Hex in Wonderland (IC)

Yuuki smiles for a moment, shaking her head at Jen's apology despite her inability to see it. "Jen? Honestly, it's fine. It's a sense of humor that closely resembles that of a certain elder sibling of mine, s if anything it brought me back. As far as putting a tracker on Gabe, well, that might not have been a bad idea, in hindsight.....Last headcount I took, we were short by two...." A short cursory glance around at those nearby, before turning her attention back to her phone and the conversation she was having. quietly, and in her native language, hoping Jen would be familiar enough with it, she'd very quickly let Jen know that they weren't in the most secure of places. After her request for Speakerphone, she would nod, obliging her, and holding the phone out on her open palm. "Alright, Jen, you're on Speaker as you requested...."

On mention of her brother, though, she'd nearly drop the phone, her eyes opening quite abruptly, a look of surprise plain to see as if, despite working in the same organization she had yet to see, let alone hear, that he was doing alright. Just as quickly as the look had appeared, it dissipated back under her calm, contemplative demanor however, as she continued in response. "Just because he might have been the last one out, that doesn't make him responsible, you know. But as long as he's safe. A Baking truck can be replaced, a valuable member of the team can't. I'll keep my eyes open for the recipes you mentioned. Is there a good means to get back into contact with you, should we need to?"

She would wait for the others to respond, hoping beyond hope they got the hint that the talk of a bakery and recipes was a weak attempt at being secretive, before she responded once more. "Any word on the photograph's development process? Kinda need pictures of our stuff now that the truck is gone, after all."
Tansy has seen it. If needbe, she can recreate it from memory. I hate to do this to you, but you're going to be on your own for a while yet. This changes things, I'm going to need to go into deep cover to check on something. If you need additional information, call Daniel and he can patch you in to John. Otherwise resources will have to be procured on-site.

Good luck, and stay alive. Baking is a life or death business at the best of times.

Jackie scratched his head, he'd been present for the entire conversation. Wheels were spinning in his head, puzzle pieces clicking into place. "You guys... are bakers?" He was silent for a shockingly long time, about a whole twenty seconds. "Wow, bakers sure are nuts from your world. You must be from one of the colonies."

There was no sarcasm or double meaning to his words. He was just, sadly, an idiot. "Offer's still there. But even if you don't wanna crash with me, you better find some place to hide your neck. Black Rock patrols at night and locks up anyone without papers to be out."
"When the time is right, then, I may. Honestly, I expected as much, but we'll do what we can. Keep your eyes open for Gabriel and Wren, as they're currently unaccounted for. stay safe, Jen." Yuuki'd try her best not to roll her eyes at the last comment, not super-impressed by the choice of a 'Bakery' as their cover occupation, but there'd be no sense trying to fight it at the moment. Of course, as Jackie commented, it'd become easier. "I suppose that, yes, yes we are. well, some of us...." She'd give him a genuine smile and a light pat to the shoulder.

"As for your offer, I'd like to make sure everyone's on the same page before I accept or decline, if that's alright." She'd look to her present company, curious as to their opinions. "Any thoughts?"
"Well, I suppose we can't make the local gangs any more angry than we already have." Helen looks up into the smog-smothered sky. "And it's only for one night. Tt'd be safer than trying to squat somewhere else, or hide from the Black Rock, that's for sure."

"I say we go. Plus it might be good just in case our… baking… enemies have already caught a whiff of us. Throw them off the trail."

Helen turns to Jackie. "What's your place like, anyways?"