Rules For Creation


During the Third Holy Grail War of Fuyuki, the Einzberns attempted to hack the system to summon a god.
What they got was a black-haired girl with an ahoge.
Avenger was slaughtered, the Third ended without a result, and the Fourth War rolled around.
This time, both the war's Archer and Rider bared an uncanny resemblance to the Third's Avenger. Meanwhile, the Saber was also eerily familiar. What's more, Servants of Evil, those who could not be called "heroes" had been Summoned.
The War had its clash, and the Grail manifested tainted. Saber and Archer busted out their mightiest Phantasms. The manifested Grail was torn open, and Fuyuki suffered the devastation of flames.
Ten years later, the War starts anew, and everyone asks one question:
Why are all the Servants practically identical?!

Yes, it's another damn Grail War RP. This time, our gimmick is fairly obvious: Every Servant is required to be a Saber Clone of one form or another. Masters, on the other hand, are not required to be Saber Clones, though you get bonus points for doing so.
Character creation is as follows, utilising the Fate/FATE system made by @BlackHadou :
Okay, time for the part most of you are interested in. How to make a Servant. To begin with, each Servant belongs to a specific Class. The Classes you can select from are as follows.

Class Strength Agility Endurance Mana Luck
Saber A B B C D
Lancer B A C D E
Archer C C C E E
Rider D B D C E
Caster E C E A B
Assassin D B D E B
Berserker C D D E E
The above table represents the base attributes of a Servant in each class. You may subtract one point from one stat, lowering its letter grade by 1, and increase a different stat by 1. However, you may only do this up to four times. To actually increase your stats above the baseline, you must purchase it with Refresh Points, noted below. A Servant cannot have a lower attribute level then E.

You will note only the default classes have been represented here. All other class choices will have to go through GM approval, and thus your default stats will be given elsewhere.

These letter grades translate into the following for the purposes of dice rolls:
  • A = +9
  • B = +8
  • C = +7
  • D = +6
  • E = +5
It is possible to gain a higher then A-rank level in a stat. These bonuses beyond A-rank are donated by +'s. Normally under Nasu rules, these are Rank-ups, but we will not be utilising Rank-up rules in this system under normal circumstances, as it's difficult to account for and balance.

There is a hard cap on a stat of A+++, or +12. This donates a rank in a stat higher then the rank of Excalibur, but below a unrankable quantity like Ea. You are not permitted to have a higher level then this in a attribute.

Likewise, a Servant is also given 15 Skill Points to put into skills. Unlike points bought with refresh, these points must be put into skills. Skills are divided into two categories, Public Skills and Private Skills. Public Skills can be found here. These are skills that show up under your Servants name on the Book of Masters, and confer special benefits as per their descriptions.

Private Skills refer to skills that, while they see use, often in combat, they are not viewable on the Book of Masters. Skills in this category are things like Swordsmanship, Spearmanship, Medical skills, Science skills, etc. Generally, a Servants only Private Skills will be the ones relating to their fighting style, as they will be well known enough for their greater talents that they will be considered Public Skills.

If in doubt, ask if a skill would be Public or Private. In general, if there is a Public Skill that does what you are seeking to do, then you should select the Public Skill.

A skill can be purchased for 1 Skill Point, and is added to the character sheet at Rank E. By spending another Skill Point, a skills rank can be increased by a single rank, up to a maximum of a A-Rank. While skills can go above A-Rank, doing so with Skill Points may only be done with the GM's permission.

A Servant must purchase their Class Skills as Public Skills. These skills are noted below:
  • Saber: Magic Resistance and Riding
  • Lancer: Magic Resistance
  • Archer: Magic Resistance and Independent Action
  • Rider: Riding and Magic Resistance
  • Caster: Territory Creation and Item Construction
  • Assassin: Presence Concealment
  • Berserker: Mad Enhancement
Finally, a Servant gains up to 2 Noble Phantasms for free. As Noble Phantasms are very free-form, speak to the GM about them if you have questions. A Noble Phantasm is based off a Servants legend, and as a result their effects vary wildly. Just remember, a average Noble Phantasm is one of B-rank.

Finally, a Servant starts with 5 Refresh Points. A Refresh Point, at the end of Character Creation, is converted to Fate Points on a 1 for 1 basis. However, before doing this, you may spend Refresh Points for additional bonuses in Character Creation. A Refresh Point can be exchanged for either 1 Noble Phantasm, or 4 Skill Points. Unlike the original 12 Skill Points gained in character creation, these 4 Skill Points bought through Refresh Points can be exchanged for an additional point in a Attribute for 3 Skill Points (to summarise, 1 Refresh Point is worth either 1 Noble Phantasm, or 1 Attribute Point and 1 Skill Point, or 4 Skill Points). A Servant cannot have more then 4 Private Skills, 6 Public Skills, or 5 Noble Phantasms (and 5 Noble Phantasms will be scrutinized).

Additionally, a Servant has 5 Aspects. Aspects are words or short phrases that describe some aspect of the Servants character. For example, King Arthur would possess a Aspect called "King of Knights", or Gilgamesh would possess an aspect called "Owner of All the Worlds Treasures". An Aspect should be something you could conceivably be compelled on, that is, forced to integrate into your actions, as being compelled is your primary means of gaining Fate Points.

Special Ruling
Berserker's, possessing Mad Enhancement, gain 1 Attribute Point per rank of Mad Enhancement for the first two ranks of Mad Enhancement, to be applied as they see fit. At C-Rank through A-Rank, they gain 2 Attribute Points instead. However, this Attribute Bonus only applies whilst Mad Enhancement is active. This does not apply to other Classes that gain Mad Enhancement. Remember that these bonuses are on top of the B-Rank Mad Enhancement bonus of +1 to all Attributes whilst mad.
Now, on to the other character that can be created, a Master.

A Master starts with a score of 1 in each of the five attributes listed above, being Strength, Agility, Endurance, Mana and Luck. Additionally, they are given a total of 10 Attribute Points to distribute into these five stats as they choose. A Master cannot have a number greater then 6 in a stat under normal circumstances (the equivalent of a Servant with a D-rank in that attribute). This represents the absolute pinnacle a modern human can reach.

Further, unlike Servants, they begin with 20 Skill Points instead of 15, with a max level in a skill being 5. Paying a skill point still buys a skill at rank 1 like buying a skill for a Servant grants it at E-Rank. A Master can only have a maximum of two skills from the Public Skill list, if they have any at all. As a rule, the skills relating to martial arts, Vitrification, Charisma and the alternative magic systems are available without GM consideration. Otherwise, a Master's skill list should be made up entirely of Private Skills, such as Magecraft, Hand to Hand Combat, Deceit, Stealth, Navigation, etc. Consult the FATE SRD if you need inspiration for what would qualify as Private Skills.

Finally, a Master gets a free Mystic Code at character creation. Like a Noble Phantasm, what shape this Mystic Code takes is not defined, and is up to you to decide.

Like a Servant, a Master starts with 5 Refresh Points, and can spend them in the same ways (substituting gaining a Noble Phantasm with gaining a new Mystic Code). However, a Master may also spend a Refresh Point to gain a Sorcery Trait. A Sorcery Trait is treated as a Public Skill (that does not count towards the two Public Skills maximum) with no rank ceiling, allowing you to boost it's rank all the way to 12, as per a Servant. These Sorcery Traits must have specific applications; for example, Fragarach being a Noble Phantasm, or Emiya's Time Magic. Work out the specifics with your GM.

A Master may only have one Sorcery Trait, and anything could technically qualify as a Sorcery Trait. This rule is the only way a Master can exceed normal human limitations with an ability. A purchased Sorcery Trait starts at Rank 5. Simply possessing it is already at the limit of normal human ability. Activating a Sorcery Trait in game for use requires a Fate Point every time it is used in a capacity beyond as a +5 skill. You may activate a Sorcery Trait as a +5 skill (even if the rank is really higher) for free. Of course, if the Sorcery Trait is not at a rank higher then +5, it never requires a Fate Point to activate.

Like a Servant, a Master has 5 Aspects. Unlike a Servant, a Master only has three general Aspects, whilst also having a High Concept and a Trouble. A High Concept is a short phrase that describes the idea behind your character (for example, Shirou would have "Hero of Justice" and Rin would have "Magus Heiress" and Ilya would possess "Homunculus"). A Trouble is a short phrase that describes some sort of issue or crisis for your character. Consult the FATE SRD for more information, or simply ask.

Finally, a Master has a special Skill called Command Spell. This is a skill with no Rank under Private Skills that donates they are a Master. This skill grants the Master three commands that can be used on the Servant bound to them as absolute orders that must be obeyed. Once all three commands are used, the master loses this skill, and is no longer a Master. This skill cannot be removed through normal means, as it is granted by the Holy Grail.

Me and @Wade Garrett will be accepting up to seven Masters and seven Servants. Please include both of us in your PM'd applications.

Can I play as a fictional Servant?
You'll need some damn good justification for it. More leeway may be given for classic fiction such as Sherlock Holmes.
Can I play as a nonstandard class?
Discuss it with the GMs. However, Ruler and probably Avenger are not likely to be permitted.
Can I be Mordred?
Yes, Hadou, you can. However, I'd prefer something other than Saber.
Can I be Tamamo?
Not a Saber Clone. Sorry, Nani.
Servant Matrixes
Servant Matrixes
True Name: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Good
Master: Phenrisviel von Einzbern
Player: Dektulla

Strength: B
Agility: B
Endurance: C
Mana: C
Luck: A+

Class Skills
Magic Resistance:
Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.

Riding: C
Most vehicles can be handled with average skill. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasm Races such as Monstrous Beasts.

Public Skills

Noble Phantasms


The Good Knight
Power From Purity
Fated For The Grail
Too Noble For His Own Good
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Master: Ayaka Sajyou
Player: Team GM

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Mana: E
Luck: E

Class Skills
Magic Resistance: B
Independent Action: C

Public Skills

Noble Phantasms


Warrior Without Honor
Fascination With Torture
Laughing Devil
Protector of the Holy Church
Forever Alone Maiden
True Name: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral Good
Master: Mark Solace
Player: Baroque

Agility: A
Endurance: C
Mana: A
Luck: E

Class Skills
Magic Resistance:

Public Skillls

Noble Phantasms

She Who Invites
Death Becomes Her
Pines For Halycon Days
Can Hardly Stand Him
Fondly Regards Creation
True Name: Arturia Pendragon
Alignment: Lawful Good
Master: Artoria Keines
Player: Olive

Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: D
Luck: E

Class Skills
The skill pertaining to taking a mount. At this level, the use of Dragon-kind is possible under certain circumstances.

Magic Resistance: B
Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for Rider to be affected.

Public Skills

Noble Phantasms

Dutiful Husband
The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Appreciation of Nature
Low Tolerance For Mischief
True Name: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Master: Rin Tohsaka
Player: Arkanian

Strength: C
Agility: B
Endurance: C
Mana: C
Luck: D

Class Skills
Territory Creation: C
Item Construction: A

Personal Skills

Noble Phantasms

A Satisfying Conclusion is Needed
Instinctive response
Truth Shall Lead the Way
Obsessive Writer
Our Nature is Narrative
True Name:
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Master: Natsume Hora
Player: BlackHadou


Class Skills

Public Skills

Noble Phantasms

Knight Killer
I Am The Heir To The King
Attention Seeker
Adherent To The Ideal Of Knight
Of Lonely Birth
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Master: Shinji Matou
Player: Mortifer

Strength: C
Endurance: B
Agility: B
Mana: D
Luck: C

Class Skills
Presence Concealment: C

Public Skills

Noble Phantasms

No Innocents Will Be Harmed
My Mind Is Mine
Hashash Smoker
A Djinn's Temptations
Kill Only As A Last Resort

Master Aspects and Public Information
Fate Points: 5
Command Seals: 3
High Concept-
-White Mage, Heal Thyself
-Living Magic Circuit

Fate Points: 4
Command Seals: 3
High Concept-
-Curiosity Killed The Cat
-An Appreciation of Scenery And Life
Fate Points: 0
Command Seals: 3
High Concept-
-Altruistic Spirit
-Big Eater
Fate Points: 2
Command Seals: 3
High Concept-
-Fuyuki's Dark Corners Call
-Self-Loathing Second Owner
-Raging Heart Yearning For Acceptance
Fate Points: 3
Command Seals: 3
High Concept-
-Kind Heart
-Aspiring Detective
Fate Points: 4
Command Seals: 3
High Concept-
-Mana Battery
-Open Mouth Insert Foot
-Aspiring Flirt
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Time to get going and actually write up that Servant I've been thinking of.

PS - If I can rejig Iesua (Demon Avenger Jesus) into this format, can I use her?
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System was never really designed to be used with Ruler, given my notes gave Ruler eight refresh to play with and better stats.

Also, @SailorMidgard, not quite what you want, maybe, but Grail War.

Time to get going and actually write up that Servant I've been thinking of.

PS - If I can rejig Iesua (Demon Avenger Jesus) into this format, can I use her?

Let me consult the GM's token Angry Southern U.S. Right Wing Conservative (who is also me).

Dadgum idjits on the internet ain't got no respect for nothing Jesus had a beard!

So...are you angry enough to spam the report button?

Ain't got no time busy lurking in Current Affairs judging all them heathens without saying nothing!

I...think that's a yes, you can. And thank you for your time, Token Angry Southern U.S. Right Wing Conservative.

Jeb Bush 2016!
*Glances at the backsheets*

Not a single Saber-clone, though there are two three four that could shapeshift appropriately.

In before Nani writes Saber clone Tamamo who's shapeshifting to qualify.

Colliding Souls has made me realize that Tamamoing is hard.
...I want someone else to do that really badly, but I accept that I can't do it myself.
I'd totally do it if I could Tamamo, though.
No, the transforming person I'm thinking of is entirely different.
EDIT: Seriously, I want someone to do this. Would anyone take a wpoint bribe? I'll only pay it if you get in, of course. I'll pay up to three wpoints.
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Colliding Souls has made me realize that Tamamoing is hard.
...I want someone else to do that really badly, but I accept that I can't do it myself.
I'd totally do it if I could Tamamo, though.
No, the transforming person I'm thinking of is entirely different.
EDIT: Seriously, I want someone to do this. Would anyone take a wpoint bribe? I'll only pay it if you get in, of course. I'll pay up to three wpoints.
Do Master Arturia and have awkward shenanigans!


God damn it why did you offer wpoints... :(
A war of Saber clones, lolol. I shouldn't be surprised...

You know what, OP, please put me down for the Archer-class spot, and you'll have a sheet sent shortly. I've got something in mind already.
I'm not quite sure you understand.
This isn't a "First come, first served" thing.
If you submit the best sheet while apps are open, you get in, no reserving spots.
^^Really? Because several other OOC threads seem to decide the roster waaaaaaay too quickly to go by merit based. But okay.
The names showing up on the class slots there are a listing of players who have submitted an application for those slots. Selecting which one is most appropriate tends to take a bit longer.