Killer In Our Midst [Mafia]

So I note a lot of people bandwagoning to TMM immediately after Sucal voted for Lucario.
I may as well test that.

[X] Null
[X] IronLucario2012
So I note a lot of people bandwagoning to TMM immediately after Sucal voted for Lucario.
I may as well test that.

I'd like to point out that one of them was me, and I'd like for me to not die, since I'm the only person I know for sure is Town. That leaves one person, ebolasus, who didn't vote for two days and bandwagoned Day 3. Can't stop you from testing, but it seems like normal behaviour to me.
I keep choosing wrong anyway so I don't want to mess things up further.

I am abstaining.
Hey, what happens if there's still a tie by the end?

Also, out of curiosity, @Sucal, was there any particular reason to pick me, or was it just chance?
Well, might as well copy my notes.
A good number are gonna be off-base, but we can laugh about them when the game's done.

Went along with putting pressure on Sucal

Was suspicious of Ellf based on not voting. Did suspicion-raising tone.

Agrees with lynch. Misses Tenfoldshields. Missing that guy's a point in favor of Town to me, for some reason.

Did she seriously just say that? When Camellia claimed a role, she points out that nothing technically keeps us from breaking the rules of the game? Also, she was the last vote for her, right at the end when everyone else was offline.

  • Seems to go with the motions of day one. Can't get a read on her, but the last time I thought she was too overtly suspicious to be maf, that's exactly what she turned out to be. Gonna say sus for now.
Voted for me in return to the lynch train. Not Ellf, though. In that case, probably due to saltiness on previous games.

Says he can do Night actions

Poked at NTU without actually voting for him to try and start discussion.

  • Salty Good. Defensive when pressed, voting for me given an excuse, very incautious play. Plus, he's honest with his role, just honest in general. So yeah, probably Town.
Mr. Funny Man. Could be hiding behind memes, but he made a vote to prove a point, that Ellf had a point. Put a little heat on him to do so, too.

Says he's not motivated to play because he's vanilla..

Jumped on Sucal for... some reason? He was already tested Day 1, why the Day 3 vote?
  • I'm honestly not sure now. I'm really not.
Argued against a lynch, very reasonable-like.

Ooh, went for me when he agreed a lynch would happen, rather than the person we were putting pressure on. When I was hinting at having a useful role earlier, too...

Keeping his vote on the easy target who's helping Town (Me), today!

Apparently cannot visit.

Voted for NTU Day 3. Likely on different sides, though don't trust him completely even if NTU's maf. Then again, if NTU's a Witch...

  • Suspicious. May try to sound reasonable while pushing through a maf policy. Watch for that. Could be wrong.
    • Watching for it and found it in his voting on me Day 2. Can't vote against him now, it's too defensive-seeming. All it'd do is get me killed today. Maybe when things come out. If nothing else, I should post this before I get lynched, if I'm gonna.
    • Did not visit anyone Night 2. I don't really have proof, then.
    • If NTU's actually a maf, definitely less sus. Not completely un-sus, but less sus.
Voted for Ellf, which is a big tell. His justifications for doing so are shifty, but could be bad judgement.

Quiet. Most quiet of us, after all. Two posts in Day 1.

Seems to be able to talk when accused, as seen in Day 2?

Another post was arguing about the lynching of Ars, wanting meatshields allegedly. More sus behavior, as votes had really turned against Ars at this point. Then again, a maf wouldn't put themselves at risk like that for a decided vote. The lynched wasn't one of them, after all.

Says he cannot visit.

Immediately voted for the guy that poked at him on Day 3.

  • Last Witch? Or just bad at the game.
    • Another target, yay!
    • Hum. Inno. Suppose it was the "Bad at the game" option.
Claims non-visiting role

Very vocal about staying out of the lynching game on Day 1.

Literally jumping on the voting bandwagon for someone not that sus.

And on NTU. He's very bandwagon-y, isn't he?
  • I'll just be honest and say I'm not sure. I was unsuspicious for the first few days, but the bandwagoning's odd...
    • Didn't do anything Night 1.
Hoo boy. Seems incapable of recognizing the obvious.

Regards those that've had people voting against them as the biggest suspects rather than the biggest targets when they're arguing against each other.

May not have read all the thread?

Says he can't visit.

Hopped on the bandwagon for NTU. Said it, too.

  • I really can't get a read on this guy. I'm starting to suspect he can talk to someone out of the thread, though. Or maybe that's just me letting my mind run away from me.

We've had quite few people that've been tested, and quite a few vanilla claims.
Someone's probably lying. Just need to know who.
Nanimani, your points on Ironlucario are reasonable and thought out.

[X] IronLucario2012
Welp. Basically the only way for me to not die now is for someone to change their mind or for TenMoreMiles to vote for themselves. Wonderful.

Voting Period is Over.

Now, a serious question for the lot of you: Do you want me to continue this game? Because there's really not a lot of discussion happening most of the time, you lot don't seem very engaged. And if you're not having fun playing then I won't have any fun running it.
This question goes for those of you who've died but still watch the thread, too.
This is in response to @LostDeviljho's question. I think you should complete the game, but at the end, I have a bit of a rant that I'd like to give about activity and vanilla roles.
Voting Period is Over.

Now, a serious question for the lot of you: Do you want me to continue this game? Because there's really not a lot of discussion happening most of the time, you lot don't seem very engaged. And if you're not having fun playing then I won't have any fun running it.
This question goes for those of you who've died but still watch the thread, too.
Contiune, might as well seeing were so far ahead.

I think issue of discussion is that on the first few days just about no one except maybe four people talked and people who did talk got killed quickly or lynched leaving us as we are now.
I think the main issue is that there aren't consequences for not speaking at least once every twenty four hours. Well. At least for these participants. Not that I'm super salty that the maf killed me off to kill another vocal participant, but I feel like it makes people afraid to talk. In this case I might wven suggest giving warnings to people who are too inactive. And replacing them if they continue to refuse to participate in discussion because maf games are no fun without talking.

I know that in my previous game most people tended to talk a lot more, which might have been the player tactics, or the theme.

But yeah, I personally really want you to finish the game properly, but people also need to talk more and that's the inactive players fault in my opinion. Winning is fine and all, but people are supposed to be discussing stuff or what's the purpose of playing?!!!
Pretty much the same response as everyone else has given so far.
Also, whoopee, I'm officially dead.
End of Day 4
At first, it seemed things will go as they have before, and the quietest among them would taste the noose. But then someone stepped forward, laid out their suspicions for all to see, and one man's hunch gained support until the day ended, and the decision was made.

He was seized, bound, and hoisted with only token struggle on his part. And as the life passed from his eyes, a green light sprung from a point on is chest, growing in intensity until with a hollow fwump, his body was engulfed in ethereal green flames. He was quickly dropped to the ground, to prevent the flames from spreading up the hanging rope into the tree.

As night fell upon the town, the unnatural pyre blazed cheerily away, refusing to be extinguished until the last of its fuel was consumed.

@IronLucario2012 , as Hans the Assassin, has been Lynched

Perhaps, finally, this was the end of it?

Night 4 will last for 48 hours until , or until all Night Actions are received.
Day 5 Begins
Dawn comes after a seeming eternity, the remaining townspeople hoping against hope that Hans was really the only killer, and none of them need fear for their lives anymore. Their hopes are thoroughly and brutally dashed upon arriving in the town square. From one of the connecting streets flows a small river of still-drying blood.

The previous killings had been, if not painless, at the very least clean and efficient. Not so here. Pieces of someone lie strewn about the street, crushed and mangled beyond recognition. The pulverized mess of a corpse needs to be taken away in buckets, rather than a coffin, and is only identifiable through process of elimination.

@Nanimani , as Mary the Baker, has been Smashed To Bits

The four remaining town townsfolk gaze at each-other with open suspicion. One of them was a murderer, and if they didn't determine who it was, then...

Day 5 will last for 84 hours until . The additional 12 hours is to account for scheduling issues on my part as the GM.
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Guys. You need to talk. It's been 20 hours with all of one post by someone alive.
Guys. You need to talk. It's been 20 hours with all of one post by someone alive.
I don't have anything to say, was waiting for miles to reply....

Mostly because I've lost my interest in this game, unfortunately. Most of the talk came from Ellf, who got killed on the first night. I just don't have much investment in the game.
Could of said so ages ago instead of keeping us waiting.