Flying Circus - Ghibli Inspired Aviation Fantasy RPG!

A quick question, is there a list with all the moves in one location? The book does a good job explaining how they work but I'd like to be able to just give my group a quick cheat sheet to look at.
My brother and I have purchased the version, and we're having fun before even having played it! But I'd really like to know, where is the Aircraft Engineering PDF? It's mentioned on page 11 of the Core Book, but I can't find it on any of the websites!
It sounds like they're still polishing up the design rules a bit; they're not quite ready for release yet. The Aircraft Design Company Quest has a lot of interesting info on how the design rules have come together (and continue to come together). The full design rules are supposed to be ready SOON(tm) as I understand it. I'm eager for them too.
So if I have this right, the Worker can start with two airplanes? One as their normal starting aircraft, the other as one specifically for their family? Or does that Asset modify the starting craft?
So if I have this right, the Worker can start with two airplanes? One as their normal starting aircraft, the other as one specifically for their family? Or does that Asset modify the starting craft?
They can, indeed, start with two airplanes, though their family one will generally not be suited for combat.
Is the family plane handled narratively, or mechanically? As in, do we have to figure out what the family plane is, or can we just say, "Some plane with a lot of seats, I guess."
I would think this one could go either way, depending on the needs of the campaign. For example, you could treat it as a glorified houseboat or riverboat and it's just always "around" when you're not doing dangerous things(unless your family is being threatened, but that's another trope). Or your party might decide that your family plane would make a good centerpiece for a gig, using it to move vital resources that enemy forces might try to shoot down and recover for themselves, in which case it would be very important to know what kind of plane it is.

The specific entry could deal with some clarification. Without reading here, a group could easily not look too hard when a Worker comes into the game with a nice plane they have no business starting with, complete with guns, while they relegate their family to a beat-up Used Markgraf Volksfestung A that is technically their starting plane. Obviously a good GM shouldn't allow this kind of behavior, but I've seen worse crap snuck past the radar.

I honestly can't think of anywhere in the Playbook that such a rules path would fit(literally, those things are filled to the brim), but a note in their Corebook entry might me good? Like mentioning they can't be armed or traded(except for other non-combat planes that fulfill the same purpose?) and such. edit: If it's even necessary? I can see that happening and it being played off as the Worker thinking of their family as a burden rather than, well, their family. That the character is willing to cut corners to give themselves nice things at their family's expense.
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In the next version I put out, I'm going to put in two non-combat planes and two airships on an extra page, one of which will be a perfect family transport for workers that won't be armed.
Purchased, and I am already trying to hack out a simplified system for spacefuturistic planes hammered together out of random gubbins so I can run Flyboy Kwest Too; Fly 'Arder on it.
I'm actually part of a game that's being put together right now on Discord. Hasn't started yet, but I've had a lot of fun trying to figure out what I'm even doing.
i thought using the witch power to make something fly made its weapons not work?
gonna favor a specfic style of launch and retrival system for the carriers or going for a mix in which each kind has ups and downs?
IIRC, the plane builder rules already has "Zeppelin Hooks", which are, as far as I can tell, the Akron style trapeeze/hook arrangement.

Although, if the rules allow for building really big airships, I could totally see an airship being built so large it could use the normal carrier flight deck arrangement.
IIRC, the plane builder rules already has "Zeppelin Hooks", which are, as far as I can tell, the Akron style trapeeze/hook arrangement.

Although, if the rules allow for building really big airships, I could totally see an airship being built so large it could use the normal carrier flight deck arrangement.
Given the right airship and airplane combination, you could get away with a very short runway. With a low stallspeed and an aurship pushing 70 knots, you can do a lot.
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IIRC, the plane builder rules already has "Zeppelin Hooks", which are, as far as I can tell, the Akron style trapeeze/hook arrangement.

Although, if the rules allow for building really big airships, I could totally see an airship being built so large it could use the normal carrier flight deck arrangement.
pusher planes could also use a tow hook method where the pilot catches a tow line with a nose mounted ring and gets winched in.
A bit late in the era for a B-17, though we have the WW1 equivalent in the Handley-Paige O/400. There will indeed be airship carriers though!

Yay for flying carriers! :) The bomber thing is mainly for having large, heavy planes bristling with dozens of guns being used as heavy escorts for convoys. Something similar to a Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI being used as a gunship-type plane. If we can get big armored seaplanes or flying navy ships, even better! Speaking of which...are seaplanes and navy ships a viable thing in this system?
Yay for flying carriers! :) The bomber thing is mainly for having large, heavy planes bristling with dozens of guns being used as heavy escorts for convoys. Something similar to a Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI being used as a gunship-type plane. If we can get big armored seaplanes or flying navy ships, even better! Speaking of which...are seaplanes and navy ships a viable thing in this system?
I'm fairly certain that naval ships are abstracted as "set dressing with guns that the players could maybe use" on them - ie., the only things statted are the ship's health and armor class, as well as it's weapons. So, you know how much damage from >APx (x being the ship's armor value) weapons is needed to sink the ship, as well as the damage output and hits per round of it's guns (likely just the AA guns, with the main guns instead being a Move tied to the ship itself, with a multi-round cooldown), and that's about it.

For ships that can go 10 kph or faster there's also a speed stat.