Halkeginia Wind★Shooter Book II: A Tale of Two Worlds

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A continuation of Halkeginia Wind★Shooter. Feel free to read the original. It won't bite. I promise.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1

There was simply no way to tell what would happen when someone woke up that morning. For most people they got up, ate breakfast, got dressed, and did their usual morning routine. Even then something could happen to disrupt the routine. Maybe they tripped down the stairs, fell in the bath, or got a piece of something lodged in their throat. Then again they might just win the lottery or finally get that promotion they were seeking. If someone had told Alma that she would get sucked through a portal and dropped on a foreign world it would be hard to believe. As far as random disasters went such a thing would be a bit too random. Except that's exactly what happened. The Wind Mage woke up in bed with her Familiar and heart sister Rock, did her morning training, ate breakfast, and left to escort a maid to her hometown. Her friends Louise, Saito, Kirche, Tabitha, and Siesta set out from the Tristanian Academy of Magic. Along the way they collected information regarding orcs spotted on the road. They found the local garrison mysteriously empty save for abandoned dishes of food and a messy training area. Tabitha and her familiar Sylphid the Dragon flew around the garrison, but saw nothing. Alma summoned her other sister, the Otherself Pneuma, to aid in the search. What they found was a dungeon packed to the brim with soldiers painted like orcs. All it did was leave them with more questions than answers. How were they being controlled? The artifact capable of such things was back where it belonged. Someone must have figured out a way to control them without the Ring of Andvari. However that wasn't the worst of it by far. The search of the dungeons revealed a secret door in the torture chamber. A trap was laid to ensnare Louise. The one responsible just so happened to decide to spring it on her, Saito, Rock, Pneuma, and Alma as well. Even with warning there was no way for Alma to know what to expect.

No one is ready for Shinjuku.

An unexpected teleport straight into the middle of a major metropolitan area would shock anyone. Considering that Halkeginia was a medieval world and this was modern Earth? It was a bit more than just a shock. In fact it was quickly approaching total overload. Saito was left in awe at seeing his homeworld again and Rock was sputtering in disbelief. It was the Tristanian contingent who were in the worst shape. Louise's eyes were wide with panic. The tiny Mage hid behind her taller Familiar. Thankfully he wasn't so far gone as to not notice her discomfort and put an arm around her shoulders. Pneuma had scrambled up into Alma's arms with alarm as a car horn blared somewhere. The magically powerful Otherself was trembling like a leaf in this unknown environment. Oddly enough Alma was having an easier time. Thanks to her training from Father it was easier to compartmentalize. At the moment she was bending all of her focus towards comforting Pneuma and ignoring her own rising panic. Rock gave them both a hug until the tremors died down. She turned to Saito with a raised eyebrow and gestured at their charges. The dark haired boy nodded in agreement. They had to get out of here. There was simply too much to process for the girls from another world.

"Hope my metro pass still works…" Saito muttered. Rock tilted her head to the side in confusion. "It's a habit. I never go anywhere without my wallet." The twin-tailed Otherself was suitably impressed. He was actually prepared! Even if by fortuitous circumstance.

"What is a 'metro pass?'" Louise asked quietly. Anything to get her mind off of the mind numbing amount of people. She never saw so many people in one place before.

"Think underground horseless carriage and you would be close. It's fast and will get us where we need to go in a hurry," Saito explained as he oriented himself. It had been some time since he was here and had to familiarize himself with the directions again.

"Uh-huh, okay, and where is it we need to go?" Alma asked as she backed away from a particularly curious guy. The oddly dressed man was trying to ask her something, but she couldn't understand him at all! Rock suddenly shoved the man hard and made him step back. He rubbed his shoulder with a scowl before storming off.

"What was that about?" Pneuma turned to Rock in confusion.

[Don't ask.] Rock replied with a scowl of her own.

"...Let's see if I have enough for a cab…" Saito laughed nervously. All the guy was asking was if Alma would go out with him. If Rock reacted that badly to a harmless proposition then a crowded subway car would cause real bloodshed. The twin-tailed girl blushed as if realizing where his thoughts had gone.

The 'cab' as Saito called it was an odd vehicle. Four wheels and a carriage with no horses at all. In fact it made do with an engine of the kind Professor Colbert was trying to build. Alma would have dearly loved to see his face when he saw the mechanical conveyance. Except he wasn't here. None of their friends were here. She was an entire dimension away from her mother and father. Rather than let the panic get to her she decided to examine her surroundings. The inside of the cab was cramped with the driver, four teens, and a child. She held Pneuma on her lap while Saito sat in the front. Louise was wedged in between Rock and Alma. The smaller girl was clutching at Rock's hand like it was a lifeline. The only ones who could understand the driver were Rock and Saito. It fit since they were from this world. Well, Saito was from this world while Rock was from the Otherworld of this one.

Now she confused herself and got a headache.

Though that might be from how absolutely abysmal the air was around here. It smelled horrible and felt wrong to her senses. She used her hold out wand to discreetly cast an air freshening spell. The driver didn't seem to notice, but Louise and Pneuma looked more relieved. Saito relaxed more as well. He was probably used to the air of Halkeginia by now. Hopefully, she could figure out a solution that didn't involve giving everyone a hood for filtering the air. It would probably make them look even more conspicuous. The driver did give Saito an odd look when the Gandalfr told them they were going to his house. It probably had something to do with how they didn't know the language. Louise whined softly as she absolutely hated being useless. Alma patted her hand comfortingly. This situation was so far out of anyone's expertise it wasn't even funny. The green haired girl had a truly horrific thought. What if this wasn't even Saito's Earth? Pneuma snuggled closer to offer what comfort she could.

They were let out in front of a two storied domicile with more homes of similar size. Saito explained to Louise that the black stone-like material on the road was called blacktop. It was made through a combination of rock and tar. Absolutely fascinating stuff which helped to keep their minds off of things. The Halkeginian contingent knew what concrete was but to see much of it used was mind boggling. As a matter of fact the sheer size of the city was overwhelming. Rock took Alma's hand and started pulling her towards Saito's home. Pneuma was still terribly out of her depth and shaking. Despite how tough she could be, Pneuma was still frozen at a child's age and maturity.

{Do you want me to try projecting what's being said? I'm not sure it will work, but it's gotta be better than this.} Rock said in Alma's mind.

"Go ahead. Not knowing what's happening is driving me crazy," Alma tried not to whine.

"What is it?" Louise asked.

"Rock may be able to translate for me. I will keep you informed," Alma promised her friend.

Saito performed a bizarre ritual involving checking under a flowerpot to produce a key. Ah! There must be a hidden key to allow entrance if the other is lost. Certainly a clever idea. Saito turned back to his friends.

"This is my house. The key's in the same place as always," Saito smiled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He was gone for a long time from his parents' perspective. Of course, he would be nervous!

He opened the door before performing another ritual involving the removal of his footwear. Rock did the same without needing to be told. This must be something she was familiar with as well. Pneuma took off her cute little shoes and placed them next to Saito and Rock's boots. Soon Alma's and Louise's boots joined the gathering. The entryway was a bit cramped with five people standing around, even if one of them was being held. Beyond that was the living area. There was a sofa and a smaller one referred to as a loveseat. A stately armchair was placed at an angle towards what looked like a strange box with glass on the front attached to the wall.

"Tadaima!" Saito called out. {I'm home!} Rock's translation occurred simultaneously.

"Saito…?" A woman called out. "Honey! Saito's home!" The woman cried jubilantly as she ran into the room. Rock's translations were growing more seamless.

"Saito!?" A man could be heard further in the house. His steps were considerably heavier as he rushed to his wife's side. He almost collided with her as she had stopped dead in doorway.

To be fair their son just returned after Founder only knows how long with a bevy of young women and a child. Even her father would have had a hard time figuring this one out without context. Perhaps even with context. That's when the floodgates burst as Saito was swept up in his parents' arms. Without thinking about it, Alma drew Louise to her side as Rock pressed the girl between them. He was home but now they were terribly far from their families. Still, to see him smiling and crying so unabashedly, did a world of good towards easing their own heartache.

"M-Mom…Dad…These are my friends Louise, Alma, her sister Rock, and their little sister Pneuma," Saito introduced them. He put a warmer emphasis on Louise's name that even slipped by him.

"That's wonderful son, but, uh…Where have you been? You've been missing for weeks!" His father Lord Hiragana exclaimed. Well, he must be a lord to afford such lavish furnishings as these.

"Now that might be harder to explain…" Saito said with a look of chagrin.

"Is that a real sword?" Lady Hiragana asked as she beheld Derflinger. It most likely wasn't Saito's intention to forget to introduce his companion, but to ease his parents into things. Of course no one can truly plan for a talking sword.

"Indeed I am and it is lovely to meet you, Lady Hiragana," Derflinger somehow replied in Saito's native tongue. Lord and Lady Hiragana both stared with their jaws slowly opening in disbelief. Saito quickly shoved his partner back into the sheath, but the damage was done.

Explanations were going to take some time. Especially since only three of them could understand the language, two of them could speak it, and one of them was a sword. Essentially Saito was elected to act as translator by default since his parents were a little wild around the eyes. They listened to their son's tale. It was an unbelievable story except the proof was sitting in their living room. Somehow Pneuma wound up in Lady Hiragana's lap. Saito's parents insisted they call them Auntie and Uncle. Those were the first words they truly learned in this new world. Maybe it wasn't home, but it didn't seem so bad.
And season 2 is back in business. Might have to reread the first to regain more context, but I've regained the same curiosities I had with the end of it.

Really interested in how the presence of Alma and sisters would both lessen and make the load heavier for Louise here, we know it's gonna go to the dilemma of Saito leaving back for Halkegenia.

Sankyu for the chap~