Kindling: Magical Foundations

Well, looks like those are all the plans that got suggested. Voting is open. Feel free to still suggest more plans.
Kinda looks like my thoughts about moratoria were probably right.
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[X] Getting apprenticed as a scribe without any training or money seems a tall order, but you can clean and carry stuff just fine. See if any place with books or educated people are looking out for a servant, you can do some reading between working, and if you're in luck there'd be someone around that you can charm into teaching you, even an apprentice would do, and they wouldn't expect paying.
[X] Getting apprenticed as a scribe without any training or money seems a tall order, but you can clean and carry stuff just fine. See if any place with books or educated people are looking out for a servant, you can do some reading between working, and if you're in luck there'd be someone around that you can charm into teaching you, even an apprentice would do, and they wouldn't expect paying.
[X] Getting apprenticed as a scribe without any training or money seems a tall order, but you can clean and carry stuff just fine. See if any place with books or educated people are looking out for a servant, you can do some reading between working, and if you're in luck there'd be someone around that you can charm into teaching you, even an apprentice would do, and they wouldn't expect paying.
[X] Getting apprenticed as a scribe without any training or money seems a tall order, but you can clean and carry stuff just fine. See if any place with books or educated people are looking out for a servant, you can do some reading between working, and if you're in luck there'd be someone around that you can charm into teaching you, even an apprentice would do, and they wouldn't expect paying.
5. It Takes Money to Make Money
[X] Getting apprenticed as a scribe without any training or money seems a tall order, but you can clean and carry stuff just fine. See if any place with books or educated people are looking out for a servant, you can do some reading between working, and if you're in luck there'd be someone around that you can charm into teaching you, even an apprentice would do, and they wouldn't expect paying.

Part of the problem you've faced before with finding a place to work is that a day you spend looking for work is a day you don't work. When you don't work, you don't eat. You already eat little enough as is. Add to that that you don't have many skills that people are looking for and that you aren't very strong…

But you'll need to figure out how to read better in order to understand the scroll. And you'll need to know more words.

It probably wouldn't be too hard to get a job working for a church, but churches have always creeped you out. You could try to find a scholar who would be willing to employ a young orphan with no skills or references as an assistant, but getting into a lodge could be a problem looking as you do. Otherwise you suppose you could try to talk to one of the shops you've worked with to get a job sweeping up and such. That would at least give you some money.

The one most sure to be able to help you would obviously be a wizard, of course. Like that'll ever happen.

[ ] Go to the church - Going to the church is a sure way to get a job, but the masks creep you out. You also feel like you're being watched there, which - thinking about it - you probably are.
[ ] A scholar would be nearly ideal - The problem is that lodges have people who make sure that only the "right" kind of people spend time there. You are…not that kind of person.
- [ ] Write-In your plan
[ ] You could pull in a favor from one of the shops you've worked with
- This wouldn't help you with the reading thing, but you would have access to more money. Maybe not a lot of money, but you could maybe look more like you'd belong somewhere nicer if you weren't starving and wearing ratty clothing that looks like someone died in it.
- [ ] Preference on kind of place? - Hikmat is most likely to have worked with restaurants, hotels, and the sorts of stores that travelers would need.
[ ] Rich people have money, right? - You've heard that they've been known to help people who help them enough, too. On the other hand, stories you've heard have been on the level of giving people a job for saving their lives, so it might not be the most efficient method.
- [ ] How would you even go about that…
[ ] Wizards are really smart
- Or so you've heard. You've never met one. They spend their days inside, get to sit, and don't have to do much heavy lifting, though. Probably lots of food, too. Seems pretty smart to you.
- [ ] You have even less of an idea about this.
[ ] Write-In
- Or maybe a different scheme?

AN: To be clear, what Hikmat thinks is not necessarily what the case is. Sometimes they've got a great handle on things, other times not so much. This is a reasonably solid plan for getting started, but job hunting takes an amount of resources that Hikmat has never (and still doesn't) have, so that's making everything rub a bit against the frugal nature.
[X] Ask any adults you were friendly with if they have ever seen any magic, when you catch them in a good mood. Tell them you have never seen magic before and wanted to see what it looked like.
-[X] Once you know more, go around to one of these places and keep an eye out for magic - and opportunities. There's always a need for running errands and passing messages.
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[X] A scholar would be nearly ideal - The problem is that lodges have people who make sure that only the "right" kind of people spend time there. You are…not that kind of person.
- [X] Observe for a while, pick out a likely looking scholar to approach and charm while they're out to buy stuff. Let them get you past the 'right people' check
[X] A scholar would be nearly ideal - The problem is that lodges have people who make sure that only the "right" kind of people spend time there. You are…not that kind of person.
- [X] Observe for a while, pick out a likely looking scholar to approach and charm while they're out to buy stuff. Let them get you past the 'right people' check

Longer shot but I like it!
[X] A scholar would be nearly ideal - The problem is that lodges have people who make sure that only the "right" kind of people spend time there. You are…not that kind of person.
- [X] Observe for a while, pick out a likely looking scholar to approach and charm while they're out to buy stuff. Let them get you past the 'right people' check
[X] A scholar would be nearly ideal - The problem is that lodges have people who make sure that only the "right" kind of people spend time there. You are…not that kind of person.
- [X] Observe for a while, pick out a likely looking scholar to approach and charm while they're out to buy stuff. Let them get you past the 'right people' check
[X] Go to the church - Going to the church is a sure way to get a job, but the masks creep you out. You also feel like you're being watched there, which - thinking about it - you probably are.
6. Hunger for Knowledge and Also Food
[X] A scholar would be nearly ideal - The problem is that lodges have people who make sure that only the "right" kind of people spend time there. You are…not that kind of person.
- [X] Observe for a while, pick out a likely looking scholar to approach and charm while they're out to buy stuff. Let them get you past the 'right people' check

You don't have any good plans for meeting any wizards. You briefly consider going to the church, but the masks are creepy…

There's only one real option available to you. It's got to be a scholar. Maybe you can actually get into a lodge and find a good prospect to be a servant for? But first you need a way in. Your best plan to get in is to convince someone you belong.

You spend some time over the next few days looking around nicer areas of town than you normally frequent, drawing attention you'd rather not have and occasionally having to vanish into (distressingly unfamiliar) dim alleyways to escape attention from the guards.

This does mean that you're not able to get as many suckers travelers and the ones you do get don't have as much cash to spend as you can often get. You've been eating even less than usual.

You were able to spot a couple options for people who may be able to get you into a lodge (or potentially bypass that portion of the plan altogether).

[ ]A group of boisterous students - Maybe they'd try introducing you as a joke, but they might not have sway enough to get you through. You feel apprehension about putting yourself in the middle of a group of people bigger and stronger than you.
[ ]Attention attracted - A well-dressed man was one of the people who noticed you as you were hanging around the nicer districts. What's more concerning is that he noticed you more than once. He never called the guards, but attracting attention is always bad, right?
[ ]Sneak in? - You did find a servant's entrance, if you could somehow steal a uniform and get in, you'd be in unnoticed, right? You don't have much confidence in this plan for a number of reasons.
[ ]The man in the gutters - He's dressed like a scholar, but he's passed out on the side of the street and he smells like a drunkard. You could probably figure out an angle to deal with him.
[ ]Write-In - Maybe you should do something different after all…

AN: I was kind of hoping for a few more responses, but I guess it is what it is. A short one even by my standards today, but I suspect the next one will be a little longer. By the way, does anyone know if there's a lower limit for the number of words to trigger an alert that there was an update? I'm guessing there is, just so that every response doesn't cause one, but I don't know the cutoff.
[x]Attention attracted - A well-dressed man was one of the people who noticed you as you were hanging around the nicer districts. What's more concerning is that he noticed you more than once. He never called the guards, but attracting attention is always bad, right?

The drunk is safer but this feels promising
[x]Attention attracted - A well-dressed man was one of the people who noticed you as you were hanging around the nicer districts. What's more concerning is that he noticed you more than once. He never called the guards, but attracting attention is always bad, right?

Looks like a sucker that may hire us out of pity.
Attention attracted feels.. a bit creepy. We might find ourself in an unpleasant situation at the mercy of someone powerful.

[X]The man in the gutters - He's dressed like a scholar, but he's passed out on the side of the street and he smells like a drunkard. You could probably figure out an angle to deal with him.

This is promising though. If we befriend him he might teach us to read. He might not snob us like the other options potentially might.
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[x]The man in the gutters - He's dressed like a scholar, but he's passed out on the side of the street and he smells like a drunkard. You could probably figure out an angle to deal with him.
[x]Attention attracted - A well-dressed man was one of the people who noticed you as you were hanging around the nicer districts. What's more concerning is that he noticed you more than once. He never called the guards, but attracting attention is always bad, right?
By the way, does anyone know if there's a lower limit for the number of words to trigger an alert that there was an update? I'm guessing there is, just so that every response doesn't cause one, but I don't know the cutoff.

I think there isn't, as long as it is threadmarked in one of the categories it warns you even if it is only the two words "Vote Closed" and tells you how many words long it is, although if it isn't i think the lower amount of words it stays even if you minimize the alerts isntead of marking it as read is 120, but you get an alert anyways when it is a comment by the OP, or there is a comment since the last time you checked the last page lf the thread.
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