Imperial Reformer, a warhammer system governor quest

[X] Gather a Team
-[X] Emma Jackson
--[X] Create a military staff
Creating a military staff is the first step to setting up the administration for the military and it will be able to undertake a single action each turn.
It will act like a hero with only the Martial stat and 3D4 will be rolled to determine its stats.
Cost 10 budget and 5 budget per turn
DC 40
--[X] Recruit Angela Miller
Angela Miller was the person that introduced you to how live in the lower parts of the hive was for those living there and has been one of the larger supporter of the charity you set up. As she grew up as part of a merchant family she would be a great help with managing the colonies economy.
Gain a new hero: Angela Miller, she has 12 stewardship and rolls 3D4 for the other stats.
DC 30
-[X] Sophia Jackson
--[X] Meet with the Adeptus Ministorum
The Imperial church will be a minor player on the new colonies unless invited.
Provide funding for the imperial church to set up in your colony.
DC 20: Free church when your colony gets created.
DC 40: +1 Piety

So here is a first pass. I have real reservations about sending a psyker to talk to the church, but her Piety should smooth things out. We are a military person so focusing on gathering a command staff makes sense. Angela is a friend and natural stewardship hero.

This approach should help with out action economy. Building from this we can raise a regiment and pivot to gathering our civilian administration. Schmoozing with other governors, disposing of our corvette in some way, and gaining wider ad mech support are other priorities.

@sunrise I assume we will gain at least one Astropath? An action around trying to get a choir or maybe support for finding and containing rogue psykers would make sense.
@sunrise I assume we will gain at least one Astropath? An action around trying to get a choir or maybe support for finding and containing rogue psykers would make sense.
Astropath are rare enough that the decision to deploy them will be made after the colonies have been established. There is one Astropath going to the sector soon with the main Imperial fleet.
Astropath are rare enough that the decision to deploy them will be made after the colonies have been established. There is one Astropath going to the sector soon with the main Imperial fleet.
Ok! Any decision on gaining some low level (not real inquisition) witch hunters? Or is that covered as part of church support.
i like to thank you all for liking, voting and debating the update.
Vote closed rolling the dice
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on May 2, 2020 at 8:23 AM, finished with 13 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Gather a Team
    [X] Gather a Team
    -[X] Emma Jackson
    --[X] Create a military staff
    --[X] Recruit Angela Miller
    -[X] Sophia Jackson
    --[X] Meet with the Adeptus Ministorum
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Create a military staff Total: 99
99 99
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Recruit Angela Miller Total: 98
98 98
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Meet with the Adeptus Ministor Total: 95
95 95
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Christopher Eriksson conquest Total: 55
55 55
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: imperium scouting Total: 46
46 46
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: orc numbers Total: 51
51 51
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: chaos number in gate sector Total: 60
60 60
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Angela Martial Total: 11
3 3 4 4 4 4
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Angela Diplomacy Total: 5
1 1 2 2 2 2
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Angela Piety Total: 6
2 2 3 3 1 1
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Angela Intrigue Total: 7
3 3 2 2 2 2
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Sophia Jackson Learning Total: 7
3 3 3 3 1 1
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Angela Learning Total: 7
4 4 2 2 1 1
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Military staff command Total: 7
2 2 2 2 3 3
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story+vote post 2
Greenland system 353.M36

Life has been good for Christopher Eriksson ever since he found the passage to the Thor sector and today he will set the next step forward as he leads the 13th colonization fleet towards the Greenland the feral world in the system of the same name. It has been three hundred years since the explosion of the main plasma reactor in the capital caused the collapse of civilization and now he is going to restore it. He picks a spot near a bay on the northern continent as the location of the new capital Nuuk and from there he is bringing the world back to imperial control

Elysia 353.M36

Emma Jackson has announced the creation of the general staff for her colonly and has offered promotions for all that join. This result in a large amount of volunteers and she quickly fills all positions of the staff. Emma adds the best of them to her personal staff and there are enough officers willing to join your military to expand the staff with another department. The only issue is that many officers need time to adjust to their new roles but with some training this can be fixed.
[Emma Jackson gains +1 Martial and the trait: Personal Staff(+1 Martial, +1 Stewardship)]
[Military staff upgrades to: The military has 10 Martial]

[Military] Military Intelligence department
Create the department of Military Intelligence to gain new actions to get new actions to gain more information about the fighting in the Thor sector.
The Military gets 3D4 Intrigue

[Military] Logistical department
By creating a Logistical department improves the supply lines of our army allow the deployment of heavy bolters as crew served weapons by our militia regiments
The Military gets 3D4 Stewardship

[Military] Research department
Creating a Research department is considered heretical by some but you feel that the normal way the Imperium fights can be improved and if you limit yourself to tactics and strategy you can prevent action being taken against the department.
The Military gets 3D4 Learning

Angela Miller was hired to help run the colonial economy and she has a large number of contacts with the merchants and is a skilled at finding goods for the best deal possible. After looking over the current plans for the colony she suggest investing into a transport ship and a orbital station to move colonist and gear there.
[Emma Jackson gains +1 Stewardship]
[Angela Miller character sheet has been added]

Sophia Jackson spend the year in the monasteries and churches of Elysia where she met with a large number of members of the Imperial church to talk about setting it up in our colony. She talks to groups from cardinals, the adepta sororitas to dedicated chaos hunters. The day she arrives at the monastery of the adepta sororitas there is a meeting there about how to deploy their forces to the Thor sector and her presence is seen as a sign of the emperor and they decide to create a small monastery there.
[Gain a small force of witch hunters and single squad of sisters of battle]

The abbey of Vedant is one of the most beautiful ones Sophia has seen not for its elaborate decorations but it uses very few decorations to create a sense of awe.It is in one of the far north of Elysium where is snows for half the year and being placed there is used as a way to get rid of priest that fall out of favor. The current abbot was send there for his belief in a simpler church that spends more on charity and less on its churches and religious feasts. This has made him unpopular with senior priest who see his preaching as a threat to their luxurious lives. Sophia spends the next month at the abbey listing to the abbots sermons their choir and meditating in the abbey bringing her closer to the emperor.
[Sophia Jackson gains 2 piety]

She met with several potential leaders for our church some are rich puritian, others are reformers barely avoiding being arrested for heresy looking for a place where they can implement their reforms. In the weeks that follow she reduces the list of candidates to two.
[the high roll removed all heretics from this list.]

[church] Bishop Peter Armstrong
Is one of the moderate members of the local church who lost last years election for the leadership of the church on Elysia and wants to get away from his successful rival. He prom misses financial support in setting up the colony but will set up a traditional church.
[+10 Budget]

[church] Abbot John Patton
The priesthood of Beacon of Hope are among those that oppose this movement and relations with them will suffer if he is appointed.
[Cheaper to expand the church and increased support for reforms]

When the first report of the scouts arrive they bring reports of chaos cults on two of the feral worlds, Robarts Hope and New Dallas, the scouts report little of use on New Dallas and the chaos cults there will be destroyed by naval bombardments. On Robarts Hope there is a forge of the adeptus mechanicus and a landing is ordered to retake while the rest of the world will be bombed to eliminate any possible reinforcements for the chaos cult holding the forge.
[new action to join the fighting at Robarts Hope]

You have 5 actions this turn, two by Emma Jackson, one by Sophia Jackson, one by Angela Miller and one by your Military.
You have 235 Budget and an income of +15 Budget per turn
Good descriptions of why you want to do a specific plans are rewarded with additional rewards and/or modifiers to the roll
Combinations of actions that work togther can result in additional rewards as well, for example if you go scouting it becomes easier if you own a ship instead of having to ask for a assignment on one of the scouts.


Train a skill(write in skill)
Write in a skill to train(Martial,Learning,Stewardship,Intrigue or Diplomacy
the DC is current base skill x 10 - 50
If the rolls is 50 over the DC you get +2 to the skill.

Help with another action
Pick a action that gets +20 on the roll
No roll needed for this action


Raise a infantry regiment
By raising a infantry regiment you can take part in the fighting on the planned colony worlds. By raising a regiment now we have access to the armories of Elysia and can equip them to a standard that will hard to match later.
The cost includes transporting the regiment to the sector.
Cost: 70 budget upkeep: 10 budget per turn
DC 20

Join the battle for Robarts Hope
Sophia Jackson has convinced a squad of the Sisters of Battle to join your colony and they will be a great help while trying to take a forge from a chaos cult. If you raise additional forces this turn they can be send as well, if you buy a transport two militia regiments can be added to the attack. Two regiments of the imperial guard have been assigned to the attack already.
DC 30 to take the forge intact with just the sisters

Scout beyond Elysia's gate
By joining the fleet scouting beyond Elysia's gate we can learn more about the situation there.
-20 to the DC if you own a warp capable ship
DC 30

Buy Lasguns for your militia
Your colony will be provided with workshops need to produce Autoguns but lasguns are superior weapons when operating far from resupply. Even taking the gear needed to recharge the power cells in account the lasguns is lighter then a autogun with enough ammo for a long patrol.
Cost 5 budget per regiment

Attend the naval academy
A year at the naval academy can teach you a lot about large scale military operations.
DC 20: +1 Martial
DC 50: gain the trait: Elysia Education +1 Martial
Cost 3 budget

Buy a corvette
The colonies will be protected by the naval squadron assigned to the sector but owning a warp capable ship of your own will greatly increase the options you have.
Cost 120 Budget and 5 Budget per turn
DC 10: you buy a Claymore-class Corvette


Ask the Adeptus Administratum for additional funds
You can request additional funding for the colony
DC 50: +20 Budget
DC 70: +5 Budget per turn(till turn 6)

Meet the other governors
Not all worlds have had governors assigned to them but you can meet those that have been named.
DC 30: character sheets for several governors, options to make deals

Seek out new contacts in the Adeptus Mechanicus
The senior members of the Adeptus Mechanicus are competing for the honor of leading the exploration fleet that is heading to the Thor sector soon but there are lower ranking members you could talk to.
DC 40: new contact in the Adeptus Mechanicus

Trade the wreckage of the corvette
The wreckage of the corvette can be traded with the Adeptus Mechanicus for support for the colony.
DC 10: additional tech priests
DC 40: a minor forge with staff to run it.
DC 80: A magos will be send to the colony

Meet fellow reformers
The small team you have collected to lead the colony are not the only reformers on Elysia. Seek out the other reformers and help each other.
DC ?? gain potential allies and help


Fund Charity
Your charity can use additional funding to improve the lives of those living in the hive and those preparing to leave to the colonies.
Cost 10 Budget
DC 10: +1 Piety
DC 40: More colonist available for the colonies


Repair the wrecked corvette
All members of the imperium are expected to help each other when needed and repairing ships is one of the most common forms of help requested and given. The wreck you found is technically a corvette so you can ask to have it repaired giving you a ship for less then building a new one would cost.
Cost 30 Budget and 5 Budget per turn
DC 40

Investigate your fellow Governors
Learn more about the other governors appointed to lead colonies in the Thor sector
DC 20: character sheets for several governors


Hire an additional transport
The Adeptus Administratum is providing two ships to move the colonist and their gear to their new world, we can hire a third one.
Unlocks options to fill the ship, any spare room will be filled with farmers.
Cost 50 Budget
DC 10

Set up the colonial government
By hiring the staff for the government we can delegate the running of the colony to them freeing up Emma's time.
It will act like a hero with only the Stewardship stat, one action per turn and 3D4 will be rolled to determine its stats.
Cost 30 budget and 5 budget per turn
DC 30

Sell the Wreckage
As you found the wrecked corvette you own the salvage rights and can sell it to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Gain 30 Budget
DC 5

Buy a orbital station
Pay to have a orbital station build and delivered to your colony the cost include the station itself, moving to the colony and training a crew.
It comes with two short range shuttles to move goods from and to the station and will serve as the center of trade for the colony.
Cost 50 Budget
DC 10

Buy a small transport
By buying a warp capable transport we can move gear and colonist to our colony without having to hire a ship for the job. Once established we can use it to transport goods for trade and troops to fight across the sector. Will transport two groups per turn to the colony and unlocks actions to use it for other jobs(trade and moving troops).
Cost 100 Budget and 5 budget per turn
DC 5


Attend one of Elysia's schools
Elysia is the home of several advanced schools and the Elysia institute of Engineering offers a one year course on the basics of engineering and advanced math.
If a hero already has the Elysia Education trait you can write in another skill to train.
DC 20: +1 Learning
DC 50: gain the trait: Elysia Education +1 Learning
Cost 3 budget

Arrange training for the colonist
The colonist that sign up for a trip to what is still a warzone are the desperate, a handful of grateful recipients of your charity and those forced to come by the Adeptus Administratum.
They do not make up the best workforce for a new colony provide training programs so your farmers know more then the class aboard the colony ship will provide.
Cost 10 Budget
DC 20 +10% food produced
DC 40 +10% higher production of your workshops/factories
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With the change of mechanics to the CK2 system in turn 8 these are no longer used.

The military
The officers of the military have been recruited from the best of Elysia's officers and trained at the naval academy before the colony was created.

Martial 9+1(Elysia Education)+2(Naval academy training) = 12, +10 to Martial actions
Stewardship 8+1(Elysia Education) = 9, -5 to Stewardship actions
Learning 0+2(Elysia Education) = 2, -40 to Learning actions
Naval academy training +2 Martial
The staff has been trained at Elysia naval academy
Elysia Education +2 Learning, +1 Martial and +1 Stewardship
Picked from among a large amount of volunteers the senior officers of the military are among the best educated of the Thor sector.

The colonial Government
The colonial government was created the year before the colony fleet left Elysia on the recommendation of Sophia Jackson it was expanded with a department of education.

Stewardship 10 = 10 , +0 to Stewardship actions
Learning 8 = 8, -10 to Learning actions
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You had very good rolls resulting in increased stats and/or traits for all heroes and the information bookmarks have been updated with their new stats.
There are a few new actions based on suggestions by Uhtread(a space station and trading the wreckage), a talk with fellow reformers one that allows you to move away from how the imperium is run and a option to buy a transport to move colonist to your colony.
This will be the second of the three turns before the colonist leave, most of these actions will still be available while Elisia's gate is open(divination suggests it closes around turn 10).
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[X] Phase 2
-[X] [Military] Logistical department
By creating a Logistical department improves the supply lines of our army allow the deployment of heavy bolters as crew served weapons by our militia regiments
The Military gets 3D4 Stewardship
-[X] [church] Bishop Peter Armstrong
Is one of the moderate members of the local church who lost last years election for the leadership of the church on Elysia and wants to get away from his successful rival. He prom misses financial support in setting up the colony but will set up a traditional church.
[+10 Budget]
-[X] Military Command
--[X] Attend the naval academy
A year at the naval academy can teach you a lot about large scale military operations.
DC 20: +1 Martial
DC 50: gain the trait: Elysia Education +1 Martial
Cost 3 budget
DC 20
-[X] Emma Jackson
--[X] Join the battle for Robarts Hope
Sophia Jackson has convinced a squad of the Sisters of Battle to join your colony and they will be a great help while trying to take a forge from a chaos cult. If you raise additional forces this turn they can be send as well, if you buy a transport two militia regiments can be added to the attack. Two regiments of the imperial guard have been assigned to the attack already.
DC 30 to take the forge intact with just the sisters
--[X] Investigate your fellow Governors
Learn more about the other governors appointed to lead colonies in the Thor sector
DC 20: character sheets for several governors
-[X] Sophia Jackson
--[X] Fund Charity
Your charity can use additional funding to improve the lives of those living in the hive and those preparing to leave to the colonies.
Cost 10 Budget
DC 10: +1 Piety
DC 40: More colonist available for the colonies
-[X] Angela Miller
--[X] Buy a small transport
By buying a warp capable transport we can move gear and colonist to our colony without having to hire a ship for the job. Once established we can use it to transport goods for trade and troops to fight across the sector. Will transport two groups per turn to the colony and unlocks actions to use it for other jobs(trade and moving troops).
Cost 100 Budget and 5 budget per turn

Budget: 235+10-93=152

Lots of good options, tough to weigh the possibilities. The idea here is to contribute heavily it retaking the forge to gain some cred with the crusade and admech, plus blood our militia. Sending our command to school should help them round themselves out a bit. Investigating our fellow governors will hopefully give us context for a reach out next turn. The transport is a big gamble, but I hope the flexibility it will give us in the long term will pan out. Angela setting up a colonial government seems a logical next step. We are burning through budget fast so hopefully we can use the transport next turn to score some budget. I am resigning myself to not raising a regiment and instead repairing the corvette and snagging an orbital. EDIT: I light of the discount we get from Angela I pushed off setting up the civilian government and instead we will do some charity.
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I like to thank all that voted, liked and recommended this quest.
The vote is closed rolls, for this turn will be added to this post in the next hour.
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Military Command n academy Total: 8
8 8
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: emma: Join the battle Total: 90
90 90
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: emma: Investigate your fellow Total: 52
52 52
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sophia Fund Charity Total: 64
64 64
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Angela Miller Buy transport Total: 87
87 87
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: imperium scouting Total: 41
41 41
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: orc activity Total: 43
43 43
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: xenos activity Total: 37
37 37
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: chaos activity Total: 56
56 56
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Military gets 3D4 Stewardship Total: 6
3 3 1 1 2 2
story+vote post 3(final turn before picking a colony)
Elysia 50.354.M36
Angela Miller has bought a warp capable transport ship, the "Union of Utrecht" after it was confiscated from its former owner for smuggling Xenos artifacts. It is even larger then the ship Angela was first thinking of buying and can carry 50% more cargo then expected. It was sold by a Inquisitor of the Order Xenos that was looking for information about the Xenos in the northern parts Thor sector and you suspect that the crew includes several of his agents providing the inquisition information about the Thor sector.
[Angela Miller Buy transport: 87: 50% larger ship for the same price]

When Emma visited the headquarters of the Adeptus Mechanicus to talk about the attack on Robarts Hope to plan the attack the announcement that she was providing a transport and two militia regiments for the attack resulted in a change of plans no longer would the rest of the settlement around the forge bombed but instead the new plan called for the conquest to allow the forge to resume production sooner. The additions shipping provided by the Union of Utrecht allowed the Adeptus Mechanicus to add an additional regiment to the attack force as well. They also provided additional gear for the militia regiments most significantly 5 lascannon for the first militia regiment.

Robarts Hope 100.354.M36

The invasion of Robarts Hope starts with the landing of both militia regiments and the Mordian Seventeenth regiment on a hill three kilometers west of the forge hoping to provoke a attack by the forces holding the forge. This worked better then expected as within a minute of the landing the chaos cultist where on the move and it became a race to deploy all of our forces before they arrived. "Blood for the Blood God!" could be heard soon afterwards as the cultist closed to our lines and then the heavy bolters and lascannon started firing on the cultist.

Despite their losses the cultist keep attacking with the third armed with rifles dropping into cover as soon as they got close enough to fire on our troops and the rest charging us armed with axes, spears and clubs. Among those groups there where some that where mutated to the point that they are barely human anymore capable of advancing even after being hit more then once. This was the moment that the 15th Elysian Drop Troops Regiment joined the fight landing its troops between the cultists and the forge and attacking them in the rear supported by their gunships.

At the same time as the Elysian entering the fight the Adeptus Mechanicus tech regiment landed at the forge capturing it intact from the few defenders that where still there. Leaving behind a third of their regiment to hold the forge they moved to join the battle. Despite being outnumbered and the amount of firepower raining down on the cultist some reached the Mordian regiment where they caused heavy losses in the resulting melee until a group of vultures gunships killed most of them and the remainder where killed by the sisters of battle.
[Emma Jackson: Join the battle Total: 90+10]
[Both militia regiments are now trained, 1st militia regiment has 5 lascannon]

After the battle there is a meeting between the leaders of the attack where you are introduced to the commander of the Elysian drop regiment General Li Xin one of the generals that was named as governor in the Thor sector in reward for his service to the imperium. The regiment is going with him to form the nobility for his colony and their gear will arm the local PDF regiments. He is planning on a colony close to the orc held worlds in the west of the sector as he swore revenge against the orcs after they killed both of his sons four years ago.

You are both are promised small forges for your colonies with workers and tech priests to run them that focus on lasguns production. Robarts Hope will be a outpost with the largest forge in the sector and will grow in time to a full forgeworld when the sector grows enough for there to be demand for its output and enough security to protect its secrets. They also provide several additional priest to help maintain the Union of Utrecht reducing the cost to maintain it.
[Upkeep of the Union of Utrecht is now 2 lower]
[gain a small forge with workers and tech priests]

Sophia spend the year funding several charity projects that included meals for the poor, grants for schooling and she funds a new church for Abbot John Patton. The results are better then expected with several hundred recipients of the grants signing up to join our colony giving us a core of skilled bureaucrats to run the administration. She also sets up a training program for the future farmers teaching them how to farm on a planets with a far different year and season than they are farming on now.
[Sophia Jackson: Fund Charity: 64+25 +1 Piety for Sophia Jackson, more and better trained colonists]

Elysia 200.354.M36

The reports on your fellow governors are mixed some are officials assigned to marginal world intended to hold them for the imperium till there are resources available to properly expand them and all of them can be safely ignored but there are a few that have access to more resources or skills that make them stand out.
[Gain a small forge with workers: +10 production +1 tech per turn]

Christopher Eriksson of Greenland
Owns a sword class frigate customized for exploration
Martial 12, Learning 12 other stats 8

General Li Xin
Martial 14 Learning 11 other stats 9
His regiment of Elysian drop troops forms the base of his administration
Spend his entire budget on additional weapons.
Hates orcs for killing his sons

Forge Master Delta Morse of Robarts Hope
Learning 12 Stewardship 12 other stats 9
Wants to see Robarts Hope grow to a Forge world.

General Tahmina Dillard
Martial 13 Stewardship 11 other stats 9
Commander of the 16th Inniskilling rifles
Bought a space station

General Nadeem Cain
Martial 10 Diplomacy 12 Piety 5 other stats 8
Commander of the Brimlock 26th Dragoons Regiment
Has hired a pair of transport to move additional colonists

Elysia 250.354.M36

The military has been expanded with a department responsible for logistics while several officers have applied to the naval academy and other have been send to the militia regiments as their officers. This lead to the group being send to the naval academy beeing smaller then planned and does not include the best of our officers.
[Military Command Attend the naval academy: 8+0 nothing learned]
[Logistics department: +6 Stewardship]

You have 5 actions this turn, two by Emma Jackson, one by Sophia Jackson, one by Angela Miller and one by your miltary.
You have 152 Budget and an income of +7 Budget per turn
Good descriptions of why you want to do a specific plans are rewarded with additional rewards and/or modifiers to the roll


Train a skill(write in skill)
Write in a skill to train(Martial,Learning,Stewardship,Intrigue or Diplomacy
the DC is current base skill x 10 - 50
If the rolls is 50 over the DC you get +2 to the skill.

Help with another action
Pick a action that gets +20 on the roll
No roll needed for this action


Raise a infantry regiment
By raising a infantry regiment you can take part in the fighting on the planned colony worlds. By raising a regiment now we have access to the armories of Elysia and can equip them to a standard that will hard to match later.
The cost includes transporting the regiment to the sector.
Cost: 70 budget upkeep: 10 budget per turn
DC 20

Scout beyond Elysia's gate
By joining the fleet scouting beyond Elysia's gate we can learn more about the situation there.
-20 to the DC if you own a warp capable ship
DC 30

Attend the naval academy
A year at the naval academy can teach you a lot about large scale military operations.
DC 20: +1 Martial
DC 50: gain the trait: Elysia Education +1 Martial
Cost 3 budget

Buy a corvette
The colonies will be protected by the naval squadron assigned to the sector but owning a warp capable ship of your own will greatly increase the options you have.
Cost 120 Budget and 5 Budget per turn
DC 10: you buy a Claymore-class Corvette


Ask the Adeptus Administratum for additional funds
You can request additional funding for the colony
DC 50: +20 Budget
DC 70: +5 Budget per turn(till turn 6)

Meet the other governors
Not all worlds have had governors assigned to them but you can meet those that have been named.
DC 30: character sheets for several governors, options to make deals

Seek out new contacts in the Adeptus Mechanicus
The senior members of the Adeptus Mechanicus are competing for the honor of leading the exploration fleet that is heading to the Thor sector soon but there are lower ranking members you could talk to.
DC 40: new contact in the Adeptus Mechanicus

Trade the wreckage of the corvette

The wreckage of the corvette can be traded with the Adeptus Mechanicus for support for the colony.
DC 10: additional tech priests
DC 40: a minor forge with staff to run it.
DC 80: A magos will be send to the colony

Meet fellow reformers
The small team you have collected to lead the colony are not the only reformers on Elysia. Seek out the other reformers and help each other.
DC ?? gain potential allies and help


Fund Charity
Your charity can use additional funding to improve the lives of those living in the hive and those preparing to leave to the colonies.
Cost 10 Budget
DC 10: +1 Piety
DC 40: More colonist available for the colonies


Repair the wrecked corvette
All members of the imperium are expected to help each other when needed and repairing ships is one of the most common forms of help requested and given. The wreck you found is technically a corvette so you can ask to have it repaired giving you a ship for less then building a new one would cost.
Cost 30 Budget and 5 Budget per turn
DC 40


Hire an additional transport
The Adeptus Administratum is providing two ships to move the colonist and their gear to their new world, we can hire a third one.
Unlocks options to fill the ship, any spare room will be filled with farmers.
Cost 40 Budget
DC 10

Set up the colonial government
By hiring the staff for the government we can delegate the running of the colony to them freeing up Emma's time.
It will act like a hero with only the Stewardship stat, one action per turn and 3D4 will be rolled to determine its stats.
Cost 30 budget and 5 budget per turn
DC 30

Sell the Wreckage
As you found the wrecked corvette you own the salvage rights and can sell it to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Gain 30 Budget
DC 5

Buy a orbital station
Pay to have a orbital station build and delivered to your colony the cost include the station itself, moving to the colony and training a crew.
It comes with two short range shuttles to move goods from and to the station and will serve as the center of trade for the colony.
Cost 50 Budget
DC 10

Trading mission
Now you own a transport you can use it to earn some money by trading
DC 30: +10 budget
DC 50: +15 budget
DC 75: +20 budget


Attend one of Elysia's schools
Elysia is the home of several advanced schools and the Elysia institute of Engineering offers a one year course on the basics of engineering and advanced math.
If a hero already has the Elysia Education trait you can write in another skill to train.
DC 20: +1 Learning
DC 50: gain the trait: Elysia Education +1 Learning
Cost 3 budget

Arrange training for the colonist
The colonist that sign up for a trip to what is still a warzone are the desperate, a handful of grateful recipients of your charity and those forced to come by the Adeptus Administratum.
They do not make up the best workforce for a new colony provide training programs so your farmers know more then the class aboard the colony ship will provide.
Cost 10 Budget
DC 20 +10% food produced
DC 40 +10% higher production of your workshops/factories
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[X] Final Phase
-[X] Emma Jackson
--[X] Meet the other governors
--[X] Repair the wrecked corvette
-[X] Sophia Jackson
--[X] Fund Charity
-[X] Angela Miller
--[X] Set up the colonial government
-[X] Military
--[X] Buy a orbital station

152-114=38 budget left
-3 income going forward

Again this is risky, but I am hoping between cutting deals with other governors, having a station, and a protected trade convoy we can push for an early role as a trade hub.
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Vote closed
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Emma Meet the other governors Total: 85
85 85
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Emma Repair corvette Total: 40
40 40
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sophia Fund Charity Total: 15
15 15
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Angela Miller colonial governm Total: 29
29 29
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Military Buy a orbital station Total: 92
92 92
sunrise threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: colonial stewardship Total: 10
2 2 4 4 4 4
story+vote post 3: colony selection
Sophia Jackson gave more money to charity allowing the colonists to keep attending school and sets up several long term funds to keep them going for decades to come. This has lead to the creation of a class of educated farmers and workers that serves as source of recruits for the colonial administration. This will make maintaining the quality of the staff easier then expected and provides the basis for the schooling system for our colony.
[Sophia Fund Charity: 15+30 +1 piety, 1 budget per turn less upkeep, new learning options]
[Angela Miller colonial government: 29+20: 10 stewardship, no traits]

The military command was tasked with buying a orbital station they did so at the same time as the Elysian navy ordering several stations for the outer system. Ordering one of these stations was a bit cheaper then ordering a one of station and the funds freed up where used for a fury interceptor that will be based at the station. The station itself will make trade easier with several cargo shuttles to move goods to and from orbit, a small warehouse to hold trade goods speeding up trade as goods can be launched there in the weeks it takes a ship to reach the colony from where they enter the system.
[Military Buy a orbital station: 92: added fury squadron, +1 martial, +1 Stewardship]
[Adds an action to sell food and goods to passing traders]

Emma Jackson made a enemy of the forge master in charge of the main shipyard of Elysia when she had the wreckage towed there and asked for it to be repaired as most saw it as a collection of scrap not as a something that could be repaired. They do the absolute minimum needed to repair the ship using damaged parts and leaving out anything that is optional but it is a working ship and the remaining repairs can be done by the tech priest of your colony.
[Emma Repair corvette: 40+5: working ship with -15 to rolls until repaired and all optional parts have been added]

You managed to set up a meeting between the future governors of the Thor sector to coordinate your plans for the coming expedition. Christopher Eriksson has brought a map containing the result of his years of scouting and the generals add the known military forces to the map you have a small forge, a cargo ship and a frigate allowing you to supply the others. They talk about the southern sub sector first where Eriksson has already settled Greenland, a area with the majority of the feudal and feral worlds of the sector lay but many have priests from the Bastion of Faith on them with plans to send missionaries the rest soon. The priests are redirecting most of the sub sectors wealth into the priesthood and all agree that no new colonies should be created there at this time.

To the east lays Robarts Hope in a sub sector where the warp is more turbulent then normal and many worlds have been heavely damaged by the orbital bombarbens that ended the revolts in the subsector. General Nadeem Cain is colonizing the closest world to Robarts Hope to support and protect the forge there. There is one more system being considered for colonization at this time in the eastern subsector, the world of New Scotland it is the last place held by loyalist there but centuries of wars and invasions have reduced it to less then 100.000 settlers, mostly farmers and artisans supplying those farmers.

In the west there are several ruins on worlds overrun by orcs that are of interest to the imperium and a base for the fleet has been created called fleetbase western Thor. It consist of a fuel refinery for the fleet with large warehouses attached containing the supplies for the fleet. It was build there to take advantage to the fact that the system has a habitual world and a gas giant where fuel can be produced while being close to the orc held world. The world has not yet been settled but the navy has requested that it will be settled soon to reduce the cost to supply the fleet. The fleet keeps several sword class frigates as a permanent guard and the rest of the fleet makes regular visits to resupply there making it the safest system in the sector but the fleet expects the local colony to support them.

In the central subsector lays a world called the junction where the warp is calmer then normal and many of the potential shipping routes in the sector pass trough. This part of the sector holds a lot of Death worlds and some show signs of ancient battles and the junction is the only world inhabitable by humans there and a settlement there will be a center of trade for the sector.

The final subsector talked about during the meeting was in the north of the sector where the second civilized world of the sector lays, Eagles Nest. Eagles nest was settled during the dark age of technology by a group send to terraform the world before the main group of settlers would arrive but warp storms resulted in those settlers never arriving. The resulting lack of teachers caused the world to fall faster then most but the original setters realized this and they created a library with books that are stamped into metal plates designed to last forever.

They where later joined by the groups send to colonize two other worlds in that sector when a passing naval ship helped them relocate there and one of these worlds has become on of the best terraformed worlds in the sector. Farming will be easier there and the planet beautiful nature will attract colonists there. It is also on the edge of the space explored by the imperium and Christopher Eriksson has been ordered to explore there but he will need several years to get things in order at Greenland first before he can start.
[Emma Meet the other governors: 85+5]

Where do you want to start the colony?
[colony] New Scotland
+Existing farmers and artisans
-turbulent warp
-most worlds damaged by wars vs chaos

[colony] The junction
+easier trade
-most nearby worlds are dead Worlds

[colony] Naval station west
-Most nearby world contain orcs
+Base of the Thor naval fleet
+unknown ruins on nearby worlds

[colony] The Garden
+Close to unexplored space and the civilized world Eagles Nest
+Fully terraformed
-Distant from other inhabited worlds
So by "dead world" do you mean "a world that cannot support life" or "a world that has absolutely no useful resources"?