Fate/Dark Descent (Fate/High School DxD Quest)

Memelin better win, she is the superior choice after all(Big Sister)
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I see this as an absolute win, Big Sister Memelin acquired, Devil and Pendragon Trolling will commence soon.

The other reason she is the best choice is her conection to Arthurian Myth, a certain "Holy" Blade is centerpiece of an early arc of DxD thus throwing her in will be GLORIOUS.
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So a while back in the thread, there was a discussion on whether Ritsuka would have her homuncli worship her. Here is my take on the matter:

Due to Insanity C, any underlings that don't worship Dark Young (or her mom) are at risk from her. Attacking our own children is unacceptable. If one of our precious babies dies at our hands, we are a failure of a mother.
Therefore, all of our wonderful children must worship us for their own safety.
Ritsuka seen like a god that's well intentions but failed at understanding other being. Which is normal Troup for some deity. What's is thought of as good to them being bad for mortal. Or someone who is very bad at social cue. Knowing that it's bad to not ask for consent, yet not truly understanding what she did was essentially body modification.

How much chaos would it unfold if Ritsuka went around turning fallens into angels and granting wings left and right? Or if she can also change the wings to devil or angel? Afterall, they all came from the same root. Even the 72 demons as they were made by Solomon, who have knowledge from God.
Also, Ritsuka thinking that the Design of the Angels are a genius and praising God for such creation. Saying that to other must feel very strange for alot of people. Because she IS praising God. but not in a way of worship, but as an inventer apprasing the work of another fellow inventer.

Haha. I just imaging at the peace conferance, Ritsuka just march in bringing the changed fallen in to return to Azazel. Then mistake the conferance for a science conferences. Which result in her pulling out a powerpoint to explain the working of God creation of the angels, add some wings, change some wings, tell them how to do it, then leave.
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