Harry Potter: Simology

Which house should Harry and Hermione go into?

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So... Something that has been bothering me, for a while. Is that Harry seems to be EXTREMELY fiscally irresponsible. I mean, at no point is it stated that anyone is giving him money, or that he is using other people's money. So I can only assume that he is repeatedly spending his own money. Seemingly with no real concern shown by ANY adults. It has not been stated whether Harry is earning more money than he is spending, or if he is making investments or what-not. Just that he is spending his money all the time. This feels incredibly irresponsible. Like he has no concept of the real value of money, or of the importance of saving.
Harry is an 11 year old child that has become a multimillionaire overnight, and doesn't need to go to the bank to withdraw money because the interface does that for him. He has also disassociated his aunt from his past. Part of what he will be learning in his Etiquette classes will be about dealing with money and investments, but not for a while yet. At the moment it's more important that he learns how to do the social basics that are expected of someone in his families social strata.

I feel like when in female form Harry should not be named Dani. I mean, that name just seems to come out of nowhere. I would have honestly expected either an alteration on her(in this instance) name, like Harriet(Hari), or something. That, or borrowing from her mother's family traditions and naming himself for a flower.

Harry is always Harry. Dani was just a name that Professor Sprout picked without any deep thought on the matter. That's why it might seem scatter gun when she uses the name. It's also why she says that she has called Dani. Take Chapter 28 as an example.
"You, with the phoenix, what is your name?"

Nerves clearly on show, the young witch answers, "I've been called Dani, Ma'am."

"Dani, I am Madam Umbridge, senior undersecretary to the Minster of Magic." She astutely ignores the whispered 'first name Um, from Umbridge?' from a peasant that is obviously either a mudblood or second generation, mainly because she recognises that Heiress Greengrass is the recipient of the whisper.

Compare that to later in the same chapter

"Heiress Potter, would you mind if I had a quick look at the book in your hand?"

Harry smiles, "Just Harry please, and sure."

She takes the book and looks at it briefly, long enough to see that it's open to the page titled 'Families of the Wizengamot and their position in society', Potter is underlined near the top and Umbridge is on the next page under Elected Houses with a notation saying 1956 for the last time they held a seat.

"Thank you Harry. Please tell me, why did you treat Madam Umbridge that way?"

Harry laughs, "There's no way I was going to treat anyone that's Mean, Evil, and Hates Children, any other way."

The limitations on the interface don't stop people from discovering new schools, they just stop them from stumbling across them by simply using a wanded spell. What this means is that the researchers are going to be studying wanded magic in order to look for places that might be different schools of magic. Also, with the possible exception of Little Whinging, nowhere on earth has a sufficient density of nano-machines to forcibly induct someone into the interface. This means that until an animagi, werewolf, metamorphagus, or veela goes to a place with a sufficient density the system won't be able to induct them and discover the limits of their abilities, they would also need to use those abilities in order for the system to take notice.

Finally, the soul shard in Harry's head wasn't shielded. As such pretty much everyone that did any sort of medical diagnosis on it knew that it was dark magic. The sages just had the advantage of being able to use a different method of diagnosing it. Quirrel on the other hand had a magical turban that prevented everyone in canon from detecting that he was possessed by Voldemort. Harry also had the full interface when he met the Sages, while Quirrell still doesn't. Thus the amount of information the interface could provide on the two is vastly different.
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Also, with the possible exception of Little Whinging, nowhere on earth has a sufficient density of nano-machines to forcibly induct someone into the interface.
How's that going to run anyway? More and more of Petunia and Dudley's lives are spent away from there and the nano-machine colony there is perpetuating itself within the neighbours still between the interface threshold. What's gonna happen when one of them triggers the interface without one of the current interface holders noticing they have done so? What if it's Piers Polkiss or Mrs Figg?
Dunno yet, but given that the interface makes the things it does seem natural it will probably be unremarked on. Especially as it will be centered on #4.
Chapter 32

Chapter 32

There was, Albus thought morosely, a perverse sense of justice in the universe. The cause of this thought was walking into the great hall at the height of breakfast just over a month after he lost the stone. Oh, he'd tried very hard to locate it as he didn't want to force his mentor into passing on. However the blasted thing was somewhere in a muggle area full of crates on small wooden floors. His scans for his tracking charm showed him that it was somewhere here, but the lack of precise direction suggested that it had been put in an expanded space. He'd spent a morning looking for wherever it was before his tracking charm gave him a definitive direction again, one that was rapidly receding from him to the south and up. With a quiet pop he disappears only to reappear on the large, paved area outside the monstrously large building he'd been in. Following the direction of the charm he could see a bright yellow muggle flying machine with a red stripe running along it. He finally had to admit defeat in tracking down the mirror when his tracking charm started returning rubbish results, typical of being underneath powerful wards, or even a Fidelius. So he had sent a message to his mentor asking if he could visit to talk.

Albus lifts his head to watch as his mentors ancestor, Ostanes if he remembers the label on the portrait correctly, walks confidently into the hallway his back straight and head held high. A cold pit of dread pulls at his stomach as he realises that the worst must have occurred, and his mentor is now dead.

"Dumbledore," – the man says urbanely – "can you explain this?" With a thump he puts the philosophers stone on the table in front of Albus. Albus' eyebrows rise into his hairline as he stares at the stone, a second thump as an identical stone is placed next to the first sees his eyes roll into the back of his head as he slumps face down into his baked beans on toast.

The man huffs as he lifts the headmasters face out of his breakfast, "Well that's annoying." Turning to the rest of the room he calls out, "Is there a Harry Potter here? I received a parcel from him a short while ago and thought I could thank him while I was here."

Pomona looks over from her seat at the teachers table, "Before that happens, maybe you should introduce yourself young man."

The man laughs, "Oh, right I really should. I'm Nicolas Flamel, and Mr Potter returned something very important to me."

The silence that fell over the hall with that statement was deafening, after a long moment a Ravenclaw bumping into the door while reading a book breaks the tension and suddenly everyone is talking at once. Many of those conversations involve chocolate frog cards being held up against his profile. For those near the teachers table Professor McGonagall's voice is easily audible over the muttered conversation.

"What proof do you have that you are the esteemed alchemist?" – Nicolas just raises his hand to show the Flamel ring at which point the professor sighs – "Madam Pince, would you be able to retrieve a magical heraldry book please?"

Once the librarian leaves, Minerva raises her wand and fires a cannon blast into the air, causing the hall to fall silent, and waking Albus up from his fainting spell.

"Attention everyone, this man claims to be Nicolas Flamel. Now, as I can see many of you are trying to identify him by his chocolate frog card. When I asked for proof of his identity he raised his head of house ring. While many of you are heirs or members of houses that have these rings and know how they can be used to identify you, some of the school haven't grown up in that environment. If you are ever in this situation in the future my first piece of advice would be to arrange to do your initial business at either Gringotts or the Ministry. Gringotts will charge you for Notary service, but also provide identification for every country where they have a banking presence. The Ministry will not usually charge you, but they typically only cover the United Kingdom and our continental neighbours. For those that have access to a family library that contains a book on heraldry, you can do the test that I will be performing. The specific spell required is always written in the front of the book, and while different books may have minor differences to the spells they will all have the same results. The spell will show a magical signature of both the person and the ring overlayed over each other. These signatures will form a two toned image which you then look up in the book. If image matches then the amount of one tone over the other will tell you how closely they match."

Albus stares at his mentor uncomprehendingly, "But how?"

Nicolas laughs, "Someone found a new use for my stone and sent me a sample of the result. What I want to know is how they got hold of the stone that you were supposed to be looking after."

"I, ah, they must have switched it before I placed it in a safe location."

"And where is this safe location?"

"That is what I wanted to visit to talk about."

The waspish voice of Minerva cuts into their conversation, "Albus, I think that you should really wait to verify that this is indeed your friend before you continue your conversation."

"Of course, your right Minerva."

It didn't take long after that before Madam Pince returned with a large volume. Once Minerva has conjured a lectern she places the book down carefully before opening it to the front page.

Nodding to the librarian, Minerva says tightly, "Mr Flamel, please place your hand on the inside cover of the book. Gently if you do not wish to rouse the ire of our librarian."

Once his hand is in place, Minerva casts the spell written on the first page and touches her wand to the ring and then the first page of the book. A trail of golden light following her wand from the ring to the first page. "You may remove your hand now Mr Flamel."

As he does so a strand of golden light pulls from the palm of his hand until it snaps back to the book and the whole book starts to glow. As the book glows a ghostly green image appears above the book and the pages in the book start to turn rapidly.

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Daphne murmurs to her class mates, "Do you have any idea how expensive that book must be, the one we have only projects the symbol, you then have to look up the name yourself. Even that would cost around 3,000g if you commissioned it from the Ministry today. 10 thousand if you ordered an international one from Gringotts. To have a book that will actively look up the signature for the ring must have taken some very heavy enchantment work."

"How does it work?" Hermione asks softly.

"We can talk about it later, look the book's almost finished."

They all turn to look at the book as it's pages slow down to one page turn a second, then one every 10 seconds before it turns back one page and a faint green glow can be seen from the page it turned to. Madam Pince calls out to the hall "Flamel, perfect match, Pater of house, Lord of house."

Daphne nods firmly, "What she's just read out is that the ring is from House Flamel. It is a perfect match for the first person bound to the ring, which is pretty much unheard of except for the founder of the house. Pater of house means that the person wearing the ring is the male founder of the house. Finally, Lord of house means that magic recognises that he is the rightful person to wear the ring. The fact that the book was able to give that much information means that it is on par with the official book in the wizengamot."

As Daphne carries on with her impromptu lesson to the Hufflepuffs and a couple of rubbernecking ravenclaws, Albus and Nicolas both leave the Great Hall. Later that day Nicolas meets Harry with Pomona and gives him one of the stones as a reward after getting the story of how Harry came across the stone. Sunbeam also agrees to show his phoenix how to get to the Realm of Magic so that Nicolas and Perenelle can visit and talk to the person that provided the second gift.

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Over the next few months Quirrell and his master try everything they can think of to retrieve the stone from the mirror. Unknown to his host, Voldemort is concerned about Quirrell, as he's been spending longer and longer studying the mirror and leaving it later to refresh his stocks of unicorn blood.

"I can see myself giving the stone to my master and he's rewarding me. Why can't I get the stone? It's right there I can see it"

"Quirrell, move get some unicorn blood."

"Ran out, and I'm so close. I can see it, it's right there."

"Quirrell, let me take control so I can get you the blood we need to continue unravelling the trap."

Quirrell sags to his knees in front of the mirror and rocks from side to side, "It there, right there. I can see myself giving it to you master."

Voldemort tries to push himself forward into his host, to take control temporarily. Only he recoils when Quirrell's nose falls off and crumbles do dust on the floor. Quirrell looks down and laughs as he tries to pick up the nose even as it's breaking apart in his hands. As he brushes his fingers across the floor they break off and start crumbling even as Quirrell starts laughing hysterically as he holds his hand up in front of the mirror.

Voldemort can only watch helplessly as the curse on the mirror finishes the job he started last year when he possessed Quirrell. Quirrell laughs as he holds his hand up in front of his face and grabs the stumps of his fingers with his good hand. The hand crumples like spun sugar before falling away into dust. He reaches out his hand and touches the mirror, as he does it almost looks like he's reaching into it as dust falls to the floor where his fingers meet the glass, followed by his hand, arm and then forehead as he overbalances forward and falls against it.

To Voldemort's vision, a spectral hand reaches out and grasps the ghost of his minion before pulling him into the mirror leaving Voldemort hovering as a black mist over the crumbling remains. It looks down at the dust of his minion, furious at the incompetence displayed by it, completely ignoring its own involvement in its death. With a final look at the room it flees to its sanctuary in the Albanian forests.

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Albus leads Nicolas to his office, still flinching slightly when he passes the occasional person going the other way. The mental after effects of the curse still recent in his memory. Rather than heading to his desk, he instead takes a seat by a seldom used coffee table. Nicolas takes a seat on the other side of the table.

"Albus, where did you think you put the stone?"

"I, uh, put it in a mirror."

"You put it in a mirror. Was there anything special about this mirror?"

"It was the Mirror of Erised."

"Then what?"

"I put an enchantment on the mirror so that it couldn't go to someone that wanted to use it."

"What was your plan to return it to me if I asked for it?"

"I would have just removed the enchantments and then extracted the stone."

Nicolas puts his head in his hands, then in a slightly muffled voice says, "Albus, what is the mirror of Erised?"

"A trap for the weak willed."

"Albus, did you know that there is a society in South America that believes that cameras and mirrors take a little bit of your soul when you look in them, or your picture is taken?"

"No, why would they think that?"

"You really didn't do any research on those sorts of mirrors before you decided to use it, did you? No don't answer that, I know you probably looked it up in the books here, but you didn't research that classification of artifact. A classification, I'll note, that they share with dream catchers."

"But dream catchers are just muggle trinkets, they've got no magic in them. I have a few hanging in my room from the days I spent exploring the world."

"And did you ever venture west, past the borders of MacUSA?"

"No, I'm not suicidal."

"It's far from suicidal to go to the west of the USA, you just have to go with respect and a willingness to learn. Dream catchers are a type of spirit/soul trap, one that is blood bound to someone. If they are then attacked mentally while they're asleep, the trap will draw the spirit or soul of the attacker to the trap. If they don't leave they will eventually get lost and absorbed by the magic of the trap."

Albus gasps, "So the muggle description is true! That means that it's dark magic, no wonder they say it's suicidal to leave MacUSA."

"You still think in terms of black and white magic I see. I thought I'd taught you better than that. No, dreamcatchers are benign magic because they have a passive activation and they don't seek to ensnare the victim. Mirrors of Vanity, on the other hand, are malicious artifacts. They pull part of your soul into the mirror to show you something, they then use that connection to make you want to return. Of course, souls being what they are will heal from looking at the mirror once or twice. Magical portrait artists do the same thing, which is why people can update their own portraits with proximity.

"I digress, where did you find the mirror you used?"

"In the vaults."

"And why was it put in the vaults?"

"For safe keeping?"

"Doesn't the vault have a ledger?"

"It did, but nobody knows where it is. It went missing centuries ago."

"Did you think to ask the headmasters advisor?"

"Of course" Albus scoffs as he waves his hands at the portraits "I've had many conversations with the past headmasters."

"Gods help me!" Nicolas throws his hands in the air dramatically, "Do any of you know the story of how the founders left an adviser for the headmaster or headmistress of the school?"

There's a fair amount of grumbling from the portraits on the walls, some affirmative and others not.

"Now, given that there are no portraits of the founders here. Unless one of you lot is a founder? Which is unlikely as magical portraits had only just been invented when I met Perenelle. So any such advisor must be someone else. Now I'm going to leave before I tempt myself to violate oaths and kill myself, especially now I've got my adulthood back."

As Nicolas stalks out he mutters "They're all γράσων" [AN:Ancient Greek - One that stinks like a goat]

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Sally-Anne looks up at the hospital nervously, it's shortly after the May bank holiday and it's time for her to get her new leg. Petunia squeezes her hand gently before leading her into the familiar reception. Once they've checked her details they escort her to a ward and give her a gown to change into. Not for the first time in her life she sits nervously on a hospital bed waiting for something to happen. When it does actually happen, she's surprised at how anticlimactic it is, as well as just how painful it is. They wheel her into the operating theatre, which is full of scanning equipment, before taking their blood samples and her usual brain scans. Rather than removing the net they use for the scan they leave it in place and running.

They then bring in the surgeon and staff along with the cap for her leg. She has a moment to notice the surgeon's eyes glaze slightly and then everything goes dark. An hour later she wakes up again in the same place, except her stump has been replaced with a metallic black cap.

"How do you feel?" Dr Kumquat says from the observation room.

Quickly looking around for the source of the voice, Sally-Anne finally looks up to see the doctor and her parents. "I'm doing OK. Hi Mum, Dad, how are you doing?"

"Good, good, I'll give you 5 minutes while they clear out the surgical materials."

Her mother leans over one of the mics, "We're doing OK sweety. How are you doing, they said that you were under for 3 hours."

"I'm, fine. Yes, I'm fine. That's so weird."

"What's weird honey?"

"I just blacked out, which is normal. But then I just woke up afterwards, and my leg doesn't hurt."

"Dr Kumquat told us that they no longer use drugs, they instead use a neural inhibitor to put your brain into a deep sleep. Oh, and while I remember, thank you for insisting that we get magic. The Scruberoo spell has saved us both a lot of time in the evenings. We both miss you, the flat feels empty without you."

"I love you too. How long are you here for?"

"We're both on our lunch break, so we've got another 20 minutes. Hopefully enough time for you to get your new leg and walk us back to the portal."

She chatted with her mother and father, weird looking net on her head and papery hospital gown and all, while the nurses cleared away all of the tools that they'd brought in. Idly she noted that nothing seemed to have any blood on it, but she assumed that was down to the interface so put it to one side. Far too soon the professor and Dr came in with her new leg on a trolley.

"Right Miss Perks, we're going to fit your leg and start doing the calibration. This shouldn't take too long, though if there's any complications we'll need to provide you with a similar prosthesis to the one you came in with while we go over the calibration data at the lab. Please lay back and we'll begin."

Sally-Anne took a deep breath and lay back, "I'm ready."

She felt the pressure as they pushed the leg into the connector on her stump, then she felt the resistance as they turned the leg into the correct position. The click as the latching mechanism locked into place seemed to echo in her head for a moment before it felt like someone shoved an ice-pick into her brain. The feeling was similar to the feeling while she was learning Simian, but only in the same way that a hearth fire was to a house fire.

She was vaguely aware of screaming, and someone shouting, "She's ok, there's elevated nanite levels in her motor cortex and touch centres. The interface is just teaching her how to use her new leg." Then as suddenly as it started, it stopped and she could feel her toes.

She looks down and giggles as she wiggles them and revels in the sensation of them moving. Of the feeling of pressure on her heel as it rests on the bed. Experimentally she pulls it up towards her, but she doesn't feel anything except the pressure. She pulls her good foot up towards her to check, and she can feel the sheet rubbing over her heel as she does.

With her brain flushed with endorphins she giggles up at the distraught faces of her parents, "Look, I can wiggle my toes, and my foot."

"Oh my dear child, are you OK?"

"I have my leg back, look! Of course I'm OK. It was just like learning Simian, just faster."

Her parents frown at each other at the blasé dismissal of the pain she'd just been in. Due to their fussing, and the necessity of taking new blood samples and doing a scan, it takes longer than her parents have for lunch. So Sally-Anne is most surprised to be skipping next to them after a broom flight to Glimerstone.

"Thank you for waiting for me."

Her father hugs her before crouching down in front of her, "You are our daughter, both of us love you very much. When we were invited to watch, we thought that you'd be staying longer. After you screamed in agony we couldn't leave until we knew you were not just physically OK, but also mentally OK. Don't worry about us, you are our child, and as such you will always be our priority. Even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes."

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In Hogwarts, with nearly ½ the year left to go, DADA becomes something of an eclectic mix of teachers and guest speakers as whichever teacher happens to be free puts their own spin on what the classes are supposed to be learning while the headmaster tries to find at least a temporary replacement. It seems like the only teacher not involved in the class is Trelawny, and that's more because no one trusts her to be sober than it is that she doesn't have the time. However, it is also far more informative for all of the students than the previous 6 ½ years that the oldest student remembers. Everyone was expecting Dumbledore to put a stop to this at some point, but for whatever reason he seems to be distracted by something.

The first year hufflepuffs also somehow manage to keep Hermione so busy that she doesn't realise that the end of year exams are approaching until the week before the exams. A little L therapy, and she's back to being the friendly, yet studious, young woman that they all love.

For the first year Hufflepuffs, the exams in Hogwarts fly past with ease, even the flying one. That is less true of the surprise exams they have in the Realm of Magic. Showing that they can use their brooms, cast basic spells, brew potions, and duel is easy enough. But they are then given a spell tome and told to read the first 3 pages and discuss what they read. Those who are able to understand those pages are told that they're Acolytes, while those that don't are still neophytes.

Unsurprisingly, only the Hufflepuffs that went through the rite of ascension latest didn't make it to Acolyte. Each one of which were determined to make it to acolyte over the summer.

Finally, the night before the leaving feast L and Simeon both joined the house for a party in the common room to celebrate those who were graduating this year.

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Rad. The Sally plot was well done, and I loved that she had a happy ending by the end of Book 1. It is also cool that Harry has opportunities that are opened up by having the Flamels indebted to him. It's cool to have option like that! Maybe they can help open up old Sim magics!
Chapter 33 - Book 2

Chapter 33 – Book 2

We are live outside King Georges hospital where the first ever male birth is taking place. The patient, one Vernon Dursley was committed to the Barley Lane asylum earlier in the year after the pressure of being pregnant caused him to have a psychotic break. His partner, who cannot be named for legal reasons, reported him to the authorities after he started saying that it was the Freaks fault for doing Freakish things to get him pregnant. This was followed by increasingly violent outbursts whenever the word 'magic' was used in his hearing. With me is Dr Houston. Dr, you have been examining Mr Dursley since he was committed, what can you tell me about his pregnancy.

He has one other child from his ex-wife, according to the records this child has the same Sexual Development Disorder as the father, though it expressed itself early. We have one more confirmed case, a schoolteacher in Manchester of a similar age to Mr Dursley. He turned up pregnant a few weeks ago after he and his wife had been trying for many years.

Harry turns off the TV as he puts his things together for meeting his friends in the Realm of Magic. As he grabs his shoes from the front door his next-door neighbours front garden catches his eye through the privacy glass. Opening the front door and stepping out, he watches as the old picket fence is replaced with a low brick wall while the neighbour is standing there with a glazed look on their face.

It doesn't take long for the glazed look to fade and they look around and catch sight of Harry, "Good morning. Do you like the new wall?"

"Uh huh. Er." – Harry licks his lips – "How long have you been able to do this?"

"Oh, probably around 3 months. Though I only found out this feature when the ball and chain replaced the couch the other day."

"Oh." Harry says weakly, "Have you found the inventory yet? The little picture that looks like a box in the bottom right-hand corner." He adds when he gets a blank look from his neighbour.

"Oh, that's what that is, we did wonder. It didn't seem to do anything when we looked the first time. I have to say, that new school you're going to seems to have done you a world of good. I think this is the longest I've every talked to you before."

Harry shakes his head, "It's not the school sir."

His neighbour nods, "Ah, yes terrible business that. We should have known he was a bit touched in the head. I'm sorry to say that he seemed to be a fine upstanding young man when he and his wife moved here. Thinner too, now are there any other quick tips you can give me?"

"Ah, erm, look in a mirror? Also, use your mobile phone."

"Mobile phone?"

"Somewhere in the bottom left."

"Oh, right the portable computer thing."

"You can also call any of your friends with it."

"Can you really? I thought it was just one of those fancy PDA's. We've got one indoors, though it chews through batteries like nobody's business. Well, this is far more convenient than the brick I keep in the car. Well, I'll just go and let the old lady know about that. Enjoy your day."

Feeling rather stunned, Harry grabs his things and heads off to the Realm of Magic to tell his friends about what just happened.

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Sophie hugs Alenia, the Demi-lich, to her chest as she dismounts the train at Kings Cross. This year has been amazing, but now she has to go home. Home where she's never been good enough, where her opinions don't matter because she was born a girl. Home where her mother died giving birth to her stillborn brother. Home where all she has is loyalty and hard work, and her Father and step-mother are waiting for her to be old enough to be wed to a nice 3rd​ or 4th​ son that's willing to give up their name. She's sure that if the family charter didn't explicitly state that only children from the first marriage could inherit, or that the Heir and presumptive had to attend Hogwarts she'd have been shipped off to Emerys. What is it that her father keeps saying, oh yes, 'Education is wasted on women, they only need to know enough to care for the house and the children.'

"Do not let these thoughts weigh you down child. You have me with you now, and you have influential friends at school. I can see from your thoughts that Hufflepuff has been considered the house for those that are not good enough for another house. But loyalty and hard work has produced more Heroes than in born talent ever has. In the 2000 years I've been active I've seen courageous adventures die because they overestimated their abilities, the intelligent do nothing because they never knew enough, and the cunning and ambitious feed like jackals in the courts. However, the people that have always stood out are the ones that prize loyalty and hard work over anything else. The best smiths, carpenters, seamstresses, and adventurers all worked hard to master their skills, and they were all loyal to their friends and companions. Your loyalty to your friends has already been rewarded, and it will continue to be rewarded. Let us go and greet your family together."

Sophie takes in a shuddering breath as Alenia repeats what she just said in her native language. When she finishes listening to the translation she scans the crowd for her father. She could see her step-brother talking to father and gesturing towards her and her classmates. As she walks over, her father looks at her with a complicated expression on his face that settles into something that looks like grudging acceptance. To Sophie the wait to use the Floo feels like she's waiting for the executioner to call her name, when the time came she almost missed the exit, which is something she hadn't done since she was 8.

Once the last person is through the floo, Sophie's father locks the floo before turning towards her.

"Well done in cultivating such powerful connections at school. The first thing you are going to do is get rid of that thing in your arms. Then your mother is going to take you shopping for suitable formal wear."

Whatever he was going to say next will stay forever unknown as Alenia rises into the air, "How dare you refer to me as a thing. Not only am I your daughters bonded familiar, I am also a Demilich in my own right. Sophie is her own person and I will not have you undoing all of the progress she's made in coming out of her shell just so that the heir to your family is pliant to your desires. While I am sure that my charge would not wish me to be this confrontational, I have watched her dreams and seen the way you have moulded her into a passive child that will do everything you tell her to. No more, and don't even consider filliacide in order to get around your family charter. "

"What?" Sophie exclaims.

Alenia turns to look at Sophie, "I found out that all families must register their charter at the ministry while I was browsing the library one evening. I sent off for a copy in your name as the heir apparent, it's in your book bag." – she turns back to Sophie's father – "As I was saying, I know that in a few years the time limit will pass where Sophie's death will immediately pass the headship to the nearest cadet branch. I'm not saying that you were even considering it, but I will react punitively to any attempt on her life."

Sophie's father blanches, as he'd not even considered that as an option. While the family charter says that women can only hold Regency for the family until an heir comes of age, Sophie is still his daughter, and the daughter of the woman he married for love as well as responsibility.

"Yes, well." He blusters trying to get his thoughts back on track, "That was never something I had considered, and I would never consider."

"No, instead you chose to kill her spirit. To make her meek and mouldable."

"I only taught her the things she'd need to know to make a suitable wife."

"Like your own wife?"

"Yes, she was the mediator. Strong, intelligent, but would just let you talk until you made a mistake. She was always able to explain other points of view."

"Does that sound like your daughter?"

Sophie watches at her father just falls silent at that point. Even her brother has fallen silent. All of them jump when Alenia says, "Sophie, would you be able to show me your bedroom?"

Wondering what just happened, she leads her familiar up to her bedroom when her father fails to object.

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As Harry appears near the arch Hermione's voice rings out, "There you are, we've all been waiting for you."

Harry huff before responding, "Sorry about that, I got caught up in a chat with my next-door neighbour. They've started using the interface."

"Lucky them." One of his friends grouses from the group sitting on the grass by a flower bed.

Hermione carries on, "It wouldn't be such a problem if owl's could reach you. But with only 4 of us able to contact you, if you're even sleeping on earth, these meetings are important."

Harry makes his way over to the group and plops himself down on the grass, "I know, I know. And I'm sorry, it was just unexpected that's all."

Hermione sits down next to him, making it clear that she was still staking her claim early. While she was doing that Daphne speaks up, "Well, we're all here now. What should we do today?"

Sally-Anne raises her hand before saying softly, "I've got my new leg, so I'd love to go to Alton Towers. Mum and Dad took me there once just after my accident, and I couldn't enjoy the place properly."

Shenjing smiles at her charge and master, "While I think that is a fine idea, I don't think that you can afford it even with the savings your family are making with magic. Why don't we visit the Museums in London instead? We could all get a group pass for £20 that will allow us into most of the museums for the day. The leaky is also near enough that we could meet up there and walk."

Tracy sighs, "Not to be a spoil sport, but I think that if we're going to be doing things in the muggle world, the first thing that needs to happen is that we go shopping. Being a half-blood I've got enough in my wardrobe to get by out in London, but I wouldn't fancy Daph, Megan or Susan's chances, let alone Leanne, Ernest, or Spohie."

"Hey!" Ernest objects, "I have Jodhpurs, paddock boots, and a shirt and jumper."

Sally, Harry and Hermione look at him blankly so Daphne quickly fills them in, "They're the name of clothing items used in riding horses. A lot of pure-blood houses still practice the art, and you can't really do that outside the wards in robes."

"Hey, it's muggle attire. Lots of people on Emmerdale Farm wear them. I watched it on the Tee Vee that you put in the common room."

Hermione sighs, "Well, at least you have some idea, and it's not in the shell suit range of ideas. So I guess the first thing is to grab some money and head to a Littlewoods to buy everyone some clothes. But first, Xingwei, would you mind grabbing Mum's Littlewoods catalogue so that everyone has a chance to look at what's in this year?"

"Sure, I'll be right back. Don't forget we're leaving for France on the 18th​."

As Xingwei heads to the portal Hermione snaps her fingers, "Oh, yeah. Mum and Dad are taking us to the south of France for two weeks. We'll be coming here for Harry's birthday, but apart from that we'll be taking in the sun near Nice. Please don't send any Owl's while we're away as we're going to be in muggle areas."

Daphne nods, "Thanks for letting us know, I won't send you an invitation for my families summer ball then. Harry, I'm afraid that my father has decided to invite Dani over Harry, so we'll need to ensure you have formal attire if you choose to attend. Be aware that he's probably going to try and introduce you to one of my cousins with hope of developing a relationship, and eventually a betrothal contract."

Susan speaks up after that, "Auntie has got us all tickets to the ministry ball on the 8th​ August, apparently the Minister practically shoved the tickets in her hands when he realised that Harry was one of my friends."

Harry's shoulders sag at the news, while he managed to avoid the loner attribute, he's still not yet that social. As Neville, Ernest, and Justin all add their own dates to the pile Hermione squeezes his hand and whispers, "Don't worry, I'll get a calendar and we can put all of the dates down. While it might seem like a lot, it sounds like there's less than 1 a week."

When she put it like that it did seem much better, also, as if summoned by his misery, Sunbeam swoops down to land on his shoulder and chirps and sings softly into his ear.

It wasn't long after that before Xingwei returned with a few copies of the catalogue as well as a Tupperware container full of freshly baked cookies. With her reappearance the talk of balls and social events stopped in favour of looking at clothing, with the muggleborn and Harry being pulled into different groups to explain what they were looking at. Later that day a small crowd of Hufflepuffs made their way into the Littlewoods closest to Charring Cross and bought clothing for further outings into the muggle world.
B2: Chapter 2

Chapter 34

Sophie gingerly makes her way downstairs to the dining room, where she will be able to have a break from her studies with Alenia. Correcting her lack of suitable tuition she's calling it, torture would be a better term in Sophie's opinion. It all started because of their visit to the Science Museum, where she found herself bored out of her mind. So now Alenia is teaching her about all the things that she thinks she should have been taught growing up, including math, philosophy, and crafting. There she finds her father, who glances over her shoulder before cringing away from her.

"Come on Sophie, while you're having a break we can teach you how to cook. After all you will need to be able to provide for yourself."

Sophie sighs, "Alenia, can't I just do something fun for a bit?"

The skull floats over her shoulder to bob in front of her face, "What do you think?"

"I…I don't know. Maybe."

"Well, while you're deciding, let's start cooking."

Sophie is reluctantly walking into the kitchen when she stops as what Alenia said clicks in her head, "No," she says in a soft voice, "I'm going to the realm of magic."

After she triggers her Glimmerstone, Alenia sighs, "Finally." Before she pulls on the connection between the two of them in order to teleport to Sophie's side.

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Harry looks up from his painting as Hermione walks into the Glimmerstone house, "Hey Hermione, I was feeling a little sad earlier today, so I decided to paint it out. What do you think?"

Hermione smiles as she looks at the painting, "I think it will look good when it's finished. When did you start painting?"

"Yesterday, I was bored and decided to look through the available aspirations. I picked out Painter Extraordinaire as it seemed quite simple to do. I won't show you my first paintings, as they looked more than a little childish. But my latest ones are ok. This is the first time I've had the option to paint an emotional painting though."

"I'm so jealous of you, you can try all of these things whenever you want. I have to persuade Xing to bring me here if I've already used my stone once."

Harry nods, "I get it, I'm just not sure why you need to use the stone more than once a day."

Hermione flushes slightly, "I sometimes get up early so that I can get a few hours in the library before mum and dad want to do whatever for the day. I head home at around 9 on those days, and Xing's so interested in our world that I don't want to take her from it."

"Hang on, aren't you all still in France?"

Hermione nods, "We are, but we go there every year so I've done most of the stuff in the area."

Harry shakes his head, "What about today?"

"They're doing the museums, so I begged off and said I'd come and see you today. I'm glad you're home."

"Well, as you're here, you could do some activities with me. Let's see, do you like parfait?"

"Um, yeah, sure?"

"Great, then we can cook a Fruit and Yogurt Parfait together. Here we go, just relax and enjoy the experience."

"Harry, what do yo… Harry!" Hermione's voice goes a little shrill as she starts to walk into the house, and to the kitchen.

Over the next 20 minutes, she blinks her eyes as tears stream down while her hands are not so skilfully chopping up strawberries. Her head feels like someone's taken an ice pick to it, and she's also somehow keeping conversation going in Simian.

As soon as Harry pours the ingredients into a large bowl, the headache disappears as though it was never there, and Harry smiles at her while he hands her a bowl.

"How was the experience of cooking with me?"

Hermione takes a spoonful of the parfait and fair sags against a counter it's so nice, "Well, I like the results. I think that's the best I can say. It was like an ice pick was put through my head while I was working with you."

Harry smiles, "Think of it this way, you've got enough of the nanite machines in you now that the system allowed you to join me in cooking."

It takes her a few minutes for that to settle into her thoughts, while she's eating the parfait, then she nods, "That's true, I guess it's worth the headache to find that out. But I didn't think you could command me like that."

Harry wobbles his hand from side to side, "I didn't command you, I used an option to cook with you. And as you were willing, it took you through the motions of doing so. What are the ingredients in a yogurt and fruit parfait?"

"Greek yogurt, granola, whatever fruit you want, and honey. Wait, how did I know that?" Hermione's eyes narrow, "Harry, can we make that again please?"

Harry sighs, even as he smiles and triggers the activity again. This time, the headache is mild enough that Hermione can keep up her own conversation. At the end of it, Hermione jumps Harry in a hug.

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Sally-Anne smiles nervously at the people in front of her. The place she's in is very familiar to her, as it's where she's done her physiotherapy and had her new legs fitted.

"Erm, hi everyone. I just wanted to show you my new leg, it's a cutting edge prosthetic that requires a couple of surgical implants to work. Um, the leg itself can be removed, though the company that designed it say that it doesn't need it."

Dr Dormer steps forward, "You've probably seen us putting Sally-Anne through some tests including on the treadmill. Wherever she got the leg, it is bleeding edge technology. From what we can tell, it may be as a real leg."

Sally-Anne nods, "I've got a spare standard leg, just in case it breaks down. I've been asked to hand out a few pamphlets as they are looking for another six volunteers to receive free treatment." Cringing back as several people start talking at once, she holds up a handful of pamphlets as a shield, "Before you all jump at the chance, you'll need to consider that they want one of each pair to live near to the hospital for one year while they will be trying to come up with a way to perform the surgery in London for the other person. The whole thing is in the leaflets here, um, Dr Dormer, I think I should hand these to you."

Quickly, she hands the pamphlets over to the doctor before hiding behind Shenjing.

The sims grind is real, but I'm glad she was able to decide to step away. Also, cooking with someone else can be super fun, but maybe less so when nanite induced.
B2: Chapter 3

Chapter 35

Minerva squeaks in alarm as a mound of acceptance letters appear, not only on her desk, but also spilling over into her lap and on the floor. Picking a letter at random, the return address is Willow Creak; Another one is a place called Batuu. A quick swish of her wand gives her an estimated 150 letters to go through. Another three swishes conjures a nice looking in-tray, and an out-tray, along with stacking all the letters into the in tray.

An hour later, she's just about finished going through the last letter when another 200 letters appear on her desk, and spills over onto the floor, along with pushing all the letters in her out-tray out of the out-tray.

Muttering a curse, she swipes her wand to put all the letters into her in-tray again, and starts to sort through them yet again. With the already open letters going straight into her out-tray. It's almost lunchtime when she's about to put the last letter into her out-tray, when L appears in her office and drops a letter onto her desk with a smirk before disappearing again.

With great trepidation, Minerva opens the letter and is pleasantly surprised when nothing happens.

Dear Deputy Headmistress,

I have just received a notification that Veronica has been enrolled in Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am slightly confused by this notification as it has some requirements in it that I don't recognise. Though I do recognise the worlds that are mentioned, as they came up in the recent patch notes.

  • What is a boarding school?
  • Why can't we buy the wands from the realm of magic?
  • Why can't Veronica use a familiar from the world of magic?
  • Why can't we order Veronica's books from the bookcase like we do with Brigham's school books.
  • How will you cater for Veronica's dietary requirements, as she's taken after her father, who is a vampire.
  • What is the Hogwarts Express and how do we get to it, as it's not in the patch notes.
  • The Patch notes state that you need to have a connection to the Realm of Magic in order to return from the group of worlds that London and Hogsmeade are in. As Veronica can't get this connection due to her Vampire heritage, what is the process for getting her home? Or are we expected to move to London or Hogsmeade?
Sorry if these questions are obvious, but I only practiced magic to the Neophyte level for access to the scrubroo and repairo spells, and the potions of Plentiful Needs, and Emotional Stability.

Kind regards,

Valentina Rasmussen

As Minerva finishes reading the letter for a second time, she doesn't even swear as another 150 letters appears on her desk, throwing all of her work into disarray yet again.

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Albus looks up with a broad smile on his face as Minerva opens his office door with her hip. In her hands is a large stack of parchment and muggle paper, and the harried expression on her face suggests there's a problem.

"Good evening Minerva, have you seen this fascinating muggle toy. Look, if you knock its head, it wobbles and it has an absolutely fascinating aura."

Minerva's lips twitch involuntarily towards a smile, before she looks back at the paperwork in her hands, "Albus, I don't have time for your distractions, this is important. I received this stack of acceptance letters this morning." She puts the larger of the sorted stacks of paper on Albus' desk, "Since lunchtime, L has been dropping by with these letters from the parents."

"Pish posh, it's just a few more students. I'm sure that we can handle that. After all, when I was a student there were 150 students in each year."

"Albus, will you please stop playing with that toy, and pay attention. There are 517 new acceptance letters here, on top of the 60 students we already had down."

Albus continues without any indication that he's heard her, "Oh, those were good times. The school could afford to include electives like Alchemy, Duelling, and Etiquette. Why, it was the second Transfiguration teacher, Professor Stipple that got me so interested in the subject that I became a teacher."


Albus shakes his head, "I'm right here Minerva, there's no need to shout."

"Then you should be paying attention to this. We have 517 new students on top of the 60 we've already accepted into first year. How are we going to manage it?"

Albus shakes his head, "Really Minerva? We deal with it the same way we used to, by only sending out the letters to the best families."

Minerva growls, "Albus, these, are, not, invitations, they, are, acceptance, letters."

Albus waves his hand before going back to playing with the toy, "They can't be acceptance letters, as we'd have needed to send out that many invitations first. Just reject the ones that are in excess of 150."

"Albus, they are acceptance letters. Listen.

'To Deputy Headmistress McGonagall,

This letter is to confirm that Veronica Rasmussen will be attending your school on the 1st September 1992.


Valentina Rasmussen.'" She puts the letter back on Albus' desk, "Does that sound like an invitation?"

Albus snatches up the letter, "What on earth?" After a few minutes of grabbing random letters and quickly scanning them, he exclaims, "We need to cancel these acceptances."

From the shelf, the sorting hat comes to life and looks down at the two of them, "That is quite impossible, as the charter clearly states that Hogwarts will teach all students that seek an education in magic. While there may not be much that could be done to stop you from destroying the invitations, Hogwarts can reject you as her headmaster if you attempt to expel a student before they have even started at the school, and without following the processes in place for it."

"Fine, what about the fact that this Veronica is a vampire?"

"Is it illegal to be a vampire in her home country?"

"What about this one, a mermaid, or a werewolf, or how about the alien? What the hell is an alien anyway?"

"Did you forget about young Remus Lupin?"

Albus growls, "He was a special case."

"You mean he was accepted before he was bitten, through his mother as I recall."

Minerva coughs loudly, "Regardless! The fact is we have an additional 500 odd students attending in September, and it is now July. As a Professor of Transfiguration who cares about her students, I refuse to teach more than 30 students at a time, and that's 10 more than I think should be in a class. Fortunately, hiring and firing is your job rather than mine. So I will leave you to it. Oh, and you may want to also consider just how we're going to house that many students, and how long it's going to take to sort them too."

Albus scoffs, "We'll just do it at the feast like always, I remember the sortings used to take an hour when I was a student here."

Minerva smiles sweetly, "And how many students did you say were in your year again?"

"150, it's not that many more."

"So it took an hour to sort 150 students. That means it will take three and a half hours to sort this years first years. Assuming the train arrives at half past seven, and we start the sorting at eight pm, we should be ready to eat before midnight. Oh, and you may want to talk with the sorting hat about how in Merlin's name we're going to house them all."

Albus reaches for a lemon drop, and then flicks the head of the statute again.

The sorting hat chuckles, "We just open up the secondary dorms for the older students. Of course, you'll need a second head of house for each house."

Albus abruptly inhales and then starts to choke on the lemon drop, once he's recovered he exclaims, "What!"

"Well yes, each dorm can house up to 200 students, and you need to have a professor to oversee each dorm, so obviously you need a second head of house for each of the four houses."

Minerva smiles, "I'll leave you to it then, I need to get to Gringotts to withdraw some gold, then I need to talk to Pomona or Andromeda about something."

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When the Floo activates, Tom looks up from cleaning the bar in the Leaky Cauldron, "Good afternoon Professor, I don't normally see you here this early in the holidays."

Minerva smiles politely, "Afternoon Tom. Just heading through to Gringotts to grab some gold. If you see Andromeda or Pomona while I'm gone, could you ask them to stop here until I get back please?"

Tom waves at her in acknowledgement while he goes back to cleaning.

A short while later Minerva comes back and heads over to the Floo, "Tom, would you mind if I made a call?"

Tom looks up again, "As long as you're quick, you know it's the public floo for the Alley."

"I should be quick, I need to make sure Andromeda is at home." Taking a pinch of floo powder, Minerva throws it in the fire, "Tonks' Townhouse."

It takes almost a minute for the fire to change from emerald green to the pale green needed for communication, at which point Minerva pushes her head into the fire.

"Andromeda, sorry to bother you during your holiday, but I need to get to the Realm of Magic… Yes, yes I am… 573 new first years… 517 of them from there, one is in a place called Batuu and we have a special request for transportation from them… Yes, I've already informed Albus and he knows he needs to find new staff… Yes, if you have any recommendations I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to hear them… The sorting hat seems to have a good idea of what to do… Tom's looking at me funny, so could you arrange transport for me?... Thanks, I'll grab a drink in the leaky while I'm waiting."

When Minerva pulls her head out of the fire, Tom takes great care to look as though he hadn't been listening in. At the same time, he finishes cleaning and pulls out his 'reading' glasses, and a copy of the prophet before sitting on a stall behind the bar to read. He's not disappointed when there's a pair fulgent flashes of light and the pub is once again empty.

With no more customers, Tom summons his endless pad of parchment and writes out a note for all of the major shopkeepers in the Alley.

Urgent news about Hogwarts students, meeting at 8, room 3a.


As he finishes each one, he taps it with his wand to turn it into a paper bird that flies off to one of the shop keepers.

When 8pm comes around, and Tom is happy that Anna and Stewart are handling the evening rush, he heads back to the private room where the finger food and drinks have been dug into with abandon.

"Good evening everyone, sorry for calling the meeting at such short notice. However this couldn't wait until our normal meeting."

Ollivander looks over with his milky gaze, "I have to wonder what could be so urgent that you called this meeting."

Malkin raises her glass, "Hear, Hear!"

Tom perches against one of the benches while he pours himself a drink, "I had Professor McGonagall here earlier, wearing her school wear."

Malkin frowns, "Not her tartans?"

"Exactly, she had to get some gold from the goblins. When she got back she made a floo call using the public floo." The frowns that were starting to form around the room all vanish into beaming smiles, as everyone leans closer, "Anyway, the important part of the conversation is that they are expecting an influx of students this year. Far more than normal, and by the sounds of things they're all foreign."

Scribbler, the owner of Flourish and Blotts, shakes his head, "Yes, yes, we all like the juicy gossip, but you had important news."

Tom raises his glass towards the wizard, "Indeed, it wasn't the fact that they're foreign that caused me to almost fall over. It's the fact that there's 517 of them, for a grand total of 573 students starting at Hogwarts this year."

At those words, there's absolute silence around the room until Scribbler drops his glass, and it shatters on the floor.

"Morgana's saggy tits, I don't have that much stock made. I don't think I have the materials to make that much stock." The trunk maker shakes his head in despair.

At the same time Malkin starts doing calculations in her head before swearing, loudly, once she's finished turning the air blue she pulls out a book and quill, "I'm going to need to find some help, and quick." Then she grimaces, "I'm also going to need to talk to the girls in Gladrags about where they buy their fabric in the muggle world, as there's no way my supplier can provide that much black woollen cloth."

Ollivander just stares sightlessly into the room as he does whatever he does to know what wands he needs to make.

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Minerva appears by the portal in the realm of magic and just stops to look at the sky line, along with the fact that this is obviously just a floating island in the middle of nothing. The squeeze of claws on her shoulder brings her out of her wool gathering as she looks up at the phoenix that brought her to the realm.

"Thank you, I will find you a rabbit when I return to Hogwarts."

The phoenix nods before taking off and disappearing in a flash of fire that seems strangely muted against the background. Squaring her shoulders, she heads towards the only building she can see from her current position.

As she enters the Library, she's surprised to see just how spacious the place is. Shaking her head in admonishment, she castigates herself for assuming that it would be like the Hogwarts Library, with it's myriad of shelves and nooks for studying. Instead from where she is, she can already see the edges of book cases in a couple of side rooms. Looking around, she sees someone come in from one of the other rooms, and walks over to them.

"Excuse me, but would you happen to know where L is?"

The man looks up in surprise, before his eyes widen even more, "Uh, yes, she's upstairs teaching an apprentice class on mischief magic."

With that said, the man hurries off towards a door in the back of the room. Shaking her head, Minerva makes her way up the stairs to the first floor, and easily finds L teaching in an open area to the right of the building. Softly, she makes her way around the balcony overlooking the ground floor until she's standing behind L.

As she listens to L talking, it quickly becomes apparent that she can't understand her. As there's nothing else for her to do, she conjures a table and armchair along with a teapot and cups. As she sinks into the chair, she raises an eyebrow at the fact that her display didn't even garner a second glance from any of the students. With a shrug, she pulls out a pouch of tealeaves and sprinkles a pinch into the teapot before filling it with water and warming it.

It's about half hour later that L starts to demonstrate a spell, and Minerva smirks as she lifts her own wand and points it at the cauldron that could serve far better as a bath than a cooking implement. Forming the image firmly in her head, she silently point casts her transfiguration, causing the cauldron to turn into a ballet dancing elephant that's wearing a tutu. As it starts dancing L loses control of her own spell as she starts laughing in shock. Almost immediately, her students start to laugh as well, as the elephant does a pirouette. When the laughter doesn't stop for another 5 minutes, Minerva frowns before throwing a stunner at L, who collapses bonelessly to the floor. While this doesn't stop her laughing, it does allow the students to break out of their own laughter. Once L's laughter subsides, Minerva tosses an enervate at her to wake her up again.

As L comes around, she sees the Elephant dancing and feels the laughter start to bubble up again. Not taking the time to consider just why she's on the floor, L instead pulls a potion out of her inventory and chugs it down before she's laughing too hard to swallow. As the potion does it's work, she feels the laughter start to subside.

Now that she's no longer cursed, L takes the time to look around as she stands up. When she sees Minerva calmly sipping a cup of tea in an armchair that wasn't there before, she stumbles backwards in surprise, "Minerva, I didn't think dancing elephants was something a proper lady like yourself would do."

Minerva smirks, "Just because I'm a proper lady, and a Gryffindor to boot, doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humour, or ironic revenge. I believe that your students have some questions about the elephant that you created. Oh, and that's for creating that meal without explaining things to me."

L spins around and, indeed, she's bombarded by her students asking her how such a thing is even possible. As a result, her lesson overruns by 45 minutes, even if you discount the time she was unconscious. As the last of the students disperses into the library, L turns back to Minerva.

"Tell me, why shouldn't I just turn you into a statue?"

Minerva smiles, "Because you don't want to find out what life is like as a rabbit, especially when there are phoenixes around that are partial to rabbits."

L laughs, "Fair, you could at least provide another chair and cup."

Minerva smiles as she points her wand and conjures another chair and cup. Once L has had her cup of tea, she broaches the subject, "I have to ask, but why have you decided to visit my domain for once?"

Minerva shakes her head before pulling the stack of paper out of her bag, "This is 513 reasons why. I need to go through your rite of ascension, and find myself a phoenix or veild familiar."

L sighs as she casts the magic that will allow Minerva to see the motes of magic lying around, "Well, you need to find 7 motes of magic and return to me. I'll use those to provide the magic for the rite. Before you go, could you refill the teapot."

Minerva smiles as she taps the teapot with her wand, "You know, you could learn to do this too."

L shakes her head, "I know, but your students have made me so busy I just don't have time anymore…" She trails off as Minerva shrinks down into a cat before starting to yowl in pain, "No, no, no! Our purchasing ability just returned to normal. How could you do this to me."

After she's cast strangify on a dozen people that are lurking around the realm, she feels somewhat more centred and watches with a great deal of schadenfreude as Minerva's animal form changes rapidly from one animal to another, including animals that she recognises as different familiars.

Minerva comes to, to see a message floating in front of her vision.

Thank you for alpha testing the latest hotfix to the Hidden Communities expansion.

This hot fix includes the new aspiration "Master of Transfiguration" the reward for completing this aspiration is the Animagus form perk. As you already have this perk, it has been upgraded to the perk Many Forms. You may choose an additional form from the familiars available in the Realm of Magic expansion.

As part of alpha testing you have undergone the Rite of Ascension, if you no longer wish to be a sorcerer, see a sage of magic to undergo the rite of dissolution.
So many incoming patches! The influx of students is going to be so cool. Add more classes! Add Sim magic classes! Then L could learn when she is a teacher at the school. Maybe even find a way to permanently link the two, like the portal in Glimmerbrook.
B2: Chapter 4

Chapter 36

Minerva groans as she pushes herself to her feet and meow's piteously when she sees L still sitting there. L just looks down at her, amusement warring with annoyance on her face, "Na uh, not happening. You've cost me access to my Schmapple Fridge, Oven, and cupcake factory, now I have to suffer from low quality food until the system recovers."

Minerva shakes her head before jumping up to her chair and sitting primly while staring at L reproachfully. A moment later, Minerva is back in her human form, "You could have picked me up."

"And you cost me my luxury items."

"Why not keep them permanently then?"

L scoffs, "What, so that Morgan can burn them down next time he's frustrated?" Then mutters, "Or me for that matter."

Minerva shakes her head, "There's some charms that can be applied to prevent that sort of thing. As an example, we use a variant of the flame freezing charm on our houses. Anyway, as it appears I no longer need the rite of ascension, would you be able to show me to where I may buy a familiar. As I find myself with the need to travel to Batuu."

L shakes her head, "Batuu is even further away than your own galaxy, it's so far away that we can't even use Transportilate to get there, they've tried."

Minerva nods, "That means that a Dragon familiar is probably not going to help me then, I didn't think it would as they use their own magic. However, it's well known that Phoenixes can go anywhere, and according to both Miss Davis, and Mr Longbottom, Veild can also go anywhere, but they don't use magic to do so."

L nods, "I see, well, come on then, and I will get you back for the elephant trick."

Minerva's eyes sparkle, "I'm sure you will, and I have no doubt that you will discover first hand just why transfiguration masters aren't to be trifled with."

When they arrive at the store, Minerva is slightly upset to find a Phoenix familiar in the store. After all, who doesn't want to be a phoenix? Either way, she buys out the stock of both Phoenix and Dragon familiars. With a sigh, and a few basic lessons on how to navigate the interface from L, Minerva selects her new animagus form as a Veild.

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Minerva looks around the room at the assembled permanent staff from Hogwarts, "Everyone, thank you for coming on such short notice, even you Argus. I haven't invited the headmaster because he has enough on his plate looking for new professors to work in your subjects."

Bathsheba 'Call me Beth' Babbling looks askance at Minerva, "What's this about new professors?"

Minerva looks at Beth, "Do you mind if I hold off on answering that, as it will become apparent shortly." Beth waves her hand, "As you are probably all aware, the Hufflepuff's have found a new style of magic that is accessible to everyone. Yes Argus, I do mean everyone. What has been kept quiet, and if possible I would like it to remain that way, is the fact that it's actually a new world a vast distance away from our own. If you want more details, I would suggest asking Pomona or Andromeda, as they have both spent far more time there than I have. Which isn't hard given the fact I went there for the first time last night."

Pomona sighs, "Where are you going with this Minerva?"

Minerva just reaches into her bag and pulls out the stack of applications before putting them on the table with a thunk. Then she takes out a much smaller bundle, "This is all of the new students for next year that we already knew about, including 3 muggleborn. This other stack is all of the magical students from the other world that have been automatically enrolled at Hogwarts for this coming year. Every single one of these will need a visit from a professor, and an escort to Diagon Alley and back."

Filius Flitwick pulls his wand and flicks it in the direction of the larger stack, which ruffles slightly, "513 applications, how are we going to manage that many students?"

Minerva laughs, "Fortunately, that's Albus' problem not ours. As none of these students are our citizens, the Ministry can't say anything about it either."

Septima Vector waves her wand to do a quick bit of math, the ghostly form of an abacus appearing briefly before it disappears, "That's 36 students each, how exactly do you expect us to manage that?"

Minerva nods, "I know, that's why I'm doing this meeting now. Only a day after I found out about this myself. I have five familiar orbs, three dragons and two phoenixes. We may be able to get more before the term starts."

Pomona laughs, "Only if you beat Harry to them, as he's been buying up all of the sentient familiars so that they can go to people who won't summon them with the interface."

Minerva has the grace to look embarrassed, "I hadn't actually considered how to summon them yet. If either of you know, that would be great."

Pomona looks over at Andromeda, who shrugs, before giving directions. A few minutes later, a beautiful female phoenix is sat on Minerva's shoulder.

"Why have you summoned me?"

Minerva grimaces, "I wish to bind you as a familiar in the way of my culture."

The phoenix cocks her head to one side, "I do not understand, am I not your familiar because of this accursed system?"

Pomona, also looks confused, "Um, Minerva, what do you mean bind in the way of my culture?"

Minerva looks between the two of them, "Let me guess, none of you can understand her?" Indicating the phoenix, "Pomona, the familiar binding ritual is an ancient pact that we used to make with the animals we call our familiars. It used to be taught in the rituals elective, until they stopped teaching rituals just before I started teaching at Hogwarts."

Pomona looks slightly sheepish, "I guess I should have taken that elective then. How comes you never mentioned it before?"

"It's a fair question, quite simply, it's because I've never taken on a familiar before. It's not something to be undertaken lightly as it's a minor blood ritual that links the two of you together on a magical level, meaning that those animals so chosen will be sustained by your magic long after their natural lifespan would be exhausted. When they do eventually die, it's like they've ripped a chunk out of your magic and it takes years for it to recover. That's assuming that the witch or wizard doesn't follow them, by their own hand. I know that most of the older houses still have the ritual described in their family books of spells."

The phoenix looks at her searchingly, "You would be willing to do that for me? Yet you do not have a fraction of the magic I have in my tail feathers."

Minerva nods, "I would, I feel it would be disrespectful not to."

"You are unlike those who trapped me, or those who summoned me before."

Minerva shrugs, "I don't know who those people were, so I couldn't comment. For the moment may I know your name, and we can talk about this later?"

The phoenix bobs her head, "Phixaskiah."

Minerva turns her attention back to the other staff, who are mostly still staring at Phixaskiah in awe, "Right, well, first things first. We'll need to take everyone, who is willing to help out with this, to the realm of magic to undergo the rite of ascension. Which of you are willing to undergo this process?"

Filius manages to beat Argus to the punch, "I would like to help, though I have clan business that needs to be dealt with in late July."

Argus grouches out, "You had me at get magic, if that means playing nice with the kids then I'll do it."

Minerva nods, "I know how much they've hurt you over the years, honestly I'm surprised you've stuck around, given you're in your sixties."

"'s what I know, 'sides, it's better to be near magic than be out there without it, and no idea how to live without it either."

Septima looks at him sympathetically, "I never knew, why didn't you say anything?"

Argus laughs, "And what? Let all the brats know I'm a squib? That I can't defend me self if they prank me?"

Septima shakes her head, "No, I think we all worked that out by the end of 2nd year. I meant the stuff about wanting to be near magic."

"Never made a difference in the past, did it, so why would I mention it to you?"

Minerva interrupts, "That's enough of that, the past is the past, and I will just say that Argus has good reasons for his feelings about the students. Moving on, will anyone else be able to help?"

Septima looks at Beth with a raised eyebrow, who nods, "I'll help, and it looks like Beth will too."

Pomona, Andromeda, Rolanda Hooch, and Poppy Pomphrey all agree to help as well.

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Albus groans as he climbs the hill in Greater Falling, a magical community hidden in the Lake District. When he reaches the top of the hill, he finally reaches a nondescript two storey house with a very plain exterior. Not for the first time, he curses the existence of the female phoenixes, this time for causing Fawkes to run while they weren't around to follow him. That and the apparition and portkey wards that many of these out of the way villages erected during the last war, and just never took down.

After a brief rest on a conjured chair, Albus knocks on the door and waits for the occupant to answer it. After a few minutes the door opens to reveal an interior that couldn't be better designed if Albus did it himself.

"Good morning Gilderoy, may I come in?"

The man in the doorway, wearing a hastily transfigured uniform, pauses with his mouth open and a rose outstretched. As Albus looks up, he sees the rose and smiles as he takes it, "Why thank you, and is that for me. You shouldn't have." Gilderoy's teeth snap shut as Albus takes the rose and sniffs it deeply, "Ah, Lovers Leap, if only I was 100 years younger. Alas, I don't have the stamina I used to."

Gilderoy stumbles backwards and finds his voice, though it comes out as a squeak, "Quite all right, how can I help you? Wait, would you like some tea?"

Albus smiles, "I'd be delighted to have some, I have to ask, how did you get your decorations past the owner of the house?"

Gilderoy coughs, "Oh, um, well I only use the house when I'm not adventuring, so it's a simple matter to put them up when I return."

Albus nods congenially, "Indeed, I can see that. Do you perhaps have more permanent decorations in the house you were granted in India?"

Gilderoy nods as he summons the tea set, "It is indeed, however most of my fans live in this country, and it's also where I grew up. I can't seclude myself from my family or fans, no matter how lavish the surroundings. Milk, sugar?"

Albus frowns as he sits in the chair and struggles to find a comfortable position, "Oh, lemon if you have it please."

Gilderoy has a panicky expression for a moment before he gets up and walks to the kitchen, spotting a jar of Lift that a muggleborn witch gave him, he calls back, "Um, would you be ok with a Lift?" [editor: Lift is a brand of instant lemon tea in the UK]

Albus calls back, "Um, if you want, though I'd rather a more comfortable chair."

"No, I meant to drink."

"While I appreciate the thought, I am capable of levitating my own cup thank you."

"That's not what I mean. Would you like an instant lemon tea."

"No, you can take as long as you need to make it, I'm not in a hurry."

Gilderoy's shoulders slump in defeat and he just walks back in with the jar, "I'm sorry headmaster, but I don't have any lemons. But I do have this."

Albus smiles at him as his eyes twinkle, "Call me Albus dear, anyone that's willing to give me Lovers Leap deserves that, even if I can't leap with you these days. Now once we're back at the school I have some of my old hairs that I kept for just this sort of occasion. A bit of Polyjuice and I'll be raring to go." Albus looks at the jar in fascination before he opens it and spoons some of the powder in his cup.

Gilderoy resists the urge to hold his hands up, "No, it's quite alright. I'll probably be far to busy this year to indulge in a love life."

"Oh good, you've already heard. That makes things simpler, I look forward to finding out which of your colleagues you pick for the jobs."

"Um, of course, though I do need more details to give them."

"Ah yes, standard contract of course."

Gilderoy asks weakly, "How many colleagues do I need to find?"

"Oh, right you won't have heard that bit. You need two people to teach defence with you, as we have something like 570 students starting this year."

Gilderoy drops his cup with a clatter, "How many! Ahem, will I still be teaching Harry Potter?"

Albus shakes his head, "Honestly, I have no idea, it depends on Minerva, as she does the scheduling. Quick question, I can apparate out of here, can't I?"

Numbly, Gilderoy shakes his head, "No, but you can use my Floo."

"Why thank you."

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Delores Umbridge paces the small apartment she has been given with its ratty bed, oven and fridge. Oh, she transfigures the bed to sleep in at night, but she was never that good with transfiguration, and she always wakes up feeling uncomfortable. What she really wants to do is get that stupid chit that landed her in this situation. Instead she has to keep filling the merlin damned toilet and sink with water. She also hasn't been able to have a bath since she was moved in, and the less said about that infernal contraption they call a shower the better.

Delores pulls her wand and points it at a wall before stopping herself and carefully putting it down on the kitchen counter. No matter how angry she is, setting fire to things will just bring the fire brigade. The last thing she wants is the looks of pity or disgust when they see her living apartment. It's not her fault she's living like this, they don't use proper money here. And so what if she's a little whiffy, the cleaning charm only does so much, and they shut off the water only a couple of weeks after she moved in. Then there's the fact that everyone pretends they don't speak English, when she knows damn well they do. As it only takes them a few minutes of her talking at them before they all say "I'm sorry, I need to go now." And walk off.

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Moody looks at the new cauldron that he paid someone from Scalluxe to fit, and allow themselves to be obliviated afterwards. With a nod he reaches into a pocket and pulls out a shrunken barrel of apples before placing it next to the cauldron. Just this potion on it's own has made the trip to the Realm of Magic worth it. Now he never needs to worry about being vulnerable again. Unbidden, his eye looks at the pair of rings resting on the chest of drawers in his bedroom. An eternal reminder of why he needs to remain constantly vigilant.

Oh yes, next time they come knocking he won't be caught unaware. Carefully, he pulls out the spell tomes that he's spent an hour every day looking for. Decursify, Minionize, Copypasta, Scruberoo, Repairio, Transportalate, and most importantly Delicioso. Each one of those tomes goes on his heavily warded and obscured bookcase.

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Harry 'Dani' Potter appears in the Leaky Cauldron with both his aunt Petunia and Dudley with sunbeam on her shoulder. There she looks around briefly before heading over to a table with the other girls at it, "Hi everyone, sorry we're late but Dudley decided he wanted to come."

Dudley walks up behind Harry, "Ha…Dani, you had me at getting fitted for dresses. Gemma will be so jealous until I bring her here later."

Daphne looks over, "I forgot you were like that. How are you finding the magical education?"

Dudley smiles tentatively, "Honestly? I don't actually have that much time for it, as school is fairly tough. I, don't want to do what dad did, and coast by on influence. Mum told me that my sister was taken by social services within a week of been born. I don't care that he was in a mental hospital, you should be able to look after your own child. She's still really broken up about it, as she never had the chance to take her in. The system just sent a social worker to collect her one day, and that's it, she's with a new family somewhere." When Dani hugs him, he sniffs a couple of times, "Sorry, it's still quite new, and I can't help thinking about what life would have been like for me if I'd been born with magic like Harry was."

Daphne sighs, "Dudley, what's important is two things. The first thing is that that it wasn't you. The second is that you don't want to be like that now. Now, I think everyone's here, so we should head down to Madam Malkin's to get fitted, and then grab an ice cream after that. The bookshop comes last because Hermione." Hermione pouts, "Don't worry, we need to come back anyway, as we don't know what the defence books will be this year. Also, Harry needs to be fitted for his own robes."

Hermione brightens at that, "That's true, maybe Xing can join us then."

Susan asks, "Where is Xing anyway?"

"Oh, she volunteered to help with the orientation for the new first years this year. Apparently, the system has decided that Hogwarts is the school for any teenager with a magical bloodline. So everyone that had their cake day in June was automatically enrolled. That is right isn't it?"

Harry and Dudley both nod, and Dudley explains, "It is, a lot of parents put off their babies cake days until June so that there's plenty of parties for their kids to attend. Gemma says that it's perfectly normal, and gets confused when I talk about my birthday."

Harry adds, "I was 5 or 6 when I had my first one, it was the day we started primary school. I still get a notification every year when it comes around again, even though it's different to my birthday."

Sally-Anne runs into the pub at full tilt, behind her Shenjing follows at a more sedate pace, "Sorry we're late, I had to help mum with the cleaning, and then the tubes were a nightmare."

Daphne sighs, "I didn't think you could make it, as I didn't get a reply."

"I don't have an owl, and Hermione's been on holiday."

"You could have left a message in the Realm of Magic, or even asked Shenjing to teleport."

Sally-Anne looks embarrassed, "Sorry, I forgot we could do that. It's just been so hectic, as I keep being asked to show off my new leg, and I've been under more X-rays over the last month than I have in the last 3 years. Anyway, no boys?"

Daphne shakes her head, "No, we're all getting measured and fitted for robes and then taking a trip to Madam Primpernelles for the essentials. If we have time after we've got our standard school supplies, we can go to the Farmers Market for some more standard witches robes."

Hannah looks around the group, as if noticing something for the first time, "Daphne, where's all the adults?"

Daphne shrugs, "I may have told everyone that Harry's magical aunt is escorting us today. Isn't that right Dani? Besides, I thought Madam Bones would be here."

Susan shakes her head, "Since she visited the Realm of Magic a couple of weeks ago, she's been busy planning out everything for 1st September, something about needing all hands on deck and a solid plan for a full scale deployment. So, do tell, why did you bank on everyone's parents being ok with only Mrs Dursley being here?"

Daphne raises a finger, "Non tailored school robes. Do you have any idea how much it sucked that I couldn't just change out of my robes after class when the rest of you just took them off and relaxed?"

Dani just spins in place and changes her outfit, and with a smile, Dudley does the same.

Once they actually got moving, the day was enjoyable, although Petunia wouldn't allow them to just eat ice cream and insisted on taking them all to a nearby Deep Pan Pizza for lunch, as it had an all you can eat offer. They never did get to the Farmers market, as Hermione in the bookshop was just too much for the schedule to bear.
I can never find that many familiars when I go to the magic realm! It's cool Minerva is on top of things like she is, but I wish someone else was sourcing teachers.
Is that Daphne saying that she wants robes that she can wear something under, or what?
She is indeed, though I think there's some bleed over from Tuath Dé.
I can never find that many familiars when I go to the magic realm! It's cool Minerva is on top of things like she is, but I wish someone else was sourcing teachers.
In game, you can buy up to 99 of each familiar at a time. In story, I've limited it to 3 each of the rare ones that are in stock.
Well, being fair to Minerva, I chose to visit the store to see what they have available in the way of familiars. And here we are.
B2: Chapter 5

Chapter 37

Changing back to human, Minerva collapses to her knees and vomits up her breakfast. Once her brain has settled down again, she cautiously looks around her just in case she comes over dizzy. Cursing mildly as Hogwarts appears to fold out of view, with some of the internals becoming visible, before folding out of view as well. Her head swims as the grounds and earth around her seem to do the same. A blinking orange picture catches her attention, along with the green up arrows on it. When she focuses on it, it says 'UURRRRPPPP! Nausea. From viewing 4d space with 3d eyes.'

Phixaskiah appears out of a flash of fire, "You seem to be uncomfortable, what's wrong?"

Minerva shakes her head as she looks up, "Ugh, the world keeps, folding, yes folding away…" she stares at Phixaskiah for a moment before hugging the phoenix, "…you're not folding, thank Merlin, you're not folding."

Phixaskiah sounds confused, "I do not understand, what do you mean folding?"

"I… I tried to use my new animagus form, to get used to it, and now I can't stop seeing everything the same way." Minerva stares at Phixaskiah while she thinks, "It's like I'm looking at a book, and every time I move the page I can see changes. Except it applies in all directions."

"Maybe, instead of looking for a solution to the new problem, you could instead look at what you already have. Did you not say that it was a new animagus form, do you not have an old one?"

Blurgh, I'll try."

It takes her several minutes to do something that she should be able to do in her sleep. Something that Minerva puts down to being able to see through her eyelids if she wobbles the wrong way. As soon as she does, the world settles back into the familiar landscape of sounds and scents, along with perfectly normal cat vision.

Phixaskiah lands on the grass next to her, "Interesting, I have never seen such a transformation before. How does it work?"

Minerva looks at Phixaskiah and tries to send her thoughts, "It takes many years of study to learn the transfiguration needed. Once you know that, you have to find your inner animal, and then teach your magic what that feels like. It usually takes months of effort to achieve, as you need to understand the animal both physically and mentally."

"I see, and you have not done this for your other form."

"Indeed, and today was supposed to be a test to see what it felt like, so that I have a starting point for understanding."

"What prompted such a foolish endeavour?"

"One of the new students is on Batuu, which I have been informed is a multi-month space flight away. In the event that you choose not to be my familiar, or are unable to get there yourself, I felt it better to have an alternate method of getting there quickly."

"An intelligent, and yet foolish decision. I have hatched many eggs, and seen my fledglings make similar choices. Your choice had nothing to do with the process that you described, you have no idea about how that species thinks, feels, or even behaves. Instead, like those that entrapped myself, you saw only the utility of the form. Like most who make foolish decisions, you must now learn to live with your decision, even if it changes who you are."

As Phixaskiah keeps speaking, Minerva's ears lie flat back on her head as she instinctively tries to make herself as small as possible. Therefore it comes as a great surprise when Phixaskiah continues, "Therefore, I believe I will make a similarly foolish decision, you may bind my life to yours. As it is clear that you need an Adult to watch over you and help prevent you from making further foolish decisions. Besides, my freedom is already tied to your whims, and I'd much rather lose my life than my freedom again."

Minerva yowls in surprise before flowing back into her human form, still crouched on the ground, "Are you sure, we haven't even spoken about it or the ritual."

Phixaskiah just bobs her head, "I am, I was close to flying sidewards to see what else there was when I was captured. The immature phoenixes I have seen flying in and out since you called me would probably benefit from an adults supervision too, especially with not getting with egg before they're ready."

That evening, it doesn't take Minerva long to find the book with the ritual in it, and brush up on it, so that they can go through the ritual safely. Fortunately it only requires a small circle with a few ogham phrases as part of the line. The most difficult part of the ritual turns out to be gathering Phixaskiah blood to mix with her own, before she drops it on the outline of the circle at the beginning of the ritual.

Once the ritual ends, a notification pops up in the middle of her vision, 'Achievement Unlocked: Lifelong Companion. Congratulations, you have bound a familiar as a lifelong companion. This sim can no longer use the familiar menu to summon or unsummon a familiar. Additionally, this familiar will be automatically restored if the sim is resurrected.'

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It takes her a few days, but eventually Minerva is able to phone Petunia using her interface. This is how she finds herself sitting on a bench in the duelling area of the Realm of Magic.

Minerva looks up, as out of the sky comes a scream, followed by a thud as Petunia lands on the floor with her broom, before standing up and brushing herself down, "Sorry about that, interface assisted travel. It doesn't always mount the broom correctly."

Minerva chuckles, "It's quite alright, thank you for meeting me. Why here though?"

Petunia shrugs, "You asked to talk to Veild, so if there's any accidents nothing breakable is going to be damaged."

"Where are they, anyway?"

"They're here, apparently they expect you to be able to see them."

Minerva looks at Petunia with a level of fear, and pointedly ignores the purple moodlet that has started flashing at her. With a deep swallow, she closes her eyes and uses the half forgotten exercises she last used when she'd discovered her cat animagus form. Finding the veild inside her is easier than she remembers finding the cat was. However, pulling it around her is far, far harder. However, she's learnt from her last abortive attempt, and subsequent conversation with Phixaskiah. The interface is only for things she already knows how to do, or can't do in any other way. As the change starts, she almost panics, but pulls on all of her Gryffindor courage to push through and allow the change to complete. As her eyelids disappear, she spots Veild off to one side, along with a vast void around it. Then she makes the mistake of looking over to where Petunia should be and her human mind rebels as the entirety of her body is laid bare.

You are Veild, yet not Veild.

Minerva spins to face the Veild and tries to work out how to even get to them. She also tries to open her mouth to reply, before realising that she doesn't have one. While she's recovering from that discovery, Veild moves towards her and grasps her hand. As it does she remembers aeons passing as stars are born, live, and die all around her, galaxies pass by like birds flitting from one place to another. Of the infinite variety of life that can be found on the different sideward depths of the planets and stars. Of learning to limit themselves to a single depth to see what's there. Her own life is a microscopic moment compared to that vast memory. Yet when Veild releases her, all she has left is impressions of what she saw.

Veild understands now. You are Minerva Veild.

I… what was that?

That was Veild and Minerva, do you not remember?

Only bits.

Veild sorry Minerva not Veild, Veild will understand Minerva.

Oh Merlin, this is going to happen again.

Phixaskiah takes off from the lamp she was perched on and flies sidewards to land on Minerva's shoulder.

"Are you alright, as you feel wrong."

I don't know, I am… Unable to verbalise what she means, Minerva touches Phixaskiah and for the second time in as many hours finds herself dwarfed by another's experiences. It doesn't last long before she removes her limb.

Phixaskiah ruffles her feathers in discomfort, "Don't do that again. I did not need to know what being human is like."

Apologies, I don't know how I did that.

Phixaskiah raises her wings in a shrug, "You are Veild, and Minerva, and now Phixaskiah. Just as I am Phixaskiah, and Minerva, and Veild now. Though I cannot see the way you do, so you will have to take us back to the other Human."

Minerva turns around and heads for the only slice that exists in this part of the realm of magic. Once she gets closer, she's surprised at her lack of reaction to being able to see the entirety of Petunia's body at the same time. Unfortunately, her new understanding of being veild doesn't help with human eyes looking in four dimensions, while limited to one slice. So, a shift to being a cat is required.

Over the next week Minerva tries to do two things, visit a few of the more local students as a veild, and avoid the other veild familiars. She is only successful at the first, and the second…

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Minerva put her head in her hands with exhaustion, "Phixaskiah, am I still Minerva?"

Phixaskiah looked up from the mink she'd caught in the forest, "That is a question an immature phoenix would ask. Is the answer not obvious?"

"Not to me it isn't, I feel like I'm being drowned in knowledge that isn't my own. Last night I dreamt of laying an egg and watching it hatch. I dream of places I've never seen, and could never see. And the world around me feels so flat."

"However you still use the word I for yourself."

As if summoned, a Veild moved into the current slice before moving over to Minerva and touching her. As it did, her eyes roll back in her head as she desperately reached for her animagus transformation. Just as she felt like her head was going to explode, she had a bout of accidental magic, and flowed into her animagus form. This Veild has never had direct contact with the system, though the memories are there as her own memories. Suddenly it pulled back and she watched it leave the slice, its curiosity satiated.

Left behind with Minerva were more Veild memories.

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As Minerva and Phixaskiah step onto the right slice of Batuu, by following the faint trace of magic on the acceptance letter, they are immediately grabbed by the System and transported to a wide open area with a domed building in front of her. In the middle of her vision is a picture with 'Welcome to Batuu!' along the top. Underneath is some text talking about currencies, credits, and career panel. Though Minerva is barely able to register that as the system pulls her out of her animagus form. As it does, she collapses to her knees as her connection to the realm of magic is tenuously thin here, leaving her to rely on her own innate magic to support Phixaskiah.

As she starts to adjust to the load, a young woman walks over, looking concerned, "Are you alright?"

"Ugh," Minerva clutches her head as a new language is rammed into her skull, "You're not speaking English or Simian are you?"

"No, I'm not, we're speaking Galactic Basic. Are you lost, as most people on vacation here seem to know what they're doing."

With a little assistance, from the lady, who, once Minerva is standing she can clearly see, is called Rienn Primme, and apparently a scoundrel.

Minerva breathes a sigh of relief, "Thank you Rienn, and no, I'm not here on vacation. I'm looking for a new student, one Ivi, no last name. Her mother is Rey, again no last name."

Rienn goes still, "Are you sure about that name?"

Minerva nods, "I'm the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, the school she's been enrolled in."

"Look, I'm at work at the moment, so I can't access my mobile phone. However, if you take a photo with me, it will raise our friendship enough that you'll be in my relationships once I've finished work."

Minerva has the grace to look sheepish, "To be honest, I have no idea what you mean. I've only had the interface for a couple of weeks, and that was accidental."

The sudden look of sympathy on Rienn's face catches Minerva off guard, "You're a first gen? My mum's a first gen and so is Rey. Rey and Kylo-Ren were the first of the first gen's here, though that's their story to tell. So, to access your phone, look along the bottom bar of the interface, just to the right of you small portrait, not the large portrait. There should be three icons, a house, phone, and calendar. If you concentrate on the phone, the interface should give it to you…"

Rienn spends the next hour going through the features of the phone, after talking Minerva through how to buy her a drink, and challenger her to a game of Sabacc so that she doesn't get reassigned to another area during her work.

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As she wanders around the First Order area part of the vacation area in Batuu, Minerva shudder as the memory of freshening up using the interface. The intense loss of control as she was marched into a cramped toilet and completely evacuated, before being walked to some sort of cleaning torture device that scoured her clean before marching her out of the building.

As she gets to something that says it's a droid shop, whatever a droid is, an incessant ringing starts in her ears. As she looks around for the source of it, she can't see anything.

"Phixaskiah, can you hear that?"

Phixaskiah taps her around the head with a wing, "Can you see anything with the interface?"

Looking down, Minerva can see Rienn's name with a green and red buttons under it. With a shrug Minerva focuses on the green button, and the phone appears in her hand again. Hesitantly, she holds it up to her ear.

"Hello!" she shouts.

"Ow! You don't have to shout. Listen, I'm going to send you an invitation to come round. You need to accept it in order to visit, otherwise you'll be stuck in there."

"Erm, ok, is it the same as answering the phone was?"

"Yes, just focus on the green icon. Speak to you soon."

When the green icon pops up, she focuses on it before disappearing in a pillar of fire, and reappearing outside a strange looking house.

Sounding very disgruntled Phixaskiah complains, "Warn a phoenix before you do that please."

Minerva isn't in much of a state to respond, as she sags to the floor with near magical exhaustion. She's barely aware of Rienn carrying her in, and laying her on a sofa to sleep. By the time she's recovered, Rienn's mother, Vi Moradi, has returned home. Much to Minerva's surprise, Vi looks to be the same age as Rienn.

As Minerva sits up groggily she apologises, "I'm sorry for falling asleep on your sofa."

Rienn shrugs, "It's ok, you're not the first, and I doubt you'll be the last. This is my mother, Vi Moradi. She's one of four 1st gen's still alive."

Vi grumbles, "Not that I want to be alive, but this doshing system won't let me die. Same as Rey and the others. Every time we've tried we wake up at home with no memory of the event, and a notification to say that a key npc has been restored. Anyway, I got a weird message from Rienn here. Apparently you're a teacher from a school."

Minerva nods and pulls out the acceptance letter, "I am, Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and wizardry."

Vi crosses her arms, "Prove it, the fact you're here proves you're not on vacation, but prove you're this teacher."

Minerva frowns, "I'd normally prefer to do this with the child and their family present. Also, I'm a little strained magically, as I'm supporting Phixaskiah on my own magic, and she's a phoenix."

"I don't know what a phoenix is, so that don't tell me nothing."

Minerva sighs, "Fine, I'll keep it to something small. Pick something around and I'll show you that it's magic."

Vi takes a toy robot out of her inventory and puts it on the table, "There you go."

Minerva nods, and draws her wand from her wrist holster. Carefully picturing a snuffbox in her head, she uses both the incantation and wand motions to cast the transfiguration. Once it's done, it's a lovely silver snuffbox with a Griffin on the lid. The sound of Rienn throwing up draws her attention, and she notices that Vi looks dazed. Confused, Minerva picks up the snuffbox and turns it around to make sure it all looks fine. Only for Rienn to throw up again.

Vi manages to croak, "Turn it back, turn it back."

Minerva frowns, and taps the snuffbox with her wand, turning it back into the toy robot.

"By the force, that was worse that looking at unshielded hyperspace. What ever it was, it wasn't the force, or something from the interface."

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A few minutes later, a young girl runs in and stares at Minerva, "You're real!"

Minerva nods, "I am indeed, and you must be Ivi. I'm here to take you and your mother to Diagon Alley."

"I've never been to school, is that ok?"

Minerva nods, "It's fine, most of our normal students are home-schooled until they reach Hogwarts age."

Rey looks sceptical, "How exactly are you going to get us to Diagon Alley, it's a three month spaceflight, assuming I can even get on the sugar rocket."

Minerva nods, "Witches and Wizards discovered a method of changing into an animal. It a very advanced transfiguration, but once you've learnt it you can change into that animal easily. My natural animagus form is that of a housecat." Minerva changes into a cat, before jumping into Ivi's arms and licking her face as she giggles. Jumping back to the sofa, she retransforms, "When the system discovered my ability to do this, it forced the interface onto me, and gave me a second animagus form. It's that form that I used to come here."

Vi nods, "Rienn, you're going with them. It's time you saw more of the universe than this backwater planet."

Rienn whines, "But mum!."

"No but's, I may be stuck here. Rest of the Galaxy has quarantined the planet. But you have a real chance to do more than just exist for the entertainment of others."

"But what about the actual visitors?"

"Rienn, you know as well as I do that they only come if they're desperate for something, otherwise they use their vacation."

Minerva frowns, "How does that work by the way?"

Vi laughs, "The system makes you a new human body that looks the same as your normal body, and links it to your actual body. Only it's baseline human. We've got a twi'lik family staying here, and they tried it out once. Their montrals were just for show while they were on vacation. Same thing happens to us when we go on vacation over there. Only, we can't bring anything back with us."

Minerva just nods, even though she doesn't understand, "So, Ivi, would you like to visit the Realm of magic, and get a connection to the Realm. It will give you more magic around earth and Scalluxe, but the connection seems to be a bit thin here, so you'll mostly be relying on your own magic. Or we can go straight to Diagon Alley and get you your wand and stuff there."

Ivi looks up at Rey, who laughs, "Let's stick with the basics for now, and you can always get the connection later."

After a couple more hour discussion, the three of them are transported back to earth by Veild express.
Rey seems to have mysteriously appeared in the last scene without notice. I'm assuming she can't leave Batuu, as an essential NPC, which is why Rienn's going.
(As an aside, is that expansion worth it?)

Interesting to see that magic is thin there! Not a universal force, huh?
Not really, but you get some cool stuff. All you can say do is vacation there. It's more like someone bolted on a story mode than providing a real world to sim in.
Rey seems to have mysteriously appeared in the last scene without notice. I'm assuming she can't leave Batuu, as an essential NPC, which is why Rienn's going.
Minerva is trying to take Rey too. But yes, she can't leave by conventional methods.