Fate: The Curators

Part 3 An Ally is Gained

"Listen Garen, I know you like working alone, but sooner or later you're gonna find yourself in a situation where you'll need help. As such, I suggest making friends and convincing them to join your group. It will make jobs easier and increase your chance of survival among the Curators. I have three people in mind currently. A female human named, Lyria Lightsong. A male manticore named Olus Diuseiusius, and finally a female scitmarrian named Greyda Halledotr."

The last words Prisca spoke to you do have merit. You've been a lone wolf ever since you joined the Curators. It isn't because you don't like people or working with others, it's just that well you're not trusting and too many people have sold you out before.

You still remember the last group of people you've worked with…'Alas' Legion.' A group of orkish technomancers that claimed to be trying to develop a new way of travel. You believe they called it 'Warp Jump.' It was supposed to allow ships to travel through the Astral Plane or Plane of Souls to make travel incredibly short and fast. It was a noble goal and you did your best to contribute to it, however they weren't exactly fond of sentient AIs. They believed that robots with free-will would overthrow all biological entities and throw Argonda into an age of Machines. When they found out you were a sentient AI well...long story short you were escaping from their ship that was plummeting into a makeshift Singularity.

Still, it was better to have a team or at least a partner backing you up and assisting you whenever things went south.

You pick up your sword and walk out of your room. You've decided the most logical thing to do would be to get a partner or partners and make a team.

"I should go find….Lyria….Lyria Lightsong. Her record states that she has been in numerous battles and always came out victorious. Well at least 90% of the time. Not only that, but she is an apprentice in Light Magic a.k.a Restoration and Anti-Evil/Undead magic which could be extremely useful."

You continue on to the War Room where you think she'll be and continue weighing the good and bad things about her. Overall, there are a lot more good and benefits than bad and disadvantages.

When you arrive at the War Room, you see a woman wearing the classic golden armor of a female warpriest/paladin. Her hair is a long white gold, her face is that of a normal caucasian human with a fair set and a smooth complexity, and she has two tawny color eyes that seem to glow with a fiery passion.

You continue to stare until you notice that she's having a one on one fight with the hardest training droid in Wyldfall!

Lyria Lightsong Roll: -1 + Fighting Skill 3 + Primi Sanguinis Occisor 2 = 4 good

Droid Roll: +2 + Fighting Skill 4 + Twin Magitech Fists 2 = 8 legendary

Droid Wins by 4 = Succeed with Style

Lyria holds her sword up to face in a horizontal position and gets into a stance about to thrust/lung at the sword. After two seconds, she uses her light magic to aid her in her lung and charges straight at the droid hoping to pierce its chest and stab its reactor. However, the droid was prepared and when the sword gets into reach it swings with its right arm with the force of a thousand bulls sending it to the right and throwing Lyria off balance. The droid proceeds to in case its left fist with a electric green glow and punches Lyria right in the gut. To finish the battle the droid grabs Lyria by the collar and throws her out of the ring.

Lyria goes flying out of the ring at supersonic speeds and would have hit the steel walls, if you didn't get in her path and grab her.

"Question: are you the human recreation center known as Lyria Lightsong?"

Lyria quickly frees herself from your grasp and stands up straight looking at you.

"If by 'human recreation center, you mean a female human then yes. And, who are you? Also, thanks for saving me."

"No problem friend. I am Garen and I have come to present a golden opportunity to you." When you finish speaking your eyes and right hand get covered in blue flames. You extend your right hand waiting for her to do the same so you two can shake.

"I didn't know they accepted daemons into the Curators. Well, whatever it is this opportunity is, I don't want nothing to do with it. Now leave before I send you back to hell!"

"I'm not a daemon! I'm a…….senti….hum…...human. I am a human being just like you. I wanted to ask you to become my partner because you posses a lot of skills that I need, and because if we work together than our chances of survival increase by 20%."

"Really, partners and why would I want that? What skills do you have that could benefit me, and How do I know you won't just betray me?"

Garen's eyes go dark and his voice goes cold...void of emotion. "Response: Listen Meatbag! My skills are my own, but know that they far exceed yours in many fields. I'm better than you at hacking, learning, calculating, ferromancy, fleshcraft, mechanical repairs, crafting, disguises, and tactics. In short, I'm better than you when comes to not using your brain and not just stabby stabby shooty shooty!"

You see her face turn into a menacing scowl, the light around her dims, and her hair slowly rises. You're 100% sure that you made her mad, but Lyria is a warrior and warriors respect courage.

She raises her blade and swings down at you in a vertical slash. You hold your ground and refuse to flinch. She swings down and stops right before it hits your neck.

The light around turns back to normal and her face turns into a smug grin. She pulls out a book and puts her hand on it.

"You have courage my friend. Even in the face of death itself, you did not flinch once. I admire that good man."

Lyria proceeds to speak in a unknown language that deludes you for a bit.

Garen Learning Roll: +2 + Learning 3 + Amulet of Intelligence 1 = 6 fantastic Victory

Needed: 3 good

Total: 3 good victory

It takes only a second for you to completely learn the language.

She said, "I Lyria Lightsong, protector of all that is holy and just in Argonda pledge on my soul that for as long as I live, Garen and I will be partners that work together to defy the forces of evil."

You repeat the phrase perfectly in the same language as her.

You both shake hands and burn a page of the book together while it stays in your hands.

"Well, I guess I'll move into your room, give me a bit to pack my things. Where is your room exactly Garen?"

"It's on the 4th floor of the Alpha Newton Sector. Door 210."


Lyria proceeds to walk off to her room.


While back in your room, you decide to practice your persuasion while waiting for Lyria. If you're going to be working with people then you need to be able to convince them to do what you want. You don't want an idiot taking over or having a revolt on your hands.

You open up your interface and access the Curators network known only as Wyldnet. You begin the boring process of watching videos and reading things that give tips on how to persuade people. You're basically learning about psychology.

Learning Roll: +1 + Learning 3 + Amulet of Intelligence 1 = 5 superb victory

Needed: 2 fair

Total: 3 good victory

You finish your studies and understand the biological mind even more than you used to.

What do you do now?

[ ] Get a Mission

[ ] Socialize with random people

[ ] Train….

[ ] Craft….

[ ] Learn….

[ ] Find Olus Diuseiusius

[ ] Find Greyda Halledotr

[ ] Earn some credits

[ ] Create an Official Sub-Sect in the Curators

[ ] Spend time with Lyria

[ ] Write In


Ally Gained: Lyria Lightsong

Fair Skill Gained: Persuasion

Average Skill Gained: Translator

Translator: Allows you to translate foreign languages easily

Persuasion: Allows you to persuade people easily

I'll update the character sheet and NPC sheet later
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Jesus Christ, that Droid.

[X] Write-in: Get permission to study the Droid, then do so.
-[X] Apply whatever we learn from it to ourselves.
-[X] If we don't get permission:
--[X] Spend time with Lydia

We're fucking robots. Remember that.

Edit: That better, Citino?
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[X] Write-in: Get permission to study the Droid, then do so.
-[X] Apply whatever we learn from it to ourselves.
-[X] If we don't get permission:
--[X] Spend time with Lydia

Always get to know who you're fighting beside first. Though I'm not adverse to learning from the other robot.
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Jesus Christ, that Droid.

[X] Write-in: Get permission to study the Droid, then do so.
-[X] Apply whatever we learn from it to ourselves.
-[X] If we don't get permission:
--[X] Spend time with Lydia

We're fucking robots. Remember that.

Edit: That better, Citino?
What exactly are you looking to learn from the Droid?
[X] Write-in: Get permission to study the Droid, then do so.
-[X] Apply whatever we learn from it to ourselves.
-[X] If we don't get permission:
--[X] Spend time with Lydia
[X] Write-in: Get permission to study the Droid, then do so.
-[X] Apply whatever we learn from it to ourselves.
-[X] If we don't get permission:
--[X] Spend time with Lydia
Voting Closed.
Happy New YEARS!

I'll update sometime today perhaps or tomarrow
Part 4 Mysterious Droid

The Wyldfall Ultimate Droid known only as Primordial belongs to the self adaptive Stellar Monarch Class. Little is known about it, but people claim that it was around since the beginning of the Curators. They say that it is as old as Wyldfall and was invented by the original inhabitants of it. The current understanding of Primordial is that it is a self adapting droid made to be the perfect weapon in any field of combat. Research is currently on standby due to the disappearance of the head researcher Louie.

"Computer what happened to Louie?"

Louie disappeared approximately 5 years ago. He was last seen on the planet Chalengor in the Northern Regalia sector of the Argonda galaxy. He was on Chalengor because his ship picked up a strange energy reading that was unknown to all current data bases in Wyldfall. He vanished 5 minutes after landing on the planet's surface.

"Computer, would it be okay for me to begin studying the Primordial in hopes of learning from it?"

It would be okay, but unfortunately Louie put an eternity code on it. No one in the Curators have been able to crack it. If you are able to crack it then go ahead and study the Primordial, but if you're not able to then finding Louie would be your best bet.

"Alright then, Computer please display the eternity code. I'll see if I can solve it."

Learning Roll: -1 + Amulet of Intelligence 1 +Learning 3

Calculating Roll: 0 + Calculating 3

Hacking Roll: +3 + Hacking 4

Translator Roll: 0 + Translator 1

Machine Aspect: +2

Total: 16

Needed: 14

Fair Victory for Garen

Eternity Codes. The bane of Garen's existence. An Eternity Code is an made up language created by the programer for a super secret password that little to no one can solve. It would have taken centuries for people to crack this one, but Garen was made to be the ultimate AI.

It takes a good amount of hours, but you're able to crack it. The password was…'Children Card Games.'

With the eternity code cracked and solved you go off to begin studying the Primordial.



Hacking Roll: 0 + Hacking 4

Calculating Roll: +2 + Calculating 3

Learning Roll: 0 + Learning 3 + Amulet of Intelligence 1

Machine Aspect: +2

Deus Ex Machina Stunt: +2

Total: 17


Ancient Technology Aspect: +7

Ancient Magic Aspect: +7

Firewall Roll: 0 + Firewall 5

Total: 19

Fair Victory for the Primordial

"Damn you! Damn you Primordial! Damn you and your creators to hell!"

Unfortunately, even with all of Garen's processing power the Primordial is far too ancient and advance for him to even begin to contemplate its existence. Whenever you thought you figured it out, it would just adapt to your tactics and make itself 10x harder than it previously was.

Defeated by the Primordial, you go off back to your room. You will have to try again later and probably get someone or something to help you.


When you arrive back at your room, you notice that it is completely different and no longer its blank white space with just a bed and workshop.

The room is now a combination of futuristic technology and medieval fantasy. The two elements blend together in perfect harmony. The room now resembles that of a royal bedroom with a good amount of other things. You're pretty sure the room itself is about 5x bigger than it previously was.

In the newly added king size bed, you see Lyria there sleeping. Judging by the peaceful look on her face you can deduce that she is having a nice dream.

What do you do now?

[ ] Get a Mission

[ ] Socialize with random people

[ ] Train….

[ ] Craft….

[ ] Learn….

[ ] Find Olus Diuseiusius

[ ] Find Greyda Halledotr

[ ] Earn some credits

[ ] Create an Official Sub-Sect in the Curators

[ ] Spend time with Lyria

[ ] Try to learn more about Wyldfall

[ ] Try to learn from the Droid again

[ ] Go find Louie

[ ] Go with Lyria

[ ] Go without Lyria

[ ] Write In


Feedback is appreciated

Thanks for still being apart of this quest

Sorry if this update was very meh

Due to the lack of votes and since the only two votes are unanimous, I am calling the votes and will update later on today if not early early early tomorrow