congratz a 96 on the event roll leads to the rise of a new hero, looking at the rest of the roles just in time...
With the hunting roll the highest of all rolls for tasks the hero is a heroic hunter.
congratz a 96 on the event roll leads to the rise of a new hero, looking at the rest of the roles just in time...
With the hunting roll the highest of all rolls for tasks the hero is a heroic hunter.
Jesus Christ with rolls for food like that were going to need the heroic hunter pretty badly. Although personally I would have preferred a research hero or something.
weather = 43(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 22(roll) /3 = 39= normal weather
Elder council: +10 sowing progress
Gather plants 10+5: failure
Gather plants 41: 4 food
Gather plants 86: 5 food +10 sowing progress at 70/100 now
Gather plants 29: 3 food
Hunting(large animals) 10+10+5: failure
Hunting(small animals) 19+10+5: failure
Hunting(small animals) 70+10+5: 5 food
Hunting(small animals) 89+5: 6 food
Hero: Hunting(large animals) 10+5: failure
craft knives: 68: one set of knives made
Craft tools[Stone tipped spears]: 59 one set made
Study[Improved knives]: 34: at 4/100 now
domesticating wolves : 55 domestication at 5/100
Stream camp +1 food
Elder council -1 food
Wild wolves -2 food, +5 to hunting rolls
food eaten= 10(nr of tasks) x3 = 30
food produced: 4+5+3+5+6+1-1-2 = 40 *1.1 = 21
More then 2/3 of needed food: Stabilty stays at average, no Growth to loosse
Food shortages: stability roll = 28 *(21/30) = 20 +5 from charity = 25
Tribes Status:
Stability: average
Food: lean times
Growth 0/40
Tools: 3 spears, 1 knives, 1 axe, 1 athal
After a few good years the weather turned cold once more amd the hunters and gathers started to return to camp with less food then needed and the wolves where starting to recover from the losses they took. in these troubling times one student of Wolfsbane, Swiftstike spend most of his time learning to fight and no one could match his skill with a spear. Swiftstike thinks the food shortages are only a matter of bad luck and want to focus on the growing number of wolves but many in the tribe disagree. Swiftstike also worked on adapting the tribes hunting tactics to the increased range gained by the use of athals and wolves that followed the hunters from their camp.
[hunting tactics +10, at 30/100, domesticating wolves +5, at 5/100]
What does Swiftstike focus on:
[Swiftstike] Hunting large game
Gives food.
[Swiftstike] Attack the wolves
Reduces the number of wolves
[Swiftstike] Set up patrols to hunt wolves.
Sets up a group of the best fighters of the tribe to look for wolves in and near their hunting grounds
Patrols: -1 food per turn, +5 on all rolls vs wolves, has a 10% of giving a free scouting roll.
How did the tribe get the food it needs.
The two options with the most votes get chosen and all options that are chosen in more the halve of all votes that include the food part.
[food] Build shelters so we need less.
Loose the axes as the tribe builds the shelters.
[food] Swiftstike reorganizes the hunters
Replace a locked small animals hunting action with a large animals hunting action
Swiftstike does not perform a action of his own this turn
[food] Sell Stone tipped spears for food.
Sell 1 Stone tipped spear to the bizon hunters gain +4 food this turn.
[food] Have the best crafters make tools full time
Locks in craft tools on the next turn.
Back at the camp things where going better, the tribes crafters made new spears to replace those traded for athals with the Bison hunters. The tribes crafters learned a lot from studing the athals
They also made new flint knives to replace some of the sharpend bones used by the gathers to cut plants and the elder council collected all of the tales about the attempts to sow and gave recommendations for the next attempt.
[Athal making at 50/100, sowing +20, at 70/100]
With the tribes numbers they can perform 2 tasks this year.
[task] Gather plants(max 4 times per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 75: 5 food.
[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 3 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 70: 5 food DC 90: 6 food.
[task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by hunting large animals
DC 45: 4 food DC 60: 5 food DC 80: 6 food DC 95: 7 food.
[task] Craft tools[type]
know tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 35: enough tools for one group DC: 75 enough for two groups
[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South(This is where the stream goes), West(open plains with bison herds), East(Home of the large wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources
[task] Create long term camp[location]
valid locations: The flint outcrop(+5 when making stone tools), The old Oaks(unlocks religious actions)
There can be one camp per five groups in the tribe.
The tribe has one main camp but can create one more
[task] Visit bison hunters
Sends a group of hunters to visit the bison hunters.
The trip will take several months but we could learn something from them.
[task] Construct simple shelters
Reduces the amount of food needed by the tribe by one.
[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
On a 90+ roll gain a adminstration hero.
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-30) but can not lose progress
Unknown rewards based on a later choice 20/100
10 progress is made on a 80+ hunting roll before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ hunting roll before modifiers.
-Sowing 70/100
allows the sowing action, progress on 80+ gather plant rolls
-Tool making
Improved knives 3/100 : knives give +10 to sowing and gathering actions
Athal 50/100: large game hunting gives +1 food.
10 progress is made on a 80+ Craft tools before modifiers.
Unknown rewards based on a later choice 0/100
10 progress is made on a 80+ all actions at the camp before modifiers.
Also, they're apex predators, so they eat game animals that humans could be eating instead. If you want a hunting-focused tribe, killing off local carnivores is probably not a bad idea, except the part where people get killed fighting them.
I strongly suspect a lot of our caveman ancestors focused more on gathering because of this.
Trying to fight wolves is a risky move the tribe main weapon is still the stone tipped spear with a limited amount of athals that they got from trade but if you win hunting will be easier for a few turns as turns are about a generation and there is a lot of forest around so they will recover after several turns. If things go well the tribe will learn something about larger scale combat.
The patrols are a longer term solution instead of sending all hunters towards the wolves a small group is selected and spends time training and patrolling the hunting grounds of the tribe. This is a step towards a tribe where its members specialize more and the 10% chance of a free scouting roll is this new group going beyond the current hunting grounds looking for the source of troubles.
[X] [Swiftstike] Set up patrols to hunt wolves.
[X] [food] Build shelters so we need less.
[X] [food] Have the best crafters make tools full time
[X] [task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
[X] [task] Study[Sowing]
The plan is to keep doing our best to establish a permanent settlement, develop agriculture, deal with the wolf problem permanently and deal with our food shortages.
The plan is to keep doing our best to establish a permanent settlement, develop agriculture, deal with the wolf problem permanently and deal with our food shortages.
[X] [Swiftstike] Set up patrols to hunt wolves.
[X] [food] Build shelters so we need less.
[X] [food] Have the best crafters make tools full time
[X] [task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
[X] [task] Study[Sowing]
[X] [Swiftstike] Set up patrols to hunt wolves.
[X] [food] Build shelters so we need less.
[X] [food] Have the best crafters make tools full time
[X] [task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
[X] [task] Study[Sowing]
You know, maybe we should just give up on having dogs? They're eating our food, they're imposing opportunity costs, ad our efforts to get anything useful out of these stupid wolves is not going well...
weather = 39(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 24(roll) /3 = 38= normal weather
Elder council: +10 sowing progress
Gather plants 63+5: 4 food
Gather plants 94: 5 food +20 sowing at 100/100
Gather plants 47: 4 food
Gather plants 38: 3 food
Hunting(large animals) 27+10+5: failure
Hunting(large animals) 26+10+5: failure
Hunting(small animals) 38+10+5: 4 food
Hunting(small animals) 70+5: 5 food
Hunting(small animals) 51+5: 4 food
Sowing 11: failure
Sowing 69: 5 food
Hero: study athal 69: +39 at 89/100 now
Full time crafters 67: specialization +10, athal making at 100/100
Build shelters so we need less 41: shelters made axes lost
Set up patrols to hunt wolves 23: train and start work next turn.
domesticating wolves : 1 domestication at 5/100
Stream camp +1 food
simple shelters +1 food
Patrols: -1 food
Elder council -1 food
Wild wolves -2 food, +5 to hunting rolls
food eaten= 11(nr of tasks) x3 = 33
food produced: 4+5+4+3+4+5+4+5+1+1-1-2 = 32
More then 2/3 of needed food: Stability stays at average, no Growth to loose
Food shortages: stability roll = 56 *(32/33) = 55
Tribes Status:
Stability: average
Food: minor shortage
Growth 0/40
Tools: 3 spears, 1 knives, 1 athal
It had taken generations but the way the tribe collected food slowly changed as those gathering plants tried to get more plants to grow. The tribe would collect seeds, spread them in the spring on the chosen clearing in the forest and covered them with a thin layer of soil. This was followed by months of removing of weeds and carrying water to help the plants grow before in the fall it was time for the harvest. Those gathering plants in the forest started to cut away rival plants and scatter seeds as well on their trips trough the forest.
[unlocks task sowing and study project to improve it, the group studying sowing is now sowing]
[Gather plants DC 75: 5 food becomes DC 70: 5 food]
Back at the camp a wolf killed one of the tribes children and the farmers and gatherers are demanding that the wolves are killed as they are to dangerus to keep at the camp.
[wolves] Kill them all
removes the [wolves -2 food, +5 all hunting rolls] status +10 on the stability roll.
[wolves] Kill only the aggressive ones.
the wolves status becomes: [wolves -1 food, +2 all hunting rolls] -30 on the stability roll.
[wolves] Kill only the wolf that killed the child
-1 stability
Swiftstrike spend his days at the camp working on training and organizing the new patrol groups and worked with the crafters who started working there full time so the tribe could make athals themselves. At the campsite shelters where made consisting of a frame of tree branches covered with animal hides and during this work the last of the tribes axes broke. The elders where talking what to study next and there where proposals from new tools for the farmers to changing how the tribe was organized.
[elders] pick a study project from the list under tasks.
[tools] pick a type of tools to make(spears,axes,knives or athals)
Locked tasks: Gather plants x4, Hunting(small animals) x3, Hunting(large animals) x1 , Craft tools x1 and Sowing x1
With less group that can do tasks then actions choose one that gets a +20 bonus:
[Boost] Gather plants
[Boost] Sowing
[Boost] Hunting(small animals)
[Boost] Hunting(large animals)
[Boost] Craft tools
[Boost] Sowing
[Boost] The task chosen task this turn
With the tribes numbers they can perform 1 task this year.
[task] Gather plants(max 4 times per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 70: 5 food.
[task] Sowing (max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Sow and harvest food.
DC 30: 4 food DC 50: 5 food DC 70: 6 food
[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 3 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 70: 5 food DC 90: 6 food.
[task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by hunting large animals
DC 45: 4 food DC 60: 5 food DC 80: 6 food DC 95: 7 food.
[task] Craft tools[type]
know tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 35: enough tools for one group DC: 75 enough for two groups
[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South(This is where the stream goes), West(open plains with bison herds), East(Home of the wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources
[task] Create long term camp[location]
valid locations: The flint outcrop(+5 when making stone tools), The old Oaks(unlocks religious actions)
There can be one camp per five groups in the tribe.
Each camp created increase the maximum sowing and hunting actions by one.
DC 10: camp is created DC 70: camp is created with simple shelters
[task] Visit bison hunters
Sends a group of hunters to visit the bison hunters.
The trip will take several months but we could learn something from them.
[task] Construct simple shelters
max once per camp
Reduces the amount of food needed by the tribe by one.
DC 10: shelters provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-30) but can not lose progress
-Hunting tactics 30/100
Decreased DC for hunting actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ hunting roll before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ hunting roll before modifiers.
- Trap building 0/100
unlocks a task giving +1 food that can be done once per group of hunters.
- Improve farming 0/100
+1 food from sowing actions
10 progress on 80+ gather plants and sowing rolls
-Improved knives 3/100 : knives give +10 to sowing and gathering actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
-Farming tools 0/100 : -5 to the DC of sowing actions
10 progress is made on a 90+ sowing rolls before modifiers.
-Specialization 10/100
bonus to locked actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ actions for camps
-Leaders 5/100
gain one action.
+5 each turn the tribe has a hero
You know, maybe we should just give up on having dogs? They're eating our food, they're imposing opportunity costs, ad our efforts to get anything useful out of these stupid wolves is not going well...
I'm serious, I don't think the wolves are worth the opportunity cost. Food translates directly into population growth. By the time we get the wolves domesticated, the amount of eaten food and dead babies they'll have cost the tribe could have led to other, more substantial, successes. Also, stability is good.
Again, the cornerstone of successful Neolithic societies is plant food, not animal food. Gathering was always more important than hunting, it's just the stereotype of "big man hunt the mammoth" triggers instinctive prestige. Security and growth depend on sowing and gathering and tools appropriate to that purpose, not on being pastoral hunters.
So I advocate a plan that is designed to put us on the road to being an early agricultural civilization, capitalizing on our progress in sowing. The fastest way I see to that is to build up better camp facilities, better tools suitable for agriculture (particularly knives), and to establish a camp near the flint outcroppings to improve our access to those tools.
[X][wolves] Kill them all
[X][elders] Improved knives
[X][tools] Knives
[X][Boost] Craft tools
[X][task] Create long term camp[the flint outcrop]
Having more and better gathering-tools will in the long run give us a greater base of population and more stability than trying to be big game hunters.
@sunrise , just to be clear, we have 10 groups working (four gatherers, four hunters, one of sowers and one of tool-makers), the 11th is going to do whatever the [task] vote says, but we DO still get to have a boost vote, right?
@sunrise , just to be clear, we have 10 groups working (four gatherers, four hunters, one of sowers and one of tool-makers), the 11th is going to do whatever the [task] vote says, but we DO still get to have a boost vote, right?
Okay. And am I using the 'boost' vote correctly? That is, specifying an action to boost because I want it to have a higher chance of success, rather than just saying 'meh, do whatever?'
Okay. And am I using the 'boost' vote correctly? That is, specifying an action to boost because I want it to have a higher chance of success, rather than just saying 'meh, do whatever?'
yes, getting to choose actions to boost is one of the main advantages of having a lot of locked actions. As the tribe grows and its government evolves it gains actions that can be used for boosts or picking actions.
This will destabilize the tribe. If we want stability and reduced food costs, it would be better to kill all the wolves here and now.
If we're willing to take risks and keep feeding these dogs for as long as it takes to selectively breed domesticable dogs, which may well take centuries or millennia... Well, then one would only want to kill the aggressive one.
Me, I'm not willing to wait several hundred years for the wolves to pay off. To be fair, a mass culling of the most aggressive half of the wolves MIGHT achieve the desired result of speeding up the selective breeding program, but sunrise didn't mention it as a likely outcome, and the immediate stability hit doesn't sound like a good deal.
[X][wolves] Kill only the aggressive ones.
[X][elders] Improved knives
[X][tools] Knives
[X][Boost] Craft tools
[X][task] Create long term camp[the flint outcrop]
Dogs were, historically, domesticated long before any prey animals (sheep, pigs, cows, etc.), and even before civilizations began to develop agricultural practices. I'm not giving up on them.
Edit: plus we know from the bison hunters that the sons of the dragon have been attacking other tribes, so it makes sense from both a story-perspective and our own to push forward with domestication to provide another layer of defense against their future attack.
If we're willing to take risks and keep feeding these dogs for as long as it takes to selectively breed domesticable dogs, which may well take centuries or millennia... Well, then one would only want to kill the aggressive one.
Things go a bit faster in this quest then in real live the tribe went from gathering plants to sowing in about eight generations.
Progress will be slow but rewards will come as you move towards domestication.
Currently it is a 1D100-50(but no lost progress on low rolls unless 5 or lower) to see how much progress is made each turn.
at 100/100 you get tamed wolves, still mostly wild but the status will change to: -1 food, +5 to all hunting rolls.
What happens next ill decide once you have tamed wolves.