Scheduled vote count started by fearsome hill on Jul 4, 2024 at 7:49 AM, finished with 14 posts and 13 votes.
fearsome hill threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Escaping Total: 2
2 2
fearsome hill threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Frying gangers Total: 6
6 6
fearsome hill threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Psychic phenomena Total: 67
67 67
Last edited:
Blood and Thunder
With the gangers dispersing back into the hab ruins to find comfortable spots for ambush, you begin to take your leave to find a new ruin to call home, having to abandon the one you had been living in was a bitter pill but you had little choice. Better to leave than to get in a fig-
"What was that" one of the gangers says, raised from his reverie by the clatter of a bottle falling down from your clumsy attempt at sneaking around.
"An who the fuck are-" the gang leader turns towards you, ready for a fight but his expression turns from anger to bloodthirsty joy as he recognizes you, the psyker besides him cringes "It's 'im lads, the fucking moron showed himself" He begins to step towards you. He is even bulkier up close, grotesque muscles bulging in unnatural ways.

"Now, i ain't the most pleasant of peoples but the client paid many pretty thrones for you to be delivered as whole and as unconscious as possible, so tell me what will it be? Us beating you black or blue or gills here doing a little one two with his brainy powers?" The gangers demonstrates the former option with a little too much enthusiasm, breaking the already broken wall further with his fist.
The mention of a client brings visions of the black garbed Psykana officers, of the darkened hulls of ships where people like you wail for their lives, of a great golden giant picking you up before consuming you whole.
The restraint you have learned slips as rage fills your heart. You will not be taken, alive or dead, and if this man wants to take you? he will die.
"Well, what will it be scrawny, a beating? Come on, say a beating. Do it, fight back, give me a reason to beat your ass" The burly man grins at you.
Power begins to swell inside you, the blaze in your soul burning brighter and brighter as small crackles of electricity emanate from the edges of your cloak into the ground, the leader has only a moment to become alarmed as his psyker begins to run as fast as he can. This distraction is all you need, though blinded by the light of your soul, you release a barrage of psychic lightning.

The hound laughs as the walls of the ruin begin to weep blood

The leader of the gangers explodes in blood and thunder. Although the target of your anger is dead, you cannot see this and thus continue the assault, soon all that is left of him is crater of molten gravel. You still continue, two of the ganger's lackeys catch stray bolts of lightning, exploding in gore while their compatriots flee.

The hound laughs as the weakling looses control.

You have to stop, the fight is over, you know this, it must be. Still the power and the anger flow as lightning strikes. You have to stop it, stop it, stop.
Pain lances through your arm as bolts of lightning are launched from them, stronger and stronger, reducing the ruins to rubble.

The hound laughs as the sorcerer is once more betrayed by his power.

You attempt to calm down, to control the power, direct it once more, calm it. You try many things but nothing works. Power spews from your soul in bolts of lightning, they sear the ground and your skin. You see nothing for the light blinds you.
Eventually the pain takes hold, you fall to the ground, limp and discharging small amounts of electricity

When you awaken it is in pain and... in a bed? Yes it is definitely a bed that you are laying down in.
Panic overtakes you, looking around you are in a... small hab room, the gill faced man looks at your, a short silver mohawk on his head. He looms over you, excited for some reason.
"Thank the forces, you live" he says
"Wh-" the words die in your throat, it hurts so much but you try again. "where am I?"
"You are in my apartment my lord, I rescued you after you fought off those gangers"
"Weren't you one of them?"
"No my lord, Brutus had simply needed my services. Once I saw you I knew who my true master was"
"What do you mean" talking so much is agony but simply cannot not know
"The forces sent me a vision, of a lord wreathed in lightning. The man who would be my master. I have served under petty gangers and other despots since, searching for you. Please my lord, let me serve you, I can help you."
You consider him, the man did not in fact point out your location to the gangers but that may have been a tactic to try and capture you. Even now he may simply be tricking you, Psykana officers may be hiding behind the doors of this hab room, ready to burst in.
What to do?

[]"Fine, let me rest" You will stay with the gill faced man and make use of his help
[]"No" You will not accept the strangers offer
-[]Write in what you do

(Gained traits: Infamy I, Wounded V,)
Shilling for summerfest

The Summerfest Storytelling Showdown

Welcome, Denizens of Sufficient Velocity... I'm sure most of you must be feeling quite alarmed right now. After all, just minutes ago you were probably minding our own business elsewhere on the forum, browsing User Fiction, checking your News Feed, getting into arguments in N&P. And then...

Not too long ago, in a thread far far away, a competition was started to encourage the creation of new quests and other orignal content.
Now i ask you to please go into that thread, look through the entries and react to any you like with the sun emote.
(To bribe encourage you people to vote for me, every sun emote on my post in that thread is going to be a +2 that can be assigned to actions freely)
[X]"Fine, let me rest" You will stay with the gill faced man and make use of his help

It seems we've hit the Chaos Route, great, we just urgently need more power and control.