Jurassic Park Management

I want to activly breed the smaller animals and turn them into either multiable sources of revenue or have them double as assets for supporting other animals. having actual velociaraptors (not the chimera ones the source material had) hunting dodos will be good for the raptors and act as a show since the birds are well sized to give them good chase.
Bringing them back from extinction just to kill them again.
A power move to be sure, Silversun17.
Little did we know that the Dodo was the apex predator of it's generation...

Why do you think humanity hunted it to extinction?

It was too dangerous, either we hunted them first or we would be the hunted.

There are no records of it because people didn't want to admit how that flightless and stupid looking bird was an existential threat to humanity.
Why do you think humanity hunted it to extinction?

It was too dangerous, either we hunted them first or we would be the hunted.

There are no records of it because people didn't want to admit how that flightless and stupid looking bird was an existential threat to humanity.
Counterpoint — we admitted that we lost to rat, during the Black Plague.
We admitted that we lost to the diseases they carried, not the rats themselves.

Would you admit that you almost lost to a poodle?
If a poodle almost beat me, that was one cold poodle and I'm sure as sunshine bragging about that. Had to be the Chuck Norris of poodles.
Anyway, arent they reasonably large? At heart, they're killers like any other canine.
If a poodle almost beat me, that was one cold poodle and I'm sure as sunshine bragging about that. Had to be the Chuck Norris of poodles.
Anyway, arent they reasonably large? At heart, they're killers like any other canine.

... I forgot they come in multiple sizes, i have only seen the Toy variety and always think of those and Toy just being part of the race's name instead of a variety like a golden or black Labrador.
... I forgot they come in multiple sizes, i have only seen the Toy variety and always think of those and Toy just being part of the race's name instead of a variety like a golden or black Labrador.
Yeah, the original breed is roughly on par with the various Lab breeds.
Those pom poms on poodles aren't decrotive, they were originally cultivated so that they could chase down prey in wet conditions more effectively.
Oh no, why was automated staffing chosen, that's like, The Big Thing that screwed up Jurassic Park canonically (well, that and in general cost-cutting whenever possible and Hammond treating Nedry like shit.)

Well, we didn't go for the lowest bidder and are (hopefully) not gonna be cloning hordes of carnivores here, so it shouldn't be too bad. On that note...

[X]Birds. The Dodo is rather famous and experience with avian cloning can only help with dinosaur cloning.

The Dodo's the most iconic creature and should be fairly safe (safer than dinosaurs anyway.) And "brought back the dodo" would be a big PR win to tout about.
[X]Birds. The Dodo is rather famous and experience with avian cloning can only help with dinosaur cloning.

I think I good way to contain the larger dinosaurs is solid fences, stuff with reinforced concrete bases and thick steel bars, and dry moats to keep the animals away from the fence. The latter is dirt cheap, make it with concrete so it holds up, and done. Just make it wide enough so the animal can't grab or stab anyone on the other side of the fence. Sinking the enclosure down a bit too helps but that's a bit costly for the large pens in Jurassic Park. Moats work fine enough.

Around the primary fences should be smaller waist high-ish secondary fences to keep guests away from the big fences too, though those should be less necessary for pens with the dry moats. I've seen a few zoos do that to keep people away to prevent an animal from grabbing a guest through the bars. It's pretty solid.

I think we can make Jurassic Park pretty safe even when we start making dinosaurs. We just have to approach this like designing a zoo rather than a safari theme park that's full of itself. Hammond really bought into technology being the key to making the park happen, but dropped the ball on human resources. Muldoon was the only person in the park with experience with animals and he was only a game warden for a safari/national park. He doesn't know how to run animal escape drills, write up safety regulations, train new hires, and build up a solid core of zookeepers Jurassic Park needs to stay around.

Hammond thought it was a brave new world, uncharted with no idea what to do, simply because it had dinosaurs. In doing so he evidently disregarded existing knowledge on how to contain big animals. A t.rex requires similar steps necessary to keep a tiger, polar bear, or elephant contained. It's a big predator, so it needs to be locked up for staff to clean its pen, give it food, and kept away from where it can harm guests. Once we get to the theropods and ornithopods we might want to see if they can be raised by emus or ostriches. That way they aren't left to fend for themselves with only Muldoon as a parental figure. Might help socialize raptors, if we go with them.
Adhoc vote count started by midnight77 on Sep 18, 2022 at 9:42 AM, finished with 48 posts and 26 votes.
On April 7th, 1984, the first mammoth in 4000 years was born. To be exact, 3 were, at a safari park in Kenya. Immediately upon birth, they were whisked away to be poked and prodded by scientists. Upon being given a clean bill of health, they spent the next several months in Kenya before being loaded onto a plane and sent to Sweden, to the Kolmården Wildlife Park. There, in a colder environment, the mammoths were revealed to the world. The reaction was intense.

Almost immediately, accolades and requests from the scientific community poured in. Politicians and commenters weighed in, environmentalists both protested and praised the action. The religious right whipped themselves into a fury. Most interestingly was a call from the Soviet Union, requesting to make a deal to re-populate Siberia with mammoths. The fervor was even higher when, two months later, the Dodo was announced to the world. INGEN was now a world-renowned brand, and requests to provide mammoths to zoos and collectors as well as proposals to reintroduce the Dodo flooded in. The investors were happy, but now wanted you to refocus. The science had been proven, and other companies would inevitably muscle in. Jurassic Park was the next goal.
Once we get to the theropods and ornithopods we might want to see if they can be raised by emus or ostriches. That way they aren't left to fend for themselves with only Muldoon as a parental figure. Might help socialize raptors, if we go with them.
That's another reason I wanted us to try and get Terror Birds. They'd be a great intermediate step between the likes of Cassowary and Ostriches, and raptors. Especially Utahraptors (which are roughly the size of the movie "Velociraptors"). They're very likely to have similar hunting tactics between the individuals; even if they don't use pack tactics. And they'd be perfect for socialization without putting humans at risk.

Also, the extended research and development time combined with basically working backwards means that we're more likely to be able to isolate and fix the sociopathy issue that seemed to be genetic within the raptors. Blue was empathetic and while clever and curious, not actively malicious like the Big One was.
kind of don't know where to take it from here
What exactly do you mean? Do you mean the quest as a whole?