Essence 4. Mortal humans cannot exceed essence 3, so a essence 4 would have to be something more than human.

I think the "demonblooded son of a neomah became an oddity: a male neomah" was suggested as a thing somewhere.

Thanks Chloe, any chance you remember where the mechanics actually come up? Specifically in regards to demon bloods

Do neomah/first circles even have sexes in the first place?

Well I don't know about Neomah but yes its pretty heavily implied first circles have sexes given they can cross bred with mortals / animals
Err, elaborate please.
If you walk around with a clipboard and act official, you can get people to do almost anything or go almost anywhere because they'll think that you're supposed to be there. People have stolen money, boats, computer servers that were being used, and gotten within one room of the president with a knife by doing this. In game I'd call it a disguise roll followed by a socialize roll.
Err, elaborate please.
It's a classic social engineering tactic: make yourself look like you belong. Clipboards have developed into a symbol of authority, and by just looking imperious and ignoring the fact that you don't belong you can get into restricted areas with just a clipboard.

Other common tactics are things like repair personnel for electronic equipment (e.g. telephones or electrical wiring).

Well I don't know about Neomah but yes its pretty heavily implied first circles have sexes given they can cross bred with mortals / animals
Given that an earth elemental can breed with mortals/animals by causing a tremor, I don't think they need physical sexes that map directly to male or female to do that.
Do neomah/first circles even have sexes in the first place?

Neomah in particular have sex - and lots of it (badum tish).

More seriously, yes, at least some first circles (much as second and third circles) have sexes. They can be species-wide, such as the neomah being female (though they can shift things around as long as they're still recognisably a neomah) and blood apes being male, or they can be within a species like how the angyalka can be male or female.

I ignore the 2e-ism which says that no demons reproduce by sex, because I like my first circle like aliens and it's too restrictive to forbid such a thing. Even if they might lay their eggs inside a victim and have them chest-burst out (I said I liked them alien. :p).
Neomah in particular have sex - and lots of it (badum tish).

More seriously, yes, at least some first circles (much as second and third circles) have sexes. They can be species-wide, such as the neomah being female (though they can shift things around as long as they're still recognisably a neomah) and blood apes being male, or they can be within a species like how the angyalka can be male or female.

I ignore the 2e-ism which says that no demons reproduce by sex, because I like my first circle like aliens and it's too restrictive to forbid such a thing. Even if they might lay their eggs inside a victim and have them chest-burst out (I said I liked them alien. :p).
And depending on the host he/she/it might survive too!
What I do like about the new Night spread is the ability to be the spy of the courts, rather than just a thief. Or at least, that's made explicit- as much through the new Socialize Charms as anything else.
Yes, I was thinking of something like that too. Spy instead of assassin.

Alternatively, I can go do sort of terrorizing using Performance + Stealth Charms for some sort of subliminal social-fu and go all inspiring terror while fighting with SVN if stealth broke/want to be obvious. Preferably done in some kind of extravagant and ham-ed costume.

Oh, goodness why I just keep getting character ideas.:confused: Now I have idea for a Lelouch expy and a magical girl inspired character! (Not relevant for the current character creation since the zenith slot is taken but still) I'm joining notanautomaton's game to channel some ideas I have but I keep getting new ones.
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Speaking of demon courtesans… I almost feel like there's space for another type in Malfeas, but the only ideas I've had so far in that direction seem to me to be more the living ornament kind rather than what Neomah seem to be.
Speaking of demon courtesans… I almost feel like there's space for another type in Malfeas, but the only ideas I've had so far in that direction seem to me to be more the living ornament kind rather than what Neomah seem to be.
something adorjani? it loves whoever the summoner tells with all it's being. and then when ordered otherwise or banished it completely forgets about any attachment at all.

they're not just courtesan's they can be best friends or babysitters. great for lords worried about others getting their claws into the heir.
Well, I was thinking Cecelyne as my immediate instinct. But then again, it's not really the Yozi, it's the 2nd Circle Demon the 1st Circle is created by.

I mean, the music-making demons are descended from Adorjan.
Speaking of demon courtesans… I almost feel like there's space for another type in Malfeas, but the only ideas I've had so far in that direction seem to me to be more the living ornament kind rather than what Neomah seem to be.

Ferfiedesseg, the Men Who Smell Of Sweetness
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Rearwards Guard

The ferfiedesseg have the seeming of handsome young men, muscular and athletic, with large sensitive eyes and graceful lips. When they talk, they are humble and thoughtful, always seeming to consider each word before they speak. They were made by their progenitor as playthings and visual masterpieces, and they are capable of holding singular poses for long periods, resembling statues more than living creatures. Their skin naturally secretes an oil which leaves them glistening and gleaming in the light. Its odour resembles a sugary candied concoction - though none can describe what it is save in terms of itself - and it is this which gives them their name. This also extends to its taste, and it is not uncommon for certain among the lords and ladies of Malfeas to use these beasts as a platter from which to consume desserts.

The Men Who Smell of Sweetness were made to be decorative pieces and entertainment by their creator, but for that to be the case they also had to be strong and fast. The ferfiedesseg are born knowing to fight, and are masters of the grappling arts. Within their private places they fight for status among each other, their oil-slick bodies sliding together as they war for the respect and admiration of their peers.

In the wilds of the Demon City, the ferfiedesseg adapt well to the rule of strength. They can crush a blood ape within their arms, and gangs of the Men will often claim a tower block, setting up martial arts dojos where they work on their strength and engage in their grappling tournaments. Sometimes, other demons will think to challenge them. Those who prove themselves are welcomed, while others will accept indentured slavery in return for aid in the punishing work-out routines of the Men. They have the knowing of certain secrets of flesh and strength, for in just seven days - and seven nights - they can make you a man.

Obscurity (2/4): It would be purient to describe the most common use the ferfiedesseg are put to. Instead, we shall merely note the many useful alchemical properties of the oil they secrete, as well as their obvious utility as bodyguards, trainers, and decorative furniture.
I'll note that my headcanon is that Neomah can be either gender or even androgynous, so I'd probably do the same for these. They're still awesome.

Heck, I imagine courtesan demon is something a while bunch of 2CDs have made their own versions of.
Rocky demons. Lovely.

But wouldn't it be their creator who in just seven days can make you a man?
Congratulations! You finally broke from the grasp of Dogstar Ruminations.

I am so proud of you!
In fact, i am so proud that i will not flood this post nor any future ones with request of help/feedback to convert Discordian charms to the third edition.

...Well, i will still do it, but not one charm posted for page consumed and users partecipating to the discussion like i planned to. Now i will chose a random number based on my inspiration.

Also, even if it looks to be more complicated than expected, i decided to embark on a mission to create a Exalted 3 diceroller. Please avenge me if i don't return from my mission.
An first attempt

Sanansaattaja, the Ladies of Obsidian Wings
Demons of the First Circle
Progeny of Viettelijä, Indulgent Soul of the 10th Soul of Adorjan
(CLAMP Joke incoming)

Sanansaattaja are androgynous inhuman beauties of long limbs, impossible large eyes in all shades of crystal, radiant cascades of hair and fine angular features who are in fact perfectly capable of switching gender at will. What remains distinctive however is the Sanansaattaja's digit-grade legs ending in a five talon-ed feet of living obsidian, and the large powerful wings which give them their name. While not exceptional strong, Sanansaattaja are astonishingly agile and flexible, a feat matched only by the incredibly calculating and ruthless cunning the Ladies of Obsidian Wings.

Created to ensnare and entrap mortals in cascade of pleasant delights before showing them the mercy of Adorjan, the Ladies of Obsidian are ruthless falcons in constant search of prey. Prey they peruse with delightful dances, smouldering glances and whispered words of pleasures to come. Pleasure that can last for years as the Sanansaattaja hide their sadism, milking victims of resources, knowledge, favors and preferably worship before unleashing a sudden torrent of anguish and sadistic sexual torture on the flesh of their victims before hiding all evidence. Or revealing in it as an initiation activity within the inevitable cults they seek to establish in Creation.

Martial skill is often a secondary concern but a natural affinity for Archery leads to common assumption that those without a bow are relatively new. More importantly however is the Ladies is the realm of society as they move among the bureaucracies and societies of hell, putting their clever, twisted minds to good use promoting the cause of the Yozi's. Many a Sanansaattaja has clawed her way to understanding the basics of sorcery, the most obscure tea ceremony, or the most moving of poetry.

For Sanansaattaja naturally form together in Murders, claiming high towers flocking together in highly polite, elegant courts where one ill considered choice can send a Lady tumbling down the pecking order, or vaulted to leadership on the basis of a single dance. Woe onto those who attempt to interject themselves into the politics of a Murder without being a natural Citizen for the whole group will turn on outsiders with utter ruthlessness.

Obscurity 2/6 Apart from competing with the Neomah, the Ladies of Obsidan Wings are often called upon to be messengers as they can travel great distances each day. Additionally they can be called upon for training in a wide variety of skills, most often relying upon brokering deals with Murders to summon the individual with the required skill
Sanansaattaja hide their sadism, milking victims of resources, knowledge, favors and preferably worship before unleashing a sudden torrent of anguish and sadistic sexual torture on the flesh of their victims before hiding all evidence. Or revealing in it as an initiation activity within the inevitable cults they seek to establish in Creation.
Err this seems counter to encouraging mortal sorcerors to summon them.
Created to ensnare and entrap mortals in cascade of pleasant delights before showing them the mercy of Adorjan, the Ladies of Obsidian are ruthless falcons in constant search of prey.

More importantly however is the Ladies is the realm of society as they move among the bureaucracies and societies of hell, putting their clever, twisted minds to good use promoting the cause of the Yozi's.
Okay, so why is this soul of a soul of Adorjan so interested in making a tool for their oversoul's Greater Self? What do they use them for? Why did they expend the effort to make them - demons have no real motivation to aid or act like their Yozi; compare Jacinct and Adorjan, or Ipithymia and Malfeas. In general, First Circles shouldn't really reference their Yozi, because they have no connection to them. Angyalkae die just like everything else when Adorjan blows through a district - Yozis aren't people, they're the scenery; the video game level. Neomah are Malfean, but they have nothing to do with RAGE and BRASS and GREEN FIRE, save maybe the towers they extrude. You wouldn't look at a deer made of worm-tentacles and think it had anything in particular to do with the Whispering Pyre. Stomach Bottle Bugs do not bring to mind the Ebon Dragon.

Honestly, I'd advise taking out the stuff related to the Yozis themselves, ignore the Third Circle and Yozi they come from, and focus solely on the Second Circle who made them and what she made them for. You need to primarily consider and answer two questions; why do I, the sorcerer, want to summon this thing and what uses can I put it to, including ones outside the original design intent? If you haven't answered those in a way that makes me go "holy crap, sweet, lemme book tonight's summoning slot for this thing immediately!", then you have not achieved your objective in writing a First Circle demon.
Now, if they were stupid enough to leave a ghost while being fully aware of what necromancy can do to the dead, and didn't have something set up so that they went straight to Lethe, do not pass Go, do not collect $200... well, then there's no need for a convoluted "destroy them and cache some sort of memory copy" spell; you can just bind them to write down everything they know and then make them do jumping jacks over a floor covered in caltrops for the rest of eternity, or whatever else suits your amusement or whim. Ghosts are basically your bitch if you know necromancy; in some ways even more so than mortals.
The question in that case is if it is possible to make a Necromancy spell or Abyssal Charm that let's you guarantee the person you use it on will become a ghost, bypassing their choice not to.
But wouldn't it be their creator who in just seven days can make you a man?
Something like this perhaps? (Also, why the heck am I attempting to give a unique effect to my first demon? I have no idea. Help me.)

Jodigoba, the Wise Beasts Who Ride
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Radiant Basket

Jodigoba are the size of a small child, with long thin limbs and wide faces. Their skin often seems to fit ill on them, stretched thin in some places and folded over on itself in others, and their slitted eyes sit just above a mouth that is a little too wide. Jodigoba were not made for their looks, but rather their intense mental acuity and wide range of knowledge.

The Wise Beasts Who Ride are teachers without peer among those who dwell in the demon city, and sought after for this purpose. While they are patient with those they instruct, their students are frequently impatient and demand to learn things in the shortest time possible. In this case the Jodigoba will climb upon the back of their student and hold themselves fast with their long limbs and claws. They will then guide the student through a grueling week-long course of exercises and meditations that result in a much improved understanding of a subject. (Sadly, this is often too much for mortals and some of the less hardy demons)

Jodigoba enjoy sweet fruit very much, and many a sorcerer has paid one for their time with a selection of fine plants.
Has anyone come across any info about the 'gambits' mentioned, which are supposed to work kind of like the techniques?

They were mentioned in the post announcing that techniques weren't going to work, so had been dropped.