Hellbent [Fairy Tail/Young Justice OC]

Chapter 11: Climb
When Kent had told me that he expected someone to come searching, I'd been expecting someone along the likes of… well, him. Old and wizened, an experienced hero, you know? Maybe one of his old Justice Society pals, I know a few others were still bopping around even nowadays.

I was not expecting a group of kids, most of whom were easily younger than me.

They definitely weren't normal kids, at least, even if they were all dressed in "civilian" clothes. One of the girls had green skin, for one thing, and I watched one of the boys, the ginger, literally run around the block so fast he was a blur. None of them were in any sort of costume, but it was pretty easy to guess that the one guy was probably Kid Flash, and the green one was probably related to Martian Manhunter in some way. Or maybe not, I don't really know.

I wanted so badly to call out to them, let them know we were right there, just behind some screen that Abra had set up to camouflage us, but even if that wasn't a poor idea, Abra had seen fit to… remove my speaking privileges, something on my collar that apparently kept me from talking. Not the first time he'd activated it, not with how much I insulted him in between his bouts of, ah, electroshock therapy, and more proof that he and Klarion had been letting Kent and I bond. Creeps.

At any rate, between that and Abra holding onto one of my arms, it was clear the two of them didn't want me spoiling the moment for them. I easily could have broken out of his grip, of course, but if he was fast enough on the uptake, I wouldn't break through the screen before I was on the ground again. Or at least, that's what I assume Abra was planning on.

Kent was also watching me out of the corner of his eye. His attention seemed focused on the other kids, yeah, but I got the sense he was making sure I didn't do anything too rash. After all, it wouldn't help us out if I acted too soon.

So all I could do was stand there and watch as our captors studied the group, even as the apparent Kid Flash rejoined the rest of them, mere feet away from where we were standing.

"Nothing," he reported, "this isn't simple camouflage." Well, we were under that, yeah, but I guess they were looking for the Tower?

"So what do you think?" another one of them, the other, non-green girl, a blonde, asked him. "Adaptive micro-opto-electronics combined with phase shifting?"

… What?

The ginger huffed out an amused sound. "Absolutely!... Not!" he corrected as the green one went to stand next to him, his gaze shifting over to her before going back to the blonde. "Clearly mystic powers are at work here."

I snorted as the pieces shifted into place. That guy couldn't have been less convincing if he'd tried to sound like he was lying. Don't know why he didn't seem to believe in magic, seemed a bit arbitrary when there were so many weird things on Earth, but clearly the blonde felt the same. Green girl seemed to believe too, and I guess Ginger, Kid Flash or whoever he was, didn't want to admit otherwise in front of her. … Was she a Martian too? Did they have mages on Mars?

"Hey, Abra Kadabra," Klarion's grating voice cut into my musings, "aren't you using adaptive micro-opto-electronics and phase shifting?"

"... Yes," Abra sighed out, clearly not in the mood. Didn't stop me from giggling silently at his tone, not even when he shoved an elbow in my side to try and get me to stop.

My soundless laugh died down just in time to watch the oldest-looking of the group, a dark-skinned guy with close-shaved blond hair, say something about a test of faith and walk forward into the field, holding… Was that a key in his hand? He held it forward, inserting it into what looked like thin air, and turned it with a click.

I shuddered as a wave of something washed over me. A massive stone tower faded into existence in the center of the lot, the door right where the key had been held to. The group stared for a moment, then the young man led them inside, the wooden door swinging open at his tough to admit them before slamming shut behind them.

"Welp, time to go!" Klarion cheered, moving forward as he held Teekl in his arms. Abra grabbed Kent with his other arm and shoved us both forward as well, dropping the micro-whatevers as we got closer to the Tower.

The moment Kent was within a few paces, a massive golden… ankh, I think it was called? Kent had mentioned that the ankh was the symbol of Doctor Fate, and while I'd never seen one myself, I'd imagine that the symbol that started glowing on the door was probably related to Kent and Fate, so I'd call it an ankh unless someone told me otherwise. The ankh glowed on the door for a moment before fading as the door swung open once again, apparently due to Kent's presence. Abra nudged me, and we all walked into the Tower, the door once more swinging closed behind us.

I blinked as I realized that instead of some kind of entryway, like normal for a building, we were just… in the middle of a hallway, with no sign of the door we'd come through, or how we'd gotten so far down the hall after just a couple steps in. I almost hadn't noticed the magic at work causing it, but before I could consider it harder, I was distracted by other things.

Namely, I nearly fell forward as the feeling of the Tower of Fate crashed over me. I could feel the hairs on my arms stand up, and the entire Tower was suffused with the same clockwork scent I'd gotten off of Kent, only so, so much stronger. It took me several seconds to catch my breath, trying not to tremble at the positively electric current in the air around me.

"What's wrong with her?" Abra asked with a sneer as I pulled myself back upright.

"The Tower," Kent said, casting a gaze of mingled concern and appraisal over me. "It's a nexus of magical energies, and to those sensitive to those energies, it can be slightly… overwhelming at first." I gave him a nod, and he turned back to Abra. "And while we're at it, I'll warn you now that the Tower doesn't take kindly to intruders."

Abra rolled his eyes at that and raised his wand. "Mute."

Kent gasped as another collar like mine flew up from… somewhere and clamped itself around his throat. I snarled at the wince he gave, when Abra smirked at me, well… I'll admit, I tried to bite him, and was very satisfied at the flinch he gave at that before he pushed me forward yet again.

We walked to the end of the hallway, where the flat wall pulled back to let us into a new room before closing up behind us. This room looked like what I imagined a "sitting room" room to be, several chairs, couches, and small wooden tables arrayed over a lush rug on the floor, candles on the walls and a fireplace crackling merrily across from us. A portrait of a young woman, probably Inza if I had to guess, hung above the fireplace.

As we approached the center of the room, a light flared and coalesced into an image of Kent, holding his cane and slightly see-through. "Hello Kent," it proclaimed in a voice that reverberated slightly around us. "How unlike you to bring guests to the Tower. Especially two with such potent mystic power."

Abra let go of my arm and moved up to place on Kent's shoulder, Klarion smirking at them both. Kent simply hung his head… And tapped his foot three times in quick succession as Abra went to press something on his wand.

Kent's foot movements were relevant because that was the signal the two of us had agreed on during our last astral conversation.

Flames roared not from the fireplace, but from my hands, the ropes around them burning to ash in less than a second. Abra whirled on me, raising his wand to activate my collar, but well… He had just spent at least a week giving me potent electric shocks every single day, among other things. It probably shouldn't have surprised him so much when I barely flinched at the collar's activation, merely reaching up and tearing the thing clean off with my bare hands before flinging gouts of flame at both him and Klarion, forcing the two to fall back.

Yeah, I don't think Abra had quite realized how strong I was. I probably could have done that at any point, to be honest, but… I wasn't just gonna leave Kent out to dry. Plus, normally, Klarion would've been able to track me down and drag me back, even if I'd gotten Kent out with me.

Now, though, we had a home field advantage.

I leapt forward and wrenched Kent's collar off his neck as well, a tongue of flame dropping from my hands as I did so and burning through his ropes, allowing him to pull his untouched hands out as he called out in a clear voice.

"Tower, Abra Kadabra and Klarion mean to take the Helmet of Fate!"

"Acknowledged," the Tower responded from the illusionary Kent's mouth as it twisted into a grin.

"No, no, NO!" Klarion howled, crimson lightning sparking off his palms and Teekl transferred herself to his shoulders. He and Abra made to come at us, but they hadn't even moved a step before the floor opened beneath both of them. Abra dropped into his pit without a sound, but Klarion shrieked as his magic formed itself into claws of red light, catching the lip of the pit before he could fall too deep.

Well, we can't have that. I ran over and stomped on first one, then the other claw with flaming feet, causing them to dissipate beneath me. I got just a glimpse of Klarion staring at me, eyes going wide as he shifted from anger to confusion at his magic being so easily burned away, even half-formed as it was.

"... Dangit."

And with that, the floor closed up over him, and I sagged with relief. "Fuck you too," i muttered at the carpet where Klarion's face had been a moment ago.

Kent came over and placed a hand on me. "Thank you, Ash. But I'm afraid it isn't over yet. Klarion's a Lord of Chaos, even the Tower can't keep him contained for long. I still need to make my way to my cane, then the Helmet. I'm going to need Fate's help to drive the Witch Boy off."

I grimaced at the reminder of what he'd told me about the Helmet, but nodded. "Yeah. I get it. And I'm coming with you."

"Ash, you've had a rough time, I'm sure you can find a safe place in the Tower to recover first if–"

"Fuck that," I snarled, turning to face Kent. "That little prick attacked me, attacked my friends. I need to see this through to the end." My eyes met his. "Please, Kent. I can help."

For a moment, I wondered if he'd insist I stay behind too, if I'd have to fight against the Tower to help him. But he only nodded. "Very well," Kent said. "We should hurry."

I nodded back. "Got it. Uh, but first…" My expression turned sheepish as I rubbed the back of my head. "You got anything to eat in here?"

* * * * *

"Mmm, thish ish sho much better," I mumbled around the mouthful of protein bar I was wolfing down. Turns out, the Tower did in fact have a fully-stocked kitchen and pantry. Kent was insistent that I not eat too much, lest I overstuff myself into sickness, but he did have quite a few snacks that I was more than happy to dig into.

"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full," Kent chided half-heartedly. He was fingering that pocketwatch of his as he looked around, clearly keeping an eye out for Klarion or Abra.

I swallowed. "Yeah, yeah, I get it," I muttered, my own gaze turning towards the wall we'd come through before it had closed on us again. Seriously, was the Tower allergic to doors or something..?
Kent had led us here through a weird space of stairways going every direction, up, down, sideways, diagonal, and not all with standard "down" gravity either. The place had been nearly enough to give me vertigo trying to trace all the paths, but Kent had insisted it was the fastest way to get anywhere in the Tower, so I hadn't argued.

I went to grab another snack, an apple, but paused. "Hey, Kent?" I called over to him.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" he asked in response as his gaze returned to me.

"We followed all those kids in here, right? The uh, sidekicks I guess?"

Kent nodded. "Yes, and I believe they're still in the Tower themselves."

"Okay…" I said, taking a bite of the apple and chewing it thoughtfully. Once I swallowed, I continued. "But I was just wondering where exactly-"

A flash of golden light interrupted me, and Kent and I both turned to see two figures appear next to us. It was easy enough to recognize them both – the ginger boy and the blonde girl, the latter now holding a green crossbow in one hand, while her other hand (along with one of the boy's) grasped at what I realized was Kent's cane. They appeared lying on the floor next to us, but they were quick to move into ready crouching positions. Then they blinked, clearly recognizing Kent.

"... Well, asked and answered, I guess," I muttered, taking another bite of my apple.

And here, we already see a few differences Ash's presence is having on this plot. She's never really been the type to sit still, even when she really should.

Also, while it's not directly related to this fic, I to want to take a moment to remark on the passing of Akira Toriyama, which was announced earlier today. The man was a visionary and pioneer in the genre that would become shonen, and without him it's likely that neither Fairy Tail nor Young Justice would exist as we know them today. I can only hope to one day become even a fraction as much of the creator he was, and I hope that those close to him are doing okay. RIP.
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Honestly my main thought reading through this chapter was, of all the techno babble YJ has at some points and how Ash would be totally clueless about all of it.

Also those two assholes just got a reminder about fighting a mage in their own home, namely "don't"
Well that was more direct then I was expecting. My thought was that Ash would notice that Kent's astral projecting didn't involve expressing magic outside the body and would then increase her internal body heat to the point the collar melted off.

Edit: Also R.I.P. Toriyama.
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Chapter 12: Slip
"Well, would you look at that," Kent mused, rubbing his chin as he looked at the two kids. The cane in their hands glowed golden, and came rocketing out of their grasps and back into Kent's hand, where it truly belonged. "You and your friends have my thanks."

"... Mr. Nelson?" The blonde girl asked as the two of them got to their feet. "We thought…"

"Red Tornado said you'd gone missing!" The ginger boy exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "Were you just hanging out in here the whole time or something?"

Kent huffed. "Hardly. Up until recently, one of my old enemies was keeping me as a prisoner, trying to get access to the Tower of Fate. Once you kids showed up, he managed to gain access, but I was able to slip his grasp and get him lost in the Tower for a bit, thanks to my friend here." He gestured at me with that, and the other two turned to look at me properly, as if seeing me for the first time.

I swallowed my bite of apple. "Yo," I drawled out.

"... Aaannnddd who are you?" the redhead asked, ignoring the elbow in the side his companion gave him at his apparent rudeness.

"Name's Ash."

"She was being held prisoner alongside me," Kent explained.

The redhead nodded at that, seeming to relax a little, but I noticed the blonde was still giving me a suspicious look. "So, what?" she asked, "We've found you and now we can just… go home, tell Tornado you're okay then?"

Kent sighed. "Unfortunately, I still have intruders loose in my Tower, not counting you or the friends you brought along with you." The two of them seemed a little surprised at that. "And while the Tower's defenses should delay them, I'm afraid they're not going to stop until they either get what they came for, or it's lost to them entirely. So my work, at least, is not over for the night."

"Which means mine isn't either," I added. "Besides, I've got a score to settle with those two pricks."

The redhead frowned, and then nodded. "Alright. Then we're gonna help you too."

"That's not necessary–" Kent began, only for the blonde to cut him off.

"No, if the bad guys are after something here, then it's our job to help put a stop to it." She hefted the crossbow she was wielding. "And we still need to meet up with the others anyways. The mission isn't over until we've seen everything through, right?"

Kent stared at her for a moment, then a smile crept across his face. "Very well, I'll accept your help if you're offering." He used his free hand to fish out his pocketwatch and checked the time. "We should hurry, we may not have much time left."

I took one last bite of the apple and tossed the core into a nearby trash can, noticing the redhead grab a protein bar of his own out of the cupboard. Kent led us over to the wall, and once it opened, we all rushed out into the weird stairway-void place Kent and I had passed through earlier.

"Trippy," the blonde muttered as we ran down one of the paths.

I grunted. "So who exactly are you two, anyways? You said Red Tornado sent you, right?"

"Yep!" the ginger boy piped up. "I'm Wall– er, I mean Kid Flash, and she's Atremis. We're heroes." I nodded, glad for the confirmation. Though why he was using their hero names out of costume I wasn't sure.

"So who exactly are we up against here?" Artemis asked, eyes scanning the various stairwells around us.

"Asshole number one is Abra Kadabra."

Kid Flash snorted. "Oh yeah, the phony who uses a bunch of future-tech to simulate magic. Flash and I have run into him a few times."

Artemis gave him a strange look at that, but I nodded. "Yeah, that's the one," I confirmed. "Down to his stupid little goatee and everything."

"He may be a charlatan, but he's still dangerous," Kent cautioned as turned to look at me. He was actually making a pretty good pace despite his need to use the cane to help support himself. "The other intruder, though, is a true mage, a Lord of Chaos named Klarion the Witch Boy. He's come seeking the Helmet of Fate, the source of Doctor Fate's mystical power."

"Right…" Kid Flash said, skepticism clear in his tone. "So he's after your 'power source', then?"

"Not mine. I'm just an old coot that Fate used to put on. My wife, Inza, convinced me there was more to life than that…" The older man blinked and shook his head. "Ah, but you're not here to listen to an old man ramble on. If Klarion gets his mitts on the Helmet, he'll use its power to turn the world topsy-turvy, making it his own personal playground of pandemonium."

Kent led the three of us through several doorways as we talked, hidden in the walls of the stairwells around us. He'd actually mentioned earlier that there was an elevator somewhere around here he could have used to take us more directly to the Helmet, but I'd begged off on using it. Elevators and I really didn't get along well, just like how I didn't get along well with cars. Or trains. Or boats.

Eventually, though, we emerged from one doorway to a new area in the stairway nexus place. A short flight of stairs led us up to a large golden bell, hanging just above the platform we were on. We slowed down as we approached it, and I shivered a bit. It felt like there was some… unseen force surrounding the bell, or maybe coming off of it directly. The scent of Order magic was strong here, nearly overpowering every other smell around me.

We were mere feet away from it before we heard a sound, something like tearing mixed with the peal of a chime, and we turned to see a door open in the ceiling the bell was hanging from, dropping out three familiar figures – two boys that fell out and landed roughly on the ground, and a girl with green skin that floated down gently.

"Ah, your friends," Kent mused as Atremis rushed over to them. I snorted, turning back to Kent–


And screaming out as I pulled him and Kid Flash back and down, just before lightning zapped right through where we'd been a second ago. I spun once they were safe, snarling at the figure I'd barely noticed in time.

Abra was clearly not having a good time in the Tower. I'm not entirely sure what kinds of defenses the Tower possessed, but from the way Abra was soaking wet and had a small octopus hanging off one of his legs, it looked like maybe it had dumped him into an aquarium of some kind. Or maybe just into an ocean. And then let him be attacked by sharks, going off the tears in his clothing.

At any rate, he sneered at us as he hopped off his platform, sideways from us, turning in midair to land feet-first on the same "floor" as the rest of us. "You know, I was simply going to provide a distraction while Klarion seized the Helmet," he drawled out, even as all of us fell into ready stances opposite him. "But after that little stunt of yours, I think I'm going to take my pound of flesh right now!"

"Team, scatter!" the dark-skinned boy called out. All his… apparently teammates, along with Kent and myself, obeyed, going every which-way as Abra began shooting lighting wildly at us. Not just normal lightning, either – it started forming into discs that flung themselves at us, frisbeeing through the air. At least one managed to land around the boy who'd ordered us, a cage of electricity snapping into existence around him, but he simply grasped it with his hands and began absorbing the electricity, tattoos on the backs of his hands (and probably trailing up his arms, if I had to guess) glowing as he did so.

As for me, I ran straight for him, dancing around the bolts and discs he flung at us. He growled and snapped his fingers, chains snaking up from behind him and shooting out to wrap around me. Before they could, though, I summoned my flames from beneath my feet, shooting myself forward straight through the attack and slamming into the pseudo-magician, my hand wrapping around his lower face.

"You know, I believe I made a promise to you," I hissed at him, my teeth baring in a grin. He looked at me with confusion evident in his eyes for a moment, before they widened with realization. He moved, maybe trying to zap me, or throw me off, but in the end? He just wasn't fast enough.


I cackled as I fell back, the scent of burning hairs the sweetest it had even been as Abra desperately patted at the remains of his smoldering facial hair. He tried to wave his wand at me, but a blunt crossbow bolt slammed into his forehead before he could shoot anything, sending him sprawling back.

The fun couldn't last, though, and my nose was invaded by the cloying iron-scent of blood as translucent red tendrils began crawling up the sides of the platform, a malevolent shriek piercing into all our ears.

"ASH!" Kent called, and I fell back to him as he rapped his cane against the bell. The toll pealed out as the bell began to glow the same gold as Kent's magic. "Everyone, in here!"

Well, no time to argue. We all turned and ran in, passing through the bell after Kent, as if it were open air instead of a solid hunk of metal. Or maybe water, the way the surface of the bell rippled as we each stepped through it.

A flash of gold, and my lungs were filled with fresh air. The lot of us were standing on a roof, the roof of the Tower of Fate, the cloudy night sky stretching above us. We were arranged in a loose circle, and in the center of all of us, a golden helmet floated, bobbing up and down in midair. The hollow eyes pierced into me as I gazed at it, and now that I was here, I could tell that this was what was radiating that power I'd felt flowing of the bell in waves.

This was the Helmet of Fate.

"Is everyone alright?" Kent asked, his gaze shifting to each of us in turn.

"I believe so," the dark-skinned youth said, his voice measured as if sounding out each word. "Thank you, Mr. Nelson. I am Aqualad, and these are Superboy–" he gestured at the other boy, tall and muscular with baby-blue eyes, "and Miss Martian. I believe you have already met Kid Flash and Artemis."

Kent nodded, walking up to the Helmet. "They told me Red Tornado asked you to help find me. You'll have to give my thanks to him. I'm sorry I haven't kept in contact with him as much as I ought to."

Aqualad nodded, then he and the other two he'd introduced turned to look at me curiously. I coughed. "Um, yeah, I'm Ash. Klarion and Abra were holding me prisoner along with Kent, but I helped him get out."

"Speaking of Klarion," Kent said, "I'm afraid that the wards here aren't going to keep him out for long." He and I both ignored Kid Flash rolling his eyes at that. "Soon, he and Abra will be here, and we're going to need all the help we can get to chase the two of them off."

The others seemed a bit confused by that statement. I, on the other hand, stepped towards him, frowning. "Kent, are you sure?" I asked him. "What you were telling me about him before…"

"I am. Fate has been gone from this world for too long." Kent's hand gripped his cane hard enough to turn his knuckles white. "It's time for him to return."

… He'd known he was gonna do this, hadn't he? One way or another, there were only two ways this whole situation was gonna end for him. I bit my lip. But… At least this way, he had a choice in how it was gonna end for him. I couldn't deny him that.

"... Okay," I said with a nod. "And Kent… Thanks for being there for me."

Kent smiled at me, and he reached up to grab the Helmet.

Then a bolt of crimson lightning pierced the night. Kent screamed, falling back with a cry from the Helmet.

"MR. NELSON!/KENT!" we all cried, rushing towards him. I managed to help grab him alongside Kid Flash and Superboy before he could fall. Grating laughter drew my attention to the other side of the roof, where Klarion and Abra were stepping through a red-and-black portal, both of them preparing to launch further attacks at us.

Kent was muttering something under his breath, the cane clenched in both hands. Then, he raised it over his head, and slammed it down. A golden dome formed around us, the smell of clockwork driving away the stench of blood that had lingered in the aftermath of Klarion's attack.

"NOOOO!" the Witch Boy screeched, summoning bloody flames to slam ineffectually at the dome alongside Abra's lightning.

"Heh… not bad… for a former Doctor Fake…" Kent said with a wheeze, slumping further into Kid Flash's arms. The three of us helped lay him down on the roof, though I couldn't keep my hands from trembling.

"Kent…" I rasped out, cradling his head.

"The bubble… will give you time…" Kent croaked out, looking at each of us in turn, "to do… what you need… to do…"

"No, no, don't talk like that, you're gonna be okay," I said, shaking my head. My voice was thick around the lump developing in my throat.

"And I don't understand, what do we need to do?" Kid Flash asked, from where he supported Kent's right side.

"You… need to have faith… in what you can't understand…" Kent drew out his pocketwatch, holding it out. "Believe… in what… you can no longer… deny…" His gaze turned to me. "And Ash… I warned you… not to make a promise… you can't keep…"

"Can't you do something?" Superboy asked Aqualad, the latter standing over us with Miss Martian and Atremis. The green girl was looking at Kent in slowly dawning horror, and the blonde was staring out the dome, watching the two villains as they hacked away at our only protection.

Aqualad hung his head. "I am sorry. I… cannot help him. Not anymore."

"No, no, don't say that, don't say it like he's dying." I shook my head in furious denial, tears spilling down my cheeks. When had I started crying? "Kent, tell them, please. You can't… you can't leave me. Not again, not like this again…"

"Ash…" Kent whispered. He had let go of his cane at some point, and had used what little strength he had to lift his free hand up and rest on my cheek. "You're… a good kid… You'll do… just fine… without an old… codger like me…"

I sniffed. "Please, Kent… Don't leave… please…"

"Don't worry… I think… we'll see… each other… again… some… day…"

His hand fell. Kent Nelson closed his eyes.

And just like that, he was gone.

Sometimes, no matter what you do right or wrong... You can't save everyone.
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That sucks no matter the medium, Kent Nelson was a true hero and Ash is gonna need so much therapy that she is likely to not go to
Wait, what Gen Dragonslayer is Ash? Didn't almost all of them have that thing that turns them into a dragon? Or did Atlas Flame (or whoever the Hellfire dragon was, I don't remember) also do the thing were he went into her soul and suppressed the dragonification?
Ashley is First Generation Dragon Slayer who was taught Hell Fire Dragon Slayer Magic by Atlas Flame. He took a shot at raising a human child like his friend Igneel did with Natsu. Not bad for a Dragon who used to look down on humans but changed his ways after meeting Natsu whom he bonded and fought alongside with.

As for Atlas Flame, he's a weird case because in canon, he eventually died at some point 400 years later but stayed a spirit as the Eternal Flame for Sun Village prior to Silver Fullbuster freezing him and the Giant people after mistaking him for a Demon, just to demonstrate the power of a Devil Slayer. Yet Atlas Flame wasn't canonically confirmed to have his soul reaped by Acnologia, which affected Igneel, Metalicana, Grandeneey, Weisslogia and Skiadrum.

"You know, I believe I made a promise to you," I hissed at him, my teeth baring in a grin. He looked at me with confusion evident in his eyes for a moment, before they widened with realization.
Abra: "Please don't break my butt."

Ashley: "Okay."

Abra: "Truly?..."

Ashley: "No."

That sucks no matter the medium, Kent Nelson was a true hero and Ash is gonna need so much therapy that she is likely to not go to
Black Canary can help with that as she is a therapist for The Team, and I think Ashley will have to take up the offer from the Justice League after this. And that she now has personal beef with Klarion to deck him in the schnoz, and also burn him alive as her power taught by her adoptive fire skeleton Dragon dad can burn away all Magic.
Ashley is First Generation Dragon Slayer who was taught Hell Fire Dragon Slayer Magic by Atlas Flame. He took a shot at raising a human child like his friend Igneel did with Natsu. Not bad for a Dragon who used to look down on humans but changed his ways after meeting Natsu whom he bonded and fought alongside with.

As for Atlas Flame, he's a weird case because in canon, he eventually died at some point 400 years later but stayed a spirit as the Eternal Flame for Sun Village prior to Silver Fullbuster freezing him and the Giant people after mistaking him for a Demon, just to demonstrate the power of a Devil Slayer. Yet Atlas Flame wasn't canonically confirmed to have his soul reaped by Acnologia, which affected Igneel, Metalicana, Grandeneey, Weisslogia and Skiadrum.
Atlas Flame is a pretty neat figure and thinking about what he's like as a father is interesting. Ashely hasn't really mentioned her time under her dad a lot internally yet.

Black Canary can help with that as she is a therapist for The Team, and I think Ashley will have to take up the offer from the Justice League after this. And that she now has personal beef with Klarion to deck him in the schnoz, and also burn him alive as her power taught by her adoptive fire skeleton Dragon dad can burn away all Magic.
Honestly seeing Ashely delve more into the Hell Flame stuff rather than pure Fire magic will be pretty cool. Also kinda curious on if she's effected by Dragonigication since she doesn't seem to have a seal from Atlas Flame.
Atlas Flame is a pretty neat figure and thinking about what he's like as a father is interesting. Ashely hasn't really mentioned her time under her dad a lot internally yet.

Honestly seeing Ashely delve more into the Hell Flame stuff rather than pure Fire magic will be pretty cool. Also kinda curious on if she's effected by Dragonigication since she doesn't seem to have a seal from Atlas Flame.
Despite being a literal fire skeleton Dragon, Atlas Flame was pretty chill when siding with Natsu and meeting him and his friends again as the Eternal Flame in Sun Village arc.

Guess we will wait and see for flashbacks of Ashley and her Dragon dad Atlas Flame. Perhaps Martian Manhunter or Miss Martian can read her mind and see a memory of a little girl spending time happily with a massive fire skeletal Dragon doting on her.

Agreed, and imagine if she would go Ghost Rider aka turn her body into flaming skeleton just like her father Atlas Flame. That will strike fear into the hearts of her enemies when they fight her.

In that case, it would mean Ashley will eventually transform into a Dragon. However as we see Acnologia, Elefseria and Irene Belserion, there is a way to turn back into human but it will just be a mask, a case of A Form You Are Comfortable With until they chose to discard it and show their true forms. And then there's the healing factor of Dragons from Earth Land, they can regenerate a new organ in a matter of time, which it allowed Elefseria to survive his fight with Dogramag the Earth Dragon God who tore out his human heart and ate it.

Not to mention, Dragons of Fairy Tail are so ridiculously powerful it takes a specific form of Magic designed to slay them and anything else you throw at them, they will laugh it off and find your efforts cute.
Despite being a literal fire skeleton Dragon, Atlas Flame was pretty chill when siding with Natsu and meeting him and his friends again as the Eternal Flame in Sun Village arc.

Guess we will wait and see for flashbacks of Ashley and her Dragon dad Atlas Flame. Perhaps Martian Manhunter or Miss Martian can read her mind and see a memory of a little girl spending time happily with a massive fire skeletal Dragon doting on her.

Agreed, and imagine if she would go Ghost Rider aka turn her body into flaming skeleton just like her father Atlas Flame. That will strike fear into the hearts of her enemies when they fight her.

In that case, it would mean Ashley will eventually transform into a Dragon. However as we see Acnologia, Elefseria and Irene Belserion, there is a way to turn back into human but it will just be a mask, a case of A Form You Are Comfortable With until they chose to discard it and show their true forms. And then there's the healing factor of Dragons from Earth Land, they can regenerate a new organ in a matter of time, which it allowed Elefseria to survive his fight with Dogramag the Earth Dragon God who tore out his human heart and ate it.

Not to mention, Dragons of Fairy Tail are so ridiculously powerful it takes a specific form of Magic designed to slay them and anything else you throw at them, they will laugh it off and find your efforts cute.
Seeing Atlas Flame as a dad and teacher will be cool.

Ghost Rider seems to be a Dragon Force thing or when she's undergone some degree of Dragonification.

It'll likely take Ash a good couple of years to become a Dragon she's likely be a humanoid with more and more draconic features for a good couple of years and then turn into a Dragon in her twenties. And yeah Fairy Tail Dragons are really powerful as a race and that's without the magic they have access to.
she turns into a dragon.
But she didn't inherit the size.
Considering Ashley's a teenager, she'd be smaller than an adult Dragon if she Dragonified completely and still dangerous regardless.

Seeing Atlas Flame as a dad and teacher will be cool.

Ghost Rider seems to be a Dragon Force thing or when she's undergone some degree of Dragonification.

It'll likely take Ash a good couple of years to become a Dragon she's likely be a humanoid with more and more draconic features for a good couple of years and then turn into a Dragon in her twenties. And yeah Fairy Tail Dragons are really powerful as a race and that's without the magic they have access to.
It's also an achievement for Dragon dads like Igneel, Metalicana, Weisslogia, and Skiadrum, and Atlas Flame in this story. Because in the 100 Years Quest manga, it's revealed that Dragon dads do not raise their hatchlings after every breeding season and it's the mother Dragons who take care of them instead.

Ignia the Fire Dragon God and biological son of Igneel stated this fact to his foster brother Natsu in their first meeting.

Ashley going Dragon Force would be a sight to see including her Dragonification eventually.

Indeed, the elements the Dragons produce and fight with them are a lot more powerful and potent than the natural elements. Like the fire made by Igneel, Atlas Flame and Ignia that burns hotter than normal flames for example.
I'm half expecting a scenario where Ash puts on the helmet a says to Nabu 'The only reason I'm doing this, is cause Kent trusted you and died trying to get you back.'

Speaking of, I hope we find an actual host for Nabu cause YJ don't do that iirc
I'm half expecting a scenario where Ash puts on the helmet a says to Nabu 'The only reason I'm doing this, is cause Kent trusted you and died trying to get you back.'
Doctor Fate with the power of Hellfire that burns away Magic sounds like a deadly combination. Although the spirit of Kent Nelson would convince Nabu to let Ashley go like he did got Kid Flash.

Speaking of Kid Flash, since he's not the one putting the helmet on, he won't have his Character Development of becoming open minded about magic, not some sort of advanced science to him.

He and Ashley won't get along with each other as she's a user of Hellfire Dragon Slayer Magic when she joins The Team.
To be fair, magic is technically alternate science with its own rules
True but this is from Kid Flash's perspective and it's Abra Kadabra who's the reason why he had that mindset. Abra is the phony magician who used technology to mimic magic which gave Kid Flash, after encountering him, the impression that the rest of the actual magic users are using tech as well.
True but this is from Kid Flash's perspective and it's Abra Kadabra who's the reason why he had that mindset. Abra is the phony magician who used technology to mimic magic which gave Kid Flash, after encountering him, the impression that the rest of the actual magic users are using tech as well.
That's fair, if incredibly annoying.
True but this is from Kid Flash's perspective and it's Abra Kadabra who's the reason why he had that mindset. Abra is the phony magician who used technology to mimic magic which gave Kid Flash, after encountering him, the impression that the rest of the actual magic users are using tech as well.
Ironically KF is really bad a Science. He just thinks he knows things instead of questioning and keeping an open mind.
Black Canary can help with that as she is a therapist for The Team, and I think Ashley will have to take up the offer from the Justice League after this.
Like I said she needs therapy but that likely won't stop Ash from NOT going to it even if said therapist is Black Canary. its not like FT has therapists and even if they do she was raised by a DRAGON, then she grew up on the streets and clearly developed a distrust of authority/people in power. The only way I can see her getting that mental help is the good old Fairy Tail method of fighting someone trying to help you until you acknowledge the problem.