"You know..."

As you concentrate your divine energies, you understand what you do not have enough energy to use such attack frivolvously - but something makes you pour a fair part of your reserve into this; regardless of anything, you most assuredly can do that several more times without endangering yourself.

As rings fly, golden man shows a surprisingly quick reaction as he rises his staff, starts to utters something - all futile, as rings pulp and rips his body apart with unpleasant souns of tearing meat and cracking bones.

"...What you need..."

Numerous cultist who were daring to follow him weren't even that - rings just scythed through their bodies like air.

The man doesn't fall, however, as his visibly start to vanish, and blood drown begins to evaporate - no, simply vanish as the time curse restores the body to the previous condition.

A fireball produced by the boy from earlier hits the regenerating man, slowing down the effort; and then more impact the man, if not dealing further injuries than preventing him from regenerating.

It took bare moments - moments you bough for the boy - in order for him to free his comrades; he and other formely captured victims haven't lost even a moment of time since then, slaughtering the cultists with brutal effiency, equal part fist and magic, cutting a bloody road through the enemy, even if not with same ease as your own previous attack.
I couldn't help but grin at the damage dealt to the cultists who still opposed me but at the same time be a little annoyed at Golden Boy not being dead already, usually people are dead after getting hit by her iron rings or at least crippled but it seems like he had some kind of healing ability that sort of reminded me of what she saw Sakuya do to a smash vase to fix it that one time while I was visiting the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

I had to end this quickly, a drawn out battle would not be a good idea with my current Faith reserves even if I could probably throw out a few more barrages of Rings before I was in any real danger....at least the sacrifices have gotten free and actually managing to kick some serious ass and they even had a mage so that's nice!!

A smile graces my face as I readied my next move, it should be easy to finish this all I needed to do was strike before Golden Boy could heal.
Then, the windows break, and the air is filled with buzz of flying yellow shapes.

"...It is in your nature as a God..."

Giant insects; the eyes of ruby, the body of golden chitin, size of a small child; The crowd scrambles as soon as they hear the insectoid sounds, some failing to the ground, in hope to remain unnoticed, some congregate around the golden man - and a few of those who bowed their head rushing toward you, behind you - their minds rich with raw, primal wants, and you understand them on a deepest level.

"Save us. Protect us. Please, oh merciful God, save us."

"...To desire to be an object of humanity's worship."
...me and my big mouth!! Why did Golden Boy have a jeweler store's worth of similarly coloured giant bugs as back up, that just wasn't fair!! However that wasn't what was important right now, what mattered were the people sheltering behind my illusionary form. It wasn't much, barely even a trickle but I felt it, Faith even if it was barely a trickle it was there.

In a gentler voice, one far closer to my real one I whispered to those who prayed behind her to be saved "It seems some of you are worthy of a second chance, very well know that my name is Suwako Moriya and that those who walk the righteous path are under my protection."

At that moment I called upon one of my oldest friends, one of the mighty Mishaguji who I had known for over 2000 years. My old friend was anything but discrete with his arrival as he burst from the ground, a giant serpent able to swallow a man whole with scales of stone as white as bone and fangs coated with one of the most potent curses I have ever known lunged for the Golden Man probably intending to bite him in half.

As for me I focused on the giant bugs with a barrage of iron needles, not as strong as by rings but they should still be able to deal some damage at least.
@A Melted Cheese Sandwich

Alexandra slumps against a wall. A normal, no damned souls writhing out of it, not twisting in physically impossible ways, not dissolving in strange unlight metal wall. She is as happy to be leaning against the nice, normal, mundane wall as she has ever been in her life, and the reporter manages a relieved smile at the soldier, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Well, that was certainly a thing that just happened, wasn't it?
Ramirez just finished getting up from diving through the door - having taken a bit longer due to getting momentarily caught up by one of the flailing limbs - and looked to see what appeared to be his new (though perhaps temporary) companion give him a look he knew what was meant. She didn't say anything, though, and that was fine to him. He affirmed her comment (or rather, what he thought her smile said) with a nod; smiling wouldn't have conveyed the same response, probably due to his face being more or less completely covered.

The bag shook slightly, indicating the Minions inside were getting somewhat restless. Ramirez tapped the bag once, and the message was clear. Not safe yet, I'll let you know when it is.
"It's is really surprising to see guests boarding this train in the middle of transit, honestly. If you spent this much effort on not dying while getting on, could you please, make a few more steps toward your survival and do me a favour? I forgot something in the wagon you are in, and I need it. Retrieve my journal - it is on my table, near the lamp - and bring it to me."
"Yes, today is a day of surprises all around, it seems. Since we are to do favors to one another, I have questions that require answers. Where the Hell am I, why am I here, and why did that last traincar turn into ghouls and melt!"
Ramirez jolted into a more active stance, rifle now brought up and being raised in the direction he heard the voice come from. But as the voice continued to speak, the weapon came back down; evidently whoever was speaking didn't seem hostile. Yet.

He turned to look for the Journal, but before he could spot it he turned back to face the suddenly speaking woman who was clearly just as confused about the situation as he was. He thought about commenting on the matter himself, but he wasn't a talker, so he simply let the woman do the talking (for all the good said talking likely did, as it seemed whoever was talking to them did it with a one-way speaker). At the end, he then turned in the same direction to look for the Journal, but before he could even actually turn...
This wagon is big; about thrice longer and wider than a previous one. The half-dead lights providely just barely enough lift this section of the train... It seems like a working place of a mortician, or, perhaps, some murderous maniac.

Metallic operational tables lined up pedantically on the sides of wagon, strange creatures lying on them - closest to you is a strange golden hybrid of a man and a fly, which still seems to be twitching weakly; strangely enough, it looks like it's limbs were fused to the table, making escape either imposible or extraordinary painful.

"Do try not to get distracted by my humble work; you have a task to do, and lives to save."
Ramirez then noticed the barely illuminated tables, and the horrific contents on top of them. He showed no reaction, but even a monkey could tell just by looking at the smaller, otherwise normal motions that there was little room in his mind for anything but sheer disgust at what he was seeing on them. A debate raged in his mind whether he should put these creatures out of their misery or not, but given the circumstances and his order to prioritize his and his new accomplice's escape, ultimately decided against it. The ammunition was something of value here, and deciding one's life like that without their input (though it certainly looked like it couldn't communicate to him anyway) was very much not what Ramirez tended towards. Deciding to put his mind elsewhere, he went back to turning to look for the Journal, and this time actually got to see it.
Closer to you, however, is a solitary wooden table with a lit oil-lamp illuminating the book filled with an atrocious example of kalligraphy what might inspire one to poke his or her eyes out. It is likely to be some sort of a medicine text, but could only guess that thankfully to a much better drawn pictures of dissected creatures and strange arcane procedures. The text seems to be unfinished, and there is a black dirty ink mark on of the opened pages, which combined with dissarai of items what seems to have been abandoned in the middle of something, makes you think what this place was abandoned recently in a great hurry.

"Actually, do try to salvage whatever you can, but a priority on books; the materials are not that important." On this microphone goes silent, before erupting with sound for the one last time.

..There is, in fact a number of books spreaded through the wagon, lying in chaotic dissaray on the tables and floor, reinforcing the impresion of somebody being abandoned for some reason.
The contents also internally made an impression on him. Not quite as powerful as the actual experiment he was trying to force out of his mind, but a notable tinge nonetheless. The book's visible contents, combined with the horrific experiments, leaves an unfavorable initial impression on Ramirez's mind on the speaker (who he's for now identified to be the person responsible for this horror room), but he doesn't take it as fact or show it; the speaker could have a very good reason or even not be the culprit, for all he knew.

Deciding to help out the voice for now (though a bit disgusted in making that choice), Ramirez quickly picks up and gathers the nearest books he can acquire (the Journal already being taken by the woman, who was closer to it anyway), putting them into his bigger bag for the Minions to put away. This would be an awful decision normally, but there wasn't much of a better way to carry them, and as the situation would soon show, Ramirez saw time to be of the essence.
The voice continues to speaks slowly, regardless of your actions or attempts to communicate back; it seems, this link goes into one direction only.

"Oh, I almost forgot to say - I strongly advise you to hurry, whoever you are, as in about a minute, we are going to lose last three wagons to the strange dimension outside as the local Reality Marble fails. I don't need to explain what there is no reason for you to be there once that happens, I presume."
She grabs the journal and two books that happen to be near her chosen path and tucks them all under one arm bargaining chip, perhaps the criminal madwoman will let me off somewhere pleasant if I humor her and ask nicely and she also grabs the largest cutting blade she can lay hold of in her other hand, because it may become necessary to NOT humor the criminal madwoman and ask FORCEFULLY, and then she breaks into a run again, controlled breathing, steady pace, a minute how many seconds had it been 50 left? 45? Three wagons to go hustle Lexy hustle!

What the American did was his business, she had her own affairs to attend to, important, very vital affairs like Idon'twanttobeaghoulstucktothefloor he was a grown man and military trained, good luck, mon ami!
The first part confused Ramirez as much as the woman, but the second part was crystal clear to him. Gathering a few more books quickly, and putting them into his bag, Ramirez turns to see the woman break into a sprint. A split-second decision to not handle the experiments (which was technically not his call to begin with) left him with the not-surprising-at-all choice of running after the woman, and he promptly broke into a sprint, seeing to keep up if not catch up to the woman.

The timer that the speaker gave was clear in his mind; so clear, in fact, that he very well could have imagined the clock in his vision, ticking down by the second as he put as much speed as he could into his movement.

51, 50, 49...
As you fly through the air, the feeling of belonging only intensifies.

'i want to stay this is home i have to go that is real i could stay here and it would be wonderful but there are people i have to leave something is wrong with me is it really that bad too late now too late now TOO LATE NOW.'

As though delirious from fever, she began to go crazy. Nothing was making sense, and whatever effect that this was having on her was starting to bypass conscious mind, working on her emotions directly. It was fortunate that she had made the decision to leave so soon, as if she waited much longer, she might have eventually become too out of it to think to leave this strange reality.

A couple inches from the breach, and I had jumped through the air to reach it. I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to.

A desolated planet, left by it's only child. You brace yourself as you enter the breach, and then your mind is lost in painful infinity; something deeply in your darkening mind painfully resonates with the weakening call; a half delirious memories of the same thing happening before rise to the surface, as your mindless body swims through the blind eternities.

'This didn't happen the first time. What is- what is going on right now. These memories, they aren't... mine..?'

I slumber and dream as I pass through the rift. Or is it a dream?

There was a creature, who spent eternity walking on this lonely land. She was the only child of a realm, a precious creation of an immense being, created to be the jewel of the world.

She walked among the limestone forests and empty plains of white dust for milennia, but found nothing to hold her here, and her heart grew wistful at the signs of distant realms...

Truly, she had no love for the land which birthed her, and with time, she become used to spending her time in lonely silence, wistfully watching the blue World beyond the borders of her Lunar dimension.

Then, a Blue World called, and she left...

filling you with jealously

She left you

And you let her go

A lonely, barren realm which can never give life to anything again

Not once you tried to recreate her

Not once you begged her to return

Every time she turned toward you, yours only dear child, her eyes not unkind to your plea but innocent like child's cruelity...

Eternity of frozen time passes, as something so similar to you and yet completely different looks at you.

"Who are you?" She asks, her finger tracing your features gently, her touch warm and familiar, reminiscent of memories you never had.

It makes you want to remain forever in the forest of the silvery trees.

As your mind freezes like butterfly impaled on a pin, you fall deeper and deeper into delirious darkness.

'I know her.'

As I see it, I manage to scrape up some sense of rationality, try to understand, see with my mind instead of my heart, which is filled with such a torrent of emotions. I want, I need so many things. Everything is stirred up within me. But I know her. Not her name, not what she's truly done, or even quite what she is, exactly. It's more fundamental than that.

'She's family.'

...I'm resolute then. The thought stirs up a ridiculous mix of emotions I don't quite understand, but who really does with their family? I'll have to find her again... steel myself, make it so I can withstand that realms influence on my mind. And then go back and figure out more. I need to do something-

"Wake up."

You wake as you body crashes limply on something, sound of breaking glass and metal bringing your mind of the feverous sleep. In a brief respite, you feel as something painfully pokes you cheek - like a broken spring in a old matress, you want to just roll on your back and...

The roof of the car caves in, and, and with small shower of glass and broken metal you fall into the warm cabin of the car; as you rise your head from the soft seat you landed yourself on, you see as small toy mascot of a rather strict, vaguely familiar lady cheerfully waving at you with a small plastic gauntlet-clad hand under a ruined windshield.

"No magecraft inside the vechicle." reads the sign dangling above it.

I blearily open my eyes, and resolve to spend the next two hours or so without being knocked unconscious again. I look up, and see a toy Barthomeloi Lorelai smiling and holding a 'no magecraft' sign. I stare at it for several full seconds as I try to wrap my tired brain around the objects existence. It's a mystery far more impossible than a mere dimension shifting train. It's just... toy mascot of Lorelai. Being cheerful. In a car. With a no magecraft inside the vehicle sign.

"That doesn't make any sense though..." I sleepily mutter, laying there for a bit before I realize the car I'm in is quite thoroughly destroyed. I think... I think fell through the roof of the car? "Oops... I don't know how to fix a car..." was my next, quietly mumbled sentence.

...I'm in a destroyed car in the middle of a forest. A car that probably belongs to a magus of some kind. Get up.

I slowly begin to work my way up. I really hope they don't sue me for damages. Can magi do that? Is there a court for settling property damage with other denizens of the moonlit world? I haven't heard of one, but it's possible. Maybe I should apologize to the people who own it.

I think some of them are injured. Badly.

Kyoko Sakura


That woman is...wrong, horribly, unbelievably wrong...just like a powerful witch. At the same time though, neither Witches nor Familiars take that kind of form, and while that didn't really mean she wasn't one....I could afford for her to make the first move.

That would normally mean I wouldn't actually go up and help those saps, but I did come back to help them, so it'd be a waste if I just let them bleed out here when I could be nice and warm in a city...or something.

So with that in mind I quickly strode up to the man who'd groaned and begun pushing magic into his body, almost certainly not enough to actually darken my Soul-Gem to any significant degree, but hopefully enough to at least help close whatever wounds he may have. Once that was done, I'd do my best to identify any remaining open wounds and, if none were visible, carefully turn the man over to examine the rest of his body for any wounds that escaped my sight prior.

I drag myself out of the car, not quite realizing that I just casually tore through the metal of it with a half-hearted push as I left it. I then collapsed into the snow of the forest floor after having escaped the vehicle. No magecraft was done to accomplish it. After laying in the annoyingly cold snow for a few seconds, I blearily put my arms under me and raise my head up off the ground.

"Oh. It's a lancer girl in red. Hi, Lancer of Red... how're you?" I say, these words making complete sense to me at the time of saying them. Then I flop over on my back and lay in the snow for a little bit longer.
I drag myself out of the car, not quite realizing that I just casually tore through the metal of it with a half-hearted push as I left it. I then collapsed into the snow of the forest floor after having escaped the vehicle. No magecraft was done to accomplish it. After laying in the annoyingly cold snow for a few seconds, I blearily put my arms under me and raise my head up off the ground.

"Oh. It's a lancer girl in red. Hi, Lancer of Red... how're you?" I say, these words making complete sense to me at the time of saying them. Then I flop over on my back and lay in the snow for a little bit longer.
I blinked once, twice, thrice, and when the figure in front of me was still there I absently rubbed my eyes with my free hand only for the sight of the wacko in front of me to remain.

"Uh, good....I guess." I answered somewhat hesitantly, still unsure of whether the figure in front of me was really possible.

At least she wasn't attacking...'suppose that means I should try and make a good first impression then. "Seem a bit tired, you alright?"
He starts slowly walking circles around you.

"A little bit of both. It's a rather disgusting matter, I'd rather not..." he answers evasively, before stopping himself; his tail swishes once - hard to say, because of frustration or other reasons - as he begins again.

"...I guess that wouldn't be a particulary satisfying answer, wouldn't it? Well, to be honest, the reason for her foul mood is fairly mundane; she interested only in a certain kind of visitors, and it's been... Awhile since she was visited by a beautiful young man who finds her character to be agreeable, and most of the previous meetings ended up on a somewhat unpleasant note; dare I say, fiery, even. Since then, she has become far less pleasant to her guests."

You get the feeling what he might have meant that in a very literal sense; but despite never outright lying he certainly, certainly doesn't say everything and certainly makes whoever he is talking about look as bad as he can, at least partially because out of pure disgust.

" As for a name..." He keeps silent for a moment. "A name? I am a learned cat, a storyteller. A name isn't something I need, so call me whatever you wish as many did before you. "

The hut shakes, slightly; the cat throws it a disinterested glance in a very human manner, and walks up closer to you, looking into your eyes.

"I am afraid, we might not have that much time; seems she is pretty close to finishing the brew she is cooking. Do you agree to the offer of mine, or do you wish to try and face that foul woman and hope not to end up in a oven?"

I stand still while the familiar circles around, my hands listlessly dangling at my side while he regales me with the details of the hut-woman's dry spell. The way he disparages her, I can't help but feel a little sad for him. From the way he talks, he must have been cooped up here for a long time.

Still, I don't relish the idea of stealing from somebody, although it doesn't count as stealing when it wants to come. I would like to speak with the woman, but…

If I hadn't had my body morphed I would do so. My magic resistance would allow me to handle the witch if things grew sour. Right now though… I'm still not sure of this bodies capabilities.

So, take my chance with a magic woman predisposed to violence, or with the magical cat that may or may not be taking me for a ride. I suppose I could just turn around and go the other way but…

"You have me stuck between a rock and a hard place." I rub my arms again and try to suppress the chattering of my teeth. "There's far too much uncertainty in this situation, but I'll take your offer."

After a swift glance at the hug, I peer down at the cat.

"However you plan on transferring your connection, or whatever you plan on doing. Let's try and make it fast."
I blinked once, twice, thrice, and when the figure in front of me was still there I absently rubbed my eyes with my free hand only for the sight of the wacko in front of me to remain.

"Uh, good....I guess." I answered somewhat hesitantly, still unsure of whether the figure in front of me was really possible.

"Oh... that's nice, Lancer..." I manage back, my disoriented thoughts starting to come back to some level of sanity. Firstly, she did not look like a Servant, and I doubted there was a Grail War going on, so it wasn't like the name 'Lancer' made any sense. Still, I guess she was Lancer for a bit.

At least she wasn't attacking...'suppose that means I should try and make a good first impression then. "Seem a bit tired, you alright?"

'Am I alright? Not sure.'

Oh, physically I'm fine. No wounds or ill-feelings other than the sensation of weakness that I've had since I woke up about to be run over by a train. It's more fundamental than that. I'm simply out of it right now. So an appropriate response to my being alright...

"I think I met a family member from a parallel Moon." I reply conversationally.
Kyoko Sakura
"Oh... that's nice, Lancer..." I manage back, my disoriented thoughts starting to come back to some level of sanity. Firstly, she did not look like a Servant, and I doubted there was a Grail War going on, so it wasn't like the name 'Lancer' made any sense. Still, I guess she was Lancer for a bit.
That the creature was speaking in an understandable tongue was rather reassuring, adding a bit ore evidence that while she felt wrong and suspiciously like a witch...she definitely wasn't acting like one.

Maybe she wouldn't even be crazy, stupid, or psychotic like most Magica-
'Am I alright? Not sure.'

Oh, physically I'm fine. No wounds or ill-feelings other than the sensation of weakness that I've had since I woke up about to be run over by a train. It's more fundamental than that. I'm simply out of it right now. So an appropriate response to my being alright...

"I think I met a family member from a parallel Moon." I reply conversationally.
"Huh?" I blurted out in confusion, thrown off by the girl's seemingly non-sensical comment as my face scrunched slightly even as I felt a slight sinking feeling in my stomach.
Mirai trembles as her gaze shifts from the downed man, to the priest across the street, to the mob of fish people looking at her with hatred in their eyes. She leans to the side, swiftly dodging a brick hurled at her face.

On one hand, if he was alive, Mirai couldn't bring herself to leave her rescuer behind. But on the other, he could be nothing more than a corpse, making the effort in vain. Even if she could fight off a large number of them, she still has her limits -- especially with the golden man, who seemed to be nigh-invulnerable. It was a difficult choice. Her life or her conscience? In the end, another shout and shot from the priest made the decision for her.

She ran. Her eyes sting as she felt tears run down her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..."
She ran. Her eyes sting as she felt tears run down her face.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..."
The human wave swallows the man as you flee. Another shot rings, and you are not there to see the effect. You fly past strange figures reaching out to grasp you and avoid them, sometimes barely. You run, and jump and climb upwards, until it is not dark anymore, and cold wind painfully burns you face as you stand on a rooftop of some ugly brick construction.

For a moment, you escaped immediate danger. Still, you have to decide where to go next. A place of frozen desolation surrounds you. In the walking distance not that far away from you, you can see a number of landmarks; amongst ugly brick builds, what looks like a small park, and secondly, you can see something that, from a distance looks like an abandoned church. Secondly, you can see what looks like some sort of a train station, accompanied by underground railway l that peeks out of the ground only for a few hundreds of meters, before heading to the depth of earth in both directions.

Finally, there is an unfriendly-looking edge of a forest, incredibly close to the city's borders, separated from civilization only by a grotesque line of strange totems of bone that are dizzying to look at.

Perhaps, there are more things to be found away from here, but the weather makes you unable to see very far.

Of course, you are on the roof of what seems to be an apartment building, surrounded by many more nondescript brick structures. You can try your luck hiding in one of those, or at least try to find something that might easy your future in in this unfamiliar place.

"I think I met a family member from a parallel Moon." I reply conversationally.
Nonchalantly, the mauled car explodes in a quickly-fading fire, providing a not quite gentle interruption to your introductions and no particular defense against the cold you find yourself in.

Further down the road, you can see the lights of the moving vehicles in distance, coming closer. Despite the noise of crackling fire and wind, you can faintly hear the engines of what must be rather heavy vehicles. A number of them.

If for some reason being discovered next to a burning car and a bunch of bodies sprawled in the snow does not appeal, there is an opening in the forest next to you, a path between trees covered in snow. You are not sure if it was there a moment before.

"However you plan on transferring your connection, or whatever you plan on doing. Let's try and make it fast."
"I admit, I expected mistrust and refusal, typical of the travelers around here." His form vibrates for a moment - before scattering across the wind as a smoke, rendered in a vague memory in but an instant. "Not that kind of worries are unwarranted."

Before either of your two can say anything else, you are interrupted.

"I smell the spirit of careless idiots who meddle with things they have knowledge of and sign arcane agreements before figuring out the terms." A rasping, annoyed voice sounds across the forest, as a hunched figure leaves the wooden house you were standing before. Seemingly fragile, positively ancient-looking old woman dressed in countless layers of some sort of garish fabrics stares at you for a moment, before continuing, annoyance and a mild interest in her voice "Who dares to disturb me with the reckless abandon of those who care not for their life?"

"On behalf of my new companion, I am taking offense to that." A cloud of smoke materializes to your right, a moment later solidifying in a familiar feline shape. "It's not her fault that this one here is kind, beautiful and decisive. Unlike some."

"Headstrong, foolish and naive." The old woman answers with a snort, dismissal clear in her voice, her attention on you. "I would like my familiar back. Now. "

As she finishes speaking, you notice how the woods around you start to move, converging into yet undefined, but threatening shapes.

"This sounds like a good time to mention" the cat, now materialized on your shoulder speaks softly, the forced calm clear in his words " the particular ritual of unbinding is long, painful and carries long-term consequences for your spiritual health and soul integrity. I doubt that losing bits of yourself is part of your plans."

"Not my fault. Consequences of doing foolish things." With a broad gesture of her hand, the forest around you darkens. The forming wooden monstrosity behind your raises with renewed vigor, morphing into flowing monstrous shapes, even as the rest of the trees nearby appear to wither as it forms "Now, are you going to give him up willingly, or not?"

"You may fight if you wish. You might even win. The old hag deserves some humility beaten into her." The cat whispers in your ear even as he dematerializes into a plume of smoke "Or, if you are feeling like running, I can guide you out of the forest. "

As for me I focused on the giant bugs with a barrage of iron needles, not as strong as by rings but they should still be able to deal some damage at least.
The look of mute, displeased surprise on the face of the golden man as he is being torn apart by a giant snake is the last impression that he is going to leave on this world. The bugs, however, give your much more trouble, and it takes a couple of minutes of fierce fighting for the giant snake and your own contribution to put them down, and only with great effort you avoid injury.

Nevertheless, you stand victorious, and people surrounding you, alive. It takes a bit of time for the survivors to reorganize and many are still in seems to be still in shock; a looks of awe quite often directed to you, but most of what looks like the former clergy looks at you in distrust.

Still, a fair few moments after the battle is finished, you are approached by the weary-looking middle-aged man in a plain priest's robe.

"I am not ungrateful for the save, but who are you? " He asks of you, rather bluntly.

Idon'twanttobeaghoulstucktothefloor he was a grown man and military trained, good luck, mon ami!
Your skin starts prickling as you rush out of unpleasant workshop of a madwoman; the sterile smell of embalming chemicals and the signs of a morgue-like corpse-storage are your greeting committee from the next wagon. You quickly pass forward, much more welcoming signs of wooden crates stacked upon more crates with warnings written in russian about violative maters stamped on them.

"Good, good. It'll take a moment... You are very lucky. "

The door opens with a soft hiss of advanced mechanics, rewarding you with a smell of burnt electronics and scene of disarray. An upturned table, a great many strange devices just lie on the floor, abandoned. The walls and the floor seems to be made of some sort of gold or brass; the wall to your right seems to be partially dismantled partially-charred in some sort of incident revealing strange devices and pipes and cut, still sparkling wires and many other things you don't know the name or the purpose of. Even as you get inside, a person seems to be trying to remove particularly-dangerous looking bits of broken machinery, only stopping and looking at you after the door behind your loudly slams closed. As they remove what seems to be a strange-looking, overly ornate wielding mask from their head, you get a look at them.

A formerly beautiful woman wracked with illness; pale, glistening skin and visible black veins that looks at with your with an unsettling interest of someone who found a really interesting insect to poke and prod. An automated wheelchair they are sitting on gently hums and clicks as she turns toward you. As she starts moving toward you and away from mechanical disaster she was attending a couple moments ago, several humanoid robotic constructs of gears and steam come to life, previously nothing but strange figures carelessly placed without order across the whole wagon.

"Don't worry about this inconvenience here" she gestures at the machinery in the wall, which still continues to periodically dangerously sparkle "This should not be a problem as long as I finish removing damaged mechanisms soon enough. As for you, itwas wise to demonstrate proper haste. Now, if you were guests, I'd welcome you to a cup of tea, but sadly you are no such..." A wracking cough interrupts her for a moment, as infirmity forces her to stop the monologue. A few moments are spent in uncomfortable silence, ruined only by a wet cough of somebody who looks rather close to death. "...Things."

She smiles at you - it is not a pleasant smile. Unhinged, mad gleam is in her eyes as she stares at you.

"Nevertheless, as long as you do not do anything foolish, we could just spend the rest of this talking about how two relatively normal human being managed to materialize on this train right as hellish soup outside claws and rips at the very existence of this humble ab... "

You almost feel it in your bones when wagon shudders and metal groans slightly as something seems to impact the wall to the right of you.

"...And don't worry about the additional unwanted visitors." She adds, casual disregard in her voice "The hostile environment of the outside will take care of them in a moment."

Dalek Ix said:
When I reach the peak of my arc, I release my restraints, spread my wings, and fly towards the breach as fast as I can (which is quite fastn if I do say so myself).
You let the breach swallow you.

For a moment, you feel terrible acceleration, as your body is stretched across long miles of space and yet refuses to break - that ceases, with a terrible impact which makes your bones crack and consciousness swim.

You are plastered outside a metal construction interlinked with living carapace, floating through some sort of alien space, a mix of kaleidoscopic colors and tastes and smells - a nauseating festival of sensations. A familiar light of normal reality shines closer and closer with every second, however, as your accidental mount moves through the strange space your found yourself in.

Then you feel your skin slowly starting to burning.

Perhaps, it might be wise to get inside or otherwise protect yourself.

I rid myself of that thought and give a hurried thank you to the man. I quickly look at the map and try to find something that resembled a shelter. If I couldn't find some refuge from this cold, I would drop dead anyway.
A quick look at the map shows a train station nearby. The treck through snow and darkness is a short one, but nonetheless unpleasant as cold and wind start getting to you.

The awkward, ugly brick barrack-like building you arrive to looks abandoned, only light from the upper row of windows weakly illuminated by light showing that somebody living seems to be inside. The windows are mostly although half-heartedly boarded up, the shabby wooden doors refuse to open.

Attempts to get someone to open the door are met with silent indifference as you slowly freeze outside. One way or another, you have to get inside.

A couple of the windows seems to be boarded lazily enough that you just might be able to just climb in regardless if you had a way to reach that high. Alternatively, the door's construction seems to be shabby enough and material rotten enough that you might just be able to break in. That would make some noise, though.

NephyrisX said:
Slowly sheathing her sword in false deference to their demands, lulling the fools into a false sense of security and complacency, Tapping into whatever reserves of energy she still had within her, Mag raised her hand, and she pulled.
People scream in surprise and sometimes pain as their primitive weapons are forcibly pulled from their hands and toward you, more often than pulling their wielders to the ground. Unsurprisingly, after they get up, the soldiers decide to flee, instead of fighting you. The one whom you identify as the leader of this small group seems to be screaming and barking commands that rather remind you of the Grineer calling for backup.

As they attempt to flee back to the relative safety behind the fortifications, you hear further activity from the camp, sounds of starting up machinery and strange, almost organic noises.

The camp itself strongly reminds you of grineer fortifications on the Planes near Cetus; somewhat shabby constructs mixed with reinforced firing points, turrets, and barracks. The only difference is a level of technology and, it seems, much greater sense of self-preservation. The weather conceals the finer details, but amongst the relatively normal barracks and buildings, you can spot strange, twisted structures and some sort of oversized, twisted machinery and, possibly, robotics.

How do you act?
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Nonchalantly, the mauled car explodes in a quickly-fading fire, providing a not quite gentle interruption to your introductions and no particular defense against the cold you find yourself in.

Further down the road, you can see the lights of the moving vehicles in distance, coming closer. Despite the noise of crackling fire and wind, you can faintly hear the engines of what must be rather heavy vehicles. A number of them.

If for some reason being discovered next to a burning car and a bunch of bodies sprawled in the snow does not appeal, there is an opening in the forest next to you, a path between trees covered in snow. You are not sure if it was there a moment before.
@Silvan Eldar

For a few seconds, I continue to stay on the ground, only moving to look at the car that seemingly randomly exploded soon after I impacted into it and tore my way out of it.


Wait a minute.

"Did...did I do that? I don't think cars are supposed to explode that easily..." I say out loud to myself. Then again, it was apparently a magus's car. It may have been a mystic code of some sort. Weren't technologically complex items turned magical somewhat prone to that sort of thing?


Those are some pretty loud vehicles coming down the way. Quite a lot of them, actually. And... these are some magi, most likely. With how reduced I feel at the moment, I probably don't want to be discovered by magi. They, uh, tend to do unpleasant things to interesting individuals that can't overpower and/or avoid them, and a relatively helpless True Ancestor sure seems like an interesting individual for study, what with them being something that should be mostly extinct.

And then there's Lancer right there. She looks totally lost. Then again, so am I. Alternate dimension magic train that leads to a parallel moon and all that.

...My head still feels kinda fuzzy. I need to... need to...

'Get up.'

For the second time tonight, I emerge from a laying position in snow as large vehicles are headed straight towards me. This time, I push off the ground with one hand, bursting into motion straight up before adjusting my position to land softly on my feet. I can't quite explain it, but even though I still feel reduced, I feel... lighter than I did before going through those portals. Like the effort required to move has gone down significantly. Moving like that just felt natural.

I brush the snow off my clothes. The sheer cold is still seeping into me, but it isn't quite as bad as I thought it was. It'll hurt, and I never want to have to experience freezing out here, but this will never kill me. Not even as I am now.

Now, what to...

"Was that path there before?" I ask the only person here who was in position of her full faculties prior to this moment. I can either chance it with those vehicles coming up, hoping they aren't magi of any sort and possibly get back to some place that has central heating (or at least take a ride in a car powered by combustion that it can use to heat air inside it), or I can head into the forest and rely on my own powers to survive.

Both options are suspect. I still have time. Best to at least ask Lancer's opinion first.
For a moment, you escaped immediate danger. Still, you have to decide where to go next. A place of frozen desolation surrounds you. In the walking distance not that far away from you, you can see a number of landmarks; amongst ugly brick builds, what looks like a small park, and lastly, you can see something that, from a distance looks like an abandoned church. Secondly, you can see what looks like some sort of a train station and a tunnel that goes into the depth of earth.

Safe for the moment, Mirai took the opportunity to rest and gather her bearings. She swallowed her anxiety and tried to stop her trembling legs, taking deep calming breaths of the artic air. She coughed, finding the air not so calming after all. Afterwards, she looked at her surroundings. For one, she was definitely not in Japan. The architecture was ulitarian, not paying even the slightest appeal to aesthetic. It reminded her of pictures of those Soviet-esque buildings she saw in books -- all concrete or brick blocks.

Mirai shivered. In any case, staying out in the harsh winter was a death sentence. Her power allowed her to continue circulating her blood despite the chill, but it was still thoroughly unpleasant. The cardigan did nothing protect her and the skirt did even less, so she needed to find warmth fast.

She eyed the landmarks, dismissing the forest entirely. The girl was looking to get out of the cold, not look for more of it. Those totems were worth investigating later, but her immediate survival was more important. So, that left the city itself. Mirai saw a church, a park, a train station, and a bunch of other buildings. There was also the building she was currently standing on, but the crowd following her wasn't too far behind.

Mirai shivered. She had no choice, she had to choose now. The Japanese girl decided to search the church. Priests usually lived there, right? Maybe she could find someone to help her. As an added precaution, Mirai removed the ring from her finger, releasing her power. She flexed her blood control, watching the liquid under her finger form into a variety of shapes and sizes.

Okay, that was enough. Mirai jumped off the building, not even flinching as she landed feetfirst into a crouch. But as she tried to stand up, Mirai tripped, burying her face in the snow. Blushing, Mirai quickly extracted herself from the snowdrift and jogged to the church.
@Wade Garrett
Your skin starts prickling as you rush out of unpleasant workshop of a madwoman; the sterile smell of embalming chemicals and the signs of a morgue-like corpse-storage are your greeting committee from the next wagon. You quickly pass forward, much more welcoming signs of wooden crates stacked upon more crates with warnings written in russian about violative maters stamped on them.
The feeling of urgency is not lost on the displaced volunteer, and as the timer continues to run in his head Ramirez - or "Willie," whichever name used depending on the one speaking to him - takes little detail of the train wagons he and the yet-to-be-named woman pass through. What detail he does pick up does not necessarily re-assure him, however.

The first wagon gives the impression of body storage. The connection between this wagon and of previous ones that had what were presumably living and breathing people is not a pleasant one. Only the hope that the latter saw their situations come to a quick and painless close was left now.

The second wagon has nothing but rows upon rows of boxes with Russian warning texts speaking of volatile substances. While the sight is perhaps not nearly as gruesome, the implications are still not particularly pleasant. What was this train's destination? Who was this curious woman who seemed to communicate with them? But most pressing of all, why was he here instead of someone more specialized in tackling this sort of matter?

Then again, nothing in the document he signed when he volunteered indicated that he couldn't be sent into something like this.
"Good, good. It'll take a moment... You are very lucky. "

The door opens with a soft hiss of advanced mechanics, rewarding you with a smell of burnt electronics and scene of disarray. An upturned table, a great many strange devices just lie on the floor, abandoned. The walls and the floor seems to be made of some sort of gold or brass; the wall to your right seems to be partially dismantled partially-charred in some sort of incident revealing strange devices and pipes and cut, still sparkling wires and many other things you don't know the name or the purpose of. Even as you get inside, a person seems to be trying to remove particularly-dangerous looking bits of broken machinery, only stopping and looking at you after the door behind your loudly slams closed. As they remove what seems to be a strange-looking, overly ornate wielding mask from their head, you get a look at them.
Reaching the end of the wagon with the crates holding dangerous contents, Willie finds the next passage-way blocked by a sort of door that does not seem trivial to open. Before he can engage with it however, the voice comes back. It seems that whatever the situation, he and Alex had succeeded (for now) in getting out of harm's way. The door gives way moments after, and the sight leaves Willie wondering if he's suffering from a case of Deja Vu.

At first it appears to be some sort of mechanical room, with the appearance of machinery and strange objects decorating the wagon's interior. It becomes rapidly apparent that the room is also turned upside down with how much of a mess the place seems. But Willie's eyes ultimately fall on the one animate figure in the room other than Alex and himself - who turns and shows an unrecognizable mask as the way they came locks itself away.

Is this the one whose voice Alex and Willie heard speak over the radio earlier?
A formerly beautiful woman wracked with illness; pale, glistening skin and visible black veins that looks at with your with an unsettling interest of someone who found a really interesting insect to poke and prod. An automated wheelchair they are sitting on gently hums and clicks as she turns toward you. As she starts moving toward you and away from mechanical disaster she was attending a couple moments ago, several humanoid robotic constructs of gears and steam come to life, previously nothing but strange figures carelessly placed without order across the whole wagon.

"Don't worry about this inconvenience here" she gestures at the machinery in the wall, which still continues to periodically dangerously sparkle "This should not be a problem as long as I finish removing damaged mechanisms soon enough. As for you, it was wise to demonstrate proper haste. Now, if you were guests, I'd welcome you to a cup of tea, but sadly you are no such..." A wracking cough interrupts her for a moment, as infirmity forces her to stop the monologue. A few moments are spent in uncomfortable silence, ruined only by a wet cough of somebody who looks rather close to death. "...Things."
The mask comes off, and almost instantly Willie wishes it was never removed. The woman appears to be of an advanced age, judging by the wheelchair, and the first impression practically screams sinister intent - but everything so far has suggested that there is likely to always be something more than what meets the eye, and there is otherwise no reason to take action against the woman for now. The sudden existence of what at a first guess are potential automated defenses makes the choice of taking no action against the wheelchair-bound woman only more sensible.

The woman then speaks, and the voice is sufficient to identify her as the same one who spoke to Alex and him a few minutes ago. Her waving off the otherwise worrisome effects within the wagon does not placate Willie, though he makes no showing of his thoughts on the matter. His thoughts are interrupted when the woman begins to cough during her introduction, however, which is followed by a momentary lapse in concentration.

"Hey Ramirez, are you alright? You fizzled out just a moment ago."

Willie blinks, not certain as to what Foley was referring to. Glancing back, he sees nothing unusual. His own equipment is fine, his own body feels fine. So just what was that feeling that shocked him in that fleeting moment? His mind recalls something about a yellow color, but otherwise nothing else seems out of the ordinary. Was it another hallucination? Willie thought he overcame the outbreaks some time ago, but the possibility of them re-flaring back up in his head always lingered.

"Well, whatever that was, you're back now. I don't trust this woman you're talking with one inch, but right now it doesn't look like you got much better options. I'd keep your arm's length with this one."

No argument there.
Blinking away the remnants of the hallucination, Willie's focus returns to bearing on the woman, who's recovered from her stoppage.
She smiles at you - it is not a pleasant smile. Unhinged, mad gleam is in her eyes as she stares at you.

"Nevertheless, as long as you do not do anything foolish, we could just spend the rest of this talking about how two relatively normal human being managed to materialize on this train right as hellish soup outside claws and rips at the very existence of this humble ab... "

You almost feel it in your bones when wagon shudders and metal groans slightly as something seems to impact the wall to the right of you.

"...And don't worry about the additional unwanted visitors." She adds, casual disregard in her voice "The hostile environment of the outside will take care of them in a moment."
The smile only serves to make Willie distrust the handicapped woman even more, but again without any sort of overt action he can only simply continue to listen. At least the woman seems to accept the quid pro quo of not being unilaterally hostile to one another, though the vocabulary employed does little more than add to the pile of questions Willie has for her (though from her commentary it seems she knows no more about the matter of his and Alex's presence than they themselves do).

A momentary distraction pulls Willie's attention from the handicapped woman as he turns to the right at the sound and shock of some impact striking the train car's side. Rifle leveled, the volunteer prepares for whatever might come next for a few seconds before the firearm is lowered as nothing appears to be forthcoming from the hit.

Turning back to face the woman once again, Willie's eyes narrow at the dismissive tone the woman uses in presumably referring to the people seen at the beginning of this bizarre, somewhat hellish experience. It's obvious she has little regard for the sanctity of life, though the question of whether he can actually do anything about it is a concerning one.

Nevertheless, there was a specific task the woman request he and Alex perform, and if the woman was willing to entertain their otherwise unwelcome presence, the least that could be done would be to honor the favor. Letting the rifle sit on the sling off of the back, Willie reaches around and draws from his rucksack the books he acquired earlier. Continuing to act wordlessly, he grips the books tightly and brings them up in a gesture of reminder and offer to the woman.

As you asked for.
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The look of mute, displeased surprise on the face of the golden man as he is being torn apart by a giant snake is the last impression that he is going to leave on this world. The bugs, however, give your much more trouble, and it takes a couple of minutes of fierce fighting for the giant snake and your own contribution to put them down, and only with great effort you avoid injury.

Nevertheless, you stand victorious, and people surrounding you, alive. It takes a bit of time for the survivors to reorganize and many are still in seems to be still in shock; a looks of awe quite often directed to you, but most of what looks like the former clergy looks at you in distrust.

Still, a fair few moments after the battle is finished, you are approached by the weary-looking middle-aged man in a plain priest's robe.

"I am not ungrateful for the save, but who are you? " He asks of you, rather bluntly.
Dusting off by clothes after the fight, which was surprisingly fun who knew bugs could give me such a challenge? Although the look on the Golden Man's face when Mishaguji-san chomps down on him was pretty funny as well, one of my favorite parts of being a god was when you got to smite someone who was on a power trip.

Smiling I turned to the Priest, who I can forgive for his bluntness as he does look like he's been through a lot, and tilt my head to the side a little "Didn't I already tell you? I kinda did the whole divine whisper in your head thing....did anyone hear it?" I asked because I went through all the trouble of the mighty god act after so long. Even Mishaguji-san was sort of bummed out, he had been looking forward to the act like in the old days....and now he was pouting, cheer up big guy I'm sure you'll get your chance. With a sigh I turn my attention back to the priest "Well that act is ruined, anyway nice to meet you. I'm Suwako Moriya, i'm just a passing goddess which I am surprised you didn't notice since you are a priest and all."
You let the breach swallow you.

For a moment, you feel terrible acceleration, as your body is stretched across long miles of space and yet refuses to break - that ceases, with a terrible impact which makes your bones crack and consciousness swim.

You are plastered outside a metal construction interlinked with living carapace, floating through some sort of alien space, a mix of kaleidoscopic colors and tastes and smells - a nauseating festival of sensations. A familiar light of normal reality shines closer and closer with every second, however, as your accidental mount moves through the strange space your found yourself in.

Then you feel your skin slowly starting to burning.

Perhaps, it might be wise to get inside or otherwise protect yourself.

My vision swims, and my legs shake for a moment, before I call upon the Dark Side to give me the strength I need.

Need to get to shelter...

The specifics of just what the blazes is going on will have to wait until I'm somewhere even remotely safe. So, I drag myself forwards, looking desperately for an opening or door leading into this... thing. Anyplace I can take refuge.
Nonchalantly, the mauled car explodes in a quickly-fading fire, providing a not quite gentle interruption to your introductions and no particular defense against the cold you find yourself in.

Further down the road, you can see the lights of the moving vehicles in distance, coming closer. Despite the noise of crackling fire and wind, you can faintly hear the engines of what must be rather heavy vehicles. A number of them.

If for some reason being discovered next to a burning car and a bunch of bodies sprawled in the snow does not appeal, there is an opening in the forest next to you, a path between trees covered in snow. You are not sure if it was there a moment before.
"Was that path there before?" I ask the only person here who was in position of her full faculties prior to this moment. I can either chance it with those vehicles coming up, hoping they aren't magi of any sort and possibly get back to some place that has central heating (or at least take a ride in a car powered by combustion that it can use to heat air inside it), or I can head into the forest and rely on my own powers to survive.
"Huh, I'm not really sure." Kyoko said in reply as she rose to her feet, glancing between the opening in the woods and the road ahead.

On one hand, going into anything that looked like it could be even vaguely related to a Witch's Barrier was a bad idea unless you were prepared to kill everything in it. And despite what she might've preferred to think, Kyoko could tell she wasn't up for fighting a Witch in this kind of weather. On the other hand, the scene around her was pretty damning and Kyoko wasn't going to bet her life on the understanding nature of a bunch of strangers. Either way, she wasn't ready for a fight...but she should be able to run for a little while more.

With that fact in mind Kyoko turned around to face the blonde woman, shoulders tense set and hands on her hips.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be around when those guys get here. So, if you'd rather not deal with the locals with this wreckage hanging over your head, follow along, 'kay?"

She'd wait for a few seconds to gauge the woman's reaction, but if she didn't get her ass in gear Kyoko was pretty sure she'd have to just leave the woman here.
"I admit, I expected mistrust and refusal, typical of the travelers around here." His form vibrates for a moment - before scattering across the wind as a smoke, rendered in a vague memory in but an instant. "Not that kind of worries are unwarranted."

Before either of your two can say anything else, you are interrupted.

"I smell the spirit of careless idiots who meddle with things they have knowledge of and sign arcane agreements before figuring out the terms." A rasping, annoyed voice sounds across the forest, as a hunched figure leaves the wooden house you were standing before. Seemingly fragile, positively ancient-looking old woman dressed in countless layers of some sort of garish fabrics stares at you for a moment, before continuing, annoyance and a mild interest in her voice "Who dares to disturb me with the reckless abandon of those who care not for their life?"

"On behalf of my new companion, I am taking offense to that." A cloud of smoke materializes to your right, a moment later solidifying in a familiar feline shape. "It's not her fault that this one here is kind, beautiful and decisive. Unlike some."

"Headstrong, foolish and naive." The old woman answers with a snort, dismissal clear in her voice, her attention on you. "I would like my familiar back. Now. "

"This sounds like a good time to mention" the cat, now materialized on your shoulder speaks softly, the forced calm clear in his words " the particular ritual of unbinding is long, painful and carries long-term consequences for your spiritual health and soul integrity. I doubt that losing bits of yourself is part of your plans."

"Not my fault. Consequences of doing foolish things." With a broad gesture of her hand, the forest around you darkens. The wooden monstrosity behind your raises with renewed vigor, morphing into flowing monstrous shapes "Now, are you going to give him up willingly, or not?"

"You may fight if you wish. You might even win. The old hag deserves some humility beaten into her." The cat whispers in your ear even as he dematerializes into a plume of smoke "Or, if you are feeling like running, I can guide you out of the forest. "

The cat is unusual to say the least. I kind of expected something, though perhaps not a grand display of magic or awe inspiring light show, but something as a courtesy to show that the connection has been transferred successfully. Still what's done is done, and as I stand there in the dense forest with nothing but ephemeral smoke as the remainder of my new familiar's presence, there's naught to do but ponder on his words.

Had I been summoned as I was, perhaps I would have proven the typical traveler that he encountered. But… no I would have proven to be atypical then as well. Not only because I was a Servant, but because I almost certainly wouldn't have given it enough time to speak. One swing of Excalibur and that would be it.

Of course, it's not like my thoughts on his comments matter. I have no choice but to bite back any response to the cat once the old woman showed up. Dominating the scene like a certain Servant…

I sigh and listen to the two banter. This is the exact problem that I wished to avoid. Though I suppose the only way to truly avoid it would have been to turn and leave the moment something came up. Taking a Magus' familiar from them… what was I thinking?

'You weren't,' Merlin would have said if he were here. Even Illya and Irisviel would have palmed their faces at my actions.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration; the stress of the situation clearly getting the better of me.

Pay attention

The cat rematerializes upon my shoulder and I listen to him. The distress in his voice is evident by his lack of it as he whispers to me in calm, carefully selected words. His dulcet tones relay none of the worry buried deep within him. Like he's holding the world on his shoulders, and even the slightest weakness could spell disaster if he showed it. It reminds me of someone.

The woman gestures and I take three steps back in response, my greaves clinking being the only sound I've made during this whole confrontation. My hands dip into the too soft leather of my magical bag.

'The witch thinks you're just a normal person who's in over her head. Use Burst Air to propel yourself and catch her off guard with your speed. In the split second before she catches herself, remove her head from her shoulders.'

'She draws her power from the forest around her, although it's a shame, we can't win if we let her use the environment like that. Take up the Wind Waker, and summon the winds to blow this forest away! We can engage her in melee after her main assets have been destroyed. Use your light arrows to take her down if she tries to fight us from extreme range.'

Twin memories bring twin instincts and I freeze in uncertainty. What should I do, what 'can' I do, these questions ring over and over again in a never ending spiral as the witch continues her spiel.

The forest is… dying.

'She sacrificed the surrounding forest's prana to power her golem?'

Is this some place that has been cut off from the world? Plants, even in the numbers that she's drained, shouldn't have the magical energy needed to power more than the basest of magecraft in the modern world. Have I been sent back into the past, or is it… perhaps she's drawing energy from the World itself?

Who could do such a thing? A magus with a great deal of time perhaps, but I would have sensed the magic well before I reached this point, and this area was nothing but average before…

Wait… what the cat said earlier. What did he say…?

'Well, to be honest, the reason for her foul mood is fairly mundane; she's interested only in a certain kind of visitor, and it's been… awhile since she was visited by a beautiful young man who finds her character to be agreeable, and most of the previous meetings ended up on a somewhat unpleasant note; dare I say, fiery even.'

Just like that, it all clicks into place. It sounded odd when the familiar had brought it up, as if he were being literal. But now, confronted by this woman, it all makes sense.

"Baba Yaga…"

It doesn't matter whether this was the first, the second, or the third. Or if that part of the tale was simply ignorant of some form of shape shifting capability that the witch used to throw off lost travelers. What matters is the fact that I've ignorantly angered a magus that wouldn't be out of place in a Holy Grail War.

"A shame then; that you don't seem to have three horns for me to blow."

I can't fight her. Even when every instinct tells me to have at it with a sword, and to face victory or defeat with my honor intact, I know that I can't. There's some place that I have to get back to, people who would miss me if I were to fall here. Even if my new familiar, Link I think I'll call him, thinks I have a shot at beating her. It's not a risk I can take lightly. After all, he's counting on me too now.

"I think you'll find that I am neither headstrong, nor naïve. "

I clench my weapon tightly with both of my hands, the cool wood of the bow inside my bag being an amazing comfort to my nerves as I take a half step forward with my left foot.

It's now or never. If I allow that golem to grow to full size, then she'll have me in a pincer. If I do something, anything, to create even a small window of time for me to retreat, I trust my speed will be enough to leave her domain.

Triforce of Wisdom… Nayru, Hylia, whoever's up there watching after me. Please, make this work.

"Link," I named my newly acquired familiar, "we're leaving."

Even the brave must temper their valor with caution. It isn't cowardice to retreat in the face of an unfamiliar opponent when you are unfamiliar with the limits of your own capabilities.

I ripped the bow out of the bag, and allowed Zelda's instincts to take over as I charged it with as much magical energy as I possibly could in the split second I had. Already I began to raise my right foot for the charge, bracing myself for the excruciating chase that was sure to follow.

And at the same time, I allowed the Arrow of Light to surge towards its target.

With my new companion in tow, I trusted the power of the Triforce of Wisdom and the knowledge of my new familiar Link, to guide me out of the forest as we fled for our lives, and freedom.
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A quick look at the map shows a train station nearby. The treck through snow and darkness is a short one, but nonetheless unpleasant as cold and wind start getting to you.

The awkward, ugly brick barrack-like building you arrive to looks abandoned, only light from the upper row of windows weakly illuminated by light showing that somebody living seems to be inside. The windows are mostly although half-heartedly boarded up, the shabby wooden doors refuse to open.

Attempts to get someone to open the door are met with silent indifference as you slowly freeze outside. One way or another, you have to get inside.

A couple of the windows seems to be boarded lazily enough that you just might be able to just climb in regardless if you had a way to reach that high. Alternatively, the door's construction seems to be shabby enough and material rotten enough that you might just be able to break in. That would make some noise, though.
No matter how much Maribel desperately knocked on the supposed shelters door no one answered. The poor freezing teenager wanted to scream in frustration. She was starting to get desperate enough that she thought about kicking in the damn door. But Maribel hasn't worked out in a day of her life and she would probably break her legs before she managed to destroy that door.

But the nearly open windows were a opportunity she couldn't pass up. For the first time in her life Maribel decided she was going to break into building. Maribel of course didn't believe she had a chance of climbing up that high. But she did have her more esoteric abilities.

With a single thought Maribel thrusts herself out into the void the of the world. A land of never ending nothingness were no living being roams. Its ever changing hues and waves of motion so chaotic but yet so calm. As terrifying this land is, it was the one place she ever felt where she really belonged. But she could not linger long or she would become one with the void. It took her only a moment to find her target, the ledge of the window seal. And so she reached out to reality stepping out of the void.

Maribel slightly missed her mark and slammed against the wall knocking the breath out of her lungs. But she just barely managed to grab hold of the ledge. With much struggle the blond teen manages to lift herself enough to peer inside the establishment that she was going to break into. Maribel could have blinked directly inside, but who know what could be lurking in its depths? The Chimera has done more than enough at teaching Maribel to not be careless with her powers.
"Huh, I'm not really sure." Kyoko said in reply as she rose to her feet, glancing between the opening in the woods and the road ahead.

On one hand, going into anything that looked like it could be even vaguely related to a Witch's Barrier was a bad idea unless you were prepared to kill everything in it. And despite what she might've preferred to think, Kyoko could tell she wasn't up for fighting a Witch in this kind of weather. On the other hand, the scene around her was pretty damning and Kyoko wasn't going to bet her life on the understanding nature of a bunch of strangers. Either way, she wasn't ready for a fight...but she should be able to run for a little while more.

With that fact in mind Kyoko turned around to face the blonde woman, shoulders tense set and hands on her hips.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be around when those guys get here. So, if you'd rather not deal with the locals with this wreckage hanging over your head, follow along, 'kay?"

She'd wait for a few seconds to gauge the woman's reaction, but if she didn't get her ass in gear Kyoko was pretty sure she'd have to just leave the woman here.

Well, that certainly answered the question for me. If she was going, then I didn't see a reason for me not to go. I was fairly confident that even reduced like this I could at least survive most things, and some backup would certainly help.

"I didn't really want to be anywhere near them right now if they have anything to do with people who owned that car." I responded, gesturing to the now flaming wreckage where there had once been a car. In a conspiratorial tone, I continued. "They had a toy of Barthomeloi Lorelei in there."

With that, I started heading into the path.
People scream in surprise and sometimes pain as their primitive weapons are forcibly pulled from their hands and toward you, more often than pulling their wielders to the ground. Unsurprisingly, after they get up, the soldiers decide to flee, instead of fighting you. The one whom you identify as the leader of this small group seems to be screaming and barking commands that rather remind you of the Grineer calling for backup.

As they attempt to flee back to the relative safety behind the fortifications, you hear further activity from the camp, sounds of starting up machinery and strange, almost organic noises.

The camp itself strongly reminds you of grineer fortifications on the Planes near Cetus; somewhat shabby constructs mixed with reinforced firing points, turrets, and barracks. The only difference is a level of technology and, it seems, much greater sense of self-preservation. The weather conceals the finer details, but amongst the relatively normal barracks and buildings, you can spot strange, twisted structures and some sort of oversized, twisted machinery and, possibly, robotics.

How do you act?
It was strange to see the ragtag group before her scatter like snowflakes in a storm. Perhaps it was her experience clouding her judgement, but she had expected the primitives to charge at her with sticks or knifes the moment they had their guns forcefully pulled from their grasps like the suicidal Grineer marines or the indoctrinated Corpus crewmen. It was clear that these men had better self-preservation than those two factions ever had. However, they had good reason to retreat; their base was just right on the corner, and she could hear the shouts of more men and the grinding of machinery. She had to escape, gather information, fight another day, question that voice in her head telling her to kill. But first, she had to addressed the issue at hand.

Struggling to even move from the icicles sticking out from her limbs, Mag took a moment's respite to forcefully shove the ice spikes out of her system. First the arms to free her movement, then her legs for speed, and finally the torso for injuries. The process was swift, but painful. By the end, her body and the ice around her were caked in blood. Mag was still in critical condition, but she could move freely now, and in time, she would heal. But now, she must escape.

Pulling one of the primitives' weapons to her hand (a small, unassuming rifle made of tortured wood and battered metal), Mag sheathed her blade and holstered her newly acquired rifle, before retreating into the obscuring snow behind.