Magi-Tech Power Armor Creation, Super Hero Manager:Riot Quest

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You are a newly formed hero corporation. Among the expansive universe logistics is quite...
Turn 1 (The real turn one!)
The interviewing process is expensive, hosting a video conference still requires an expensive mixture of magic and technology to get faster than light data and maintaining it is not cheap either, but it remains cheaper than paying gates fees over and over to interview people in person. Eventually your employee owned company was able to narrow it down to three real choices. Frank in this sense had an unfair advantage, already there existed some media of him fighting in mage duels, and he already had a small fan base. This added material to his resume in a way that the others simple did not. However that was only one factor, another was that he wasn't a solider or warrior quite the way the other were.

He was a little bit punk kid, a little bit gladiator, and a little bit damn dangerous mage. Which is a little closer to what the perfect pilot is. After all you have to build a brand not just be mercenaries. So it is Frank Strange that you decide to hire. Simply put your trying to build a legend and he seems to be the only one that really wants to be one.

As he walks onto the small battle cruiser your operating out of, he wears the largest grin anyone working there has ever seen. Green fire dances around his fingers as he twitches, walking down the ships corridors. The first time he sees the suite he spends a solid five minutes jumping up and down in excitement before calming down so that he could wear.

As your team of technicians helps him step into the full suite he slowly starts to walk and adjust to it before shouting. "YOoooo MY BOYZ! I love it! Can we paint it black?! With like green flames or like keep the white with like black and green flames?!" He draws the sword from the back giving the blade a few unskilled choppy swings.
"Yoo, sweet, can we like enchant the blade so we can get my magical, acidic fire to channel through it? Maybe like some ranged options, some defensive stuff, or stealth or like, I don't know I'm sure you guys, girls and sharks know what your doing after all, but like I'm not like a ninja, so maybe we need to do something about that?"

You spend the day helping him learn the suite and learning more about his own powers and skills. He has trained as a battle mage, but relying upon his armored jacket for protection, so his defensive magic is rather weak, however his offensive magic, is a mana ray that conjures acid with it, a flammable acid at that. So it ends up being burning magic acid ray in total. He is a bit of a glass canon, of course the power armor helps with that a lot but it is something to keep in mind with his skill set. He also has never used a sword before which is aside from his magic the suites only weaponry.

As a new corporation your forced to take low value contracts that others didn't want they will time out eventually as you ignore or complete them. So make sure to keep finding more, and to feel free to seek out more information on the contracts right now you know terrible little which means Frank is going to make his decision off of what little you currently know.

Current Contracts:

Steal a Capital Ship: A set of famous pirates have somehow got their hands on a massive capital ship that they have been using to make even engaging with a fleet dangerous, the mission is to retake after boarding in a special missile.


Kill a problematic "Hero":Another corporation had a hero go rogue taking their suite with them. They don't want to send one of their own after him in fear they may join him. All they will tell you is that he is in a heavy suite that is only about 30% upgraded.
Delta Orionis

Kill a mega corporation president: He owns a fleet that are all high security prison ships, and uses his wealth and influence to push nations and local planets into laws that will provide more prisoners and thus more need for his fleet.
Achelois Nebula

End a Siege: A small planet has been under siege for weeks, their energy shields stop orbital bombardments but ground forces have tunneled underneath and are attacking their capital
Sagittarius Galaxy

Company Fame 1
Hero Fame (Frank): 3

He was a poor child who has climbed the ranks in various mage battle arenas or game shows of magical skill. However his tiny bit of fame hasn't been what he was wanted what people really care about are the "heroes" so he decided to take his power and fame to the next level so one day the whole universe will chant his name.
Cost: 30MGP
Full Battle Mage: A fully trained battle mage, he has a dozen powerful spells to his name that serve a fairly wide variety of uses, as well as traditional blasting. He is already incredibly dangerous as a powerful (if not arch mage) mage.

Burning Magical Acid: Not that frank has been hired you have learned more about him and his combat style, you know that he has powerful magical attacks in the form of rays of magical acid inside a mana ray, that is also on fire.

Style: His fighting style and choices are always theatrical with his desire to be a huge star. Say what you will about it's practicality, but damn it it won't help rake in money from side projects.

Wants to be famous: Will take the mission he feels has the biggest audience.

By a bit of luck you have been offered the chance to test a new top of the line highly modular prototype it's expensive for it's lack of features at the moment, it does however offer a clean slate with a lot of potential. It is on the other hand being sold on the condition of testing, you will have to send data from all of it's missions and it may have glitches of malfunctions yet undiscovered.
Cost: 50MGP

Complexity (0 of 5)

Battery (0 of 5)











-FREE 0 Slot Component:
Mono Edged Swords, capable of slicing through most traditional materials.
Prototype: Failed rolls to create or upgrade modules may in addition to their normal effects also cause some form of glitch or error in the next mission that may range from simply humorous to possibly life threatening. As well it can not be used on secret missions without greatly upsetting the corporation that designed it, since they want data from it being used in live conditions.
Medium Weight: This suite tries to strike a balance between protection and speed. It offers better protection than a light suite at only a small cost to speed and maneuverability, which can more than be made up for with components. Medium weight is generally considered the best all round choice with the other sizes only being good for specialist.
Cutting Edge: As a brand new suite it features all the newest in construction methods and materials, it gains a moderate bonus to all missions and fights against other suites where it's technological and magical edge can shine.
Modular: All rolls to create or improve components gain +1 dice due to its design with upgrading in mind.

Science and Magic Actions

Train a Hero
-[] Try to add a or upgrade magic related trait
-[] Try to add or upgrade a technology related trait

Add a component to Excalibur
-[] Write in Magical component (0 of 5)
-[] Write in Technological component(0 of 5)

Upgrade an existing component

-[] Write in improvement to magical component (None Yet)
-[] Write in improvement to technological component: Sword

Business Actions
-[]Gather new low value/risk contracts(easy)
-[]Gather new medium value/risk contracts (medium)
-[]Gather new high value/risk contracts(hard)

-[] Remove a contract: Which one

-[] Preform underground style PR (free): (Using the equivalent of YouTube and Facebook to try to start a fan base)
-[]Preform Low Cost PR (Cost 5): Small advertisements and digital presence
-[] Preform Medium Cost PR (Cost 20): Much larger multi media blitz
-[] Preform High Cost PR (Cost 50): Huge PR blitz on everything you can think of

-[] Write in: Try to capitalize on fame for money

Political Actions

-[] Research a contract: Reach out to contacts and data banks to discover more of the truth behind a contract
-[] Organize various support for a contract : Think air support, artillery, even occasionally infantry.

-[] Develop better relations with someone you have done a contract for:(Which one)

-[] Discover competing corporations
-[] Research a known competitor

-[] Organize a small amount of sabotage on another corporation cost 5 (Which one)
-[] Organize a medium amount of sabotage on another corporation cost 20 (Which one)
-[] Organize a large amount of sabotage on another corporation cost 50 (Which one)
Zedalb threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Magic Sword Training Total: 60
4 4 8 8 4 4 7 7 8 8 2 2 6 6 5 5 3 3 6 6 3 3 4 4
Zedalb threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Magic Sword Training Total: 34
1 1 5 5 2 2 5 5 7 7 2 2 8 8 4 4
Zedalb threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Blink Total: 19
3 3 9 9 7 7
Zedalb threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Magical defence Total: 10
3 3 7 7
Zedalb threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Remove a contract Total: 25
8 8 3 3 5 5 6 6 3 3
Zedalb threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Ablative Armor Total: 76
8 8 2 2 10 10 5 5 1 1 10 10 4 4 5 5 8 8 7 7 10 10 6 6
Zedalb threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Ablative Armor Total: 34
4 4 1 1 2 2 5 5 10 10 3 3 2 2 7 7
Zedalb threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Magic Shield Total: 67
8 8 5 5 2 2 6 6 10 10 1 1 6 6 4 4 7 7 6 6 9 9 3 3
Zedalb threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Magic Shield Total: 27
2 2 8 8 4 4 10 10 3 3
Zedalb threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Reaserch a contract Total: 18
9 9 4 4 5 5
Zedalb threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: support for a contract Total: 31
7 7 6 6 10 10 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3
Zedalb threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: support for a contract Total: 22
6 6 1 1 6 6 9 9
Discord for riot quest
So I recently got a paetron backer for my riot quest. Which was not something I had ever considered happening to be honestly I had mostly forgotten it existed anyway, after a writing sabbatical I took.

So I created a discord for all quest I plan to create, (lets be honesty 95% of those will be riot).

Where I will be discussing this riot quest, future riot quest and my pateron and what monetizing these endeavors should look like.

Riot quest a very niche section of literature and I feel that my experiments in it have not just an entertainment value but possibly even value for expanding the art and discovering what can be done with it and what should be done with it.

Anyway here is the link.

Join the Zedalb (Questing) Discord Server!
With a Single Step the Journey of Ten Thousand Begins
Any thoughts or statement belonging to Jeff which could be construed as being about the nature in the magic within the setting could be delusions, common knowledge, religious beliefs, metaphor or objective fact earned through 2 odd decades of continuous study and singlemindef devotion.

USER=4348]@Zedalb[/USER] if you feel inclined to threadmark this I would apprecieate the title "With a Single Step the Journey of Ten Thousand Begins", if you feel that lacks brevity or threadmarks have a character cap then "The Way of the Sword" is fine. If you think it's tastelessly grandious then that's what I was going for, but "Some Mall-Ninja Tomfoolery" will suffice.

Ten Thousand Blades knelt at peace in the small partitioned off section of cargo hold he had set aside to conduct the lessons he had immediately scheduled when he discovered that the hero his corporation had voted to hire had no experience with the Sword, ruminating on the dire need for such. Teaching at least the first steps of the Way to those Heroes the corporation hired which it expected to perform in CQC would have been required eventually of course, but the need was moved to an immediate one when it became apparent that Mr. Strange had no experience with the Sword, it temporarily being the only Suite-Grade weapon available.

He stirred when his meditations were interrupted by an approaching Aura. Frank's dwarfed his own while his Sword was Unsheathed but such was to be expected, as Frank was a qualified BattleMage while Ten Thousand Blades had very little in the way of inborn magical ability. Every mote of Mana that burned in his Soul had been wrenched painfully step by step on the Path he had chosen.

Ten Thousand Blades focused his Inner World momentarily, bringing into focus the wild aura which approached him. It was a Corrosive and acrid imposition on his senses, Burning fiercely in a way that would fill the Reflection around him with Light were it not for the billowing Smoke it exuded.

He flinched, then slowly began to stand.

He would need to buy more sage.

Frank entered the improvised dojo, and looked askance at the strange juxtaposition of setting and man that greeted him. The floor was the bare metal of the hold, the walls modular hastily but precisely hung with silk, the ceiling the same silk supported with rope. Before him was a man slowly rising from his knees, eyes closed and hands clasped together before him, wearing nothing but a faded pair of jeans, a lanyard with an ID on it, and a handlebar mustache.

Ten Thousand Blades for his part, began speaking as soon as the curtain was parted.

"My name is A Single Thrust Thrown, TEN THOUSAND BLADES ADVANCE. While in the dojo, you are to refer to me as Sifu, outside of it Ten Thousand Blades will suffice if brevity is of import. Other Decorum may for now be set aside until I have time to teach you, given the urgency of the task laid before us. Please hang up your jacket, you will have no need of it until you are capable of forcing me to cut you."

A thousand thoughts fought for attention in Frank's mind as he tried to reconcile his teachers words and appearance, but what came to his mind was what he thought looking at the ID.

"Nametag says Jeff, my D00d"

A flash of irritation brushed Ten Thousand Blades face as he opened his eyes.

"A momentary confusion on the part of Human Resources due to an ongoing wound struck me by my Father, it is being rectified. Again, it is Sifu. Were I conducting these lessons as I would wish to, we would begin by a History of the Way of the Sword so that you could understand the enormity of the task before you. Were I conducting these lessons as I would wish to, you would be trained alongside others taking their first steps so that you could have sparring partners capable of testing you truly. Were I conducting these lessons as I would wish to, we would be standing in a properly purified Dojo so that you could better sense and hone the growing Sword-Aura within you instead of this hastily put together thing, bleeding through and stinking with our surroundings."

Frank started at his last comments. This little tent was the cleanest feeling place he could remember outside of medical facilities, making the old stomping grounds seem like a dump in comparison.

"Alas, but Haste is the word of Hour. We find ourselves with a Suite who's only Armament is the Sword, and a Hero who has not yet began his Way, in desperate need to take to the field to pay for it all. I will put aside for now the opening speech I would normally give a new student, and instead make a series of simple promises."

Frank turned from the coat rack, glad that his back had been to the man when he rolled his eyes. This was him SKIPPING the speeches?

"You seek Power. This is not the Way, but you will attain it in the Way's Pursuit.
You seek Fortune. This is not the Way, but you will attain it in the Way's Pursuit.
But most of all, You seek Glory. This is not the Way, but you will attain it in the Way's Pursuit.

I cannot promise you that you will attain the fullness of the Way, but I can promise that I will do my damndest to insure that if you do not it is your own Failing. Now, retrieve the training Sword waiting for you there, and we will Begin."

Frank snatched the stick from it's stand and turned to face Jeff, who he just now noticed was holding a similar sword.

"Real quick bruh, what spell is making me hear those capitals? Might help with the ladies."

Ten Thousand Blades shifted suddenly and though he remained standing yards away from Frank and though there was but a wooden training sword in his hand, a light cut just deep enough to bead appeared on Franks thigh in a spot where his pants were tfashionably pre-ripped.

"That is the lightest wound you will ever receive for forgetting the only piece of Decorum I have set upon you."

"The FUCK man, you think you're hot shit with yo consultant ass."

Ten Thousand Blades smiled and moved his Sword before him as the once clear Reflection of their section of hold began to fill with Acid and Fire.

"No. I think that despite your bluster you know quite well that if you assault a trainer with you customary Magic you'll risk losing the best job you've ever had, and I Know that as you are now you are incapable of Cutting me and shall remain so at least until you have Attained Oneness-With-The-Sword. As it stands, you have yet to even Draw your Sword"

Frank looked at the sword in his hands, confused by the words of the crazy redneck in front of him.

"Br..Sifu, I got the sword in my hand right now, besides the robot and techie dude just set up my training schedule this morning, the hell am I supposed to attain oneness with the sword before I know how to swing it."

Ten Thousand Blades contemplated solemnly for a moment. Though his students words lacked respect the question at their core was a common and serious one.

"If you learn nothing from all time spent here, if you discount my every teaching as foolishness, if you put down the Sword forever, remember this:

The Sword that can be Held is not the True Sword."

"The fuck's that mean?"

Ten Thousand Blades smiled, and Drew His Sword.


In a burst of blinding Light all Smoke, and Acid, and Fire, and Peace was driven from the hold around them.

"Let us Begin, My Dude."
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Ablative armor
Here's an omake for you, @Zedalb
With thanks to @codeRR for co-writing this.


Tobias looks over the requisitioned 'tech lab'- really just a larger than normal cargo hold -that shared a space with the resident mall ninja's 'dojo'. A few curses from the companies creatively dictional hero bouncing off the metal walls bringing a grin to the mechanics face as he finishes inspecting the various programs and machinery necessary to maintaining and improving the prototype Excalibur suite.
"Everthin's runnin' alright looks like, all da bits're bobbed and no loose wires hangin' out waitin' ta be snarled." Tobi scratches at his beard as he admires the suites schematics on display "But installin' mods to this thing's gonna be an interestin' challenge."

"Indeed, the Excalibur needs some improvement to make it more user friendly" Henry said as he sipped on his enclosed can of coke, his mjolnir necklace dangling down from his shirt. The engineer was looking over some blue prints they were sent over by the company with an unhappy look on his face.
"It's going to need at least two people to be working on a mod, each!" He shook his head "Dang thing was over speced for what it's suppose to do, they went more for 'be good and empty' but not enough 'user friendly' " he complained as he took apart the latest redesign of the armor mod the two were working on on the laptop he was working as he laid against a crate of unpacked materials.

"Well, Doc, least it's a blank slate." Tobias cracks open another can of brew. "Can't tell ya how many times we 'ad ta tear apart our hardware just ta fix the damn things back in the day. Military contractor bullshite that was." The aging engineer punctuates his statement with a loud quaff of sub-par beer. "This though. This lovely madame is all nice an' clean right from the start." Tobias waves over to where the physical suite is hooked into a maintenance cradle. "She'll take some finesse'n, sure, but once we refine the systems we want ta be installin' she'll be the prettiest girl at the ball."
"Now, what if we reduce the surface area of the ablative segments by about thirty percent. Could we manage ta tesselate the plates properly without impactin' range of motion?" Tobi asks as he leans back towards his own work computer.

Henry nodded and rapidly typed up, then lifting a finger to send the new print over to Tobias "On that note I noticed after the 4th test" he continued as the new print popped up with arrows and info at the shoulder parts "the right shoulder is just a tad thinner then we thought, I'm worried about small variations if that's the case with all of the suit."
The doctor stretched from his seat "As for the segments, I think we could get away with twenty-five percent honestly, that is if we leave small openings around the joints and such. It's risky I know" he reassures "but for a first go through I think it's the best way were gonna get for this first round about. After all we can refine the design afterwards."

Tobias nods along with Henry's explanation. "And if we add a ballistic weave under the plates we could minimize risk ta the joints, while also amelioratin' the shoulder. We'll have ta make sure ta keep an eye on that goin' forward, I'd love ta beef up any discrepancies before sendin' Frank out but we're on a time crunch as it is."
Making a few extra notations to the proposed schematics, Tobi sends a copy back to the doctor. "Alright, if you agree this is the best we can do at the moment we should get the 3D printers runnin'. If you could make sure the alloy printer get's the mix right, I'll handle the weave."

The doctor looked it over with the notations before nodding slowly "I'll get the mix going, had to learn to use the thing when I was thinking of a new material for the blade before you showed me this" he said as he hopped off the crate, crushing the can and tossing it to the can with a FOOSH.
"By the way Tobias" he said suddenly "what do you think on a name for the module? I know we can just call it the Ablative Armor Module but you gotta think it deserves a better name then that right?" He asked him as he walked over towards the required machine, connecting and inputting the commands as the machine came to a groaning start.
"Think the name Pridwen or Aegis System sounds better?"
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Ablative armor 2
Speaking of omake

Testing and troubles

Camera starts up with Henry snapping his fingers in front of it
"Alright camera up, this is test 27 on the Ablative Armor System model made by me and Tobias. Now I was able to pull Benji out of the dojo just for a bit to help out."
He turns away from the camera saying loudly "Thanks again Benji!" Before he turned the camera towards the experimental pilot who waved and Tobias who was on computer duty
"Were doing a shoulder armor ejection with manual commands, once we got that worked we'll move to automatic."
Henry moves up to Benji asking about if he's comfortable, everything strapped on and checking sensors on him before moving back behind the camera and yelling "READY BENJI?" To which the man gives a thumbs up
"Alright in 3...2….1-"
the white piece ejects off fine but the force of the ejection was way too intense as the pilot was thrown straight into the wall with a loud CRASH as he slumped against the wall
"Test failure, ejection system just sent Benji into the wall with the force of a rhino charge"
Henry sighs and pinches his nose as in the distance a "I'm ok!" could be faintly heard in the background.
"I'm glad we took those safety precautions" Henry muttered before turning off the camera.

Thanks to the recordings they had made during testing they were able to pinpoint the error in the ejection system that caused Benji to launched, apparently the module had overcompensated for Benji's weight due to an overly sensitive sensor.

Camera turns on as Henry backs up from it
"Alrighty, just to put on the record I'm running this test solo as Benji has his own assignment and Tobias is tweaking some of the Excalibur's arm plate settings. So just me and you camera."
Henry moved over and placed himself within the Excalibur and for the next minute stretched and made sure everything was ready
"Test number 29, auto ejection on the leg plates. Once I press the button the 5-second timer will start and then auto eject the plates as if it took damage in live combat. On my mark timer will start. Mark"
After about 5 seconds the left leg's plate went off but the right plate did not. Henry looked down on it and waited a few seconds before his shoulders slumped and he lifted the leg up to take a step forward, but the plate finally decided to go off which threw the leg back and caused him to spin mid-air for a moment and hit the ground with a CLANG
"...I'm ok" he groaned from his position on the ground.

He had identified that particular problem from the ejection system having a delayed response to the ejection command sent out.
Watched Iron Man 1 again and thought what the heck why not
@Zedalb, Omake for the magic shield module.

Victor walked up to the door of a repurposed cargo hold and waited as a golem standing by the door scanned him and sent a message to its master.

"Master Avius is waiting for you. You may enter."

As Victor entered the ex-cargo hold, he marvelled at the amount of magical equipment that was already in place for the new workshop, and the number of high-quality reagents and materials for both rituals and manufacture of magical items.

"Ah, Victor, over here." He heard a voice call out from behind a larger piece of equipment that he thought was used for analysis of conceptual effects of materials, and saw a robed man standing over a work bench.

"Victor, what do think of this spell matrix for generating a semi-spherical shape?" The robed man, who he assumed to be Avius, asked.

"It looks like it will produce a near perfect spherical shape, but the crossover at the foci of the matrix looks like it will induce a weak point in the field. What if you use a Halevy circuit instead?"

"Well spotted, and a good idea indeed, lets try it." He switched out the component and started walking back in preparation for a test of the system. "Activating in three, two, one."

The module started producing sound and light, and a field erupted, covering the entire workbench. Avius shot off a mana ray at the shield, it was not very effective…

"Ha! It works." Avius laughed "What should we call it?"

"Well, it sort of looks like a hamster ball?" Replied Victor.

"What? Are you suggesting we call this masterpiece of a suite module The mighty hamster ball!?"

"We could always go with something more technical like Omnidirectional thaumic protective field…"

"Eh, good enough for now, we'll see if marketing can come up with something better in the future."
Turn 2: The first mission
[X]Train a hero
-[x] Frank
-[x] Try to add a or upgrade magic related trait
-[x] "Way of the Sword"
Magic: 6/Sage of Swords
[X]Train a hero
-[x] Frank
-[X] Swordsmanship
@Astra Myst/NA
Tech stat:3
Technology: 6/battle-hardened AI
-Above rolls fused as omake bonus omake also gave +1reroll threshold and +2 dice.

Frank throws his blade in the way of a sword strike in a method that can best be described as feeble. The fist that crashes into his nose a moment later is an important reminder for something. He isn't quite sure what getting punched in face was supposed to teach him but damned if he wasn't going to learn and kick this old mans ass. It won't even be his fault, he told him to do it!. Frank is quite proud of his logic before the stream of information resumes itself in his ear. The AI giving him "helpful" tips, rather over specific though. "Move your left foot 2.6 Millimeters to the right" What is he supposed to do with that knowledge while being stabbed at? However brute effort is worth something at the end of a few days of this he feels more competent with a blade in his hands, not quite skilled but experience is worth something to him at least. (Trait added)

[X]Train a hero
-[x] Frank
-[X] Try to add a or upgrade magic related trait
-[X] Blinking [Aka short range teleportation, to blink away from attacks and into advantageous positions to attack]
Magic:3/Failed Magician Bunny


Frank studies the basics and theory but short range teleportation is trickier than one would expect, and it is already very tricky. He makes some minor progress but it's very minor. (Trait added)

[X]Train a hero
-[x] Frank
-[x] Try to add a or upgrade magic related trait
-[x] Magical Defenses

Magic: 2/Experimental Test Pilot


While you try to shore up his defenses your talking about balancing out more than a decade of focused study and that simply isn't happening quickly. With a few books on "my first defensive spell" he starts to study the theory behind protective magic again and makes some small progress (Trait added)

(omake X2)
[X]Add a component to Excalibur
-[X] Ablative Armor Systems.
Tech:3/ /Theological Engineer
Tech:6/Retired Combat Engineer
omakes bonus gave +1reroll threshold and +5 dice.

The ablative armor project goes amazingly well, in a short few days you have added a light weight but incredibly strong second layer of armor that not only can take several hits from most weapons but when the structural integrity of the part gets to low it will fire off in the direction of the last thing to hit it. The system is of great quality and you thinking upgrading it much more will be difficult. (new component added)

[X] Add a component to a suite
-[X] Omnidirectional thaumic protective field
--[X] A magical shield that Avius developed specifically for the cutting edge technologies and systems within the Excalibur prototype.
--[X] Provides protection from all directions when active.
Magic:6/Famous magic researcher
Magic: 4/ Magi-tech Researcher
omake bonus gave +1reroll threshold and +2 dice.

The energy shield comes out very well. You manage to make it quite strong and very close to the system and incorporate it in such a way that it will shrink closer to the armor after the ablative armor comes off. It durable enough to need sustained fire or some really big hits to bring down. It's fairly strong and would be difficult to improve much more. -3MGC

[X] Research a contract: Reach out to contacts and data banks to discover more of the truth behind a contract
-[X] Steal a Capital Ship: A set of famous pirates have somehow got their hands on a massive capital ship that they have been using to make even engaging with a fleet dangerous, the mission is to retake after boarding in a special missile.
Politics:3/Newly-graduated publicist

"The pirates are trying to auction off the ship to the highest bidder you can expect various other factions in the area who will see whatever happens on the mission"

[X] Remove a contract: Which one
- [X] Kill A Problematic Hero
Business: 3/Corporate Spy
Business:2/ Researcher, Informant, & Chessmaster

Contract removed for this turn and next.

-[X] Organize various support for a contract: Think air support, artillery, even occasionally infantry.
--[X] Organize support for mission Steal a Capital Ship. Prepare a team that'll infiltrate the ship beforehand that'll help Frank move inside the ship (provide maps, open secured doors, "not notice" a random ninja, etc), and fly it towards safety. They'll also film it for our (and Frank's!) PR.
Politics: 6/ former secret agent

You are able to work with the originator of the contract to have a series of small high tech drones built into the boarding missile so that they can hack and operate cameras and provide various small support.

-[X] Preform underground style PR (free): (Using the equivalent of YouTube and Facebook to try to start a fan base)

Business 4/Professional Bureaucrat

You manage to get a small number more people watching the stream for the coming mission and with the cameras being added by the previous action get a nice synergy bonus.

Steal a Capital Ship: A set of famous pirates have somehow got their hands on a massive capital ship that they have been using to make even engaging with a fleet dangerous, the mission is to retake after boarding in a special missile.

Learning that their was even more people watching cemented franks choice on which mission to take. Your met outside the gate before warping into Peleus solar system by your employer. The dock a small shuttle and give you the boarding missile and have even installed some small security drones in it that are capable of hacking small parts of the ship, as well as providing an audio and video feed. They won't be of much use in combat, but they can provide some information in real time. They set up a conference room on your ship where the live feeds can be watched by everyone who wants to and hook up the suits camera systems as well.

Once everything is settled your ship flies through the warp gate, simply entering one space and instantly exiting another. Even as your partially through you fire the boarding missile as you vent some heat, energy and trash. With the energy signature from the gate and the various small things that fly through with you by random chance it hides the missile until it's close. However the pirate fleet sees the missile once it's close and starts to return fire. An awaiting fleet from your contractor surrounds your ship. In a matter of seconds your shields are connected to theirs making a large energy wall that the pirates are firing into with lasers plasma and explosives most of which are enhanced by magic.

As the life pod crashes through the hull of the pirate capital ship frank hears his comms go off. "Okay frank, you were detected, your on the clock, step one go disable their weapons" Frank steps out of the pod the drones break free of the spots designed to hold them and start to fly ahead of him examining different corridors and mapping out the ship on his hud.

One drone stays right above his head and follows him. He gives a small nod to it. "All right little buddy, you staying with me, that's cool, lets rock shall we?" Frank shrugs his shoulders a few time testing the mobility of his suit and starts to run down the corridor of the ship. Plain steel walls on both sides with door ways on either side the ship has a simple interior, so as he runs he watches his map expand quickly as the drones fly and relay information to him.

Suddenly he comes under fire a barrage of automatic laser weapons start to wear down his shield. Pirates un-uniformed foes using the door ways as cover as they unleash rapid blast of energy into his shield system. Frank unleashes great beams of burning green acidic fire at them from each hand. A human flame thrower charging to close the distance. As he approaches they scream and then their is silence and only melted corpses and steel. He has no time to rest, a drone is shot down and sends it's last image to him, a much larger group is approaching him from behind, they have rocket launchers and are pulling some giant canon on wheels.

"Well fuck if I'm going to let that get a clean line of sight. Come on Excalibur baby lets see how strong you are" Frank grabs a steel door already slightly warped and melted from his fire.He holds it against the wall in the hall way blocking part of the hallway and starts to fire his magical beam at the edge pressed against the wall, welding an end to the hallway. It takes a moment but the two things melt together and start to rapidly cool without him supplying such heat. He rips off a few more doors and in just a minute he has made a wall inside the hallway.

"Okay drones, I need to know where the power to this ship is coming from" He gets some small beep as a confirmation and a moment later a spot is pinged on his map, with a highlighted path twisting and turning through the ship to get there. "Oh, fuck that" He draws his sword and walks forward into one of the rooms that has a wall in his way. It's a simple bunk room with dozens of bunks. He swings his sword and it cuts into the wall, he gives an audible sigh of relief, "That would of looked so dumb if it failed" It takes a few moments but he drags his sword in a circle and pushes forward making a hole in the wall to a different hallway and stepping into it he checks his map and does so again.

Behind him explosions shake the walls, his little welding project not holding them for long. He steps into another room, small and filled with instant meals, it seems to by some supply closet, he doesn't care, the door shuts behind him and more magical acid fire seals it shut. "If they gave me a gun, I could shoot those guys, but no I need to fight artillery with a sword and a flame thrower, fuck me right?" He cuts into the wall at the back of closet and ends up in a bed room where pirates are getting dressed and quickly a number of sides arms are turned on him. He grabs the closet pirate and throws him at the others off offhandedly. "Don't mind me, just cutting through"

With another wall or two cut away he finds himself in the room he was looking for a large room with a number of computers around a large metal closed cylinder. He can hear the hum of power through the wall before he is even inside. He shrugs and throws fire and acid into the computers and a moment later the hum stops and ship goes to emergency red lights. "Hows that for hacking" He says with a laugh before walking out. "Okay, now my little drone buddy, where is this captain".
The fleet battle is going much better without the pirates capital ship firing the shield will hold much longer. "Frank, good job but this still has to get shut down soon".
Frank sighs hearing the radio as he rushes towards the newest mark on his map. "I'm on my way, we know anything about them?" The drones send a few quick pictures, most damningly one in particular.

"Well fuck, it's not a real suit, but still fuck" He finally arrives on the ping on his map. A large pair of double doors open and he see's the captain in a set of heavy power armor, not a real suit but it's the difference between a Ferrari and a tractor, one may be a lot nicer, but they can fuck each other up in the wrong circumstances. The room is huge and multi level with computers and work stations for piloting the ship as well as a large forward window to view the battles from. The other levels are covered in pilots with various heavy and large weaponry. He speaks calmly as he approaches "Being a man of sophistication, culture and advanced military tactics I have to warn you that - FIREEE" He shouts as he suddenly goes from calm to trying to melt the large armored suite. A simply effort to seize the element of surprise. With both hands forward throwing his signature green magical burning acid ray at the wall of steel.

A solid armored fist crashes into his helmet for the trouble, his magical shield buckling and ablative armor denting as the force is strong enough to send him flying into a wall. A rocket crashes into him before he even has a chance to stand. "Magical shield at 5%, Ablative armor at 12%, Condition Poor" "I didn't need the update thank you!" He should as he rushes behind cover of the stations running quickly as explosions and lasers start to tear it apart.

The pirate stands her ground in her heavy giant suit. "This armor is enhanced with every anti magic ward I could rip for my significant years of loot your fire ray will do nothing here" Frank mutters to himself as he ducks behind a steel desk and starts to channel his magic. "I know more than one spell, why do people always think I only know one friggin spell" He jumps over the desk and throw both of his hands upwards where a series of green fireballs take the shape of skulls and suddenly start tracking down and crashing into the other pirates. They shoot at the skulls to little effect and frank and the captain face each other.

Frank grabs his sword off of his back holding it in his left hand. The captain scoffs as she charges at him like a several ton steel rhino. "That sword will do nothing" Frank point his free hand at the ground pouring fire and acid into the steel ground in front of him. As the heavy suit steps onto the weakened ground its heavy foot pushes right through and she starts to trip. Frank feels the world slow down and everything becomes easy as he grabs the handle of his sword, steps forward and preforms a perfectly executed draw cut. The heavy suit slides into the wall behind him. The helmet along with the captains head falls a few feet in front of him. As the drone that followed him zooms into his face he says "Bitch, I am the sword"

30MGP(-6+6 No change)
Company Fame: 3
Hero Fame (Frank): 6 "Bitch I am the sword"

He was a poor child who has climbed the ranks in various mage battle arenas or game shows of magical skill. However his tiny bit of fame hasn't been what he was wanted what people really care about are the "heroes" so he decided to take his power and fame to the next level so one day the whole universe will chant his name.
Cost: 30MGP
Full Battle Mage: A fully trained battle mage, he has a dozen powerful spells to his name that serve a fairly wide variety of uses, as well as traditional blasting. He is already incredibly dangerous as a powerful (if not arch mage) mage.

Many Ways on a Swordsman's path: Frank has started to study as a swordsman he has however been taught in both a magical and more traditional sense, this gives him some unique insights but no true mastery of either, yet alone both. He has also fought one real opponent with the sword and is started to gain experience.

Teleportation Theory: He has started to study the theory underlying short range teleportation and with time and work may be able to learn relevant spells

Defensive Magic Theory: He has started to shore up his understanding of protection magic and with time and practice may become more of an all round mage rather than the glass canon he is currently.

Burning Magical Acid: Not that frank has been hired you have learned more about him and his combat style, you know that he has powerful magical attacks in the form of rays of magical acid inside a mana ray, that is also on fire.

Style: His fighting style and choices are always theatrical with his desire to be a huge star. Say what you will about it's practicality, but damn it it won't help rake in money from side projects.

Wants to be famous: Will take the mission he feels has the biggest audience.

By a bit of luck you have been offered the chance to test a new top of the line highly modular prototype it's expensive for it's lack of features at the moment, it does however offer a clean slate with a lot of potential. It is on the other hand being sold on the condition of testing, you will have to send data from all of it's missions and it may have glitches of malfunctions yet undiscovered.
Cost: 50MGP

Complexity (1 of 5)

Battery (1 of 5)
Omnidirectional Magical Shield: A strong magical shield which provides protection from every direction and from almost every source of damage.
Strong Ablative Armor: light weight and strong it is an exceptional layer of additional armor that will even fly off towards opponents when damaged.








-FREE 0 Slot Component:
Mono Edged Swords, capable of slicing through most traditional materials.
Prototype: Failed rolls to create or upgrade modules may in addition to their normal effects also cause some form of glitch or error in the next mission that may range from simply humorous to possibly life threatening. As well it can not be used on secret missions without greatly upsetting the corporation that designed it, since they want data from it being used in live conditions.
Medium Weight: This suite tries to strike a balance between protection and speed. It offers better protection than a light suite at only a small cost to speed and maneuverability, which can more than be made up for with components. Medium weight is generally considered the best all round choice with the other sizes only being good for specialist.
Cutting Edge: As a brand new suite it features all the newest in construction methods and materials, it gains a moderate bonus to all missions and fights against other suites where it's technological and magical edge can shine.
Modular: All rolls to create or improve components gain +1 dice due to its design with upgrading in mind.
Science and Magic Actions

Train a Hero
-[] Try to add a or upgrade magic related trait
-[] Try to add or upgrade a technology related trait

Add a component to Excalibur
-[] Write in Magical component (0 of 5)
-[] Write in Technological component(0 of 5)

Upgrade an existing component

-[] Write in improvement to magical component (None Yet)
-[] Write in improvement to technological component: Sword

Business Actions
-[]Gather new low value/risk contracts(easy)
-[]Gather new medium value/risk contracts (medium)
-[]Gather new high value/risk contracts(hard)

-[] Remove a contract: Which one

-[] Preform underground style PR (free): (Using the equivalent of YouTube and Facebook to try to start a fan base)
-[]Preform Low Cost PR (Cost 5): Small advertisements and digital presence
-[] Preform Medium Cost PR (Cost 20): Much larger multi media blitz
-[] Preform High Cost PR (Cost 50): Huge PR blitz on everything you can think of

-[] Write in: Try to capitalize on fame for money

Political Actions

-[] Research a contract: Reach out to contacts and data banks to discover more of the truth behind a contract
-[] Organize various support for a contract : Think air support, artillery, even occasionally infantry.

-[] Develop better relations with someone you have done a contract for / Which one

-[] Discover competing corporations
-[] Research a known competitor

-[] Organize a small amount of sabotage on another corporation cost 5 (Which one)
-[] Organize a medium amount of sabotage on another corporation cost 20 (Which one)
-[] Organize a large amount of sabotage on another corporation cost 50 (Which one)

Steal a Capital Ship: A set of famous pirates have somehow got their hands on a massive capital ship that they have been using to make even engaging with a fleet dangerous, the mission is to retake after boarding in a special missile.

Kill a problematic "Hero":Another corporation had a hero go rogue taking their suite with them. They don't want to send one of their own after him in fear they may join him. All they will tell you is that he is in a heavy suite that is only about 30% upgraded.
Delta Orionis
6MGC - Available again after this turn.

Kill a mega corporation president: He owns a fleet that are all high security prison ships, and uses his wealth and influence to push nations and local planets into laws that will provide more prisoners and thus more need for his fleet.
Achelois Nebula

End a Siege: A small planet has been under siege for weeks, their energy shields stop orbital bombardments but ground forces have tunneled underneath and are attacking their capital
Sagittarius Galaxy
Zedalb threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Missed Total: 46
5 5 2 2 10 10 6 6 1 1 9 9 7 7 6 6
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