There is the possibility, however slight, that there are no other supernatural gribblies around and Azar was just put in a university because they wanted to figure out what the fuck her cocoon was.

I think it was recognizably 'alive' despite looking like a statue.

But yeah its probably vampires or something :V

[X] The Laboratory (1x): Just down the corridor, you're not entirely sure what this place would contain. Most laboratories are likely to contain some form of clothes, so that's likely to be assured. But with most likelihood, whoever are inside it will not be capable of telling you a lot about why you're here in anything but scientific terms, useless to you.
There is the possibility, however slight, that there are no other supernatural gribblies around and Azar was just put in a university because they wanted to figure out what the fuck her cocoon was.

I think it was recognizably 'alive' despite looking like a statue.

But yeah its probably vampires or something :V

[X] The Laboratory (1x): Just down the corridor, you're not entirely sure what this place would contain. Most laboratories are likely to contain some form of clothes, so that's likely to be assured. But with most likelihood, whoever are inside it will not be capable of telling you a lot about why you're here in anything but scientific terms, useless to you.

I mean it's the old World of Darkness. Everything in it is basically run by the supernatural. Everyone important is basically supernatural.

Except Hitler. Hitler was like, the one normal, non-supernatural human who did anything of note, ever.
[x] The Laboratory (1x): Just down the corridor, you're not entirely sure what this place would contain. Most laboratories are likely to contain some form of clothes, so that's likely to be assured. But with most likelihood, whoever are inside it will not be capable of telling you a lot about why you're here in anything but scientific terms, useless to you.
[X] The Laboratory (1x): Just down the corridor, you're not entirely sure what this place would contain. Most laboratories are likely to contain some form of clothes, so that's likely to be assured. But with most likelihood, whoever are inside it will not be capable of telling you a lot about why you're here in anything but scientific terms, useless to you.
Was originally planning on hitting the security office to steal a uniform or something, but on second thought...

[X] The Laboratory (1x): Just down the corridor, you're not entirely sure what this place would contain. Most laboratories are likely to contain some form of clothes, so that's likely to be assured. But with most likelihood, whoever are inside it will not be capable of telling you a lot about why you're here in anything but scientific terms, useless to you.

Checking the plaque, you notice something standing out, "haematological laboratory". You smile, time to beat up some nerds. That's something you know how to do. Beat up some nerds and get some answers, preferably both. You aren't picky, though, so you'll take either.

Making your decision, you make a mental note that the laboratory is numbered "F17", and then the search begins. Every door has a number and a letter, most of these are lettered E, so you guess it's some kind of pattern based on compound or category. Currently, the nearest door to you is lettered E12, so you figure that the only option is to start walking. Passing seemingly endless, similar doors, all lettered and numbered, you quickly grow bored of watching out for obstacles. The doors are all similar, and you grow tired of pulling cameras down. The institutional-green linoleum under foot is slightly tacky in a way that suggests that the cleaners skimp on mopping.

You shift into a more casual walk, more annoyed than you are angry. Ugh! Why are there no labels on the doors? Which idiot got the idea to identify by numbers and letters alone. The faculty of jurisprudence was much better organized than this! No wonder all the people from natural sciences are so strange if they constantly have to navigate by this. Bleargh, you're getting more frustrated by the minute.

One of the walls dents as you telekinetically slam your pique into it. The doors around you rattle on their hinges.

Ah, there it is, finally you have reached section "F", albeit from the seemingly wrong direction. Currently you are glaring at a door labeled "F2", having hoped that you would have reached F17 first. Why doesn't this place have a map anyways? The jurisprudence faculty had a map.

There's a chuckle from ahead. Leaning against a wall, Ravana smirking at you with a shit-eating grin. "Well, let's be thankful you didn't choose to work as a scout. If this is your best attempt at finding your way, that explains so much about your life!" he mocks you.

"What do you know about my life?" you flare back at him.

"Eh, not much. I just knew I'd get a raise out of you," he taunts.

Teeth gritted, you try to give him a frustrated slap, which usually works for shutting people up. But Ravana simply dissolves into sparks of many-coloured flame. You've mostly gotten over your fear and the righteous anger has left you. Thus, you are left with frustration and irritation as your only company. Well, frustration, irritation and Ravana, but you repeat yourself. Just as you're ready to resume your search, you hear a sputtering sound behind you, and you quickly turn to face it, finding only Ravana with the same annoying grin.

"Careful, there. I know where that hand has been!"

"Jump up your own asshole and die!" you snarl, unconsciously covering yourself again.

"What's the matter? Don't you have more important things to worry about? Or did you miss me that much?" he asks, in-between chuckles at your expense. "Sorry about that thing with the slap, but I'm not into that kind of thing, I'm not judging though!" He exclaims, now openly laughing again.

Mazda, he is annoying. Why did you have to be saddled with Ravana of all people in your mind? "Shouldn't I be the one who asks if you have nothing better to worry about? You're not even doing anything! How about you just let me find my way out in goddamn peace?" you retort, venom in your voice. If there was a time to be the bigger woman, you missed it. Plus, he has everything you can do to him coming.

"But where's the fun in that?" Ravana asks. Hands raised in a mockery of your own attempts to preserve your modesty, he trails behind you. You're pretty sure he's looking at your butt, and you twist to keep your back to the wall, sidling along. "Besides, if I had to wait until you had handled everything, I'd have to wait a few centuries yet, and I don't have the patience for that."

"Can't you just go fuck yourself for a while?" you respond. You are not in the mood. You are so not in the mood that you may never be in the mood again. Not that he cares.

"Sorry, that ain't on the calendar for today. I'd need to stretch first. Get more flexible, you know? You, however seem to be pretty clearly on the 'spend more time looking for a door than it takes for a mountain to erode' side of things, though, so I should be good in a few days."

Biting back a curse, you roll your eyes and turn back to looking for the door. Ugh, Ravana. So frustrating.

Passing yet another infinity of identical doors, you finally reach the laboratory you're looking for. Pausing outside the grey-coloured door, you smile. Or at least bare your teeth. Finally some fucking answers. That, and hopefully someone to take out your anger on after Ravana reignited it. And some clothes. . It's not the cold. You're aware that it's cold around you, you just can't feel it. But the shame is a constant companion, especially with that ugly asshole constantly looking at you.

Things will only get worse when you get out of here, because the people looking at you wouldn't be arguably figments of your imagination.

"I'm not a figment of your imagination, but I am pretty argumentative," Ravana contributes.

You didn't say that out loud. The asshole is reading your mind? Fuck him. Fuck him raw with a chainsaw.

That rhymed.

"Maybe you'll find a chainsaw in there! Look on the bright side!"

Thinking of it, you have a lot of expectations for what this laboratory is going to contain, and you really hope that it can satisfy them.

Gathering your thoughts and focusing, you press your back up against the wall by the door, the painted concrete rough against your skin. There's noise coming from inside there when you lean your air against the door. Closing your eyes while you focus, you can hear sound from inside. You're not sure what they're saying, but it sounds very clinical; something about "subdual" and "proceeding with the plan". Gives you the creeps.

Placing your hand on the door grip, you take a deep breath. The steel is comfortably cool against your hand and you stand there, letting your arm rest upon the grip for a few seconds. Delicately you turn the grip to test if you can open it, making sure it's as silent as possible. Locked. Damn.

You try and focus on the lock instead, feeling its insides with your mind. It's like touch. Like you're probing the internals with your fingertips, only your fingers are an amorphous, flowing field of skin. Which doesn't even make sense, not even to you. There's a plethora of tiny parts you were only distantly aware were even part of a lock, but it's not exactly high-tech, ironically. Turning something here and moving a mechanism there, you hear a satisfying click. You let your hand go of the grip and snap your fingers. The grip turns and the door soundlessly opens, before a loud creaking sound interrupts it in the last moment. You cringe at that.

You ease yourself into the room, and it's unquestionably a laboratory. Petri dishes rest on the tables and boxy instruments of plastic and metal fill the room. You're not familiar with laboratories, so you let your eyes take in the room: Blinking lights from glossy black instruments, whirring and beeping noises of mysterious origin. You've never really been in this part of the university before. You always kept to the humanities and social sciences. You breathe in, getting used to its smells; a sterile smell that hangs over the room and catches in your nose. It smells like disinfectant, which it probably is. The talking you heard from outside has stopped, but you can still hear murmuring, coming from the other side of the room, where a group of scientist-looking people stand. They're looking at you like you're a foreign invader, or vision of terror, if you go by their shocked faces.
It better be terror. It better be. If they're checking you out, you're going to vent some of your quite large reservoir of anger, shame, confusion, and general 'what the fuck is this and what is my life' which is an emotion you're not generally familiar with. You don't like it. You want to punch something. Someone. Anything.

Then you catch sight of what's behind them, which they're currently obscuring; a steel-framed bed straight out of some budget asylum-set horror movie. You can see a person of indeterminate gender currently tied to it by leather straps affixed to the sides. They're not moving or making any noises, but they sure as hell don't look like a medical patient. You don't like the look of the tubes that run from various instruments into their skin, either. This smells way too much of "interrupted a horror movie set" to you. You're not sure if they're dead or whatever, but judging from the pointlessness of attaching tubes like this to a dead person, you're gonna go with alive. You kinda hope so, you could use some company that isn't Ravana.

"Who the fuck are you?" one of them asks.

"What the fuck is this?" you demand, hands balling into fists. One of them shifts, reaching for something. You're pretty sure you don't want to let him get it. "Get the fuck away from that person and answer me!"

One of the scientists, a man, steps forward. He looks like he's calming himself down. Like he's preparing to deal with the strangely naked woman in front of him. You're going to pretend you can't see some of them checking you out. Or at least you're going to pretend you can't until you get tired of it. You can't believe that a foreign woman just stepped into their room and telekinetically picked the lock and they're thinking about your fucking breasts. Mazda, it's making you sick thinking about. They're not moving, either. You don't have time listening to some old man scientist telling you off while the rest are staring at your body and not doing what you fucking told them to.

Spotting a bunch of lab coats hanging on hooks in the other end of the room, you make a quick decision. He looks like he's about to say something, so you stretch your hand out, as if to pause him. He pauses for a moment, and that's all you need. You turn that hand to the lab coats, and without looking at them, pulls one of them straight into your hand.
"I said step the fuck away." you emphasize, clothing yourself telekinetically and letting the buttons close themselves. "Was that so fucking hard to understand?"

You smile unpleasantly as the scientists shuffle about, moving away from the bed, a mix of panic and fear in the air. Oh yes. The whole tenor of the room has changed. Now you're not a mysterious naked lady that everyone is looking at. Now you're a woman who's only wearing a lab coat, which isn't a vast improvement - but now they know you're a telekinetic. And a superior being to them. Oh yes.

"Fascinating! Let's study her!" someone says. You're about to really tear lose, until you realise that it's Ravana, who has somehow acquired a lab coat of his own and is standing among the scientists with his stupid grin and his stupid pompadour.

You are going to ignore him. You are going to ignore him, and then murder him in the face.

"Now, let's start over. My name is Azar Ahura, and I want some fucking answers," you say. Intimidation has worked for you so far. There's no reason to stop.
You ignite the sun on your brow, and the air pressure in the room drops. Ears pop, and empty plastic bottles on the surfaces are tossed aside. The green light washes over the faces of the scientists, leaving them looking bilious and even more fearful. Your lab coat flaps in an unseen breeze

"You there!" you say, in your most imperious tone "Tell me your name!" He stumbles over his words for a bit before answering, "E-Eusebio, ma'am." You raise your eyebrow, you hadn't expected a title. Regardless, it doesn't matter. You finally have your chance of getting some answers and shoving around these people a bit as well. The latter is useless, but at least it lets you blow off some steam, which is fantastic.

Focusing on the bedridden body, you can see it's a man. Clothed in a grey tank top, baggy pants and not much else, his face and arms are too thin. It's not fashionable-slim. It's missed-meals slim. You think his face is more pretty than handsome, a small, bushy mustache above his mouth. Despite his obviously famished body, there are clear signs of athleticism decayed by hunger. He would definitely look better if he didn't seem to be sedated and forcefully restrained. And he's unhealthily pale, even under his olive-coloured skin. At least he's alive, you think.

Now that the scientists aren't being blocking your way, those instruments are suddenly far more visible. One of them is presumably indicating that he is alive with its slow and sequential beeping. Several tubes pierce his bare skin, kept affixed by IV drips and similar, either draining or injecting fluids of different colours. The entire display gives you the creeps. The leather straps that affix him to the bed are tied far too tightly, too roughly. This man struggled. He was forced here. A part of you can't help but wonder darkly if the scientists had something similar planned for you; sedated on a steely bed and connected to instruments you don't want to know the purpose of.

This is frankly creeping you the fuck out, and you don't like that. You don't like that at all. Not one bit.

You turn to the first guy, Eusebio, "What the fuck are you doing with this guy?" you demand,. You can smell his fear. Well, more like the glistening sweat on his forehead, but it's the thought that counts. There's a whole group of them there, but they don't rush the one woman who's burst in on them. They're tied down by fear of you.

Just like they tied that man down. Your eyes narrow. Your fingers twitch. Reaching for an unseen weapon. Wondering how they'd look with some of those complicated scientific tools and needles protruding from their bulging eyes.

Eusebio stammers, trying to find his words again, but you cut him off, "Now!" you command and he all but scrambles for something to tell you, seeking something to say. "W-we were draining his blood," he says, respectfully adding a nervous "ma'am," a half-second later. Your eyes widen. "He's… uh, donating his blood."

This shit is not how blood donation drives go.

"Then why the fuck is he tied down?" Do they think you're a moron? Of course this isn't above board! "Actually, you people over there? Untie him now!"
You emphasise your point by glaring at one of their carts, which slams into the far side of the room, overturning its contents all over the floor. The scientists leap to obey before you do something worse. You would comment on how you could get used to this, if it wasn't so fundamentally fucked up. Here you are, a woman naked but for a lab coat, throwing commands around to a bunch of scientists straight-out of some shitty B-movie with a budget horror plot about draining blood, probably for fucking vampires or something ridiculous. At this point, you just want this day to end. Or rather, this night, as the clock on the wall in the other end of the room informs you.
Eusebio responds stammeringly, "Well, the subjec-"

You cut him off immediately, "Use his fucking name, don't give me that 'subject' crap."

A mix of irritation and fear plays over his face for a few moments, before you take a step closer, cracking your knuckles, and he seems to decide that fear is the most reasonable of the two. "The sub- Ates Polat had to be coerced by force, as he resisted the procedure that was prescribed for him. Completely unreasonably, I might add." This close to him, you can all but smell the cold sweat of terror on his body.

One of the women in here - late forties, greying hair poking out from under her hairnet - has reached out for the lab phone while you were distracted. You grab it with your mind, and yank it off the wall, handset and cable and all. She screams at that.

"No," you say, voice deathly level. "No phones. No calling for security." You glance over them, eyes narrowed, burning forehead reflecting off the surfaces. "Shame on you. Calling the poor security guards in to die."

You're not sure if you really could kill whatever security guards a university has, but you're not going to sound doubtful. You're certainly angry enough. You turn your attention back to this rat, this weasel who's feeding you this bullshit. Striding up to him, you reach out and brush your fingers against his cheek, working them down until you have your hand around his throat.

He squeaks. You smile.

You all but whisper in his ear with a silken-soft voice, "You're going to tell me what I want to know, yeah?" He nods. "And you're not going to lie to me, and you're going to tell all your little friends over there to do the same as well, yeah?" He nods even more frantically. "Good. Now, begin. Make sure that you do good."

You pull an office chair over and almost sit down, before you remember what you're wearing. And not wearing. No, staying standing is a good idea. So instead you force him down into the chair. Making sure he looks up to you. Reinforcing that you are the one who is in charge here.

You've got time, so you decide to spend the next many minutes grilling the scientists for what they know.

Choose two:

[ ] What is "the procedure"?

[ ] Information about Ates Polat?

[ ] What are their reasons?

[ ] Why are you here?

[ ] Write-In

The larger hand on the clock has made a third of a revolution when the door opens behind you. You nearly jump when you hear it, lost in the… the outrage that's happening here.. Your bare feet squeak on the laboratory floor as you twist, lab coat flapping around you.

Three figures stand in the doorframe; two people that look more like gorillas that were pressed into human suits and a slender, smiling woman with a body shape out of a noir movie. Despite wearing a lab coat, the woman absolutely does not look like a scientist. She's dressed like you.

Or, well, like you would if you had your choice of clothes but had been told you had to wear an unfastened lab coat over the top. Low heels, enough to stretch out the leg but still practical. Black tights and a stylishly cut skirt just above the knee; a fitted blouse - good quality Egyptian cotton. It's not your unnatural powers that tell you what it's made of. It's the fact you have an identical one in your wardrobe. Tailored suit jacket, in a black that completes her monochrome look. She knows her complexion well. Ghost-pale, porcelain pale, with hair as red as her lips and dark eyes.

A smile plays over those bloody lips. She's the only one in the room apart from you who isn't scared. Well, apart from her thugs, who clearly don't have the cognitive capabilities for higher thought. She regards the room almost as a toddler would a room full of playthings and toys. Delight fills her eyes when she sees you.

She's looking at you, taking in your body with her eyes, and you know that the smile is for you. It's like she's looking at all of you at once, trying to eat you with her eyes. Her eyes linger on your bare calves, your bare wrists, your bare neck. You don't like her smile either, it's like she's looking at a delicacy or something sweet for dessert. There is no part of this woman that isn't uncomfortable to you.

"Who the hell are you?" you blurt out, and one of the definitely-not-university-appropriate gorillas makes a threatening move with the rather large gun in his hands, that you know for a fact is illegal. In response, the woman lays a hand on his arm, mumbling something about calming down, and he lowers the weapon again. Making a quick sign with her other hand for them to keep back, she begins walking towards you, her hungry smile unchanging.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about who I am, in fact you don't need to worry about anything at all, sweetheart," the woman says, "Especially not that… person over there." She makes a dismissive motion towards the now-untied, but still sedated Ates, as if he was a discarded toy or object.

Her dark, gleaming eyes meet yours. "No, wait, I…" you begin, before you notice something isn't quite right. She's not lit in green, you realise. At some point your forehead-brand must have died down. It must have happened when you were talking to the scientists.

"Why don't you just come with me, and I'll make sure to sort out everything." She drawls that last part, her voice almost reverberating within your mind. It's like an echo, blurring your vision and unfocusing you. You feel almost nauseous, the disinfectant smell making you want to puke. The woman smells of something too, now that she's closer. Is that some kind of flower? Roses, perhaps? There's something beneath it, something that puts you on the edge. She is a predator.

You can hear Ravana say something, and you think he's risen from his seated position on one of the desks, but it's getting hard to focus. He says something, but the sound is muffled, you can't quite concentrate on it, and you're so tired. You're not sure if you can stand much more. The woman has stepped closer to you and laid a hand on your shoulder and one on your hip to help you balance. That's really helpful of her. Her hands are very cold. You can feel them even through the lab coat. She feels like there's no heat in her entire body.

You're thankful that she's willing to explain it to you, truth be told, you're not very clear on why you're here, and you don't feel that good anyways. It's nice that she's available to tell you what's going on. You do feel a bit lost, even despite the scientists' explanations. She seems so trustworthy as well, like a respectable woman who knows what she's talking about. She probably knows much better than you anyways. The scientists seem to be thankful she's here too. Their adoring eyes are almost puppy-like. You hope you don't look like that. It'd be embarrassing if she saw you like that. She seems like someone people respect. You don't want to offend her or embarrass her. Not when she's been so nice to you.

Mind Control
Some creatures have the ability to inflict various forms of compulsions, geasa or inhibitions on other people. These can take the form of mental dominance, obligations, contracts or simple, pure seduction. Regardless of what it is, it is all resisted with a Willpower roll against a certain Difficulty and a target number of successes determined by the power in question. This can often turn out extremely unfair in favour of the dominator, but there is a recourse. Normally, the only defense for a mortal is to spend a point of Willpower to gain an automatic success on the resistance roll, but Azar Ahura is no longer a mortal woman.

She is bearer of a crown of Hell and vessel to the keter-soul that is the Infernal Exaltation. As such, she is afforded certain privileges in resisting, which allows her to, instead of spending a point of Willpower, to instead channel an Intimacy. When channeling an Intimacy, she may instead completely reject the influence if a compelling argument that this Intimacy would apply can be made.

[ ] Come With Her (1.2x): You will follow the woman.

[ ] Refuse (1x): Spend a point of Willpower and make a resistance roll when I tell you to.
-[ ] Channel Intimacy: Make a case for why one of Azar's current three intimacies would allow her to resist.
-[ ] Use a Charm: If you wish to use a Charm, please include it in the subvote like this.

  • Acquire clothes: Fulfilled
  • Discover why you're here: Unfulfilled
  • Make someone fucking answer to this: Unfulfilled
  • Learn what you can do: Unfulfilled
  • Find some exit: Unfulfilled

Motes expended/motes left: 1/10
  • 1m spent on Mind-Hand Manipulation
Source: Status and Current Goals

Adhoc vote count started by ManusDomini on Mar 30, 2019 at 11:08 AM, finished with 270 posts and 6 votes.
Last edited:
earthscorpion, a week ago: hey manus where's the next update, its been like a week
me: oh you know tomorrow or so
earthscorpion, literally two days ago: fake news

anyways the update is here, hope you enjoyed it, give a big thanks to @EarthScorpion who edited and did passes over it
[X] Come With Her (1.2x): You will follow the woman.

I kinda wanted to channel Azar's "the world isn't fair and what happened to me isn't fair" intimacy, but fuck it, lets follow our evil twin into her weird-ass dungeon!

Edit: whoops

[X] What is "the procedure"?
[X] Why are you here?

Adhoc vote count started by shulkerbox on Mar 30, 2019 at 12:14 PM, finished with 274 posts and 10 votes.
Last edited:
Obviously, we need to resist. We... don't seem to have any Charms to charm (heh) her back. ... not even Excellency equivalent, it seems.

So, gotta use mundane method.
[X] Refuse (1x)
-[X] Channel Intimacy: This is not fair. You were promised better. You were promised royalty and exaltation. It's not fair, so you will make it fair. She seeks to control you, but you are better than this. You are better than her.
-[X] Use a Charm: Shadow Spite Curse. Ruin her efforts at trying to be better than you.
[X] Refuse (1x)
-[X] Channel Intimacy: This is not fair. You were promised better. You were promised royalty and exaltation. It's not fair, so you will make it fair. She seeks to control you, but you are better than this. You are better than her.
-[X] Use a Charm: Shadow Spite Curse. Ruin her efforts at trying to be better than you.

[X] What is "the procedure"?

[X] Information about Ates Polat?

This sounds good.

Edit: Forgot that vote.
Last edited:
[X] Information about Ates Polat?

[X] Refuse (1x)
-[X] Channel Intimacy: This is not fair. You were promised better. You were promised royalty and exaltation. It's not fair, so you will make it fair. She seeks to control you, but you are better than this. You are better than her.
-[X] Use a Charm: Shadow Spite Curse. Ruin her efforts at trying to be better than you.

I like this, and no way am I following a vampire
[X] What is "the procedure"?
[X] Information about Ates Polat?

[X] Come With Her (1.2x): You will follow the woman.
[X] What is "the procedure"?
[X] Information about Ates Polat?

[X] Refuse (1x)
-[X] Channel Intimacy: This is not fair. You were promised better. You were promised royalty and exaltation. It's not fair, so you will make it fair. She seeks to control you, but you are better than this. You are better than her.
-[X] Use a Charm: Shadow Spite Curse. Ruin her efforts at trying to be better than you.

-[] Channel Intimacy: This is not fair. You were promised better. You were promised royalty and exaltation. It's not fair, so you will make it fair. She seeks to control you, but you are better than this. You are better than her.
-[] Use a Charm: Shadow Spite Curse. Ruin her efforts at trying to be better than you.

Aren't those two options redundant? Channeling an intimacy means we auto-resist, so there is no roll for shadow spite curse to interfere with.
[X] What are their reasons?
[X] Why are you here?

[X] Refuse (1x): Spend a point of Willpower and make a resistance roll when I tell you to.
-[X] Channel Intimacy: "Violence can solve my problems." - Her problem is that some classy, clothes-wearing bitch is trying to put the whammy on her. Therefore the solution is to punch her right in her face. With your own face.
-[X] Use a Charm: Source Code Compliance Protocol - Not spending the essence to spare people in the area from the pain. By my reading of the charm, that's 1B every time they communicate with her. Which nicely shuts down their mind control words.

So nice. So kind. So warm and-

Cold. You're a fool to fall for this. How many people have you trapped with niceness? How many people have you destroyed because they thought your attempts to reach out to them were well intentioned?

There is a terrible anger in your gut, and that seething, toxic brew wars with the fog in your mind. You want to touch her. You want to punch her. Hate and love fight, but in the end only one will win out. You always did move in straight lines whenever possible.

You stumble forwards, reaching out for her. She smiles kindly - smirks smugly - at that, and doesn't act to stop you placing either hand on her cheeks. Her skin is so cold; her foundation comes away on your fingers.

The city screams in your ears, a wicked city of vice and control, where every camera is a watching eye and every speaker is a mouth. The city is not run for the sake of men. The city is. Men merely occupy it. This city, this hell has risen once more in the modern era, and you saw it in the depths of your dreams.

You are the eye behind the cameras. You are the mouth behind the loudspeakers. You are not controlled. You control! And anyone who says otherwise gets broken!

"What do you want me to do?" you ask. Your words are not words. They are meaning, hammered straight into the forebrain. Lyrical, melodic sounds like a finger on a windglass, remixed with static and the sound of a thousand screaming computers.

"Oh, my sweet, you'll-" she begins to respond, and chokes on her not-words that come out just like yours. She screws her eyes shut in sudden pain, brow wrinkling. Thick, cold blood oozes from her eyes and ears.

And in that moment of confusion, you slam your forehead into her nose.

((Strength - Vicious, Brawl - Unyielding))
Last edited:
[X] What is "the procedure"?
[X] Information about Ates Polat?

[X] Refuse (1x)
-[X] Channel Intimacy: This is not fair. You were promised better. You were promised royalty and exaltation. It's not fair, so you will make it fair. She seeks to control you, but you are better than this. You are better than her.
-[X] Use a Charm: Shadow Spite Curse. Ruin her efforts at trying to be better than you.
[X] What are their reasons?
[X] Why are you here?

[X] Refuse (1x): Spend a point of Willpower and make a resistance roll when I tell you to.
-[X] Channel Intimacy: "Violence can solve my problems." - Her problem is that some classy, clothes-wearing bitch is trying to put the whammy on her. Therefore the solution is to punch her right in her face. With your own face.
-[X] Use a Charm: Source Code Compliance Protocol - Not spending the essence to spare people in the area from the pain. By my reading of the charm, that's 1B every time they communicate with her. Which nicely shuts down their mind control words.

Heh, this seems fun!
[X] Refuse (1x)
-[X] Channel Intimacy: This is not fair. You were promised better. You were promised royalty and exaltation. It's not fair, so you will make it fair. She seeks to control you, but you are better than this. You are better than her.
-[X] Use a Charm: Shadow Spite Curse. Ruin her efforts at trying to be better than you.

[X] What is "the procedure"?

[X] Information about Ates Polat?