Out of a Context Solution (Westeros ISOT into Warhammer Fantasy/CKII)

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Hi everyone this is my first story as well as that I am dyslexic so go easy on me, also I am...
The Event
The underworld
Hi everyone this is my first story as well as that I am dyslexic so go easy on me, also I am always on the look out to improve my story

in this story we explore the idea of what if a few years before the dance of the dragons, westeros is transported (ISOT) to warhammer fantasy and takes the place of the darklands between the old world and the east.

It started, like many things, on a normal day.

Lords sat in their castles, traders bartered on markets and the lowborn broke their backs on the fields, a day like any other until the sun hits in zenith.

Instantly the tranquillity inherent to the usual was broken with shouts and panic as the sun standing high on a blue sky was replaced by a due of moons, one shining pure white and the other one glowing a gloomy green, looming in a dark and threatening sky home to foreign stars.

[in this new world]

Far to the west, in the humid and deadly jungles of lustria sat the Slaans, last creation of the Old ones meditating on the great plan of their creators, at least until whatever glimpse they managed to divine of their creators will was ripped apart as a massive cataclysm ripped them out of their stupor, leaving them watching with fervent awe as most of the chaotic energies permeating the worlds were sucked out of the world, a working far greater than everything they have achieved up to now. taking it as a sign of the time of prophecy the lizardmen explode into action to take advantage of the weaknesses the forces destruction has ever been and to find the course of the change.

In the Island Continent of Ulthuan panic reigns as the great Vortex distorts, the maelstrom of raw chaos being sucked out of the world coming dangerously close to shredding the island of the dead and the mages keeping it contained as a giant vacuum of magic had opened up far to the east. In the lands Caledor panic spread for a different reason as hundreds of dragons sleeping in the volcanic caves of its mountains threw of their torpor, from the smallest Sundragon to the most ancient of Stardragon, the caves trembling under their waking roars. What should have been a time of great ceibration at the awakening of the close allies of the elf's instead was one of terror as it was prophesied to only happen before the world ends. After the situation at home stabilise they will put together a military expedition with there greatly restored strength to end the threat.

In the Worlds Edge Mountains a dwarfin ranger those duty is to watch the hellish landscape of the Darklands for horde of greenskins or worse is thrown off his feet by the strongest earthquake he had the displeasure to feel, getting to his feet he can only steer in horror. As instead of a ash covered wasteland, there is a foreign oceans that if you look carefully you will see shoreline with what looks like green and fertile lands on the horizon. The various dwarven rangers watching the lands for any movement by the fallen or their tainted creations that may have coursed this the rangers with a cry of "The thanes must know of this" sending runners and reports in a haste uncommon to the kazak of the stalwart race.

In the lands of the old world the event was not felt but the after affects were differely were. The event ripped magic from any source but those with a strong enough to hold on to it to fuel the transfer of land from one world to another this includes tainted land the two most effected are the undead and the beastmen. For the all undead that don't have an internal source of dark magic keeping them going like vampires, ghouls and other powerful undead or were a powerful artefact. Those that didn't have this collapsed without a source of fuel keeping them going or if ethereal like a ghost they dissolve. The beastmen and other chaos tainted things fall into a berserk rage as the desecrated grounds and other dark places of the world being invertally purified, they descend with savage fury on any that may be found.

The greenskins feeling the disappearing of all greenskin life in the waaagh that lived in the Darklands were the larges population of greenskins live in the world and feeling that they missed out on a good crumping they start emigrating in mass they parse through the world edge mountains on the way were they run into a giant free for all. Turn's out that the displaced dark lands had thousands of skaven tunnels under it, tunnels that now open up to the new ocean floor. With the lower levels being flooded the skaven, night goblins and other dark deep things are forced up and are now ripping each other apart for new terrority while the dwarfs hunkered down and are weathering the storm.

The under empire was one of the worsted effected by the event, not only are the tunnels around the formed dark lands flooded making it harder to get to the eastern part but As most warpstone in the world was adsorbed. With warpstone being the foundation of all skaven technology, with refined pieces used as currency and many of their powerful snorting it like crack. With the disappearance of the warpstone the skaven under empire suffered from all it's technology failing, they all finding that they are bankrupt and their debtors suddenly motivated to collect and there leadership being crack heads desperate for there next hit, all this on top of their extremely treacherous nature mean's that the skaven under empire collapses and turns on itself in an orgy of violence and blood believing there rivals are responsible.

[X] the children of the old gods

It is the twilight of the our race only a few hundred left, we are fading this is our long dwindling. The giants are almost gone as well, they who were our bane and our brothers. The great lions hid in forgotten corners of the world, the unicorns are all but gone, the mammoths down to a few hundred, The direwolves to be gone soon. But now things have changed the future has changed, I see hope and horror. A taint come in from the north twisting all that will stay here but if we travel south and seek refuge behind the wall we can use the new magic of this world to grow our numbers until the dawn races once more cover the land.


Magic: I feel the magic in the air of life and beasts call to us like an old friend. All children of the forest can use powerful magic.

Herald of the old gods: with the full weight of the old gods behind us all that follow them will fall in line. Magic beasts, extra points to some rolls, plus 50+ when talking to worshipers of the old gods

Weirwood network: Weirwood trees regulate the flow of magic in there area as well as purify it. No dark magic or beastmen can form in the area around a tree, also safe on Witching Night from the evil moons evil light, turns a barren wasteland into a garden paradise and it is a hundred percent safe for wizards that are connected to them to use magic in the zone.

The enemy of my enemy is a good meat shield: normally they be a big problem but the appeared in a area that was deep in the chaos wastes. So chaos are throwing themselves that them instead of at you. But it still best to get over the wall quickly.


Weak bodies: the children of the forest are only good for magic and sneaking unnoticed in a forest best have body guards.

The wall: it between you and safety you need to get around it. And with the taint corrupting the land behind you, work fast.

Free folk: they make up most of your forces, they are honestly fodder at the moment and don't play nice with kneelers, it best to keep a eye on them in civilized land. At lest there is a lot of them

Weirwood network broken: the ages have not been kind to the trees most of them are gone, you spend a lot of time growing new ones and reconnecting the network.

A fading race: for you to have hope of a come from extinction back you need at least above 100 children of the forest any less and it game over as all hope is lost.

[X] the white walkers

I am the night king the leader of the unsidhe court, I have waited many Millennium growing strong in my place of power while you have grown weak and divided the alliance of races is dead and gone only man remains in great number. I am waiting the day when my vengeance will be fulfilled and the binding finally broken. But know it been taken from me, I will face the new foes that seek to take my races future from them.


I am the cold: your race is the embodiment of winter and such has power over it and all that are connected to it. Your race is immortal and un-ageing you can only be slain by magic. You can also immune to any type of taint.

Ascension of the worthy: you can transform worthy mortals in your own race, this helps as you breed very slowly.

Horde without number: you have been spending the last 10 thousand years building your army to conquer your world it is by far the largest before the transportation, millions of your kin stand ready with winter beasts of all types and for the dead you have a lot more then that blowhard the liche king.


Only magic can slay me: unfortunately, in the chaos waste literally everything is magic and wants to kill you

The chaos wastes: the land you are squatting on was a piece of the chaos wastes, chaos has taken offence to that, they throw themselves at you in endless waves also the chaos wastes themselves encroach on your land. You need to move to a new homeland.

Bound to winter: there is a reason why you wait for the coming of winter before moving you are magically bound to it. This limits the possible new homes to immigrate to Norsca, Kislev or Naggaroth were the power of winter is strong all year round.

Skyfall: What happened to the larva hellhole you displaced with your arrival well it was thrown into the warp, and the warp will start spiting out pieces of it and it's former inhabitants and all in ??? turns. It going to be sodom and Gomorrah on your ass.

[X] the blacks lead by Rhaenyra Targaryen

Rhaenyra Targaryen daughter and heir of king Viserys I Targaryen and the one who will claim my birth right, I will not let him steal it away from me. I will do my duty as warden of the east and I will prove to the lords that I will make a good queen.


The kings Heir: you are the kings favourite you better take advantage of this while you can.

Dragonstone: the main breeding ground for dragons and home of the dragon seed that is starting to come into their magical inheritance from there Valyrian ancestors.

Warden of the east: your father has given you charge to explore the new land west of you and protect Westeros from any enemies living there. He has given you charge of the armies of the Stormlands, Vale and Crownlands to do your duty. But when the king dies and there is a succession crisis with your half brother you don't know how many will stay with you.

The rogue prince: your new husband has experience conquering the stepstones and still has a veteran army of sellswords to serve as the core of a new army.


You're a women: many of the lords are traditions and do not want to be ruled over by a women, you be the underdog as you have fewer men following you than your brother.

The mountains of mourn: it full of monsters and ogers they don't die easy but if by some chance you make it semi-safe it open up the silk road and all that applies.

The Triarchy: they really don't like your husband and by extent you, they are also in a unforcalet geographic position mean they can cut you off from outside trade and threaten your shipping if they desire to.

[X] The greens lead by Aegon II

My sister does not deserve to lead this great kingdom I do, the lord have chosen me not her. I have the men the gold and the faith on my side everything to make my case. Even the gods have given me the chance to raise to the occasion, with the title of warden of the west I will protect and crush any enemies I find there.


Men flock to you: you have a lot of men even with just the armies assigned to you as the warden of the west. You can get more in the future.

Gold and trade: you have two of the riches kingdoms under you The Reach and The Westerlands you can also get a lot of money if you start trade with the old world to the west of you.


Council of flops: with the men came the lords and all of them know for a fact that they are the most important person in the room and they need to be heard. It also does not help that many can't stand each other. They are also not the most loyal so when you mess up you lose their support.

Meatgrinder: The land you have been told to pacify is filled to the brim with monsters that want to eat your face. It going to be bloody

Your younger brother is a insane: your brother Aemond One-Eye has the worsted of the Targaryen madness and is a rabid dog he is very useful if you sent off to kill something otherwise he make trouble.

[X] The Triarchy

an alliance of Free Cities of Myr, Lys and Tyrosh former enemies now a confederation. you Lysandro Rogare also known as Lysandro the Magnificent and you are both the head of house Rogare and the chairman of Rogare Bank a bank more powerful than the iron bank and this make you the most powerful magister of the Triarchy and a member of the 33 magister high council.


Legacy of civilization: you are the children of Valyria the greatest civilization that ever exist. You are by the most advanced society transported and this pay's off. Bonus Stewardship and learning

Trade empire: The Triarchy is built on trade and slavery and as such keeping the trade links are vital to the stability of the confederation. You have also done very were for yourself as the bank you have even gotten your brother to marry the crown princess of dorne. Bonus Diplomacy

Rule the waves: you have a massive fleet your used with your alliance with dorne kick the rogue prince out of the stepstones and take them for yourself. This is kinder important as you are now a island nation.

Maegi: unlike Westeros magic was always a part of your culture, you start off with proto colleges.


Disunited: alliance of convenience is the best way to describe you, your nation does not even have a unified army it take a lot to keep you stable.

Easily corruptible: centuries of living a vain and debauched life style has made your nation a fertile ground for the taint to grow and spread.

Restless slaves: a large percent of your population are slave it very important to the economy and now with the event many see the weakening of the nation and think it is possible to throw off the chains.

Meet the neighbours: your mainland is now attached to the most southernly of the dragon isles and it's full of feral lizardmen that try there best to murderise you. But when you purge that infestation you get many free temple cities that are full of enough gold and gems to make armies that take them the richest men in the triarchy.
make your character
[] male
[] female

[]name, must be natural sounding

Diplomacy: influences persuasion, how much people like you. It may be important *hint hint
Martial: remember your combat stat equal a goblins you are ether a commander, scout or mage blowing crap up.
Stewardship: influences economic research, trade and realm size.
Intrigue: influences chances to detect plots and the likelihood of your own schemes succeeding.
Piety: How devout are you to nature and druidism as well it affects resistance to corruption.
Learning: influences research.

Stats are also influenced by traits. The four with the highest vote number will be chosen. Current Base is at 1-20. I have already rolled for your base stats.

great Greenseer: more powerful mage than most of your race (+ 5 Martial, +10 Intrigue, +10 Piety) worth 2 points

Greedy: You love your riches, because their all yours! +2 stewardship, -1 each diplomacy and piety.

Gregarious: you always know just what to say. + 2 diplomacy

Randy: you have a one track mind, leading straight to bed, may help you get the many new children you need to save the race. +20% fertility, -3 piety.

Suave: you are attractive, know how to manipulate others, slay your enemies, and know how to look good doing it. +1 intrigue, -Martial, Fertility +10%

Friendly: you like people and on the surface they like you. +2 diplomacy, -2 intrigue.

Attractive: You are beautiful/handsome. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)

Architect: Building things comes easy to you (+2 Stewardship, -10% cost, faster build times)

Administrator: you are the wiseman the elder of the tribe you know how to keep it running (+3 Stewardship)

Brave: You fear nothing (+3 Martial)

Devout: You have always respected the world around you and the wisdom of the old gods (+3 Piety)

Genius: Smart doesn´t even begin to describe you +2 all stats (counts as 2 traits)

Persuasive: You always find the right words, be it small talk with nobles or a speech for the troops. (+3 Diplomacy, bonus to persuasion checks)

Hunter: Since you're birth you've spent many days stalking through the marshes and were nearly always successful in your hunts. (+2 Martial, bonus to all scout related rolls)

sneaky: know how to move unseen, great at ambush and know get away from those that want to stick pointed things into you. (+2 Martial, +10 Intrigue)

Scholar: You love learning whatever you can (+4 Learning, +2 Piety, -2 Intrigue, -2 Martial)

king of beasts: you are beloved of all non-chaos beasts magical or mundane ( great beast master)
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Factions playstyle
how this faction plays

As much as I try, I can't seem to see the children of the forest building a society on their own, like a normal CK2
So in this quest they be interdepended with the people of the north, your people will be priests, mages, spy's and advisers for the north. You be keeping the north together and shaping it from the shadows.
In war your style will be scouts, commanders and mage support of the army.

Another trait of your race are beastmasters equalling the druchii, you be controlling, breeding and creating beasts for battle.

Also the weirwood network is of vital important to your faction and they are similar to way stones in that they purify the surrounding area and when the network is repaired by growing new trees that magically connect to each other if they are close enough. When the network is repaired in a area the flow of magic is controlled and the influence of the old gods strong it becomes a wild garden paradise, were any wizard that has made a pact with the old gods has almost a unending supply of safe magic to use. Were dark magic can't exist for long, also to unlock some of the higher level magic research and in time your home's will become like a lesser version of Athel Loren.

As For the giants they act as line breakers and your first monstrous unity in peace time they are great builders. Imagine giants riding mammoths, what a terrifying idea.

The freefolk at the moment make great hit and run attacks, good ambushers and skirmishers at the moment not front line fighters. We must see how they turn out after you settle the north.

As the main character you become an adviser to the starks and spiritual leader of the north, think of this as fluff that you be the power behind the throne, instead of the king. This won't affect game play that much, but it adds flavour.
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Age 232
Titles: Greenseer, herald of the old gods

Administrator: you are the Wiseman, the elder of the tribe you know how to keep it running (+3 Stewardship)
Devout: You have always respected the world around you and the wisdom of the old gods (+3 Piety)
Persuasive: You always find the right words, be it small talk with nobles or a speech for the troops. (+3 Diplomacy, bonus to persuasion checks)
Architect: Building things comes easy to you (+2 Stewardship, -10% cost, faster build times)
No killing instinct: you can't bring yourself to kill unless forced (-5 in combat until, blooded)
herald of the old gods: the most beloved of the old gods, they whisper knowledge and wisdom to you (+5 Learning, +/-50 Diplomacy depending if they are a worshipper of the old god's verse those hostile to them)

Diplomacy: 12+ 3=15 you got a silver tongue, everyone who meets you can't help but like you
Martial: 1 wow ok, you never been in combat and it shows a human child could kill you (negative trait No killing instinct)
Stewardship: 13 +3+2= 18 one of the greatest leaders of your generation
Intrigue: 7 you can walk through a forest unseen that about it
Learning: 6 (+5) you don't like to change you must be forced to change
Piety: 19 +3=21 you are the voice of the gods (positive trait herald of the old gods)
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Turn 1
It was another day as the greenseer of the 63 member tribe dividing the days food gathered for the day, settling disputes and being in the dream among the old gods. As day turn's into night and the ground shakes violently you turn and run to wards the weirwood throne deep in the cave system that is your home the rest of the tribe chasing you seeking shelter. Throwing yourself onto the throne diving into the realm of the old Gods your mind is assaulted by two vision. The first is that the taint creeps in from the north twisting everything even the beloved tribe that it had touches into abominations, the weirwood's hold it back for a time before its servants destroyed them. The second vision is you gather as many as you can and fee beyond the wall and because the wall was designed to keep magic influence out it protect your people, because of the increase in magic your population will grow and in turn the might of the old gods will return.

Martial: 1
[] learn more about your upgraded magic: learn more about the lore of the wild, lore of life + lore of beasts DC: 25/50/75/90

[] Scout around: warg some animals and look around for threats as well as the path to the wall. DC: 25/50/75/90

[] search the caves: for your weapons or any artefacts that will help you. DC: 25/50/75/90


[] Gather supplies: gather as much food and resources you will need before you for the journey DC: 50

[] check the mood: the tribe is in a state of panic, they need there leader DC: 30

[] check up on your animal companions: many of your race are bonded to the beasts of the field you should see how they are doing. DC: 40

Intrigue: 1

[] send out a call, children of the forest edition: send your visions to the other tribes to head south to the wall and see if you can meet up on the way there. Roll to see how many tribes are left and how many in each tribe.

[] send out a call giant edition: send your visions to your brother race that for ether of your race to survive you need to move. Roll to see how many tribes are left and how many in each tribe.

[] send out a call man edition: show the race of men the damnation approaching and the only way to survive is to protect you until get to the wall. Roll to see how many of the hundred thousand wildlings will help you or join chaos

[] send out a call all: it badly stretch you but send visions to everyone about their fate and salvation. Roll to see how many people get the vision (warning if you have low roll, you have lower numbers, as many will have no idea of the threat) DC: 25/50/75/90


[] Locked until you get a new home

Piety: 1

[] will of the old gods: + 50 to chosen action

[] contact the god touched: contact the faithful in the different tribes to organize a plan, important when forming a horde. Reward less troublemaker's in the group
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Turn 1 results
sorry it took so long, but life

After coming out of your vision of hope and damnation and informing your very worry kin what had taken place. With hope beating in your chest and a hint of terror quickening their steps as they rush to get everything done so that they can leave for their new home. You can't but help make a comparison in your mind to fire as your race began in the dawn age but are now like dying embers but know you have the chance to throw fuel on it and turn it into a raging Forrest fire.

Martial: 1

[X] search the caves: for your weapons or any artefacts that will help you. DC: 25/50/75/90

Rolled:47+1=48 not helpful add on.

The caves were searched for anything that may help protect the clan in its exodus, they found many broken artefacts that could have been useful like a other sword or some of the great artefact of old. In the end there was only weirwood staffs that help channel magic and dragonglass knives.

[+ 10 search if you do it next round]


[X] Gather supplies: gather as much food and resources you will need before you for the journey DC: 50

Rolled:34+(18)= 52 you were saved by your good strats.

The search for enough food to last us to the wall did not go well at the start mostly scavenging fruit and nuts until you along with a few others start warging animals and bring them in to be butchered their meat helping, also their skin and bones make good tents. Enough to last your group to the wall but when more join you have more mouths to feed.

Intrigue: 1

[X] send out a call all: it badly stretch you but send visions to everyone about their fate and salvation. Roll to see how many people get the vision (warning if you have low roll, you have lower numbers, as many will have no idea of the threat) DC: 25/50/75/90

Rolled:81+50(will of the old gods)= 131 wow ok that wow.

With the old gods powering you in this regard, your mind throughout the land beyond the wall from the Thenns of the far north to those living in sight of the wall. All living things fell to the ground in pain as there mind is assaulted with your vision, of the creeping taint that corrupts and twists all it touches will reach you soon reach us and that the only safety is on the other side of the wall. You feel the minds of fallow children of the forest a lot more than you every thought still lived, you feel their excitement and hope for the future.

Next your mind touches the giants migrating with their herds of mammoth's, not only did you show them of the horror to the north but also a possibility beyond the wall, as the giants and their herds grow in number and their descendants building great halls of stone and return to there full glory. You of course have no idea if any of that will be giants a stubborn lot need prompting.

Last you stretch your mind to the children of men a very savage people full of strife but still follow the old gods, they should still be given a chance to save themselves. The vision was sent but the free folk did not do as you expected, it true that most of them reacted in terror at the chaos to the north and its spread but a quarter of them were in awe of the power and strength that it could grant them and as those tempted were horrible evil folk that don't care about being corrupted. At least the rest calmed down when shown visions of safety behind the wall and with the renewed power of the old gods turn the barren tundra into a fertile garden for them to thrive.

As you withdraw your mind almost spent you brush upon the animal life and fill them with panic DANGER NORTH HEAD SOUTH TO WALL, WALL SAFE

After that you return to your body and collapse into a deep slumber.

Number children of the forest tribes left Rolled: DC: 20= 19 tribes left in total. Number of children left you contacted 690 survivors.

Number Gaint tribes left Rolled: DC: 20= 17 tribes left in total. Number of Giants left. Number of Gaints left you contacted 932 survivors.

Number of wilding that are willing to join your exodus Rolling: 83 577 out of 100 000 will also leave south. The rest are often of the worst examples of mankind and have been tempted by the evil power of chaos and will be heading north to the chaos waste.

[bonus] all animals hear the call as well everything that flight, walking or crawling is heading south to safety.

Piety: 1

[X] will of the old gods: + 50 to chosen action

--[X] + 50 on "send out a call all"

You feel a rush of power as the old gods back you during the call you sent outs to the people living beyond the wall. You can't help but be in awe at the power the old gods are willing to devote to the salvation of there followers.

Current population
690 children of the forest (63 in your current tribe)
932 giants
Wildlings unknown at the moment

Current supplies = 300 (minus 50 each round at current population)

chaos: 0 (no issues from the tainted lands they are kind off busy attacking the white walkers)
dangerous wildlings: 0 (no dangerous wildlings know where you are)

Has the taint started creeping along towards your territory?
Rolling= 1 no not yet

Leave for your new home or stay another round to keep on gathering supplies for your trip
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Turn 2
You and your tribe decide to stay another month and prepare for the journey instead of rushing off in a panic and then find out that you left all the food behind and know are going to starve to death. It also helped the decision that you spend most of the month bedridden after you stretched yourself beyond your limit to warn your fellow worshipers of the old gods. Which certainly made your kin a lot happier as they are going about there tasks, getting everything ready.

Martial: 1
[X] learn more about your upgraded magic: learn more about the lore of the wild, the lore of life + the lore of beasts DC: 25/50/75/90

[X] Scout around: warg some animals and look around for threats as well as the path to the wall. DC: 25/50/75/90

[X] search the caves: for your weapons or any artifacts that will help you. DC: 25/50/75/90
[+ 10 search if you do it this round]

[X] march of the beasts: look for powerful and dangerous animal companies to help defend against any threats, thugs are less likely to attack you if you are ridding a giant murder bears or something DC50


[X] Gather supplies: gather as much food and resources you will need before you for the journey DC: 50
[you have enough food to last another 5 rounds at current population/ also as the animals are moving south it be -10 for every round you stay in the same place]

[X] check the mood: the tribe is in a state of panic, they need there leader DC: 30

[X] check up on your animal companions: many of your race are bonded to the beasts of the field you should see how they are doing. DC: 40

[X] warg animal to be beasts of burden: it occurred to you after you butchered the group of animals for supplies, that you could have used them to help transport your tribe south, bugger. DC 10 [as the animals are moving south it be -10 for every round you stay in the same place]

Intrigue: 2

[X] check up on your ancient enemies: you need to look up on your old enemies the white walkers to see what are they up to. DC ???

[X] you need to check up on the taint: you need to know more about the taint and its minions. DC???

[X] check the area: check the area for any dangers to your people, you may also find the fastest route to the wall. DC???

[X] getting bodyguards: look for any friendly people to make into meat shields allies that will travel with you and help you out. DC 30

[X] check the new lands: more than just the dangerous north, look to the west and the east to see who else lives in these lands. DC: 25/50/75/90


[X] Locked until you get a new home

Piety: 1

[X] will of the old gods: + 50 to the chosen action

[X] contact the god-touched: contact the faithful in the different tribes to organize a plan, important when forming a horde. Reward less troublemaker's in the group

[X] form a horde: look for movement of people and coordinate them by sending them dreams to form a large group that will protect everyone. DC: 25/50/75/90

[X] praying at the heart trees before you go: lead your tribe through ritual and pray at the many heart trees by where you live, it is one of the most powerful and sacred sites of the old gods. DC: 25/50/75/90

Current supplies = 250 (minus 50 each round at current population)

north: roll this round (the tainted lands they are kind off busy attacking the white walkers so -50 chance of enemies this round, every round the negative bonus will drop by 10 making it more likely you have enemies from the north)
south: rolling this round (less dangerous threats but you are more likely to run into them

Has the taint started creeping along towards your territory?
Rolling= 1 no, 2 yes
[you absolutely do not want it to catch up to you]
Turn 2 results
my goodness has is really being that long since my last update, I should have posted this months ago.
You and your clan through yourselves into preparing for the journey to your new home and safety it brings for you and your children to grow and prosper.

[X] search the caves: for your weapons or any artifacts that will help you. DC: 25/50/75/90
[+ 10 searches if you do it this round]
Rolled: 63+ 10= 73

you had a feeling that your kin where missing something of great importance, there behind a collapsed tunnel after your kin finished clearing away the rubble, you stumble upon an old Armory, it probably is better described as a treasure room.

You turn to look to the images and runes covering the wall, telling the history and purpose of this room. all items of great important many old magical artifacts and weapons from the war against the cold ones. these were items your ancestors were unwilling to lose and so only brought it out in times of great need. which happened last a few thousand years ago, even your people can forget after enough time has passed.

you ignore your fellow singers, excited cries of awe and glee as they rush past you to a large pile weirwood staves, staves which help your kind channel magic.

you on the other hand only have eyes for 3 artifacts. first a cold one sword, from the make it looks like a types ones of their champion, one of your tribe's ancestors must have taken it as a trophy. The second is a crown of the forests the last of a series of artifacts by a wooddancer lost to the green-dream, with the purpose of regrowing the tree after the first men cut them down in the peaceful time before the Iron makers, I wonder how it can be used in this land of magic. last is the horn of winter an artifact used by the first men to enslave the giants and build the wall. because it helped build the wall the magic's of the wall are intertwined with it, allowing you to alter or destroy the wall if you desire.

[X] Gather supplies: gather as much food and resources you will need before you for the journey DC: 50
[you have enough food to last another 4 rounds at current population/ also as the animals are moving south it be -10 for every round you stay in the same place]
Rolled: 54-10=44 Failed

Try as they might your scouts could not find enough food to increase your food stores most of the animals you hunt for food has left the area and the bounty of nature was picked clean the month before, leaving your scouts nothing to contribute to the clan.

[X] warg animal to be beasts of burden: it occurred to you after you butchered the group of animals for supplies, that you could have used them to help transport your tribe south, bugger. DC 10 [as the animals are moving south it be -10 for every round you stay in the same place]
Rolled:72-10=62 (large success)

Luckily Unlike the hunting parties, your wargs managed to tame a pack of yacks, a bear and two shadow cats. That should allow you to both carry your supplies quickly cutting down the time needed to get to the wall and give your tribe some limited defense from those that seek you harm.

[It will now take 3 turns to reach the wall]

[X] check the area: check the area for any dangers to your people, you may also find the fastest route to the wall. DC???
Rolled:27 (small success)

With the ease of long practices, you slip into an eagle feeling the wind rustle your wings as you source into the sky you give a circle of a few miles around your home looking for any threats that may cross our people's path on the way to the wall.
Their out of the corner of your eye you spot a free folk war band swopping down to have a closer look at them. Hmmm, their clan markings and the fact that they have a sled full of human corpse must mean that they are from the ice river clans as they are the only clans known for their practice of cannibalism.
It is strange to see a raiding party on this side of the frostfang mountains, better keep an eye on them as we don't know what worshipers of the cold ones they are up to and if they were made aware of us they may be tempted to see how we taste.

[X] check the new lands: more than just the dangerous north, look to the west and the east to see who else lives in these lands. DC: 25/50/75/90
Rolled: 30 (small success)

There are mountain ranges on either side of the free lands now. You were unable to spot any signs of resent civilization only ruins but you did find out a bit more about the two mountain ranges. The eastern one is at an angle that leads into a great steppes (Eastern Steppes discovered) and the in the western mountain range there is a large pass (high pass discovered) within sight of the wall, I bet the night watch will find that interesting.

[X] praying at the heart trees before you go: lead your tribe through ritual and pray at the many heart trees by where you live, it is one of the most powerful and sacred sites of the old gods. DC: 25/50/75/90
Rolled: 19 (Failer)

You feel your clan dance and sing to sound of drums swirling about the weirdwood tree, in a complex ritualistic pattern with the purpose of drawing the attention of the old gods.
you feel the power build reaching a climax only to flicker and die, the old gods already gave all they could to warn everyone, they have nothing more to give at this time.

Current supplies = 200 (minus 50 each round at current population)

north: roll this round
(the tainted lands they are kind off busy attacking the white walkers so -40 chance of enemies this round, every round the negative bonus will drop by 10 making it more likely you have enemies from the north)

The warg assigned to watch the frostfang mountain passes for any cold one or tainted one activity come running to inform you that she saw 'things' on the way to the Skirling Pass. Taking a raven close to the location you see 15 beast things that are [wrong wrong wrong] fleeing south, being chased by a group of cold ones riding ice spiders.
They are soon run down and slain but not before one cold one is killed. The remaining ones reanimate the bodies and return up north.

south: rolling this round (less dangerous threats but you are more likely to run into them

The small Warband that worships the cold ones have wandered dangerously close to were your clan lives, you must deal with the situation when your clan leaves, next month.

Has the taint started creeping along towards your territory?
Rolling= 1 no, 2 yes
[you absolutely do not want it to catch up to you]
Rolled: 1 (your luck holds this turn)
the journey part 1
You feel a deep sense of melancholy as your clan packs up the last of their things. knowing that when you leave the mountain, that has housed your tribe for thousands of years, you will never return. None of your kin will ever see it again as the taint will have taken hold of it soon.

Turning to look at mountain home as your yak carries you away you do not allow tears to come to your eyes as many of the young ones do. You are the tribe's elder, they need you to be strong for the young ones or they will lose heart.

As you lead at the head of the tribe towards salvation, the crown of the forest on your head. You feel power like the lifeblood of the earth flow around you as you travel, attracted to your crown you wear.

This is interesting you must investigate further the strengthening of magic and what it means for your race. But you have a more threatening issue to take care of first Your wargs had informed of cold one's worshipers belonging to the ice river clans.

Listening to their advice and trying and find a way around the pawns of the cold ones without alerting them to your presence.

[ Rolling: 77 great success]

They never notice that you were even there, with your kin safe and the river folk on their way to their masters. You can breathe a sigh of relief as one less danger you have to worry about.


The next day as we continue the journey south you marvel at how silent the great-life-giving-forest is and how unnatural it feels with it being empty with all the animal life having left, fleeing the encroaching taint. As you complatling the fate that fall on the great-life-giving-forest and what happens once the darkness has taken hold of it.

a Warg scout come racing telling us that they

[ Rolling: 2]


have found two nearby groups heading south one in reachable distance the first is a clan of menfolk the second are fellow singers of the earth.

This is great news that you have the opentionate to meet kin on the way to the wall and combine your two groups increasing your abilities but if something happened to the group the destruction of two clans with be devastating to your race's population.
The men on the other hand are perfect protectors if they join us as men are suited for battle and warfare that our race are just not, but men are fickle and we can't be sure who holds their loyalty.

[ ] contact your fellow kin and join your groups together

[ ] get in touch with the menfolk with the goal of having them protect you on the way to the wall

[ ] contact both groups

[ ] contact neither group


After many hours of walking as the sky grows dim, you see a weirwood tree ahead that you can rest at. You decide to make camp

As you lay down against your warm mount you look up at the night sky you see two moons in the sky one is a normal moon like the one you had seen every night the other


You feel both curiosity and revulsion at just the sight of it, but you have to wait another time before you can explore this mystery.

After a good night's sleep as your tribe gets ready to move in the morning, partway in the morning you see a group of younger kin taking initiative and collecting seeds from the tree that you grow in your new home, but you see an argument breaking out.

One group just wants to collect the seeds the other want to take cuttings as well claiming that it allows you to grow more weirwood trees once you are behind the wall, but it is blasphemy to damage a weirwood as the herald of the old gods they have brought their case to you.

[ ] take only the seeds

[ ] take both seeds and cuttings

Pick one

[ ] play with your magic to find out how the displacement has strengthened your magic

[ ] see what the cold ones are doing

[ ] talk to some of your tribe to see how they are doing

[ ] see how the migration is the effect all those that are journaling to the wall
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the journey part 2
[X] contact both groups

As contacting the menfolk are more dangerous you decide to go yourself while sending a trusted elder Twig to contact your kin.

A small group of you wearing your crown and ice sword as 3 kin carrying staves which like your crown was glowing a soft green, as you all ran a little bit of magic threw it. Not like you could use them or anything but they don't know that. You also take the two shadowcats with you but leave the grumpy bear to guard the tribe.

Traveling directly into their path you stop to want for them, then wait some more turns out a large tribe takes awhile to travel. After jostling one of your guards that had started snoring, as you could hear them coming.

You and your guards puff up and try to look as menacing as possible, which is hard to do for a bunch of green muppets that are the size of 10 years olds.

You see a bunch of hardened warriors covered in scars and tattoos bearing bronze weapons, stop in surprise at the sight of you.

[Rolling: 1 they worship the old gods)

[Rolling: 31 + 50 ( Herald of the old gods) = 81]
( ??? discovered as you are the herald of the old ones you get a + 50 with those that are worshippers of the old one but a -50 if they are hostile to your faith/ rival faith)

And drop to their knees, crying thanking the old gods that they have sent their prophet to guide them.

"Well all right then"

They chatter excitedly with one of them running to get their leaders.

[ Rolling what tribe are they: ??? well aren't you lucky they worship the old gods]

A few minutes a group with 5 leaders at the front arrive, you finally realize which group you are talking to it is not a single clan but a mishmash group from many clans with the majority being cave-dwellers that live in the Frostfangs but some are from the clan that dwells in along the frozen shore.

Neither are known for being very welcoming to visitors with the cave dwellers who are old as tey worship the underground gods which could be a corrupted version of either the old gods or the cold ones. On the other hand, those that live on the frozen shore are known to pray to the cold gods for protection.

You and your kin tense then when one of the leaders points to you and cries out

"look the gods have sent us a guide that takes us to the land of safety"

You spent the next being constantly being asked questions from both younglings and elders alike. As well as asking them questions about them.

Aprantly the group was formed from those that live close to the land of always winter and as such, they were dragged into the war between the cold ones and the tainted. And as such, it was being conscripted to fight for the cold ones or trust in the vision you sent with the hope that they can create a better future for their kids.

This group was formed from those that decided to take the leap of faith.

Which allowed you to finally relax which was good as you were starting to get a cramp.

[ a group of over 600 wildlings joins your group]

The news you learn from Twig is even more exciting you find out he contacted them and convinced them to join you a 174 kin in all joins you as well.

They are from many different groups traveling together.
Apparently, as soon as they heard that you were the leader that sent out the message and that you are the old gods chosen prophecy they jumped at the chance to join you.

[ 174 children of the forest join your group]

[X] see how the migration is the effect all those that are journaling to the wall

In the morning as everyone was packing up, you fell into a deep meditation as you warged into the flock of birds your new kin brought with them.

As you spread your awareness over the true north, you watched and took note of the great migration that was taking place.

The first thing you noted is that as you are very close to the frostfang that you are among the last major group that will arrive at the wall, with the only ones behind you worth noting are those that forge brozens or the otherwise known as the Thenns.

They are bringing up the rear and they bringing the giant tribes with them. This will be interesting when they arrive at the wall as they are by the largest group in the true north and had carved out a civilization in the only valleys that are capable of supporting wide scale agriculture. They have their own king and lords and are feestly independent and with their close relationship with the giants they could course great problems to getting over the wall peacefully, but they are your best bet if it comes to violence.

You turn from them to see other groups traveling, stripping the land of anything useful as they go. At least the animals will be forced to stop at the wall providing food for everyone so at least you won't suffer from the madness that only desperate hungry people can course.

You watch as you see many of the smaller groups are starting to confederate together as they travel. You also see many kin leave their hidden places to start carefully joining the larger group for protection as well.

As you turn your eyes to the wall itself you notice something odd. The two ends of the wall are fused to the end of the mountain range on either side of the wall. It's as if someone cut away the rock of the mountain so each end can perfectly fit against it leaving no space between the wall and the mountains.

[Rolling: 20]

You see the Nightwatch and the bad reaction they have to what appears to be a gathering army on their doorstep. Then you check you see that they have no more ravens they must have sent them out to call help from the north. You also see a few skirmishes between the Nightwatch and the freefolk.

It has gotten to the point that those on the east side have started sending scouts through the new pass to see if they can go around the wall.

[X] take both seeds and cuttings

Even though it feels blasphemous to damage the sacred tree

With a word you make your decision, there was a lot of grumbling especially from the men that are forced to carry the cuttings.

[ pragmatist: you influence the faith to follow a trend to make a pragmatic decision over dogmatic or idealistic ones]

As a large group, you travel out

Pick 3

[ ] explore the depth of magic and discover all the mysteries that you can, as you have a feel need it in the future.

[ ] see what on the other side of the pass, as it may be important if there is a conflict at the wall

[ ] see what the cold ones are doing

[ ] talk to some of the people traveling with you to see how they are doing

[ ] see if the norths has sent reinforcements to the wall

[ ] after seeing men's reaction to you shows you have a lot of weight see if you can gather as many traveling groups to you so you have a single voice to negotiate to get over the wall.

this is the last turn before you arrive at the wall us it wisely
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