Now It Ends-A Robert's Rebellion NG

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It has been 282 years since Aegon's Landing. The Targaryen Dynasty has ruled the Seven Kingdoms...

It has been 282 years since Aegon's Landing. The Targaryen Dynasty has ruled the Seven Kingdoms for nearly three hundred years, enduring numerous civil wars and rebellions. But this time their luck may have run out.
Last year, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, Heir to the Throne, abducted Lady Lyanna Stark, the betrothed of Lord Robert Baratheon, mortally insulting the Starks and Baratheons, two of the most powerful Houses in the Seven Kingdoms with the same act. Lyanna's brother and the betrothed to Lady Catelyn Tully, Brandon Stark rode to King's Landing and demanded justice. He received a dungeon cell along with his companions including Elbert Arryn, the heir of the Vale. When his father, Lord Rickard Stark, rode to learn of what happened to his son he would be burned alive in his own armor while his son strangled himself on a torture device trying to save him.
King Aerys II, seeing enemies behind every corner, demanded that Lord Robert Baratheon and the new Lord Eddard Stark be presented to him. Their guardian, Lord Jon Arryn, refused and raised his banners against the King. After defeating a loyalist force at Gulltown, Lord Arryn was able to smuggle Robert Baratheon south to his seat at Storm's End where he has rallied most of the Stormlords to his cause. The new Lord-Paramount of the North, Eddard Stark, has reached his homeland and secured the support of his father's vassals. Finally, Lord Hoster Tully, after certain promises were made, agreed to lead the Riverlands against the King. Of the nine Great Houses in Westeros, four now march to overthrow a tyrant.

However, a dynasty that has endured for over two hundred-eighty years does not die easily. The lords of the Crownlands have been cowed into submission and a few lords in the Stormlands and the Riverlands, refusing to break their oaths to the Crown, have risen in support of the King and Prince Rhaegar.

Meanwhile, to the south, in the sands of Dorne, House Martell is rallying its supporters to the King's side. Though shocked by Prince's Rhaegar's abandonment of his wife, Princess Elia Martell, Prince Doran Martell cannot allow his sister and her children to be subject to the Mad King's wrath. Few in number but with great speed and cunning, the Dornishmen march north.

Also standing for the King are the vast armies of the Reach, led by House Tyrell. Sensing an opportunity to claim great power throughout Westeros Lord Mace Tyrell has placed 80,000 men at the King's command. With such a host King Aerys has vowed to burn every traitor who dares defy him.

Watching and waiting for for the right opportunity is Lord Tywin Lannister of the Westerlands. Once he was King Aerys's Hand but years of suspicion have destroyed any friendship they might have had. Tywin seeks to use the conflict for his own ends but his son and preferred heir is at the King's side as one of his Kingsguard and thus a short distance from any pyre the King could throw him on, should Aerys wish it. Still, an opening will appear, Tywin must merely wait for the right moment.

Finally, on the Iron Islands House Greyjoy, looks to the bloody dawn in the east. Lord Quellon Greyjoy is a man of peace who does not want to risk the Iron Islands against the other Great Houses. But the thought of pillaging the Greenlands is an attractive one and even his son and heir Balon urges his father to war.

And so another round of the Game of Thrones begins. And in the Game there is only one rule: win or die.

1. This is a game based on Robert's Rebellion from the Song of Ice and Fire series. I am doing this in large part because for some bloody reason or another we've never actually completed one on this forum.

2. There is a list of factions below. Please list three in order of preference when claiming Houses. And remember, not all levies are created equal. They can be stronger or weaker in certain areas.

3. War plans and Espionage plans should be submitted to me via PM, the formats for which will be listed below.

4. Each turn lasts for one week and covers three months game-time. We begin at the start of 282.

5. Please include me in all game-related PMs.

6. Have fun!

King Aerys II: NPC
House Targaryen (3,000 Horse, 20,000 Foot, 150 Ships): @Arryn
-House Velaryon: (2,000 Foot, 10 Ships) @CommandoHowitzer
House Baratheon (4,000 Horse, 20,000 Foot, 10 Ships): @triumph8w
-House Connington (800 Foot) @Orange Boy
House Stark (5,000 Horse, 25,000 Foot, 15 Ships): @EliudFS1
House Arryn (10,000 Horse, 18,000 Foot, 20 Ships): @firepelt123
House Tully (9,000 Horse, 27,000 Foot): @King Saul
House Martell (6,000 Horse, 14,000 Foot, 40 Ships): @King Tharassian
House Tyrell (30,000 Horse, 50,000 Foot, 200 Ships): @EmperorCasey
-House Florent: (2,000 Horse, 3,000 Foot) @bookwyrm
-House Hightower: (5,000 Horse, 8,000 Foot) @ByzantineCaesar
House Lannister (9,000 Horse, 26,000 Foot, 90 Ships): @Darth Invictus
House Greyjoy (20,000 Foot, 300 Longships): @Deathwing
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House Targaryen
House Tyrell
House Hightower
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Edit: on second thought, no time for this.
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1. Dondarrion
Looking for some marcher action

1. House Arryn
2. Blackwood
My traditional pick
3. Yronwood
Reverse marcher action

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House Targaryen
House Velaryon
House Tyrell

I normally avoid Westeros Games but I can try so I can do some Game of Thronesing.
Your King stands ready to make his picks.
Major Houses:

House Targaryen
House Lannister
House Dayne
Tywin, my dear friend, I am so glad your son is by my side in this dark hour!

House Targaryen
House Tyrell
House Hightower
Lord Merryweather, I give you two orders: find my scheming, back-stabbing son and DESTROY THE REBEL SCUM!

1. Dondarrion
Looking for some marcher action

1. House Arryn
2. Blackwood
My traditional pick
3. Yronwood
Reverse marcher action

This war would be unnecessary if you had obeyed my command, Lord Arryn.

Ooh a roberts rebellion game, maybe i'll play as Aerys-

King Aerys II: NPC


Major houses

1. House Baratheon
2. House Greyjoy
3. House Tyrell
I suspected you would join those wretched Starks in their rebellion, clearly I was right to demand your death.

House Targaryen
House Velaryon
House Tyrell

I normally avoid Westeros Games but I can try so I can do some Game of Thronesing.
My good Lord Tyrell, you remember the debt you owe to my House. Crush my enemies with the might of the Reach!

House Tyrell,
House Tully,
House Lannister
You should have known better than to wed traitors, Tully. I will find a new Lord for the Riverlands.

House Greyjoy

House Velaryon

House Royce
Where do your tentacles go, oh great Kraken?
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So I have no control over Aerys, but I control the rest of House Targaryen?

This will be the first time I've played the Dragonlords. It's not under the best circumstances, but we must play with the cards we are dealt. Here's hoping I can win this thing.
Alright my first real Westerosi game. Lets do this Tyrells.

Hey Casey, can you message me and be sure to tick the ability for others to be invited in as well.

I'd it myself but I'm on my phone and can't start conversations for some reason. Until the Martells are given a player or unless secondary Houses are handed out to people, you and I are the only two royalist players atm.