Friendship is Mothgic

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Being the adventures of Taylor Hebert AKA Miss Moth AKA "Why do you have ALL THE BEES?!", Missy Biron AKA Vista AKA "Why is the front of the street now the back and up of the street?!" and Amy Hebert AKA Lilith, AKA "WHY DID YOU GIVE THE WALLS EYES?!"

Join the most adorably terrifying, terrifyingly adorable Brockton Bay Wards Team as they run roughshod over villains and mean people and people who don't like bugs, monsters and the world looking like an MC Escher painting in the way that only the innocent can.
Chapter 1 - Miss Moth Begins


Dessert Faerie
Derbyshire, UK
So I finally dipped my feet into the Worm fandom as a fanfic writer. I've a few but this one lit a fire under me because I just like writing fluffy happy things.

Primary divergences - Missy triggers a few years earlier, Taylor, Amy and Vicky are all three years younger at least so they are around the same age as Missy, and Taylor triggers with her canon powers. Annette isn't dead. Beyond that you'll need to read the story!

I hope you enjoy fluff because this is going to be lighter, softer and just full of happy (with some drama bits)

Oh and I strongly suggest looking up Rosy Maple Moths because they are heckin' adorable.

Also the hugest thanks to the wonderful folks at the Gaylor Convention Centre Discord for helping me tighten down what this story will be. They're wonderful folks!

Anyway, onward and I hope you enjoy:

Friendship is Mothgic

Chapter 1 - Miss Moth Begins

Taylor Hebert sat on the chair, pink and yellow moths fluttering about her head like a halo. Right now, she had about fifteen of them and Emily Piggott suddenly had an attack of foreboding as she looked at the cute little girl kicking her feet on the too-tall chair.

Somehow. Somehow, she just knew this adorable, earnest and chatterbox of an eight-year-old girl was going to cause her headaches.

Her mother cleared her throat. "Director Piggott, my daughter is very interested in joining the Brockton Bay Wards. As you can see, her power is to control bugs."

Emily sighed as Taylor looked around interestedly, beaming at Armsmaster and Miss Militia. Miss Militia smiled back and even Armsmaster managed a smile at her. Then again, even with being brusque around the team, he still managed to seem warm to many children.

"What kind of bugs?"

"Any bugs!" Taylor said, beaming and kicking her heels against her chair. She had a smart pink dress on with a yellow cardigan, making her somewhat resemble the bugs fluttering about her head. "Any bugs in my range!"

"And what's your range, Taylor?" Miss Militia asked, a smile in her voice.

"Two whole blocks!" The girl announced brightly. "There's one hundred thousand two hundred and fifty-four bugs in my control right now!"

A shiver passed through the room as they all felt something of a shadow move over them. The heroes looked at each other, then back at Taylor.

"I'm sorry. Did you say two whole blocks?"

"Yep!" Taylor nodded. "Two whole blocks. You wouldn't believe how many cockroaches there are in the average house!"

"And I don't think they want to know, Little Owl." Annette said, ruffling her daughter's hair.

"But Mooooom, why not? It's really interesting. Like, did you know they'd probably survive a nuclear explosion? That's so cool! They're not very pretty though, I'd love them to be pink and yellow! My favourite bugs are these though!"

The fifteen moths fluttering around her head all landed on the desk and performed a salute at Piggott with their forelegs.

"That's Benjy, Lenny, Steve, Dave, Rosie, Sherry, Tom, Alice, Raymond, Bob, Bobette, Laura, Dave the Twentieth, George and Dollie!" She pointed to each in turn.

Piggott eyed the girl's mother. Annette shrugged. "Don't look at me, Director, she has about fifty of them and they all have names. Honestly, she's collected them longer than she has had powers. She's just… always liked bugs."

Emily sighed. "Right. Okay, so you're wanting to join the wards, Miss Hebert?"

Taylor nodded excitedly, bouncing in her seat. "Uh huh! I wanna be a hero because heroes are awesome! I love heroes, big sis Emma got me an Alexandria action figure for Christmas last year and I've got Armsmaster's face on my underwear which is really weird when you think about it because I think it was supposed to just be his logo which is still kinda weird because you'd think that it'd be Miss Militia's face or logo because she's a girl why is your face on girls' underwear Mister Armsmaster?"

The adults in the room not related to Taylor all stared incredulously at the girl.

"I'm… not sure why." Armsmaster managed after a moment, reconsidering for the hundredth time whether he needed to kill Terry the Intern for that mistake.

"Oh, well, maybe you should find out because it is a bit silly!" Taylor said brightly.

Armsmaster grunted and Emily sighed internally. She didn't like parahumans in general, but between the other young girl to trigger recently and want to join the wards and Taylor she at least figured she'd be winning the PR side of things.

Annette ruffled her daughter's hair again and looked over at Miss Militia. "I'm sure you'd rather not be involved in all the paperwork, Little Owl?"

Taylor shook her head. "Nope! It's boring! Hey, can I meet the other Wards? I really really like Triumph, he's nice!"

The heroes looked at each other, the last of them to raise a hand being Velocity.

Internally swearing, the speedster stood up and smiled at the little girl. It wasn't her fault she was terrifying and adorable all at the same time. "Sure thing, Taylor. Here, if your mom is OK with it I'll take you now."

Annette smiled at the eight-year-old and nodded. "Off you go then, Little Owl. Do try to keep the babbling down a little."

Taylor pouted as she was led off.

Annette looked around as everyone sighed in relief. "What?"

"Your daughter is very… intense." Armsmaster, ever one to unwittingly dip his toes into piranha-infested social waters, spoke. Annette's eyes narrowed and Miss Militia elbowed him. She remembered seeing the curly haired woman across the barricades at more than one rally calling her a bootlicker. She didn't want a scene, especially if they wanted her daughter to join.

Eventually Annette sighed. "She is. But please refrain from insulting her."

"It wasn't an insult, Mrs. Hebert, I apologise if it sounded like one. Intensity can be good. I'm already convinced she can be a very effective Ward."

The curly-haired woman eventually nodded. "Alright. Far be it for me to argue with the man whose face is on her underwear."

Colin's face coloured ever so slightly under the beard, but he kept his cool.

Annette picked up the first of the paperwork and Emily coughed once to get her attention. "These are just preliminiaries, we'll need both parents' permission for her to join and proper signing happens at the next meeting."

Annette nodded and started filling them out, joining the conversation as it flowed around her. She wasn't entirely thrilled about Taylor joining the wards, but her Little Owl had been insistent and even Carol had told her it'd be a good idea. Not that she often listened to Carol but for once the woman had been making good points.


Velocity led Taylor into a large room after waiting in a corridor and an alarm sounding.

"The alarm's for the wards, to give them time to mask up." He smiled at Taylor, whose domino mask was slightly too big. Her moths still fluttered around her head and on the way down she'd regaled him with what sounded like a complicated genealogy of them.

It was a little intimidating, though he'd never tell her that, to have a little girl so fixated on creepy crawlies.

The door in front of them eventually opened and he led her through, the eight-year-old insisting on holding his hand the entire way.

Taylor gaped at the big room, with the huge TV and couch, the tables and the shiny console. "Wow!" She exclaimed. "It's so futurey!"

Some of the moths fluttering about her head flew around the room, brushing at different parts as he led her to the couch, on which a girl in jeans and a green blouse peeked over the edge, a domino mask on her own face. Instantly she cracked into a smile and bounced off the top of the couch, space warping around her as she landed in front of Taylor.

Taylor, for her part, cheered. "Oh wow! That was so cool!" She gushed. "You make space go all wibbly!" She beamed at the girl and took her mask off immediately as she spoke. "I'm Taylor! I control bugs!"

Vista's eyes grew round as she nodded. "I warp space and did you say you control bugs?! What kind? How many?!"

Taylor threw her hands up over her head. "All of them! And really really far! I love bugs! Bugs are friends, not food!"

Vista's eyes were shining. "I warp space and make it all small and squished and they say I'm a Shaker Nine!"

Taylor's own eyes grew round. "Oh wow! That's a really big number! I know because I went on PHO and did you know they don't like answering questions about bugs? I was like 'what kind of bugs are good for making silk' because I could make a costume out of them but they were all like 'ew bugs' and I was like 'well really' because it's very rude to talk at me like that, but anyway I saw the ratings and it was like wow so Shaker Nine must be really really powerful!"

Vista and Velocity stared at the girl, who'd said that all in one breath.


As Vista and Taylor started speaking more and more in the ways young girls can that soon becomes incomprehensible to anyone outside of the conversation, Velocity wondered what would become of Brockton Bay if these two were going to be as terrifying a team as he was contemplating in his head. He somehow started feeling bad for any villains that came across them.

Eventually Vista took her mask off. "I'm Missy!" She said happily, throwing her arms around Taylor, who had graduated via conversational gabbling to 'new best friend'. Missy was 'new bestest friend pending Amy Approval' because as her mom always said 'bestest friends aren't a zero-sum game'.

"Have we a new Ward, sir?" Triumph, in his lion-themed helmet walked in from the console, idly wafting at a pink moth near his face. His hand impacted it and it fluttered to the ground in a spiral.

Taylor gasped. "Dave!" She ran over, picking the little pink moth up and cradling it in her hands, looking up at Triumph from where she was knelt. "He's the Twentieth of His Name! Don't be mean to Dave!" She pouted up at him.

Triumph stared and remembered his less energetic but still chatterbox cousin and closed his eyes, feeling utterly stupid. "I'm very sorry to have hit Dave, Twentieth of His Name, King of the Pink Moths."

Taylor looked confused, then at the weakly fluttering moth in her hands, then back up and then nodded. "Dave, Twentieth of His Name and King of the Rosy Maple Moths, accepts your apology." She reached up and put the little moth on top of her head, where he stayed, slightly tangled in her hair as he rested.

Triumph held a hand out to Taylor and she let him pull her to her feet as he took off his helmet.

"My name's Rory."

"I'm Taylor! I control bugs! All of the bugs! In two blocks!"

Rory raised an eyebrow and held out his hand, which she shook seriously. "Well then, I'm sure your parents are filling the forms out now, but let me say welcome to the team, Taylor. Do you have a cape name?"

Taylor shook her head. "Uh uh, not yet, but I maybe sorta like the name Miss Rosy Maple Moth, though I bet it becomes just 'Miss Moth' which isn't too bad I mean I could be called Skitter or Weaver or I dunno, Beetle or something else, but I love moths! Moths are great and I mean they're all fluffy – butterflies are nice too, but they aren't fluffy! Look at these too, they're pink and yellow and I love them, they're called Rosy Maple Moths!"

Rory stared a moment and then shrugged. "You sound like you know a lot about them."

"I do! Big Sis Emma said to me once that bugs are friends not food so I started reading about them and they really are except for mosquitoes, I put mosquitoes into spider webs whenever they come into my range, horribly nasty little things, but spiders keep pests out and bees, bumbly honeybees make honey and pollinate flowers and crickets and grasshoppers sing – oh that's why she's called cricket, that mean drony lady in the mean Empire people! She makes noises like a cricket! I'm gonna find her and bury her in real crickets! Do you think I could get an attorney for the crickets so they can sue for defamation? Auntie Carol says that defamation is really bad but not as bad as what Uncle Alan does which is dee-force. I dunno what that is but it sure sounds bad, anyway the crickets all go chirp chirrup…"

The three parahumans looked at each other as Taylor rambled, though Vista got sucked back into a conversation.

Rory stood next to Velocity, looking between the girls as they discussed bugs and space warping and his grin was a little malicious. "Should we start a betting pool, sir?"

"About what?"

"About which villain they absolutely terrify first? Missy's powerful enough but if Taylor is as good as she says with bugs, that's a potent combo. If I were a villain here, I might start shaking in my boots."

"Triumph, that's a very immature and unprofessional way of doing things." Velocity said, then pondered a moment. "Five dollars says they traumatise hookwolf first."

"I'll put five on Oni Lee."


Once Taylor's babbling conversations, trading of phone numbers and a promise to meet up with Vista outside of the wards and Annette's much less interesting paperwork journey had finished, the mother and daughter left. The pink moths still fluttered around the little girl's head, and once they were gone everyone in the room relaxed a little.

"Well then." Emily said, leaning back in her chair. She looked around. "That just happened. Thoughts?"

"She's adorable." Miss Militia said. "Earnest and sweet. Robin said she and Vista got along like a house on fire – Vista always tries acting all grown up, but Taylor definitely helped mitigate that when they were talking. I think they'll be good for each other."

"And absolutely terrifying." Velocity pointed out. He looked around and shrugged. "What? Just telling it like I see it."

"We'll need proper power testing, of course, but the level of control she has over her insects and her range, I can see what, Master 7 or 8. Not to mention be able to control how many did she say?"

"One hundred thousand two hundred and fifty-four." Miss Militia said flatly.

"That many bugs all at once, that's got to be a Thinker rating."

"Indeed." Emily noted that down. "We'll have them for proper signing when they come back, along with power testing. Still, a powerful Shaker and a powerful Master is a potent combination."

Armsmaster nodded. "Between them they should be very effective."

Assault laughed. "And they'll be a PR coup. I can already hear Glenn Chambers' hands rubbing together from here. You probably want him directly in on these two, Emily. He'll never forgive you if you don't."


"Still, two kids that young triggering…" Assault said softly after a moment spent looking at the desk. "What a world we live in."

Battery put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed and he shook himself. "They seem a little more well-adjusted than I'd thought. Well, Taylor does. I think Missy is hiding something."

"Both of them, I think." Miss Militia said. "But they're both young kids who triggered. I think we'll probably want to request a dedicated therapist. With two powerful and young parahumans, maybe we can snag Dr. Yamada. I'll see if I can use some markers to get her in as soon as possible. It won't do if either of them goes off the reservation."

Emily nodded. "Do it. I don't normally advocate coddling but if it gets us two useful sets of boots on the ground in this hellhole that won't break, I'm not going to complain."

Velocity piped up. "Triumph raised a good point, and I think I should bring you all into it."

"What is it?"

"He put five dollars down that they traumatise Oni Lee first. I put five on Hookwolf. Any takers?"

"Velocity." Emily's tone was warning. "Betting on such things is highly unprofessional." She smirked evilly. "So count me in; I'll put five on Skidmark."

"Squealer." Miss Militia said.

Armsmaster grunted. "Cricket."

Assault and Battery looked at each other, then at the others. "We'll go with Lung."

"Ooh, big guns." Velocity said. He noticed Emily marking the bets down and pulling a jar out that looked like it had once been a swear jar before she'd given up due to the amount of swearing in her life not altering.

"Alright you lot, put your fives in and we'll start the official 'Wards Traumatise Who First' pool."

Armsmaster raised a hand as he stood up after the rest had gone, then dropped it. Emily noticed.

"Something to add, Armsmaster?"

"Just… a thought, Director." He said gruffly. "Perhaps consider preparing a restraining order."

"Oh?" The large woman raised an eyebrow at him. He nodded.

"Yes, I think you'll want to keep Mouse Protector as far away from Brockton Bay and especially our two newest wards as possible." He said. Emily paled and he nodded. "I see you understand what I'm getting at. Good afternoon, Director."

Emily made a note of Armsmaster's unusually astute social observation, before typing out a communique and appending the file on Taylor Hebert.

She sent it out and was answered pretty quickly. Glenn Chambers had learned to accept calls from Brockton Bay because out of many regions, they needed a lot of PR help – for both the Protectorate and the PRT.

Usually because of Armsmaster or Assault.

"Emily." Glenn smiled at her and she sighed. She hated PR. "I assume something's gone wrong again? I'm not seeing anything on the net, so you must've caught it early. You're either getting better at being psychic, they're getting predictable or you've got something interesting for me."

Emily smiled nastily at him and sent off two further files. "Have a read."

Glenn did so, eyebrows raising. "Is this for real?"

"Yes. Two very young, very photogenic, very enthusiastic wards all ready for your personal PR attention. One's an insect Master, the other a powerful Shaker. Local PR's already taken a look and given the Shaker the name 'Vista' but definitely could do with more help, and the insect girl's a clean slate more or less."

"Insects… Could be difficult to do."

"Oh, it won't be, because I know the girl well enough now to know exactly what she wants her costume to be based off of."

Glenn raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Look up rosy maple moths."

Glenn tapped on his keyboard and as the images on his search appeared, his eyebrows shot over his hairline. "Oh my god. We're gonna make a fortune in merchandising. Every little girl's going to want to be one of these two."

"I thought you might like it. I think it warrants the personal touch, don't you think?"

Glenn laughed. "Very clever. I'll confirm with Rebecca and be on the first flight down to your little hell hole."
I am very curious how we got here, but even more so I am curious to see where we are going

Also the fact that these moths exist is a wonderful thing to learn
The worst part about all of this is... A couple of days ago I was nominated by about ten rosy maple moths as a mobile perch while on my carrier route. I knew neither that such moths were around in Iowa, nor did I know that I needed this fic. Thank you good author for the words!
...There's caramel leaking out of my boilers. Chibi!Taylor is too cute, and lil' Vista in the mix is a massive amplifier.
The thing to consider here. Nature tends to make the more 'colorful' members of our lovely world cross into the 'Who's the Deadliest' territory. I figure before long Brockton Bay will have warnings that if you see Pink and Yellow to run, Run, RUN!!! GOgogogo!!!

Not that running will help, as Vista will helpfully redirect runners headfirst into whatever swarm Taylor's running....
Yay looks like Rory going to get a lot of exercise chasing after the girls, bet he become big brother lion if the girls really in danger.
Come to think of it since they're 8 years old, I bet they would be carefree enough to yell Sailor Moon catchphrases at villains and normal criminals!
Quite happy to see this as it reminds me of that snippet where Missy is friend with Taylor and Sophia in elementary school.
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Add Amy into the mix and you have pretty much the progenitors of Tyranids.
Armsmaster: "I would be considerably more annoyed about this if I didn't get to build a fully functional set of Assault Terminator Armour and a working Combi-Bolter and chainsword and bill the Protectorate for materials. Shame about Leet's plasma gun, of course, but that is pretty tabletop-accurate..."
Chapter 2 - Miss Moth Goes In For Power Testing
Hello to you lovely people! Thank you so much for the lovely comments, you make a gal's heart soar!

I can only promise a whole lot of cuteness.

As to timeline, I'm fairly vague as I'm kinda messing with it alot, but it's circa 2008. I've still got to nail down a complete timeline.

Anyway, here's the next chapters.

Fruit Flies, Black Widows and Giant African Land Snails, oh my!

My lovely thanks to my wonderful beta reader, Dysole.

Also many thanks to the wonderful folks at the Gaylor Convention Centre who are far, far too enabling of my love of killing the world through fluff-induced diabetes.

Chapter 2 - Miss Moth Goes In For Power Testing

Eight Years Previously

Emma Barnes followed her father through the hospital, holding on to her mother's hand as she toddled along. "We seein' Auntie Anne?" The three-year-old asked excitedly. Auntie Anne was great fun, all talky and clever! And Uncle Danny and her were so tall! Mommy and Daddy were tall, but Auntie Annette and Uncle Danny were like giants!

"Yes, dear." Her mother said, smiling at her. "She's just in here now that she's had her baby."

"Ooooh!" Emma exclaimed, "Issat why she's been here? Cuz of the baby?"

"Yes, Emma." Zoe ruffled her daughter's hair as they turned a corner and found Uncle Danny standing outside of a room, smiling at the couple and then at Emma, ruffling the redhead's hair just like her mom had.

"Hey there Ems," He said, a huge smile fixed on his face. "You been good?"

"Yes, Uncle Danny!" Emma beamed up. "Been good! Where's Auntie Anne?"

"She's just in here. Are you excited to meet the baby?"

Emma nodded excitedly and followed her parents into the room. Sitting on the hospital bed in a gown was Auntie Annette, holding a little blanket-wrapped bundle in her arms.

There was a certain amount of cooing and talking from the parents before the three-year-old was able to get a look.

"She looks like a alium." Emma said, slightly disappointed. The girl was in her mother's arms as she sat on the chair next to the bed. "All pink an' squished."

Zoe smiled at her. "Her name is Taylor, and all babies look like that. You did when you were this old."

"Did not!"

"You did! I've got photos to prove it!"

Emma blew a raspberry and then reached her little hand out towards the face of little Taylor. The baby opened her eyes wide and her hand reached up, grasping Emma's finger. She giggled.


Alan ruffled his daughter's hair and Uncle Danny leaned down to look at her. "You know," He whispered conspiratorially, "Your Mommy and Daddy are her godparents."


"Well, we aren't really religious, so think of it as kind of a… backup Mommy and Daddy, like we are for you and your big sister Anne."

"Ohhh so she'll call Mommy Auntie?"

"Exactly! And that means she's sort of your godsister, yeah?"

Emma nodded and then her eyes grew round. "I'mma big sis?"

Danny nodded. "That's right, kiddo, think you can do it?"

"Yes!" Emma yelled happily, eliciting a noise of complaint from the very small Taylor. "Oops, sorry Taylor." She reached another hand and watched as Taylor grabbed at it again, seemingly very interested.

Danny and Alan exchanged a glance as Annette laughed softly.

While the three-year-old was playing with the baby, Alan sat heavily next to Danny and grasped his shoulder.

"She's a sweetie. Bet you a hundred she grows up to look like her mom."

"I'd be so lucky." Danny groaned. "Knowing my luck, I'll be beating boys off her with a stick in her teens."

"A crowbar, you mean. Don't forget that she'll also have Kurt and Lacey and the other Dockworkers. Plus, her aunts from Annette's old… job."

Danny laughed. "Sort of a 'hurt her and there's a line to horribly maim you' thing?"

"There is that."

"Well, have to hope it won't go to her head when she's older."

"She'll have Ems to keep her stable I guess." Alan said, chuckling as said child made faces at the absolutely intrigued baby Taylor. "Think it was worth waiting a few years still?"

"Definitely." Danny said. "We're in a much better position than we were then. Financially and just… you know, in general. We're good. Well, as good as-"

"You can get in Brockton Bay." Alan chorused along with his friend. "Yeah, I get that. I think it'll be good for Emma, too. She's good with her own age group but a bit… flighty, I guess is the best way. Seems like she wants to always be liked, and yeah it's a good thing, but I think asking her to be Taylor's big sister will ground her a bit."

Danny nodded. "Here's hoping. How's Anne?"

"She's good, doing well. She'd be here but she's off doing a thing with school."

"Life's good then, isn't it?" Danny asked. "Even with all the problems at the Association, we still have our families."

Emma, meanwhile, was being shown how to properly hold little Taylor. She cooed at the baby as she sat, cradling her head. "Her eyes are so blue Auntie Annette!"

"Babies' eyes are like that sometimes, Emma." Annette said, smiling wearily. "They'll change as she grows older. Maybe they'll be blue, maybe brown, maybe green. We'll have to see."

"Oh, wow!" Emma enthused. She wiggled her fingers over the baby and Taylor grasped one of her fingers in her tiny hand and Emma giggled. "Awww she likes me! She looks real innerested!"

"Babies are like that with everything, because to them the world is brand new. Everything's new to a baby." Annette ruffled Emma's hair. "What did your Uncle Danny want with you?"

"He said I should be her big sister an' I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the bestest big sister ever!"

Annette smiled at the three-year-old gently. "I bet you will, Ems."

"Uh huh! I promise! I'll always look after Taylor, even when we're grown up!" She held up her little finger, solemnly. Annette took it with her own. "Pinkie promises is the most important."

And through the years she knew her younger 'sister', Emma never forgot that promise.


Present Day

"Amy Rose!" Taylor beamed as she ran into their house, dodging the still-broken front porch step that no one had gotten around to fixing yet.

"Tails!" Amy cried, the two crashing into a hug and jumping up and down a couple of times excitedly. "Did it go good? Are you a Ward now?!"

"I'm the newest, bestest Ward! And there's another Ward our age called Vista who warps space! I really like her, she likes bugs and likes things like bugs and I think we're gonna be put onto patrols together and work as a team because we're the same age and bigger girls and boys are stinky so obviously we're the bestest team up!"

"Wow, really?!" Amy beamed.

Meanwhile, Annette made her way into the house a little more calmly and smiled at her husband, kissing him once.

"It went well then?"

"She's already made a friend." Annette replied, looking fondly at their two children. "And she terrified the heroes."

"I'll bet you did some of that."

"Pretty sure Miss Militia remembered that time during a Lustrum rally where I called her a government bootlicker and a failure to free women everywhere." Annette pondered as Taylor dragged Amy off to the living room, a halo of fluttering pink moths still following her. "But I think Taylor's enthusiastic nature probably made them a bit worried."

Danny listened to the giggling of his two little girls and smirked. "I bet it did. She worries me, sometimes."

Annette swiped at him. "Hush, you. They're good girls. Overly enthusiastic sometimes, but good girls."

Danny grinned. "Of course. I never said they weren't, I just said she worries me."

Rolling her eyes, Annette followed Danny into the living room where Taylor was regaling Amy with the story of what had happened during her meeting with the wards. Amy happily listened to her sister chattering away and describing the cool things that Vista could do.

Annette smiled at her daughters and then saw that one pink-and-yellow moth was still settled on Taylor's head.

"I think we've got one for the mausoleum." She said quietly. "She said someone swatted at… I think it's Dave the Eighteenth?"

"Twentieth." Danny replied. "Dave the Twentieth. I'll get all the stuff for preserving them properly."

Annette kissed his cheek and looped her arm in his. "You really do pay attention to them, don't you?"

"And you don't?"

"I'm just saying, you're a good dad." Annette patted his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Only as good as my partner. I'd be useless without you."

Taylor finally finished her rambling, and Annette looked at the two of them. "Alright girls, it's time to get cleaned up. Don't forget we're going over to see Emma and the others."

Taylor beamed and shot off like lightning up the stairs. Amy followed along a little more sullenly, but Annette stopped her before she went upstairs. "Little Mouse? What's wrong?"

Amy rubbed her foot on the carpet. "Just… Tails's so excited 'bout the wards an' I don't wanna be…"

Annette ruffled Amy's frizzy hair. "Little Mouse, if there's one thing I'm really sure of, it's that our Little Owl will never leave you behind." Amy looked at the floor.

"B-but what if, Mom?" She replied, bottom lip trembling.

"I don't think it's even a possibility." Danny said, crouching down and putting his hands on Amy's shoulders. "We're family. We stick together, through thick and thin, alright?"

They heard a gasp and Taylor came barrelling down the stairs, almost knocking herself senseless on the banister, before she skidded around the corner and grabbed Amy in a big hug.

"Amy Rose I'd never ever ever leave you behind you're my sister an' I love you an' besides I know Vista will love you too because she's gonna be both our bestest friend but you gotta say so too because we're sisters an' we do everything together!" The taller girl babbled, squeezing Amy tightly. "Never ever gonna leave you behind Amy Rose, ever!" She affirmed again.

Amy nodded sadly, but Taylor simply took her hand and led her up the stairs to their room. "Come on, let's go play some before we go see Big Sis!"

The parents headed back into the living room to let the girls settle a little.

Annette sighed as she sat down. "She still misses him." She said softly.

"Wouldn't you?" Danny asked. "She's a good girl. But she'll eventually learn we'll not leave her in the dirt. She's one of our little girls. She'll get there."


The doorbell rang at the Barnes house.

"I'll get it!" the redheaded youngest child of the house called and ran to the front door.

Emma opened the door and the eleven-year-old was immediately barrelled into by two over-energetic eight-year-olds, managing through long experience not to fall over.

"Big Sis!"

"Big Sis!"

"Hey there, Amy Rose and Tails!" She said happily, giving them both a hug before stepping to let them and their parents in. "Mom and Dad are just finishing getting the barbeque prepped." She made a face. "Dad stopped me from helping at the barbeque itself though."

Danny grinned as he and Annette walked in. "Hey there, Ems, how's it going?"

Emma smiled. "It's good, Uncle Danny! Though I bet it'll be noisier with the munchkins."

"Hey!" two voices chimed behind her.

Emma grinned at the two as they pouted and then eventually giggled. Emma looked at the moths circling Taylor's head and the one resting on top of her hair. "Oh no! Is Dave the Twentieth alright?!" She asked.

Taylor looked a little morose. "He got swatted. I hope he'll be okay but…"

Emma grabbed Taylor's hand and led her in. "Well, come on then, we'd better write his story down, don't you think? Come on, Amy Rose, you can help! We'll see you soon, Auntie Annette, Uncle Danny! They're all, you know, out in the yard!"

Annette and Danny watched the three girls wander off and then walked towards the rear of the house, where they were greeted by Alan and Anne. Danny handed over their contribution to the night's cooking and Alan almost salivated as he saw the covered dish.

"Oh, you didn't!" He said, grinning.

"Sure did." Annette replied, "Fresh lasagna and one meatloaf. I made this one, unlike Danny, so it won't fall apart so easily unlike last time."

"I take no blame for that incident." Danny sniffed. "This is a conspiracy to keep me from cooking."

"Spoiling us again, I see." Zoe said, smiling and giving Annette a hug. "It's good to see you two."

"Hi Annette, hi Danny!" Anne chirped, then returned to fascinatedly watching her father set the grill up.

Annette nodded and smiled back. "Yeah. Been a busy day."

"Did it go well?" Zoe asked, a concerned frown on her face.

"As well as expected. Taylor was both cute and probably terrifying in that way she can be. I definitely know she made an impression, at least, and I think a friend."


"Apparently, they've got another young Ward, another little girl called Vista. Taylor and they seemed to have hit it off if Taylor's excited babbling on the way home was any indication. Still, I think she's waiting until the girl's met Amy. You know how they are. Thick as thieves."

"And terrifying to thieves, if Amy ever got powers." Alan commented, laying some sausages out on the grill.

"That too." Danny grimaced. "I don't like the idea of Amy getting powers. Not because it'd make her bad, but because of what they have to go through to get it. I already feel enough of a failure to have had poor Taylor get them…"

Annette wrapped an arm about her husband's waist. "It can't be helped, and it's happened. We just look after our girls as best we can."

"I guess." Danny sighed. He brightened at the smell of cooking food. "Anyway, she seems to be used to them, and she seems to be enjoying them. I think Emma accidentally getting her into entomology when she was younger really helped."

Upstairs in Emma's room, meanwhile, Emma had a large black notebook with the cover plastered in moth stickers open to an empty page. Taylor was holding the still-weak moth in her hands, bottom lip trembling. Amy was cuddling close to Taylor for comfort.

With a swish and a flick of a fountain pen she'd had bought for her, Emma titled the page in curled cursive: 'The Life and Times of Dave, Twentieth of His Name, Named King of the Rosy Maple Moths'.

She had to extend the title over a few lines at the top, but she didn't think Taylor would mind as she switched to a more normal pen.

"Alright, Tails, tell me his story." Emma prompted. "He might still come back from this, but it's best we get it down now."

Over the years, Emma had learned to handle the girl who was one of her little sisters in all but blood.

"Well, he's Dave. His parents were Darling and Dave the Nineteenth. He was born four months ago, under a full moon…"

Amy followed on, occasionally adding things she remembered. Like Emma, she'd been exposed enough to the moths to recognise them by sight, so she knew more than Emma and remembered some things differently from Taylor.

"…And then, in his fourth month of life, he was carelessly swatted by a noble hero, Triumph of the Wards of Brockton Bay," Emma intoned as she read back the last of what she'd written. "Only time would tell if he recovered." Taylor nodded, looking a lot less upset as she placed the moth on her hair again, the others fluttering about her head as always. Emma squinted at Dave the Twentieth. "I think he's looking a little better than when he came in."

Amy nodded and Taylor smiled. "Alright. Thanks, Knuckles."

Emma groaned at the nickname. Since they'd stuck each other with those nicknames from Sonic The Hedgehog, she'd regretted wanting to call herself Knuckles after her red hair when she'd found out that he'd been a boy character, but it'd been too late by then.

She closed the book and put it back in its place. A part of her would've thought that the whole 'writing down the moth's story' thing was dumb, but it was drowned out by the part that knew that Taylor took it seriously, and Taylor was her little sister. She'd always support her little sister. The same went for Amy's fascination with biology.

"Come on, squirts, better get downstairs now that we've done the important bits. Bet you're both hungry."

Taylor's stomach rumbled and she went red, following Emma down the stairs along with Amy.


Taylor followed both of her parents through the doors to the PRT HQ on their second meeting to confirm and finalise the paperwork.

Emily looked over at the happily humming little girls kicking their feet on the chairs as Danny and Annette filled in the last of the forms.

Amy looked oddly familiar to Emily. She knew the girl was adopted and she'd looked into the Heberts as a matter of protocol for all young prospective Wards. Everything had been above board, excepting that the name of her biological father had been classified.

Emily figured he'd been a villain, which didn't cast a good light on Annette and Danny, but on the other hand it was likely he was known to them in civilian guise rather than otherwise. She knew Annette had run with Lustrum back in the day as well, so potentially the girl might be related to her somehow? The girl's biological mother's name had not been classified, after all.

The classification had been actioned by her predecessor in Brockton Bay, not long before she'd come to the place, but while she could request for that to be lifted she didn't feel she had significant reason to do so.

As far as she could tell from the investigation, they were a loving, relatively normal family that loved each other. She'd bet they had skeletons in the closet somewhere – Danny was a representative and hiring manager for the Dockworker's Association, and they were always a tough breed. She knew of him from facing across tables during City Hall meetings occasionally.

Annette was a professor, and in good standing, but her past had been somewhat chequered before that, what with running with Lustrum and all that. But she'd exited the movement before it had gone too far.

Taylor, too, was an interesting girl. She was obviously very clever, and according to her school reports prone to leaps of logic and creativity that would probably be extremely scary when paired with her power. As cute as she was, Emily couldn't forget that she controlled literally every bug in her range. Power testing was set for later on that day, but Emily figured it wouldn't be hard to classify her as at least a Master 5 after some thought. Maybe higher ratings if she learned more about using said bugs.

Emily was also pretty sure she'd find some way to 'collect them all' as far as threat ratings went. Taylor seemed like the kind of girl who would do that. She was clever and probably could be driven when she wanted to be. She reminded Emily a little of Colin – focusing on one thing with laser precision when she did.

Still, she pondered, combining Taylor with Vista's power, trying to see how the two's powers interacted, would definitely be to their advantage. And Rory was a good leader of the Wards, he'd look after the two of them. His power wouldn't work too well with Taylor's but he definitely worked well with Vista.

She had thoughts about a couple of the other, older Wards and combining them, but after a conversation with Glenn Chambers over the pair of youngest she had, she was definitely going to follow on his advice to keep Vista and Taylor (tentative name Miss Moth or Rosy Maple).

The old joke about the first two letters of 'PRT' being the most important wasn't always a joke, and Emily knew it well. Their effectiveness was heavily focused on perception of them, but that also extended to the Protectorate.

With Vista and Taylor, she had a perfect chance to score the kind of PR victory that other cities only dreamed of. Both of them were cute, imaginative, enthusiastic and friendly. So often, heroes, even Wards, were standoffish. Emily didn't like parahumans, but she could tolerate them. Those two she could tolerate better, though. They were only young, and just wanted to have fun.

Brockton Bay was tough on Wards. They got into scrapes, and she was glad that she had two powerful younger wards, and Rory should be very protective of the pair. She'd seen him around his little cousin at functions, and he always kept an eye on her..

If she played her cards right with them, she could make it clear to all parents in Brockton Bay that the Wards was the place to go to for their parahuman children, and not independence or villainy. The more of them she managed to do that with, the less scum on the streets.

She was glad Glenn was going to handle the two personally. Slimy and ultra-focused on PR he might be, but he was effective. And even under it all, he had a core of morality and intelligence she knew the girls would pick up on.

"So, Taylor." Emily said as she sat back in her chair, staring directly at the eight-year-old. "Did you enjoy meeting Vista?"

"Uh huh! I want her to meet Amy first before I decide but she's a real nice person!"

Emily looked between the two as Amy nodded. "You two are close?"

"We're sisters!" Taylor said, as if that answered everything. It probably did, Emily reflected. "So we stick together in everything!"

"Yes!" Amy said. She quietened down at Emily's look. Clearly the more shy of the pair, her gaze was a little challenging, even so. Emily could see a future of snark in that girl's face.

Reminded her of herself, really.

Annette and Danny helped Taylor sign a few things in messy, scrawly handwriting, while Emily had a mostly one-sided, mono-worded on Amy's, side conversation with the unpowered sister. They leaned back when they were done and Emily took a moment to check the paperwork over.

"Well, that all looks good." She held a hand out to Taylor, shook it, then did so for the three others. Amy, she included because it would have been rude not to and the girl was sweet, if not potentially sharp-tongued when she'd let slip mutterings during their conversation. "I'll have a trooper escort you to the power testing labs, if that's OK?"


Taylor wandered into the power testing room along with her parents and her sister, the two little girls 'ooh'ing and 'aah'ing at the place. It was a large room, clearly designed to test different kinds of parahuman abilities – from Brutes to Shakers to Masters.

One of the scientists in the room approached them with a clipboard and shook Annette and Danny's hands before leaning down to do the same to Amy and Taylor.

"Hi there, Miss Hebert, I'm Doctor Patel." She said, smiling at the two of them. "I'll be supervising the tests today, along with Doctor Smith."

Taylor giggled at the name and Danny rolled his eyebrows. "I told you we shouldn't have shown her some of those old sci-fi shows."

"Danger, danger Will Robinson!" Taylor parroted, making her arms wiggle like the robot's had in the show. Doctor Smith smiled patiently at her, obviously used to that kind of teasing. That and it was hard to get mad at Taylor given she seemed to blurt everything she thought out at once.

Doctor Patel cleared her throat, smiling. "Anyway. We'll be testing you with your bugs and also your multitasking."

"My multitasking? Whatcha mean?" Taylor asked, looking confused.

Doctor Patel shook her head. "I'll not dumb it down for you – humans just can't concentrate on many things at once, if even more than one. You, on the other hand, reportedly can focus on everything your bugs are doing down to at least a group level."

Taylor nodded. "Uh huh! I can tell every one of my bugs what to do at any time and all different things!" She demonstrated by having the moths around her head flutter in individually distinct patterns above her head, Dave the Twentieth at the centre of the group, having recovered from his ordeal.

Taylor was happy about that – she wanted to breed him so as to continue his line of Moths and make the family tree even longer.

She smiled sunnily up at Doctor Patel, who nodded. "That's exactly what I mean. That kind of ability to multitask must be a power all by itself, you know?"

"Ooh! Really?"

"Yes." Doctor Patel beamed enthusiastically at Taylor. "I'm glad you agree it's cool!"

"It is!" Taylor enthused. "Wow, I didn't think it was a different superpower to my bugs!"

Annette and Danny exchanged a look, smiling, as Doctor Patel took Taylor over to a table on which there sat several clear plastic tubs. "Now, Taylor, can you feel these bugs?"

Taylor looked over the boxes and nodded, pointing at them. "That one's got fruit flies in it, and that one's got caterpillars and that one's got spiders in it…" She pointed at the one third from the left. "I can't feel anything in there, though, what's in there?"

Doctor Smith took the lid off and brought out a huge snail, easily bigger than the size of his hand. "This is Boris, he's my pet Giant African Land Snail. I had to have him imported and special permits. You can't control him?"

"Nope!" Taylor said cheerfully, then looked thoughtful. "I wonder why? He's a creepy crawly but I guess snails and slugs aren't bugs because I can't control them either." She fidgeted as she looked at the huge snail.

"You want to hold him a moment?" Doctor Smith asked, and Taylor nodded.

"Uh huh!"

The man handed over the snail to Taylor, who had her arms full just holding it. "Oh! He's all slimy!" Taylor giggled. "He's so big an' heavy, I love him! Ames!" She called over.

Amy approached reluctantly at first until Taylor held out the snail. She looked at Doctor Smith and he nodded. Amy took the giant snail and giggled like Taylor had. "Oh he is slimy! But he's cool!"

Taylor left the snail in her sister's capable arms and beamed up at Doctor Smith. "Well, it seems weird I can't control them, but also I guess it makes sense because slugs an' snails are mollusks and not insects or arachnids and it seems like I pretty much control all of them instead but I love Boris, can I come see him sometime? He's so big an' slimy and he's all pretty coloured and I didn't know snails got this big! Well, not the land ones anyway, I know there's sea snails and sea slugs that get really big including a banana coloured one but they're from the sea!"

Doctor Smith just looked overwhelmed a moment, before shaking himself. "Well, you'd be welcome to say hello to Boris sometimes, though I don't tend to keep him on-base."

"Oh," Taylor wilted a moment, but then perked up, "But when you do, I'll love to come see him!"

Doctor smith ruffled her hair and leaned down to Amy. "May I have him back now, Miss Hebert?" He asked gently, and Amy nodded, handing the huge snail over to the man.

"He's gross! I love him! Gross things are always fun, even if Mom doesn't really approve!" Amy declared, her freckled face moving into a pout.

"Alright, Taylor, we've shown you can pick them up. Has there been anything that's stopped you feeling the bugs around you, any material or anything?"

"Nope!" Taylor said brightly. "Every bug everywhere I am!"

They scratched notes on their clipboards. "And how many bugs are in range?"

"A lot!" Taylor said. "We're closer to the ground and the kitchens and basement are nearby so there's more of them than when they asked in Miss Emily's office!"

Doctor Patel leaned in. "I see. Where is the basement from here, and where's the kitchen?" Taylor pointed in the right direction for each of the two rooms. "Very interesting. Proprioception from all of her bugs, perhaps?"

"Could be. I definitely think that's a Thinker rating." Doctor Smith said. "In addition to her multitasking. That's another potent combination."

"Wow! I argued with people on a website about bug control and they all said it would suck but you really seem to like it which is great because I love bugs!" Taylor enthused. "And then I got banned because you're supposed to be over thirteen to post there which is really dumb, but then I got told off by Mom and she's always right so maybe it wasn't so dumb, but anyway they were all like 'bugs are dumb and gross, why would anyone wanna control them' and not one of them said that bugs would be cool and it was really upsetting but you know what I'm better than that because I love bugs and bugs love me! So there!"

Taylor pouted and stamped her foot, before giggling. The two doctors looked at one another, then at Taylor and Doctor Patel snickered.

"Thinker and Stranger rating for her talking, perhaps."

The rest of the power testing passed in a haze of activity, Taylor demonstrating her control over the bugs, how intricate it was in small-scale and how she could have them work together. They noted how the rosy maple moths fluttering about her head stayed there even as she was doing other things.

Getting her to entirely focus could be tricky; she had a tendency for her mind (and mouth) to wander into tangents but once she was focused it was almost scary how sharp it became.

They did test her for the other ratings. She received a minor Brute subrating, because she did have some resistance to the pain and they'd noticed her shunting it into her swarm. They didn't go far, for obvious reasons. When she demonstrated making spiders weave silk into usable thread – Doctor Patel had to step away due to arachnophobia, never mind that they were black widows the girl was using – they added a Tinker rating on too.

In the end, jokes aside, they'd tentatively agreed on her powerset and Doctor Patel knelt in front of Taylor, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for being so good during all this testing today, Taylor." She said warmly. "I think we've got a good idea of your powers and versatility as a ward."

"I did good?"

"You did great." Doctor Smith said, smiling down at her. He'd handed Boris back to Amy, who was giggling as she let the huge snail slither across her arms. "Best subject we've had since Vista."

"I like Vista, she's nice!" Taylor said, beaming. Doctor Patel gave her another smile.

"Good, because I think we'll be having them team the two of you up. Your powers would synergize – work together-"

"I know what that word is silly, Mom's an English Professor, so she knows all the fancy words!" Taylor giggled.

"Well, you'd work together very well. There's some testing we'd like to do with both of you when you're established, but I'm going to tell you this: if anyone ever tells you that your powers are lame, I can definitively tell you, as an expert on the subject like your Mom is with English, that they're really good. Even if I'm scared of spiders, making silk is really cool and I'd love to see if we can't get you helping the costume department. Maybe that doll cape rogue can help. But your powers are awesome, OK?"

"OK!" Taylor said, beaming. Doctor Patel ruffled her curly hair.

"Attagirl. But I will say this – did you ever read Spiderman?"

"Nope!" Taylor asked. "Was he like me?"

"No, he had spider powers and not bug control, he was from an old comic. But his uncle told him – 'with great power comes great responsibility'. It means you need to respect your powers as much as you enjoy them, and only use them for good things like beating villains and helping people, OK?"

"OK!" Taylor said, nodding enthusiastically.

"Well then," Doctor Smith said as Doctor Patel stood up. "We've got a few sets of tests to run off the back of this testing but it needs a week or two to set up and get permission, OK?"

"Alright!" Taylor said.

Amy handed Boris back to Doctor Smith and the family left the room, Taylor chattering away to Amy about the power testing.

Armsmaster was standing outside of the room, idly tinkering with something on his gauntlet that he stashed away as soon as the family approached.

"Ah, hello." He said after a moment's pause. Taylor's eyes grew round.

"Armsmaster!" She squeaked. "H-hello!"

His bearded chin tilted up as he smiled and held out his hand. "I'd like to officially welcome you to the Wards, Taylor."

Her tiny hand reached out and he took it in his huge, gauntleted one. "Oh…" She said, looking a little overwhelmed. "Th-thank you!"

He smiled again. His smile was warm and unfeigned. She'd seen him on TV before and he always seemed a bit robotic and tired and his smiles seemed forced but this one was warm and kind and she loved it. It made him seem like a person rather than a great big stern thing.

"I hope we work well together; I at the moment am the one who runs Brockton Bay's Wards program, though they are discussing moving command over to the PRT Director."

Taylor nodded, then took Amy's hand and dragged her sister forwards.

"This is my sister, Amy!" She said. Armsmaster shook her hand, too, and then her parents'.

"Well then, Taylor." He said, though it sounded a little scripted to her. "And Amy of course. The other wards have gathered. They won't be able to tell you their names yet, at least with Amy around, but once you're in properly they can choose to. Would you like that?" Taylor and Amy nodded, and he looked at Annette and Danny. "If that's fine with you. You may come along as well."

"We'd like that." Annette answered.
Calling it now: Amy will trigger when Taylor or Vista get hurt doing Ward things...

And then the ABB will attack Emma.

And then three children will show the world the true meaning of terror tactics.

(And they will still be the cutest group ever.)
The only thing that feels off about this, is the part where they make Taylor sign things. That feels sleazy and wrong.

All involved know , that that signature is not worth anything. You can make kids that age sign whatever and it would mean nothing. Maybe change that to having one of her parents sign something for her? And explain to her, that she will have to sign it when she is old enough?
Age change is a bit irritating, as it feels like it was meaningless, and done for no real reason. Know that there's likely one, but it still feels like it.

Still like the fic, just bugs me.

Also, where's Anne, Emma's big sister?