I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore - D&D 3.5E Planescape IC

Kalen gives a very pointed cough in response to Loras remark, before starting to drag the headless dog away from camp. "They're probably infernal in some way, there's something about them that rubs me the wrong way."
Lora blushes a bit as she realizes her faux pas. "Oh, uh, no offense. You know what I meant, right? Regardless, this is our third encounter with the forces of Hell and the Abyss in a week, and our employer...I'm starting to worry its all connected somehow, and we're getting wrapped up in something too large for us to handle..."
Tossing more wood on the fire as she hurries the smoldering flames into a roaring bonfire as quickly as she can, Karla glances at the others.

"Well like I said, that's just my unlearned opinion. What do you think Kaud?"

Looking at the corpses and then glancing out into the darkness beyond the edge of their campfire, Karla then frowns.

"We need to get rid of these bodies, there could be more out there, along with anything else that could be attracted to the smell. I'm also not in the mood to be digging holes, and I'd also prefer to err on the side of caution if these things really are some of funky hell-dogs that just happen to be running around the same plane as us. Anybody object to burning the corpses just to be sure?"
Kaud groans as he straightens, brushing off his pants. "Just our luck," he grumbles. "Infernal dogs."

The half-elf sits on a rock, grumbling as he tosses wood onto the fire. "The fire's gonna have to be a lot hotter to burn flesh clleanly."
"of course my guess had to be right. Well, for some peace of mind while we sleep, I don't mind the extra work getting this fire going."

Moving on to larger logs, the aasimar grumbles as the blaze slowly grows to that of a sizable bonfire.

"Alright, somebody grab the other one and lets toss these dumb mutts in."
"And good riddance to bad rubbish" Kalen mutters, dragging the dog he'd grabbed over to the fire before throwing it in.
The fire burns hot, but it does absolutely nothing to damage the corpses of the hounds, not even so much as singe their fur.
"Uh..... this could be a problem."

After a few minutes and no sign the dogs are burning, Karla eventually makes a face and sighs.

"Well. I guess the other option to make sure is cutting them up into itty-bitty bits, but..... well butchering things I can't eat and are probably from a hell doesn't exactly appeal to me, and they're now in the middle of the fire so..... now what?"
"Well shit," Lora says, staring at the dogs that would not burn. "If we had a bag of holding or something, I'd suggest we just stuff them in there..."
Kaud scowls at the smouldering corpses. "Infernal beasts, in every sense of the words," the wizard grumps as he racks his brain for anything that might be useful. "Mage hand!"

With a few desultory flicks, he gets the corpses off the fire. They're not even singed. "Holy water, perhaps? They're... they're hellhounds. Hunters."
"Okay bear with me for a moment." Kirana thinks about their latest predicament. "Hell hounds yeah? Ah have a plan."

She turns to her rucksack and roots around in it. "So they're evil, yeah? Wonder what purified anything will do to 'em." The redhead grins as she pulls a jug out from her pack and unstoppers it. "Here we are, just what Ah needed."

With a short incantation, the jug is soon filled to the brim with plain, ordinary water. Another incantation makes her hands glow and she holds her hand over the mouth of the jug. "Many thanks, Kaud. Might want ta step back, Ah gots no real idea what this might do." As soon as she is sure the party is far enough away, she pours out the holy water in a small stream over one of the dogs.

[OOC: Kirana casts create water, then purify water]
The holy water does what the fire could not. A cloud of steam rises from the hound's corpse as it begins to dissolve, until eventually there is nothing left but a puddle on the ground.
Grinning widely, Kirana dumps the rest of the jug of the final dog corpse and turns back to the group. "Ah get good ideas every once and a while it seems."
Finally re-sheathing her sword, Karla tiredly takes a place a comfortable distance from the now merrily blazing bonfire they have pointlessly erected.

"Well, at least on the bright side, it shouldn't take too long to heat up rations on this inferno. Definitely going to need a guard though, because if those two weren't the only ones out there, this thing'll be seen for miles."

Idly tossing a twig in the blaze's direction and watching it burst into flames on contact, Karla pulls a face.

"I guess I'll volunteer for first watch unless anyone else objects? We've had the evening entertainment, so now I'd prefer to eat and then go to bed without any further interruptions for tonight."
"Well Ah don't have much skill cookin. Ah do have some rations though." Kirana settles back onto her bedroll and rummages through her pack for the aforemention rations.
At the sight of Kirana's rations, Karla grins and then fishes around in her own pack for a moment before pulling out one of her own ration packs.

"Well, any grub is good grub, and all grub is better than no grub at all."

Despite the rather plain and boring affair of the dried and preserved trail foods, the aasimar drools hungrily before digging in.

"mmmm, food."
"When we-" Kaud yawns. "When we return to civilisation. We should turn in soon, not forgetting the watch, of course."

The party dines in relative silence, and then settle down for the night.
Morning comes with no further incidents, the day gray and calm. A foggy haze hangs in the air, but it should hopefully lift before the day has gone on too long.
"Well ain't this plum wonderful," Kirana gripes as she kicks out the remains of the fire. Having the last watch at least meant she was already ready to go. "Oi, rise and shine sleepy heads, we got a bit of walking to do."