Lord of the Stars Quest!

Recent readers

Scraped from here.

TOC, thanks to PheonixFTW

Story-only Thread...


A Fountain of Quest Ideas
Scraped from here.

TOC, thanks to PheonixFTW

Story-only Thread: http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lord-of-the-stars-quest-story-only.231054/

Character Generation Part 1
Character Generation Part 2
Character Generation Part 3
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7
Turn 8
Turn 9
Turn 10
Turn 11
Turn 12
Turn 13
Turn 13 Census
Turn 14
Turn 14 Census

You are a star. Mere mortals think you are just a ball of atomic fusion fire hanging in the cosmos but you know better. You are god, a star-lord tied to and fueled a star and with power to shape the contents of its gravity well. In time, there will be Life for you to manipulate and control and shape, using it to further your own ends and ensure your existence remains eternal.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves. It all begins with the Big Bang, when all the sudden the entire universe is created from a single source.

And it is where you are born.


Part 1

What kind of star are you? Unknown to mortals, every star has unusual effects on Life and influence the amount of power a Star-Lord possesses.

[ ] White- White stars produce all around average life and have average star power.

[ ] Yellow- The most favorable type of sun for Life, creating rapidly growing and expansionist societies at cost to stablity and Star Power.

[ ] Orange- Orange stars have average Star Power, but they have an unusual effect of making Life that gets along well with other Life.

[ ] Binary Star - Twin stars bound together. They have lots of star power, but is hard on Life and produces slow but hardy Life due to common hazards on planets.

[ ] Protostar- A barely formed stellar gas pile only just turning into a sun. Lots of star power, and influences life into being curious and inventful.

[ ] Other?- There are many kinds of stars out there, these are only the most common. Do you dare roll the dice for something greater?

* * * * * *

Part 2

A star is nothing without some planets to play with. Small compared to your magnificence and without sentient minds of their own, you can seed them with Life. You start with two minor worlds, an asteroid belt and hydrogen gas giant, and one of the following planets of your choice where Life begins.

[ ] Terran- A mix of land and water geology with easy to exploit luxury resources. Good for economics.

[ ] Jungle- With dense vegetation and active biosphere, this world can support a very large population.

[ ] Ocean- Predominantly covered in water with isolated small continents and island chains, the oceans are rich in underwater life and resources.

[ ] Arid- Water is scarce here, and it may be hard for Life to survive, but Arid worlds are good for rapid Stellar Improvements.

[ ] Tundra- despite being partially dominated by ice and snow, Tundra worlds are excellent for science and tend to possess very special anomalies and rare resources.

[ ] Random- What crazed being would be willing to allow the dice of the universe decide where their Life shall reside? Chance for very exotic worlds.

* * * * * *

Part 3

As a sentient star-being, you got some very subtle but powerful powers to play with. They are divided into metaspace anomalies which you can then cast and use on star systems. Careful however, as they use up stellar power. You start with three.

[ ] Fear- An aura of fear will dissuade outsiders from messing with the worlds you cast it on, and makes your worlds more intimidating.

[ ] Courage- The use of courage will uplift some of your Life and turn them into demigods for a time. Expensive in power, but can be applied in many ways.

[ ] Logic- The power of logic will strike a bolt of inspiration into Life and spur technological development. But it may also cause issues if used too much.

[ ] Protector- You can actively defend your worlds via manipulation of warpspace to destroy enemies. Power intensive.

[ ] Mind- You can create sub-stellar minds centered around a single world to govern it and guide its development. They might get plans of their own however.

[ ] Zeal- Worship! Religion! All obey the star-lord! You get a little extra Star Power via worship and Life is more obedient to your wishes.

[ ] Corruption- You can cast corruption, slowly consuming worlds in an orgy of violence, death, and resource wastage.

[ ] Avatar- you can directly manifest yourself among Life to do some fine-tuning. While only a disposable mortal shell at first, you can refine it later on.

[ ] Other?- What is this strange power?
Star: Protostar

Life: Terran

Powers: Logic, Protector, and Zeal

I want to be an eldritch being, Avatar kind of ruins that plan.
Protostar, Terran, Avatar, Logic, Zeal. With these powers, we can cause Life to start worshiping us for extra power, and steer and guide their technology in paths that benefit us.
[X] Other

[X] Random

[X] Avatar
[X] Courage
[X] Other

Are we each individual players? That'd be best IMO
Robotninja said:
Protostar, Ocean, Avatar, Logic, Zeal. With these powers, we can cause Life to start worshiping us for extra power, and steer and guide their technology in paths that benefit us.
Yes but Avatar would kind of lessen the mystique that being a sentient star-god gets you.
[X] Protostar

[X] Terran- A mix of land and water geology with easy to exploit luxury resources. Good for economics.

[X] Logic
[X] Protector
[X] Zeal
Necron_Lord said:
Yes but Avatar would kind of lessen the mystique that being a sentient star-god gets you.
Not really. We don't need mystique to get them to worship us. It is hard to get Life to do what we want when we can't talk to them, and having an Avatar will allow us to help mitigate any problems use of Logic causes.
Let the gods decide. For that is the most fun option.

[X] Other?- There are many kinds of stars out there, these are only the most common. Do you dare roll the dice for something greater?
[X] Random- What crazed being would be willing to allow the dice of the universe decide where their Life shall reside? Chance for very exotic worlds.
[X] Other? x3 - What is this strange power?
Robotninja said:
Not really. We don't need mystique to get them to worship us. It is hard to get Life to do what we want when we can't talk to them, and having an Avatar will allow us to help mitigate any problems use of Logic causes.
As long as the Avatar is some kind of bright light or some such alien creature, I'm cool with it.

Just don't want to look like our species with a beard and robe.
Necron_Lord said:
As long as the Avatar is some kind of bright light or some such alien creature, I'm cool with it.

Just don't want to look like our species with a beard and robe.
Please. It'll be a being with a beard, robe and a halo. That shoots lightning out of his fingers. :p
[X] Other?- There are many kinds of stars out there, these are only the most common. Do you dare roll the dice for something greater?
[X] Random- What crazed being would be willing to allow the dice of the universe decide where their Life shall reside? Chance for very exotic worlds.
[X] Other?- What is this strange power?
I'm surprised nobody is taking the random options. I had FUN things planned for those!

Also, if someone would be willing to be vote-tracker that would greatly smooth this quest game along.
Alright, current vote tally

Majority for star is protostar with five votes.

Majority for planet is Terran with five votes.

Majority's for powers is logic (6), avatar (5), with other/protector/zeal tied for third (all of them have 3 votes)

Shall I put up the next chunk of evolution and just let the third power be random?
Final Judgement Made:

[X] Protostar
[X] Terran
[X] Logic
[X] Avatar
[X] Protector

Onto next part of character generation, then we can start the game proper.

* * * * * * *

After the Big Bang, you slowly come to terms with your existence and just what you are capable of, not helped by how dispersed you are as a protostar. While you feel restrained, like your perspective is limited to mere 3.5-dimensional perspective and unable to reach very far out from your star, your powers eventually develop to the point where you can begin to create Life.

Thus begins the Cycle of Evolution.

Life is life. Tiny, mortal, little people. They will never know who you really are, and that your the one pulling the strings. But they are necessary if you are to expand your power and have some lab-rats to test your powers on rather than just dull asteroids. Thanks to your immortal powers, you can picture the end product and wait 3,000 years for them to cook without a hitch. Just in case, you watch hyperspace for any errant threats. So what form of Life do you prefer?

[ ] Humanoid- primate-derived species that tend to get along well with others. Bonus to diplomacy.

[ ] Ursine- Bear-like species are warlike and very large, but bad at radical innovation.

[ ] Canine- Dog-like species have strong honor codes and pack mentality, but are slightly smaller than other species.

[ ] Feline- cat-like species are natural hunters and prefer either jungle or wide open field terrains. But they don't have large populations.

[ ] Hive- insect-like species don't get along well with ANYONE, not even other Hives. However they are excellent laborers and reproduce fast.

[ ] Bull- a herbivore species that somehow rose to dominance. They are slow, methodical species but when pissed off they can hold a grudge for a long, long time. Always have a large population base.

[ ] Totally Alien- A random dice roll for a truly unusual and alien species. May be special, may be not.

* * * * * * *

While for the first 3,000 years of Life's existence on the world you've made for them will be spent in a pre-spacefaring state and ergo not worth playing around with yet, you can make some species-wide changes to better tweak them. A little solar energy applied to their brains, or maybe a chance bolt of lightning to jump-start a war, or messing with genes to make more perfect Life. How do you shape Life's history on your world?

(Pick 3, no copys)

[ ] Accelerate Evolution- Cut 500 years of evolution out of the equation, speeding up Life's development and giving you a playtoy more quickly. Costs you in Star Power, but can give you a leap ahead of your neighbors.

[ ] History of War- A few pokes and prods of tactical genius here and there and you got a couple centuries of war to hone Life and give it more combat practice, even if it makes them rather rude at times.

[ ] History of Peace- Subtly shifting things around, Life comes to favor peace and diplomacy to war and any conflicts are short. Bonus to diplomacy, but their war stockpiles are lower.

[ ] Monumental- Through some minute solar power applied to archetect's brains, your Life develops several wonders of the world, which will total up into a free system improvement.

[ ] (Logic) Age of Invention- Accelerate technological development by a century by uplifting inventors for a short time. This will produce radical technology, but increase social instability.

[ ] (Avatar) God among Mortals- Create a (basic) avatar and do a dozen little things or take over a kingdom for a decade to add a personal touch to Life's growth. (You decide how to influence them)

[ ] Genesplicing- Add some non-evolved traits you think will be useful for a minority of the race. For warlike species, add super-soldier minority. For peaceful species, add some beautiful diplomats.

[ ] Atomic Death- Whew. You dodged a close bullet there when they were about to go nuclear on eachother. Still, a quadruple-strength nuclear arsenal is bound to come in handy right?

[ ] Strip-miners- You decided to cut the environmental awareness lessons out of your Life's curriculum and just let them drill away at their world's resources without care. Also let you euthanize some hippys for kicks.

[ ] Greenpeace- You Life exists in harmony with nature and other organic life. While it slows down industry, you get some extra Star Power for natural energy.

[ ] Random- A dice roll to decide part of Life's history. Do you trust in the Dice God?
[X] Totally Alien- A random dice roll for a truly unusual and alien species. May be special, may be not.
[x] Random- A dice roll to decide part of Life's history. Do you trust in the Dice God?
[X] Monumental- Through some minute solar power applied to archetect's brains, your Life develops several wonders of the world, which will total up into a free system improvement.
[X] (Logic) Age of Invention- Accelerate technological development by a century by uplifting inventors for a short time. This will produce radical technology, but increase social instability.

We must appease the RNG.