold your head high. You turn to greet them and


you can't believe your eyes.

There standing in the corner was a giant and a handful of children of the forest.

You have heard stories of them beyond the wall but you never met anyone that has even claimed to see one.

Hearing a chuckle your head snaps back to the night watch, who quite quickly under your gaze. You complete your traditional introduction but keep glancing at the living legends.

You were then invited to take a seat in a outdoor area by a table set out for the discussion. After taking a seat you watch as the giant sits on a large log. While the child had to have two pillows before he was able to look you in the eye.

After making yourself comfortable you ask what is happening beyond the wall and why they are here.

The child takes a deep breath and launches into the tale of the gods bringing westorias to a new land as well the evil stirring in the north as well the vision the gods gave him both white walkers and a corrupting evil that taint anything it touches. That brings about our destruction of everything and unless we get over the wall we will be twisted into abominations that seek to destroy all that is good.

" The gods speak through you"

With a tap of his knuckle, a ripple moves through the table with branches busts out of it full of green leaves.

"Yes I am their voice"

Rolling: 21+50 (voice of the old gods) - 5 (apathy) = 66

The forest was your work, wasn't it.

He just nodded bring attention to his wooden crown.

"I assume that you will expand the forest"

Yes with all that live under the old god that lives under the shadow of the old gods will need new places to live, I will bring an abundance of life to the place that could not support it before.

Well at least I don't have to worry about the extra mouths to feed and there are many places in the north. Far from where the smallfolk live so no trouble arises.


I will only accept them into my land if they take the knee and swear an oath of loyal in front of a heart tree. Those that are too stubborn to do so,are not my problem they can either go through the pass or be kill when the white walkers and what ever other evil comes down.

The child grimaces but nodded.


Looking down from the wall at the sea of wildin- freefolk, the last of them arrived two days ago they are apparently the largest, strongest and most organized of the freefolk tribes. With the arrival of the thenn the freefolk have rallied and consolidated around them in preparation for the treaty to come.

"It is time"

Turning around and make my way to the location in front of the gate woden had arranged for the meeting to be held.

Arriving with all the lords that are at the wall plus guards. We take our seats and eat the bread and salt. The chieftains of the freefolk seeing that we are under guest right approached and mirroring your actions. Nodding at woden who is seated between your two groups you start.

In this treaty each action I will roll to see how it turns out with high and low rolls positively and negatively effect the outcome of the roll. threats and offers may add bonus points to other options they are attacted to if successful or course problems if failed, but either way it may require you to action that you promised.

It is important the order you choose your choices to show how this will turn out.

as this is the most important choice so far you get 24 hourse to think and maybe come up with option's of your own before I open voting.
may the flame wars begin

lord option
freefolk option

[]drive those away those that dont bend the knee (+ 50 lords, - 130 freefolk)
[]refuse to except and freefolk into the north.( ??? Lord, -150 freefolk)
[] write-in

[]to make the chiefens that knee to you lords with their land nice land on the own by your lord (-100 lords, high conflict)
[]to make the chiefens that knee to you lords with their land wasteland a distance away from any neighbors lord (-20 lords, low conflict, ???)

[]to have woden crowns one of them as king beyond the wall ( ??? Lord, ??? freefolk)
[]help the freefolk exstablish themselves on the other side of the pass ( ??? Lord, ??? freefolk)
[] write in


[]all warrior spend spend 5 year guarding the wall while the rest of their people settle ( ???)
[]half of their warriors guard the wall for 5 year then swap with the other half after their finished. ( ???)
[] all their man warriors attend the wall ( ???)
[]that their population is scattered among the smallfolk. ( ??? Lord, ??? freefolk)

[]those that do not knee settle on the other side of the pass and bother the north no more ( ??? Lord, ??? freefolk)
[] write in