His hand felt like a thing possessed - the back of his hand madly ached with repressed nerve twitching that he desperately fought to stave off.

"Have you played Jenga, Miss Setsuna? My mother loved the game. She loved to watch the tower fall."

His stomach felt bruised, the poor thing. It surely took effort to choke any semblance of rationality from his mind. He'd reward it later, it did quite a good job.

"Sometimes, she'd make me play with more than one, and try her best to time it, so that she won with all of them at the same time."

His other hand madly spasmed, and he felt the twisting ache clasp his hand, the mad rustling taking form about his fingers, he felt his hands lock in claws, the relief palpable.

He felt drunk. Is this why they called alcohol liquid courage? How wonderful, he'd have to do this agai - ah, he hadn't drunk a thing, how embarrassing. Shy shy shy shy shy, how terrible a mistake to make. No, this was surely the feel of drowning, wasn't it?

"She cheated. It worked. She laughed a lot. Fun times, but Mother taught me a lot."

He looked anxiously into her eyes. Mother said that eye contact was a good way to show genuineness-es-osity, and he'd hate for Miss Setsuna to think he wasn't genuine-ly-ous.

His other hand reached behind, and he let the ache go free, into the tower of rubbish behind him. The twist penetrated the tower behind him, and he held it tight with the firmness of a practiced hand. The tower bent, held fast to the gentle touch of his fingers, and twisted with a soft groan, the entire pile pulling up and over, pointed over his head. Yet he kept his eyes fastened earnestly to her face, hoping not to scare her. It was scary. Silence was scary too. It was, right? It scared him, the none-nothing-emptyness. It was really really scary, she'd be less scared if he spoke right? There was no reason to be scared.
"Are things at home... alright, Itsuki?"
I can't believe that worked.

Aren't you supposed to be the one that notices shit? :V

Sheryl was 1) out of it because her head feels like someone tried to pry it open with a crowbar and 2) really cocky, so she didn't anticipate something like that coming up since the Catburglar always decided to flee before then. And 3) Pinpoint was deactivated to stop it from causing too much brain and sensory damage. So Sheryl likes to talk hot shit about herself, but she's far more vulnerable than she would ever admit.

For a more Doylist explanation, I didn't want to risk slowing down the RP more than what is necessary. We've been stuck on the preliminary exams for quite a while now.


Anyway, it's somewhat of a miswording on my part. I meant that Sheryl pegged the Cat as the type who would run rather than confront. But Sheryl disabled Pinpoint before it could give her the nuances and the details like, "Would likely attempt to trap or entangle pursuit over the course of the escape" or "There's a trap in there, you massive idiot".

And every single one of that time you ran away. :V

This guy gets it. :V