Does the settlement at the Old Oaks still unlock/boost religious actions?
The tribe has a religion where they worship their current and past heroes that makes heroes more powerful.
Settling at Old Oaks would have created a nature based religion if settled before you had a religion, now you have a religion it would add a forest based god to it but that has only impact on the narrative not the mechanics of the quest.
[X] [archers] Study
[X] [elders] woodworking
[X] [study] Militia
[X] [tools] bows
[X] [boost] toolmaking
[X] [boost] study
[X] [task] Study Farming tools
[X] [task] Trade
- [X] Bison Hunters.
— [X] They teach us about militia or formation warfare in exchange we'll help them in their raid on the Sons of Dragons.
Vote tally time:
Two votes are a draw:
First what does the tribe study:
[] [study] Formation warfare
[] [study] Militia

The second is for the tasks:
[] [task] farming
[] [task] Study Farming tools
[] [task] Build smokehouse
[] [task] Trade
- [] Bison Hunters.
— [] They teach us about militia or formation warfare in exchange we'll help them in their raid on the Sons of Dragons.

All of the other votes are closed, these two votes are open for 24 hours more but limited to only the options that already have votes.
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Oct 3, 2018 at 8:31 AM, finished with 277 posts and 2 votes.
Last edited:
[X] [study] Militia
[X] [task] Study Farming tools
[X] [task] Trade
- [X] Bison Hunters.
— [X] They teach us about militia or formation warfare in exchange we'll help them in their raid on the Sons of Dragons.
Vote is open for a few more hours but i am starting the rolls for the rest of the update.
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: random event Total: 22
22 22
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: weather Total: 33
33 33
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: tribe stability Total: 71
71 71
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Total: 133
61 61 72 72
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Gather plants Total: 74
74 74
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Tend Orchards Total: 74
1 1 73 73
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunting(large animals) Total: 83
83 83
sunrise threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunting(small animals) Total: 157
91 91 19 19 47 47
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Patrols Total: 95
95 95
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: domestication of wolves Total: 72
72 72
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: deer hunters Total: 236
5 5 89 89 52 52 90 90
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Childern of the river Total: 210
58 58 32 32 88 88 32 32
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: hill hunters Total: 114
22 22 4 4 11 11 77 77
sunrise threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: southern bison hunters Total: 181
80 80 44 44 5 5 2 2 17 17 33 33
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: sons of the dragon Total: 172
57 57 32 32 66 66 17 17
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Study Farming tools Total: 40
40 40
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: study action Total: 70
70 70
sunrise threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: last task choice Total: 2
2 2
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Build smokehouse Total: 20
20 20
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: craft bows Total: 84
84 84
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: archers Total: 86
86 86
story post 19
weather = 54(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 33(roll) /3 = 46 +10% food

Build smokehouse 20+10+10(axes) = 40 bonus next turn
Study warfare 70+5-25+20: +70 Militia at 35/100 formation warfare at 35/200
Study farming tools: 40-25+10 = 25 farming tools: completed
Craft bows: 84+5+20=109 3 bows made, +10 to improved knives
First archers: 86-25+10(roll over 80) = +71, formation warfare at 106/200
Elder council: Woodworking +15: completed

Gather plants 74+5 =79: 5 food
Tend Orchards:1+5+5=11: failure
Tend Orchards 73+5+5=83: 7 food

Hunting(large animals) 83+10+5= 98 8 food, high roll gives bonus food
Hunting(small animals) 91+10+5= 106 8 food, high roll gives bonus food
Hunting(small animals) 19+10+5= 34 1 food
Hunting(small animals) 47+10+5= 62 4 food
farming 61+5=66: 6 food
farming 72+5=77: 7 food

Random event 22: shaper gets a DC 50 check to survive
patrols 95: vote on scouting plans and unlocks conquest task
patrols scout hills: 32, DC -16 for scouting there
domestication of wolves: 72 > wolf domestication at 9/100

Stream camp +1 = 1 food
longhouses +2 x2 = 4 food

Patrols: -1 food
Elder council -1 food
Tamed wolves +5 to hunting rolls
Specialization: all food producing actions get DC 15: 1 food, +5 to all other locked actions
Patrols do a scouting roll at roll/3.

food eaten= 12(nr of tasks) x3 = 36 +1+1 = 38
food produced: 5+7+8+8+1+4+6+7+1+4 = 51 *1.1 = 56
Growth: +18 from food = 18 growth.
More then 2/3 of needed food(24): no Stability loss from food shortage
stability roll = 71 *(56/38) + 86 = 104 Stability: above average

Tribes Status:
Stability: average.
Food: major surplus
Growth 35/48
Tools: 4 spears, 4 bows, 5 knives and 4 axes.

Times where good for the tribe mild weather resulted in there being enough to eat for all and the tribes settlements continued to grow with new longhouses being build inside of the palisade. As was common there where periods where less food was available as one winter saw disappointing amounts of deer in the forest and hail destroyed the crops at the orchards the next year but the tribe got trough those times without starvation. To help store more food for these lean times the tribe build a number of smokehouses where meat was stored for later use.
[Smokehouses build, tribe is growing in numbers and a new group will join soon if food production remains high]

As the elder council worked on designing even greater buildings then the tribe had constructed before shaper worked on new tools for the farmers both projects have met success. The newest group within the tribe turned to the study of warfare but they spend a long time debating how the tribe should organize it fighting strength. There where two main groups in the debase on favored training all of the tribe fighting and using the archers in support of this large mass and the other group wanted to train a militia to do the fighting. Both groups have advanced their studies both more work remains.
[woodworking and improved farming tools are completed, formation warfare is at 106/200 and militia at 35/100]

The patrols have scouted far and wide during the last years and have returned with descriptions of the world around the tribe and focused on finding new places the tribe could build settlements in.
To the north near the border with the deer hunters there is room for a settlement where some trees that can not be found near the current settlements can be harvested.
To the south there is still room along the great river for a settlement but with the children of the river slowly expanding here it is not know for how long this will be the case. Settling here will allow us to fish from the great river.
To the east before a new settlement can be created the orcs need to be defeated they have found two places worth looking into one is a hill made of limestone that is of interest to our builders and they found some strange rocks that bend with struck instead of breaking and think the source of these rocks is deeper into the hills.

What is the focus of the patrols in the years to come?
[patrols] Logging site
[patrols] The great river
[patrols] Limestone hill
[patrols] The strange rocks

The tribes artisans have build a large number of bows and these have attracted the attention of the hunters of several tribes and we have several offer to buy some of them. The children of the river offer is the simplest one they are offering food in exchange for the bows . The bison hunters and Hill hunters are offering to send several of their warriors to train ours in addition to offering food.

[bows] Trade bows to the children of the river
-1 bow +2 food
[bows] Trade bows to the bison hunters for food
-2 bow +4 food
[bows] Trade bows in exchange for training.
-1 bow +20 to Militia and +10 to formation warfare
[bows] Accept all offers
-4 bows +6 food, +20 to Militia and +10 to formation warfare

The new settlement of the children of the river is growing and now the longhouses have been build they are working on constructing a palisade. The the deer hunters are having problems dividing the hunting grounds among their hunters resulting in some areas being hunter by several groups while others are barely used. many blame their current leaders for this and are demanding changes. the chief of the bison hunter coming to help the hill hunters is seen as the only reason that the hill tribe was not conquered by the sons of the dragon

children of the river: Friendly, offers food and wants tamed dogs or tools.
Deer hunters: Neutral, offers food and wants tools.
Hill hunters Friendly, offers warfare wants tools and food.
Bison hunters Friendly, offers warfare wants tools.
Sons of the dragon Hostile, no trade possible

[elders] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gains +15 progress.
[study] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gets a roll.
[tools] What do the tribes artisans focus on? (traps, spears, axes, knives, atlatls, bows or study improved knives)

Locked tasks: Gather plants x1, Tend Orchards x2 Hunting(small animals) x3, Hunting(large animals) x1 , Craft tools x1, Farming x2 and Study 1x

With less groups that can do tasks then actions choose two that will get a +20 bonus:
[Boost] Write in action to boost

With the tribes numbers they can perform 2 tasks this year, one is done by the farming/artisan hero Shaper and has to be farming, tool making or study improved knives.
Shaper needs to roll 50 or higher to survive.

[task] conquest Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
All groups send get -5 on their roll as they stay in the conquered area to control it.
there is a additional penalty of -5 per 25% losses taken in the battle.
Each time this task is taken more groups join(max 3 per time this action is taken).
results in a battle.
Great river: two groups of wolves(+5 to attack), find settlement site on victory
Northern forest: two groups of wolves(+5 to attack), find settlement site on victory
Eastern hills: one group of orc hunters(+15 attack, +5 defense) allows settlements in the hills and gives scouting bonuses.

[task] Raid
When raiding the tribe enters a area fights and returns home afterwards.
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send(max 3 per time this action is taken)
Targets: eastern hills(the source of the orcs), the sons of the dragon

[task] Gather plants(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 70: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Tend Orchards max 3 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Provides food from Orchards.
DC 25: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 70: 6 food.
+5 from knives, +5 from axes

[task] Farming (max 2 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Sow and harvest food.
DC 25: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 70: 7 food
+5 from knives

[task] Clear forest
-1 max hunting task, +2 max sowing tasks.
DC 20
+10 from axes

[task] Fishing (max 1 times per turn, 0 locked in)
Fish in the streams of the forest
DC 30: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 60: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 5 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 65: 5 food DC 85: 6 food.
+10 from spears

[task] Hunting(large animals)(max 5 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting large animals
DC 50: 4 food DC 60: 5 food DC 80: 6 food DC 90: 7 food.
+10 form spears +1 food form atlatl

[task] Hunting(Bows)(max 5 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting, requires bows.
DC 30: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 60: 7 food. 90: 8 food.
+5 from spears

[task] Train hunters archery.
Teaches a group of hunters to use bows.
DC 5: training succeeds.

[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 food per trapline
DC 10: trapline provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Craft tools[type]
known tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 30: enough tools for one group DC: 70 two groups DC: 95 three groups
- Bows: used in ranged combat and hunting.
DC 40: enough tools for one group DC: 80 two groups DC: 105 three groups

[task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
the first markers will allow a extra campsite, the second reduces the DC of trade tasks by 5 the third increases the odds other tribe send trades to us.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 35 get +5 and DC 80 get +10 on all other task rolls

[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South(The great river), West(open plains with bison herds), East(Home of the wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources, DC 60 or 90 for harder to find resources
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.

[task] Create new settlement[location]
valid locations: The old Oaks(minor gains to woodworking)
Not allowed due the size and cohesion of the tribe.
There can be one settlement per five groups in the tribe.
Each settlement created increase the maximum sowing and hunting actions by one.
DC 10: camp is created DC 60: camp is created with simple shelters
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, when you offer food you get 1d100-20 instead.
DC 20: trade successful. 2 food/1 tools DC 60 gain 3 food/2 tools DC 60 gain 5 food/3 tools.

[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per camp
Valid targets: none
Reduces the amount of food needed by the tribe by two.
DC 10: shelters provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+10 from axes

[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 10 palisade bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build smokehouse: +1 food, max one per three groups of hunters or fishers.
By smoking fish and meat it can be kept for longer.
loose one less growth when short on food per smokehouse.
DC 10 smokehouse bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.

[task] The great hall
A great hall from where the tribe is ruled, unlocks new options to increase the area under the tribes control.
Allows the creation of outposts that can claim resource sites for the tribe.
progress 0/120
gain roll-10 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] A House for the gods
Acts a center of the tribe and helps to keep it together.
Lowers the DC of the worship hero action by 5
Unlocks culture, allowing tribes to merge.
progress 0/300
gain roll-40 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-25) but can not lose progress

-Improved knives 93/100 : knives give +10 to gathering actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.

-Formation warfare 106/200
Gives +10 on maneuver rolls
lowers the DC of the raid action by 10
10 progress is made on a 80+ raid rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ raid rolls before modifiers.
+5 on 70+ patrol rolls, +10 at 80 and +20 at 90.

- Militia 35/100
Creates a militia giving +10 to combat roles but -5 to the roll for the task
There will be a vote for how many groups are part of the militia

-Wicker shields 0/100
Give a +10 bonus to defense but last only a single battle/raid.
Last edited:
[conquest] Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
So is this supposed to be a task or something distinct from them? Also some questions regarding bows:
1) can training hunters in archery give that skill to multiple groups per task?
2) how does the hunting (bows) task interact with the slots for the other hunting tasks?
3) do we know what benefit we get from using bows in combat?
So is this supposed to be a task or something distinct from them?
it is supposed to be a task

1) can training hunters in archery give that skill to multiple groups per task?
2) how does the hunting (bows) task interact with the slots for the other hunting tasks?
You can retrain one group of hunters each time you take the action.
I have updated the hunting actions to share a single max so you can now have a maximum of five hunting actions divided over large animal hunting, small animal hunting and bow hunting.

3) do we know what benefit we get from using bows in combat?
During the first round of combat only those that have ranged weapons can attack see the warfare informational post for more details.
Last edited:
So, I'm thinking getting the settlement on the Great River? Because that is going to be a truly major trade route in the future...
So, I'm thinking getting the settlement on the Great River? Because that is going to be a truly major trade route in the future...
We have two available slots for settlements currently due to the trail markers and I think after we grow again we'll be able to build a third settlement. For the first settlement I'm with you on settling the river for future trade routes but in the meantime, we should clear the hills of Orcs so that we can settle the area with the strange rocks since the rocks are probably either copper, tin or Iron which will let us create bronze or iron tools later. And after we grow again we can settle the limestone area as the limestone should let us build larger structures out of stone for the first time.

Actually, sunrise how many groups do we currently have in the tribe?
Alright then:
[X] [patrols] Limestone hills
[X] [bows] Accept all offers
I want to raid this turn, but I plan on getting more bows so we should do all the trades
[X} [elders] Formation warfare
[X] [tools] bows
[X] [study] Formation warfare
[X] [boost] Toolmaking
[X] [boost] Study
[X] [task] Raid - sons of the dragon
[X] [task] Farming
The patrols will scout towards the chosen patrol location(at roll/3) and once they roll high enough find the location described, this can take several turns especially for the source of the strange rocks.

Does this mean if we want to settle along the Great River, we need to choose the option to scout around? Because we know there's a spot there, but we don't actually know where it is or what it's like?
Does this mean if we want to settle along the Great River, we need to choose the option to scout around? Because we know there's a spot there, but we don't actually know where it is or what it's like?
Under the conquest action we have:
Great river: two groups of wolves(+5 to attack), find settlement site on victory
Northern forest: two groups of wolves(+5 to attack), find settlement site on victory
so if we do the conquest action directed at either of these locations we get the settlement site fairly easily (since I think we have better combat manoeuvring than wolves)
Does this mean if we want to settle along the Great River, we need to choose the option to scout around? Because we know there's a spot there, but we don't actually know where it is or what it's like?

so if we do the conquest action directed at either of these locations we get the settlement site fairly easily (since I think we have better combat manoeuvring than wolves)
You know the land is a good place for a settlement but have not found a place to put it and you have two ways of trying to find it: the first is by scouting that way and hoping you roll high enough. The second way is by sending a lot of hunters and taking over the area with the conquest task.
[X] [patrols] Limestone hills
[X] [bows] Accept all offers
[X} [elders] improved knives
[X] [tools] bows
[X] [study] Militia
- [X] If militia is finished all hunters should join the militia.
[X] [boost] Toolmaking
[X] [boost] Study
[X] [task] Raid - sons of the dragon
[X] [task] Farming

Patrols - Metal tools are better than stone buildings for the time being but according to Sunrise they're hard to find so I'll go with the patrols searching the Limestone hills until we can conquer the area with the strange rocks.
Bows - Were not training anyone to use bows this turn so it makes sense to trade all the bows away well we make more.
Elders - I think this is gating more tool research so I want to get it done.
Tools - Gonna need more bows for training hunters to use them.
Study - Militia is both far quicker to get and objectively superior to formation warfare as formation warfare provides a bonus to mobility which comes into play for one round in a battle well combat rounds are the majority of rounds in a battle.
Boosts - We need more bows and I'm hoping to finish militia in one turn.
Tasks - The Sons of the Dragon are pushing the other tribes to hard the Hill trib almost collapsed we need to relieve some of the pressure before they get us next. And I choose farming because I'm hoping it will allow us to grow again and get another free action.
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Oct 10, 2018 at 6:58 AM, finished with 298 posts and 2 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Oct 10, 2018 at 6:58 AM, finished with 298 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] [patrols] Limestone hills
    [X] [bows] Accept all offers
    [X] [tools] bows
    [X] [study] Militia
    - [X] If militia is finished all hunters should join the militia.
    [X] [boost] Toolmaking
    [X] [boost] Study
    [X] [task] Raid - sons of the dragon
    [X] [task] Farming
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: patrol limestone hills Total: 10
10 10
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: craft bows Total: 55
55 55
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: study militia Total: 58
58 58
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: raid sons of the dragon Total: 78
78 78
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: random event Total: 53
53 53
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: tribe stability Total: 45
45 45
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: weather Total: 17
17 17
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Gather plants Total: 47
47 47
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Tend Orchards Total: 53
48 48 5 5
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Total: 119
78 78 41 41
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming, shaper Total: 55
55 55
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunting(large animals) Total: 30
30 30
sunrise threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunting(small animals) Total: 100
9 9 60 60 31 31
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: deer hunters Total: 173
84 84 43 43 28 28 18 18
sunrise threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: southern bison hunters Total: 159
10 10 54 54 43 43 5 5 47 47
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: hill hunters Total: 194
78 78 85 85 16 16 15 15
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Childern of the river Total: 220
35 35 46 46 77 77 62 62
sunrise threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: sons of the dragon Total: 190
32 32 53 53 78 78 12 12 15 15
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: domestication of wolves Total: 77
77 77
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: domestication of bison Total: 58
58 58
story post 20
weather = 46(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 16(roll) /3 = 38

Study Militia 58+5-25+20: +58 Militia at 93/100
craft bows Total: 55+5+20=80 2 bows made
Elder council: improved knives +15: completed
Accept all offers -4 bows +6 food, +20 to Militia and +10 to formation warfare
Raid sons of the dragon: 78 dragons pushed back +50 to formation warfare

Gather plants 47+10 =57: 4 food
Tend Orchards:5+5+5=15: 1 food
Tend Orchards 48+5+5=58: 5 food

Hunting(large animals) 30+10+5-5= 40 1 food
Hunting(small animals) 9+10+5-5= 19 1 food
Hunting(small animals) 60+10+5-5= 70 5 food
Hunting(small animals) 31+10+5-5= 41 3 food
farming 78+5=66: 6 food
farming 41+5=77: 7 food
farming shaper 55+10+10+5= 80 7 food
Random event 53: nothing
patrol limestone hills Total: 10 no noticible progress
domestication of wolves: 77 > wolf domestication at 41/100
domestication of bison: 58

Stream camp +1 = 1 food
longhouses +2 x2 = 4 food
smokehouse +1 = 1 food
Patrols: -1 food
Elder council -1 food
Tamed wolves +5 to hunting rolls
Specialization: all food producing actions get DC 15: 1 food, +5 to all other locked actions
Patrols do a scouting roll at roll/3.

food eaten= 12(nr of tasks) x3 = 36 +1+1 = 38
food produced: 4+1+5+1+1+5+3+6+7+7+1+1+4+6 = 52
Growth: +14 from food = 14 growth.
More then 2/3 of needed food(24): no Stability loss from food shortage
stability roll = 45 *(56/38) + 86 = 104 Stability: above average

Tribes Status:
Stability: average.
Food: major surplus
Growth 1/52 +1 group
Tools: 4 spears, 2 bows, 5 knives and 4 axes.

When the snow had completed melting the hunters left for the plain to help fight the sons of the dragon and at Bison hill they met the Hill tribe militia and they spend two weeks training together before the great raid begun. The first day saw heavy fighting as the raiders encountered the border guards of the sons of the dragon reinforced by their hunters. The largest fight was at a camp at a seasonal stream that served as a base of the sons of the dragon hunters here our hunters faced a group armed with spears and wicker shields that fought as a single group that was only defeated when more raiders arrived and they where outnumbered three to one.

Over the days that followed the raiders pushed deeper into the lands of the sons of the dragon burning camps and chasing the hunters of dragons westwards. The next morning the sons of the dragon launched their first counterattack forcing the raiders to retreat until the raiding parties could reunite and push them back. With the large amount of hunters in the region they hunted anything that moved and food needed to be provided for the hunters as they could not feed themselves. This was the final straw for the sons of the dragon and a messenger was send to talk about halting the fighting.

This offer landed in fertile soil the hunters send to help the hill hunters wanted to return home and without them the hill hunters could not continue the fight. The final deal was a simple one the hill hunter got to keep the lands captured in the raid and both sides agreed to not send hunters past a line of landmarks. With the fighting over our hunters returned home where they set up a militia based on the one of the hill hunters and they learned a lot about large scale warfare. In their absence there had been several skirmishes between the orcs and the patrols in the eastern hills made their scouting attempts there ineffective.
[Militia research complete and all hunters join it study formation warfare +50 at 166/100]

With a several large weath harvests in a row allowed the tribe to continue to grow and the sale of bows to the children of the river and bison hunters saw our traders return with baskets full of dried meat and fish. The tribes artisans build several bows and together with the elder council they finished the design for the improved knives, the wooden handles could be shaped far easier then the flint used for the blade. The artisans now propose two new study proojects: one is looking into how to produce more tools and the second is for the creation of decorative pieces.
[Gain a new group that can do tasks and unlock two study projects]

At the great river the new settlement has finished construction now its palisade has been completed. To the north the deer hunters first attempts at tool making did not go well but they intend to keep trying and they have started holding meetings between the leaders of the hunting groups to divide up hunting grounds. The death of the chieftain of the bison hunters lead to struggle between three men to become the next chief that was ended when their hunters decided on a candidate and put him in power by force. The hill tribe is recovering from the recent fighting but remains the smallest of all tribes known to us.

children of the river: Friendly, offers food and wants tamed dogs or tools.
Deer hunters: Neutral, offers food and wants tools.
Hill hunters Friendly, has nothing to trade wants tools and food.
Bison hunters Friendly, offers food wants tools.
Sons of the dragon Hostile, no trade possible

[elders] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gains +15 progress.
[study] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gets a roll.
[tools] What do the tribes artisans focus on? (traps, spears, axes, knives, atlatls, bows, study improved tools or study art)

Locked tasks: Gather plants x1, Tend Orchards x2 Hunting(small animals) x3, Hunting(large animals) x1 , Craft tools x1, Farming x2 and Study 1x

With less groups that can do tasks then actions choose one that will get a +20 bonus:
[Boost] Write in action to boost

With the tribes numbers they can perform 3 tasks this year, one is done by the farming/artisan hero Shaper and has to be farming, tool making, study improved tools or study art.
Shaper needs to roll 60 or higher to survive.

[task] conquest Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
All groups send get -5 on their roll as they stay in the conquered area to control it.
there is a additional penalty of -5 per 25% losses taken in the battle.
Each time this task is taken more groups join(max 3 per time this action is taken).
results in a battle.
Great river: two groups of wolves(+5 to attack), find settlement site on victory
Northern forest: two groups of wolves(+5 to attack), find settlement site on victory
Eastern hills: one group of orc hunters(+15 attack, +5 defense) allows settlements in the hills and gives scouting bonuses.

[task] Raid
When raiding the tribe enters a area fights and returns home afterwards.
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send(max 3 per time this action is taken)
Targets: eastern hills(the source of the orcs), the sons of the dragon

[task] Gather plants(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 70: 5 food.
+10 from knives

[task] Tend Orchards max 3 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Provides food from Orchards.
DC 25: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 70: 6 food.
+5 from knives, +5 from axes

[task] Farming (max 4 times per turn,2 locked in)
Sow and harvest food.
DC 25: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 70: 7 food
+5 from knives

[task] Clear forest
-1 max hunting task, +2 max Farming tasks.
DC 20
+10 from axes

[task] Fishing (max 1 times per turn, 0 locked in)
Fish in the streams of the forest
DC 30: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 60: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 4 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 65: 5 food DC 85: 6 food.
+10 from spears

[task] Hunting(large animals)(max 4 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting large animals
DC 50: 4 food DC 60: 5 food DC 80: 6 food DC 90: 7 food.
+10 from spears +1 food form atlatl

[task] Hunting(Bows)(max 4 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting, requires bows.
DC 30: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 60: 7 food. 90: 8 food.
+5 from spears

[task] Train hunters in archery.
Teaches a group of hunters to use bows.
DC 5: training succeeds.

[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 food per trapline
DC 10: trapline provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Craft tools[type]
known tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 30: enough tools for one group DC: 70 two groups DC: 95 three groups
- Bows: used in ranged combat and hunting.
DC 40: enough tools for one group DC: 80 two groups DC: 105 three groups

[task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
the first markers will allow a extra campsite, the second reduces the DC of trade tasks by 5 the third increases the odds other tribe send trades to us.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 35 get +5 and DC 80 get +10 on all other task rolls

[task] scout[target]
valid targets: Logging site, The great river, Limestone hill abd The strange rocks
DC 30 to 50 depending on the site
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.

[task] Create new settlement[location]
valid locations: The old Oaks(minor gains to woodworking)
There can be one settlement per five groups in the tribe.
Each settlement created increase the maximum sowing and hunting actions by one.
DC 10: camp is created DC 60: camp is created with simple shelters
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, when you offer food you get 1d100-20 instead.
DC 20: trade successful. 2 food/1 tools DC 60 gain 3 food/2 tools DC 60 gain 5 food/3 tools.

[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per camp
Valid targets: none
Reduces the amount of food needed by the tribe by two.
DC 10: shelters provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+10 from axes

[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 10 palisade bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build smokehouse: +1 food, max one per three groups of hunters or fishers.
By smoking fish and meat it can be kept for longer.
loose one less growth when short on food per smokehouse.
DC 10 smokehouse bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.

[task] The great hall
A great hall from where the tribe is ruled, unlocks new options to increase the area under the tribes control.
Allows the creation of outposts that can claim resource sites for the tribe.
progress 0/120
gain roll-10 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] A House for the gods
Acts a center of the tribe and helps to keep it together.
Lowers the DC of the worship hero action by 5
Unlocks culture, allowing tribes to merge.
progress 0/300
gain roll-40 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-25) but can not lose progress

- Improved tools 0/100
10 progress is made on a 80+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
Reduces the DC for making 3 tools by 5

- Art 0/100
The creation of decorative items.
Produced by artisans and can be traded away and used in some buildings.
unlocks culture

- Formation warfare 166/200
Gives +10 on maneuver rolls
lowers the DC of the raid action by 10
10 progress is made on a 80+ raid rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ raid rolls before modifiers.
+5 on 70+ patrol rolls, +10 at 80 and +20 at 90.

-Wicker shields 0/100
Give a +10 bonus to defense but last only a single battle/raid.
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so I found this quest just a little while ago and love it so far and I have decided to join its voters.

Anyway, I figure our best choice going forward is to finish the formation warfare and then conquer the orcs. Maybe also grab the wicker shield research too... The main reason for this is because of the information we got on there being strange stone in the hills.... which I am interpreting as metal which is obviously a major goal for us to get ahold of.

Other than that I figure a temple to the gods would be useful as this is a fantasy quest so I figure holy power/magic is a thing and that is probs the first step to getting it.

Any thoughts?