Species Pros and Cons
Current Votes:
Troodon: 5 Votes
Wang and HuHu, Oh I Am Slain, QuantumPuppy, Night_Stalker, PsyFarrow
Baryonx: 4 Votes
Matthew Badger, Smugraptor, Prince Ire, Terrastorm
Tyrannosaurus Rex: 2 Votes
Plasmid, MaHaL
Compsognathus: 1 Vote
Ceratosaurus: 1 Vote

Hey everybody. Decided to reveal a little of my hand and provide you guys with the pros and cons of the different species while I post the current votes. I also decided to do so in the same order as I did the carnivore choice sheet so that it's easier to sort through to find which ones you want to know about. My hope with this is to instigate more conversation amongst you guys and see how this jostles the vote sheet some. It's been a constant arms race between Baryonx and Troodon thus far. Let's see how this shakes things up.

Tyrannosaurus Rex:
Pros - dominant predator, powerful, strong senses, strong weaponry, intelligent
Cons - long growth period, young vulnerable, needs constant food source, target of predatory rivalry, vulnerable to egg theft

-[X] Rainwash Pack (2nd gen) (The classic JP movie Dilos)
Pros - projectile vomit weapon, pack, agile, threat display, intelligent
Cons - vulnerable to predation, small number left, vulnerable to disease, fragile, egg thieves
-[X] Bright Pack (3rd gen) (Bright camouflage, small Dilos)
Pros - camouflage, agile, pack, threat display, intelligent
Cons - vulnerable to predation, small number left, vulnerable to disease, fragile, egg thieves
-[X] Spotted Pack (4th gen) (Book Dilos)
Pros - camouflage, agile, pack, med size, territorial
Cons - small number left, vulnerable to disease, hyper-aggression, egg thieves, unintelligent

Pros - prolonged swim ability, feast/famine mentality, med/large size, intelligent, territorial
Cons - small number left, superstitious, selective taste, 'timid', at risk to 'poaching'

-[X] Early Gen
Pros - agile, camouflage, pack, intelligent, med size
Cons - small number left, fragile, vulnerable to larger threats, selective habitation, vulnerable to egg theft
- [X] Later Gen
Pros - med/large size, extreme camouflage, agile, vocalization mimic, intelligent
Cons - REVILED, long growth period, selective habitation, target of predatory rivalry, hyper-aggression

Pros - numerous, adaptive, semi-arboreal, perceived minimal threat, covert, hyper-omnivory
Cons - short lifespan, prey species to many, vulnerable to disease, fragile, egg thieves

Pros - intelligent, adaptive, percieved minimal threat, covert, omnivorous
Cons - short lifespan, fragile, minimal numbers, superstitious, selective waking hours

Pros - intelligent, hyper-carnivory, healing factor (akin to crocodiles), adaptive, pack
Cons - target of predatory rivalry, long growth period, needs constant food source, hyper-aggression, superstitious
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I am thinking how to vote. a wild and crazy part of me wants to cause a tie to see if it creates a hybrid that would make even that scientist who made the Indominus go "OH GOD NO!"

THough yes, I am turn between Troodon and Baryonyx most likely [X] Baryonyx for having a cute snout.
Current Votes:
Troodon: 5 Votes
Wang and HuHu, Oh I Am Slain, QuantumPuppy, Night_Stalker, PsyFarrow
Baryonx: 5 Votes
Matthew Badger, Smugraptor, Prince Ire, Terrastorm, Zavvnao
Tyrannosaurus Rex: 2 Votes
Plasmid, MaHaL
Compsognathus: 1 Vote
Ceratosaurus: 1 Vote

Looks like a tie between Troodon and Baryonx. I'm going to be closing the vote in 74.5 hours. In other words, I'm closing the vote Sunday, 12:00pm (EDT). Try and convince one another to swap votes around, make conversation, etc. If a tie remains, would it be alright by you guys if I ask someone to roll a die to decide which of the tied we become? Let me know you opinion on that.

Edit: Extending vote deadline so it ends Monday 12:00am (EDT). Did a little more advertising so hopefully this pays off.
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Come on guys let's be Fantastic Mr. Troodon! Shenanigans those stupid 2 Legs Mammals. This can only end spectacularly!


Ah so your Ingen Tyrannosaurus doesn't have that unfortunate but hilarious combination of long adolescent growth period and short lifespan that IRL Tyrannosaurus might have had.

Supposedly that T Rex in JW is the same as the one in the 1st JP movie. According to the above theory then by JW she's the equivalent of a grand old battleax Matron. Which makes things even more badass.

She's also coming back in the next movie supposedly. Woot!
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Current Votes:
Troodon: 5 Votes
Wang and HuHu, Oh I Am Slain, QuantumPuppy, Night_Stalker, PsyFarrow
Baryonx: 5 Votes
Matthew Badger, Smugraptor, Prince Ire, Terrastorm, Zavvnao
Tyrannosaurus Rex: 2 Votes
Plasmid, MaHaL
Compsognathus: 1 Vote
Ceratosaurus: 1 Vote

Looks like we are stuck on a tie in this. How do you guys want to solve this? Currently, I am split between asking for a re-vote between the two tied options OR doing a die roll between the tied options to see which we go with. What would you guys rather I do? If no one responds, I'm liable to just go on ahead with a die roll. Let me know which option you guys would rather I go with.
Finale Votes:
Baryonx: 6 Votes
Matthew Badger, Smugraptor, Prince Ire, Terrastorm, Zavvnao, PsyFarrow
Troodon: 4 Votes
Wang and HuHu, Oh I Am Slain, QuantumPuppy, Night_Stalker
Tyrannosaurus Rex: 2 Votes
Plasmid, MaHaL
Compsognathus: 1 Vote
Ceratosaurus: 1 Vote

Alright, Voted Closed. I'll do my best to have the first chapter out inside of the week. It'll most likely be up before Friday if I'm honest, I'm just giving myself a little bit of legroom on the deadline cause I'm a procrastinator. Better to plan for it, am I right? :p

Oh, and before I forget a friend of mine over on SpaceBattles opened up a Sister Quest to my JP Quests over their. They kind of took my statement of Herbivores being to boring as a challenge and started an all herbivore Quest. They already have their first chapter out...they are a Maiasaur by the by incase you wanted to know. I'm helping QM over there and UnderSeaWings is going to being helping me over on this side...that is that he is going to make sure I don't slack off too much or overwork myself. I'm prone to both. Anyways, I'll do my best to get our first chappie out soon. I apologize for not posting anything when I said I would be closing, but I have been volunteering at a DayCamp this week and it's a lot more tiring than I anticipated.
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1:1
Feisty Little Hatchling

Sluggishly, your eye opens so as to let you survey all before you. Nothing has changed, the shadows and lights of your wall continue to flicker and change. You flick your inner eyelid, as something to do to alleviate some of your boredom. Your world shivers a little, as one of your siblings rustles inside their own little worlds. Distantly, you can hear Dad booming his arrival. You and your siblings all start to chitter in excitement, Dad always manages to make life entertaining. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Dad returns from wherever he goes when not with the family. You see his all-encompassing shadow shade your world in darkness as he leans over everyone and inspects the nest. You feel your world shudder as he lightly rests his snout against someone's world, doing more tests. At long last, he backs off and gives a content huff.

"Come," Dad commands you and your siblings, "it is finally time for you to join the world and all that is in it." You can feel it as Dad rests himself against the nest. Softly, he begins to purr deeply, creating a soft tune that resonates up from where his is into the nest itself. It comforts you, feels so familiar but foreign at the same time. Then, Dad sings.
To the tune of...

"Come my children, come to me.
It is time, you will see,
this world and all in it.

The beings of the sea,
those of the air, and
all that lives in-between,
amongst them we will be.

From the heights of the sky,
to the depths of the sea.
To spite of the life's lows and highs,
All of the world we will see.

Come my children, come to me.
It is time, you will see,
join the world, it is to be."

As Dad sings, you remind yourself that you have no need for such encouragement. You have long since grown bored of your little world. No matter what is to come, you will face this new world head on...now to figure out how to get out. You wriggle, renewing your sense of the extent of your ability to move. There is little to no space, and knowing that bothers you. You can just faintly recall a time when you had a little more wriggle room but nothing more. You WANT to have a larger world, you want more. Frustrated, you whip your head about and bang it against the walls of your shrunken world. This sets you to rocking, which just sets to tick you off even more. You thrash, in a tantrum now, beating on the walls of your world with everything you have until you hear a crack.

Startled, you stop and look around. It takes you a moment to realize that the crack did not come from your world but one of your siblings, and that is when Dad croons his encouragement to that sibling and a welcome to the larger world. Now more than a little frustrated, your roar and kick off with your feet in an attempt to knock your world into the world of the sibling that has already hatched. You don't really know why, it just feels like that might have satisfied you. Instead, you manage to make a large crack in your world and poke your snout into the world at large. Something bubbles around your nostrils, as you take your first breath of sweet, humid air. You open your snout and hiss a greeting to freedom and the world at large, feeling quite content with the way things turned out. You might not have been the first one out but you certainly were close.

You flick your face around, now that you have managed to push that far of your former world, to see a bunch of other worlds. Your world is one of the ones on the outer edge of the nest, with the rest further inside. Only a few of your siblings have managed to push themselves out as far as you have, in fact the majority of them still seem to be trapped inside. Dad, seeing this, has begun to purr more encouragement to them, urging them to join him. It feels like, for a moment anyway, that something is missing but you dismiss it after a moment. You struggle, feeling the urge to get out become stronger now that you have managed to get this far. Ignoring Dad as he focuses on the stragglers, you manage to free your shoulders and make use of this to leverage your weight forward. This tips your world over onto its side in a way that would have felt incredibly uncomfortable if you were still inside. You dig claws into the damp compost Dad has grounded the nest in, gripping it to further your escape attempt. It takes a while, but you finally manage to get out completely. You pause, taking a breather from the exertion that the struggle took and look at your surroundings.

The first thing beyond the nest that catches your attention is the glistening of the water, not too far off from the nest. It's bright, lovely and beautiful. It sings to you, calling for you to come to it. You just barely manage to resist, turning your attention to the edge of your nest. It rests on a tall mound, little living things crawling about it. You can see the marks Dad made, at the uttermost edge of the nest, where he clawed out a dip into the mound for your worlds to rest. You think you have recovered enough, so you hop on over to Dad and see him in his entirety for the first time. He is large, very large. His scales are a clay brown, mottled with darker shades of brown and tan/yellow shades. Around his eyes is an incredibly bright shade of blue, almost like exactly the same as the blues of water or the sky. Apparently while you were taking a breather, he took matters into his own hands and cracked open a few of the worlds that the weakest of the stragglers were in.

The nest is now a lot more crowded than you remember it being when you first managed to get out of your world. Dad takes notice of how crowded it is, and moves to help. Gently snagging several of your siblings into his jaws, he picks them up and ferries them to the water's edge before lowering them down and releasing them. Some go into the water, while others stick close to Dad. He comes back in several long strides before snatching up the rest of your siblings, including you. He takes care to keep everyone safe, you can see his palatal valve is firmly closed to prevent anyone from wandering down his throat. Gazing from between the conical teeth of his maw, you catch glimpses of the world between the nest and the water flash by before you are lowered to ground and released by the water's edge.

What will you do:
[X] Go Swimming
[X] Incite a Game
[X] Follow Father
[X] Write-in Option

[X] Male
[X] Female
[X] Let Die Decide

QM Note: Alright, managed to finish this up right quick. I'll do my best to get a sketch of ourselves done at some point in the next two weeks. Thanks for the patience you guys demonstrated, hope that we can enjoy this Quest together. :)

Got some rolls I need done. Please remember, same rules as I use on the Raptor Thread. One Roll a Voter, Secondary Rolls allowed if no one rolls for a half hour after you rolled. Depending on what you guys decide, I might need you guys decide to vote and how you roll here, you might need to roll some more.
Rolls Needed:
S - 1d15
WT - 1d10
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Final Vote Tally:
4 Votes: [X] Incite a Game
Oh I Am Slain, veekie, PsyFarrow, Smugraptor
1 Vote: [X] Go Swimming
4 Votes: [X] Let Die Decide
Oh I Am Slain, veekie, PsyFarrow, Smugraptor
1 Vote: [X] Male

Next chapter should be out by next week Wednesday. Going to do my best to write it up this weekend, but I figure I should give myself a little extra shoulder room. My co-QM is kind of on my case to do that sort of thing, given how often I tend to delay them in my Raptor Quest. Hopefully I will do better here.

Anyways, for the gender roll, first come first served. One roll a person.
Rolls Needed:
Our Gender Roll - 1d10 (Evens for Girls, Odds for Boys)
Sibling Rolls -5d10 (Same as above)
Are we a boy or girl...only one girl in the whole batch!
veekie threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Us Total: 3
3 3
veekie threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Them Total: 32
8 8 5 5 3 3 7 7 9 9
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1:2
We Barely Knew Thee

At the water's edge, it's unceasing call relentlessly runs through you. The scent of it, the feel of it lapping at your feet, everything about it sings to you. Just as you tiptoe into it up to your knees, a shock of resolve runs through you. Huffing, you turn from the temptation of the waves and turn to your siblings. They too, seem entranced by the song of the water.

Flicking your inner eyelids, batting a buzzing thing away just before it can land as you calcify your resolve, you hiss to your siblings one of the only words you know, "Play?"

As the majority of your siblings (four) stop at your suggestion, the rest (three) continue further into the water, going ever deeper. Soon enough they are far enough in to submerge themselves and make merry in it. Ignoring them, you incite your fun by pouncing on your closest sibling, a girl, before running off. The rest of your group follows, cheerfully 'attacking' one another as you go. The feel of the water splashing out of your way as you move through it sates the temptation to go further into the water, for now.

Distantly, you can hear Dad giving a faint call of remorse from the High Nest but that is something you pay no attention to. You and your fellow hatchlings tussle and play in the surf. The sharp feeling of tooth and talon against still soft hide is uncomfortable at first, but is something that everyone is slowly getting used to. The first couple times cause wincing and a hurried retreat but soon enough everyone is going at it with their all. No real injuries are caused because your jaws and claws are still to weak to do any damage to your hides, even fresh to the world as you are.

Tiring of having to plow through the wake, you lead your game towards the shore, and are instantly knocked into the muck there. One of your brothers, slightly larger than any of the others gives a chuff of laughter before being piled on by two of your other brothers snout down in the muck with you. You give a chuff of laughter at the turnaround, before launching yourself at your sister. One of your playful brothers who helped tackle down your largest sibling rushes in front of Sister and bodyslams you, with a sister helping alongside him.

Belly up, your successful defeaters gloat at one another at a job well done over you, before you lock your talons with Sister and flip her over. She squawks as she lands, before huffing at you distastefully as her partner chuffs merrily. Curiousity peaks its head in you, as you notice your shadow and those of everyone else growing longer. Looking to the sky, you see the sun growing low. This creates a nibble of panic, before instinct reassures you that this is natural.

A loud splash and the cry of fear and alarm shake you from your sky watching. In the water, your swimming siblings are scared, rushing for the shore as quickly as they can. Well, almost all of them, you think one is missing but your unsure. Dad, shaking himself awake from his nap on the shoreline, rushes for the water. A plop sound sound makes your skin go cold as in a faint splash of water one of your siblings disappears under the surface with a shriek of fright. Dad roars his indignation and surges forward, just missing his jaw scoop for the last Sibling as he is taken under the water as well.

Dad's roar of indignation turns to fury as he thrusts his head under the surface and tosses his head back. In his jaws, a large beast flounders. Giving it no quarter he shuffles it around around in his mouth so the mouth is pointed downwards to the water and it's tail into his gullet. A loud crunch and two of. your siblings fall out of the halved creature. Dad swallows the tail end, and catches the front half in his talons.

Relief floods everyone, as chirps of encouragement to Dad echo across the water. Dad gives us a look, an obvious call for silence as he scoops up your two siblings in his jaws and makes for land. It is a quick jaunt for him, quickly lowering his maw and gently releasing your siblings. One of the two wet siblings gives a wet chirp of thanks to Dad before picking himself up. The other isn't moving. Dad prods him, before going silent.

Looking down at the front half of the thing he caught, Dad drops it and scrapes his feet against it, tearing large chunks of flesh off it. He gives a mournful groan to your fallen sibling before floating him in the river. He continues groaning, crooning out a sad tune as your sibling is taken by the current. Turning to us, his surviving brood, he calls for everyone to join him at the fish? and eat.

What do we eat? Vote for any part of the front half of this fish.
[X] Write-In

What do we do after?
[X] Play More
[X] Talk with Dad
[X] Nap
[X] Explore
- [x] Write-In (explore what?)
[X] Write-In

QM Note: Hope this chapter was as good for you guys to read as it was easy for me to type up. So, who would have thought that the first familial deaths in these quests would happen in the sister quest thenthe original huh? Not me, certainly. Oh well, what's done is done. I'm hoping this was action-packed enough for you guys. :)

How long do you guys think I should wait before rapping up the vote? It doesn't feel like it takes long at all for you guys to get your votes in. Let me know your opinion on this.

Last thing, if you have any suggestions for InGen files (any prehistory animal that might fit as a trial test or something) let me know. I'm open to all kinds of suggestions, so long as they seem feasible for the setting.

Anyways, enjoy!
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Survival of the fittest.

[x] Eat the eyes and some of the torso.
[x] Talk with Dad

Chat time!

How long do you guys think I should wait before rapping up the vote? It doesn't feel like it takes long at all for you guys to get your votes in. Let me know your opinion on this.
Probably 30 hours if you want all the daily SV-visitors to have a chance to look at the thread. Up to three days if you want those last two or three votes to come in.

Though, more frequent updates would also keep up thread activity and attract eyeballs on the forum front pages.
Survival of the fittest.

[x] Eat the eyes and some of the torso.
[x] Talk with Dad

Chat time!

Probably 30 hours if you want all the daily SV-visitors to have a chance to look at the thread. Up to three days if you want those last two or three votes to come in.

Though, more frequent updates would also keep up thread activity and attract eyeballs on the forum front pages.
Thanks for the input. I'll try to follow that set-up as best as I am able. I appreciate the information you have provided.