You feel a deep sense of melancholy as your clan packs up the last of their things. knowing that when you leave the mountain, that has housed your tribe for thousands of years, you will never return. None of your kin will ever see it again as the taint will have taken hold of it soon.
Turning to look at mountain home as your yak carries you away you do not allow tears to come to your eyes as many of the young ones do. You are the tribe's elder, they need you to be strong for the young ones or they will lose heart.
As you lead at the head of the tribe towards salvation, the crown of the forest on your head. You feel power like the lifeblood of the earth flow around you as you travel, attracted to your crown you wear.
This is interesting you must investigate further the strengthening of magic and what it means for your race. But you have a more threatening issue to take care of first Your wargs had informed of cold one's worshipers belonging to the ice river clans.
Listening to their advice and trying and find a way around the pawns of the cold ones without alerting them to your presence.
[ Rolling: 77 great success]
They never notice that you were even there, with your kin safe and the river folk on their way to their masters. You can breathe a sigh of relief as one less danger you have to worry about.
The next day as we continue the journey south you marvel at how silent the great-life-giving-forest is and how unnatural it feels with it being empty with all the animal life having left, fleeing the encroaching taint. As you complatling the fate that fall on the great-life-giving-forest and what happens once the darkness has taken hold of it.
a Warg scout come racing telling us that they
[ Rolling: 2]
have found two nearby groups heading south one in reachable distance the first is a clan of menfolk the second are fellow singers of the earth.
This is great news that you have the opentionate to meet kin on the way to the wall and combine your two groups increasing your abilities but if something happened to the group the destruction of two clans with be devastating to your race's population.
The men on the other hand are perfect protectors if they join us as men are suited for battle and warfare that our race are just not, but men are fickle and we can't be sure who holds their loyalty.
[ ] contact your fellow kin and join your groups together
[ ] get in touch with the menfolk with the goal of having them protect you on the way to the wall
[ ] contact both groups
[ ] contact neither group
After many hours of walking as the sky grows dim, you see a weirwood tree ahead that you can rest at. You decide to make camp
As you lay down against your warm mount you look up at the night sky you see two moons in the sky one is a normal moon like the one you had seen every night the other
You feel both curiosity and revulsion at just the sight of it, but you have to wait another time before you can explore this mystery.
After a good night's sleep as your tribe gets ready to move in the morning, partway in the morning you see a group of younger kin taking initiative and collecting seeds from the tree that you grow in your new home, but you see an argument breaking out.
One group just wants to collect the seeds the other want to take cuttings as well claiming that it allows you to grow more weirwood trees once you are behind the wall, but it is blasphemy to damage a weirwood as the herald of the old gods they have brought their case to you.
[ ] take only the seeds
[ ] take both seeds and cuttings
Pick one
[ ] play with your magic to find out how the displacement has strengthened your magic
[ ] see what the cold ones are doing
[ ] talk to some of your tribe to see how they are doing
[ ] see how the migration is the effect all those that are journaling to the wall