MAGNUM OPUS: An Apocalyptic Cyberpunk-Fantasy Quest

[X] Plan: Hells Service
Gonna go ahead and lock: results are, according to a brief perusal of the tally, male techie who works at Zenith and has access to demon summoning magic. Dunno if I'll finish the update today: if not, it'll probably be posted during the weekend.
[X] The Techie: Your career had started in the gangs, funding your own personal research lab by serving as their tech guy: dirty business, but there was nothing you wouldn't do to change the world. Eventually, you had realized you needed more support than just what the mafia could provide, and you got a legit research job: you weren't done with your old associates, of course. You had one last favor banked: blackmail was an ugly business, even if the target deserved it, but it got you your position, and you could do so much good from where you were at.
-[X] Male
[X] Zenith Inc: Zenith had been founded ten years ago, quickly rising to prominence for its catalogue of advanced consumer technology: Mag-Lev public transport, advanced GMO crops, Zenith even produced the most sophisticated consumer AI's on the market. Their deal with you had been simple: you wanted a lab, they wanted a teacher. You'd have to spend some of your time working at Robert Serreno University as a professor, but in exchange, you'd get your own small little fief, where you could work on projects at your leisure so long as test scores remained high.
[X] Goetic Scroll: Penned by Solomon himself, this scroll details the summoning of spirits and creation of supernal contracts. Bound in heavy parchment and adorned with chains, this scroll allows for communion with beings far beyond mortal power. Take heed, however, lest you call up what you cannot cast down.
[X] The Techie: Your career had started in the gangs, funding your own personal research lab by serving as their tech guy: dirty business, but there was nothing you wouldn't do to change the world. Eventually, you had realized you needed more support than just what the mafia could provide, and you got a legit research job: you weren't done with your old associates, of course. You had one last favor banked: blackmail was an ugly business, even if the target deserved it, but it got you your position, and you could do so much good from where you were at.
-[X] Male
[X] Zenith Inc: Zenith had been founded ten years ago, quickly rising to prominence for its catalogue of advanced consumer technology: Mag-Lev public transport, advanced GMO crops, Zenith even produced the most sophisticated consumer AI's on the market. Their deal with you had been simple: you wanted a lab, they wanted a teacher. You'd have to spend some of your time working at Robert Serreno University as a professor, but in exchange, you'd get your own small little fief, where you could work on projects at your leisure so long as test scores remained high.
[X] Goetic Scroll: Penned by Solomon himself, this scroll details the summoning of spirits and creation of supernal contracts. Bound in heavy parchment and adorned with chains, this scroll allows for communion with beings far beyond mortal power. Take heed, however, lest you call up what you cannot cast down.