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Character Sheet
Maid to Love You
A Clockwork Romance

Miss Jane Eleanor Polestar
The player character. An 18 (nearly 19!) year old woman, next in line to the County of Polaris, wandering the galaxy in search of love aboard MSY Mercury. You vote on her actions, but her perspective here is limited.

Mark Butler
Miss Polestar's robotic butler, and head of the servant staff. He is tasked primarily with management, but also acts as valet to any male visitors.

Marie Lady's Maid
The viewpoint character. A newly activated robotic servant who acts as Miss Polestar's lady's maid. Though witty and sharp, some quirk of her construction has intensified both her physical and emotional sensitivity. Is inexplicably French.

Pierre Chef
Miss Polestar's robotic cook, responsible for the kitchen and larder. He is noted to have loose association with many lovers in many ports.

Tom Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handyman, who also helps to maintain the other machines.

Tessa Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handywoman, who is hired later in the story. She has greatly modified her own body, and has a complicated history.

Hans Messenger
Miss Polestar's robotic messenger, who manages the mail, prints newspapers, delivers messages, and manages the property of guests. Is inexplicably German.

Amber Housemaid
Miss Polestar's robotic housemaid, who keeps MSY Mercury clean and tidy. Noted to have two large, orange headlamp eyes. Is inexplicably American.

Polly Kitchen Maid
Miss Polestar's robotic kitchen maid, who assists Pierre in making food. Also the head of the serving staff's union, a position she does not take very seriously.

Content Warning
This quest is an erotic romance. There will be sexual content, and it will not be separated from the main text or spoiler tagged. You have been warned.
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[X] Show her she can trust you - You might not have done what she sent you out here to do, but you think she should take a look at what you have done.

[X] Be Firm - You're an adult now, and given a couple months, Pages like Petals will be able to keep you afloat while you study at the university. If push comes to shove, she can't stop you.
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[X] Be Firm - You're an adult now, and given a couple months, Pages like Petals will be able to keep you afloat while you study at the university. If push comes to shove, she can't stop you.

Jane's an adult and asking for her mum's approval provides the option for her to disapprove. Better to make it clear this is happening, and she'd best come to peace with it.
[X] Be Firm - You're an adult now, and given a couple months, Pages like Petals will be able to keep you afloat while you study at the university. If push comes to shove, she can't stop you.

As I said, given the dynamics here, coming to her as a daughter trying to win her approval for this relationship to happen is just going to fix her into the mindset that she can give such approval - and, more importantly, take it away if displeased. Jane needs to make it clear that no, she is an adult now and has made certain choices that are hers, and which she will not be dissuaded from. Yes, that will likely lead to a blazing row - but better to have that fight once and never need it again than to continue, potentially for years, without changing that paradigm of maternal control. This is the single best time to change it; the cleanest and clearest disconnect. Let it remain and it will dig its hooks in and be that much harder to pry out.
[X] Be Firm - You're an adult now, and given a couple months, Pages like Petals will be able to keep you afloat while you study at the university. If push comes to shove, she can't stop you.
[X] Show her she can trust you - You might not have done what she sent you out here to do, but you think she should take a look at what you have done.
I'm glad the voting's still open now my ADHD has let me focus long enough to actually read this update, and aaaaa I'm so happy to be back in this big gay world aaaaa

[X] Show her she can trust you - You might not have done what she sent you out here to do, but you think she should take a look at what you have done.

Seems like the most reasonable/adult option without expecting and potentially escalating confrontation. Also the most interesting option of the ones given, in my view.
I thought sv didn't allow sex and stuff?
SV lets you do things significantly more explicit than what's in this story.
Content which has mature themes and which might be available in restricted distribution - for example, the Kushiel's Legacy series of books, or Game of Thrones episodes on HBO (where sex and violence are explicit, but still form part of a larger body of work) - you cannot post images, and you must tag text content (with the Mature prefix for stories and quests that contain it), but, if handled in a mature and appropriate way, it will be acceptable on Sufficient Velocity.

E.g. Explicit depictions of adult sexual activity, rape, dismemberment, or other severe physical injury.
[X] Be Firm - You're an adult now, and given a couple months, Pages like Petals will be able to keep you afloat while you study at the university. If push comes to shove, she can't stop you.
GYAAAAHHHH finally caught up! Right in the nick of time too!
[x] Show her she can trust you - You might not have done what she sent you out here to do, but you think she should take a look at what you have done.

My first instinct, to be sure, is to be That Kid - the "unapologetically queer, bordering on (if not openly) antagonistic to the olds and their delicate fucking sensibilities" type that a bunch of families are likely gonna be facing in the next few days. But that's me, and Jane is a sweetheart who doesn't actively want to piss off her mom ... yet, anyway. Trust seems like the right option for her, and as previously stated the best face-saving option for Momma P if she doesn't go the 'dishonour on your cow' route.

Also, I'm so glad that voting is still open on this (I've spent the last 5 days bouncing around every entry in this universe, and it's already my brand-new favourite)
Mmm.... Aleph sways me. I'd go for Trust absent other thoughts, but this will do.

[X] Be Firm - You're an adult now, and given a couple months, Pages like Petals will be able to keep you afloat while you study at the university. If push comes to shove, she can't stop you.

Might be good to point out things like 'we successfully explored an alien space station on our own, made $ on it', and such, to prove we're able to stand on our own.
Oh wow this is back!

[X] Be Firm

Because of there's anything a mother is going to believe, it's that their baby girl is grown up/s
Hnnnnnnngg—! [screams internally] :eek2::wat2:

[] Respond to her opening volley with a disarming hug.
[] Validate her feelings.
-[] "Mother, I love you. And I know you love me. I understand that you're angry because you love me, and you're afraid of what might happen to me if I go down this path. Now, would you like to understand my perspective?"
-[] If she's receptive, show her she can trust you, and then appeal to sentiment.
-[] If not (or if she is at first but then stops being so), be firm.
--[] "I would like to have your approval, but I do not require it. There is nothing you can do to dissuade me from this path, up to and including disowning me. And so, dear mother, the choice you have before you is this: will you stick to your guns and break up this family…or will you accept your daughter for the person she is, even though that's quite different from the person you expected her to be?"

Something like that??? :confused: I don't really see a downside of starting with a gentler option and then retreating to "be firm" if it doesn't work. Like, have that trump card ready, and draw strength and courage from its presence, but don't open with it. We (Jane) should keep in mind that Mom probably won't be willing to deescalate, but we should still give her the chance. That way, we maintain 100% of the moral high ground, so if it does go tits up, we can honestly tell ourselves, our sister, and anyone who asks, that we did everything we could.
I agree with RusselsSilvrware on this, I think there's no reason not to start of gentle and resort to being firmer if needed, so that's what I'll go with:

[] Respond to her opening volley with a disarming hug.
[] Validate her feelings.
-[] "Mother, I love you. And I know you love me. I understand that you're angry because you love me, and you're afraid of what might happen to me if I go down this path. Now, would you like to understand my perspective?"
-[] If she's receptive, show her she can trust you, and then appeal to sentiment.
-[] If not (or if she is at first but then stops being so), be firm.
--[] "I would like to have your approval, but I do not require it. There is nothing you can do to dissuade me from this path, up to and including disowning me. And so, dear mother, the choice you have before you is this: will you stick to your guns and break up this family…or will you accept your daughter for the person she is, even though that's quite different from the person you expected her to be?"
I didn't expect to catch up on this so quickly, either, hhh.
But I suppose I can vote, if only because it's a little hilarious that it's still open after apparently 53 days,

[X] Show her she can trust you - You might not have done what she sent you out here to do, but you think she should take a look at what you have done.

Frankly, the fact that she's done this at all shows a striking level of maturity, she's shown remarkable initiative (including selling an actual, Literal Planet), she hasn't allowed fear or tradition to keep her from making the Hard Fuckening Decisions, she's managed herself, her funds, and her ship rather admirably, and she's proven herself willing to give her mother the benefit of the doubt despite the trouble and stress it will cause her.

As much as I'm all for telling momma to fuck off, take it or leave it, I think there's value in the probing and finding out how trustworthy she is in the exchange. Fear of losing her daughter from an outright 'This is how it's gonna be' could lead to a simmering-beneath-the-surface situation, and eventual blind-siding by the devil Jane don't know.

All that said, I'm pretty confident it'll be fine lmao

(of course, this has also been lovely, great work you two. these doofuses are adorable and i can and will die for them)
Voting is open